Selenium With Java Course Content
Selenium With Java Course Content
Selenium With Java Course Content
➢ Introduuction to packages
➢ Need for packages
➢ package declaration in Java
➢ Import statement in Java
➢ static import in java
➢ Resolving name clashes in packages
➢ Interfaces and Abstract classes
➢ Abstract and non-abstract methods
➢ extends and implements keywords in Java
➢ Super class and Sub class
➢ this keyword, super keyword in Java for inheritance
➢ Concrete classes in Java
➢ Aggregation and Association
➢ Compile time polymorphism -- Overloading of methods
➢ Run time polymorphism -- Overriding of methods
➢ Method Overriding rules and method overloading rules
➢ Introduction to Object class and it's methods
➢ Protection of data
➢ Java Bean, POJO
➢ Getters/Setters
➢ Memory management in Java
➢ Heap
➢ Stack
➢ Garbage Collection
Data types:
➢ Primitive Datatypes
➢ Datatype Declarations
➢ Datatype Ranges and its calculation
➢ Memory allocation for each Datatype
➢ Variable Names Conventions
➢ Numeric Literals, Character Literals
➢ String Literals
➢ Arrays
➢ Array of Object References
➢ Enumerated Data Types
➢ Non-Primitive Datatypes
➢ Expressions in Java
➢ Assignment Operator
➢ Arithmetic Operators
➢ Relational Operators
➢ Logical Operators
➢ Conditional Operators
➢ Operator Precedence
➢ Implicit Type Conversions
➢ Upcasting and downcasting
➢ Strict typing
➢ Type conversion
Scanner class:
➢ Diff between Scanner and BufferedReader
➢ Methods to get Primitive datatypes
➢ match method
➢ delimiter method
➢ findInLine method
➢ skip,close method
➢ useRadix method
➢ useLocale method
➢ IOException method
➢ Launching and debugging java code
➢ Breakpoints
➢ Debug perspective
➢ Stepping commands
➢ Trace point,Trigger point
➢ Breakpoints grouping
➢ Breakpoints sorting
Types of variable:
➢ variable
➢ variable memory storage
➢ Static variable
➢ Local variable
➢ Global/Instance Variable
➢ variable widening
➢ variable narrowing
➢ Constructor
➢ Default constructor
➢ Non-arg based constructor
➢ Parameterised constructor
➢ Difference between Constructor and Method
➢ Constructor chaining
➢ this and super method
➢ constructor overloading
Singleton class:
➢ Singleton class
➢ Normal class vs singleton class
➢ Use of Singleton class
➢ JDBC Using Model Object and Singleton Class
➢ Collections.singleton() method in Java
➢ Private Constructors and Singleton Classes in Java
➢ Java Singleton Design Pattern Practices
Factory Design Pattern:
➢ Factory Design Pattern:
➢ Advantage of Factory Design Pattern:
➢ Implementing Factory Design Pattern:
➢ Abstract Factory Design Pattern
➢ Overview of other creational design pattern
➢ Builder design pattern
➢ String datatype
➢ String declaration
➢ String Tokenizer
➢ String methods
➢ String types
➢ String memory allocation
➢ Manipulations in string
➢ Interfaces and classes in String
➢ Declaration
➢ Instantiation
➢ Initialization of Java Array
➢ Single dimensional Array
➢ Multi-dimensional Array
➢ Anonymous Array
➢ Cloning an Array
Wrapper class:
➢ Need of Wrapper classes
➢ Autoboxing
➢ Unboxing
➢ Primitive Wrapper Classes
➢ Utility methods of Wrapper classes
➢ valueOf and xxxValue methods
➢ parseXxx and toString methods
➢ Need for Generics
➢ How Generics works in Java
➢ Types of Generics
➢ Generic Type Class or Interface
➢ Generic Type Method or Constructor
➢ Generic Type Arrays
➢ Generics with Wildcards
➢ Unbounded Wildcards
➢ Bounded Wildcards
➢ Java Collection Framework
➢ Hierarchy of Collection Framework
➢ Collection interface
➢ Iterator interface
➢ Methods of collection interface
➢ List
➢ Set
➢ Queue
➢ Collections utility class
➢ Introduction to Map interface
➢ Methods in Map
➢ Iterating a Map
➢ Map hierarchy
➢ Sorted Map
➢ LinkedHashMap
➢ TreeMap
➢ HashMap
Exception handling:
➢ Exception types
➢ Usage of Try
➢ Usage of Catch
➢ Usage of Throw
➢ Usage of Throws
➢ Usage of Finally
➢ Built-in Exceptions,
➢ Creating own Exception classes
Java Regex:
➢ Regular expression
➢ MatchResult interface
➢ Matcher class
➢ Pattern class
➢ PatternSyntaxException class
➢ Regex Quantifiers
➢ Regular Expression Character classes
➢ Regex Metacharacters
File operations:
➢ File Handling in Java
➢ Stream
➢ Java File Methods
➢ File Operations in Java
➢ File reader
➢ File writer
➢ Bufffered Reader
➢ File permissions
➢ Serialization in Java
➢ Need for Serialization in Java
➢ Serializing an Object
➢ Deserializing an object
➢ Advantages and Disadvantages of Serialization in Java
➢ Practical examples of Serialization in Java
➢ Externalizable Interface
➢ Transient Keyword
➢ Serial Version UID
➢ Controversies of Serialization in Java
➢ Best Practices while using Serialization in Java
➢ Introduction to XML
➢ Read XML File in Java
➢ Java DOM Parser
➢ Java SAX Parser
➢ Read XML File in Java Using eclipse
➢ Reading XML file using DOM Parser
➢ Reading XML file using SAX parser
➢ JSONArray
➢ JSONParser
➢ JSONObject
➢ Json.simple maven dependency
➢ Write JSON to file with json-simple
➢ Read JSON from file with json-simple
➢ Download Sourcecode
➢ Read CSV File in Java
➢ CSV file creation
➢ How to create CSV File
➢ Java Scanner class
➢ Java String.split() method
➢ Using OpenCSV API
➢ Reading CSV file with a different separator
➢ Concepts ofThread
➢ Thread life cycle
➢ Creating threads using Thread class and Runnable interface
➢ Synchronization
➢ Thread priorities
➢ Inter Thread communication.
Memory management:
➢ JVM Memory Structure
➢ Heap area
➢ Method Area
➢ JVM Stacks
➢ Native method Stacks
➢ Program counter (PC) registers
➢ Working of Garbage Collector
➢ Memory leaks in Java
➢ Introduction to SQL
➢ Table creation
➢ SQL Insert
➢ SQL Update
➢ Applying Constraints
➢ SQL Syntax
➢ SQL Data Types
➢ SQL Operators
➢ SQL Database
➢ SQL Select
➢ SQL Clause
➢ SQL Delete
➢ SQL Join
➢ SQL Keys
JDBC Connection:
➢ Establishing connection
➢ Types of JDBC driver
➢ JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver,
➢ Native Driver,
➢ Network Protocol Driver, and
➢ Thin Driver
➢ Running query
➢ Extracting Result
Java programs:
➢ Check the given number is odd or not
➢ Check the given number is even or not
➢ Print first 100 odd numbers
➢ Print first 100 even numbers
➢ Count the number of even numbers from 1 to 100
➢ Count the number of odd numbers from 1 to 100
➢ Find the factorial of a given number
➢ Generating fibbonacci series
➢ Find the reverse of the given number
➢ Check the given number is palindrome or not
➢ Check the given number is armstrong or not
➢ Find the sum of the digits in a number
➢ Find the number of digits in a number
➢ Find the product of digits in a number
➢ Find the reverse of the string
➢ Check the given string is palindrome or not
➢ Print each word's first letter of the given string in capital number
➢ Print the dupicate numbers in array
➢ Print the Unique elements in array
➢ Remove the duplicate character in string
➢ Remove the duplicate words in string
➢ Write code to print patterns
➢ Pre-increment post increment example
➢ prime number or not
➢ Anagram or not
➢ Usage of Collections.min(),max() and sort()
➢ Usage of Arrays.min(),max() and sort()
➢ Print numbers as String
Coding standards:
➢ Coding Standards for Classes
➢ Coding Standards for Interface
➢ Coding Standards for Methods
➢ Coding Standards for Variables
➢ Coding Standards for Constants
➢ Java Bean Coding Standards
➢ Getter Methods
➢ Setter Methods
Selenium Introduction
➢ Types of Applications (Desktop, Web, Mobile, Hybrid)
➢ Software Testing Methods (Manual and Test Automation).
➢ Selenium Introduction
➢ Selenium Components
➢ Selenium vs. Other Testing Tools
➢ Advantages of Selenium
➢ Integration of Selenium with Other Tools
Selenium Components:
➢ Purposes and functionalities
➢ Understanding the components
➢ Selenium RC
➢ Selenium IDE
➢ Selenium webdriver
➢ Selenium Grid
➢ When to use Grid
➢ Third party drivers and plugins
➢ Driver requirements
➢ What is WebDriver
➢ Selenium Architechture
➢ Simple Program in Selenium WebDriver
➢ WebDriver methods
Types Of Browser Launch
➢ Desired Capability
➢ Downloading driver file
➢ Downloading selenium jarfile
➢ Chrome Browser Launching
➢ Safari Browser Launching
➢ InternetExplorer Browser Launching
➢ Installing FireBug and FirePath
➢ Firefox Browser Launching
➢ Inspecting elements in different browsers .
➢ Id
➢ name
➢ classname
➢ xpath
➢ tagName
➢ linkText
➢ partiallyLinkText
➢ cssSelector
➢ Contains Xpath
➢ Text Xpath
➢ Text Contains Xpath
➢ Attribute with contains
➢ Following
➢ Ancestor
➢ Child
➢ Preceding
➢ Following-sibling
➢ Parent
➢ Self
➢ Descendant
Types Of Xpath
➢ Relative Xpath
➢ Absolute Xpath
➢ Difference between Absolute Xpath and Relative Xpath
➢ Limitations in Absolute xpath
➢ Advantages of using Relative xpath
Check Box
➢ Finding checkboxes count
➢ Checking the visiblity of Check Box
➢ Checking the properties of Check Box
➢ Identifying common locator for all checkboxes
➢ Checking toggled attribute
Text Box
➢ Handling the Text Box
➢ Checking the visiblity of Text Box
➢ Checking the properties of Text Box
➢ Identifying common loactor for all TextBoxes
➢ Finding Textboxes count
Radio Button
➢ Handling the Radio Button
➢ Checking the visiblity of Radio Button
➢ Checking the properties of Radio Button
➢ Identifying common loactor for all Radiobuttons
➢ Finding radiobuttons count
➢ What are WebElements in Selenium
➢ Different types of WebElements
➢ Operations performed on the WebElements
➢ How to locate the WebElements on the web page
➢ Different WebElement methods
➢ Difficulties while handling webElemens
Dynamic Locators
➢ Absolute Path method
➢ Relative XPath method
➢ Identify by index
➢ Preceeding-sibling,Following-sibling concept
➢ Ancestor ,parent concept
➢ Common tagname(*) method
➢ Multiple attributes to locate an element
Desired Capability
➢ Need for Desired Capabilities
➢ Different types of Desired Capabilities Methods
➢ Example for set capability method
➢ Setting the Property
➢ Getting the Property
Navigation Commands
➢ Navigate To Command
➢ Forward Command
➢ Back Command
➢ Refresh Command
➢ navigate method over get method
➢ Navigation by using JavascriptExecutor
WebDriver Commands
➢ Fetching a web page
➢ Locating elements and sending user inputs
➢ Clearing User inputs
➢ Fetching data over any web element
➢ Performing Click event
➢ Navigating backward in browser history
➢ Navigating forward in browser history
➢ Refresh/ Reload a web page
➢ Closing Windows
➢ Closing Browser
➢ Handling Windows
➢ Handling Frames
➢ Handling Drag and Drop
➢ Drag and Drop
➢ Mouseover Action
➢ Right Click
➢ Double Click
➢ Performing Multiple Actions
➢ Accessing modifier keys using Actions class
➢ Switching into Alert
➢ Alert methods
➢ Types of Alert
➢ Handling the Alert
➢ Passing the inputs to Alerts
➢ Entering text into Alert
➢ Get the text present in Alert
➢ Handling the Window based popups
➢ Handling the Notification popups
➢ HAndling pop-ups using Robot class
➢ Handling the Login popups
➢ Chrome Options
➢ FirefoxOptions
➢ InternetExplorerOptions
Robot Class
➢ Need of Robot Class
➢ Methods to implement this class
➢ Mouse click using Robot class
➢ Limitations
➢ Copy Operations
➢ Cut Operations
➢ Paste Operations
➢ File Uploading
➢ Alert Handling
➢ Need for Waits
➢ Static waits
➢ Dynamic waits
➢ Implicit Waits
➢ Explicit Waits
➢ Fluent Waits
➢ WebDriver Waits
➢ WebElement Highlighting
➢ Click Operation
➢ Fetching the Data from Weblement
➢ Sending the Inputs to WebElement
➢ Scrolling Operations
➢ Highlighting a WebElement
➢ Scroll the web page by pixel
➢ Scroll the web page by the visibility of the element
➢ Scroll down the web page at the bottom of the page
➢ Horizontal scroll on the web page
➢ Multiple Scroll
➢ ScrollBy coordinates
➢ Need for Frames
➢ Identifying a Frame
➢ Switching to Frames using Selenium WebDriver
➢ Different ways of switching
➢ Dynamic frames handling
➢ Frames Size
➢ Concept of Nested Frames
Windows Handling
➢ Importance of Windows Handling
➢ Handling the Multiple Windows
➢ Windows Handling using Set
➢ Windows Handling using List
➢ Analyzing WebTable structure in DOM
➢ Handling multiple webtables in a page
➢ Dynamically changing WebTable handling
➢ Extracting values from webTable
➢ Analyzing the Tagnames
➢ Different Scenarios with WebTable
Dynamic WebTable
➢ Handling Dynamic Tables In Selenium
➢ Analyzing the Dynamic WebTable
➢ Analyzing the HTML Tags in Dynamic WebTable
➢ Different Scenario with Dynamic WebTable
➢ Need of Screenshot in Automation testing
➢ Capture Screenshot in Selenium
➢ Capture Full Page Screenshot
➢ Taking a Screenshot of a particular element of the page
➢ Taking a Screenshot with different file formates
➢ Random name generation for screenshots
➢ Finding images count in webpage
➢ Finding broken images count in webpage
➢ Finding broken image URL
➢ JavaScriptExecutor code to verify if image
➢ code to print desired output as per image
➢ Identifying URL
➢ Validating URL
➢ To Find a broken links
➢ HTTP response code
➢ Collect all the links in the web page
➢ Select class in Selenium WebDriver
➢ Different Select commands
➢ Multiple Select commands
➢ DeSelect Commands
➢ Get All options
➢ Dropdown without Select tag
➢ Handling dropdown with values changing its position dynamically.
Auto IT
➢ download and install AutoIT
➢ Finding element through element Identifier
➢ Writing script on AutoIT editor
➢ AutoIT Upload file in Selenium Webdriver
➢ Advanced User Interactions API
➢ Get Tooltip Text in Selenium Webdriver
➢ Tooltip using the "title" attribute
➢ Tooltip using a jQuery plugin
Browser Stack
➢ Introduction to Browser Stack
➢ Cross Browser Testing
➢ BrowserStack History
➢ Features of BrowserStack
➢ Testing The Web Application
➢ Browser Stack Key Functions
➢ Testing The Mobile Application In Mobile Browsers
➢ Testing Of Native,Hybrid Mobile Application In BrowserStack
Sauce Lab
➢ Saucelab-Introduction
➢ Value Proposition
➢ Manual testing on Sauce labs
➢ Post Execution
➢ Automated Test Execution
➢ saucelabs gem
➢ Execution and Results
➢ Introduction to Apache Maven
➢ Maven Dependencies
➢ Maven Plugins
➢ Controlling The Build
➢ Maven Release Process
➢ Deploying to a Repository
➢ Using Snapshots
➢ Introduction To Git
➢ Working Locally With Git
➢ Working Remotely With Git
➢ Branching, Merging And Rebasing With Git
➢ Using The GitHub Website
➢ GitHub For Windows Basics
➢ Teamwork With GitHub For Windows
➢ Social Coding With GitHub
➢ Continuous Integration or Continuous Deployment concepts
➢ Installing and Configuring Jenkins
➢ Freestyle Project Configuration
➢ Jenkins Pipelines
➢ Testing With Jenkins
➢ Pipeline Enhancements o Multi-branch Pipelines and Code Promotion
➢ Test plan:Releases and Builds
➢ Requirements
➢ Creating Testcases
➢ Creating and using parameters
➢ Using data query
➢ Executing test runs and submitting defects
➢ Complex scenario
➢ Setting up qTest explorer(web and desktop)
➢ using qTest Explorer(Web and Desktop
➢ Introducing HP ALM
➢ Release Specifications
➢ Requirements Specifications module in HP ALM
➢ Test Plan Modules
➢ Defect Management Life Cycle
➢ Report & Analysis
➢ Getting started with Bamboo
➢ Understanding Bamboo
➢ Getting started with Java and Bamboo
➢ Getting started with .NET and Bamboo
➢ Configuring plans
➢ Deployment projects using Bamboo
➢ Evaluator
➢ Developer
➢ Getting support
➢ Automatic plan branches
➢ Quarantining intermittent tests
➢ Integrating Bamboo with Atlassian applications
➢ Bamboo remote agent installation guide
➢ Getting feedback
➢ Importing data from Jenkins
➢ Administering
➢ All administration topics
➢ Release notes
➢ Installing and upgrading
➢ Introduction to Ant
➢ Installing Ant
➢ Ant concepts and terminologies
➢ Working with Ant
➢ Integrating ANT into your IDE
➢ Ant in the Real-World
➢ Ant Tasks
➢ Automating your build and testing through Ant tasks
➢ Using Ant for automated deployment
➢ Integrating Ant with a version control system
➢ Creating Custom Ant tasks
➢ Introduction to Bitbucket
➢ Bitbucket Installation
➢ Navigation of Bitbucket
➢ Introduction to Git.
➢ Git installation
➢ Git commands.
➢ Git with Bitbucket
➢ Repository creation
➢ Repository permissions
➢ Branches
➢ Branches permission
➢ pull requests
➢ merging files
➢ Repository clone
➢ Git bash
➢ Source tree
➢ Installation of source tree
➢ User management
➢ Integration with jira
➢ Gradle-plugins
➢ Working with files
➢ Ant Integration
➢ Dependency Management
➢ Extending the model
➢ Task inputs & outputs
➢ The Java plugin
➢ Multiproject builds
➢ The build runtime
➢ Introduction To JIRA
➢ Test Management In JIRA (Zephyr)
➢ Advanced Search And Introduction To JQL (JIRA Query Language)
➢ Generating Reports In JIRA
➢ Introduction To JIRA Agile
Data Driven:
➢ Data Driven Explaination
➢ Excel Types
➢ Apache poi-ooxml
➢ Interface , class , methods in apache poi-ooxml
➢ Read Data from excel
➢ Write data in excel
➢ update data in excel
➢ Creation of Automation scripts reading data from excel
POM Framework:
➢ Page Object Model
➢ Advantages of POM
➢ Implementing POM
➢ Object repository creation
➢ Page Factory
➢ POM Annotation
➢ Getters and setters
➢ AjaxElementLocalFactory
JUNIT Framework:
➢ JUNIT Test Framework
➢ download and installation of junit
➢ JUNIT Annotation & API
➢ JUNIT Assert
➢ Create JUNIT Test Suite
➢ JUNIT Ignore Test
➢ JUNIT ErrorCollector
➢ JUNIT Parameterized Test
➢ JUNIT Vs Testng
➢ Execution metrics from JUNIT
TESTNG Framework:
➢ TESTNG with Selenium
➢ Advantages of TESTNG over JUnit
➢ TESTNG Annotation & API
➢ Create TESTNG Suite
➢ TESTNG Parameterized Test
• Parameters
• Data Provider
➢ Re-running failed Test Case
• IretryAnalyzer
• IAnnotationTransformer
➢ TESTNG Assert
• Hard Assert
• Soft Assert
➢ Run Multiple test case
➢ Customized,PDF,&Email Testng reports in selenium webDriver
➢ TESTNG Ignore Test
Cucumber FrameWork:
➢ BDD Introduction
➢ Cucumber Introduction
➢ How to download & Installation plugin
➢ Gherkin Language
➢ Feature files
➢ TestRunner with junit
➢ Step Definition
➢ Scenario and Scenario Outline
➢ BackGround and Hooks
➢ BaseClass and POM Integeration
➢ CucumberOptions
➢ Reports
➢ Rerun failed scenarios
JBehave FrameWork:
➢ JBehave Introduction
➢ How to download & Installation plugin
➢ Keywords in JBehave
➢ Stories
➢ Annotations
➢ Runner class
➢ List ,story , Node implementation
➢ Reports generation
Keyword-driven framework
➢ Introduction to keyword-driven framework
➢ Function Library.
➢ Excel Sheet To Store Keywords.
➢ Design Test Case Template.
➢ Object Repository for Locators.
➢ Test Scripts or Driver Script.
➢ Retrieving data using keywords
Hybrid framework
➢ Components of Hybrid Driven Framework
➢ Function Library
➢ Excel Sheet to store Keywords
➢ Design Test Case Template
➢ Object Repository for Elements/Locators
➢ Test Scripts or Driver Script
Travel domain
➢ Domain explanation
➢ Keywords explanation in travel domain
➢ Different Modules explanation in travel domain
➢ Booking Flow explanation
➢ Different interfaces integration explanation
➢ Test scenarios preparation
➢ Testcase preparation
➢ Defect raising using JIRA
➢ Automating e-travel site using framework
e-commerce domain
➢ Domain explanation
➢ Keywords explanation in e-commerce domain
➢ End to end flow explanation in e-commerce domain
➢ Different interfaces integration explanation
➢ Test scenarios preparation
➢ Testcase preparation
➢ Defect raising using JIRA
➢ Automating e-commerce site using framework
Manual testing
➢ Software build process
➢ Introduction to Testing
➢ Manual and Automation Testing
➢ Testing Techniques
➢ Testing principles
➢ Test scenario and Testcases preparation
➢ Software testing medhodologies
➢ Functional and non-functional testing
➢ Detailed explanation for Waterfall methodology
➢ Detailed explanation for Agile Methodology
➢ Defect raising using JIRA
Agile methodologies
➢ Agile Methodologies Overview
➢ Agile Scrum
➢ Agile ceremonies
➢ Agile artifacts
➢ Kanban
➢ Adaptive Project Framework (APF)
➢ Extreme Project Management (XPM)
Appium testing
➢ Mobile Testing - Overview
➢ Mobile Testing - Platforms
➢ Mobile Testing - Device Types
➢ Native Vs Hybrid Vs Mobileweb
➢ Appium Architecture
➢ Prerequisite to use APPIUM
➢ Install Appium Desktop
➢ APPIUM Inspector
➢ Attach Android Emulator to Appium
➢ ADB commands
➢ APPIUM Test Case for Native Android App
➢ Limitations using APPIUM
➢ Common Encountered Errors In Appium
➢ Troubleshooting Steps in Appium
➢ Hardware Perspective
➢ Mobile Device Testing - Types
➢ Mobile Testing - Framework Overview
➢ Mobile Testing - Android Frameworks
➢ Mobile Testing - IOS Frameworks
API testing
➢ Set-up of API Test environment
➢ Types of Output of an API
➢ Test Cases for API Testing
➢ Approach of API Testing
➢ Difference between API testing and Unit testing
➢ What to test for in API testing
➢ Best Practices of API Testing
➢ Types of Bugs that API Testing detects
➢ Tools for API Testing
➢ Challenges of API Testing
➢ Introduction to SOAP UI
➢ Functional API testing
➢ Supported Protocols/Technologies
➢ SOAP-INTEGRATION with Other Automation Tools
➢ SOAP UI Vs Selenium:
➢ SOAP UI PRO Version
➢ SOAP UI – Version Timelines
➢ Postman Introduction
➢ Working with GET Requests
➢ Working with POST Requests
➢ Parameterize Requests
➢ Create Postman Tests
➢ Create Collections
➢ Run Collections using Collection Runner
➢ Run Collections using Newman
Resume preparation
➢ Your resume is arguably the most critical part of the modern job application process.
➢ A well-organized, tailored resume will increase your chances of landing an interview while a
poorly written resume could get lost in the sea of applicants.
➢ We will help you to prepare your impressive resume with best specification of your skill set
➢ Mock interviews by Greens technologies gives you the platform to prepare, practice and
experience the real-life job interview.
➢ Familiarizing yourself with the interview environment beforehand in a relaxed and stress-free
environment gives you an edge over your peers.
➢ Our mock interviews will be conducted by industry experts with an average experience of 5+
years. So you’re sure to improve your chances of getting hired!
Real-Time project
➢ To put your knowledge on into action, you will be required to work on two industry-based
projects that discuss significant real-time use cases.
➢ These projects are completely in-line with the modules mentioned in the curriculum and help
you to clear the certification exam.