What Is PCS 7 - Siemens DCS Control System
What Is PCS 7 - Siemens DCS Control System
What Is PCS 7 - Siemens DCS Control System
What is PCS 7?
by Editorial Staff
PCS means a Process Control System is an integrated DCS control system developed by Siemens.
In DCS, the location of the processor, I/Os, and servers are distributed throughout the plant. You can not
find any defined central location like PLC.
PCS 7 is a hybrid type controller means it has both characteristics of the DCS and a PLC.
It uses an s7-400 CPU. In DCS term it is called AS-400. AS stand for an automation system.
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Like PLC has a module to connect field devices and different devices to communicate, DCS also contain
device arrangement to communicate with other devices.
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Both are connected with the operator system server via a communication cable.
The communication protocol may be ethernet or a PROFIBUS, which is Siemens standard communication
Now we know that the operating system and client and main engineering system which then connected
via a communication protocol. This top-level connection is called a terminal bus.
The operator system server is connected to another connecting device normally an ethernet switch. This
level is called a plant bus.
From the plant bus, the connection goes to an automation system which is a processor AS-400.
From the processor, it goes to the I/O module. Field devices connected to I/O modules.
The operator system server is used to send and receive graphical representation to the operator server-
client (HMI).
The automation system is used to solve the logic, monitor, and control the field devices.
Siemens PCS 7
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The basic PCS 7 includes AS-OS engineering station which is called a Simatic manager. This is a modified
version of the step 7 software.
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I hope you have an idea about PCS 7 software and its structure now.
Still, you have a question, then put your question down in the comment section.
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Which communication protocol is most used for the Terminal Bus and Plant Bus network?
September 20, 2021 at 2:12 pm
I understand PCS 7 but I have one question. PCS 7 have signal force option as other DCS have like
ABB. Force option lead us to temporary force any signal and work done with out tripping
Yeah it has
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