Las q2 Fabm 2 Week 4
Las q2 Fabm 2 Week 4
Las q2 Fabm 2 Week 4
Fundamentals of
Accountancy, Business
and Management 2
Quarter 2 - Module
Week 4
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Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the
Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office
wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency
or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.
Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.)
included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has been
exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their respective copyright
owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.
Business and Income taxation and Its
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B. Explain the definition of tax, taxation, taxpayer, income, taxable income, and gross income
G. Identify the approaches and methods used to compute the taxable income.
What I know?
Directions: Identify the statements. Write the correct answer on the space provided.
2. Which of the government agencies is the governing tax law in the country?
A. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
B. National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC)
C. Department of Finance
D. Department of Budget
3. Which of the following is NOT a definition of Tax?
A. Tax is a mandatory fee imposed by the government to earning individuals or corporations.
B. Tax is the lifeblood of the government.
C. Tax is the source of funds of the government to finance government projects.
D. Tax is the income derived from whatever source of a person.
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What is Tax?
It is a mandatory fee imposed by the government to individuals or corporations
either local or national—to fund different government activities.
It is the lifeblood of the government.
It is the source of funds for the government to finance government projects.
What is Taxation?
- Taxation is the act of collecting money to earning individuals or corporations to
finance government expenditures.
Remember that:
Income – referred to as the cash or property that flows into the taxpayer.
Taxable Income – refers to the pertinent of gross income specified in the Tax Code.
Income Taxes - are defined as taxes that are deducted from a person’s income, profits arising from property, the
practice of the profession, or conduct of business.
Gross Income – this is an income derived from whatever source.
In the Philippines, the principles of income taxation allow Filipino citizens living in the Philippines and
domestic corporations to pay taxes wherever the income may come from, whether from within or outside the
Let us recall the three classifications of income in the Philippines the Compensation Income, the Business
Income and Professional Income, and lastly the Passive Income.
Taxes collected by the government from the earnings of every person are used in the infrastructures,
education, health, and improvement of the environment of the country to better serve its people, therefore,
businessmen must religiously pay their taxes.
The focus of this module is the Business Income and Professional Income.
What is Self-Employed?
Self-Employed is a sole proprietor or an independent contractor and professionals whose income is derived purely
from the practice of the profession and not under an employer-employee relationship as per Regional Revenue 8-
What is trade, business, or profession?
According to NIRC of 1997 as Amended by RA 10963 (TRAIN Law) Item CC, trade, business, or profession shall
not include the performance of services by the taxpayer as an employee.
This income is taxed based on rates of net business This income is taxed based on gross income of an
income after deducting specified expenses. employee after deducting personal and additional
exemptions without deductions for expenses.
Business Income and Professional Income, and Compensation Income are called GROSS INCOME
As stated in Section 74 of TRAIN Law an individual who is receiving income as self-employed, whether it
constitutes the sole source of his income or in combination with salaries, wages, and other fixed or determinable
income, shall make and file a declaration of his estimated income for the current year on or before April 15.
What are the approaches for the computation of Income Tax of Business?
There are two methods to compute the taxable income tax of business:
1. Itemized Deduction – use the itemized expenses indicated in the Statement of Comprehensive Income (SCI) of
the business.
Illustrative Example. The table shows an example of Itemized Deduction: MCQ Enterprise is owned by Merriam
C. Quizon.
MCQ En terprise
Comprehensive Income 2016
Sales P2,500,000.00
Cost of Goods Sold 850,000.00
Gross Profit 1,650,000.00
Total Operating Expenses 757,300.00
Taxable Income from the business P892,700.00
Tax Due =
(P892,700.00 – P800,000.00) x 30% P157,810.00
Table 3
As stated in Revenue Regulations No. 8-2018 this Gross Income is above P800,000.00 a basic amount of
P130,000.00 is added to 30% in excess of Taxable Income. That gives Merriam P157,810.00 tax due for the year.
2. Optional Standard Deduction (OSD) Scheme – the entrepreneur can claim deductions up to a maximum of 40% of
gross receipts.
The OSD is allowed to individual taxpayers excluding the non-resident alien. An individual who is entitled
of OSD shall not be required to submit the tax return such as Financial Statement otherwise required under Tax
Code, stated in R.R. 8-2018.
Illustrative Example: Table shows the computation of OSD of the RVO Book Store.
Activity Activity 1:
Directions: Copy a sample payslip and identify the tax withheld of the employee. For the protection of the
employee, do not copy his or her personal information.
Activity 2:
Directions: Research and paste the BIR Form use in filing employee’s Annual Income Tax Return.
Taxation refers to the practice of a government collecting money from its citizens to pay for public services. One of
the most frequently debated political topics is taxation. Taxation is the practice of collecting taxes (money) from
citizens based on their earnings and property
A. Directions: Complete the sentences by writing your answers to the space provided.
1. It is the role of the Bureau of Internal Revenue to implement the law, comprehend the assess,
and _________the national revenue taxes.
3. According to the law, tax is a _______ fee imposed by the government to an earning individual
or corporation.
B. Directions: Identify the following statements. Choose your answers from the given words. Write your answers
before the number.
Gross Receipts Gross Sales
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1. It is a method used in computing the taxable income of an entrepreneur where he can claim
up to 40% deductions from gross receipts.
2. An individual that earns compensation income from the employer and income from other
sources of employment.
3. This refers to the total revenue reported in a year which is a net of Value Added Tax (VAT)
without any deduction.
4. The income that is taxed is based on rates of net business income after deducting expenses.
5. This refers to the amount of money received in rendering services or supplying materials to its
client and/or practicing his profession.