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BJT Examples

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12/3/2004 Example DC Analysis of a BJT Circuit 1/6

Example: D.C.Analysis of
Consider again this circuit from lecture:

10.7 V

1.0 K

Q: What is IB, IC, IE and

also VCE, VCB, VBE ??

5.7 V β=99 A: I don’t know ! But, we

10 K can find out—IF we
complete each of the five
steps required for BJT DC
2.0 K

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

12/3/2004 Example DC Analysis of a BJT Circuit 2/6

Step 1 – ASSUME an operating mode.

Let’s ASSUME the BJT is in the ACTIVE region !

Remember, this is just a guess; we have no way of

knowing for sure what mode the BJT is in at this point.

Step 2 - ENFORCE the conditions of the assumed mode.

For active region, these are:

VBE = 0.7 V and IC = β IB = 99 IB Step 3

– ANALYZE the circuit.

This is the BIG step !

Q: Where do we even start ?

A: Recall what the hint sheet says:

“Write KVL equations for the base-emitter “leg”

I think we should try that !

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

12/3/2004 Example DC Analysis of a BJT Circuit 3/6

The base-emitter KVL equation is: 10.7 V

5.7 − 10IB −VBE − 2IE = 0

1.0 K

This is the circuit equation; IB

note that it contains 3
unknowns (iB, iC, and VBE). 5.7 V β=99
10 K +
Now let’s add the relevant -

device equations:
2.0 K IE
= 0.7V
IE = ( β + 1)IB
= 100 IB

Look what we now have ! 3 equations and 3 unknowns (this is a

good thing).

Inserting the device equations into the B-E KVL:

5.7 - 10 IB - 0.7 - 2(99 +1)IB = 0


5.0 – 210 IB =0 1 equations and 1 unknown !

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

12/3/2004 Example DC Analysis of a BJT Circuit 4/6

Solving, we get:
IB = 5.0 = 23.8 µA

Q: Whew ! That was an awful lot of work for just one

current, and we still have two more currents to find.

A: No we don’t ! Since we determined one current for

a BJT in active mode, we’ve determined them all !

IC = β IB = 2.356 mA

IE = ( β + 1) IB = 2.380 mA

(Note that IC + IB = IE)

Now for the voltages !

Since we know the currents, we can find the voltages using KVL.

For example, let’s determine VCE. We can do this either by

finding the voltage at the collector VC (wrt ground) and
voltage at the emitter VE (wrt ground) and then subtracting
(VCE = VC –VE).

OR, we can determine VCE directly from the C-E KVL equation.

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

12/3/2004 Example DC Analysis of a BJT Circuit 5/6

10.7 V
VC = 10.7 − IC (1)
= 10.7 − 2.36
1.0 K iC
= 8.34 V

and: +
5.7 V VCE
VE =0+IE (2) 10 K -

=0+4.76 VE
= 4.76 V
2.0 K iE


Note we could have likewise written the C-E KVL:

10.7 − IC (1) −VCE − IE (2) = 0


VCE = 10.7 − IC (1) − IE (2) = 3.58 V

Q: So, I guess we write the collector-base KVL to find VCB ?

A: You can, but a wiser choice would be to simply apply KVL to

the transistor !

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

12/3/2004 Example DC Analysis of a BJT Circuit 6/6

I.E., VCE = VCB + VBE !!

Therefore VCB = VCE – VBE = 2.88 V

Q: This has been hard. I’m glad we’re finished !

A: Finished ! We still have 2 more steps to go!

Step 4 – CHECK to see if your results are consistent with your


For active mode:

VCE = 3.58 V > 0.7 V

IB = 23.8 µΑ > 0.0

Are assumption was correct, and therefore so are our answers !

No need to go on to Step 5 .

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

12/3/2004 Example An Analysis of a pnp BJT Circuit 1/4

ofa pnp BJT Circuit
Determine the collector current and collector voltage of the
BJT in the circuit below.

10.0 V 10.7 V

1. ASSUME the BJT is in active

10 K 2K
2. ENFORCE the conditions:

V = 0.7 V and i =βi


β=95 3. ANALYZE the circuit.

Q: Yikes ! How do we write the

base-emitter KVL ?

40 K 4K A: This is a perfect opportunity to

apply the Thevenin’s equivalent
12/3/2004 Example An Analysis of a pnp BJT Circuit 2/4

Thevenin’s equivalent circuit:

10.0 V 10.0 V

10 K 10 K

Voc = 10
=8.0V 10
Isc =
40 K 40 K = 1 mA

Where Vth = Voc = 8.0 V and Rth = Voc/Isc = 8/1 = 8 K

10.0 V

Rth=8 K
10 K

_ Vth=8.0 V

40 K

Original Circuit Equivalent Circuit

12/3/2004 Example An Analysis of a pnp BJT Circuit 3/4

Therefore, we can write the BJT circuit as:

10.7 V
NOW we can easily write the
emitter-base leg KVL:
10.7 − 2iE − vEB − 8iB = 8.0
Along with our enforced
8.0 V β=95 conditions, we now have three
8K equations and three unknowns !

Combining, we find:
10.7 – 2(96)iB – 0.7- 8 iB = 8.0

i = 10.7 - 0.7 - 8.0 = = 0.01 mA
2(96) +8 200

and collector current iC is:

iC = β iB = 95(0.01) = 0.95 mA

Likewise, the collector voltage (wrt ground) VC is:

VC = 0.0 + 4 iC = 3.8 V
12/3/2004 Example An Analysis of a pnp BJT Circuit 4/4

But wait ! We’re not done yet ! We must CHECK our assumption.

First, iB = 0.01 mA > 0

But, what is VEC ??

Writing the emitter-collector KVL:

10.7 − 2 iE − VCE − 4 iC = 0


VEC = 10.7 – 2(96) (0.01) – 4(0.95) = 4.98 V > 0.7

V Our assumption was correct !

12/3/2004 Example Another BJT Circuit Analysis 1/3

Example: Another DC
Analysisofa BJT
Find the collector voltages of the two BJTs in the circuit

10.0 V 7.7 V

i1 1K
50 K

iB2 Q2
5.3 V β=100
1.0 K iC2

iC1 1K

ASSUME both BJTs are in active mode, therefore ENFORCE

V1 = V1 =0.7V, i = 100 i , and i = 100 i
EB EB C1 B1 C2 B2
12/3/2004 Example Another BJT Circuit Analysis 2/3

Q: Now, how do we ANALYZE the circuit ??

A: This seems to be a problem ! We cannot easily solve the

emitter base KVL, as i1 is NOT EQUAL to iE1 (make sure you
understand this !). Instead, we find:
i =i +i
E1 1 B2

So, what do we do ?

First, ask the question: What do we know ??

Look closely at the circuit, it is apparent that VB1 = 5.3 V and

VE2 = 7.7 V.

10.0 V 7.7 V Hey! We therefore also

know VE1 and VB2:
V =V +V1 =5.3 + 0.7= 6.0 V
i1 1K E1 B1 EB
50 K
β=100 VB2 =VE2 -VEB2 =7.7 - 0.7= 7.0 V
iB2 Wow ! From these values we
5.3 V β=100
iC2 get:
Q1 10-V 10-6
1.0 K i= E1 = =4 mA
1 1
iC1 1K
V -V 7-6
i= B2 E1 = = 0.02 mA
50 50
12/3/2004 Example Another BJT Circuit Analysis 3/3

This is easy! Since we know i1 and iB2, we can find iE1:

iE1 =i1 + iB2 = 4.0 +0.02 = 4.02 mA

Since we know one current for each BJT, we know all currents
for each BJT:
i =αi= β i = 100 4.02 = 3.98 mA
C1 E1 β +1 E1 101

iC2 = β iB2 = 100(0.02) = 2 mA

Finally, we can determine the voltages VC1 and VC2.

VC1 = 0.0 + 1 iC1 = 0.0 + 1(3.98) = 3.98 V

VC2 = 0.0 + 1 iC2 = 0.0 + 1(2.0) = 2.0 V

Now, let’s CHECK to see if our assumptions were correct:

iC2 = 2mA > 0 iC1 = 3.98 mA > 0

VEC1 =VE1 - VC1 = 6.0 - 3.98 = 2.02 V > 0.7 V

V2 =V -V =7.0-2.0=5.0V>0
BC B1 C1

Assumptions are correct !

12/3/2004 Example A BJT Circuit in Saturation 1/7

in Saturation

Determine all currents for the BJT in the circuit below.

10.7 V

Hey! I remember this circuit,

its just like a previous
10.0 K
example. The BJT is in active

Let’s see if you are correct!

5.7 V β = 99 ASSUME it is in active mode
10 K and ENFORCE VCE = 0.7 V and
i C = β iB.

The B-E KVL is therefore:

2.0 K
5.7 – 10 iB –0.7 – 2 (99+1) iB=0

Therefore iB = 23.8 µA
12/3/2004 Example A BJT Circuit in Saturation 2/7

See! Base current iB = 23.8 µA, just like before.

Therefore collector current and emitter
current are again iC = 99iB = 2.356 mA and iE =
100 iB = 2.380 mA. Right ?!

Well maybe, but we still need to CHECK to see

if our assumption is correct!

We know that iB = 23.8 µA > 0 a , but what about VCE ?

From collector-emitter KVL we get:

10.7 – 10 iC – VCE – 2 iE =0

VCE = 10.7 – 10(2.36) – 2(2.38) = -17.66 V < 0.7 V X

Our assumption is wrong ! The BJT is not in active mode.

In the previous example, the collector resistor was 1K ,

whereas in this example the collector resistor is 10K.
Thus, there is 10X the voltage drop across the collector
resistor, which lowers the collector voltage so much that
the BJT cannot remain in the active mode.

12/3/2004 Example A BJT Circuit in Saturation 3/7

Q: So what do we do now ?

A: Go to Step 5; change the assumption and try it again!

Lets ASSUME instead that the BJT is in saturation. Thus,

we ENFORCE the conditions:

VCE = 0.2 V VBE=0.7V VCB = -0.5 V

Now lets ANALYZE the circuit !

10.7 V Note that we cannot directly

determine the currents, as
we do not know the base
10.0 K iC voltage, emitter voltage, or
collector voltage.
iB -0.5
But, we do know the
5.7 V 0.2 differences in these
10 K voltages!
For example, we know that
iE the collector voltage is 0.2 V
2.0 K
higher than the emitter
voltage, but we do not know
what the collector or emitter
voltages are!

12/3/2004 Example A BJT Circuit in Saturation 4/7

Q: So, how the heck do we ANALYZE this circuit !?

A: Often, circuits with BJTs in saturation are somewhat

more difficult to ANALYZE than circuits with active
BJTs. There are often many approaches, but all result
from a logical, systematic application of Kirchoff’s Laws!


We know that iB + iC = iE (KCL)

But, what are iB, iC, and iE ??

Well, from Ohm’s Law:

5.7 - V 10.7 - V V −0
i= B i= C i= E

10 10 10

Therefore, combining with KCL:

5.7 - VB + 10.7 - VC = VE
10 10 10

Look what we have, 1 equation and 3 unknowns.

We need 2 more independent equations involving

VB, V C, and VE!

12/3/2004 Example A BJT Circuit in Saturation 5/7

Q: Two more independent equations !? It looks to me as if

we have written all that we can about the circuit using
Kirchoff’s Laws.

A: True! There are no more independent circuit equations

that we can write using KVL or KCL ! But, recall the hint

“Make sure you are using all available information”.

There is more information available to us – the ENFORCED


VCE=VC–VE=0.2 VC=VE+0.2

VBE=VB–VE=0.7 VB=VE+0.7

Two more independent equations! Combining with

the earlier equation:

5.7 - (0.7 + VE ) 10.7 - (0.2 + VE ) VE

10 + 10 = 10

One equation and one unknown ! Solving, we get VE =2.2 V.

Inserting this answer into the above equations, we get:

VB=2.9V VC=2.4V

iC = 0.83 mA iB = 0.28 mA iE = 1.11 mA

12/3/2004 Example A BJT Circuit in Saturation 6/7


10.7 V
We can write the KVL equation
for any two circuit legs:

10.0 K iC
iB -0.5 5.7 – 10 iB – 0.7 – 2 iE = 0.0
5.7 V 0.2
10 K C-E KVL:
- 10.7 – 10 iC – 0.2 – 2 iE = 0.0
2.0 K iE

Note the ENFORCED conditions are included in these

KVL equations.

Simplifying, we get these 2 equations with 3 unknowns:

5.0 = 10 iB + 2 iE

10.5 = 10 iC + 2 iE

We need one more independent equation involving iB, iC,

and i E.

12/3/2004 Example A BJT Circuit in Saturation 7/7

Try KCL ! iB + iC = iE

Inserting the KCL equation into the 2 KVL equations,

we get:
5.0 = 12 iB + 2 iC

10.5 = 2 iB + 12 iC

Solving, we get the same answers as in analysis example 1.

Lesson: There are multiple strategies for analyzing

these circuits; use the ones that you feel most
comfortable with !

However you ANALYZE the circuit, you must in the end

also CHECK your results.

First CHECK to see that all currents are positive:

i C = 0.83 mA > 0 a iB = 0.28 mA > 0 a iE = 1.11 mA > 0 a

Also CHECK collector current:

iC = 0.83 mA < β iB = 27.7 mA a

Our solution is correct !!!

= 3 mA; I SE = 1 I S =  +1 I S = 1.01IS
 

→ V = V  ln( I E ) = 0.747 V

I E = I SE e
V = V − V → 0.747 = 0 − V → V = −0.747 V

=  I E =  IE = 0.9901 3 = 2.9703 mA
 +1
V = 10 − 2.9703 2 = 4.0594 V (which verifies active mode)
I B = I E − I C = 3 − 2.9703 = 29.7 10−3 mA=29.7 A

VEC = 5, that means the pnp transistor is operating in the active

10 10
mode. Given that I E 1 = 10 A → IB1 =  +1 = 16 = 0.625 A
IC1 =  IB1 =15 16 = 9.375 A;
−VBE −0.85
I =I −3
= 59.4 10−15 A
C1 S1 →IS1=IC1 e
e VT → I S 1 = 9.375 e
VT 2610
−15 −15
A 59.4  10 A 59.4 10
= = 2.0310 −15 = 29.3
EBJ 2 −V T


IS2 =IC2 e
The power BJT has an emitter-base junction area 29.3 times larger than
the small signal BJT.
I = I = 10.7 − 0.7 = 1 mA
1 E
 is very large, we can assume I B is 0 →
IC=I E = 1 mA
V =101+ (−10.7) = −0.7 V .

Equating the collector and emitter currents:
I C = IE
10 −V (V − 0.7) − (−10)
6 6 = → 10 − V = 3V + 27.9 →
6 6
15 5
4V = −17.9 → V = −4.475 V.
6 6
10 − ( −4.475)
IC = = 0.965 mA = I E = I5

To be able to find  , we must find two of the three currents:

I B , I C , and IE .
10 − 7
IE = 1 = 3 mA.
The current following into the lower 1-k resistor is
exactly equal to IE ; why?
6. 3−3
VC = 3 1 = 3 V → IB = 100 = 0.033 mA
(IB is flowing out of the base for a pnp transistor.)
I E = ( +1)I B →  = −1  90.
Assuming the transistor is in active mode:
V = −0.8 → I = −0.8 − ( −3) = 2.2 = 1 mA
2.2 2.2
IB = E = = 19.6110 −3 mA
 +1 51
I C =  I B = 50  33.78 10 −3
= 0.980 mA
V =0
V = 3 − 2.2  0.980 = 0.844 V.
V = 0 − (0.844) = −0.844  0.4 → the CBJ is
reverse-biased → the transistor is in active mode as assumed!

(i) Note: the negative value of VB indicates that the base current
is going (into) the base which is the right direction for an npn BJT.
0 − (−1.5)
I = = 0.15 mA

(current is in mA because the resistance is in k.)

VE =VB − 0.7 = −1.5 − 0.7 = −2.2 V
− ( −9) −2.2 + 9
IE = V E = =
= 0.68 mA
10 10 10
IC = I E − I B = 0.68 − 0.15 = 0.53 mA
VC = 9 − 0.5310 = 3.7 V → VBC = −1.5 −3.7 = −5.2 V  0.4 V,
which means the transistor is operating in the active mode.
= = 0.53 = 3.5333 →  =
C  = 3.5333 = 0.7794 = C
I B 0.15  +1 4.5333 IE
(ii) I B = 0 → VB =0 → VE =−0.7V → VC =0.7V
(i) R B = 100 k
Assuming the transistor is in active mode:
( +1)IB = IE
101 5 − (0.7 +V E ) = VE → 4.3 −V = 100 V
100 1 E 101 E
→ VE = 2.16 V → IE = 1 = 2.16 mA
VB = VE + 0.7 = 2.16 + 0.7 = 2.86 V
VC = 5 −1 IC = 5 − ( 101) IE = 2.86 V
VBC = VB − VC = 0  0.4 V → the BJT is in active mode as assumed.

(ii) R B = 10 k
Assuming the transistor is in active mode:
( +1)IB = IE
101 5 − (0.7 +V E ) = E → 4.3 −V = 10 V
10 1 E 101 E
→ VE = 3.91 V → IE = 1 = 3.91 mA
VB = VE + 0.7 = 3.91+ 0.7 = 4.61 V
V =5−1I =5−( 100 )  I = 1.13 V
101 E
VBC = VB − VC = 3.48 V  0.4 V ! → the BJT is saturated.

Restarting, and considering VCE ( sat ) = 0.2 V :

V E = 5 −VC + 5 −VB
1 1 10
V E = 5 − (0.2 +V E ) + 5 − (0.7 +V E )
1 1 10
VE = 4.8 − VE + 0.43 − 0.1VE → 2.1V E = 5.23 → VE = 2.49 V.
VC = 0.2 + VE = 2.69 V; VB = 0.7 + VE = 3.19 V.
Useful relationships:
I =I = I C ( sat ) ;  = I C ( sat ) ;
B ( EdgeOfSaturation ) B(EOS )
 min
Over Drive Factor (ODF)
I C ( sat ) = = 4.8 mA
I 4.8
I B(EOS ) = C ( sat ) = = 0.24 mA → I B = I B(EOS )  ODF = 2.4 mA
 min 20
I = 5−0.7 → R = 4.3 = 1.792 k
B R B 2.4
 = I C ( sat ) = 4.8 mA = 2;
IB 2.4 mA
Note that  forced is only defined in saturation and it changes with I B and
always is less than  min .

We first draw the DC equivalent circuit (all caps are open-circuited),

then we find Thevenin's equivalent looking out of the base.
R =R R = 27 k 15 k = 27 15 = 9.64 k
th 1 2
27 +15
V = th
 V = 15 9 = 3.21 V

R1 + R 2 27 +15
Assuming the transistor is in active mode:
( +1)IB = IE
101 3.21− (0.7 +V E ) = E → 2.51−V = 0.0796V
9.64 1.2
DC equivalent circuit
→ VE = 2.325 V → IE = 2.325 = 1.9375 mA;
IC =( )  I E = 1.918 mA
V = V + 0.7 = 2.325 + 0.7 = 3.025 V
V =9−2.2I ; = 9 − 2.21.918 = 4.78 V
V = V − V = 3.025 − 4.78 = -1.755 V  0.4 V

→ the BJT is in active mode as assumed.

I 1.918
gm = C = = 73.8 mS;
V 26
V V  100
r = T =
103 = 1.355 k T = =

IB I C g m 73.8
R =R R r = R r = 9.64 1.355 = 1.18 k
in 1 2  th 
vbe Rin 1.19
= = = 0.106
v R +R 1.19 +10
sig in sig
v =−g v (R R ) = − 77.3v → o = −77.3
o m be C L be v
v v v
A = o = o  be = 0.106(−77.3) = −8.2 V/V
V v v v
sig be sig
v i R i R v
= o L
= − 77.3 → o = in  o = −45.6 A/A
v i R i R v
be i in i L be

Small signal equivalent circuit

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