Unified Online Exams Process Manual
Unified Online Exams Process Manual
Unified Online Exams Process Manual
Once the exam starts, we solicit parents’ impartial vigil and unbiased support and
cooperation for the smooth conduct of this year’s Olympiads. And in the role of an
invigilator, we trust that every parent will ensure that his/her child doesn’t take any
help during the exam, so as to assess the true potential of the student.
A suitable picture of the student will be selected from the pictures captured during the
test, for printing on the Certificate and Student's Performance Report.
Device :
It is strongly recommended that a student takes the test using
Only in unavoidable circumstances, should a student use a smartphone to take
the test.
System Requirements
Internet Bandwidth : The minimum required bandwidth is 512 Kbps - 1 Mbps of
internet speed.
Preferred browsers : For taking the test, recommended browsers are Google
Chrome (Ver. 75 or above), Mozilla Firefox (Ver. 70 or above). Candidate using
any mobile/apple device, kindly use GOOGLE CHROME ONLY to take the test.
You can log in 15 minutes before the exam, complete the formalities and
then if the 'proceed now' button is still grey in colour, wait in the waiting
lounge to take the exam till it turns green.
When you open the link, it will ask you for the permission for camera and microphone,
please allow both.
Or else, you may disable the pop-up blocker for the duration of the test.
Your test may end instantly, if you leave the test window or get out of it.
During the Test
No other person can enter the room while you are taking the test.
The room must be as quiet as possible and without any sound, like that of music,
television, radio etc. in the background.
Receiving or making of phone/video calls during the test is not allowed.
You are not allowed to leave the room during the exam for any reason, whatsoever.
You may use rough paper if at all required, for calculation purposes only.
Use of calculators/similar devices is not allowed.
Covering of camera lens is not permitted at any time during the test.
Please ensure integrity during the test, in order to uphold the honour and sanctity
of the test.
Any questionable practice noticed during the test may lead to cancellation of the
Login and Dashboard
A student should log in using login credentials from the Login Page.
URL: www.wheebox.com/uc
Browsers: For taking the test, recommended browsers are Google Chrome (Ver.75
or above) or Mozilla Firefox (Ver.70 or above). TEST CANNOT BE TAKEN ON SAFARI
After logging in, a student will be able to see the test assigned. The test selection
page appears as shown below:
Step 1: A student should click on his/her image using webcam or front camera of his/her
Step 2 : The student should hold his/her ID card with photo, in front of the camera. The ID
card can be of any school or college, Aadhaar card or any other similar authentic
document having his/her photograph on it.
Step 3 : The program will approve the registered student. NO ID card picture will be
captured here.
Waiting Lounge :
Step 4 : Every student needs to read the instructions on screen carefully, tick the
acceptance square and wait to click on the “Proceed Now” button, which will then be in
grey colour, till the wait time shown above that button gets over.
When the “Proceed Now” button turns green in colour, it means the test can be
taken now.
Test Screen :
A student’s image is being tracked by the system during the test. Be aware that
throughout the test the student’s pictures will be clicked and saved on server.
A student needs to sit properly, facing the webcam. A warning will be displayed in
case of improper posture.
A warning will also be displayed if someone else is present along with, beside or
nearby the registered user.
During the test, if a student tries to navigate to any other window, he/she will
receive a navigation warning. On crossing the maximum number of warnings, the
test will automatically get self-submitted.