Certificación Ul Peras Epic
Certificación Ul Peras Epic
Certificación Ul Peras Epic
EX389 Hangers, Pipe
Hangers, Pipe
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Hangers, Pipe
See General Information for Hangers, Pipe
EXETER, NH 038332937 USA
Pipe hangers
Model Hanger Type Rod Size, in. NPS* Comments
http://database.ul.com/cgibin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=VFXT.EX389&ccnshorttitle=Hangers,+Pipe&objid=1074305768&cfgid=1073741824&version=versionless&parent_id=10739945… 1/3
31/8/2015 VFXT.EX389 Hangers, Pipe
110R 7/8
http://database.ul.com/cgibin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=VFXT.EX389&ccnshorttitle=Hangers,+Pipe&objid=1074305768&cfgid=1073741824&version=versionless&parent_id=10739945… 2/3
31/8/2015 VFXT.EX389 Hangers, Pipe
* NPS = Nominal pipe size
, "Anvil"
Last Updated on 20130531
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http://database.ul.com/cgibin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/showpage.html?name=VFXT.EX389&ccnshorttitle=Hangers,+Pipe&objid=1074305768&cfgid=1073741824&version=versionless&parent_id=10739945… 3/3