Forensic Ballistics Dr. Tilla in
Forensic Ballistics Dr. Tilla in
Forensic Ballistics Dr. Tilla in
2. A tubular metallic or non-metallic container, which 15. When a recovered fired bullet ha five landmarks and
holds together the bullet, gunpowder and primer five groove marks, the direction of twist is towards right
is______? hand, and the width of the grooves marks and land
A. Cartridge C. Slug marks are equal, you are certain that it was fired from
B. Chamber D. Cartridge case _________ type of firearm.
A. Smith and Wesson type
3. A type of firearm with rifling characteristics of six (6) B. Webley type
lands and grooves, twisted from the right, and with C. Winchester type
grooves width twice broader than the lands? D. Browning
A. Colt C. Browning
B. Steyer D. Smith and Wesson 16. A tool in which a firearm mechanism is attached for
purposes of not to be easily identified:
4. Is the unit of bore measurement applied to shotgun A. Freakish gun C. Zip gun
is; B. Flare gun D. Matchlock
A. Millimeters C. Diameter
B. Gauge D. Inch 17. A type of firearm which contains rifling a few inches
from the muzzle point?
5. The caliber of the gun is: A. Smooth bore C. Semi-rifled
A. Its barrel length B. Rifled bore D. Paradox
B. The circumference of the barrel
C. The size of the ammunition used 18. Misfire is______________________.
D. The diameter of the bore A. The total failure of the cartridge to discharge
B. The condition of firing whereby the cartridge took
6. What are the two most important marks for firearm several seconds before it discharge
identification using fired shell? C. Delay in the discharge of firearm
A. Firing pin and breech face marks D. B and C
B. Extractor and breech face marks
C. Ejector and Firing pin marks 19. Size of the bullet grouping on the target is called
D. Ejector and extractor marks as_______________.
A. Terminal penetration C. Terminal accuracy
7. The word “forensic” as used in conjunction with the B. Terminal trajectory D. Muzzle blast
word ballistics means?
A. Forum C. Legal 20. The term___________ indicates the bore diameter
B. Market place D. Public discussion of a firearm measure from two opposite lands.
A. Rifling C. Caliber
8. Is the bouncing off or deflection of a bullet from its B. Mean diameter D. Pitch of rifling
original trajectory?
A. Hang fire C. Key-hole shot 21. What part of the cartridge case that holds the primer
B. Ricochet D. Misfire securely in a central position and providing a solid
support for the primer anvil?
9. A type of shotgun based on interior barrel A. Flash hole C. Paper disc
construction which has a reducing bore diameter to limit B. Primer pocket D. Cannelure
the spread of pellets:
A. Cylinder type C. Choke type 22. A condition which two bullets or shells are examined
B. Paradox D. Smooth bore and compared under the comparison microscope at the
same time, level and direction and magnification and
10. The mechanism of a firearm which withdraws the same image is_________________.
empty shells from the chamber? A. Pseudo match C. Juxtaposition
A. Ejector C. Extractor B. False match D. Pseudo match
B. Firing pin D. Extractor pin
23. A revolver to be tested and used in evidence should
11. Is a pointed, flat base bullet with a gilding metal be picked up by_____________________.
jacket used for light vehicle? A Inserting a rod or a bar at the bore of the fire arm
A. Tracer bullet B. Grasping the handle with a handkerchief
B. Armour piecing bullet C. Grasping the barrel with a clean cloth
C. Fragmentary bullet D. Inserting a wire or straw through the trigger
D. Incendiary bullet guard
12. Is that part of the cartridge case which 24. What is an instrument used in determining the
characterized by a cylindrical grooves that prevents the caliber of the bullet by getting its equivalent weight?
bullet from being push down to the cartridge? A. Caliper C. Micrometer
A. Crimp C. Shoulder B. Torsion Balance D. Flat-form balance
B. Neck D. Cannelure
25. What is an instrument used to measure the velocity
13. Shaving mark on a bullet is due to: of the bullet?
A. Caliper C. Helixometer
B. Chronograph D. Micrometer 39. Treats with the motion of projectile while still inside
the firearm?
26. The importance of individual marks left on a bullet A. Terminal ballistics C. Forensic ballistics
by a gun barrel is that it is useful in directly identifying B. Internal ballistics D. External ballistics
A. Bullet which caused the fatal wound 40. What refers to the bouncing of the bullet after it
B. Gun from which a bullet was fired strikes a hard target?
C. Person who fired the particular firearm A. Yaw C. Key hole shot
D. Possible direction of shot B. Ricochet D. Translational
27. What is the secret of good shooting form? 41. The depressed portions on the bullet are made by
A. Relaxed and natural position what part of the firearm:
B. Proper sighting of the target A. Lands of the barrel
C. Keeping the thumb along the hammer B. Lands and grooves of the barrel
D. Firing slowly and carefully C. Grooves of the barrel
D. Base of the barrel
28. The tumbling of the bullet in its flight and hitting the
target sideways as a result of not spinning on its axis is 42. Refers to the study of the motion of projectile as
known as ___________? applied to law?
A. Yaw C. Ricochet A. Ballista C. Ballistics
B. Gyroscopic action D. Key-hole shot B. Forensic ballistics D. Forum
29. Is that portion of the primer which provides solid 43. Is an ancient military smooth bore and muzzle
support and absorbs the blow of the firing pin? loading military shoulder arm designed to fire a single
A. Disc C. Priming mixture shot round lead ball?
B. Primer cup D. Anvil A. Shot gun C. Musket
B. Carbine D. Semi-automatic firearm
30. Defined as the forward movement of the bullet out
of the shell? 44. Firearms in which pressure on the trigger releases
A. Rotary motion C. Translational motion the hammer that must be manually cocked are called:
B. Direct Motion D. Gyroscopic action A. Automatic C. Single action
B. Repeating arms D. Double action
31. It is the sound created at the muzzle point of the
barrel? 45. It is the mechanism in a firearm which causes the
A. Muzzle energy C. Muzzle blasts cartridge case to be thrown out from the gun?
B. Pull of gravity D. Trajectory A. Extractor C. Chamber
B. Firing pin D. Ejector
32. The depressed portions on the bullet are made by:
A. Lands of the barrel 46. Primer with one flash hole:
B. Lands and grooves of the barrel A. Boxer type C. Berdan type
C. Grooves of the barrel B. Lock D. Cup
D. Base of the barrel
47. What is that amount of force necessary to propel the
33. What metallic object is attached to the free end of bullet from a firearm?
the cylindrical tip of the cartridge case propelled by the A. Velocity C. Pressure
expansive force of the propellant and is responsible in B. Recoil D. Jump
damaging the target?
A. Bullet C. Primer
B. Gunpowder D. Shell 48. If the diameter of the body of the cartridge case is
equal with the diameter of the rim, it is called:
34. Bullet is referred to as the: A. Rimmed type C. Rebated
A. Projectile C. Shell B. Rimless D. Semi-rimmed
B. Cartridge D. Primer
49. The unit of measurement applied to shotgun?
35. When draws of the revolver is completed, the index A. Millimeters C. Gauge
finger should_______. B. Diameters D. All of the above
A. Grasp the stock
B. Be inside the trigger guard 50. Defined as the forward movement of the bullet out
C. Touch the outside of the trigger guard of the shell?
D. Be straighten along the barrel A. Rotary motion C. Translational motion
B. Direct Motion D. Gyroscopic action
36. Defined as the forward movement of the bullet out
of the shell?
A. Rotary motion C. Translational motion
B. Direct Motion D. Gyroscopic action