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Most frequently asked Interview Questions

Why have you selected to join us? I always longed to work with a company. I am familiar and whose products I have used and trusted. (Narrate briefly how you can prove your statement. Do good research on the company before facing the interview)

Where do you want to be in 5 years? I would like to be frank. Judge me from the work and I am sure you will put me right where I want to be. Note : Do not over ambitious and speak in a way that you are not satisfied with your current job which you have applied for.

Describe your ideal career? Talk of what you enjoy most your skills and natural talents. Do not specify your goal and any job title.

Tell me something about yourself Do not just repeat what you have given in your resume. Be ready with the answer, a talent or something you did out of the ordinary. You can sound it as unique or give it a touch of your personality.

How did you apply for the job? Be specific and give a straight answer of how you came to know about the vacancy. If it was advertised specify how you came across it.

Why do you want to work here? Have a research done about the company / organization Give just one or two reasons why you are interested. You can add these points (1) company's reputation(2) desire to join the specific field of interest.

Don't you think that you are over qualified for this job? (This question is put to you to puzzle a candidate. Be calm and answer the question with a positive and confident approach) Answer in the negative My experience and qualification will just help me to do the job better. Moreover I am at establishing a long term relationship which my qualification will favor me to handle more responsibilities and help me to rise to your expectations.

What competition do you see if you take up this job? When you answer, clearly show that you have researched carefully and acquired more in-depth knowledge about the company. Enumerate some positive and negative traits of the company and their competitions. Feel confident to show that competition is not an unexpected one.

What would you do if our competitor offer you a job? Show your confidence in the company's worth, stress the point 'I would say No' by pointing out some qualities you found out in your research about the company.

Why are you leaving your current job? You should give two or three reasons for leaving. Lack of challenge, focus on the limitations etc. Point out your ambition to prove your worth confidently.

What salary do you expect? (This is a tricky question to be answered carefully. Interviewers often accept people with realistic financial goals.) If you mention a salary that is low it shows that you are not up to the mark. If you mention too high you have ruined a chance to get a job. So the best is

to ask for the salary they offer and then show your capacity, how your experience and qualification rate with what is offered.

What interests you most about the job? (Show how you believe that you are most suited to the post. If you can find out an earlier experience it would be fine.) If you have experience, you can quote some similarities from the past and how you achieved success.

What is your dream job? Make the question a chance to display your aptitude that fits the job you have applied for. Display how your skills can be put into suite the challenges and modern trends.

Why should we take you? This is often the concluding Question( Some tips to the answer)

Don'ts : Do not repeat your resume Do not enumerate your experience

Do's: Prove Your interest Be positive in your answer Be prepared with confidence in what you are going to say Make sure the answer comes from the bottom of your heart.

If you have unlimited time and financial resources how would you spend them Even though it is tempting to discuss thing you would do for fun, answer these questions with strict coherence with the job you have applied for. Egg: If you are into teaching, touch on your interest in adult literary programmers and other teaching oriented aspects.

How is your experience relevant to this job? Sketch out some similar work which you have done in your previous job. It should be something justifiable by you, even though others may think differently. You can even ask some question where you can prove that your experience stands in good strand.

How could you enrich your current job? Design your answer to show that you are still interested in the job and you point out a few instances where improvements can be made. Convince the person that you can be relied on and you will not get bored with what you do with time.

How many days where you absent from work? Give a solid attendance record. But at the same time show you were not responsible . Convince that you are willing to take up responsibility. Egg: I was absent 7 days. 4 days due to conjunctivitis and one day due to the death of a close relative and 2 days had to accompany my parents for their check up.

Tell me about a time you had to deal with an irritate customer, how did you handle the solution? The question is aimed at you to hear from yourself how you handle people when others loose their temper. Here the best answer you can give to describe a situation and show how you handled it with maturity and diplomacy.

How do you manage stress in your daily work? You can describe a situation of how you had managed stress in your previous

work if you had one or narrate how you can find time in your busy schedule to relax a bit.

Describe a professional skill you have developed in you? It will be better if you be specific with your answer. Narrate some thing you worked for to fulfill your work more efficiently. Describe how you attended a seminar and brought about the changed in your work.

How do you manage your work to meet dead lines Answer the question effectively . Describe in detail how your plan out, set priorities, determine schedules, how you follow out to see the progress and meet the dead line.

What books you read? Do not ever say you have read a book which you have not. Here your suggestion can lead the interviewer to know your taste and interest. It can also hint on how you take your profession.

What are the most rewarding aspect of you most recent job? The best way to answer it is to focus in what you do efficiently, keep in mind the position you are applying for.

What aspects of this job do you feel most confident? Narrate what you are good and match it with the present job requirements. You may ask questions to clear if that particular skill will add benefit to the company

What can motivate you? The Interview expects an answer to know you better .Keep in tune with your job and work you have applied for. Do not beat around the bush.

Whom do you choose as your reference and why? Name the references and how you know them. You can also show that you are a person who care for relationships and how you stand in good stead with them.

Can we call all your references? If you have given your present boss as your reference you can tell that you prefer to call your current boss only after you receive a confirmed offer as he may not like you changing the job.

Do you have any questions? Be prepared to answer this question in advance. List out a few questions you wish to know more about. After you have faced the interview your logic will guide you to ask the question you really want to know more about.

How do you handle criticism Here the interview is on the look out for your accountability and professional character. Simply explain a situation that caused a problem and narrate how you faced it and overcame it.

Tell me about a situation that upset you at work Her the interview is trying to find out how you deal with pressure. Be diplomatic and objective with your answer. Prepare the answer so that the answer comes as a smooth reassurance

Have you ever been fired? If the answer is negative, the answer is simple. But if you have been fired, you need to be prepared to the answer the follow up questions that my come up.

If the termination was for reason beyond your control narrate it. If not do not try justifying yourself. If you had a fault, admit it and convince the interview that you have corrected it.

Do you change your job frequently? Be honest and if you had changed the jobs frequently there could be ample reasons to do so. Put them up as contracts that expired at the stipulated time. Be convincing when you say that you long to have a steady and long lasting relationship with the present job you are applying for.

What is the toughest job you had? Avoid making any negative statements especially about your previous employer. Change the question with a positive outlook and answer it with a satisfied remark of your outcome.

How do you handle tension? Answer with ease that in any job and any situation that tension is a part of it. Relax before putting the f act you are very used to such type of works.

What is your current salary? Do not bluff. Be specific on the answer. Do not hesitate to say the benefits you enjoyed in the previous job. It may be verified so never mention the benefits you have not got.

Will you be willing to accept transfer? Tell you preference but do not specify that you will be not willing to work else where.

What is your weakness? Turn the question to a positive one. Simply say that you are a perfectionist and your commitment to output of high quality perfect work. Say this is your weakness Frequently Asked Questions

How did you get your last job? A polished answer is what is expected. Frame the answer in such a way that it shows how you had planned to get the job. Make sure it was not by happenstance.

What was your position in your last employment? Provide a consistent answer. Precision will help you from answering the questions which will follow from ambiguous answers.

What is the reason for you leaving your last job? Answer the question with confidence. Do not give a selfish answer. Frame the answer in a broader way. Do not point out short comings of the company.

How did you hear about this position? Be honest with the answer. This will help you from complicating the interview by giving a wrong answer later.

Have you received any other job offers? A positive answer can show that you are efficient. A positive answer should be true as it may be verified.

What do you do with your spare time? The interviewer is looking for some insight into your personality by asking the question. If you say something be ready to answer more question on the topic.

What is your current salary? Answer carefully. If you have filled up a form they would already know it.

Have you been denied a salary increase? A positive answer shows that you are a person with a problem.

Have you had a pay cut? A detailed explanation is needed it you agree you have had one. Be prepared for the follow up questions .A negative answer is the best.

Have you been asked to resign? Prepare in advance how to answer the question if the answer is yes. Disclose the circumstances objectively.

Has your work been criticized? This question asked by an experienced interviewer can give an insight into your ability to communicate, your tolerance to take criticism, and the environment you have been working. The ideal way is to describe a situation that shows your work was criticized, but portray them as being borne out by situation itself.

We find gaps in your resume. What were you doing this time? You should be prepared to answer the question before hand. Make your answer crisp, brief and focused on the point and but do not be defensive.

Do you have any objection to psychological testing? You can answer that you have no objection to being tested. The interviewer is probably just trying to find out if you have any problems.

Can we contact your references? Be sure that the references you give are people who will stand strong in your favour. You can therefore answer in the affirmative.

Are you looking for a temporary or a permanent job? Prepare your answer carefully before hand because it offers your potential employer a clear chance to judge you by the statement you make.

How long have you been without work? Answer the question with a convincing tone with a positive touch. If possible narrate why you were unable to work.

What career option do you have at the moment? Be specific with your answer. If you are answering to a human resource consultant you may quote your interest if not stick on to what you have applied for because the person may lose interest in you if you divert from the present context.

What do you look in your job? Whatever you say add that I am looking for a job where I can make meaningful contributions and grow professionally.

Describe a major goal you have set for yourself? Plan the answer carefully. Select a concrete project either professional or

Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions

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