Machine Language
Machine Language
Machine Language
1. Machine language.
2. Assembly language.
3. High-level language.
1. Machine Language
- Computer can understand it without translation Program.
- Written in binaries( I’s and O’s)
- Computer converts them into electiicat signals needed to execute them.
- Computer use binary digits to perform any operation.
- Difficult for user to read and understand
- Advantage – it’s faster in execution since the computer directly starts executing.
1. Machine dependent
2. Difficult to program
3. Prone to errors
4. Difficult to modify
5. We rarely use machine language because of difficult and time consuming to do so.
2. Assembly language
- Uses symbols (letter
- It is a language that allows the use of letters and symbols instead of numbers for representing
instructions and storage.
- We must convert an assembly program into its equivalent machine language program before
executing it on a computer.
Translator (assembler)
N.B: It is after the translation of the source program to object program that execution takes palce.
Advantages of assembly language
1. Machine dependent
2. They require programmers to have a good knowledge on programming
3. Iots difficult fghhj
4. Its time consuming
5. its because of this that we rate them to low- level language.
High level source program must be transalated first into a form a machine cann easily
understand.this is done by use of a compiler.
Takes source code as an input and produce the machine language code as output.
1. FORTRAN (1957)
- Stands for FORmular TRANslation
- It’s the oldest high-level language
- Designed to solve scientific and Engineering problems
it has evolved over the years .
2. COBOL (1959)
- Stands for common Business Orientation Language
- Designed for business data processing applications.
- Stands for Beginers All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
- Objectives of coming up of this language
Iteractive languages –allowing direct communication between user and computer.
Easy to lern and use it for non-science students.
- Programmer can use for programming both business and scientific applications
- BASIC was the first programming language to be used in personal cojmputeers.
- Named after French mathematician Blaise Pascal.
- Developed to allow beginners to learn and solve programming
- Developed on concept of structured programming.
- Planning a program involves defining the correct sequence and introduction needed to solve .
- Algorithm is procedure consisting of a finite set of unambiquoius rules.
- Algorithm is the logic of a program
Examples of an algorithm.
Less than 40 E
40 – 49 D
50 – 59 C
60 -69 B
70 and above A
Step 3:if score greater than or equal 40 and less than 55, then print D.
Step 5: if score is greater than 60 and less trhan 65 then print B END
1. As a program
2. As a flow chart
3. As pseudocode