Generic Name Brand General Mechanism of Route of Indications Contraindiction Adverse Reaction/s Nursing Responsibilty
Name Classification Action Dosage
progesterone Prometrium progestins suppressing Suppository dysmenorrhea pre-existing headache. Caution patient
(Pro) (female the secretion 100 mg , irregular breast cancer or breast and
hormones) of administered menstruation, cancer of tenderness or family/caregivers
gonadotropin- vaginally two abnormal reproductive pain. about risks of
releasing or three uterine organs, such as upset thromboembolism
hormone times daily bleeding, and cervical cancer, stomach.
(GnRH) by the starting the endometriosis endometrial vomiting.
hypothalamus day after -related pain cancer, ovarian diarrhea.
and luteinizing oocyte cancer, uterine constipation.
hormone (LH) retrieval and cancer, or vaginal tiredness.
and follicle- continuing cancer muscle, joint,
stimulating for up to 10 or bone pain.
hormone (FSH) weeks total
by the pituitary duration.
Submitted by: Crystal Joyce R. Aguirang Clinical Instructor: Lourie T. Rionda, RN MN
Year & Section: BSN2-A Date Submitted: 10/10/22