Training Talp58 Aircraft Marshalling Ramp
Training Talp58 Aircraft Marshalling Ramp
Training Talp58 Aircraft Marshalling Ramp
e-learning course (45 minutes of study)
Learn the fixed wing aircraft marshalling and ramp hand signals based on the IATA Standards in the Airport
Handling Manual (AHM) and IATA Ground Handling Manual (IGOM). In this course, you will learn the principles of
nonverbal ramp communications between the ground and cockpit crew as well as guidance signals for safe
operations of Ground Support Equipment around the aircraft.
Exam information Certificate Awarded
▪ Non-supervised online-based exam. Exam can
Upon successful completion of the exam, you will be
be taken any time at your convenience.
awarded an e-Certificate available for you to print
▪ You will be given 30 minutes to complete 15
for your records.
multiple choice questions.
▪ Passing grade is 80% correct answers.
The completion of this course covers the
▪ You will be given 3 attempts to successfully
complete the final exam. requirement for theoretical training on this topic.
Practical training and examination will be required as
per local airport regulations.