Lê Hoàng Anh Phạm Đức Anh Nguyễn Thị Dung Lê Đình Dương Bùi Minh Quân Đỗ Anh Quân
Lê Hoàng Anh Phạm Đức Anh Nguyễn Thị Dung Lê Đình Dương Bùi Minh Quân Đỗ Anh Quân
Lê Hoàng Anh Phạm Đức Anh Nguyễn Thị Dung Lê Đình Dương Bùi Minh Quân Đỗ Anh Quân
Nhóm 5
Lê Hoàng Anh
Phạm Đức Anh
Nguyễ n Thị Dung
Lê Đình Dương
Bùi Minh Quân
Đỗ Anh Quân
Redundant Array of Independent Disks
ability to improve the data exchange performance of the hard disk.
Requires at least two hard disks
Data safety, in case one of the two drives fails,
the data is still capable
of serving the service.
Performance is not high, increasing the
cost of hard drives requires 2 drives of the
In a parallel access array all member disks participate in the execution of every I/O request
Spindles of the individual drives are synchronized so that each disk head is in the same position
on each disk at any given time
Data striping is used. Strips are very small, often as small as a single byte or word
Extremely high data transfer rates possible, use the Hamming error correction code,an effective
choice in an environment in which many disk errors occur.
Very high read and write data transfer rate, high efficiency,suitable for
large capacity applications
-Improve performance,
secure data, save costs
-Secure data
improves performance.
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