2021 Neet Question Paper
2021 Neet Question Paper
2021 Neet Question Paper
height S from th
5. A particle Ata certain kinetiic
height its
Section A (Physics) Earth.
surface ofthe times its potential energy. Th
is three earth and the speed of
surface of
The effective resistance of a parallel connection that height from the
1. are respectively:
that instant
consists of four wires of equal length, equal area ot the particle at
cross-section and same material is 0.25Q. What
will be the effective resistance if they are connected 3g5
(1) 2
in series?
(1) 1Q 3gS
(3) 2
(4) 0.5Q
For plane electromagnetic wave propagating in
0.26 cm 20 cm
(2) 0.052 cm
(3) 0.52 cm
4TX 10-20N
(4) 0.026 cn
8x 10-20N
4x 10-20 N
The equivalent capacitance of the combination (3)
8TX 10-20 N
shownin the figure is: (4)
concentration in an n-type
14. The electron concentration
is the s a m e as hole
semiconductor. An external field
C in a p-type
each of them. Compare
(electric) is applied a c r o s s
the currents in them.
current in n-type > current in p-type.
current will
(1) C/2 (2) No current will flow in p-type,
only flow in n-type.
(2) 3C/2 current in n-type = current in p-type.
3) 3C current in p-type > current in n-type.
(4 2C
cm and a concave
15. A convex lens 'A' of focal length 20
lens 'B of focal length 5 cm are kept along
field shown. In Ifa
dipole is placed in an electric them.
as between
12. A s a m e axis with a
distance 'd'
which direction will it move? 'A' leaves 'B asa
parallel beam of light falling
2) 30
8) 25
(4) 15
will (2) a
towards the left as its potential energy light gathering power.
increase. better resolution.
3) a large aperture provides a
as its potential energy
towards the right all of the above.
4) 4)
radiua 'R carrio.
17. A spring is sitretched A thick current carrying cable ot
by 5 ctn by a fote 10 N. The 21 distributed acrosa 23
time perind of
the oscillsticiIs when m e of 2 kg current T uniformly ita
is suspended by it is eross-secetion. The variation of magnetie field B
due the cable with the
distance'r firóm the axi
1) 3.14s by
ofthe cable is represented
(3) 0.0628 s
(4) 6.28s
(1) B
18. The half-life of a radioactive nuclide is 100 hours
The fraction of original activity that will remain
after 150 hours would be:
(3) 1/2
(3) B
19. Two charged spherical conductors of radius R, and
R are connected by a wire. Then the ratio of
surface charge densities of the spheres (la,) is:
(4) B
22. A parallel plate capacitor has a uniform electric
field 'E' in the space between the plates. f the
distance between the plates is 'd' and the area of
(4) R2 each plate is 'A', the energy stored in the capacitor
R is:Epermittivityoffree space)
(2) 62 cm (3)
60 em
(3) Ah () 45
() A 2me 90
B) Pressure exerted 3RT
[MI [L-J [T-1
by ideal gas
34 The velocity of a small ball of mass M and
(C) Average kinetic energy ( ensity
of a molecule RT d. when dropped in a container filled with glycerir
becomes constant after some time. If the densits
(1) 3u
involving electrical quantities. Match
(2) 4U Column I and Column II with appropriate
- -
Column -I Column-II
(4) 2u
10 C) Relaxation Period ( e T
(1) 13 m
D) Current Density S)
1) (A)-(R), (B)-P), (C)-(S), D-(Q)
10 (2) (A)-R), (B)-Q. (C)-(S), (D)-(P)
8 (A)-R), (B-S), (C)-P,D)
(4) 19 4) (A)-R), (B)-S), (C-(). (D)-(P)
circular ring of
'M and radiun 'R an
From a The
3 to a 0 sector is removed.
Section B (Physics) are
remaining part of the ring
of inertia otthe
A particle moving in circle of radis R with a Imonment
the centre ot the
B6. about an axis paaing throuth
to com plete one to the plane of the ring
uniform sipeed takes a tithe
=sin 7 ' n 2
(1) &T
-sin 2 T )
resistances r, tg and r
40. Three resistors having
a s shown in the given
circuit. The
-Cog R )2 are connected
(4) resistances used
ratio ofcurrents in terms of
37. In the product in the circuit is:
For q-1 and v-2i +4j+6k and
What will be the complete expression for (1)
(2) 2
(2) 6i+6j-8k n+3
1TEIr e r e pit Caleulate the potential of the bigger drop bigger drnp.
tif the perpeniieeilset to the prinpal AX
Jeihs ahdet
finsl distahce of 40 n from 1t, the (1) 1520 V
imge otld be formed
stadistance on (2 1980 V
660 V
( 1320 V
2 ks m
t6 (1) kE
(3) 5V
(3) kg
-0V ( k
48. A particle of mass 'm' is projected with a velocity Section A (Chemistry)
U=kV,(k< 1) from the surface of the earth. dehydrohalogenation
51. The major product forined in This
is Pent-2-ene.
V.escape velocity) reaction of 2-Bromo pentane
product formation is based
The maximum height above the surface reached Hofmann Rule
by the particle is Huckel's Rule
(3) Saytzeffs Rule
Rk Hund's Rule
(1) ()
1+k bond
bond enthalpy of C-X
52. The correct sequence of
Rk2 is
(2) 1-k2
(2) CH-CI>CH-F> CH-Br >CH,-I
(3) CH-F< CH-Cl<CH-Br< CH3-I
(3) 1) CH-F> CH-Cl>CH-Br> CH,-I
New Delhi,
53. Aparticular station of All India Radio,
broadcasts on a frequency of 1,368 kHz (kilohertz).
The wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation
emitted by the transmitter is: [speed of light,
c=3.0x 105 me
(1) 2192 m
49. A step down transformer connected to an ac mains (2) 21.92 cm
supply of 220 V is made to operate at 11 V, 44 W (3) 219.3 m
lamp. Ignoring power losses in the transformer, (4) 219.2 m
what is the current in the primary circuit?
54. Zr Z=40) and Hf (Z= 72) have similar atomic and
(1) 2A ionic radii because of:
(1) lanthanoid contraction
(2) 4A 3172923
(2) having similar chemical propertie
3) 0.2A (3) belonging to same group
4) diagonal relationship
(4) 0.4 A
55. The pK, of dimethylamine and pK, of acetic acid
are 3.27 and 4.77 respectively at T (K). The correct
A uniform conducting wire of length 12a and option for the pH of dimethylammonium acetate
resistance 'R' is wound up as a current carryingg solution is:
coil in the shape of, (1) 7.75
(2) 6.25
an equilateral triangle of side 'a'.
(3) 8.50
58. The maximum (1)
in blast
temperature that can be achieved (2) Dacron
furnace is: Teflon
(1) (3)
upto 1900 K Nylon-66
(4) 69.
(2) upto 5000 K Noble gases are named because of their inert-
(3) upto 1200OK Identify incorr
towards reactivity. an
(4) upto 2200 K statement about them.
Volume (V)
(1) PE A B
600 K Reaction Progress
2 400
Volume (V)
(dm) B
(2) A
Reaction Progress
(3) 200 K
Volume (V)> PE
(dm) (3)
Reaction Progress
Volume (V)
(dm) Reaction Progress
72. of the organic
Statement I: 75. What is the IUPAC
(3) Both Statement I and Statement II are 3) Chain and dimer, respectively
(4) Linear in both
(4) Both Statement I and Statement II are
false. 77. The compound which shows metamerism is:
(1) CgHgO
73. The major product of the following chemical
reaction is: (2) CH00
CH3 3) CsH12
CH.CH-CH=CH+ HBr ,CO),0, 4) CgHO 84
CH3 79.
Which of the
following reactions is the metal
(3) CH-CH2-CH2-Br displacement reaction? Choose the right option.
CH3 (1) Fe+2HCl>FeCl2+H2
2 2PbNO22Pb0+
CH3 (3) 2KCIO 2KCI+30,
74. BF is planar and electron deficient compound.
4) Cr,Og+2A1 A1,O,+2Cr
Hybridization and number of electrons around the
80. Dihedral angle of least stable conformer of ethane
central atom, respectively are is
1) spand 6
(1) 60
(2) sp and 8
2) 0
82. Which one of the following methods can be used to CaSO+H,0 + CO2 depletion
obtain highly pure nmetal which is liquid at room Civ) Tropospheric
NO,(g) h
temperature? d)
(1) Distillation NO(g)+OE
from the options given
(2) Zone refining Choose the correct a n s w e r
(3) Electrolysis below.
(4) Chromatography (1) (a)-iv), (b)-(), (©)-), (d)-(i)
(2) (a)-ii), b)-Gi), (©)-iv), (d)-()
83. An organic compound contains 78% (by wt.) carbon
and remaining percentage of hydrogen. The right (a)-Gi), (b)-i), (c)-Gi), (d)-(iv)
(a)-i), (b)-(Gii), ()-(iv), (d)-)
option for the empirical formula of this compound A4
is: [Atomic wt. of C is 12, His 1] of chemical
87. The reagent R' in the given sequence
(1) CH reaction is:
(2 CH4 NCI
3 Br
Br NaNO, HC Br
(4) CH2 0-5C
(3) HO
(4) CH,CH,OH
88. CHCH,COO-Nat NaOH,
+? CH,CH3+
(2) Na,COg
Consider the above reaction and identify the
missing reagent/chemical.
(1) CaO
d DIBAL-H tefs torslait
3) (3) BH6
4) Red Phosphorus
of octane is 20
is 420
(b) Pea1,0) 0 BM
(ii) and that mm
280 m m Hg Hy
(c) Pe(CNl (iii)
4.90 BM Assume Ideal gas]
(d) Pe,O (iv) 1.73 BM 336 mm of Hg
Choose the correct answer from the options given (1)
below. 350 mm of Hg
(1) (a)-), (b)-Gi), (c)-(Gv),. (d)-(Gi) 160 mm of Hg
(2) (a)-(iv), (b)-), (C)-Gi), (d)-(ii) 168 mm of Hg
3) (a)-(iv). b)-Gi), )-), (d)-Gii) (4)
(4) (a)-i), b)-(iv), (c)-(Gi), (d)-6i) List-II.
97. Match List - I with
91. From the following pairs of ions which one is not List-II
an iso-electronic pair?
(1) Mn24, Fe3+ CO, HCI
Anhyd.AICIy i) Hell-Volhar
(2) Fe2+, Mn2+ (a)
(3) 02-, F- CuCl Zelinsky reaction
(4) Nat, Mg2+
92. In which one of the following arrangements the O
given sequence is not strictly according to the (b) R-C-CH,+ (ii) Gattermann-Koch
properties indicated against it ? reaction
(1) NHg < PH
<AsH<SbH acidic character
(c) R-CH,-OH (ii) Haloform
(2) CO < SiOD
Increasing +R'COOH reaction
<SnO< PbO2 oxidizing power
(3) HF <HCI Increasing acidic
Conc. HS0
<HBr < HI strength
4) H0 < HS a) R-CH,C0OH (iv) Esterification
Increasing pKa
<H,Se <H,Te values ) X/Red P
(i) H20
For irreversible expansion of an ideal gas under
isothermal condition, the correct option is: Choose the correct answer firom the options given
(1) AU=0, AStotal#0 below.
(2) AU#0, AStotal =0 () (a)-, b)-6v), ©-(ii), d)-)
(3) AU=0, AStotal0 (2) (a)-Gi), b)-(Gii), (©)-Gv), d)-G)
(4) AU#0, AStotal#0 ge
(3) (a)-(v), 6)-0), )-i), a)-(Gii)
94. Which of the following molecules is non-polar in 4) (a)-ii), (b)-i), (©)-G), (d)-(iv)
(1) SbCl 98. The molar conductivity of 0.007 M acetic acid is
(2) NO2 20 S cm2 mol-1. What is the dissociation
(3) POCl constant of acetic acid? Choose the correct option.
(4) CH0
A350 S cm mol1-
95. Choose the correct option for the total pressure
in atm.) in amixture of 4 g Og and 2gHy confined 50 S cm
in a total volume of one litre at 0°C is: CHco0
[Given R=0.082 IL atm mol- K-,T=273 K]
(1) 25.18 (1) 1.75x 10-6 mol L-l
(2) 26.02 (2 2.50x 10- mol L-1
(3) 2.5118 (3) 1.75x 10-4 mol L-1
(4) 2.602
(4) 2.50x 10-4 mol L-1
99. The intermediate 15
compound X in the O5
chemical reaction is: following Section- A (Biology: Botany)
OH (4) Infrared rays
105. Which of the following stages of meiosis involves
CH2-C-CH division of centromere?
(1) OH
CH, Anaphase II
(2) Telophase II
OH (3) Metaphase l
CH--OCH, (4) Metaphase II
(2) 106. Which of the following is an incorrect
CH3 statement?
(1) The perinuclear space forms a barrier
OH H between the materials present inside the
CH-C-OCH, nucleus and that of the cytoplasm.
(3) OH (2) Nuclear pores act as passages for proteins
and RNA molecules in both directions
CH3 between nucleus and cytoplasmn.
(3) Mature sieve tube elements possess a
CH-CH-OH conspicuous nucleus and usual cytoplasmic
(4) Microbodies are present both in plant and
CH3 animal cels.
Or that 112.
The nmountofnutrienta, proentna Carbon.i
lends Founder effeet
to Pounder effect 2
populatiom in
to in nA
wia nd calcium in the Hoil a
given time, ia roferred
Mutation Standing atate
(2) (1)
denetic dri Standing erop
(3) (2)
Natural selection Climax
Genetic reoombination Climax community
108 Mateh Lint-I with Lint-11. 118, Tho plant hormone
uned to dentroy weeda inin a a
Lint List 11
(1) 2,4-1D
(a)Coheaion More attraction in
(2) IBA
liquid phane
Mutual attraction (3) IAA
(hAtheaion i) among water (0) NAA
moleculea 114. Genera like Selaginella and Salvinia producete
(c) Surface tennion lGiater losa in liquid|
kinde of spores, Such plants are known as
(d Guttation iv Attraction towards (1) Homosporous
P'polar surfnces Heterosporous
Choone the correct anawer from the
below. options given (3) Homosorus
() Hoterosorus
(a) (b) (o) (ol)
(1) dii) ) iv) 116. Which of the following is a correct sequence
steps in a PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)?
2) (ii) iv) (it)
(1) Extension, Denaturation, Annealing
3) (i) (iv) ) (i)
(2) Annealing, Denaturation, Extension
() (iv) i) Gi) AS) Denaturation, Annealing, Extension
109. The site of 4) Denaturation, Extension, Annealing
perception of light in plants during
photoperiodism is: 116. Which of the following plants is monoecious?
(1) Axillary bud (1) Marchantia polymorplha
(2) Leaf (2) Cycas circinalis
(3) Shoot apex (3) Carica papaya
(1) Stem A) Chara
18 List -
List III 136. Ma
O5 in ture,
natur List-I cell
competition active
might with
128. Inspite of interspecificcompeting species
the Cells
division capaciy cells Meristematic
evolved for their
( b ) s i m i l a r
i n s t r u c t u r e
1) a n d function Cii) Sclereids
(c)T1ssue having
() (d)
(a) (b)
middle of Civ)
When the c e n t r o m e r e
is situated in the i )
129. the chromosome
two equal a r m s of chromosomes, iv)
(ii) (i)
is referred as:
(i) iv)
(3) 137.
(1) Sub-metacentric
(i) i) )
(4) iv)
is n o t correct?
133. Which ofthe following is always upright.
(1) Pyramid of energy grassland
) Metacentric numbers in a
Pyramid of
(2) ecosystem is upright.
(4) biomass in sea is generally
3) Pyramid of
131. Which of the following are not secondary 135. Complete the flow chart on central dogma.
metabolites in plants ?
(a)CDNA mRNA (d)
(1) Vinblastin, curcumin (1) (a)-Replication; (b)-Transcription;
(c)-Translation; (d)-Protein
(2) Rubber, gums (2) (a)-Transduction; (b)-Translation;
(c)-Replication; (d)-Protein
3) Morphine, codeine (3) (a)-Replication; (b)-Transcription;
(c)-Transduction; (d)-Protein
(4) Amino acids, glucose (4) (a)-Translation; (b)-Replication,
(c)-Transcription; (d)-Transduction
19 05
Section (Biology : Botany) 140. In some members of which of the following paira
I with List II.
Match List -
with Column -II,
145. Match Column I 148 Mateh Colunmn-I
-Iwith Column-Il.
Column-1 Column-11
(8Nitrococcus Denitrification
Column -I
bRhizobium ()onversion of (a) 966 K C12+A)1G )Brassicns
ammonia tonitrite
(c7hiobacilhus Conversion of nitrite
to nitrate b)aoKCAG (ii) Liliaceae
Conversion of
(Nitrobocter (v) atmospheric nitrogen (iii) Pabaceae
to ammonia
Choose the correct from
answer options given (iv) Solanaceae
(a (b) (c) (d) Select the correct answer from the options
() below. given
v) )
Gv) i ) ) (a) (b) (c) (d)
) Gv) ) ii) (iv)
ii) iv) Civ)
146. Identify the correct statement. Cii) iv) )
The coding strand ina (1) (i) (ii) (iv)
copied to an mRNA. transcription unit is
) Split gene arrangement is eharacteristic of 149. Which of the following statements is
prokaryotes. incorrect
(3) In capping, (1) ATP is synthesized
methyl guanosine
is added to the 3' end triphosphate through complex V.
of hnRNA. (2) Oxidation-reduction reactions produce
(4) RNA polymerase binds with Rho factor to proton gradient in respiration.
terminate the process of
bacteria. transcription in (3) During aerobic respiration, role of
limited to the terminal oxygen is
147. Select the correct pair. 4) In ETC
(Electron Transport Chain), one
(1) Cells of molecule of NADH +H* gives rise to
medullary rays
that form part of Interfascicular 2ATP molecules, and one
cambial ring cambium to 3 ATP
molecules. FADH gives rise
(2) Loose parenchyma cells
rupturing the epidermis parenchyma 150. Which of the
and forming a lens- following statements is incorrect?
shaped opening in bark (1) Grana lamellae have
both PS I and PS I.
(3) Large colorless empty 2)
cells in the epidermis Subsidiary cells Cyclic photophosphorylation involves both
PSI and
of grass leaves PS II.
(4) In (8) Both ATP and
dicot leaves, vascular NADPH
bundles are surrounded Conjunctive synthesized +H
tissue during non-cyclic
by large thick-walled
Stroma lamellae have
NADP reductase. PS I only and lacs
hormone which
stimulates R.B.C
Section A (Biology: Zoology) Erythropoietin
167. formation is produced by:
which of the following is not an objective of The cells of bone
51. Biofortification in crops? Juxtaglomerular cells
of the kidney
Improve vitamin content
(3) Alpha cells of pancreas
Improve micronutrient and mineral content The cells of rostral
(2) (4)
Improve protein content thickness of:
3) used to measure
(4) Ozone
resposible for the conversion of
o Which enzyme (2) Troposphere
152 inactive fibrinogens
to fibrins?
Epinephrine Stratosphere
(1) (4)
favourable conditionis
required for the
159. Select the
Thrombin at the alveoli.
formation of oxyhaemoglobin
Renin less H*, higher
(4) (1) High pO2. high pCO2,
re Which one of the following organisms bears hollow low pCO2, more H*, higher
and pneumatic long bones? (2) Low pOg.
Macropus temperature
(1) less H*, lower
High pOg, low pcO2,
Ornithorhynchus (3)
Neophron more H*, higher
(3) (4) Low pO2, high pCO2,
(4 Hemidactylus temperature
05 22 present at:
163. Which one of the following belongs to the family 168. Sphincter of oddi is
(a Scapula () Cartilaginous joints
Following are the statements about prostomium (b) Cranium Ci) Flat bone
of earthworm. () Sternum ii) Fibrous joints
(a) It serves as a
covering for mouth. (d) Vertebral column (iv)|Triangular flat bone
(6) It helps to open cracks in
the soil into which Choose the correct answer from the options
it can crawl.
below. given
It is one of the
sensory structures. (a) (b) (c) (d)
d) It is the first body (1) iv) i) i)
segment. )
Choose the correct answer from the iv) ii) i)
below. options given
(3) ii) i) Civ)
(1) (a), (b), (c) and (d) are correct (4) ii) (iv)
(2) (b) and (c) are correct 191.
Following are the statements with
reference to
(a), b) and (c) are correct lipids'
4) (a), (b) and (d) are correct (a) Lipids having only single bonds are called
unsaturated fatty acids.
188. Match List I with List II.
(b) Lecithin is a
List I
List II Trihydroxy propane is glycerol.
(a) Palmitic acid has 20 carbon atoms
(a) Pilariasis Haemophilus carboxyl carbon. including
influenzae Arachidonic acid has 16 carbon atoms.
(b)Amoebiasis i) |Trichophyton Choose the correct answer
from the options given
(c)Pneumonia (ii) Wuchereria bancrofti below.
(d) Ringworm Giv) Entamocba histolytica (1) (b) and (c) only
Choose the correct answer from the (2) (b) and (o) only
below. options given (3) (a) and (b) only
(a) (b) (c) (d) 4) () and (d) only
(1) 6) Gi) Civ) Gii) 192. The Adenosine
(2) Gi) (iii) 6) iv)
deaminase deficiency results into:
(1) Digestive disorder
(3) (iv) 6) (ii) i) (2) Addison's disease
AY (ii) (iv) () i) (3)
Dysfunction of Immune system
(4) Parkinson's disease
93. Dur
museular contraction
following events occur? which of the 197.
1dentify the types of cell
(a) H zone disappears junctione that help
'A' band widens theleakageof the subatances acrose tiasue and a