Speedway LLC (Greenwalt Notice of Removal)
Speedway LLC (Greenwalt Notice of Removal)
Speedway LLC (Greenwalt Notice of Removal)
Plaintiff, *
v. * Case No.
Defendant. *
Without submitting to the jurisdiction of this Court and without waiving any available
defenses, including, without limitation, lack of jurisdiction, improper venue, statute of limitations,
by and through undersigned counsel and pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1332, 1441, and 1446, hereby
files this Notice of Removal of the above-described action to the United States District Court for
the Middle District of Tennessee at Nashville from the Circuit Court for Wilson County,
1. This cause of action was commenced in the Circuit Court for Wilson County,
Tennessee on June 14, 2022, and process was served on Speedway on June 17, 2022. Therefore,
removal is timely.
2. The is civil action for damages arising out of injuries sustained in an alleged slip
and fall incident at the Speedway located at 1135 Murfreesboro Road, Lebanon, Tennessee. The
United States District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee at Nashville has jurisdiction by
commencement of this action in Wilson County Circuit Court, and since that time, the Plaintiff
4. Defendant Speedway, LLC is a limited liability company organized under the laws
of Delaware. Speedway LLC’s sole member, SEI Speedway Holdings, LLC, is a limited liability
company organized under the laws of Delaware. SEI Speedway Holdings, LLC’s sole member, 7-
Eleven, Inc., is a Texas corporation with its principal place of business in Texas. Therefore,
5. The matter in dispute exceeds $75,000.00, exclusive of interest and costs, based on
a fair reading of the Plaintiff’s Complaint. In the Complaint, the Plaintiff demands damages “for
her lost wages and loss of future earning capacity in an amount greater than One Hundred Twenty
Thousand and 00/100 ($120,000.00) Dollars” among other categories of damages. (Compl).
6. A copy of all pleadings and orders served upon Speedway is filed with this Notice.
7. Speedway will give written notice of the filing of this Notice as required by 28
U.S.C. § 1446(d).
8. A copy of this Notice will be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Wilson
WHERFORE, Speedway requests this action proceed in this Court as an action properly
removed to it.
I hereby certify that on July 18, 2022, I electronically filed a NOTICE OF REMOVAL
with the Clerk of Court using the CM/ECF system and delivered the foregoing document to all
parties in this cause by placing a true and correct copy of same in the United States mail, postage
prepaid, in a properly addressed envelope, or by hand delivering same to each such party as
Jason G. Denton, Esq.
Rochelle, McCulloch & Aulds, PLLC
109 Castle Heights Avenue North
Lebanon, TN 37087