CED-CP-007 - Accreditation Client Procedure Rev. 03, Mar17
CED-CP-007 - Accreditation Client Procedure Rev. 03, Mar17
CED-CP-007 - Accreditation Client Procedure Rev. 03, Mar17
Table of Contents
1.0 Purpose
2.0 Scope
3.0 References
4.0 Definitions
8.0 Payment
1.0 Purpose
This document is to define Accreditation Section procedures and processes. The aim
of Accreditation is to ensure quality and performance of both design and construction
in all projects under Trakhees CED jurisdiction.
Trakhees CED regulations are in force for all Construction Developments which
undergo the process of Permits issued by CED. Accreditation programs are designed
to move these processes from Quality Control to Quality Assurance and for
accredited personnel to be well-versed in the contents of the regulations so as to help
them comply with the Authority's requirements. This will ensure a smooth interaction
that will lead to better communication, speedy construction avoiding any
consequences arising from violating the Authority's rules and regulations.
2.0 Scope
This procedure will apply to All Consultants, Contractors and Master Developers
Representatives assigned to the projects under Trakhees jurisdiction. All interactions with
Trakhees will require engineers and architects from all consultants, contractors and Master
Developers to be accredited as per the issued circulars for Trakhees Accreditation
Requirements available in Trakhees website.
3.0 References
4.0 Definitions:
5.0 Procedure:
To register for CED Accreditation courses, participant must complete and submit
the Online Registration Form.
Registered participants can collect the related Accreditation book in advance (one
seat per registration) or can collect on the assessment day.
Participants require going through the online materials for the registered course,
after which they are to reserve/book for attending the assessment by selecting from
the published assessment schedule. (Schedule is available online on monthly basis)
For the online assessment, participants are required to obtain at least 60% correct
answers to pass successfully and complete the program.
Results will be released within five working days maximum after the program and
the notification will be received by the attended participants with Pass or Fail.
Pass: If the participant passes then he can collect his ID card/ Certificate of
Fails: If participant fails, then they must re-attend the assessment. Assessment fee
will be imposed and participants have to make the payment and apply for the next
available schedule.
7.0 Payment
Please refer to Trakhees payment method instructions, which are standard for all payments
to Trakhees, as indicated on all issued Payment Advices.