Interview Questions
Interview Questions
Interview Questions
• i always seem to be asked the same question over and over again. what can you
contibute to this company?
• What is more important, loyalty or honesty? This can be tricky. It's easy to be
loyal to anything, but honesty is doing the right thing all the time or if you do
mess up, telling the truth and not trying to cover it up.
• Please describe an occasion when you have looked beyond the constraints of the
immediate situation to solve a problem. What approach did you take and what
was the main outcome?
• How would you handle the situation if your supervisor gave you two projects with
the same dealine?
• I was asked in a interview so what do you bring to this job?
• How do you think your leadership style would contribute to our dynamic
environment? 2. Describe how you will lead your team in meeting daily
deadlines. 3. What is the most difficult ethical situation that you have encountered
professionally and how did you handle it? 4. What does the word transparency
mean to you? 5. What would be the five factors that would make you choose one
position over another?
• Describe a time you had to go along with something you didn't agree with.
Describe a time when you had to break the rules and what was the outcome.
• I have repeatedly been asked why a company should hire me, since, as a military
spouse, I'm "guaranteed" to move away in a few years.
• Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a co-worker who wasn't doing
his/her fair share of the work. What did you do and what was the outcome?
• Give me an example of a time when you took the time to share a co-worker's or
supervisor's achievements with others?
• Tell me about a time that you didn't work well with a supervisor. What was the
outcome and how would you have changed the outcome?
• Have you worked with someone you didn't like? If so, how did you handle it?
• Tell me about a time that you helped someone.
• Tell me about a time that you misjudged a person.
• How do you get along with older (younger) co-workers?
• Why do you think you will be successful at this job?
• As my resume reflects, I have been successful at each of my previous places of
employment. My research of your company, the job description outlined, and the
information we've exchanged today, lead me to believe I have the skills and
experience for which you are looking; and I'm eager to be a contributing
• What would you do differently if you could start your working life over?
• Looking back over my career, I would have returned to school much earlier to
complete my Masters degree. Even though I got my degree later than I had
originally anticipated, I never lost sight of the goal.
• How do you balance life and work?
• The interviewer wonders if you've made arrangements for the days when your
child is too sick to go to school and/or daycare or if you're "out of there" as soon
as it's quitting time.
• Best Answer: Being organized helps me balance my professional life and personal
life. Consequently, I can be fully engaged while I'm at work. For those
unexpected times, I have a good back-up system of child care for my children.
• What is your preferred way to communicate?
• This is a good opportunity to show you understand the importance of adjusting
your preferences when necessary.
• At home, I enjoy talking on the phone and emails. At work, I follow the
established pattern. Each of my bosses, in the past, has had a preferred method
I've followed their lead.
• Do you check voicemail and email when on vacation?
• The interviewer is wondering whether they will always be able to find you.
• Best Answer: While on vacation, I can be reached for emergencies; however, I
also know the people with whom I work are very capable of making good
decisions while I'm away. I understand the importance of recharging my battery.
• What is your favorite book? How about your favorite movie?
• The interviewer wants to know whether you read to stay current and if you will
you fit into the company culture.
• Best Answer (include your personal favorites): I read many different kinds of
books. My current "favorite" book is The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman. My
favorite movie? Miracle on Ice.
• What historical figure do you admire and why?
• The interviewer wants to know whether you are well read and what characteristics
you admire.
• Best Answer (include historical figures you personally admire): Personally, I most
admire Abigail Adams, John Adam's wife; professionally I admired the leadership
style of Ronald Reagan.
• What did you do during this six month gap in employment?
• Everyone, at some point, will probably have a gap in employment. Do not "waste
• Best Answer: For the first month, I worked on my "to do list" at home and
accomplished a great deal. Then I began building a plan to reenter the workplace.
While it took a little longer than I'd anticipated, I've learned a great deal about
myself, am rested and looking forward to new challenges in the workplace.
• What led you to this point in your life?
• The interviewer wants to know if you are unhappy, frustrated, or lost?
• My "road of life" has been interesting, sometimes challenging and always
rewarding. The steps along the way that have led to this point in my life are, in
some ways, very different than I had imagined; however, I like who I am today in
part because of my past. An example is when the second company on my resume
suddenly closed their doors during a down-turn in the economy. For a very brief
time, the road ahead was unknown; however, I discovered I had previously
untapped strengths such as perseverance.
• Start with your graduation from college and explain the rationale behind each of
your career moves.
• When I graduated from college, I was immediately recruited by the ABC
Company. As my resume reflects, I received two promotions and then a recruiter
contacted for the position at the XYZ Company. I've been there for the past 4
years and have learned a great deal, while making significant contributions to my
• Also, explain the thinking process that went into make each of those decisions.
• For my first job, I was happy to know I would be working in a job that utilized
my education. It was exciting to know that within just a few weeks of graduation,
I had my first paycheck. My thinking behind the XYZ position centered on the
fact that they have a global presence, it was a definite promotion and positioned
me to be a viable candidate for the marketing position with your company.
• How many hours a day/week do you need to work to get the job done?
• I use my time efficiently at work and, for the most part, it's not the number of
hours I work; but how effective my time has been to accomplish the job. I'm sure
my references will tell you I was more than willing to put in the time to be sure
the job was completed as quickly and as professionally as possible.
• If you stayed with your current company, what would be your next move?
• The upward mobility at my current company would most likely be in the global
marketing department.
• How do you measure success?
• I measure professional success by the standards of the company for which I work,
the feedback I receive from my peers, supervisors and subordinates. Personally, it
is to know I'm regarded as a good husband, father and member of society.
• Describe your dream job.
• As a child, I dreamed of being the starting pitcher for the Chicago Cubs. When I
realized I did not have a fast ball, or a change -up; I concentrated on my skills in
marketing because I realized it is an area where I not only can make significant
contributions, but I enjoy using my talent in a corporate environment.
Contact Information
The first section of your resume should include information on how the employer can
contact you, or your contact information can be printed on the front of a standard size
business card with your career highlights on the back.
Career Highlights
Janet Miller
848 Excelsior Circle
Stanford, MI 09991
Career Coach
John Smith
848 Abbott Road
Stillfield, CT 08888
Computer Programmer
• Five years experience in successful design, development, and support of live use
• C++, Java, C, ASP.NET, SQL, MS Visual Studio, Eclipse, JBoss, Tomcat.
• Certifications: CCNA, Unicenter Certified Engineer.
FirstName LastName
Street, City, State, Zip
home: 555.555.5555
cell: 566.486.2222
Riverbend Inc., 2000-2005
R. Dykeman Center, 1998-2000
• Administrative, clinical, fiscal and human resources management of a large outpatient
mental health center; 60 full time employees and 45 contract employees housed in
various locations.
• Responsible for the recruitment and supervision and performance evaluation of clinical,
administrative and medical staff.
• Provided training to enhance workplace performance at all levels of staffing.
• Nominated as Training Co-ordinator for the West Seattle Mental Health Consortium,
providing training as the a trainer or contracting with relevant professionals to provide
training in the areas of culturally relevant services, professional ethics and law, and areas
of professional development as requested by staff members.
• Concurrently completed a two-year certificate program in Organizational Development
and Leadership as the recipient of a merit scholarship by the Microsoft Corporation.
• Independent Consultant to several small businesses, law firms, non-profit agencies and
school districts on staff grievance procedures, team building and the setting and
achieving of organizational goals.
Family Reconciliation Services, 1988-1998
• Hired by the medical center to design and implement a residential treatment program.
• Responsible for the recruitment and hiring of all staff; medical, administrative and clinical.
• Responsible for public relations and Program Marketing
• Developed compensation structure and performance management and employee training
and evaluation structures.
• Developed an on-going training program for nursing and clinical staff and served as a
liaison between the hospital and the community providing training to community partners;
schools, the police department and relevant medical and mental health professionals.
• Designed and brought into existence a family education and support structure for the
Sample Combination Resume: Management Position
Jose A. Adelo
1525 Jackson Street, City, NY 11111
To obtain a position where I can maximize my multilayer of management skills, quality assurance,
program development, training experience, customer service, and a successful track record in the
Blood Banking care environment.
Major strengths include strong leadership, excellent communication skills, competent, strong team
player, attention to detail, dutiful respect for compliance in all regulated environment, as well as
supervisory skills including hiring, termination, scheduling, training, payroll ,and other administrative
tasks. Thorough knowledge of current manufacturing practices, and a clear vision to accomplish
the company goals. Computer and Internet literate.
Facilitated educational projects successfully over the past two years for Northern California blood
centers, a FDA regulated manufacturing environment, as pertaining to cGMP, CFR's, CA state and
American Association of Blood Bank (AABB) regulations, and assure compliance with 22
organization quality systems.
Assisted other team members in veni-punctures, donor reaction care and providing licensed
staffing an extension in their duties by managing the blood services regulations documentation
(BSD's) while assigned to the self-contained blood mobile unit (SCU).
Successfully supervised contract support for six AT&T Broadband systems located in the Bay Area.
Provided customer intervention/resolution, training in telephony and customer care, Manpower
Scheduling, Quality Control, Payroll, and special projects/plant extensions and evaluations to
ensure proper end-of-line and demarkcation signal.
Chief point of contact for the AT&T telephone and the ABC Affiliated TV stations, as it relates to
complaints and diagnosing communicational problems either at the site or remote broadcasting.
Also tested/repaired prototype equipment for possible consideration or for future use.
Reviewed FAA safety requirements and procedures to ensure compliance for aircraft and
passenger safety.
Communication expert and programming specialist for the intermediate range Lance and Persian
missile systems. Trained to operate and repair the (FDC) fire direction control computer system
and field satellite communications.
Served as Instructor/Supervisor (during my off time) for military personnel and their dependents in
various recreational classes to include; automotive repair/preventative maintenance, wood making,
stain glass, photography, and pottery.
• Acting Education Manager, American Red Cross, Oakland, CA: 2004 - 2008
• Education Coordinator, American Red Cross, Oakland, CA: 2003 - 2004
• Phlebotomist, American Red Cross, Oakland, CA: 2001- 2003
• Cable Television CATV Supervisor, Core Communication Inc, Sunnyvale, CA: 1998 - 2001
• CATV System Technician, TCI Cablevision Inc, Fremont, CA: 1991 - 1998
• Technician/Day Shift Supervisor, Avantek Inc, Milpitas, CA: 1984 - 1991
• Airport Security Supervisor, Wackenhut, San Jose, CA: 1983 - 1984
• Multi Craft Instructor, APO NY Germany: 1981 - 1983
• Communication Expert, US ARMY, APO NY Germany: 1979 - 1983
Mayawati , Miss
[Bahujan Samaj Party -Uttar Pradesh ]
E-mail :
Positions Held :
1989 Member, Ninth Lok Sabha (First term) 1990-91 Member, Committee on the
Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Member, Consultative Committee for
the Ministry of Communications April 1994 Elected to Rajya Sabha 1994-96 Member,
Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 3 June - 18 Oct.
1995, Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh 21 March - 20 Sept. 1997 and 3 May 2002 - 26 Aug.
2003 1996-98 Member, Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly 1998 Member, Twelfth Lok
Sabha (Second term) 1998-99 Member, General Purposes Committee 1999 Member,
Thirteenth Lok Sabha (Third term) Leader, B.S.P. Parliamentary Party, Lok Sabha 2000-
2001 Member, General Purposes Committee 2004 Member, Fourteenth Lok Sabha
(resigned on 5th July 2004) July 2004 Elected to Rajya Sabha Leader, B.S.P.
Parliamentary Party, Rajya Sabha Aug. 2004 onwards Member, General Purposes
Committee Sept. 2004 onwards Member, Ethics Committee
Freedom Fighter : No
Books Published :
Social service for the downtrodden and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes; to
organize weaker sections of the society
Toronto (Canada), Denmark, France, Japan, South Korea, Zurich (Switzerland) and
Taiwan as Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh; London (U.K.) to inaugurate Dr. Ambedkar
Memorial Community Centre, Wolverhampton; Orlando, Washington and New York
(U.S.A.) as part of the Indian parliamentary delegation to attend Inter-Parliamentary
Union Meeting on Beijing+5 Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly on
the Status of Women
Other Information :