Eponymous Signs in Dermatology
Eponymous Signs in Dermatology
Eponymous Signs in Dermatology
Review Article
Jellinek’s sign (Rasin’s sign) bound hyperkeratosis is a rare but typical clinical finding in
Pigmentation of the eyelids seen in hyperthyroidism is called multiple myeloma and is termed as Nazzaro’s sign.[54]
as Jellinek’s sign.[46]
Nikolskiy’s sign
Kaposi-Stemmer sign This sign is named after the Russian dermatologist Piotr
Inability to pinch or pick up a fold of skin at the base of Vasiliyevich Nikolskiy who described it in 1894. It is a popular
the second toe because of its thickness is seen in chronic and respected sign in dermatology, which refers to easy peeling
lymphedema.[47] of skin on applying tangential pressure over a bony prominence
and classically seen in pemphigus, toxic epidermal necrolysis,
Leser–Trelat sign and staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. Nikolskiy’s sign
First described by Edmund Leser and Ulysse Trelat, can also be elicited in the oral cavity with the help of cotton-
characterized by sudden eruption of numerous seborrhoeic tipped applicator.[6]
keratosis, usually associated with pruritus and is considered
as a marker of internal malignancy.[48] Nose sign (Pavithran’s nose sign)
It is seen in exfoliative dermatitis in which there is complete
Love’s sign absence of erythema and scaling of the nose and perinasal
Exact localization of tenderness with the help of pin head in areas.[55,56] It is hypothesized that sparing of nose in exfoliative
glomus tumor is called as Love’s sign.[49] dermatitis could be due to greater sun-exposure of nose or it
could be explained by the mechanism of island of normal skin.
Matchbox sign
Patient having delusions of parasitosis (acarophobia, Osler’s sign
entomophobia) collects skin debris with mistaken belief that Blue black pigmentation in the sclera near insertion of rectus
such collected material contains alleged parasite in a matchbox, muscle in patients who have Alkaptonuria (Endogenous
tissue paper, or small container. This whole exercise executed ochronosis).[57]
by the patient is referred to as “matchbox sign.”[50]
Pastia’s sign
Meffert’s sign Linear petechial eruption in the skin folds especially on the
It is described in Fordyce’s disease, characterized by presence ante-cubital fossa and axillary fold seen in streptococcal scarlet
of ectopically located sebaceous glands on the lips, oral mucosa fever is called Pastia’s sign.[58]
and less commonly on gums. Prominent lip involvement can
result in a lipstick like mark left on the rim of a glass mug after Patrick Yesudian sign
consuming a hot beverage (Meffert’s sign).[51] Palmar melanotic macules (palmar freckling) seen in type 1
neurofibromatosis was first reported by Patrick Yesudian and
Milian’s ear sign hence the name.[59]
Erysipelas and cellulitis have traditionally been defined as acute
inflammatory processes of infectious origin that primarily affect Pitaluga’s sign
the dermis (in the case of erysipelas) or deeper dermis and Acquired hypertrichosis of eyelashes due to Kala-azar is called
subcutaneous tissue in cellulitis. as Pitaluga’s sign.[60]
and also in a single case of reactive benign vascular shoulders in patients of dermatomyositis is called Shawl sign.[75]
Samitz’s sign
Punshi’s sign Dystrophic and ragged cuticle seen in dermatomyositis is called
In young women and girls having from vitiligo the original white as Samitz sign.[76]
color of vitiligo macules turns to red-pink during menstruation
and after the menstruation, it turns to the original colour.[65] Shuster’s sign
Scarring of the concha due to lesions of discoid lupus
Pup-tent sign erythematosus is called as Shuster’s sign and it can be present
It is seen in nail lichen planus, in which the nail splits and elevates in 30% of the cases.[77]
longitudinally with downward angle of lateral nail edge.[66]
Stafne’s sign
Raccoon sign Stafne’s sign is seen in progressive systemic sclerosis.
The most common cutaneous manifestation of neonatal lupus Widening of the periodontal ligament space secondary to
erythematosus is erythematous, slightly scaly eruption on the increase in the collagen synthesis and increase in the bulk of
face and periorbital skin (raccoon sign/owl-eye/eye mask). the ligament, this is accommodated at the expense of alveolar
Periorbital hemorrhage due to laxity of blood vessels seen bone, thus causing an increase in the width of the periodontal
after proctoscopic examination (postproctoscopic periorbital ligament space.[78]
Purpura) in patients having systemic amyloidosis is also called
as Raccoon eyes/sign/panda sign.[67-69] Thumb sign (Steinberg sign)
In patients of Marfan syndrome, the thumbs protrude from the
Reverse Namaskar sign clenched fist beyond the ulnar border of hand.[29] (See also
Namaskar’ is the typical Indian way of greeting people, Umbilical sign and wrist sign).
where the forearms are folded in front of the chest and the
palms are closely approximated together. In patients with Toy soldier sign
hyperextensible joints as seen in Ehler Danlos syndrome, Linear aggregation of neoplastic lymphocytes along the
they are able to fold their forearms at the back and oppose dermal–epidermal junction seen in histopathology of mycosis
their palms to say “Namaskar,” demonstrating the hyper fungoides.[79]
extensible joints.[70]
Ugly duckling sign
Rope sign In 1998, Grob and Bonerandi introduced the “ugly duckling”
It refers to the thick indurated inflammatory cord like structure concept to demonstrate that nevi in the same individual tend
that extends from the lateral trunk to the axillae and said to to resemble one another and that atypical mole often deviates
be a classical finding of interstitial granulomatous dermatitis from the individual’s nevus pattern. In other words, nevus that
(Ackerman’s syndrome) with arthritis.[71] does not resemble other nevi is more likely to be suspicious
of melanoma.[80]
Russell’s sign
Crusted callosity on the knuckles of dominant hand due to Umbilical sign
repeated self-induced vomiting in patients of bulimia.[72,73] Umbilical sign is seen in Marfan syndrome. It is the unusual
ability to touch the umbilicus with the right hand, crossing the
Sandwich sign back, and approaching from the left side, indicating increased
In dermatophytosis, fungi are present in the horny layer between length of upper extremity.[29]
two zones of cornified cells, the upper being orthokeratotic and
lower consisting partially parakeratotic cells.[74] V- sign
Confluent macular violaceous erythema on the anterior neck
Scratch sign (coup d’ongle sign, Besnier’s sign, stroke and chest in patients of dermatomyositis is called “V” sign.[75]
of the nail)
This sign is to be elicited in patients having pityriasis versicolor, Volcano sign
wherein the barely perceptible scales are made to stand out It is descriptive term for the morphologic feature of Old World
by scratching the lesion with fingernail.[7] cutaneous leishmaniasis. The lesion starts as a small nontender
papule, which enlarges in size and ulcerates in the centre. The
Shawl sign border of the crusted ulcer often has an erythematous rim and
Confluent macular violaceous erythema on the posterior neck and is called as “Volcano sign.”.[81]
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Cite this article as: Madke B, Nayak C. Eponymous signs in dermatology.
61. Erden V, Basaranoglu G, Delatioglu H, Hamzaoglu NS. Relationship of Indian Dermatol Online J 2012;3:159-65.
difficult laryngoscopy to long-term non-insulin-dependent diabetes and hand
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
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