Hyd 3
Hyd 3
Hyd 3
4. A solid object of specific gravity 3.47 floats in mercury. 12. To what depth will a 2.4-m diameter log 5 m long and
a. What fraction of its volume is above the liquid specific gravity of 0.425 sink in freshwater. Ans. 1.06
b. What is its weight if 0.018 m3 is below the liquid 13. A plastic sphere is immersed in seawater and moored at
surface? the bottom. The sphere radius is 38 cm. The mooring line
c. What vertical force will fully submerge the object? has a tension of 710 N. What is the specific weight of the
sphere, in kN/m3. Ans. 7.015
5. A stone weighs 468 N in air. When submerged in water, it
weighs 298 N. Determine the volume of the stone. 14. A 1-m-diameter cylindrical mass, M, is connected to a 2-
6. A rectangular tank of internal width of 5 m, as shown in m wide rectangular gate as shown. The gate is to open
the figure, contains oil of sp. gr. = 0.8 and water. when the water level, h, drops below 2.5 m. Determine
a. What is the value of h? the required value for M. Neglect friction at the gate hinge
b. If a 1000 N block is made to float in oil, what is the and the pulley. Ans. 2480 kg
new value of h?
c. If a 1000 N block is made to float in oil, what is the
rise (cm) in water surface in chamber B?