Subtotals tool. 3) Using scenarios and the Tools > Scenarios feature to model "what if" situations by storing variable cell values and switching between scenarios by name."> Subtotals tool. 3) Using scenarios and the Tools > Scenarios feature to model "what if" situations by storing variable cell values and switching between scenarios by name.">
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Zee High School

Class 10 Sub: IT Date: 01.07.2020


SESSION 1: Analyse data using scenarios and goal seek

SESSION 2: Link Data and Spreadsheets
SESSION 3: Share and review a spreadsheet
SESSION 4: Create and use Macros in spreadsheet
Analyze data using scenarios and goal seek
Consolidating data

Data > Consolidate provides a graphical interface for copying data from one range of cells to
another, then running one of a dozen functions on the data. During consolidation, the contents of
cells from several sheets can be combined in one place.

1) Open the document that contains the cell ranges to be consolidated.

2) Choose Data > Consolidate to open the Consolidate dialog (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Defining the data to be consolidated

3) If the Source data range list contains named ranges, you can select a source cell
range to consolidate with other areas.
If the source range is not named, click in the field to the right. and either type a
reference for the first source data range or use the mouse to select the range on the sheet.
(You may need to move the Consolidate dialog to reach the required cells.)
4) Click Add. The selected range now appears on the Consolidation ranges list.
5) Select additional ranges and click Add after each selection.
6) Specify where you want to display the result by selecting a target range from the Copy
results to box.
If the target range is not named, click in the field next to Copy results to and enter the
reference of the target range or select the range using the mouse or position the cursor in
the top left cell of the target range.
7) Select a function from the Function list. The function specifies how the values of the
consolidation ranges are linked. The Sum function is the default setting.

Most of the available functions are statistical (such as AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, STDEV),
and the tool is most useful when you are working with the same data over and over.
8) Optionally click More in the Consolidate dialog to display additional settings.
• Select Link to source data to insert the formulas that generate the results in the
target range, rather than the actual results. If you link the data, any values modified
in the source range are automatically updated in the target range. The corresponding
cell references in the target range are inserted in consecutive rows, which are
automatically ordered and then hidden from view. Only the final result, based on the
selected function, is displayed.
• Under Consolidate by, select either Row labels or Column labels if the cells of the
source data range are not to be consolidated corresponding to the identical position of
the cell in the range, but instead according to a matching row label or column label.
To consolidate by row labels or column labels, the label must be contained in the
selected source ranges. The text in the labels must be identical, so that rows or
columns can be accurately matched. If the row or column label does not match any
that exist in the target range, it will be appended as a new row or column.

9) Click OK to consolidate the ranges.

If you are continually working with the same range, then you probably want to use Data >
Create Range to give it a name.

The data from the consolidation ranges and target range are saved when you save the document. If
you later open a document in which consolidation has been defined, this data will again be

Creating subtotals
SUBTOTAL is a function listed under the Mathematical category when you use the Function
Wizard (Insert > Function). Because of its usefulness, the function has a graphical interface
accessible from Data
> Subtotals.

As the name suggests, SUBTOTAL totals data arranged in a array—that is, a group of cells with
labels for columns and/or rows. Using the Subtotals dialog, you can select arrays, and then choose
a statistical function to apply to them. For efficiency, you can choose up to three
groups of arrays to which to apply a function. When you click OK, Calc adds
subtotals and grand totals to the selected arrays, using the Result and Result2 cell
styles for them.

To insert subtotal values into a sheet:

1) Ensure that the columns have labels.

2) Select the range of cells that you want to calculate subtotals for, and then
choose Data > Subtotals.
3) In the Subtotals dialog (Figure 2), in the Group by box, select the column that
you want to add the subtotals to. If the contents of the selected column
change, the subtotals are automatically recalculated.
4) In the Calculate subtotals for box, select the columns
containing the values that you want to subtotal.
5) In the Use function box, select the function that you want to use to calculate
the subtotals.
6) Click OK.

Figure 2: Setting up subtotals

If you use more than one group, then you can also arrange the subtotals according to
choices made on the dialog’s Options page (Figure 3), including ascending and
descending order or using one of the predefined custom sorts defined in Tools >
Options > Calc > Sort Lists.

Figure 3: Choosing options for subtotals

Using “what if” scenarios

Scenarios are a tool to test “what-if” questions. Use Tools > Scenarios to enter variable
contents—scenarios—in the same cell. Each scenario is named, and can be edited and
formatted separately, and chosen from a drop-down list in the Navigator and the title bar of
the scenario. When you print the spreadsheet, only the contents of the currently active
scenario are printed.

By adding a scenario, you can quickly change the arguments of a formula and view the
new results. For example, if you wanted to calculate different interest rates on an
investment, you could add a scenario for each interest rate, and quickly view the results.
If you had another formula that calculated your yearly income and included the result of
the interest rate formula as an argument, it would also be updated. If all your sources of
incomes used scenarios, you could efficiently build a complex model of your possible
Creating scenarios

To create a scenario, select all the cells that provide the data for the scenario.

1) Select the cells that contain the values that will change between scenarios. To
select multiple cells, hold down the Ctrl key as you click each cell.
2) Choose Tools > Scenarios.
3) On the Create Scenario dialog (Figure 4), enter a name for the new scenario. It’s
best to use a name that clearly identifies the scenario, not the default name as
shown in the illustration. This name is displayed in the Navigator and on the title
bar of the scenario on the sheet itself.

Figure 4: Creating a scenario

4) Optionally add some information to the Comment box. The

example shows the default comment. This information is
displayed in the Navigator when you click the Scenarios icon and
select the desired scenario
5) Optionally select or deselect the options in the Settings section.
See below for more information about these options.
6) Click OK to close the dialog. The new scenario is automatically activated.


The lower portion of the Create Scenario dialog contains several options. In most cases the
default settings (shown selected in the example) are suitable.

Display border
Highlights the scenario in your table with a border. The color for the border is specified
in the field to the right of this option. The border has a title bar displaying the name of
the last scenario. The button on the right of the scenario border offers you an overview
of all the scenarios in this area, if several have been defined. You can choose any of the
scenarios from this list without restrictions.

Copy back
Copies the values of cells that you change into the active scenario. If you do not select
this option, the scenario is not changed when you change cell values. The behavior of the
Copy back setting depends on the cell protection, the sheet protection, and the Prevent
changes settings.

Copy entire sheet

Copies the entire sheet into an additional scenario sheet.

Prevent changes
Prevents changes to the active scenario.
• You can only change the scenario properties if the Prevent changes option is not
selected and if the sheet is not protected.
• You can only edit cell values if the Prevent changes option is selected, if the
Copy back option is not selected, and if the cells are not protected.
• You can only change scenario cell values and write them back into the scenario if the
Prevent changes option is not selected, if the Copy back option is selected, and if
the cells are not protected.
Working with scenarios using the Navigator

After scenarios are added to a spreadsheet, you can jump to a particular scenario by
using the Navigator, then selecting a scenario from the list. You can also color code
scenarios to make them easier to distinguish from one another.

To select a scenario in the Navigator, click the Scenarios icon in the Navigator. The
defined scenarios are listed, with the comments that were entered when the scenarios
were created.

Figure 5: Scenarios in the Navigator

Double-click a scenario name in the Navigator to apply that scenario to the current

To delete a scenario, right-click the name in the Navigator and choose


To edit a scenario, including its name and comments, right-click the name in the
Navigator and choose Properties. The Edit Properties dialog is the same as the
Create Scenario dialog (Figure 4).

To learn which values in the scenario affect other values, choose Tools
> Detective > Trace Dependents. Arrows point to the cells that are directly
dependent on the current cell.
Providing alternate versions of formulas
Like scenarios, Data > Multiple Operations is a planning tool for “what if”
questions. Unlike a scenario, the Multiple Operations tool does not present the
alternate versions in the same cells or with a drop-down list. Instead, the Multiple
Operations tool creates a formula array: a separate set of cells that give all the
alternative results for the formulas used. Although the tool is not listed among the
functions, it is really a function that acts on other functions, allowing you to calculate
different results without having to enter and run them separately.

To use the Multiple Operations tool, you need two arrays of cells. The first array
contains the original or default values and the formulas applied to them. The formulas
must be in a range.

The second array is the formula array. It is created by entering variables—alternative

values—for one or two of the original values. Once the variable values are created, you
use the Multiple Operations tool to specify the formulas you are using, as well as the
original values altered by the variables. The result is the outcome of the formulas using
each variable.

The Multiple Operations tool can use any number of formulas, but only one or two
variables. With one variable, you add different values for the variables as column or
row labels. You then add a column to the right of the column labels or a row below the
row labels (whichever you are using) for the results of each formula using the variable
values. With two variables, the values for one variable are used as column labels, and
the values for the other variable as row labels.

Setting up multiple operations can be confusing at first. For example, when using
two variables, you need to select them carefully, so that they form a meaningful table.
Not every pair of variables is useful to add to the same formula array. Yet, even when
working with a single variable, a new or tired user can easily make mistakes or forget
the relation between cells in the original array and cells in the formula array. In
these situations, Tools > Detective can help to clarify the relations.

You can also make formula arrays easier to work with if you apply some simple design
logic Place the original and the formula array close together on the same sheet, and use
labels for the rows and columns in both. These small exercises in organizational design
will make working with the formula array much less painful, particularly when you
are correcting mistakes or adjusting results.

Multiple operations in columns or rows

In your spreadsheet, enter a formula to calculate a result from values that are stored in
other cells. Then, set up a cell range where you enter some fixed values, and the
Multiple Operations command will calculate the results depending on the formula.

In the Formula field, enter the cell reference to the formula that applies to the data
range. In the Column input cell/Row input cell field, enter the cell reference to the
corresponding cell that is part of the formula. This can be explained best by examples.
(Cell references correspond to those in the following figures.)

Let’s say you produce toys that you sell for $10 each (cell B1). Each toy costs $2 to
make (cell B2), in addition to which you have fixed costs of $10,000 per year (cell
B3). How much profit will you make in a year if you sell a particular number of toys?

Calculating with one formula and one variable

1) To calculate the profit, first enter any number as the quantity (items sold); in
this example, 2000 (cell B4). The profit is found from the formula
Profit=Quantity * (Selling price – Direct costs) – Fixed costs. Enter this formula
in B5: =B4*(B1-B2)-B3.
2) In column D enter given annual sales, one below the other; for example,
500 to 5000, in steps of 500.
3) Select the range D2:E11, and thus the values in column D and the empty cells
alongside in column E.
4) Choose Data > Multiple Operations.
5) With the cursor in the Formulas field of the Multiple operations dialog,
click cell B5.
6) Set the cursor in the Column input cell field and click cell B4. This means that
B4, the quantity, is the variable in the formula, which is replaced by the selected
column values. Figure 6 shows the worksheet and the Multiple operations
7) Click OK. The profits for the different quantities are now shown in column
E. See Figure 7.
Figure 6: Sheet and Multiple operations dialog showing input

Figure 7: Sheet showing results of multiple operations calculations

You may find it easier to mark the required reference in the sheet if you click
the Shrink icon to reduce the Multiple operations dialog to the size of the
input field. The icon then changes to the Maximize icon; click it to restore
the dialog to its original size.
Calculating with several formulas simultaneously
1) In the sheet from the previous example, delete the contents of column E.
2) Enter the following formula in C5: =B5/B4. You are now
calculating the annual profit per item sold.
3) Select the range D2:F11, thus three columns.
4) Choose Data > Multiple Operations.
5) With the cursor in the Formulas field of the Multiple operations dialog,
select cells B5 thru C5.
6) Set the cursor in the Column input cell field and click cell B4.
Figure 8 shows the worksheet and the Multiple operations dialog.

Figure 8: Sheet and dialog showing input

7) Click OK. Now the profits are listed in column E and the annual profit per
item in column F. See Figure 9. (You might want to format column F to show
2 decimal points, for easier comparison of the amounts.)
Figure 9: Results of multiple operations calculations

Multiple operations across rows and columns

You can carry out joint multiple operations for columns and rows in so- called cross-
tables. The formula cell must refer to both the data range arranged in rows and the one
arranged in columns. Select the range defined by both data ranges and call the
multiple operation dialog. Enter the reference to the formula in the Formula field. The
Row input cell and the Column input cell fields are used to enter the reference to the
corresponding cells of the formula.

Calculating with two variables

You now want to vary not just the quantity produced annually, but also the selling
price, and you are interested in the profit in each case.

Expand the table shown above. D2 thru D11 contain the numbers 500, 1000 and so on,
up to 5000. In E1 through H1 enter the numbers 8, 10, 15 and 20.

1) Select the range D1:H11.

2) Choose Data > Multiple Operations.
3) With the cursor in the Formulas field of the Multiple operations dialog,
click cell B5 (profit).
4) Set the cursor in the Row input cell field and click cell B1. This means that
B1, the selling price, is the horizontally entered variable (with the values 8,
10, 15 and 20).
5) Set the cursor in the Column input cell field and click cell B4. This means that
B4, the quantity, is the vertically entered variable.
Figure 10: Sheet and dialog showing input

6) Click OK. The profits for the different selling prices are now shown in
the range E2:H11.

Figure 11: Results of multiple operations calculations

Working backwards using Goal Seek

Tools > Goal Seek reverses the usual order for a formula. Usually, you run a formula
to get the result when certain arguments are entered. By contrast, with Goal Seek,
you work with a completed formula to see what values you need in an argument to get
the results that you want.

To take a simple example, imagine that the Chief Financial Officer of a company is
developing sales projections for each quarter of the forthcoming year. She knows what
the company’s total income must be for the year to satisfy stockholders. She also has a
good idea of the company’s income in the first three quarters, because of the contracts
that are already signed. For the fourth quarter, however, no definite income is
available. So how much must the company earn in Q4 to reach its goal? To answer, the
CFO enters the projected earnings for each of the other three quarters and the
projection for the entire year. Then she runs a goal seek on the cell for Q4 sales, and
receives her answer.
Other uses of goal seek may be more complicated, but the method remains the same. To
run a goal seek, at least one of the values for an argument must be a referenced cell or
range. Only one argument can be altered in a single goal seek. After you get the result of
a goal seek, you can replace the original value in the referenced cell with the result, or
record the result elsewhere for later use, possibly as a scenario.

With the help of Goal Seek you can calculate a value that, as part of a formula, leads to the
result you specify for the formula. You thus define the formula with several fixed values
and one variable value and the result of the formula.

Goal Seek example

To calculate annual interest (I), create a table with the values for the capital (C),
number of years (n), and interest rate (i). The formula is I=C*n*i.

Let us assume that the interest rate i of 7.5% and the number of years n (1) will remain
constant. However, you want to know how much the investment capital C would have to
be modified in order to attain a particular return I. For this example, calculate how much
capital C would be required if you want an annual return of $15,000.

Enter each of the values for Capital C (an arbitrary value like
$100,000), number of years n (1), and interest rate i (7.5%) in one cell each. Enter the
formula to calculate the interest I in another cell. Instead of C, n, and i use the reference
to the cell with the corresponding value. In our example, these are B1, B2, and B3.

1) Place the cursor in the formula cell (the cell containing the interest I),
and choose Tools > Goal Seek.
2) On the Goal Seek dialog, the correct cell is already entered in the Formula cell field.
3) Place the cursor in the Variable cell field. In the sheet, click in the cell that contains
the value to be changed, in this example it is the cell with the capital value C.

4) Enter the desired result of the formula in the Target value field. In this example,
the value is 15000. Figure 12 shows the cells and fields.
Figure 12: Example setup for goal seek

5) Click OK. A dialog appears informing you that the Goal Seek was successful.
Click Yes to enter the result in the cell with the variable value. The result is
shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Result of goal seek operation

Using the Solver

Tools > Solver amounts to a more elaborate form of Goal Seek. The difference is that
the Solver deals with equations with multiple unknown variables. It is specifically
designed to minimize or maximize the result according to a set of rules that you

Each of these rules sets up whether an argument in the formula should be greater than,
lesser than, or equal to the figure you enter. If you want the argument to remain
unchanged, you enter a rule that the cell that contains it should be equal to its current
entry. For arguments that you would like to change, you need to add two rules to define
a range of possible values: the limiting conditions. For example, you can set the
constraint that one of the variables or cells must not be bigger than another variable, or
not bigger than a given value. You can also define the constraint that one or more
variables must be integers (values without decimals), or binary values (where only 0
and 1 are allowed).
Once you have finished setting up the rules, you can adjust the argument and the
results by clicking the Solve button.

Figure 14: The Solver dialog

Let’s Practice

1. A student is planning her goals about the marks she should attain in the forthcoming
Semester 4 examinations in order to achieve a distinction (75%). Assuming that examination of
each subject is for 100 marks, her marks of the previous semesters are given as under.

Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4

Semester 1 82 67 53 87
Semester 2 88 78 76 69
Semester 3 89 85 91 67

Find out how many marks should she obtain in 4th semester to secure distinction.

2. A business owner wants to decide if he should try to increase the sales a product or price of
an existing product in order to increase the profit by 10%.

Current Sales 82
Cost per Unit 75
Profit per unit 12

The owner believes that he can either increase sales by 5 units without incurring additional costs
while the price can be increased by Rs 8 without affecting the sales.

3. The current profit situation of a business owner is as follows.

Current Sales 82
Cost per Unit 75
Profit per unit 12

Using the scenario manager, find the effect of in the new profit in case of the following situations.

a. Sales = 70 and cost = 80

b. Sales = 90 and cost = 72
c. Sales = 85 and cost = 80
d. Sales = 65 and cost = 80

Link Data and Spreadsheets

Using Multiple Workbooks and Linking Cells

RELEVANT Knowledge

Spreadsheet also allows you to link the cells from various worksheets and from various spread
sheets to summarize data from several sources. In this manner, you can create formulas that span
different sources and make calculations using a combination of local and linked information.
Multiple sheets help keep information organized;

Setting up multiple sheets

Identifying sheets
When you open a new spreadsheet it has, by default, it has a sheet named Sheet1 which is managed using
tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet, as shown below.

Inserting new sheets

There are several ways to insert a new sheet. The first step, in all cases, is to select the sheet that
will be next to the new sheet. Then do any of the following:

 Select the plus icon at the bottom of the screen.

 Or, select Home > Insert > Insert Sheet.
Renaming Worksheets
At the bottom of each worksheet window is a small tab that indicates the name of the worksheets in
the workbook. These names (Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, and so on) are not very descriptive; you might
want to rename your worksheets to reflect what they contain. For instance, if your workbook
contains Students Marks in individual Subject then you may want to rename the worksheets as
Subject names such as English, Mathematics and Social Science etc.
There are three ways you can rename a worksheet, and the only difference between them is the way
in which you start the renaming process. You can do any of the following:

 Double-click on one of the existing worksheet names.

 Right-click on an existing worksheet name, then choose Rename from the resulting Context
 Select the worksheet you want to rename (click on the worksheet tab) and then select the
Sheet option from the Format menu. This displays a submenu from which you should select
the Rename option.

Create or change a cell reference

A cell reference refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used to find the
values or data that you want formula to calculate.

In one or several formulas, you can use a cell reference to refer to:

 Data from one or more contiguous cells on the worksheet.

 Data contained in different areas of a worksheet.
 Data on other worksheets in the same workbook.

Creating reference to other sheets

You can refer to cells that are on other worksheets in the same workbook by prepending the
name of the worksheet followed by an exclamation point (!) to the start of the cell reference. In
the following example, the worksheet function named AVERAGE calculates the average value
for the range B1:B10 on the worksheet named Marketing in the same workbook.
1. Refers to the worksheet named Marketing

2. Refers to the range of cells between B1 and B10, inclusively

3. Separates the worksheet reference from the cell range reference

Click the cell in which you want to enter the formula.

In the formula bar , type = (equal sign) and the formula you want to use.

Click the tab for the worksheet to be referenced.

Select the cell or range of cells to be referenced.

Referencing other sheets

There are two ways to reference cells in other sheets: by entering the formula directly using the
keyboard or by using the mouse. We will look at the mouse method first.

Consider the example mentioned below:-

On the Total Sale sheet, set up a place for all four salesman Total Sales, so we know where to
put the cell reference. The figure below shows a Total Sale sheet with a Sale column. We want
to place the reference for the checking total Sale Month in cell B3.

To make the cell reference in cell B3, select the cell and follow these steps.
1. Type = in the formula bar, type sum and click on the sheet tab for the sheet containing the cell to be
referenced. In this case, it is January sheet as shown below.

2. Click on cell B2 (where January sale for Ajay is) in the January sheet. The phrase
=SUM(January!B2 should appear in the input line as shown below

1. Repeat the Steps for February and March. Click the green checkmark in the input line to finish.
2. The Total Sale should now look like the figure below

Creating the reference with the keyboard

From the figure above, you can deduce how the cell reference is constructed. The reference has two parts:
the sheet name (January’) and the cell reference (B2). Notice that they are separated by a period.

Note: The sheet will be in single quotes because it contains a space, and the mandatory period (.) always
falls outside any quotes.

Working with Hyperlinks

1. On a worksheet, click the cell where you want to create a hyperlink.
You can also select an object, such as a picture or an element in a chart that you want to use
to represent the hyperlink.

On the Insert tab, in the Links group, click Hyperlink .

You can also right-click the cell or graphic and then click Hyperlink on the shortcut menu,
or you can press Ctrl+K.
2. Under Link to, click Create New Document.

3. In the Name of new document box, type a name for the new file.

4. Under When to edit, click Edit the new document later or Edit the new document now to
specify when you want to open the new file for editing.

5. In the Text to display box, type the text that you want to use to represent the hyperlink.

6. To display helpful information when you rest the pointer on the hyperlink, click ScreenTip,
type the text that you want in the ScreenTip text box, and then click OK.

Session 3:
Sharing Worksheet Data
Relevant Knowledge

In most office settings, there is a shared drive where teams can store common files for
everyone to use. This usually leads to sighting of the message: “The document [file name] is
locked for editing by another user. To open a read-only copy of this document, click“!! This
message appears because someone else already has the file open. Sometimes however, it is
necessary to have multiple people working on a file at the same time. This can be to either
speed up data entry or simply make things easier for collaboration purposes.

Spreadsheet software allows the user to share the workbook and place it in the network
location where several users can access it simultaneously. in this exercise, you will learn how to
share a worksheet.

open a new spreadsheet and type the following.

Now to share the spreadsheets do the following.

• Click on Share workbook option under Changes group in the Review tab.

• A dialog box appears as shown below.

 Check the option Allow changes by more than one user at the same time. This also allows
workbook merging.
 Click OK.
Note: Most spreadsheets software automatically turns off some features in shared work books.
This is to simplify the workbook since multiple people can be working on the file at the same
time. For example, shared workbooks don’t allow merging cells, conditional formatting, or
inserting pictures/graphs/etc.

Perform the following activity till you are confident:

S.No. Activity
1. Share worksheet data with other users.


Fill in the blanks:

1. Share Workbook option is available in group under the Review tab.

2. Shared workbooks don’t allow , & inserting

or .
Session 4:
Create and use Macros in Spreadsheet
Macros are a very useful feature of Excel.
It helps in saving time in cases when same set of tasks are to be done repeatedly like formatting or
applying similar formula in similar range of data.

In excel, macros can be used to name and record a set of actions or set of actions. These named set
of recorded can be used again and again. The macros (recorded set of actions) are stored in the
same workbook in which you created.

In order to use a macro, we need to create a macro first.

Let us take an example:

To create a macro for calculating the average, minimum and maximum in each subject,

1. Click on the developer tab.

2. Select the first value in the list of marks.
3. Now select the option to give the respective location from where the
steps would be followed.

4. Now click on the option (just above .

5. Following Record Macro dialog window appears on the

6. Give a name to your macro in the Macro name area and

press OK.

7. A keyboard shortcut may also be defined. For example in

the example the shortcut key defined is CTRL +t.

8. Select ‘This Workbook’ in ‘Store Macro In’ option.

9. Click ok.

10. Now click on the cell for calculating average

of English ( E16 in this example) and write the
formula for adding the values

11. Similarly, write the formula for minimum and

maximum as shown in the figure.

12. Do some formatting in the appearance of the cells as shown in the example. Give some background
colour of the cell to highlight the cell as shown
13. Click the button ‘Stop Recording’ in Developer tab to complete the macro recording. The
macro names ‘Macro8’ in the example has been saved.
14. To apply same formatting and have similar calculations for other subjects, click on the first
value of other subject as shown
15. Click on icon to set the relative position of cells where formula is to be

16. Click on the Macro button and a dialog window

showing the existing macros will appear.
17. Select the option Macro8 from the list and press Run button
18. On clicking the button, the average, minimum and maximum
of marks in Hindi will be calculated and formatted according
to the recording done in macro.
19. Similarly run the macro using shortcut key Ctrl + t, by placing
the cursor on the math subject marks.
20. Now you can run the macro either using the shortcut or using the mouse selection method.
21. Click on Edit button to make any changes within the macro.

Writing formula/ equations in MS Word

Writing equations in the MS –word while typing the equations or mathematical expression can be easily
done using Equation option on Symbols Group under Insert Tab.

To write a mathematical expression, click on under Insert tab and the following window

Under the equation tools a wide range of options for writing equations are available. Select

is used to choose the type of fraction

Select the appropriate type and

Click on the ‘type equation here’ area to write the equation.

is used for different types of superscripts and subscript.

provides with the available options to type a radical.

Similarly there are options for integral equations, summation, pi equations, trigonometric functions etc.

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