Inertia and Mass: Newton's Laws Name
Inertia and Mass: Newton's Laws Name
Inertia and Mass: Newton's Laws Name
1. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. It is the "stubborn act of
the will" to keep on doing whatever the object is doing.
2. The amount of inertia possessed by an object is dependent solely upon its mass.
3. Two bricks are resting on edge of the lab table. Shirley Sheshort stands on her toes and spots the
two bricks. She acquires an intense desire to know which of the two bricks are most massive. Since
Shirley is vertically challenged, she is unable to reach high enough and lift the bricks; she can
however reach high enough to give the bricks a push. Discuss how the process of pushing the bricks
will allow Shirley to determine which of the two bricks is most massive. What differences will
Shirley observe and how can this observation lead to the necessary conclusion?
By pushing the bricks, Shirley can feel the inertia - the tendency of each brick to resist a change in its
state of being at rest. Bricks of different mass will offer different degrees of resistance to the force
that attempts to disrupt its state of rest. The brick with the greatest mass will offer more resistance.
Shirley will be able to feel this resistance.
4. Would Shirley Sheshort be able to conduct this same study if she was on a spaceship in a location in
space far from the influence of significant gravitational forces? Yes! Explain your answer.
Objects on the spaceship would still have mass and be able to exhibit the same degree of inertia as
they exhibit on Earth. While their weight (a gravity thing) will be significantly diminished, their
mass and tendency to resist a disruption from their state of motion will be just the same as on Earth.
5. If a moose were chasing you through the woods, its enormous mass would be very threatening. But
if you zigzagged, then its great mass would be to your advantage. Explain why.
A large-massed object (e.g., a moose) has considerable difficulty changing its state of motion. This is
inertia. A change in direction is a change in the state of motion. By zigzagging, you can take
advantage of the large inertia of the moose. You will make the turn but the moose will have a
tendency to go straight. Now that's physics for better living!
7. Mass and velocity values for a variety of objects are listed below. Rank the objects from smallest to
greatest inertia. C < D < A < B
Objects with the least mass have the least amount of inertia; objects with the most mass have the
greatest amount of inertia. The velocity or speed of the object has nothing to do with inertia.
Recognizing Forces
Read from Lesson 2 of the Newton's Laws chapter at The Physics Classroom:
There are several situations described below. For each situation, fill in the list provided by indicating
which forces are present and stating which features of the situation you used to determine the presence
or absence of the force. To facilitate this exercise, utilize the Net Force Help Sheet. Upon completion of
this assignment, check your answers using the available Web page.
1. A block hangs at rest Normal: A The block is not being directly supported
from the ceiling by a on any of its sides by a stable surface.
piece of rope. Consider
Friction A The object is not moving across a surface
the forces acting on the
so it does not experience friction.
Air Res.: A If an object is not moving (relative to the
surrounding air), then there is no Fair.
3. A ball is shot into the air Normal: A The ball is not being supported on any of
with a spring-loaded its sides by a stable surface.
cannon. Consider the
forces acting on the ball Friction A The object is not moving across a surface
while it is in the air. so it does not experience surface friction.
7. A block slides across the Normal: P Even when moving, the block is still being
top of a table. Consider directly supported by a stable surface.
only the forces acting
upon the block. Friction P The object is moving across a surface and
thus experiencing friction.
Free-Body Diagrams
Read from Lesson 2 of the Newton's Laws chapter at The Physics Classroom:
Construct free-body diagrams for the following physical situations. Label all forces (e.g, F grav, Fnorm,
Fapp, Ffrict, Fair, Ftens, etc. ).
© The Physics Classroom, 2009 Page 9
Newton's Laws
1. The standard metric unit for mass is kilogram and the standard metric unit for weight is Newton.
2. An object's mass refers to the amount of stuff present in the object and an object's weight refers to
the force of gravitational attraction to Earth. Fill in each blank.
a. the amount of space it takes up b. the force of gravitational attraction to Earth
c. how dense an object is d. the amount of stuff present in the object
3. Complete the following table showing the relationship between mass and weight.
Melon 1 kg 9.8 N
6. You might be wondering about your metric weight. Using conversion factors, convert your weight
in pounds to units of N. (Use 1 N = 0.22 pounds) PSYW
What is the mass and weight of a 10-kg object on the moon where the force of gravity is 1/6-th that of
the Earth's?
Mass = 10 kg Weight = 16 N (one-sixth of 98 N)