Department of Education
Sto. Rosario, Masinloc, Zambales
Item Item
Most Learned Competencies Rank Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
Differentiate basic features and importance of Use the mole concept to express mass of
9 1 22 1
photosynthesis and respiration. substances.
Explain how the respiratory and circulatory
Explain how the Quantum Mechanical
systems work together to transport nutrients,
52 2 13 Model of the atom describes the energies 2
gases, and other molecules to and from the
and positions of the electrons.
different parts of the body.
Determine the percentage composition of
Construct a model to demonstrate that heat can
47 3 25 a compound given its chemical formula 3
do work
and vice versa.
Determine the percentage composition of
Differentiate basic features and importance of
9 4 24 a compound given its chemical formula 4
photosynthesis and respiration.
and vice versa.
Describe certain climatic phenomena that occur Explain how the structure of the carbon
36 5 18 5
on a global level. atom affects the type of bonds it forms.
Describe the different types of volcanoes and
27 6 54 Explain how ions are formed. 6
volcanic eruption
Explain how different factors affect the climate Explain how the structure of the carbon
33 7 18 7
of an area. atom affects the type of bonds it forms.
Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the Differentiate basic features and
3 functioning of respiratory and circulatory 8 11 importance of photosynthesis and 8
systems. respiration.
Recognize different types of compounds (ionic or
covalent) based on their properties such as Describe the horizontal and vertical
14 9 59 9
melting point, hardness, polarity, and electrical motions of a projectile
and thermal conductivity.
Show which constellations may be
Perform activities to demonstrate conservation of
46 10 57 observed at different times of the year 10
Mechanical energy
using models.
Note: If there are more than one sections in a particular grade level, the average percentage of the learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL
shall be reported.
Prepared by:
Teacher III
Item Item
Most Learned Competencies Rank Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
Differentiate basic features and importance of Explain how the structure of the carbon
9 1 18 1
photosynthesis and respiration. atom affects the type of bonds it forms.
Explain how heat transfer and
Describe certain climatic phenomena that occur
36 2 48 transformation of energy make heat 2
on a global level.
engines work
Explain how the respiratory and circulatory
Explain how the Quantum Mechanical
systems work together to transport nutrients,
52 3 13 Model of the atom describes the energies 3
gases, and other molecules to and from the
and positions of the electrons.
different parts of the body.
Perform activities to demonstrate conservation of Use the mole concept to express mass of
46 4 22 4
Mechanical energy substances.
Determine the percentage composition of
Explain how different factors affect the climate
33 5 24 a compound given its chemical formula 5
of an area.
and vice versa.
Differentiate basic features and importance of Infer that the total momentum before and
9 6 44 6
photosynthesis and respiration. after collision is equal
Describe the different types of volcanoes and
27 7 54 Explain how ions are formed. 7
volcanic eruption
Recognize different types of compounds (ionic or
Show which constellations may be
covalent) based on their properties such as
14 8 57 observed at different times of the year 8
melting point, hardness, polarity, and electrical
using models.
and thermal conductivity.
Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the Differentiate basic features and
3 functioning of respiratory and circulatory 9 11 importance of photosynthesis and 9
systems. respiration.
Construct a model to demonstrate that heat can Describe the horizontal and vertical
47 10 59 10
do work motions of a projectile
Note: If there are more than one sections in a particular grade level, the average percentage of the learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL
shall be reported.
Prepared by:
Teacher III