ISO27k ISMS 9.2 Audit Exercise 2021 - Crib Sheet - English
ISO27k ISMS 9.2 Audit Exercise 2021 - Crib Sheet - English
ISO27k ISMS 9.2 Audit Exercise 2021 - Crib Sheet - English
Crib sheet
These are model answers to the ISO27k audit exercise. You may not agree with these suggestions and you may well be right, not least
because the organizational context or situation markedly affects things (e.g. many of the information risks and hence controls needed
by a small law firm are quite different to, say, a large, mature defence contractor).
Remember: the primary objective of this exercise is to practice the process and refine your auditing skills, learning and improving.
There are explanatory notes beneath the table.
6. Marketing Department is Sensitive business information is In accordance with the security policy, external parties
working on new product being released to the vendor must formally commit to a suitable NDA before being
launches in conjunction without the appropriate controls given access to information classified ‘confidential’;
with a professional services in place; premature or further assurance controls may also be appropriate to
A.13.2.4 nc
supplier (an advertising inappropriate disclosure of the ensure they comply with the obligations to protect, use
agency) that has not signed information is likely to cause and not disclose the information inappropriately; this
a Non-Disclosure reputational harm and loss of audit finding relates to an incident that should be
Agreement revenue handled through the incident management process
8. Leavers’ network accounts Measure and drive up compliance with the policies and
are not promptly disabled Leavers may retain and exploit procedures through better training, clear management
A.9.2.1 nc
as required in the leavers’ their access to the network direction, plaudits for compliance, penalties for non-
procedures and policies compliance etc.
10. The document control in The current IAR is inaccurate and Review information assets and the associated risks
the Information Asset potentially missing important periodically (e.g. every 1-3 years depending on
+ NC
Register shows the last assets that should be identified, volatility) in accordance with the ISMS requirements,
update was 5 years ago risk-assessed and treated updating the relevant registers accordingly
12. No evidence of information Distinct possibility that some Revise the risk management process to evaluate all
risks being formally 8.2 NC information risks are identified information risks and retain relevant
evaluated inadequately treated supporting evidence (formalise the process)
16. When questioned, some Through suitable assurance arrangements (e.g. surveys,
NC/nc Employees and organization are
workers were substantially 7.3 tests, checks), management should ensure all workers
depending on exposed to the security risk of
ignorant of the + are sufficiently aware of the policy and their obligations
materiality losing organization's data and
organization’s information A.7.2.1 through awareness and training activities, clauses in
(significance) other valuable assets
security policy employment contracts/service agreements etc.
17. The organization has little if Understanding the business context - both internally
The organization is probably out
any contact with industry 4.1 and external to the organization - is an essential part of
of touch with recent/ongoing
peers and other local + NC information risk and security management … so
incidents and challenges in its
businesses on information A.6.1.4 establish social links, attend forums and generally
industry and area
security matters engage with applicable communities of interest
18. At least one NC from 10.1 The organization cannot be Top management should prioritise and resource the
previous audits remains + NC (re)certified with major resolution of NCs appropriately, re-affirming the
unresolved A.18.2.2 noncompliances importance of and their support for the ISMS
19. Some privacy issues have Delayed responses to incidents Whereas it would be unreasonable to insist that all
not been reported and near-misses reduces incidents are instantly reported, prompt reporting of
promptly through the A.16.1.2 Obs efficiency and effectiveness e.g. [potentially] serious incidents can markedly improve
designated reporting by limiting managements choices the speed and efficiency of the incident responses; this
mechanisms of how to respond finding suggests an ISMS improvement opportunity
About category
• NC = a complete, blatant or serious failure to do whatever a main body clause of ISO/IEC 27001 requires. This MUST be resolved as a priority in order
for the organization to be certified, as it indicates that the ISMS is not designed and functioning as specified by the standard.
• nc = a relatively minor discrepancy between the organization and a ‘27001 main body clause, for example insufficient hard evidence that the proper
ISMS processes (as specified in the main body of ‘27001) have in fact been followed. This should be addressed and ideally resolved as soon as practicable,
but may not prevent certification.
• obs = not strictly a noncompliance so much as a helpful comment or improvement suggestion. Concerns about the organization’s analysis, decisions
and treatment of its information risks are generally observations. The auditor may have an opinion, and ‘27001 Annex A or other control catalogues
may suggest a different approach, but management has the right to decide what to do. Provided they followed their ISMS processes, and provided
those processes fulfil the ‘27001 main body requirements, differences of opinion or approach on the security controls etc. are not sound reasons to
withhold certification.
• irr = irrelevant to, and probably out of scope of, a typical ISO27k audit. Information security management is such a broad topic that almost anything
relating to the protection of information could be deemed relevant, but that’s not helpful if the central purpose of the audit is to review the ISMS for
compliance with ‘27001. Such issues can be distracting and may be handled informally, perhaps set aside to be picked up later in other audits, reviews
About impacts
Remember that the main objective of an ISMS is to help the organization manage the arrangements necessary to protect valuable information against various
risks, in ways that benefit the business. Compliance with ‘27001 is merely a means to that end, not an end in itself. Describing impacts in business terms
reinforces that distinction, especially if they are clearly of concern to management.
About recommendations
Ultimately management/the client (not the auditor!) decides how to address the findings … but if a certification auditor isn't happy with the response, he/she
may refuse to certify until/unless issues (NCs in particular) are resolved.
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