In case you don't want to read it all, the important things are written in bold.
For modders:
There is a separate document in the "docs" folder going into details on how to make mods.
XBox Controller........................................................................................................13
Other Gamepads / Custom Keyboard bindings..............................................................13
Game Options......................................................................................16
Mod Options.............................................................................................................16
Crash on Startup......................................................................................................21
Where to get Mods?..................................................................................................22
Installation of Mods..................................................................................................22
Mod Options.............................................................................................................23
1. The original combined Sonic 3 & Knuckles ROM file from the Steam version of Sonic 3 &
Knuckles that is a part of the SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classic Collection. It‘s needed
because Sonic 3 A.I.R. is loading large parts of game data from that exact ROM.
If you own Sonic 3 & Knuckles on Steam (as part of the SEGA Genesis & Mega Drive
Classics), then make sure to download / install it on your PC or Mac.
Unfortunately, this game was removed from the Steam shop on May 20th, 2022.
Since then, obtaining the right ROM in a legally safe way will get trickier, but one of the
alternatives might work for you.
Note that the developers of Sonic 3 A.I.R. can't give any support on getting the ROM.
• You need Windows 7 or higher to play, at least Windows 10 is recommended.
• A dedicated Nvidia / AMD graphics card or a not too old Intel graphics card (HD 3000 or
above) or later is recommended, with up-to-date drivers. Otherwise you might need to
switch to fail-safe mode.
• And as mentioned, the Sonic 3 & Knuckles Steam ROM is a must as well.
How to install
• To install, simply unpack the downloaded ZIP file to a place on your hard disk, e.g. into a
folder on your desktop or in your user files. Easy as that.
• Make sure you really unpacked it, and don‘t start the game directly from inside the ZIP file.
This will only lead to an error message box like "Script execution completely stopped
because call stack was emptied".
• You need macOS 10.9 or later to play. Any Mac made since 2009, along with a few older
ones should be able to run the game.
How to install
• Installation of the game is simple: Just mount the downloaded DMG file and copy
Sonic 3 AIR to your Applications directory. Easy as that.
• You need a 64-bit Linux, on a x86_64 PC (i.e. ARM CPUs are not supported).
• Sonic 3 A.I.R. has been tested on various distributions / desktops, including Ubuntu 20.04,
Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon, Fedora 32 and Manjaro Xfce. However, there‘s no guarantee that
all distributions work.
• Make sure to have all drivers installed for OpenGL support, otherwise you might need to
switch to fail-safe mode.
How to install
• After download, unpack the .tar.gz file to a place on your hard disk where you have full
user rights.
• Optional: Execute the bash script in the just unpacked sonic3air_game
directory. To do so, open Terminal in the sonic3air_game directory and type:
bash ./
• This will add a "Sonic 3 A.I.R." launcher link to the applications / start menu, if supported by
your desktop (it should work for e.g. Gnome and Cinnamon, but does not for Xfce).
If you added a Sonic 3 A.I.R. launcher link with the script, you can use that as
• You need Android 6.0 or above.
• Sonic 3 A.I.R. has been tested on various Android devices. However, there‘s no guarantee
that it works well on all of them.
How to install
• Open the download page on your Android device.
• Download and install the Android APK.
• When the download has finished, launch the APK. (Most browsers will ask you if you want to
install the APK anyway).
• It's possible you get a warning about installing from an untrusted source. If so, follow the
on-screen instructions to make sure that such installations are allowed.
You can then access this folder using a file management app like the usually pre-installed "Files"
app, or something like "Samsung My Files", "FX", etc.
• Open that app, and start at the internal storage root folder (in the "Files" app, it's called
"Main Storage").
• From there, navigate to the path "Android/data/org.eukaryot.sonic3air/files".
• This is the save data folder, and it's built up the same way as on the Windows / Mac / Linux
versions of Sonic 3 A.I.R.
• This is the place where the Steam ROM is expected. But it‘s also where you can put save
games, or mods inside the "mods" sub-folder.
• Use the app to copy files from somewhere else - like your Downloads folder - to that
• Before making changes there, it's a good idea to kill (not just close) the Sonic 3 A.I.R. app
in case it‘s still running. That‘s not necessary for mods, those should get updated next time
you enter the in-game Mods menu.
As alternative to a file management app, you can also access the Android file system from your
PC / Mac, and transfer files this way – however, this does not work as reliably, as it (at least
Windows) does not always show all files and directories.
• You need an iPhone or iPad device that is running iOS 13 or later.
• Make sure your Switch can run homebrew.
How to install
1. Extract the contents of this ZIP to the root of your SD card.
2. Copy Sonic_Knuckles_wSonic3.bin to /switch/sonic3air on your Switch's SD card. After
installing the Steam version, you should be able to find it in one of the directories listed in
the section Sonic 3 & Knuckles Steam ROM.
If you installed Sega Classics to a different location, you'll need to check manually.
3. Extract the contents of this ZIP to the root of your SD card.
4. Copy Sonic_Knuckles_wSonic3.bin to /switch/sonic3air on your Switch's SD card. After
installing the Steam version, you should be able to find it in one of the directories listed in
the section Sonic 3 & Knuckles Steam ROM.
If you installed Sega Classics to a different location, you'll need to check manually.
NOTE: It is recommended to give the game full RAM access. This means you shouldn't launch
hbmenu from the album applet when running this. With the latest Atmosphere build and its
default config, you can hold R while starting any game to open hbmenu with full RAM access. If
you have any issues make sure the game has full RAM access before reporting them; launching
as an applet will not be supported.
In menus:
• Up, Down, Left, Right = Selection change
• Enter = Accept selected option, or start the game
In game:
• Up, Down, Left, Right = Movement
(including crouching, rolling, etc. - you probably know the classic Sonic game controls)
• Q, A, S, D = Jump and usage of character ability (shield power, flying, or gliding)
• W = Super Transformation and Super Cancel
• W = Fast forwarding of certain cutscenes
• W = Restart in Time Attack mode
• Enter = Pause game
• F1 = Bring up an overview of hotkeys
• Escape or Alt + Enter = Toggle fullscreen
• Alt + F4 = Quit the game completely
• Numpad Plus and Minus = Change audio volume
• Alt + F and Alt + G = Change the pixel filter
• Alt + H = Change the frame sync method
• Alt + B = Change the background blur effect
• F3 = Rescan for gamepads
• F4 = Switch player controls
XBox Controller
In menus:
• Up, Down, Left, Right = Selection change
• Start/Menu = Start the game
In game:
• Up, Down, Left, Right = Movement
• A, B, X = Jump and usage of character ability
• Y = Super Transformation and Super Cancel
• Y = Restart in Time Attack mode
• Start/Menu = Pause game
Other gamepads should work as well, even if they are not compatible to the XBox Controller.
The default button bindings may not fit in this case, but you can use the Controller Setup menu
in the Options under Controls to redefine the bindings to your liking.
There are some moves in Sonic 3 A.I.R. that are not part of original Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
Note that some of these can be disabled or configured in the options menu.
Tails Assist
• You need to play with Tails as an AI-controlled second character.
• Jump and when both you and Tails are in mid-air, press Up + Jump to make Tails fly. You
can then hang on to him and let him carry you around.
• While being carried, control the flight with the Up, Down, Left, Right buttons.
• When pressing no button at all, Tails will try to hover in place until he gets tired.
• Tails Assist styles:
◦ Sonic 3: Jump off with a Jump button, gain height with Up.
◦ Sonic Mania: Jump off with Down + Jump, gain height with Jump or Up.
Flight Cancel
• When playing as Tails, you can cancel his flight at any time by pressing Down + Jump.
• This will curl Tails into a ball again. Use this move to attack enemies from above!
In the game‘s Options menu, you can find various settings to customize the game to your liking.
Mod Options
If you have mods installed and activated that feature their own options, you can find them all in the
Mods tab. It's left to the System tab, and only appears if there's actual options for at least one
active mod.
The System tab for the most part is not about options, but more of a start page with various
information, links, etc.
You can use the Update Check to search for new game updates. Choose whether your search
should include only the well-tested stable updates, the more experimental previews as well, or
maybe even the bleeding-edge test builds.
More Info contains links taht will be opened in your web browser - namely to the game homepage,
and to the online version of the game manual that you're reading right now.
Under Debugging, there's a few special technical settings, but these are really only meant as a last
resort for certain very specific bugs. It's highly recommended to leave them at "Auto (Default)",
unless you have a good reason to switch to something else.
• Renderer: The OpenGL Hardware Renderer is the recommended option, as it‘s usually
faster and allows for higher quality of certain effects like background blur. However, if you
encounter large graphics errors in the game, try the OpenGL Software Renderer instead.
And if OpenGL doesn't work for you at all, there's still the Fail-safe / Software Renderer.
• Frame Sync: Enable or disable vertical synchronization with your screen (V-Sync). This is
usually recommended to have enabled, especially if you‘re using a monitor with 60 Hz
refresh rate. In case your monitor has a higher refresh rate than 60 Hz, try the V-Sync +
FPS Cap option. If you encounter input lag or an unsmooth frame rate, maybe turning V-
Sync off is a good choice.
You can change this setting at any time by pressing Alt+H.
• Upscaling: Use either as much as possible of your window / screen with Aspect Fit, or
select Integer Scale if you prefer all pixels to be the same size (which can be nice for the
Sharp filter).
• Backdrop: If you have a screen wider (or higher) than 16:9, you can enable a background
image for the outer screen region here.
• Screen filter: Want your game to be crisp like the original? Or smoothed using a filter?
Note that xBRZ can be pretty performance consuming, depending on your graphics card.
You can change this setting at any time by pressing Alt+F or Alt+G.
• Scanlines: Adds horizontal black stripes to resemble a good old CRT TV.
• Background Blur: This effect blurs the game‘s backgrounds so the foreground stands out
better. Leave it off for the original game feeling, or set it to up to 100% if you like the effect.
You can change this setting at any time by pressing Alt+B.
Window Mode
• Current Screen: Choose between a resizable window, a borderless fullscreen window
(recommended), or the old-fashioned exclusive fullscreen at your desktop resolution.
• Startup Screen: Same as above, but here you can set which window mode the game will
start in.
Performance Output
• Show Performance: Display performance measurements on the screen, either the frames
per second (FPS) or a more detailled profiling - this is mainly meant for diagnosing
performance issues.
You can change this setting at any time by pressing Alt + P.
• Overall Volume: Base volume for all audio output.
• Music Volume: Relative volume for music playback.
• Sound Volume: Relative volume for all sound effects.
• Soundtrack Type: The remastered soundtrack uses higher quality samples, but is still very
close to the original (here emulated) music.
• Sound Test: Check out the game‘s music!
Music Behavior
• On Level (Re)Start: Choose whether to continue the music when restarting a level, or
restart it.
• Underwater Sounds: Enable a muffled playback of music and sounds while under water, or
stay with normal playback with no changes.
Visual Enhancements
• Character Rotation: Use a smooth 360° rotation for characters (and few other objects), or
stick to the original 8-way rotation.
• Time Display: The extended time display shows hundredths of seconds as well (as Sonic
CD and Mania), the original display is only minutes and seconds.
• Lives Display: You can show the lives counter either in the lower left corner as in classic
Sonic games, or in the upper right corner as in the mobile remasters of Sonic 1/2/CD.
• Speed Shoes Effect: Enable or disable the ghost effect when speed shoes are active.
• Sonic Fast Run Animation: For really high speeds, enable an additional run animation
resembling Sonic CD‘s Super Peel-Out animation. Affects only Sonic.
• Flicker Effects: Certain flickering palette effects get more or less reduced by this option,
including Hyper Sonic sprites, emerald flickering, Carnival Night lights, Slot Machine bonus
stage animations, and some others.
• Outrun Camera: Allows you to get ahead of the camera when you‘re going really fast. This
effect is known from Sonic 2 and Sonic Mania, but not part of original Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
[Always disabled in Time Attack]
• Extended Camera: Moves the camera a bit ahead when moving fast, similar to the camera
in Sonic CD.
• Monitor Style: Either the Sonic 3 / Sonic & Knuckles monitors or the even more classic
Sonic 1 / Sonic 2 monitors.
[Always S3&K monitors in Time Attack]
Color Changes
• IceCap Startup Time: The Morning Dawn palette starts IceCap zone just at sunrise instead
of during daytime. Carnival Night was at night after all. ;)
Special Stages
• Blue Spheres Style: Go with the smoothed modernized look of the Blue Spheres stages, or
keep a more close to the original look. Both update the screen at full 60 FPS.
• Ring Counter: Let the ring counter display count up like in the original game, or down to
always know how many rings remain for a perfect run.
• Level Layout: Choose between the original level layouts used in Sonic 3 (without Sonic &
Knuckles), those from Sonic 3 & Knuckles, or the A.I.R. level layouts with some smaller
changes compared to Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
[Time Attack always uses A.I.R. layouts]
Difficulty Changes
• Angel Island Bombing: Want a more engaging version of the bombing sequence just
before the Angel Island Zone Act 2 boss fight? Or keep the original, and hold right to win?
• Big Arms Boss Fight: Optionally reintroduces the final boss fight of Launch Base Zone Act
2 for Sonic & Tails as well, which was part of only Sonic 3, but not Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
• Sandopolis Ghosts: If those ghosts realy annoy you, switch them off to make Sandopolis
Zone Act 2 easier.
• Lava Reef Act 2 Boss: Use the recommended setting of 8 hit points for the boss, or the
original 14 hit points.
• Keep Shield aftzer Zone: If enabled, you carry over your shield into the next zone.
Time Attack
• Max. Recorded Ghosts: In Time Attack, you can race against your own best times,
visualized as "ghosts". Choose the upper limit for how many of your best runs will be shown
at the same time.
• Quick Restart: Make the Y button (W on keyboard) either instantly restart Time Attack, or
require holding it for a brief period of time, to avoid unintentional restarts.
Unlocked by Secrets
• First complete some achievements, then you will get the respective options here. Note that
after unlocking, these are still disabled by default, so you have to enable them here.
[These are always disabled in Time Attack, except for that secret unlockable category]
• Setup Keyboard & Game Controllers: Opens a menu where you can reassign keyboard
and controller bindings for game controls.
• Controller Player 1: If you have a gamepad or other controller connected, select it here for
the main player.
• Controller Player 2: And this is the controller for player 2, in case you want to play
together with a friend.
• Other Controllers: Choose what to do with connected controllers that are not manually
assigned to player 1 or 2 with the options above. You can e.g. automatically assign any
connected controller to player 1 (that‘s the default).
• Sonic Insta-Shield: Optionally disable Sonic‘s Insta-Shield attack.
[Always enabled in Time Attack]
• Tails Assist: When playing with Tails as second character, you can make him carry you
around. With Sonic 3 Style, pressing a Jump button will let you jump off; use the Up button
to go higher. With Sonic Mania Style, you need to press Down + Jump to jump off instead.
• Tails Flight Cancel: Press Down + Jump to roll into a ball again while flying around.
[Always enabled in Time Attack]
• Roll Jump Control Lock: Allows you to control your movement after jumping out of rolling
on the ground. Enable it for more control, like in Sonic Mania, or disable it for the original
game behavior.
[Always enabled in Time Attack]
• Bubble Shield Bounce: Stay with Sonic 3‘s original bubble shield behavior or select the
more bouncy version from Sonic Mania.
[Always Sonic 3 style in Time Attack]
Unlocked by Secrets
• First complete some achievements, then you will get the respective options here. Note that
after unlocking, these are still disabled by default, so you have to enable them here.
• Infinite Lives: In case you are new to Sonic 3 or Sonic games in general, try enabling so
you don‘t have to care about lives any more.
• Infinite Time: No need to hurry, this game is not about speed. Or is it?
Game Variety
• Shields: If you like the classic shield, enable it here. It‘s either classic shield only, elemental
shields only (as in Sonic 3 originally), or a mix of all like in Sonic Mania. And then there‘s
the additional option of upgradable shields: At first, all shield monitors will give you the
basic classic shield, afterwards monitors turn into elemental shields.
• Randomized Monitors: If you‘re bored of the monitor / item box contents in the usual
game, you can mix them up here. Choose between randomization of only the shield
monitors or all monitors.
[Time Attack always uses normal monitors]
• Monitor Behavior: Do you prefer the monitor to bounce and fall down if hit from below,
like in Sonic 1 and 2? There's an option for that!
Special Stages
• Special Stage Layouts: Use the original layouts or a random pick of the Blue Sphere mini-
game‘s generated stages (you know, the game when you lock-on Sonic 1 to the Sonic &
Knuckles cartridge). But be warned, the generated ones can be hard.
• On Fail: When you miss a Chaos Emerald in a Special Stage, do want to get another chance
at the next Giant Ring? Or rather advance to the next special stage like in original Sonic 3 &
• Region Code: Switch between the Western and Japanese versions of the game. Most
notable difference is the in-game name of Miles "Tails" Prower.
On some computers, the main menu looks fine, but the in-
game graphics are messed up with black bars and missing
sprites, like in the screenshot on the right.
In that case, try out the OpenGL Software Renderer. You
can find the respective setting in the Options menu under
Crash on Startup
If the game crashes immediately after start, before even showing the disclaimer screen:
Try switching to the "fail-safe" mode. This will disable certain graphics features and automatically
switch to a very basic software renderer that does not have any OpenGL dependency.
• Open Windows Explorer and copy this into the address line:
• After pressing Enter, this takes you to the folder where the game stores settings and other
• Open the file "settings.json" or just "settings" with a text editor (use Notepad if there's
nothing better installed)
• Search for the following part:
"FailSafeMode" : false,
• Change the word false to true, then save the file and start the game
Please check the log file in ~/Library/Application Support/sonic3air/Sonic3AIR/. Failsafe mode
should not be needed on the macOS version as all Macs should support hardware rendering.
Restart your device by shutting it down and turning it back on again. The current iOS port has to
load all game data into memory at once, so the more mods you have installed the more likely you
will run into problems.
Other platforms
Try switching to the "fail-safe" mode, as described for Windows above.
This requires manual access to the game‘s save data folder. Check out the respective section
"Where‘s your saved data" for your platform under Installation & First Time Setup.
This game supports different kinds of mods, including replacement of the music tracks, character
sprites, and even most of game functionality.
Mods are in general compatible with Sonic 3 A.I.R. for all platforms.
Find all the information about making your own mods in the modding PDF inside the "doc" folder.
Installation of Mods
If you‘re only interested in installing a mod, here‘s how.
Let‘s say you already downloaded a mod. If it follows the recommended mod structure, it is a ZIP
file containing a folder with the mod‘s name and all of the mod‘s content inside that folder.
The following instructions tell you where to extract that ZIP file to.
After installation of a mod, you can quickly test if it was installed correctly and found by the game.
Go to the "Mods" menu to see whether the mod appears there. Close the menu and re-open it to
update the mods in there. If that does not work, restart Sonic 3 A.I.R.
Windows / Linux
• Open the "mods" folder. While Sonic 3 A.I.R. is running, right-click inside the game window
to bring up a little menu. Select "Open mods folder" there.
• Alternatively (if the above does not work for some reason), access the game‘s save data
folder as described in the section "Where‘s your saved data" for Windows or Linux. Inside
there, open the "mods" folder.
• If the mod follows the recommended mod structure, you simply place the ZIP file right in
the "mods" folder and you're good to go.
• But note that this only works for ZIP files - not for RAR, 7z, TAR.GZ, etc. Etc.
So if you got a different file format… well, extract the file and make sure that you see a
structure like this:
There might be more subfolders and files in there, but the "mod.json" is the central file.
It tells the game that this is indeed a valid mod.
• From the "Sonic 3 A.I.R." menu, select "Open mods folder…".
• The mods folder should open automatically.
• If the mod follows the recommended mod structure, it‘s a ZIP file that you only need to
place in the "mods" folder.
• And if it doesn‘t… see the Windows section above for how a mod should look like.
• You need a file manager application like "Files" or a USB-connected PC/Mac with file access
to your device.
• Open the saved data folder as described in the section "Where‘s your saved data" for
• If the mod follows the recommended mod structure, it‘s a ZIP file that you only need to
place in the "mods" folder.
• In case the mod is not a ZIP file - but a RAR or 7z or other archive file -, you need to
manually extract its content. For ZIP files, that‘s not needed.
• Unfortunately, this way of installing only works with access to the save data folder.
iOS / Web
• Use the "Exit" button in the game‘s main menu to get back to the built-in file manager.
• Upload a mod ZIP file into the "mods" folder.
• In case the mod file is not a ZIP - but a RAR or 7z or other archive file -, you need to first
repackage it as a ZIP, which is best done on a PC or Mac and possibly requires additional
software (like 7zip) that can open the mod file.
Mod Options
Some mods feature their own set of settings. You can find them in the "Mods" tab of the Options
menu - it's left of the "System" tab.
Note that this tab will only appear if there's any mod options at all, and show only the options of
mods that are activated in the Mods menu.
Sonic 3 A.I.R. is not affiliated with SEGA® or Sonic Team®. They are the original developers of the
Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles games, which Sonic 3 A.I.R. is heavily building upon, and are holding
all copyrights to these games. This includes most of the content in Sonic 3 A.I.R.
Sonic 3 A.I.R. is developed as a fan game that regards itself as a modification of the original game.
There is no intent to infringe SEGA®s copyrights and trademarks.
Also no financial interests are involved in making this game. It is freeware and may not be sold.