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Corporate Brochure Final (Low Res)

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Interflour Group Pte Ltd 4 Prestasi Flour Mill (M) Sdn. Bhd. Interflour Vietnam Ltd
Group Headquarters & Group Procurement Sales & Flour Mill Office Ho Chi Minh City Office
75 Bukit Timah Road Lot 55711, Jalan Tanjong 72B Tran Quoc Toan, Ward 8
#06-02/03 Boon Siew Building Dry Bulk Terminal District 3
Singapore 229833 Westport, Port Klang Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (65) 6250 8626 42920 Selangor Vietnam
Fax: (65) 6253 8361 West Malaysia Tel: (84-8) 3820 5525
Email: corporate@interflour.com.sg Tel: (603) 3101 1998 Fax: (84-8) 3820 5878
Fax: (603) 3101 1898 10 Interflour Vietnam Flour Mill
PT Eastern Pearl Flour Mills Sarawak Flour Mill Sdn. Bhd. Tan Phuoc Commune
Flour Mill Sales & Flour Mill Office Tan Thanh District
302 Jalan Hatta Lot 724 Block 7 Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province
Makassar 90164 Demak Laut Industrial Park Vietnam
Sulawesi Selatan Jalan Bako Tel: (8464) 3936 936
Indonesia 93050 Kuching Fax: (8464) 3936 946
Tel: (62411) 322 220 Sarawak, East Malaysia
Fax: (62411) 319 454 Tel: (6082) 439 318/6/7 GRAIN TERMINAL
Fax: (6082) 439 319 11 Vietnam - Cai Mep Agri Port (CAP)
PT Eastern Pearl Flour Mills
Grain Terminal & Storage
Corporate Office / Sales Head Office Interflour Sabah Sales Office
Tan Phuoc Commune
CIMB Niaga Plaza 6th Floor, Block C, Lot 1-2,
Tan Thanh District
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 25 Inanam Business Centre,
Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province
Jakarta 12920, Indonesia Mile 6, Jalan Tuaran,
Tel: 62-21-526 7725 88450 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Tel: (8464) 3936 936
Fax: 62-21-526 7715 Tel: (6088) 441516/7/8
Fax: (8464) 3936 946
Fax: (6088) 441400/420708
Sabah Flour and Feed Mills Sdn. Bhd. 12 Intertech Asia Sdn. Bhd. (Panatura)
Flour Mill Lot 55711, Jalan Tanjong
Pulau Enoe Dry Bulk Terminal
Ranca-Ranca Industrial Complex Westport, Port Klang
87023 Labuan 42009 Selangor
East Malaysia West Malaysia
Tel: (6087) 412 211 Tel: (603) 3101 1868
Fax: (6087) 414 484 Fax: (603) 3101 1079
Lahad Datu Flour Mill Sdn. Bhd. R&D
Flour Mill 13 Interflour R&D Centre
Jalan Kastam Baru Block CG1-CG4,
Batu 2 1/2 UPM-MTDC Technology Centre III,
91120 Lahad Datu University Putra Malaysia
Sabah, East Malaysia 43400 Serdang, Selangor
Tel: (6089) 887 735/6/7 West Malaysia
Fax: (6089) 887 718/28 Tel: (603) 8943 3868
Fax: (603) 8941 9968
Interflour Group CEO
Greg Harvey

Interflour - Committed, Caring & Consistent

As we move FORWARD and TOWARDS more challenging times, we will continue to

actively uphold the pillars by which our brand symbolizes.

INTERFLOUR, as a Company and as a Brand, passionately promotes COMMITMENT,

CARING & CONSISTENCY in all aspects of our business.

This fundamental Brand Principle is well-etched into all of our interactions with
our Customers, our People, and our Community. We remain firmly Committed to

1. Deliver products of high quality

2. Ensure products availability through a reliable distribution network
3. Provide good marketing support & promotions and most importantly,
4. Implement an equitable and fair pricing methodology through our centralized
wheat buying system

We will continue to Care, and find positive ways to contribute further to help our
customers achieve successful, sustainable and profitable growths for their businesses.
For it is our customers’ successes that have contributed to our dynamic growth in the
fast developing key markets of Southeast Asia.

Willingness to listen to the customer

Last but not the least, Interflour Group is a marketing focused and customer oriented
organization with dedicated and hard-working teams of well-trained staff from wheat
procurement to flour milling, product development, quality control and sales. ALL of
us at Interflour are always willing to listen to the Customer – and to serve with a smile.

Greg Harvey
Interflour Group CEO
We are committed to the
highest customer satisfaction

Interflour Group brings together some To be South East Asia’s one truly
of the finest flour mills in South East integrated flour miller, from source
Asia with 6 mills operating in Malaysia, to market, which increases value for
Indonesia and Vietnam. shareholders and customers in an
environment that motivates our
Interflour’s modern mills have a total employees with pride.
milling capacity of approximately 1.7
million tons per year and we are one

of the largest flour millers in South East
Asia. Our bulk buying expertise, quality
control facilities and attention to detail We serve to lead the industry by
in wheat procurement, guarantees that proactively managing the supply chain
only high quality and the most suitable and producing the most consistent
grains are purchased to make the finest quality flour at the lowest cost.

To ensure this, Interflour Group’s head

office in Singapore coordinates grain
purchases and shipping logistics from
sources all over the world.
MARKET & PRODUCTS | INDONESIA - Dominating Market Share in Sulawesi and East Indonesia MARKET & PRODUCTS | VIETNAM - Focus on the Bread and Baguette Flour Segments

Bread Bread Bread Bread Baguette Baguette Baguette

999 Thang Long 888 Orange Phuong Hoang

Mid Protein Noodle General Purpose Noodle General Purpose

IFV-LG Brown Globe

T he marketing investment to serve the needs of the small baguette bakers has
allowed us to achieve sustainable volumes in Vietnam’s main stream market
In our very own thriving home markets in Sulawesi and other parts of East Indonesia,
strong branding and distribution network have enabled us to emphatically sustain a
profitable & growing business.

Interflour’s baguette flour offerings range from top quality brands such as Thang
Long and 888 Orange, to medium range brand such as Phuong Hoang and the
Our flagship brands like bread flour Gunung and Gerbang, and multi-purpose flour 1KG 1KG
economically-priced Brown Globe Baguette. Interflour is one of Vietnam’s market
Kompas are top-of-the-mind choices, commanding very strong brand loyalty. leaders in the Bread & Baguette flour segments.
Our mill In Makassar, the 4th largest in the World, is strategically located near to key We are also gaining impressive share into the fast-growing, in-house bakery flour
markets. This choice position gives us the advantage to service these markets with usage especially bakeries owned by large supermarket chain stores.
This recognition of Interflour’s quality & preference for our products is attributed to
Our initiatives in increasing brand awareness have given us very encouraging our popular program of baking & training workshops available to customers at our
results through own state-of-the-art baking facility in Ho Chi Minh head office.
• successful launching of 1kg Kompas multi-purpose flour
• dedicated coverage of small to medium-size bakeries and noodle makers Factors Contributing to Interflour’s Success in Vietnam
• increased frequency of baking and cooking demonstrations in wet markets; and • Diversified sales mix
• operating warehouses to be nearer the market place and our customers • Wide range of product offerings Globe
• Export sales to nearby Mekong Delta/Indochina markets like Cambodia and Thailand
have been growing. Singapore is one of our key export markets for flour.
MARKET & PRODUCTS | MALAYSIA - From Peninsular Malaysia to Sarawak and all the way to Sabah
Bread Bread Roti Canai Roti Canai
Interflour cares for Big Customers

Red Horse Golden Horse Blue Horse RC Kuda Terbang

Noodle Noodle General Purpose

Yellow Horse Blue Horse Green Horse * Distribution in bulk

Partnership with Long and Established Institutional Users 1KG And as well as small Customers

I nterflour through its flexible forward contracts with long and established institutional
users have been able to maintain a win/win relationship. Most of these customers
are also being serviced by bulk delivery through dedicated tankers which is pump-
in directly to the customers’ silos ensuring hygiene and most cost efficient handling.
A big part of our sales mix is through bulk deliveries instead of the 25 kg bags.

Strong branding in Bread Flour

Interflour’s Red Horse has now achieved a leading share of the Bread flour segment
from Peninsular Malaysia, to Sarawak and all the way to Sabah.
Cap LiLi
Our Consistent implementation of our 3 pronged strategies have
transformed Interflour bread flour to be the preferred Bakers Choice:
1. Strong commitment using wheat from North America
(DNS/CWRS), favoured by bakers in South East Asia
2. Gristing Consistency and
3. Dedication and care to provide technical support Roti Canai
One of the Malaysian’s
Favourite Food
Factors Key to Interflours’ Success in Malaysia
• Advantage of 4 well-spreadout mills – putting us close to our markets
and customers.
• Interflour centralized wheat buying.
• Wheat freight management and inter toll-milling arrangements gives us a
competitive edge and cost benefits which we share with our customers. Bakers’ Choice

P anatura is a dry natural starter dough used as a booster for making a wide
variety of high quality breads and biscuits. Based on the Swiss patented
natural starter dough, which combines the traditional artesian method with
Registered Logo of PANATURA. modern technology, Panatura® is made entirely from natural ingredients with no
chemical additives and is free of any genetically modified raw materials.

Manufactured under license by Intertech Asia Sdn Bhd, at our factory in West Port
Selangor, Malaysia. Panatura® is available in instant and fine variants to suit a range of
product types including breads, steam buns, biscuits and speciality breads.
Intertech provides customers with product training, trouble-shooting and on-going
technical support through our team of qualified technical bakers. We have a wide
variety of recipes using Panatura® to suit most needs, and are also able to help create Interflour’s world class R&D centre
tailor-made products. located in Malaysia provides
commercially focused research and
development works, technical solutions
and training programs through the use
of scientific and innovative systems.

With PANATURA Interflour R&D Centre provides a

Normal Bread Improver platform for specialized research and
development work for the Interflour
Group. This centre undertakes both
fundamental and applied research in
grains and flour based products. As part
of our customer support programs, the
centre conducts short and long term
collaborative R&D programs with our
customers in the region.

With PANATURA Normal Bread Improver

The Benefits of Panatura for Consumers The Benefits of Panatura for Bakers
• Better taste • Higher water absorption
• A freshly baked aroma • Higher dough yield
• Bread stays fresh longer and remains softer • Appetizing aroma
• Better crust/crumb strength and slicing characteristics • A silky and dry dough
• Uses only raw natural materials • Greater fermentation and baking tolerance
• Improved water control in frozen products
• Application for all Asian and Western bakery products
• Single working process
• Halal Certified Consistency of Quality
Our strengths are moulded by the Interflour’s Core Competence
is in the Procurement of
Group’s commitment towards fulfilling Wheat & Risk Management
the diverse needs of the market

The best quality grains are sourced from traditional wheat growing
countries such as Australia, United States, Canada and Europe

As a market-oriented organization, The Interflour Difference:

Interflour’s R&D team constantly • Origination and procurement of the
explores new flour products to meet highest quality wheat.
specific needs of our customers. • Milling team with members from
We have one of the most extensive across the globe.
portfolio of products in the region • Bulk delivery capability via Interflour’s
as we continuously evolve to better special bulk tankers
serve our customers’ changing needs. • Logistics strength with the ability to
deliver Interflour’s products to any
Interflour’s sales and distribution part of the world.
professionals go well beyond
advising on price and logistics. They are
highly trained to advise business on the
optimal use of flour products and
premixes to maximize the quantity and
quality of food production, and provide
technical troubleshooting support to

As part of Interflour Group’s business

diversification efforts, we have built a
grain handling terminal facility located
in Vung Tau, 100km south-east of Ho
Chi Minh City. Interflour Vietnam’s grain
handling terminal is also licensed to
operate as a port facility.
Interflour Vietnam’s Port is the most advanced grain
handling terminal in Vietnam with 3 to 6 times better
unloading capacities as compared to other ports

• Located at Thi Vai River, Ba Ria- Vung – Three ship un-loaders capable of
Tau, 100km south-east of Ho Chi discharging a guaranteed 18,000MT a
Minh City. It is 35km from open sea day for wheat and 15,000MT a day for
and has a draft at the jetty of 14.3m. soybean meal
• Our grain handling terminal occupies – A coastal vessel loading facility that is
28 hectare of land and is also licensed capable of accomodating vessels up
to operate as a port facility. to 7,000DWT
– On-deck building with a sophisticated
• Interflour’s Port has significant computerized ship maneuvering
competitive advantages over other support system and unloading
ports in Southern Vietnam, process control
specifically in the discharging time
and handling efficiency which will – Dock master software to assist in and
allow clients to enjoy better freight record berthing process and other
rates, dispatch and demurrage terms. associated assets

• Interflour Vietnam’s state- of- the-art

terminal has the following facilities:
– The ability to accept vessels up to 
– A 160,000MT warehouse which can
be segregated into different
– 60,000MT silo storage
– A high speed truck loading facility and
bagging facilities

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