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Nonconformity Control

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Chidinma Agwu

CISS 3362- Security Policy

Dr. Ahmad Al-Omari

Practice Assignment

Nonconformity Control
Written amendments to the cable routing tables A.12.5.1- Change control procedures;
did not demonstrate any formal authorization. The implementation of changes shall be
Network change requests were not available to controlled by the use of formal change control
support the amendments. procedures.

In the archives, completed loan application and A.15.1.3- Protection of organizational records;
sanction forms were found to be badly damaged Important records shall be protected from loss,
due to the poor state of the roof. destruction and falsification, in accordance with
statutory, regulatory, contractual, and business
A written instruction requires all employees to A.7.2.2- Information labeling and handling;
inform the Security Manager if they see An appropriate set of procedures for information
equipment without the appropriate asset labeling and handling shall be developed and
inventory tag. Not all personnel interviewed were implemented in accordance with the classification
aware of this requirement. scheme adopted by the organization.

At the time of the audit, the process for reviewing A.15.2.1- Compliance with security policies and
compliance with security policies and standards;
standards/procedures had not been Managers shall ensure that all security procedures
implemented. The audit plan, yet to be started, within their area of responsibility are carried out
did identify that compliance checks will be carried correctly to achieve compliance with security
out to ensure compliance with legal requirements policies and standards.
is being achieved and maintained.

Procedures within the data center did not detail A.13.1.1- Reporting information security events;
the steps to be followed in the event of a major Information security events shall be reported
systems failure; however, the operator on duty at through appropriate management channels as
the time of the audit said that he had been quickly as possible.
instructed to contact the duty manager.

Security conditions had not been addressed in the A.8.1.1- Roles and responsibilities;
following contracts with suppliers: Security roles and responsibilities of employees,
 TB - telecommunications provider contractors and third party users shall be defined
 SED - responsible for running IT and documented in accordance with the
operations organization’s information security policy.

The current testing standard version 1.1 does not A.12.2.1- Input data validation;
currently state that a Security Test Plan has to be Security roles and responsibilities of employees,

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compiled; therefore not ensuring that security is contractors and third party users shall be defined
build into the system. and documented in accordance with the
organization’s information security policy.
While speaking with the network administrator it A.10.10.4- Administrator and operator logs;
became apparent that the firewall routinely fell System administrator and system operator
over every Friday morning. These incidents were activities shall be logged.
not recorded in the Security Incident Log. When
questioned, the administrator said he knew about
the problem; therefore, there was no need to
record it in the log.
Procedures state that no software unless provided A.12.4.1- Control of operational software;
by corporate IT must be loaded onto the network There shall be procedures in place to control the
without the prior permission of the IT manager. installation of software on operational systems.
The marketing department was using a new data
analysis tool, which was sent to them direct from
the developers after their agreement to take part
in the testing of the new tool in return for a free
copy of the finished product.

Files containing confidential information on five

major clients could not be found within records.
The filing clerk stated that they had probably been
taken home by one of the staff and not yet been
returned. The clerk also said that they could not
take any further action and would wait until the
files were returned.

Security Procedure CIA12 requires that suitability A.11.5.2- User identification and authentication;
identity checks by undertaken for all employees. All users shall have a unique identifier (user ID) for
No objective evidence to support this process was their personal use only, and a suitable
observed in the case of the security guard, the authentication technique shall be chosen to
receptionist, and the systems administrator; the substantiate the claimed identity of a user.
latter being the brother of the wife of the
Managing Director.

A common password was used throughout the A.11.3.1- Password use;

organization to gain access to Microsoft office Users shall be required to follow good security
software. This was used to save time in issuing practices in the selection and use of passwords.
and reissuing passwords to 500 users in the

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