DPPS Procedures Manual 2016 - Aug Update
DPPS Procedures Manual 2016 - Aug Update
DPPS Procedures Manual 2016 - Aug Update
8 DPPS-Form 1 Building Permit Application Form 1 – New & Under- Rev 0 -1/1/13
Construction Buildings
The manual is a collection of procedural guidelines, application forms, checklists used by the
Construction Permits Directorate-Development Projects Permitting Section (DPPS) to assist Applicant
in the building permit application and submission process.
The policies and procedures have been developed to assist the processes in place. The manual is a
‘Live’ document and will be subject to periodic revision and updates as improvements, new rules and
regulations are introduced. The Municipality of Abu Dhabi City reserves the right to change the policies
and procedures at any time.
From time to time, applicants shall be informed of any amendments made to the manual, either
through a separate decree or executive administrative decision supplementary article when deemed
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Each of the Permits identified in item 3(a) & (b) above shall require approval(s) by the one or more
designated Building Officials or Reviewers from respective section(s) – ie. Architectural, Structural
Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Section.
The manual sets out a generic framework and submission criteria for any building(s) or development(s)
that necessitates a comprehensive technical review by the Construction Permits Directorate-
Development Projects Permitting Section (DPSS).
However, certain special or strategic project(s) could deviate from the suggested framework and
would require special clearances by the relevant Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
The Applicant shall be responsible to adhere to the requirements and conditions stated in the manual
and any specific conditions stipulated by other AHJ, in order to obtain the necessary approval(s) that
lead to the final permit issuance.
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Document No. FC – 01 Title Building Permit Application Flow Chart
Revision No. 02 Date 26-04-2016
The Applicants shall ensure that the project / development proposal meets the following requirement
before registration via the ADM Public Portal (CDP):
a) Proposal is in compliance with all regulations, Abu Dhabi International Building Codes and
requirements enforced by the Municipality of Abu Dhabi City.
b) Proposal is in compliance of all planning parameters enforced by the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning
Council, Department of Transportation and other Planning Authorities deem mandatory by the
Municipality of Abu Dhabi City.
c) Proposal is in compliance with ESTIDAMA Pearl Rating requirements.
d) Proposal is in compliance with the Utility Departments for site clearance.
e) Proposal is in compliance with relevant Technical Departments / Statutory Bodies deem
mandatory by the Municipality of Abu Dhabi City.
f) Applicant has obtained a User Name and Password to access the online Public Portal.
g) Complete Building Permit Application Form 1 or 2 by computer text entry – no handwritten
forms are allowed.
h) Applicant must have in possession all original NOC, approvals and supporting letters upon
request by the Project Coordinator of the Municipality of Abu Dhabi City for verification.
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Document No. PI – 01 Title Permit Issuance Checklist
Revision No. 04 Date 30-8-2016
The Project Record Sheets along with any required documents, reports and appendices listed in the
table below will now be checked online and digitally signed by the Project Coordinator as the final step
leading to the issuance of the Building Permit.
Applicant shall upload the completed Project Record Sheets to the ADM online Project Control folder
created by default within the corresponding project permit application folder (ie. New construction,
modification or addition). Please refer to Diagram 5A in this manual for details.
Applicant shall also upload any bound A3/A4 documents, reports and appendices to the
aforementioned Project Control folder. Do not submit duplicates of similar documents shown in the
Project Record Sheets. ( For example, Do not upload the A4 size ADM Town Planning Affection Plan
since it is already captured in the Project Record Sheet )
The updated Table PI-01 illustrates the different types of permit and their associated mandatory
documents required at the time of lodgment by the Applicant.
Applicants shall exercise due diligence and discretion to fulfill the pre-requisites for each permit
If required by ADM to expand the list of pre-requisites to include other supporting documents deem
necessary and important, the Applicants shall be expected to fulfill this obligation in their submission.
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Table PI-01 (Updated)
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Applicant is expected to complete the Building Permit Application Form 1 or 2 enclosed in part 8 and 9
of this manual, providing accurate information in each required field. The enclosed forms can be
requested from the Project Coordinator in its digital form, applicant is allowed to expand the field(s) as
required based on the scope of the project proposed, but no changes to the form’s format or
configuration should be made unless authorized by the Construction Permits Directorate-Development
Projects Permitting Section (DPPS). All forms must be completed legibly either digitally or typed,
handwritten forms are not allowed.
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A Lease Plan shall consist of the following information:
a) Lease Unit Number (as per Lease Agreement between Owner and Tenant)
b) Lease Unit Area (net leasable area in square meters, m2. Measured based on the surveyed lease
area by Owner)
c) Intended usage of the Leasable Unit (as per occupancy classification & special use stated in
ADIBC 2013 chapter 3 and/or 4)
No fit-out permit will be processed unless a complete set of Lease Plans is submitted by respective
building’s Owner/Landlord/Developer/Facility Management Company, and approved by the
Construction Permits Directorate-Development Projects Permitting Section (DPPS).
Applicant shall ensure the consistency and accuracy of the documents/drawings when making a fit-out
permit application.
Applicant is expected to complete the Building Permit Application Form 2 enclosed in part 9 of this
manual, providing accurate information in each required field. The enclosed forms can be requested
from the Project Coordinator in its digital form, applicant is allowed to expand the field(s) as required
based on the scope of the fit-out proposed, but no changes to the form’s format or configuration
should be made unless authorized by the Construction Permits Directorate-Development Projects
Permitting Section (DPPS). All forms must be completed legibly either digitally or typed, handwritten
forms are not allowed.
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Document No. GR – 01 Title General Requirements
Revision No. 03 Date 26-4-2016
This document outlines the general requirements applicable to all submissions.
It describes the type, format and standards of submittals required for Architectural, Structural and
Mechanical Electrical & Sanitary/Plumbing review.
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a) Design concept & intent
b) Artist illustrations
c) Zoning & land use
d) Occupancy classification
e) Construction type
f) Site accessibility
g) Traffic management
h) Car parking zoning & provision
i) Public & Accessible amenities
j) Fire & life safety
k) Estidama & environmental study
l) Pedestrian wind effect study
m) Solid waste management study
n) Liquid waste management study
o) Façade maintenance
p) Landscape design
q) Structural design concept
r) MEP design concept
s) Schedule of Areas
t) Affection plan for external utilities availability
The design report shall include but not limited to the above mentioned. The Applicant may include
additional information and illustrations deemed important to better explain the proposal.
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The Applicant shall consult the Reviewer(s) if he/she wishes to adopt other scales from those
The Applicant shall adopt millimeter (mm) as the SI unit measurement on all drawings.
The drawing title block as shown in Diagram-4 shall be the standard adopted by the Construction
Permits Directorate-Development Projects Permitting Section (DPSS).
Applicant shall ensure all fields are correctly and clearly entered. Any additional information requested
by Applicant to be displayed on the title block shall obtain prior approval from The Construction
Permits Directorate-Development Projects Permitting Section (DPSS).
Caution: Notes unrelated to the above mentioned and intended for Contractors or Specialists for
the purpose of contract administration, construction management and/or for making reference
to other construction documents which do not form part of the Authority submission shall be
removed from the General Notes field.
C. Revision No, Description & Date – This field shall be entered by Applicant when making a
modification/revision application after the final issuance of the building permit. It tracks the
number of times modification/revision occurs, the scope of modification and the dates of
Municipal approvals for the specific drawing sheet/number. The field is not to be confused with
construction variation on site.
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D. Master Developer / Developer (name & address) – Displays the full company name as per trade
license and current address of the Master Developer or Sub Developer responsible for the
project / development. Applicant to delete the irrelevant part where appropriate.
E. Owner / Tenant (name & address) – Displays the full name as per trade license and current
address of the Owner or Tenant responsible for the project / development. Applicant to delete
the irrelevant part where appropriate.
F. Consultant-of-Record (name & address) – Displays the full company name as per trade license
and current address of the Consultant-of-Record appointed by Owner, Developer or Tenant.
G. Project Name – Displays the project name as it appears on Municipal’s property deeds.
H. Zone – Displays the specific area/district/precinct name that appears in the Municipal issued
Site Affection Plan.
I. Sector no. - Displays the specific sector number that appears in the Municipal issued Site
Affection Plan.
J. Plot no. - Displays the specific plot number that appears in the Municipal issued Site Affection
K. Project Description – Displays the standard project description prescribed in the manual. See
item (4.5) of this document for detail.
L. Drawing Title – Displays the current drawing title eg. Floor Plan, Section, Elevation etc.
M. Drawing no. – See item (4.6) of this document for drawing numbering system for Architectural,
Structural & MEP submission.
N. Revision no. – Displays the current revision number to the specific drawing number submitted
for each modification/revision application.
O. Submission Date – Displays the date of drawings uploaded to designated project folder for the
specific application.
P. Project ID – ID created by the Public Portal System upon successful project registration.
Q. Plan ID – Folder ID by default or manually created by the Project Coordinator. Plan IDs are
embedded within the Project ID to facilitate the various applications and help track the
corresponding approvals.
R. Official Use Only – Reserved for Municipal approval ie. E-signature, digital stamp and code bar.
The following building codes and standards are currently adopted by the Construction Permits
Directorate-Development Projects Permitting Section (DPSS).
A. Abu Dhabi International Building Code – 2013 edition – published by Department of Municipal
Affairs, Abu Dhabi.
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B. Abu Dhabi International Accessibility Standards – 2013 edition – published by the Department
of Municipal Affairs, Abu Dhabi.
C. Uniform Plumbing Code of Abu Dhabi Emirate – 2009 Edition published by Environmental
Agency Abu Dhabi.
D. Other standards and reference from accredited institutions/societies;
i. British Standards Institution – BSI (latest edition)
ii. American Concrete Institute – ACI (latest edition)
iii. American Institute of Steel Construction – AISC (latest edition) for structural steel works.
iv. Urban Building Code for Seismic Design – UBC for seismic design.
v. American Society for Testing and Materials – ASTM
vi. American Society of Mechanical Engineers – ASME
vii. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers handbook-
The following 2013 International Building Codes are available for browsing on the Department of
Municipal Affairs website - https://municipalgateway.abudhabi.ae/en/About/Pages/buildingcode.aspx.
1. Abu Dhabi International Building Code (ADIBC 2013)
2. Abu Dhabi International Energy Conservation Code (ADIECC 2013)
3. Abu Dhabi International Fuel Gas Code (ADIFGC 2013)
4. Abu Dhabi International Mechanical code (ADIMC 2013)
5. Abu Dhabi International Private Sewage Disposal Code (ADIPSDC 2013)
6. Abu Dhabi International Property Maintenance Code (ADIPMC 2013)
7. Abu Dhabi International Accessibility Standards (ADIAS 2013)
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B. Example 2 - New Villa
Proposed New B+G+2 Residential Villa consisting of 1 basement garage, on Sector C10 Plot 10,
along Khaleej Al Arabi Street Abu Dhabi.
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A. Example 1 – Change of Use from Villa to Clinic
Proposed Change of Use (1) to Existing B+G+2 Residential Villa to New B+G+2 Dental Clinic
consisting of 1 basement Storage, ground floor Pharmacy and 2 levels of Clinics, on Sector C10
Plot 10, along Khaleej Al Arabi Street Abu Dhabi.
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All drawings shall be numbered in accordance to the format prescribed as follows:
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If any of the above category drawings list totals in excess of 100 sheets, Applicant shall adopt the 1000
series. Example. A1001 to A1999 for floor plans exceeding 100 drawings.
Revision field space shall start with no. 0 and is reserved only for any design revision after Final
Architectural Approval is obtained, hence modifications, additions, etc.
Any submission of drawings after the initial approval shall always include an updated drawings list
indicating the latest revision number for each drawing.
The E-signature system launched on the 10th March 2013 have replace all manual signatures and wet
stamping of hard copy drawings submitted to Construction Permits Directorate after 15th February
The main objectives of the e-Signature/Digital Signature Solution Implementation project as follows:
a) To facilitate the authorizations and approval of documents electronically thereby facilitating the
ability to conclude transactions electronically as well as to facilitate an entirely electronic
management of documents including documents issued to ADM and from ADM.
b) To implement a solution to sign documents and forms at application level, working side-by-side with
other software and applications used by ADM during building permit procedures.
c) To shorten the authorization and approval time within the organization thereby improving its
reactivity and efficiency.
d) Reduce/eliminate the need to print, sign and scan paper documents.
e) To ensure that documents exchanged within the ADM are valid and trusted.
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b) Ensure drawing numbering of each drawing file shall comply with the prescribed numbering format
outlined in this document – see item 4.6.
c) Ensure each drawing is converted to dwf format to facilitate reading by the E-signature software.
d) Ensure drawing title block is formatted as per diagram 4 – download template from
(Note: CAD properties are already inserted on the above files and ready to be used following E-
signature requirements)
Centt – Client validation tool also available through ADM’s web portal. This tool will facilitate
Consultants to check full compliance with electronic signature requirements before they approach
ADM for project submissions.
Consultants shall install the software from the below mentioned link and shall validate project
drawings (DWF files) before uploading into CDP system.
Once completed the validation process, please proceed with the following:
- Include CENTT’s report (as a txt file) on the same plan ID.
- Name validation file as per validated drawings eg. A000-A400.dwf (validated drawings), A000-
A400.txt (Centt-Validation report)
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Diagram 4 - Drawing Title Block
8 cm high x 12 cm wide
minimum signature box
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Document No. ARCH – 01 Title Architectural Submission Requirements
Revision No. 03 Date 26-4-2016
This document outlines the general requirements applicable to all Architectural submissions.
The types of permit are tabulated in document INT-01, section 3.0.
Architectural submission can be broadly categorized into two main headings - Preliminary and Final
Architectural Submission, as outlined in document FC-01, section 2.
The two categories of Architectural submissions are not mutually exclusive, and should be seen as
integrated phases for permitting work in view of the desired construction sequence or contract
package associated to the proposed development.
This document provides clear guidelines to enable the applicant to lodge the appropriate submittals.
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The applicant shall be aware of the criteria listed in document PI-01, and shall compile and upload all
supporting documents and forms to the online ADM portal.
Applicant(s) who wish to meet with the Project Coordinator to clarify the content of document PI-01
relating to his/her project can do so by email to Engineer Dawood Alkindi (
Dawood.Alkindi@adm.abudhabi.ae) or Ms Khulood Alkatheeri (
Khulood.Alkatheeri@adm.abudhabi.ae) to request for a pre-consultation before lodging a formal
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Applicant must ensure that the final architectural drawings are fully developed with enough details
and information to facilitate a thorough technical review by the Construction Permits Directorate-
Development Projects Permitting Section (DPSS), otherwise the application will be denied.
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The applicant will be notified via the public portal (CDP) once a reviewer has been assigned and the
review process will officially commence. The reviewer may schedule meeting with the applicant for
clarification and to offer guidance in the event that the submittals are found to be lacking in details or
information. When notified, the applicant is obliged to meet with the reviewer promptly to avoid any
delay to the review process.
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The Applicant shall use the prescribed form to lodge a modification application, together with the
relevant supporting documentation(s) from relevant authorities and architectural modification
drawings submittal. All deviations shall be clearly clouded and annotated.
The Applicant shall exercise his/her professional judgment/knowledge to determine the necessary
approved drawings and supporting documents/NOC/approval letters required by relevant Competent
Authorities arising from the deviations.
The Applicant is also strongly advised to consult the Construction Permits Directorate-Development
Projects Permitting Section (DPPS) when any one of the following major deviations occurs during
construction and/or after the building permit has been issued:
a) Change of use – refers to any change in occupancy, land use and zoning which deviated from
the approved drawings/documentation previously endorsed by Competent Authority (eg. UPC,
b) Change in the phasing strategy – refers to partial completion and handover of development
which deviated from the approved phasing plan endorsed by Competent Authority (eg. UPC,
c) Additional structures/spaces – refers to additional building works which resulted in an increase
in gross floor area and/or density of the development.
d) Change of vehicular ingress and egress points – refers to the relocation and/or changes in the
numbers of vehicular entrance and exit points of the development which deviated from the
original approval endorsed by Competent Authority (eg. DOT, ADCD )
e) Increase in building height – refers to any height increase of building(s) in the development
beyond the limit imposed by Competent Authority (eg. UPC, GCAA )
f) Changes in pedestrian circulation route – refers to any diversion or change in pedestrian
circulation pattern around the development site which deviated from approval by Competent
Authority (eg. UPC, DOT)
g) Changes in podium or streetscape design – refers to changes in the development’s podium
design (eg. scale, materials, openings etc) which deviated from approval by Competent
Authority (eg. UPC)
h) Changes in overall building thermal envelope and fenestration design – refers to changes in the
building’s insulation and façade materials/design which deviated from approved ESTIDAMA
pearl rating.
i) Changes in the building elevations, volume and massing – refers to the changes in the overall
building(s) aesthetics that deviated from approved Development Control Regulation from UPC.
j) Changes in the safety and security design and planning – refers to any changes of the built
environment from approved parameters that warrants a revalidation by UPC Safety & Security
The above mentioned scenarios will require special scrutiny by the relevant authorities and the
Construction Permits Directorate-Development Projects Permitting Section (DPPS) reserves the right to
halt any construction works affected by the changes.
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Applicant shall be responsible for the following:
a) Comply with prevailing building codes, regulation and by-laws.
b) Submit all mandatory documents specified in this manual and other additional supporting
documents, reports (hard copy) or CD (soft copy records) deemed important by the
Construction Permits Directorate-Development Projects Permitting Section (DPPS) during the
drawing review and/or the permitting stage
c) Professionally prepared drawings that enable reviewer to conduct effective and thorough
d) Seek clarification if comments issued by ADM officials are not clear or ambiguous.
e) Follow-up on corrective action within the specified time period as instructed by ADM Officials.
f) Ensure no recurring mistakes and non-compliance in the resubmission.
g) Declare all data and information presented is accurate and consistent.
h) Coordination with relevant competent authorities to ensure documents and drawings reflect
the actual intent of the proposal at time of application for building permit.
i) The electronic endorsements (signature and stamp) and its content on ADM approved drawings
must not be tempered, abused or misappropriated for any circumstance beyond its intended
legal purpose.
A breach of any of the above mentioned constitutes a violation and will result in the
suspension/rejection of the application. Penalty will also be imposed on the applicant for failing to
abide by the rules and regulation of Abu Dhabi Municipality.
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Diagram 5A – Project Record Sheet-1
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Diagram 5A – Project Record Sheet-2
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Diagram 5B – Drawing List
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Diagram 5C – Code Analysis Sheet
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Document No. STR – 01 Title Structural Submission Requirements
Revision No. 01 Date 26-4-2016
This document outlines the general requirements applicable to all Structural submissions.
Structural submission can be broadly categorized into two main headings – Substructure and
This document provides clear guidelines to enable the applicant to lodge the appropriate submittals.
2.1 Substructure
2.1.1 Geotechnical Report
2.1.2 Information to be shown on Drawings Shoring Marine Works Shallow Foundation Deep Foundation (piles)
2.1.3 Calculations Load Calculation Gravity Load Lateral Load Earthquake Loads Thermal Loads Accepted Software
2.2 Superstructure
2.2.1 General Requirements Concrete Buildings
2.2.2 Design Checklist
2.2.3 Additional Foundation Requirements
2.2.4 Additional Vertical Element Requirements
2.2.5 Additional Horizontal Element Requirements
2.2.6 Accepted Software
Detailed geotechnical investigation reports shall be submitted with the structural drawings for
every project by the consultant shall ensure that the required amount of boreholes are carried
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out to the required depth by the geotechnical engineer, to the requirements of the nominated
code of practice for site investigations .
Geotechnical investigation reports are to contain, but not be limited to, the following
information applicable:
Parameters for the geotechnical design of piles.
Assessment of geotechnical conditions of pile construction and installation.
Potential for ground heave, damage to adjacent structures or neighboring piles.
Vibration effects and potential for damage to adjacent structures.
Near surface conditions for lateral load design.
Spring stiffness of vertical and lateral soil (varying with depth) as required for design
purposes (for piles and rafts).
Allowable bearing capacity of the founding material.
Allowable shaft adhesion.
Recommendations for shallow foundation such bearing capacity, excavation depth, cement
type ……etc.
Short term and long term design parameters, in particular for retaining walls.
Allowable anchor restraint parameters for shoring design.
Potential for slope instability.
Potential for liquefaction and design requirements and/ or ground improvement techniques
to overcome the phenomenon.
Assessment of site conditions on pile durability ( sulphates, chlorides, PH in soil and water ).
Groundwater level, dewatering requirements and possible affect on surrounding buildings.
Earthquake ground classification factor in accordance to the requirements of the uniform
building code.
Excavation of soil and rock.
Porosity of the soil for possible concrete aggression.
Any other comments relevant to design and construction as may revealed by the
investigation and testing.
Subsequent to completion of soil investigation works and all necessary laboratory testing,
the consultant must submit documents certifying that:
All soil investigation works and laboratory works have been witnessed by a qualified
representative of the consultant.
All works have been carried out in accordance with the nominated code of practice for site
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Proper equipment and tools, duly calibrated, have been used by qualified and experienced
personnel during all soil investigation and testing works, and that the test results have been
reviewed and approved by the consultant.
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Dead load: weight of material, equipment and land scaped roof (saturated soil) should
be calculated according to chapter 16 or alternatively in conformance with table C 3-1
and C 3-2 of ASCE 7.
Live loads: live load calculation will be in accordance with chapter 16.
Adopted dead and live loads shell satisfy the recommendations of Abu Dhabi
Municipality. LATERAL LOAD
Soil lateral load: soil load calculation in accordance with table 1610.1.
Wind load :
1) Minimum design loads for building and other structures, including supplement 1 &
2 ( ASCE 7-05)
2) Wind load shell be based on basic wind speed ( 3- second gust ) 27m/ sec. 10 years
return period and 40 m/ sec. 50 years return period.
3) Reliable wind tunnel test study reflecting climatic site condition where it looks
provision not applicable.
4) All buildings shall be designed to limit maximum drift under 10 years return period
wind speed to 1/500 of building height above ground.
5) All buildings shall be designed to resist 50 year return period wind load.
6) Adequate provisions shall be adopted to eliminate risk and damage to non structure
element due to story drift.
7) The maximum allowed story acceleration due to 10 year retune period wind load
shall be limited to 15 mg for residential and hotels and 20 mg for offices towers. EARTHQUAKE LOADS
Minimum design loads for buildings and the structure including supplements 1&2 ( ASCE
Seismic loads shall be based on mapped spectral response accelerations Ss and S1
issued by Abu Dhabi jurisdiction.
For the design of substructure purposes the structure response modification coefficient
(R shall be equal one= 1. 0) THERMAL LOADS
For structures are to exposed to we other the members shall be designed for a 25°
uniform temperature changes.
For structures are exposed to the atmosphere from the outside surface the members
shall he designed for 25° non uniform temperature.
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Members provided with expansion joints at maximum distances 60 meters do not need
thermal effect study
The design of concrete structural members will be based on relevant standards.
Structural design of all projects submitted to the municipality for approval shell
ensure that the work is carried out by licensed and qualified consultant with
structural engineers having the necessary qualifications and experience .
Design philosophy, complete design criteria and full calculation and analysis shell
be submittal in soft and hard copy format.
Consultant shall ensure that structure is economically designed (as appropriate)
and must ensure that design and details are buildable.
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Loading Requirements
Dead loads
Live load ( including any pattern load and heavy load / compactus requirements )
Wind load
Earthquake loads
Earth pressures
Water pressures
Buoyancy loads
Ground movements and differential foundation settlements
Dynamic effects / vibration resonance loads
Thermal loads
Moisture variation ( shrinkage and swelling )
Expansion loads
Axial shortening of columns
Pre-stress ( hyperstatic reactions )
Impact and breaking loads
Construction loads
Serviceability requirements
Deflections/sag ( including allowance long term creep and shrinkage effects )
Hogging ( especially for post tensioned beams and cantilever back spans )
Axial shortening / extension
Rotation due to torsional effects
Crack control ( minimum pre stress level for post tensioned concrete )
Allowance for articulation of masonry wall as required
Allowance for brittle finishes
Stability requirements
Overturning and uplift
Strength requirements
Flexural strength ( including minimum strength requirements )
Beam shear strength (including minimum strength requirements )
Punching shear strength
Torsional strength
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Bearing strength
Anchor strength for post tensioned beams
Foundation strength
Pre stress levels within acceptable limits
Detailing requirements
Tendon placement priority over reinforcement
Tendon/ reinforcement clash at columns etc
Penetrations through slabs and beams
Set downs, steps and sloping surfaces
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Punching shear
Beam shear
Flexural strength
Torsional strength
Anchor strength
*Geotechnical reports shall be submitted to the requirements of part 1, piling.
Load calculation by tributary area method and moment shear factor method should accompanied by
plan drawings indicating the tributary areas. The use of software to calculate column reactions is
permitted, although should be accompanied by hand calculations using the prior mentioned methods.
Calculations must show if columns are short or slender, according to the code provision.
All column design must be accompanied by moment interaction diagrams taking into account
slenderness effects.
Additional bending moments due to column beam/slab joints must be included in calculations,
including any secondary effects ( hyper static reactions ) from unbalanced post tensioning reactions.
Edge beams around a radius and general torsionally loaded beams must allow for additional
longitudinal reinforcement and stirrups. All stirrups must be closed to ensure adequate tensional
resistance is achieved.
Slabs modeled using finite element method must clearly indicate all assumptions considered to predict
deflections, and must ensure that full moment connections are not modeled where they can develop
into pinned connections.
Transfer slabs must limit deflections to span/1000 to ensure that elements and partitions on above
floors do not crack.
All plans and sections relevant to the project for all structural elements
Class and, where appropriate, grade designation of concrete
Exposure classification
Reference number and date of issue of applicable design standard
Fire rating (if not specified on architectural drawings)
Loading (superimposed dead load and live load to all slab plans and wind and earthquake loads)
Grade and type of reinforcement and tendons
General notes
Concrete cover to reinforcement
The finish and method of control for unformed surfaces
Class of formwork for the surface finish
Curing procedure and duration
DPPS Procedure Manual – Structural Submission Requirements-Rev-1
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The force required in each tendon, the maximum jacking force to be applied and the order in
which the tenders are to be stressed
The location and details of planned construction or movement joints connections and splices ,
and the method to be used for their protection
The minimum period of time before stripping of forms and removal of shores
Any constraints on construction assumed in the design
Any special protective coatings
Characteristic compressive strength at 28 days
Characteristic flexural strength if required
Characteristic indirect tensile strength if required
Mean 7 days strength
Other early age strength
Slump of concrete
Cement type
Maximum aggregate size
Water/cement ratio
Maximum 56 day shrinkage
Density if required
Maximum water soluble acid(chloride ion) if required
Maximum sulphate concrete (SO3) if required
Temperature range at point of discharge if required
Testing requirements if required
Project assessment of concrete production if required
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Document No. PLUMB – 01 Title Plumbing Submission Requirements
Revision No. 02 Date 26-4-2016
This document outlines the general requirements applicable to all Plumbing submissions ie. water
supply, foul and storm water drainage.
Plumbing submission can be broadly categorized into two main headings - Preliminary and Final
Plumbing Submission.
This document provides clear guidelines to enable the applicant to lodge the appropriate submittals.
The project preliminary plumbing design submission shall proceed in parallel with architectural
submission. The Applicant must be well aware of the Uniform Plumbing Code of Abu Dhabi Emirate
while preparing the plans.
The Code has been issued by the Honored Executive Council Decree of Abu Dhabi Emirate and
authorized Abu Dhabi City Municipality to follow-up its application and execution (see authorization
letter attachment 1).
The Plumbing Submission shall attach the following mandatory documents prior to Plumbing technical
a. ADDC, Abu Dhabi Original, color copy MUST BE OBTAINED from DEVELOPER,
Developer’s distribution Company. showing external infrastructures (Outside the Plot
Affection Plan b. ADSSC, Abu Dhabi Boundaries) whether they are existing or still under design
sewerage services by a Specialist Utilities Consultant.
Company Approval
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c. Environment Authority
Department (EAD). The Applicant must ensure that the relevant No-Objection
d. RSB, Regulation and Certificates or Approvals from the Authorities Having
Supervisory Bureau . Jurisdiction to initiate such works are available at the time
e. Tadweer, The Center of of submission.:
Waste Management - Abu a. The water demand notification copy (WDN) & Water
Dhabi. Supply Riser Diagram approval before uploading
f. BUNYA – Utility & plumbing drawings for review.(see sample reference 1,
Infrastructure Coordinator 2, 3 & 4)
(Al Reem Island) b. The Project Plot’s external sewage manhole(s), the
NOC ,No-Objection
2. project plot’s external sewage manhole(s) must be
allocated on the site layout with coordinates, cover
level, invert level and pipe diameter. The
responsibilities of sewerage systems within / outside
plot boundaries are explained clearly as per ADSSC.
(see sample reference 5)
c. EAD & RSB Project Approval of sewerage treatment
unites If there is any type of treatment.
d. Tadweer, Center of Waste Management in Abu Dhabi
for Industrial, chemical projects approval.
The complementary role of the Development Projects Permit Section regarding the internal Sanitary
Engineering (Plumbing & Utility Works) is to coordinate with the External Infrastructures (outside the
plot boundaries) whether they are existing or still under consideration by a specialist utilities
The preliminary plumbing submission review is to ensure that the architectural design has been
finalised and locations of service ducts, shafts (for Plumbing only) are secured and shown on the plans
within the project’s buildings. More over to ensure also that internal utilities (within the plot limits) are
designed as per the applied standards, will be compatible with the external infrastructures, connected
and functioning smoothly. (Manholes, Inspection Chambers MUST BE WITHIN THE PLOT LIMITS).
If the project is a Design-and-Build contract, the Contractor is obliged to assign a specialized Consultant
in the field of sanitary engineering or plumbing works to prepare the preliminary design in a single line
diagram plans and schematic riser diagrams.. The aim of such submission is also to make good
coordination between the internal plumbing services, sanitary works and the external infrastructures
around the plot limits. The preliminary plumbing submission generally shall consist of each of the
following three services (Water Supply, Foul Drainage and Stormwater Drainage) :
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g. Riser diagram colored (scale 1:100) for foul drainage facility including lift stations, manholes
and pressure break chambers …etc.
h. Riser diagram (scale 1:100) for storm drainage facility including lift stations, catch basin,
manholes etc.
Applicant(s) may be required to submit supporting drawings or reports for certain specialists’
components for a better understanding of its intent and its correlation with the rest of the building
In the revision of preliminary submissions, the design consultant shall be ready to attend to ADM
offices for any technical discussions.
Any details, technical cross sections required by ADM plumbing engineer to support project
preliminary design or developed detail design of certain specialists’ works may be in its early stage of
design and can be submitted later during the Final Plumbing Submission stage
The preliminary plumbing drawings submission shall be approved with electronic E- Signature as
“Preliminarily approved”.
A final design submission usually follows a preliminary approval ( after Obtaining Building Permit ) and
can be use a preliminary plumbing approval without a prior final plumbing submission. However in
some instances involving simple structure or building works the Applicant must make full set of
workshop drawing as a prior final submission for the purpose of expediting the approval process
provided he / she has complied and obtained all clearances / NOCs / approvals from relevant
competent authorities.
Applicant must ensure that the final plumbing drawings are fully developed with enough details and
information to facilitate a thorough technical review by the Construction Permits Directorate-
Development Projects Permitting Section (DPPS).
The submission of the plumbing / sanitary work drawings (A1/AO) shall consist of the following:
a. Site plan (scale 1:100) / Affection Plan (scale 1:100) showing external interface utilities points.
b. Floor plans (scale 1:100) for water supply piping works, enlarged details (scale 1:50)/1:25)
c. Floor plans (scale 1:100) for foul drainage piping works, enlarged details (scale 1:50)/1:25)
d. Floor plans (scale 1:100) for storm drainage piping works, enlarged details (scale 1:50)/1:25)
e. Riser diagram colored (scale 1:100) for water supply facility
f. Riser diagram colored (scale 1:100) for foul drainage facility
g. Riser diagram colored (scale 1:100) for storm drainage facility
h. Typical details, cross-sections (scale 1:100/1:50) for inspection chambers, manholes, pressure
reducing chambers, valve chamber, pump rooms, plant rooms, lift stations, toilet areas,
washing areas, kitchens, laundries, laboratories etc showing all proposed plumbing works.
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i. Calculation sheets for water supply, foul drainage and storm drainage based on uniform
Plumbing Code of Abu Dhabi Emirates. The design and calculation sheets must be prepared by
Plumbing/Sanitary Engineering Design Specialist.
j. Calculation sheets, tables and hydraulic profiles (longitudinal sections) for large scale plots, foul
and storm water drainage networks. Hydraulic Modeling for Storm and Foul Drainage Networks
shall be requested for large scale plots.
k. The Treatment Units/Plants (if any) shall be submitted to the concerned authorities as
mentioned before for revision, checking and approval in order to ensure that the final effluents
are in compliance with there chemical and bacteriological parameters and safe to be
discharged in the external utilities.
The Applicant must approach the above mentioned authorities to obtain their ratification for his
Plant(s) and attach the approval with his final submission to ADM.
In the event of a “Denied” or “Correction” status, the Applicant will be notified to visit ADM to collect a
set of mark-up drawings (soft copy) of the submittal made earlier. A list of comments for corrective
action will also be posted online in the project document folder for Applicant’s reference.
Applicant can request the reviewer for a follow-up meeting to clarify any of the comments listed, or
make any enquiry via email.
It is strongly recommended that the Applicant studies carefully the mark-up drawings together with
the list of comments provided by the reviewer.
Applicant may be required to make a resubmission within a specified time period or risk being placed
on queue/waiting list before the case is re-opened by the reviewer and project coordinator.
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In the event of an “Approval with Conditions” status, the Applicant will be notified by the reviewer
and/or project coordinator. The conditions stated shall be fulfilled by the Applicant within a specified
time period or risk cancellation. When all conditions have been met, the project will be reverted to
“Approved” status online, and Applicant can proceed with the aforementioned activities to obtain the
applied permit. Applicant shall exercise due diligence in meeting the conditions promptly and not
assume an extension could be granted.
In the event of an “Approved” status, the plumbing drawings must submitted online will receive an
electronic signature and stamp (see Doc-GR-01), the Applicant can gain access to the electronically
approved drawings online and print them for use and general record purposes.
The Applicant will be requested to meet with the ADM reviewer for one of the following processes:
a. Upload all project documents, design drawings endorsed by the reviewer as per Abu Dhabi
municipality regulation.
b. Receive the submittal with comments through CDP and will be considered approved on line as
A specified time period will be fixed in the follow up sheet(s) for correction(s) of the drawings
and/or calculations incorporating all comments and re-submitting new set of drawing(s) and/or
It is strongly recommended that the applicant scrutinizes the mark-up drawings together with the list
of comments provided by the reviewer. The applicant may request via email to modify the
resubmission date within the specified time stated in CDP system. Once the resubmission is officially
received by the reviewer, the applicant will be notified via email or through CDP. An average
turnaround time of Ten (10) working days can be expected per reviewing the resubmission. The
applicant will be notified via CDP system with the date in which he / she will be requested to attend to
ADM to collect the commented drawings. The Consultant shall resubmit the final set of drawings
incorporating all comments by ADM Plumbing Engineer for subsequent review and E-sign through the
The final ADM approved plumbing drawings shall be kept/ or copied on site for the purpose of site
inspections during the execution phase. If any modifications to the final approved plumbing drawings
are required due to civil construction conditions, the specific drawing(s) shall be modified and
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submitted to ADM for approval before commencement or proceeding. The modified drawing(s) upon
approval shall supersede the old drawing(s) and kept/ or copied on site as before.
If errors occur during construction stages, the responsible Consultant shall immediately inform ADM
in-charge sanitary engineer of the deviation(s) from the approved plumbing drawings and shall furnish
him / her with full detailed report(s) as well as corrective actions/remedial processes.
Project Consultant must have full responsibility for coordination with ADM architect &
plumbing engineer to provide enough shafts for pipes installation. Whenever foul, waste, vent,
storm water or water supply.
All internal drainage installations shall not be installed above any occupiable and habitable
spaces. ( eg. bedrooms, dining, living, ballroom, reception, meeting, computer, operation,
sterilization, conference, patients rooms, food preparation rooms, food storage, food display
rooms / areas etc)
Consultant must coordinate with the Developer for locating the foul drainage manholes,
inspection chambers within the plot boundaries. These manholes/inspection chambers shall be
interfacing the external utility services directly.
Consultant and Contractor shall ensure that no any type of plumbing/ sanitary works or
installations shall be executed on the site without ADM approval. Any unauthorized work
carried out on site is considered a violation and shall be the Contractor’s duty to
dismantle/demolish and make good the assembly in accordance to the prescribed standards
and codes.
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Attachment 1 – Executive Council Letter
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Sample Reference 1
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Sample Reference 2
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Sample Reference 3
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Sample Reference 4
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Sample Reference 5
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Sample Reference 5 - continued
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