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User'S Guide: Vaisala Ceilometer CL31

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Vaisala Ceilometer


Vaisala Oyj Phone (int.): +358 9 8949 1

P.O. Box 26 Fax: +358 9 8949 2227
FI-00421 Helsinki

Visit our Internet pages at http://www.vaisala.com/

© Vaisala 2015

No part of this manual may be reproduced, published or publicly displayed in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical (including photocopying), nor may its
contents be modified, translated, adapted, sold or disclosed to a third party without prior
written permission of the copyright holder. Translated manuals and translated portions
of multilingual documents are based on the original English versions. In ambiguous
cases, the English versions are applicable, not the translations.

The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice

This manual does not create any legally binding obligations for Vaisala towards
customers or end users. All legally binding obligations and agreements are included
exclusively in the applicable supply contract or the General Conditions of Sale and
General Conditions of Service of Vaisala.
Table of Contents
GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................ 7
About This Manual ................................................................... 7
Contents of This Manual ....................................................... 7
Version Information ............................................................... 8
Related Manuals ................................................................... 8
Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................ 8
Documentation Conventions ................................................. 8
Safety ......................................................................................... 9
Terms Used in Groundings ................................................. 11
Laser Safety ........................................................................ 11
ESD Protection .................................................................... 13
Recycling ................................................................................ 13
Regulatory Compliances ....................................................... 13
Software License .................................................................... 14
Warranty .................................................................................. 14

PRODUCT OVERVIEW ................................................................................ 15
Introduction to Vaisala Ceilometer CL31 ............................. 15
Product Nomenclature ........................................................... 17

INSTALLATION............................................................................................ 21
Preparing a Foundation ......................................................... 21
Creating a New Concrete Foundation................................. 23
Using an Existing Concrete Foundation.............................. 23
Grounding............................................................................ 23
Unloading and Unpacking Instructions ............................... 24
Mounting of Ceilometer CL31 ............................................... 25
Using the Tilt Feature............................................................. 28
Tilting the Ceilometer .......................................................... 28
Mounting the Optional Bird Deterrent .................................. 29
Startup ..................................................................................... 31
Assembling the Battery ....................................................... 31
Connecting the External Cables ......................................... 32
Power Supply Connection.............................................. 33
Data Line Connection .................................................... 33
Data Line Modem Connection .................................. 34
Data Line RS-485 Connection .................................. 35
Data line RS-232 Connection ................................... 36
Maintenance Terminal Connection ................................ 36
Setting up Maintenance Terminal Connection .......... 37
Operation of Maintenance Terminal Connection ...... 37
Startup Procedure ............................................................... 37
Settings for Normal Operation .............................................. 39
Factory Settings of User Programmable Parameters ......... 40

FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ..................................................................... 41
Theory of Operation ............................................................... 41
Basic Operating Principle .................................................... 41
Practical Measurement Signal............................................. 41
Noise Cancellation............................................................... 42
Return Signal Strength ........................................................ 42
Height Normalization ........................................................... 43
Backscatter Coefficient ........................................................ 43
Vertical Visibility................................................................... 44
Sky Condition Algorithm ....................................................... 45
General ................................................................................ 45
Option code ......................................................................... 45
Activation ............................................................................. 46
Algorithm Overview ............................................................. 46

OPERATION ................................................................................................. 51
Operation Modes .................................................................... 51
Serial Lines - Open and Closed Port .................................... 51
User Commands ..................................................................... 53
Data Messages ........................................................................ 58
Secondary message ............................................................ 58
CL31 Data Messages No. 1 and 2 ...................................... 59
CRC16 Checksum.......................................................... 65
CL31 Status Message ......................................................... 66
CT12K Messages ................................................................ 69
CT12K Digital Message No. 2 ........................................ 69
CT12K Digital Message No. 3 ........................................ 73
CT25K Data Messages ....................................................... 74
CT25K Data Message No. 1 .......................................... 74
CT25K Data Message No. 6 .......................................... 76
CT25KAM Data Messages .................................................. 77
CT25KAM Data Message No. 60 ................................... 77
CT25KAM Data Message No. 61 ................................... 78
LD40 Standard Telegram .................................................... 78
Telegram Structure Remarks ......................................... 80
Failure and Warning Messages ..................................... 80
Checksum Calculation.................................................... 83
Manual Message ................................................................. 84
Polling Mode ........................................................................... 85

MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................ 87
Periodic Maintenance............................................................. 87
Alarms and Warnings .......................................................... 87
Cleaning .............................................................................. 87
Window Contamination Measurement Calibration ......... 88
Checking the Door Gasket .................................................. 89
Checking the Battery ........................................................... 89
Storage ................................................................................ 89

TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................. 91
Troubleshooting Procedure .................................................. 91
Accessing Diagnostic Information ....................................... 91
Equipment for Troubleshooting ........................................... 92
Troubleshooting Instructions ............................................... 92
Warning and Alarm Messages .............................................. 95
Technical Support .................................................................. 98
Product Returns ..................................................................... 98

REPAIR ........................................................................................................ 99
Replacing Window CLW311 ................................................ 101
Replacing Ceilometer Laser Transmitter CLT321 ............. 103
Replacing Ceilometer Receiver CLR321 ............................ 105
Replacing Ceilometer Engine Board CLE321 .................... 107
Replacing No-break Battery ................................................ 109
Replacing AC Power CLP321 .............................................. 110
Replacing Window Blower CLB311 .................................... 113
Replacing Internal Heater CLH311 ..................................... 115
Replacing Laser Monitor Board CLM311 ........................... 117
Replacing Modem Module DXL421 (Optional) .................. 120

TECHNICAL DATA .................................................................................... 121
Specifications ....................................................................... 121
Mechanical Specifications ................................................. 121
External Connector J1 - Window Blower .......................... 121
External Connector J2 - Power Input ................................ 122
Output Interface ................................................................ 122
External Connector J3 - Data Line .................................... 122
External Connector J4 - Maintenance Line ....................... 123
Modem Module DXL421 ................................................... 125
Transmitter Specifications ................................................. 125
Receiver Specifications ..................................................... 126
Optical System Specifications ........................................... 126
Performance Specifications .............................................. 126
Environmental Conditions Specifications .......................... 126

BIRD DETERRENT INSTALLATION......................................................... 127
INDEX ......................................................................................................... 131
List of Figures
Figure 1 Location of Laser Aperture on Ceilometer CL31 ...................... 12
Figure 2 Vaisala Ceilometer CL31 .......................................................... 16
Figure 3 Ceilometer CL31 Measurement Unit Main Parts ...................... 18
Figure 4 Foundation Construction .......................................................... 22
Figure 5 Measurement Unit Handle ........................................................ 25
Figure 6 Removing and Attaching the Measurement Unit ...................... 26
Figure 7 Mounting the Shield .................................................................. 27
Figure 8 Tilting the Ceilometer ................................................................ 28
Figure 9 Ceilometer CL31 Bird Deterrent ............................................... 30
Figure 10 Assembling the Battery............................................................. 31
Figure 11 External Connectors (Bottom View) ......................................... 32
Figure 12 Data Line Modem Connection .................................................. 34
Figure 13 Data Line RS-485 Connection .................................................. 35
Figure 14 Data Line RS-232 Connection .................................................. 36
Figure 15 Ceilometer Engine Board CLE321 ........................................... 38
Figure 16 CL31 Switches .......................................................................... 39
Figure 17 Typical Measurement Signal .................................................... 41
Figure 18 Basic Operation of CL31 Sky Condition Algorithm in a 2D
Time-Height Domain ................................................................. 47
Figure 19 Control Flow of Sky Condition Algorithm .................................. 48
Figure 20 Operation Modes ...................................................................... 51
Figure 21 Open and Closed Port .............................................................. 52
Figure 22 CL31 Maintenance Parts ........................................................ 100
Figure 23 Window CLW311 .................................................................... 102
Figure 24 Laser Transmitter CLT321...................................................... 103
Figure 25 Receiver CLR321 ................................................................... 105
Figure 26 Ceilometer Engine Board CLE321 ......................................... 107
Figure 27 No-break Battery .................................................................... 109
Figure 28 AC Power CLP321 ................................................................. 111
Figure 29 Window Blower CLB311-115 / CLB311-230 .......................... 113
Figure 30 Internal Heater CLH311-115 / CLH311-230 ........................... 115
Figure 31 Laser Monitor Board CLM311 ................................................ 117
Figure 32 DXL421 Leased Line Modem ................................................ 120
Figure 33 Pin Connections of Connector J4 ........................................... 124
Figure 34 CL31 Bird Deterrent Installation ............................................. 127
Figure 35 Bird Deterrent in Detail ........................................................... 128
Figure 36 Blood Knot Instructions........................................................... 129
List of Tables
Table 1 Manual Revisions ....................................................................... 8
Table 2 Related Manuals ........................................................................ 8
Table 3 Specifications for the Grounding Terms ................................... 11
Table 4 Vaisala Ceilometer CL31 Main Parts ....................................... 17
Table 5 Vaisala Ceilometer CL31 Optional Parts.................................. 17
Table 6 Factory Defaults of User-Programmable Parameters .............. 40
Table 7 Sky Cover Values from the Sky Condition Algorithm ............... 47
Table 8 User Level Commands ............................................................. 53
Table 9 Advanced Level Commands .................................................... 56
Table 10 Messages with 10 m Resolution (Standard Mode) .................. 59
Table 11 Messages with 5 m Resolution (High Resolution) ................... 60
Table 12 Error Group Definition .............................................................. 81
Table 13 Error Group 1 (Byte 83) ............................................................ 81
Table 14 Error Group 2 (Byte 84) ............................................................ 81
Table 15 Error Group 3 (Byte 85) ............................................................ 81
Table 16 Error Group 4 (Byte 86) ............................................................ 82
Table 17 Error Group 5 (Byte 87) ............................................................ 82
Table 18 Error Group 6 (Byte 88) ............................................................ 82
Table 19 Error Group 7 (Byte 89) ............................................................ 82
Table 20 Command Telegram Description 'Polling Request' .................. 86
Table 21 CL31 Status, Warnings ............................................................ 95
Table 22 CL31 Status, Alarms ................................................................ 96
Table 23 CL31 Status, Miscellaneous Problems .................................... 97
Table 24 Available Spare Parts ............................................................... 99
Table 25 Ceilometer CL31 Mechanical Specifications .......................... 121
Table 26 Window Blower ....................................................................... 121
Table 27 Power Input ............................................................................ 122
Table 28 Data Line ................................................................................ 123
Table 29 Maintenance Line ................................................................... 124
Table 30 Modem Module DXL421 Specifications ................................. 125
Table 31 Transmitter Specifications ...................................................... 125
Table 32 Receiver Specifications .......................................................... 126
Table 33 Optical System Specifications ................................................ 126
Table 34 Performance Specifications.................................................... 126
Table 35 Environmental Conditions Specifications ............................... 126
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Chapter 1


This chapter provides general notes for the manual and the product.

About This Manual

This manual provides information for installing, operating, and
maintaining Vaisala Ceilometer CL31.

Contents of This Manual

This manual consists of the following chapters:

- Chapter 1, General Information, Chapter 3provides general notes for

the manual and the product.
- Chapter 2, Product Overview, introduces the features, advantages, and
the product nomenclature.
- Chapter 3, Installation, provides you with information intended to help
you with installing this product.
- Chapter 4, Functional Description, provides information on the
measurement principles of the product.
- Chapter 5, Operation, contains information that is needed to operate
this product.
- Chapter 6, Maintenance, provides information that is needed in basic
maintenance of the CL31 Ceilometer.
- Chapter 7, Troubleshooting, describes common problems, their
probable causes and remedies, and contact information for technical
- Chapter 8, Repair, provides information on how to remove and replace
different parts of the product.
- Chapter 9, Technical Data, provides the technical data of the product.
Version Information
Table 1 Manual Revisions
Manual Code Description
M210482EN-F January 2015. This manual. Updated with
information about DXL421.
M210482EN-E June 2012. Previous version. Corrected wiring
diagrams. Minor corrections.
M210482EN-D Older version.

Related Manuals
Table 2 Related Manuals
Manual Code Manual Name
M210310EN Termination Box User's Guide
M210717EN CL-View User's Guide

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviation/Acronym Description
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
LED Light Emitting Diode
LIDAR Light detection and ranging
MOR Meteorological Optical Range
VV Vertical visibility
WMO World Meteorological Organization

Documentation Conventions
Throughout the manual, important safety considerations are highlighted
as follows:

WARNING Warning alerts you to a serious hazard. If you do not read and follow
instructions very carefully at this point, there is a risk of injury or even

CAUTION Caution warns you of a potential hazard. If you do not read and follow
instructions carefully at this point, the product could be damaged or
important data could be lost.

NOTE Note highlights important information on using the product.

Chapter 1

WARNING Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings

elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design,
manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Vaisala Oyj assumes
no liability for the customer's failure to comply with these requirements.

Vaisala Ceilometer CL31 delivered to you has been tested for safety and
approved as shipped from the factory. The following safety precautions
must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of
this instrument:

WARNING Ground the product, and verify outdoor installation grounding

periodically to minimize shock hazard.

CAUTION Do not modify the unit. Improper modification can damage the product
or lead to malfunction.

WARNING To minimize shock hazard, the instrument chassis and cabinet must be
connected to an electrical ground. The instrument is equipped with a
three-conductor AC power connector. The power cable must either be
plugged into an approved three-contact electrical outlet or the instrument
must be carefully grounded to a low-resistance safety ground.

WARNING Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or

fumes. Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment
constitutes a definite safety hazard.

WARNING Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person,

capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present.
WARNING Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install
substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the
instrument. Return the instrument to a Vaisala office or authorized Depot
for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.

WARNING Operating personnel must not remove instrument covers. Component

replacement and internal adjustments must be made by qualified
maintenance personnel. Do not replace components with the power cable
connected. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even
with the power cable removed. To avoid injuries, always disconnect
power and discharge circuits before touching them.

WARNING High voltage will be present when the Laser Transmitter CLT321 or
Receiver CLR321 covers are removed and they are connected to a
powered unit. High voltage is present in AC Power Unit CLP321,
Internal Heater CLH311, Ceilometer Engine Board CLE321, and the
Window Blower CLB311 at the top of the Shield.

Laser Transmitter CLT321, Receiver CLR321, and AC Power Unit

CLP321 are equipped with the following warning label:


Internal Heater CLH311 can be hot and is equipped with the following
warning labels:
Chapter 1

Terms Used in Groundings

Table 3 Specifications for the Grounding Terms
Term Description
GND Electronics common return, used only for signal and data
SGND Shield Ground for signal cables shields
PE Protective Earth, connects touchable metal structures to
safe potential.
Recognized by Earth symbol (on the left) and green or
yellow-green wire insulation.

Laser Safety
Vaisala Ceilometer CL31 is classified as a Class 1M laser device in
accordance with International Standard IEC/EN 60 825-1. Complies with
21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 except for the deviations pursuant to the
Laser Notice No. 50, dated July 26, 2001. This means that when CL31 is
installed in a field environment with instrument covers on and pointed
vertically or near-vertically, it poses no established biological hazard to

The device is equipped with the following label:

Ceilometer CL31 is intended for operation in an area restricted from

public access, and to be pointed vertically or near-vertically.

Invisible laser radiation is emitted through the aperture on top of the

ceilometer. The location of the laser aperture is shown in Figure 1 on
page 12.

Figure 1 Location of Laser Aperture on Ceilometer CL31

The following precautions must be followed during the service and

maintenance of the instrument:

WARNING Never look directly into the Ceilometer Transmitter or Ceilometer Optics
with magnifying optics (such as glasses, binoculars, and telescopes).
Never remove the Ceilometer Transmitter from its normal position
without first switching off both the line and the battery power and
detaching the transmitter ribbon cable from the Ceilometer Engine
When operating, avoid looking at the ceilometer unit from the beam
direction. When tilting the unit, make sure that it is not being viewed
from the beam direction with magnifying optics.
Only trained personnel should perform maintenance functions. Access to
the work area by unauthorized persons during service operations must be
Chapter 1

ESD Protection

CAUTION The equipment contains parts and assemblies sensitive to damage by

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). Use ESD precautionary procedures when
touching, removing or inserting any objects inside the equipment

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can cause immediate or latent damage to

electronic circuits. Vaisala products are adequately protected against
ESD for their intended use. However, it is possible to damage the product
by delivering electrostatic discharges when touching, removing, or
inserting any objects inside the equipment housing.

To make sure you are not delivering high static voltages yourself:

- Handle ESD sensitive components on a properly grounded and

protected ESD workbench. When this is not possible, ground yourself
to the equipment chassis before touching the boards. Ground yourself
with a wrist strap and a resistive connection cord. When neither of the
above is possible, touch a conductive part of the equipment chassis
with your other hand before touching the boards.
- Always hold the boards by the edges and avoid touching the
component contacts.

Recycle all applicable material.

Dispose of batteries and the unit according to statutory regulations. Do

not dispose of with regular household refuse.

Regulatory Compliances
Vaisala Ceilometer CL31 complies with the Low Voltage Directive
(2006/95/EC) and the EMC-Directive (2004/108/EC). The the
conformity is shown by compliance with the following standards:

- EN 60950-1:2006 Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1:

General requirements
- EN 61326-1:2006-04 Electrical equipment for measurement, control
and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Basic immunity test
- EN 55022:2006 + Am 1:2007 to EN55022:2006 Class B. Information
technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and
methods of measurement.
- EN 61000-3-2 (2006) Limits for harmonic current emissions
- EN 61000-3-3 (2008) Limitation of voltage changes, voltage
fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems.

Software License
This product contains software developed by Vaisala. Use of the software
is governed by license terms and conditions included in the applicable
supply contract or, in the absence of separate license terms and
conditions, by the General License Conditions of Vaisala Group.

This product may contain open source software (OSS) components. In

the event this product contains OSS components, then such OSS is
governed by the terms and conditions of the applicable OSS licenses, and
you are bound by the terms and conditions of such licenses in connection
with your use and distribution of the OSS in this product. Applicable
OSS licenses are included in the product itself or provided to you on any
other applicable media, depending on each individual product and the
product items delivered to you.

Visit our Internet pages for standard warranty terms and conditions:

Please observe that any such warranty may not be valid in case of
damage due to normal wear and tear, exceptional operating conditions,
negligent handling or installation, or unauthorized modifications. Please
see the applicable supply contract or Conditions of Sale for details of the
warranty for each product.
Chapter 2


This chapter introduces the features, advantages, and the product


Introduction to Vaisala Ceilometer CL31

Vaisala Ceilometer CL31 measures cloud height and vertical visibility.

Ceilometer CL31 employs pulsed diode laser LIDAR technology

(LIDAR = Light Detection and Ranging), where short, powerful laser
pulses are sent out in a vertical or near-vertical direction. The reflection
of light, backscatter – caused by haze, fog, mist, virga, precipitation, and
clouds – is measured as the laser pulses traverse the sky. The resulting
backscatter profile, that is, the signal strength versus the height, is stored
and processed, and the cloud bases are detected. The time delay between
the launch of the laser pulse and the detection of the backscatter signal
indicates the cloud base height.

Ceilometer CL31 is able to detect three cloud layers simultaneously. If

the cloud base is obscured due to precipitation or ground-based fog,
CL31 reports Vertical Visibility. There is no need for adjustments in the
field. The embedded software includes several service and maintenance
functions and gives continuous status information from internal
monitoring. The software is designed to give the full backscatter profile.

CL31 includes data messages used in CT12K, CT25K, CT25KAM, and

LD40. Therefore it is easy to transfer from older ceilometer versions to

Figure 2 Vaisala Ceilometer CL31

The following numbers refer to Figure 2 above:

1 = Shield
2 = Measurement Unit
Chapter 2

Product Nomenclature
Table 4 Vaisala Ceilometer CL31 Main Parts
Code Common Name
CLO321 Optics Unit
CLW311 Window
CLT321 Transmitter
CLR321 Receiver
CLM311 Laser Monitor Board
CLE321 Engine Board
CLP321 AC Power Unit
226116 No-break Battery
CLH311-115 Inside Heater (100 ... 115 VAC)
CLH311-230 Inside Heater (220 ... 240 VAC)
CLB311-115 Window Blower (100 ... 115 VAC)
CLB311-230 Window Blower (220 ... 240 VAC)
CT3839 Power cable (230 V)
CT35324 Power cable (115 V)
CT3838 Data cable
226296 Coaxial Cable

Table 5 Vaisala Ceilometer CL31 Optional Parts

Code Common Name Description
CL31BIRDKIT Bird Deterrent
DXL421 Modem Module
CLRADIOKIT Radio Modem Excl. radio modem and
Installation Kit antenna
TERMBOX-1200 Termination box, Mains For extended surge and
and signal overvoltage protection
CLTERMBOX Termination boxes for Without surge and
Mains and Signal overvoltage protection
QMZ101 Maintenance cable
CLTERMHOOD Optical Termination
CT35022 Shock Absorber For ship installations
CLHUMITTER Internal Humidity
CL31USBCABLE USB maintenance cable

The complete delivery also includes mating cables with connectors for
power and communication, installation hardware, a key for the
measurement unit door, and this CL31 User's Guide.

Figure 3 Ceilometer CL31 Measurement Unit Main Parts

Chapter 2

The following numbers refer to Figure 3 on page 18:

1 = Internal heater CLH311
2 = CLO321 Optics unit
3 = Ceilometer Receiver CLR321
4 = Receiver ring
5 = Transmitter ring
6 = Ceilometer Transmitter CLT321
7 = Main circuit breakers, F1
Window blower and internal heater circuit breakers, F2
8 = Ceilometer Engine Board CLE321
9 = Coaxial cable 226296
10 = Laser Monitor Board CLM311
11 = Battery Cage
12 = AC Power CLP321
13 = Battery switch
14 = Window CLW311
15 = Measurement Unit Enclosure
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Chapter 3


This chapter provides you with information intended to help you with
installing this product.

Preparing a Foundation
When choosing an installation site it is recommended to use a wide open
place where there are no tall trees, overhead lines, or antennas that could
bend or move to the ceilometer measurement path. If the CL31 is to be
installed in the proximity of radars or other powerful radio transmitters, it
is recommended to position the measurement unit door away from such

The standard foundation for the CL31 ground installation is a concrete

foundation. The recommended minimum dimensions suggested are
presented in Figure 4 on page 22. Mounting screws and bolts are
included in the delivery.

NOTE In case CL31 replaces another ceilometer (CT25K, CT12K, LD40,

LD25, or LD12) the existing foundation and foundation screws can be

Figure 4 Foundation Construction

There are two ways to create a concrete foundation for Ceilometer CL31;
you can either use an existing concrete foundation or create a new one.

If the tilt feature will be used (see section

Using the Tilt Feature on page 28), observe this in the layout of the
foundation screws and shield placement.
Chapter 3

Creating a New Concrete Foundation

1. Fasten the M10 × 40 wedge bolts to the lower ends of the
foundation screws (four each).
2. Fix a drilling template to the upper ends of the foundation screws
with nuts.
3. Place the template with the attached foundation screws into the
hole in such a way that approximately 30 mm (1.25 inches) of the
foundation screw threads stand above the surface. Note the cardinal
points indicated in Figure 4 on page 22.
4. Pour in the concrete and finish the foundation.

Using an Existing Concrete Foundation

1. Drill four holes with a diameter of 12 mm and a depth of 165 mm
(0.5 × 6.5 inches) into the concrete. Note the cardinal points
indicated in Figure 4 on page 22.
2. Fasten the M10 × 40 wedge bolts to the lower ends of the
foundation screws (four each).
3. Place the wedge bolt and foundation screw combinations into the
holes, with the wedge bolts down, and hammer the protruding
threads down.
4. Tighten the foundation screws a few turns to attach the wedge bolts
to the hole walls.

CL31 is equipped with a separate grounding screw for external
grounding at the bottom of the shield.

CAUTION At the installation site, a connection to a solid earth ground is mandatory

for adequate lightning and transient protection.
Unloading and Unpacking Instructions
CL31 is shipped in one container that contains the shield, the
measurement unit inside the shield, and all the equipment, accessories,
and documentation needed for installation. Store the original packaging
in case it is needed for transportation in the future.

NOTE The device is quite heavy. Therefore Vaisala recommends that the
unloading and unpacking is carried out by two people instead of one.

For opening, the package should be placed on a flat surface with the
indicated top side up. Open the container from the top side and carefully
remove the ceilometer and all other equipment.

- Use proper gloves for protection against sharp edges.

- Avoid touching the window or lens surfaces. Do not remove the
protective sheet from the measurement unit window.
- Do not remove the integral protective caps from the unused external
connectors (J4 Maintenance line).
- Use the measurement unit handle for lifting and carrying the
measurement unit. See Figure 5 on page 25.
If mishandling occurs during transportation or installation, the instrument
should be returned to a Vaisala office or authorized Depot for inspection.
Chapter 3


Figure 5 Measurement Unit Handle

Mounting of Ceilometer CL31

Ceilometer CL31 is delivered with the measurement unit attached to the
shield. The shield can be mounted with the measurement unit attached,
but it is recommended that you first remove the measurement unit, mount
the shield onto the foundation, and then install the measurement unit into
the shield.

Follow these instructions to mount Ceilometer CL31:

1. Remove the measurement unit from the shield. To do this, loosen

the three attachment screws (marked A in Figure 6 on page 26),
disconnect the blower cable from connector J1, and pull out the
2. Place the shield on the foundation in such a way that the door faces
North in the Northern hemisphere and South in the Southern
hemisphere. See Figure 7 on page 27.
3. Place the washers on the foundation screws and tighten the nuts.
See Figure 7.

NOTE For installing an optional bird deterrent, see section Mounting the
Optional Bird Deterrent on page 29.
4. Place the measurement unit inside the shield, tighten the three
attachment screws (marked A in Figure 6) and connect the blower
cable to connector J1.


Figure 6 Removing and Attaching the Measurement Unit

Chapter 3


NUT M10 8 pcs

WASHER B10 4 pcs

M10 4 pcs





Figure 7 Mounting the Shield

Using the Tilt Feature
Ceilometer CL31 can operate in a tilted position. The built-in sensor
detects the tilt angle, that is, the deviation from vertical. The tilt feature
allows three tilt angles: vertical, 12 degrees with the measurement unit
door upwards, and 12 degrees with the measurement unit door
downwards. The tilt angle is used for an automatic correction of the
detected cloud base height, enabling accurate measurements also in a
tilted position.

The tilt feature provides the following advantages:

- Protection in heavy weather conditions:

In heavy weather conditions, using a tilt angle of 12 degrees protects
the measurement unit window from precipitation, thus enhancing
- Precision in aircraft approach control:
The beam can be pointed towards the approach direction of an aircraft.
This is useful, for example, for helicopter approaches, and at sites
where the ceilometer cannot be located exactly at the desired spot.

Tilting the Ceilometer

Remove the measurement enclosure. See Figure 6 on page 26. A 5 mm
Allen-key is needed for tilting.

1 2 3


Figure 8 Tilting the Ceilometer

1. Loosen the tilting screws on both sides. See Figure 8 above.

2. Tilt the ceilometer shield 12 degrees. It is recommended to tilt the
ceilometer forwards, with the measurement unit door facing down.
Lock it in place with the screws.
Chapter 3

WARNING When the unit is operating in a tilted position, make sure that it is not
being viewed from the beam direction with magnifying optics.

NOTE To avoid direct sunlight, tilt the unit away from the sun. That is, tilt it
north in the northern hemisphere and south in the southern hemisphere.
Direct solar radiation exposure will not damage the unit but may cause
alarms and temporarily invalidate the data.

As the benefits of different tilting directions may be contradictory or

cannot be realized simultaneously, the user must decide the direction of
the final installation.

Mounting the Optional Bird Deterrent

Ceilometer CL31 can be ordered with an optional bird deterrent; see
Figure 9 on page 30. When installed, it prevents birds from landing on
the ceilometer which could interfere with the measuring.

The bird deterrent kit consists of two side plates, a piece of fluorocarbon
line and two optional perches. To mount the bird deterrent, you need an 8
mm wrench and a 4 mm Allen-key.

Figure 9 Ceilometer CL31 Bird Deterrent

Proceed as follows:

1. Place the sideplates on both sides of the ceilometer top cover and
attach them with two washers and screws.
2. Slide a fluorocarbon line back and forth through the designated
holes on the side plates, starting from the front of the ceilometer
and continuing until the ends of the line meet on the back side of
the ceilometer. See Figure 9.
3. Tie the line ends together with a blood knot so that the line is left
slightly loose.
4. The optional bird perches can now be attached to the side plates.

For detailed drawings of the bird deterrent installation and the blood
knot, see Appendix A, Bird Deterrent Installation.
Chapter 3

This section describes the different aspects of Ceilometer CL31 that need
to be considered before starting up the device.

Assembling the Battery

The no-break battery is delivered in the same container with the
Ceilometer CL31, but it does not come attached to the measurement unit.

To attach the no-break battery, you need a crosshead screwdriver and a 3

mm Allen-key.


Figure 10 Assembling the Battery

Then proceed as follows:

1. Open the measurement unit door and loosen the two screws locking
the lid of the no-break battery cage. Do not remove the screws
entirely. See Figure 3 on page 18.
2. Connect the battery cable to the new battery, connecting the red
end to the positive (+) end terminal and the black end to the
negative (-) end terminal.
3. Open the battery cage lid and slide the battery into the battery cage.
4. Close the battery cage lid and tighten the two screws to their
5. Connect the no-break battery cable to the CLE321 board.

Connecting the External Cables

All external connectors are located at the bottom of the measurement
unit. Figure 11 shows the external connectors J1, J2, J3, and J4.


Figure 11 External Connectors (Bottom View)

The window blower mounted into the shield is connected to J1. Line
power is connected to J2. In normal use, remote communication is
connected to J3. A local maintenance terminal, such as a laptop, can be
connected to J4. A protective cap is included for covering J4 when it is
not in use.

The power supply connector J2 provides a standard protective ground for

the instrument chassis.
Chapter 3

Power Supply Connection

1. Turn the main circuit breaker F1 to the Off position (for location,
see Figure 16 on page 39.
2. Plug in the line supply cable to connector J2 (for location, see
Figure 11 on page 32) after checking the voltage of the power
supply cable connector.
External mating connectors with 2 m (7 ft) cable are included for J2 and
for J3. The power plug of the J2 cable can be cut when the unit is
permanently installed at the final site.

The wire connections and cable glands of the optional Termination Box
are presented in the Termination Box User's Guide (see section Related
Manuals on page 8).

NOTE Power supply has to be protected with fuse. Maximum size of the fuse
protecting the power line is 10 A for 230V supply or 15 A for 100 V /
115 V supply.

Data Line Connection

Vaisala Ceilometer CL31 offers three possible options for the data line
connection. These options are presented in Figure 12, Figure 13 and
Figure 14 on the next pages.

To change the connection type, see the commands in Table 8 on page 53.
Data Line Modem Connection


Figure 12 Data Line Modem Connection

Default Settings for the Data Line Modem Connection

Modem mode V.22bis Answer

Bit rate 2400
Data bits 8
Stop bits 1
Parity None
Chapter 3

Data Line RS-485 Connection


Figure 13 Data Line RS-485 Connection

The RS-485 connection is provided with a termination. If the ceilometer

is connected to the end of a long line, it may be advantageous to connect
the two signals marked "termination" as shown; this can improve data
transmission speed, quality, and reliability.

Default Settings for the Data Line RS-485 Connection

Bit rate 19200

Data bits 8
Stop bits 1
Parity None
Data line RS-232 Connection


Figure 14 Data Line RS-232 Connection

Default Settings for the Data Line RS-232 Connection

Bit rate 19200

Data bits 8
Stop bits 1
Parity None
Handshake None

Maintenance Terminal Connection

Any terminal or PC with a serial interface and a terminal emulation
program can be used for operating Ceilometer CL31. The maintenance
terminal connection is established with the QMZ101 maintenance cable,
which connects the RS-232 port of the PC to the maintenance port of the
Chapter 3

Setting up Maintenance Terminal Connection

1. Connect the RS cable to the ceilometer maintenance port
(connector J4) and the terminal computer.
2. Configure the terminal as follows:
Bit rate 9600
Data bits 8
Stop bits 1
Parity None
Handshake None

Operation of Maintenance Terminal Connection

To operate the connection, do the following:

1. Turn the power on in CL31.

2. Open the CL31 maintenance with the open command.
3. The prompt CEILO > appears. For details, see Chapter 5,
Operation on page 51.

Startup Procedure
Open the unit door and make a visual check of the internal connectors
and subassemblies (see Figure 22 on page 100).

Turn the Main Circuit Breaker F1, the Window Blower Circuit Breaker
F2, and the Battery Switch to the On position. After the initialization
routines, the Laser on LED starts blinking at 2-second intervals. Also the
six diagnostic LEDs light up. For location of the LEDs and switches, see
Figure 15 on page 38 and Figure 16 on page 39.

WARNING Make sure that nobody is viewing the unit from the beam direction with
magnifying optics.

Figure 15 Ceilometer Engine Board CLE321

The following numbers refer to Figure 15 above:

1 = Data line connection to AC Power CLP321
2 = Coaxial cable connection to Ceilometer Receiver CLR321
3 = Connection to Ceilometer Transmitter CLT321
4 = Connection to Battery
5 = Connection to Ceilometer Receiver CLR321
6 = Connection to Laser Monitor Board CLM311
7 = Connection to AC Power CLP321
8 = Battery Switch
Chapter 3


Figure 16 CL31 Switches

Settings for Normal Operation

The switch settings for normal operation are as follows:

Main circuit breaker F1 ON

Heater/Blower circuit breaker F2 ON
Battery switch ON

The data message and interface configuration, as well as the

configuration of measuring interval and transmission speed, are standard
factory settings. The settings can be changed by giving commands from
the terminal.

During the factory alignment procedure, the optical adjustments are

carefully carried out to fulfill the requirements and specifications of the
device. Optical adjustments have been made at the factory or depot, and
there is no need to readjust them in the field.

NOTE To switch the CL31 fully off, turn off the battery switch and the line
power switch. Having the unit on with the battery supply will drain the
Factory Settings of User Programmable
Table 6 below lists the factory defaults of user-programmable
parameters. The prevailing parameter settings of Ceilometer CL31 can be
seen with the following command:

get params parameter_group

The user-programmable parameters can be changed with the following

set parameter_group parameter

Table 6 Factory Defaults of User-Programmable Parameters

Parameter Factory Default
Control blower Auto
Control inheater Auto
Data_acq power_save Disabled
Data_port baud 19200
Data_port mode RS232
Data_port parity 8N1
Maint_port baud 9600
Maint_port parity 8N1
Message angle_corr On
Message transmission Periodic
Message secondary transmission None
Message transmission delay 100 ms
Message height_offset 0
Message interval 2s
Message secondary interval 2s
Message port Data
Message profile scale 1.0
Message profile noise h2 Off
Message type msg2_base
Message secondary type None
Message units Feet
Message vv_limit ceiling 2000 m (6562 ft)
Oper_mode Normal
Port_timeout 2 min
Unit_id 0 (zero)
Echo On
Chapter 4


This chapter provides information on the measurement principles of the


Theory of Operation
Basic Operating Principle
The operating principle of Ceilometer CL31 is based on the measurement
of the time needed for a short pulse of light to traverse the atmosphere
from the transmitter of the ceilometer to a backscattering cloud base and
back to the receiver of the ceilometer.

The general expression connecting time delay (t) and backscattering

height (h) is

h = ct/2

where c is the speed of light (c = 2.99 x 108 m/s).

A reflection from 25,000 ft can be seen by the receiver after

t = 50.9 µs

Practical Measurement Signal

Generally, particles at all heights scatter light, so the actual return signal
may look like that shown in Figure 17 below.


Figure 17 Typical Measurement Signal

The instantaneous magnitude of the return signal provides information on
the backscatter properties of the atmosphere at a certain height.
Information about fog and precipitation, as well as clouds, can be derived
from the return signal. Fog and precipitation attenuate the return signal
from a cloud. However, fog and precipitation backscatter signals also
provide data that can be used in estimating this attenuation and
computing the necessary compensation, up to a limit.

In its normal full-range operation, Ceilometer CL31 digitally samples the

return signal from 0 to 50 µs. The sampling is repeated every 33 or 67 ns,
providing a spatial resolution of 5 or 10 meters respectively from ground
level up to 7 700 meters. This resolution is adequate for measuring the
atmosphere, since visibility in the densest clouds is of the same order.

Noise Cancellation
For safety and economic reasons, the transmitted laser power is so low
that the noise of the ambient light exceeds the backscattered signal. To
overcome this, a large number of laser pulses are sent, and the return
signals are summed. The desired signal can be multiplied by the number
of pulses, whereas noise, being random, partially cancels itself. The
degree of cancellation for white (Gaussian) noise equals to the square
root of the number of samples; thus, the resulting signal-to-noise ratio
improvement is equal to the square root of the number of samples.
However, this processing gain cannot be extended endlessly since the
environment changes and, for example, clouds move.

Return Signal Strength

In general form, the instantaneous return signal power can be derived
from the Lidar equation:

c A ∫
− 2 σ ( z ′ ) dz ′

Pr( z ) = Eo ⋅ ⋅ 2 ⋅ β ( z ) ⋅ e 0

2 z

Pr(z) = Instantaneous power received from distance z
EO = Effective pulse energy (taking all optics attenuation into
account) [Ws]
c = Speed of light [m/s]
A = Receiver aperture [m2]
z = Distance [m]
ß(z) = Volume backscatter coefficient at distance z [m-1srad-1,
srad = steradian]
Chapter 4

= Two-way atmospheric transmittance, accounts for the

∫σ ( z ′ ) dz ′
attenuation of transmitted and backscattered power. The
e 0

transmittance equals 1 in clear atmosphere, that is, with no


Height Normalization
Assuming a clear atmosphere, the power of the return signal (Pr) is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance, that is, the signal
strength from 1 000 ft is generally hundred times stronger than from
l0 000 ft.

The height dependence is eliminated by multiplying the measured signal

value with the square of height (height normalization). Noise, however,
being height-independent from a measurement point of view, will then be
correspondingly accentuated with increasing height.

Backscatter Coefficient
The volume backscatter coefficient, ß(z), represents the portion of light
reflected back towards the ceilometer from a distance z (for example,
from water droplets). A dense cloud gives a stronger reflection. This can
be expressed as follows:

ß(z) = k·σ (z)

k = Proportionality constant [1/srad].
σ = Extinction coefficient (the attenuation factor in forward direction)
(z) [1/m].

The extinction coefficient relates to visibility in a straightforward

manner. If visibility is defined according to a 5 % contrast threshold
(World Meteorological Organization definition for Meteorological
Optical Range, MOR, equals daylight horizontal visibility), then the
extinction coefficient is the following:

σ = 3/V

V = MOR visibility (5 % contrast) [m]

The proportionality constant, k, also called the Lidar Ratio, has been
subjected to a lot of research. Although the Lidar Equation can be solved
without knowing the ratio, it must remain constant with the height if
accurate estimates of the extinction (or visibility) profile are to be made.

It has been discovered that in many cases, k can be assumed to equal

0.03, tending to be lower (down to to 0.02) in high humidity, and higher
(up to 0.05) in low humidity conditions. However, in precipitation
conditions, k can have a wider range of values.

Assuming k value of 0.03 srad-1, visibility in clouds in the range of 15 to

150 m (50 to 500 ft), gives the following range for β:

β = 0.0006 ... 0.006 m-1srad-1 = 0.6 ... 6 km-1srad-1

Vertical Visibility
Any fog, precipitation, or similar obstruction to vision between the
ground and the cloud base may attenuate the cloud base signal and
produce backscatter peaks that far exceed that from the cloud. Virtually
any backscatter height profile is possible, up to some physical limits. To
distinguish a significant cloud return signal, the attenuation of, for
example, fog or precipitation, has to be taken into account by
normalizing with regard to extinction. The profile thus obtained is
proportional to the extinction coefficient at various heights, and enables
the use of a fairly straightforward threshold criteria to determine what is
cloud and what is not.

By assuming a linear relationship between backscatter and extinction

coefficient according to the previous formula and by assuming that the
ratio, k, is constant over the observation range, it is possible to obtain an
extinction coefficient profile through a mathematical computation. This
is also called inverting the backscatter profile, and it basically answers
the question of what kind of an extinction coefficient profile would
produce the measured backscatter profile.

No assumption as to the absolute value of the ratio, k, needs to be made if

k is constant in terms of height. The assumptions that have to be made
are fairly truthful, and accurate enough for cloud detection purposes.

The backscatter profile inversion is also independent of several

instrumental uncertainties including transmitted power and receiver

An estimate of vertical visibility can easily be calculated from the

extinction coefficient profile because of the straightforward extinction
coefficient-to-visibility relationship, assuming a constant contrast
threshold. Visibility is simply the height where the integral of the
extinction coefficient profile, starting from the ground, equals the natural
logarithm of the contrast threshold, sign disregarded.
Chapter 4

Tests and research have, however, shown that the 5 % contrast threshold
widely used for horizontal measurement is unsuitable for vertical
measurement if values close to those estimated by a ground-based
observer are to be obtained.

Ceilometer CL31 uses a contrast threshold value which, through many

tests, has been found to give vertical visibility values closest to those
reported by ground-based human observers. A safety margin is obtained
with regard to pilots looking down in the same conditions since the
contrast between objects, especially runway lights, is much more distinct
on the ground.

Sky Condition Algorithm

The Vaisala CL31 Sky Condition algorithm uses a time series of
ceilometer data to calculate the cloud layer height and the amount of
clouds in different layers. The purpose of the algorithm is to construct an
image of the whole sky based on ceilometer measurements from a single
point. The sky condition information is included in data message 2 and
its subclass. The algorithm can report up to five cloud layers below
25 000 feet.

When using emulation message of the CT25K message 6, sky condition

information can be displayed with the DD50 Digital Display. The
emulation message reports up to four different cloud layers below
25 000 feet.

Option code
The sky condition algorithm is included in the 1.50 and latter software
versions. You can activate the algorithm by entering an option code
number to the ceilometer. The option code number is based on the CL31
ceilometer serial number. If the CL31 ceilometer is purchased with the
sky condition activated, this has already been done at the factory. In case
the sky condition option is purchased afterwards, you can find out the
serial number by entering the following command:
CEILO > system

Vaisala Ceilometer CL31

Unit ID: 0
Serial Nro: 421202
SW Version: 1.500

HW Options
Modem: N/A
Humitter: N/A
The ceilometer serial number can also be found in the label on the
measurement unit door. Send the CL31 serial number to Vaisala, and
Vaisala returns the option code, for example, 63273 (see the example in
the next section, Activation).

After you have received the option code, activate the sky condition
algorithm as follows:
CEILO > advanced
Service password accepted.

CEILO > set option sky_cond on 63273


Select the sky condition message type (msg2_base or its subclass) to be

CEILO > set message type msg2_base

Algorithm Overview
The sky condition algorithm is calculated every five minutes based on
data collected during the last 30 minutes. The last 10 minutes are double-
weighted to make the algorithm more responsive to variations in

Operation of the sky condition algorithm is shown in Figure 18 on page

47. Instead of forming a histogram of hit heights, the algorithm uses both
height and timing information to find hits close to each other. These hits
are combined into clusters and a height value is calculated for each
cluster. This height gives the base height of a cloud or cloud layer
represented by the cluster. The algorithm reports layers by combining
clusters whose heights are close to each other and then selecting clusters
that cover the greatest amount of sky.
Chapter 4


Figure 18 Basic Operation of CL31 Sky Condition Algorithm in a

2D Time-Height Domain

The sky condition algorithm reports the total sky cover in octas with
values between 0 and 9. (One octa equals one eighth.) Value 9 is reported
only in a vertical visibility condition. In addition, the sky cover can have
values of -1 and 99. The -1 is reported if the data is missing or the
ceilometer is in stand-by mode. The value 99 is reported after the start-up
of the ceilometer indicating there is not enough data for algorithm

Table 7 Sky Cover Values from the Sky Condition Algorithm

Volume Sky cover
0–8 Cloudiness in octas
9 Vertical Visibility (VV)
-1 Data missing or ceilometer in stand-by
99 Not enough data

Vertical Visibility (VV) hits are considered as cloud hits if they are
above 2 000 meters. The cloud height is defined as (VV + signal range)
/2. Lower VV hits are assigned to a VV register during the last 10 minute
period. If the percentage of VV hits in the register exceeds 50 %, the sky
condition algorithm reports VV. The VV height is the average height of
the VV hits. Otherwise, the lower hits are also considered as normal
cloud hits with cloud height (VV + signal range) of /2, that is, VV hits
are assigned to cloud height categories.

The sky condition algorithm has been implemented using five

independent modules. The algorithm control flow is shown in Figure 19

Figure 19 Control Flow of Sky Condition Algorithm

In the control flow, the Initialize module selects ceilometer

measurements from the last 30 minutes, sorts them into time order and
distributes them into specific data structures. After the ceilometer
measurements have been distributed, the module checks whether the
ceilometer has provided enough data for the algorithm. Two ratios are
calculated: ratio of measurements during the last 30 minutes and ratio of
measurements during the last few minutes. If either of these ratios
exceeds a threshold value, the data is marked valid and will be used by
the rest of the algorithm. Both of these ratios require a fixed sampling
period that is automatically detected from the measurements. If there is
no valid ceilometer data, 99 is returned as sky cover value, and if more
than 30 minutes has elapsed, -1 is returned as sky cover value.

The Filter module converts ceilometer measurements into cloud hits. If

the ceilometer measurement contains multiple cloud bases, the
conversion results in multiple cloud hits. Vertical visibility measurements
are also converted into cloud hits. After ceilometer measurements have
been converted, the amount of clear sky, the amount covered by cloud
Chapter 4

hits and the amount covered by high clouds are determined for the unit.
Total sky cover is adjusted using the value received from the Initialize
module. The adjusted total sky cover gets the value of 8 only if no clear
sky was detected and the measurements do not have any features that
indicate there is no overcast condition.

The Clusterize module combines hits into clusters. First the cloud hits
are combined into clusters, using an algorithm that looks for layers where
the horizontal difference between consecutive hits is small, and then by
algorithm that allows large height differences between consecutive hits.
These two algorithms are needed to make sure that in simple cases,
separate layers are not combined and in difficult cases the algorithm does
not report too many layers. After all hits have been combined into
clusters, a height is assigned for each cluster. First, the height below
which 10 % of all hits within the cluster are, is selected. Then, the height
of the cluster is calculated as an average of selected hits around this

The Combine module combines clusters into a single list of layers. The
module goes through all possible layer heights. A cover value is
calculated for each height. The calculated value is the sum of the cover
values of those clusters whose base height is between the height of the
layer and the height of the layer plus vertical extent of the layer. Vertical
extent of the layer is 100 feet or 10 % of the height of the layer, which
ever is bigger. The height that has the largest cover value is used in
forming a new layer. The height of the new layer is equal to a weighed
sum of those clusters that were within the vertical extent of the layer.
After the layer has been formed, the clusters are deleted and if there are
any uncombined clusters left, the process will be repeated.

The Select module chooses the layers to be reported by the algorithm.

The first step is to assign high cloud cover to a single cloud layer. If the
highest layer is above the threshold height, high cloud cover is assigned
to that layer; otherwise a synthetic layer is created at 25 000 feet. The
second step is to determine which layer to report as the lowest one. After
the lowest layer has been determined, the Select module rounds layer
heights into 100 feet precision. Layers closer than 100 feet to the layer
that is below them or whose sky cover is 1/16 or lower (less than 1/2
octas) are combined with the layers that are immediately below them.
The height of the combined layer is the height of the lower layer. If the
number of layers is still more than the number of layers requested, the
algorithm combines the layer which covers the least amount of sky to the
layer that is below it. This is done as many times as necessary to reduce
the number of layers to the requested number. The lowest layer is not
checked in either of the above two conditions.

The last phase of the Select module is to calculate the cumulative cloud
cover for the reported layers. This value is simply the sum of the sky
cover of the layer and all the layers below it converted into integer octas.
However, the cumulative cover of 8 octas is only reported if the layer is
the highest layer and if the total sky cover from the Select module is 8
Chapter 5


This chapter contains information that is needed to operate this product.

Operation Modes
There are two operation modes, normal and standby. The set oper_mode
normal and set oper_mode standby commands are used to switch
between the modes. In the normal mode, continuous measurement and
message transmission occurs according to the chosen parameters. The
standby mode, which involves turning off the wearing parts, can be used
during periods when measurement is not needed.


Figure 20 Operation Modes

Serial Lines - Open and Closed Port

As shown in Figure 11 on page 32, there are two line outputs in CL31,
the maintenance line (external connector J4) and the data line (external
connector J3). The data line is intended to be used for measurement data
communication and can be operated through a modem or a serial line
(RS-232 or RS-485). The maintenance line is intended for on-site
maintenance access, and is used only as a RS-232 serial line.
Functionally the operation of the two lines is identical, that is, the same
commands, operations, and messages operate through both lines.

The factory default setting is 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and 9 600
bps (for maintenance line), 19 200 bps (for data line). The bit rate can be
selected from the user menu.

The lines use the 7-bit USASCII character format. Both the UPPER and
lower letter cases can be used.

The standard operation of the serial lines requires no handshake signals.

A communication port, in other words the serial line, has the following
two internal states (see Figure 21 below).

- CLOSED: This is the transmitting state of a measurement data

message. In this state, messages are transmitted as a response to a
polling input string or automatically at predetermined intervals,
depending on the settings (message transmission). User commands are
not accepted, except for the open command, which turns the line into
the OPEN state.
- OPEN: This is the user dialog state. In this state, the device responds
to user commands and command input is echoed. A command prompt
CEILO > is displayed to indicate that CL31 is ready for command
input from the user. The commands are executed by pressing ENTER,
for example, OPEN 1 <enter>. No automatic transmission of the
measurement data message is executed in the open state. The port
reverts to the closed state with the close command. An automatic, 2-
minute time-out after the last character input is applied. A 2 to 30-
minute time-out may be set with the set port_timeout command.
Command input echoing can be turned on or off by giving the
command “set echo on/off”. When turned off, typed characters are not
echoed, but the command responses are given normally. As default
echoing is on.

NOTE Only one of the ports can be open for commands at a time. Only one of
the ports transmits measurement messages at a time. Additionally, in the
RS-485 mode, a unit ID must be given with the open command.


Figure 21 Open and Closed Port

Chapter 5

User Commands
User commands are described in Table 8 below. User commands are
accessible after opening the line with the open command. No password is

The exact format of commands does not have to be remembered, as the

command line interpreter provides interactive support. At each menu
level, pressing ENTER provides an output of the available menu.
Inserting a letter followed by ENTER outputs all commands starting with
that letter. Inserting two letters followed by ENTER outputs all
commands that start with those two letters, and so on, until only the
desired command is left. This command is then executed by pressing the
ENTER key.

In addition to the user menu and the user level command set, there is a
second in-depth maintenance and service level menu and command set,
which is intended for more profound system changes and diagnostics.
These advanced level commands are presented in Table 9 on page 56.
The password for this level is "advanced". The commands on this level
should only be used according to the instructions in this manual.

Table 8 User Level Commands

Command Description
close Closes a user interface. Releases a port for message
get diag contamination Prints diagnostic history of window contamination.
get diag angle Prints diagnostic history of inclinometer angle.
get diag battery Prints diagnostic history of battery voltage.
get diag int_temp Prints diagnostic history of internal temperature.
get diag l_power Prints diagnostic history of laser power.
get diag l_temp Prints diagnostic history of laser temperature.
get failure history Prints history of alarm and warning status.
get failure status Shows active alarms and warnings.
get params data_acq Prints data-acquisition related parameters.
get params factory Prints factory calibration values.
get params message Prints message related parameters.
get params port Prints serial port and modem parameters.
get sensors Prints data-acquisition values, tilt angles, and
humidity, if available.
get temperatures Displays temperatures.
get uptime Displays uptime clock.
get voltages Displays voltages.
name Displays device type, name, and ID.
open Opens a user interface.
reset Resets the ceilometer using the watchdog reset.
set control blower on Sets the window blower on.
set control blower off Sets the window blower off.
set control blower manual Sets manual control.
set control blower auto Sets automatic control.
set control inheater on Sets inheater on.
set control inheater off Sets inheater off.
Command Description
set control inheater manual Sets manual control.
set control inheater auto Sets automatic control.
set control outheater on Sets outheater on.
set control outheater off Sets outheater off.
set data_port baud 115.2 k Data serial port speed.
set data_port baud 57.6 k Data serial port speed.
set data_port baud 38.4 k Data serial port speed.
set data_port baud 19.2 k Data serial port speed.
set data_port baud 9600 Data serial port speed.
set data_port baud 4800 Data serial port speed.
set data_port baud 2400 Data serial port speed.
set data_port baud 1200 Data serial port speed.
set data_port baud 300 Data serial port speed.
set data_port mode RS-232 Data serial port mode.
set data_port mode RS-485 Data serial port mode.
set data_port parity 7E1 Data serial port settings.
set data_port parity 7O1 Data serial port settings.
set data_port parity 7N2 Data serial port settings.
set data_port parity 8N1 Data serial port settings.
set defaults Restores the following default settings:
Operation mode: normal
Measurement mode: standard
Data acquisition autoadjustments: on
Blower control: auto
Inheater control: auto
Diagnostics intervals: 2 min
Power-save mode: disabled
Power-save sleep interval: 60 s
Message angle correction: on
Message transmission: periodic
Message secondary transmission: none
Message transmission delay: 100 ms
Message height-offset: 0
Message interval: 2 s
Message secondary interval: 2 s
Manual message: disabled
Message port: data
Message profile scale: 1.0
Message profile noise-h2: off
Message type: msg2_base
Message secondary type: none
Message units: feet
Message VV limit ceiling: 6562 ft (2000 m)
Port timeout: 2 min
Unit ID: 0
Echo: on
set diag interval angle Sets diagnostic-data logging interval (min). 0
set diag interval battery Sets diagnostic-data logging interval (min). 0
set diag interval contam Sets diagnostic-data logging interval (min). 0
set diag interval int_temp Sets diagnostic-data logging interval (min). 0
set diag interval l_power Sets diagnostic-data logging interval (min). 0
Chapter 5

Command Description
set diag interval l_temp Sets diagnostic-data logging interval (min). 0
set diag clear Clears all diagnostic-data history.
set echo on Sets command input echoing on.
set echo off Sets command input echoing off.
set failure history clear Clears failure history.
set maint_port baud 115.2 k Maintenance serial port speed.
set maint_port baud 57.6 k Maintenance serial port speed.
set maint_port baud 38.4 k Maintenance serial port speed.
set maint_port baud 19.2 k Maintenance serial port speed.
set maint_port baud 9600 Maintenance serial port speed.
set maint_port baud 4800 Maintenance serial port speed.
set maint_port baud 2400 Maintenance serial port speed.
set maint_port baud 1200 Maintenance serial port speed.
set maint_port baud 300 Maintenance serial port speed.
set maint_port parity 7E1 Maintenance serial port settings.
set maint_port parity 7O1 Maintenance serial port settings.
set maint_port parity 7N2 Maintenance serial port settings.
set maint_port parity 8N1 Maintenance serial port settings.
set message transmission delay Sets request-based delivery response delay (ms).
set message transmission periodic Sets periodic message transmission.
set message transmission request Sets message request-based delivery.
set message interval 2 ... 120 Sets message delivery interval in seconds.
set message port data Delivers messages into data port.
set message port maintenance Delivers messages into maintenance port.
set message secondary interval Sets secondary message delivery interval in
set message secondary transmission none Disables secondary message
set message secondary transmission periodic Sets periodic secondary message transmission.
set message secondary transmission request Sets secondary message request-based delivery.
set message secondary type Sets secondary message types, as in “set message
type” (see below).
set message type msg1_10x770 Sets Msg1 with 10x770 profile.
set message type msg1_20x385 Sets Msg1 with 20x385 sample profile with 385
samples and 20 m resolution.
set message type msg1_5x1500 Sets Msg1 with 5x1500 profile.
set message type msg1_5x770 Sets Msg1 with 5x770 profile.
set message type msg1_base Sets Msg1 without a profile.
set message type msg2_10x770 Sets Msg2 with 10x770 profile.
set message type msg2_20x385 Sets Msg2 with 20x385 profile.
set message type msg2_ 5x1500 Sets Msg2 with 5x1500 profile.
set message type msg2_ 5x770 Sets Msg2 with 5x770 profile.
set message type msg2_base Sets Msg2 without a profile.
set message type status Sets status message.
set message type ct25k_msg1 Sets CT25K message 1.
set message type ct25k_msg6 Sets CT25K msg6 / CT25KAM msg60.
set message type ct25k_msg61 Sets CT25KAM msg61.
set message type ct12k_dmsg2 Set CT12K message no. 2.
set message type ct12k_dmsg3 Set CT12K message no. 3.
set message type ld40_std_tg Sets LD40 Standard Telegram.
set modem v21 answer Sets modem to answer with v21.
set modem v21 originate Sets modem to call with v21.
set modem v22 answer Sets modem to answer with v22.
set modem v22 originate Sets modem to call with v22.
Command Description
set modem v22bis answer Sets modem to answer with v22bis.
set modem v22bis originate Sets modem to call with v22bis.
set modem off Disables the communication module and uses serial
line communication.
set name <string> Sets the unit name.
set oper_mode standby Sets standby mode. Profile sampling is inactive.
set oper_mode normal Sets normal operation.
set port_timeout 0 ... 30 Sets the command line time-out to 0 ... 30 minutes.
Zero disables.
set unit_id <character> Sets the unit ID.
status Prints the status message.
system Lists system information: type, ID, SW version, HW
modules, serial number.
version Displays the SW version.

Table 9 Advanced Level Commands

Command Description
back Go back one security level. Go back to the user level
dump Outputs all settings and diagnostics data. Includes
the responses of the following commands: system,
status, get failure status, get failure history, get
params factory, get params message, get params
port, get params algorithm, and get failure diag.
get failure diag Show failure diagnostics data.
get params algorithm Prints cloud algorithm related parameters.
service replace_instr battery Prints service instructions for replacing a battery.
service replace_instr cle_engine_board Prints service instructions for replacing a CLE321
engine board.
service replace_instr clp_ac_power Prints service instructions for replacing a CLP321
power unit.
service replace_instr clr_receiver Prints service instructions for replacing a CLR321
service replace_instr clt_transmitter Prints service instructions for replacing a CLT321
service self_check Runs the self-check.
service spare_part cle_engine mark Marks CLE spare part status.
service spare_part cle_engine clear Clears CLE spare part status.
service spare_part clt_transmitter mark Marks CLT spare part status.
service spare_part clt_transmitter clear Clears CLT spare part status.
service spare_part show_state Shows spare part status of CLE and CLT.
service sw_update Updates the software.
set data_acq autoadj on Sets SW-control of data acquisition parameters.
set data_acq autoadj off Disables SW-control of data acquisition parameters.
set data_acq meas_mode standard Maximum range 7700 m, 10 m resolution, laser
pulse rate 10 kHz.
set data_acq meas_mode high_res Maximum range 7550 m, 5 m resolution, laser pulse
rate 8 kHz.
set data_acq power_save disable Disables power-save mode.
set data_acq power_save enable Enables power-save mode.
set data_acq power_save interval Power-save interval in seconds. Default is 60.
30 ... 30000
set data_acq receiver gain low Sets receiver to low gain.
Chapter 5

Command Description
set data_acq receiver gain high Sets receiver to high gain.
set data_acq transmit length_of_p short Sets transmitter to short pulse.
set data_acq transmit length_of_p long Sets transmitter to long pulse.
set data_acq transmit inlaser 0 ... 4095 Sets control value for laser pulse.
set factory calibr_outlaser Starts automatic calibration of target outlaser.
set factory cross_talk Calibrates factory crosstalk.
set factory opt_sensit Sets optics sensitivity.
set factory outlaser 0 .. 2500 Sets target outlaser.
set factory receiver_type clr311 Sets receiver type to CLR311
set factory receiver_type clr321 Sets receiver type to CLR321
set factory win_clean Sets window clean status for window cond.
set message angle_corr on Heights in messages are corrected for the tilt angle.
set message angle_corr off Heights in messages are not corrected for the tilt
set message height_offset <value> Sets height offset in current units.
(Range is -304 ... 304 m or -1000 ... 1000 ft.)
Positive values are added to and negative values
are subtracted from the measured height.
set message manual_msg <string> Sets a manual message. Empty string disables.
set message profile scale Scaling factor for range gate data (%).
set message profile noise_h2 on Range gates data is always range normalized, even
set message profile noise_h2 off Range gates data is range normalized, if backscatter
is contained.
set message units feet Reported heights unit is feet.
set message units meters Reported heights unit is meters.
set message vv_limit ceiling Sets vertical visibility ceiling limit (meters/feet). No
vertical visibility will be reported above this limit.
(Default: 2000 m).
set option humitter on Enables the humitter option.
set option humitter off Disables the humitter option.
set option sky_cond off Disables the sky condition option.
set option sky_cond on 0 .. 99999 Enables the sky condition option with an activation
Data Messages
To ease the use of Ceilometer CL31 and to ease the transfer from old
ceilometer versions to the new one, CL31 includes data messages used in
CT12K, CT25K, CT25KAM, and LD40. CL31 provides the following
data messages:

- CL31 Data messages 1 and 2

- CL31 Status message
- CT12K data messages No. 2 and No. 3
- CT25K data messages No. 1 and No. 6
- CT25KAM data messages No. 60 and No. 61
- LD40 Standard Telegram

Each port can be set to transmit a specified message automatically.

Alternatively, the port can be set to transmit the set message only when
polled by a predetermined polling string of characters, or the polling
string can contain the message identification.

The messages may provide a different resolution and require a different

measurement mode. A change of a message always switches into a
correct measurement mode automatically.

However, CL31 Status message and CL31 Data messages 1 and 2 of

subclass 5 (without profile data) may be used in both 10 m and 5 m
resolutions. A selection of these messages always activates the 10 m
resolution (standard mode). If needed, users can change into the 5 m
resolution (high resolution) by typing the following advanced level
command: set data_acq meas_mode high_res. Thus, the above
messages will work in 5 m resolution.

NOTE All characters are 7-bit USASCII.

↵ symbolizes Carriage Return + Line Feed (2 characters) throughout this
Start-of-Header, Start-of-Text, End-of-Text, End-of-Transmission,
Carriage Return, and Line Feed are non-printing characters in most
practical terminal use.

Secondary message
Two different messages can be separately output on the two ports. This is
enabled by configuring a secondary message using the command “set
Chapter 5

message secondary”. The secondary message is always output to the

other port, meaning that the port is not configured for the primary
message. Note that if both messages contain a backscatter profile, then
the message intervals should not be set to values lower than 4 seconds.

CL31 Data Messages No. 1 and 2

Data message No. 1 contains cloud height/vertical visibility measurement
and elementary status information that enables a host system or operator
to see that no warnings or alarms are present. This message also includes
a range and sensitivity normalized backscatter profile that is suitable, for
example, for a graphical data presentation or research purposes. In
addition to the content of data message No. 1, data message No. 2 also
includes sky condition data.

The data resolution is 5 m/10 m/20 m (16 ft/33 ft/66 ft) in distance, and
20 bits (five hex-ASCII characters) in signal magnitude.

An example of CL31 data message No.1 is presented below:

CLA10011↵ 1st line 12 char.
30 01230 12340 23450 FEDCBA987654↵ 2nd line 35 char.
00100 10 0770 098 +34 099 12 0621 L0112HN15 139↵ 3rd line 49 char.
00000111112222233333 ... (5 x 770 bytes)↵ 4th line 3852 char.
1a3f♦↵ 5th line 8 char.
Total 3956 char.

An example of CL31 data message No. 2 is presented below:

CLA10021↵ 1st line 12 char.
30 01230 12340 23450 FEDCBA987654↵ 2nd line 35 char.
3 055 5 170 0 /// 0 /// 0 ///↵ 3rd line 37 char.
00100 10 0770 098 +34 099 12 0621 L0112HN15 139↵ 4th line 49 char.
00000111112222233333 ... (5 x 770 bytes)↵ 5th line 3852 char.
1a3f♦↵ 6th line 8 char.
Total 3993 char.

For data lines with low bandwidth, there is also a base version of each
message. In the short version of message No.1, lines 3 and 4 are left out.
In the base version of message No.2, lines 4 and 5 are left out. In the
table below, the data message types are summarized with the minimum
bit rates and storage capacity. The examples are divided into
measurement resolutions of 10 m and 5 m. They have minimum
reporting intervals of 2 s and 3 s, respectively.

Table 10 Messages with 10 m Resolution (Standard Mode)

Message Message Name Length Min bps Data/Month Min bps Data/Month
Number (bytes) (2 s) (2 s) (12 s) (12 s)
11 msg1_10x770 3956 28.8k 4890 MB 4800 815 MB
12 msg1_20x385 2031 14.4k 2510 MB 2400 418 MB
Message Message Name Length Min bps Data/Month Min bps Data/Month
Number (bytes) (2 s) (2 s) (12 s) (12 s)
15 msg1_base 55 300 68 MB 300 11 MB
21 msg2_10x770 3993 28.8k 4940MB 4800 423 MB
22 msg2_20x385 2068 14.4k 2560 MB 2400 425 MB
25 msg2_base 92 600 114 MB 300 19 MB

Table 11 Messages with 5 m Resolution (High Resolution)

Message Message Name Length Min bps Data/Month Min bps Data/Month
Number (bytes) (3 s) (3 s) (15 s) (15 s)
13 msg1_5x1500 7606 28.8k 6267 MB 9600 1253 MB
14 msg1_5x770 3956 14.4k 3260 MB 4800 625 MB
15 msg1_base 55 300 45 MB 300 9 MB
23 msg2_5x1500 7643 28.8k 6230 MB 9600 1260 MB
24 msg2_5x770 3993 14.4k 3290 MB 4800 660 MB
25 msg2_base 92 600 76 MB 300 15 MB

The interpretation of the message lines is as follows:


Example: CLA10011↵

 = Start-of-Heading character
CL = Ceilometers' identification string; always CL
A = Unit identification character 0 ... 9, A ... Z
100 = Software level ID 100 ... 999
1 = Message number; message without sky condition data
is = 1, with sky condition data is = 2
1 = Character for subclasses of message
1 = 10 m x 770 samples, range 7700 m (msg1_10x770)
2 = 20 m x 385 samples, range 7700 m (msg1_20x385)
3 = 5 m x 1500 samples, range 7500 m (msg1_5x1500)
4 = 5 m x 770 samples, range 3850 m (msg1_5x770)
5 = without a backscatter profile
 = Start-of-Text Character
↵ = Carriage Return + Line Feed
Chapter 5


Example: 30 01230 12340 23450 FEDCBA987654↵

3 = Detection status: Detection status as follows:
0 No significant backscatter
1 One cloud base detected
2 Two cloud bases detected
3 Three cloud bases detected
4 Full obscuration determined but no cloud
base detected
5 Some obscuration detected but determined
to be transparent
/ Raw data input to algorithm missing or

0 = W & A information: Warning and Alarm information as

0 follows:
W Self-check OK
A At least one Warning active, no Alarms
At least one Alarm active

01230 = Lowest cloud base height If detection status is 1, 2, or 3

Vertical Visibility as calculated If detection status is 4
///// If detection status is 0 or 5

12340 = Second lowest cloud base height If detection status is 2 or 3

Highest signal detected If detection status is 4
///// If detection status is 0, 1, or 5

23450 = Highest cloud base height If detection status is 3

///// If detection status is 0, 1, 2, 4, 5

FEDC = Alarm (A), Warning (W), and internal status (S) information. Each character is a
BA98 hexadecimal representation of four bits, that is, values between 0 and 9 are
7654 presented with numbers and values 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 are presented with
letters A, B, C, D, E, and F, respectively. As each of the 12 characters represent
the sum of four individual bits, the total number of bits is 48 (b00-b47), with the
following breakdown and interpretation:

F: b47 (8000 0000 0000) Transmitter shut-off (A)

b46 (4000 0000 0000) Transmitter failure (A)
b45 (2000 0000 0000) Receiver failure (A)
b44 (1000 0000 0000) Voltage failure (A)
E: b43 (0800 0000 0000) (Spare) (A)
b42 (0400 0000 0000) Memory error (A)
b41 (0200 0000 0000) Light path obstruction (A)
b40 (0100 0000 0000) Receiver saturation (A)
D: b39 (0080 0000 0000) (spare) (A)
b38 (0040 0000 0000) (spare) (A)
b37 (0020 0000 0000) (spare) (A)
b36 (0010 0000 0000) (spare) (A)
C: b35 (0008 0000 0000) (spare) (A)
b34 (0004 0000 0000) (spare) (A)
b33 (0002 0000 0000) Coaxial cable failure (A)
b32 (0001 0000 0000) Ceilometer engine board failure (A)
B: b31 (0000 8000 0000) Window contamination (W)
b30 (0000 4000 0000) Battery voltage low (W)
b29 (0000 2000 0000) Transmitter expires (W)
b28 (0000 1000 0000) High humidity (W)
A: b27 (0000 0800 0000) (spare) (W)
b26 (0000 0400 0000) Blower failure (W)
b25 (0000 0200 0000) (spare) (W)
b24 (0000 0100 0000) Humidity sensor failure (W)
9: b23 (0000 0080 0000) Heater fault (W)
b22 (0000 0040 0000) High background radiance (W)
b21 (0000 0020 0000) Ceilometer engine board failure (W)
b20 (0000 0010 0000) Battery failure (W)
8: b19 (0000 0008 0000) Laser monitor failure (W)
b18 (0000 0004 0000) Receiver warning (W)
b17 (0000 0002 0000) Tilt angle > 45 degrees warning (W)
b16 (0000 0001 0000) (spare) (W)
7 b15 (0000 0000 8000) Blower is on (S)
b14 (0000 0000 4000) Blower heater is on (S)
b13 (0000 0000 2000) Internal heater is on (S)
b12 (0000 0000 1000) Working from battery (S)
6 b11 (0000 0000 0800) Standby mode is on (S)
b10 (0000 0000 0400) Self test in progress (S)
b09 (0000 0000 0200) Manual data acquisition settings are
effective (S)
b08 (0000 0000 0100) (spare) (S)
5 b07 (0000 0000 0080) Units are meters if on, else feet (S)
b06 (0000 0000 0040) Manual blower control (S)
b05 (0000 0000 0020) Polling mode is on (S)
b04 (0000 0000 0010) (spare) (S)
4 b03 (0000 0000 0008) (spare) (S)
b02 (0000 0000 0004) (spare) (S)
b01 (0000 0000 0002) (spare) (S)
b00 (0000 0000 0001) (spare) (S)
Chapter 5

For example, if no clouds are detected, if the window is contaminated,

the battery voltage is too low, the internal heater is on and units are
meters, a warning is given, and the second line appears as follows:
0W ///// ///// ///// 0000C0002080


Example: 3 055 5 170 0 /// 0 /// 0 ///↵

NOTE The line starts with two space characters.

3 = Detection status:
0 ... 8 Cloud coverage of the first layer in octas
9 Vertical visibility
-1 Data missing, sky condition option not
active or ceilometer in standby mode
99 Not enough data (after start-up)

055 = Height of the 1st cloud layer (550 m or

5500 ft depending on the units
5 = Cloud amount of the 2nd layer in octas
170 = Height of the 2nd cloud layer (1700 m
or 17000 ft depending on the selection)
0 = Cloud amount of the 3rd layer in octas
/// = Height of the 3rd cloud layer
0 = Cloud amount of the 4th layer in octas
/// = Height of the 4th cloud layer
0 = Cloud amount of the 5th layer in octas
/// = Height of the 5th cloud layer

The reporting resolution is 10 m or 100 ft depending on the units

selection. If the cloud amount is zero, the corresponding layer height is

Example: 00100 10 0770 098 +34 099 12 621 L0112HN15 139↵

00100 = Parameter SCALE, 100 (%) is normal (0 ... 99999 possible)
10 = Backscatter profile resolution in meters.
0770 = Length of the profile in samples 385, 770, 1400, or 1500
098 = Laser pulse energy, % of nominal factory setting
(0 ... 999)
+34 = Laser temperature in degrees C (-50 ... +99)
099 = Window transmission estimate % (0 ... 100)
12 = Tilt angle, degrees from vertical (0 ... 90)
0621 = Background light, millivolts at internal ADC input
(0 ... 2500)
L0112 = Measurement parameters (pulse Long/Short, pulse qty 0112x1024, gain
HN15 High/Low, bandwidth Narrow/Wide, sampling 15/30 MHz)
L = Long pulse
0112 = Pulse quantity
H = High gain
N = Narrow bandwidth
15 = 15 MHz sampling rate
139 = SUM of detected and normalized backscatter,
0 ... 999. Multiplied by scaling factor times 104. At scaling factor 1.0 the SUM
range 0 ... 999 corresponds to integrated backscatter 0…0.0999 srad-1.

NOTE The next line is omitted if the message subclass is 5.


Example: 00000111112222233333........ ↵(5 x 770 bytes)

The two-way attenuated backscatter profile with sensitivity normalized

units (100000·srad·km)-1 unless otherwise scaled with the SCALE
parameter. Each sample is coded with a 20-bit HEX ASCII character set;
msb nibble and bit first, 2's complement. The length of this line is equal
to 5 times the length of the profile + 2. Note that the profile is not
corrected with the tilt angle.

Using the SCALE parameter a total dynamic range of 29 bits can be

achieved for this message.

The line ends with Carriage Return and Line Feed characters.
Chapter 5

NOTE The next line is omitted if the message subclass is 5.


Example: 1a3f♦↵

 = End-of-Text character
1a3f = Checksum, see below for calculation procedure
♦ = End-of-Transmission character
↵ = Carriage Return + Line Feed

CRC16 Checksum
The CRC16 checksum can be calculated using the following algorithm
written in the C programming language:
/* 16-bit type. */
typedef unsigned short Word16;

/* Calculate CRC-16 value as used in CL31. */

Word16 crc16(const unsigned char *buf, int len)

Word16 crc;
Word16 xmask;
int i, j;

crc = 0xffff;

for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)

crc ^= buf[i] << 8;

for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j)

xmask = (crc & 0x8000) ? 0x1021 : 0;
crc <<= 1;
crc ^= xmask;

return crc ^ 0xffff;


The calculation of the checksum starts after the Start-of-Heading

character and ends after the End-of-Text character, that is, the first
character included is C and the last one included is End-of-Text.
CL31 Status Message
The Status message displays the internal monitoring of the entire unit. It
is mainly meant for testing and maintenance purposes. The Status
message can be displayed by giving the status command.

An example of the status message is presented below:

10 00850 ///// ///// 000000000080↵

Tmit Shutoff OK Transmitter OK↵
Receiver OK Voltages OK↵
Ext Memory OK Light Pth Obs OK↵
Rec Saturat OK Coaxial Cable OK↵
Engine OK

Oper Mode: normal Autoadj: on↵

Meas Mode: standard Interval: 2.0 s↵
Power Save: disabled Sleep Int: 60 s↵

Transmitter Receiver↵
Pulse Len: long Gain: high↵
Inlaser: 1745 Bandwidth: narrow↵
Pulse Cnt: 16384 Smpl Rate: 15 MHz↵
Pulse Frq: 10.0 kHz↵

Window Cnd: 100 % Outlaser: 1064↵

Backg Rad: 2.4 103 %↵

Tilt Angle: 0.4 Humidity: N/A↵

Internal: 23.7 External: 8.7↵
DC Power: 22.6 Inclinom: 28.9↵
Laser: 25.6 Blower: 8.3↵

Internal heater: off (auto)

Blower: on (auto)
Blower heater: on
Batt Use: off

System Status: OK↵

Suspect Module: none↵
Chapter 5

Message interpretation:


The first line of the CL31 status message is structurally identical to the
first line of the CL31 data message No. 1 (see section CL31 Data
Messages No. 1 and 2 on page 59), except that the second to last
character that identifies the message number, is always S0↵.


The second line of the CL31 status message is structurally identical to the
second line of the CL31 data message No. 1 (see section CL31 Data
Messages No. 1 and 2 on page 59).

LINES 4 ... 9

Lines four to nine display the alarm status of Ceilometer CL31. If an

alarm is present, CL31 invalidates the cloud data.


Line 11 displays the operation mode and autoadjustment settings of the

CL31. In normal use, the operation mode should be set to normal and
autoadjustment should be set to on.


Line 12 displays the measurement mode and measurement interval

settings of the CL31. In normal use, the measurement mode should be set
to standard. By default the measurement interval is 2.0 s.


Line 13 displays the power-save mode status and sleep interval settings
of the CL31. In normal use, the power-save mode is disabled. If the
power-save mode is on, the sleep interval indicates the interval when the
CL31 does not measure.
LINES 15 ... 19

Lines 12 to 16 display the transmitter and receiver settings of the CL31.

Transmitter Pulse Len = Pulse length, long in normal use (100 ns)
Inlaser = Controls the peak laser power
Pulse Cnt = Pulse count, the number of pulses during
a single measurement cycle, 16384 by
Pulse Frq = Laser pulsing frequency (10.0 kHz)

Receiver Gain = High by default, may be low in fog or

heavy snow
Bandwidth = Narrow by default
Smpl Rate = Receiver signal sampling rate, defines the
vertical resolution of the measurement.
Default is 15 MHz which corresponds to
a 10 m resolution.


Line 21 displays the window contamination status and outlaser settings

of the CL31. The estimated transparency of 90 % to 100 % means that
the window is clean. It is recommended that the window is cleaned
whenever there is a window contamination warning, that is, the
transparency is estimated as 70 % or lower.

Outlaser is the laser pulse energy measured with CLM311 Laser Monitor
Board. The value underneath the outlaser value (on line 17) refers to the
percentage of the laser power relative to the factory setting. The
embedded software will maintain this value between 95 % and 105 %.


Line 22 displays the background radiance value of the CL31. The

background radiance varies according to the background illuminance
condition and temperature. The following values, outlaser percentage, is
described above.


Line 24 displays the tilt angle in degrees from vertical. Humidity

measurement is visible if the option is activated.

LINES 26 ... 29

Lines 26 to 29 display temperature values in degrees centigrade. These

values are used for the automatic control of the internal heaters and the
blower, and for status monitoring.
Chapter 5

LINES 31 ... 34

Lines 31 and 34 display the status of the internal heater, the blower, the
blower heater, and the battery.


Line 36 displays a summary of the system status. It should be OK.

Alternatively, it can display the texts Warning or Alarm/Fail, if there
are warnings or alarms present.


Line 37 displays the automatic diagnosis in case of a failure. The system

suggests a module to be replaced. If there is a secondary option, it will be
stated in parentheses.


Example: ↵

 = End-of-Text character
↵ = Carriage Return + Line Feed

CT12K Messages
Ceilometer CL31 also includes two Ceilometer CT12K messages. These
are digital message No.2 and digital message No.3.

CT12K Digital Message No. 2

This message contains detailed range gate data, and internal monitoring
data for the most important variables.
An example of digital message No.2 is presented below:

10 04200 00150 ///// ///// 0000011010 ↵
2 0 0.08 36 0 100 23.9 0.00 0 0 ↵
0DD ...............................DD ↵
-1 ↵
-2 ↵
-3 ↵
-4 ↵
-5 ↵
-6 (data values;) ↵
-7 ↵
-8 ↵
-9 ↵
10 ↵
11 ↵
12DD...............................DD ↵

ON/OFF data is 1/0 accordingly. Other data is decimal or hexadecimal

numbers. The total length of the message is 636 characters. The printout
is 15 lines, the width is max 44 characters, of which 42 are visible.

Message Interpretation:


Example: ↵

 = Start-of-Heading character
↵ = Carriage Return + Line Feed


The first line of the message is status line 1. Status line 1 is identical in
all CT12K messages.
Chapter 5

NSB H1H1H1H1H1 T1T1T1T1T1 H2H2H2H2H2 T2T2T2T2T2 S1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S9S10↵

N = 0 No significant backscatter (clear air)
1 One layer detected
2 Two layers detected
3 Sky is fully obscured but no cloud base can be detected
from echo signal received (e.g. fog or precipitation)
4 Sky is partially obscured and no cloud base is detected

S = 0 No CL31 alarm is active

1 Alarm is active

B = Space if S = 0
‘bel’ character if S = 1. Because 'bel' is a nonprinting
character, the alarming line appears one character shorter
in a printout than normally.

N = 0 / 4 H1=H2=T1=T2= /////
1 / 2 H1H1H1H1H1 = The lowest detected cloud height in 5
digits. Leading zeroes not suppressed.
T1T1T1T1T1 = Range of backscatter of first layer, ///// if
not defined
2 H2H2H2H2H2 = Second cloud height, ///// if not defined
T2T2T2T2T2 = Range of backscatter of second layer, ///// if
not defined
3 H1H1H1H1H1 = Calculated vertical visibility
T1T1T1T1T1 = Signal range, that is, height of highest
detected backscatter

S1 = An alarm or a warning is active

S2 = Voltage alarm
S3 = Transmitter alarm or transmitter expires warning
S4 = Transmitter shutoff alarm (Laser temperature too high)
S5 = High radiance warning
S6 = Blower On
S7 = Heater On
S8 = 0 Unit is feet
1 Unit is meters
S9 = 0 Always (Data type in internal table. N/A)
S10 = 0 Always (Fast Heater Off is active. N/A)

The second line of the message is status line 2.


G = 0 Low gain
2 High gain
F = 0 Always (Laser pulse frequency. N/A)

N.NN = Background radiance/100. One digit, two decimals.

SUM = Sum of total backscattered power per unit solid
angle, that is, range and instrument normalization
applied. Three digits, no decimals. Leading zeroes
replaced by space characters.
IIN = 0 Always (Algorithm related internal processing
information. N/A) 3 digits
LASE = Measured laser power in percentages of current laser
power of target laser power (LLAS). 3 digits.
TL.x = Internal variable indicating transmitter temperature.
Two digits, one decimal; preceded by minus sign if
negative. Degrees Celsius.
OF.FS = 0.00 Always (Offset of zero signal. N/A) Two digits, two
XX = 0 Always (Algorithm related internal processing
information. N/A) Two digits.
PP = 0 Always (A two-digit number representing calculated
extinction coefficient values. N/A)

LINES 4 ... 16

Lines 3 to 15 are the data lines of the message.

Example: HHD0D1D2D3 ....... D9↵

HH = Height of the first value
D = Data values

The data is scaled to a hexadecimal number O ... FE (decimal

0 ... 254). Overflow is indicated by FF. A leading zero is replaced by a
space character.
Chapter 5

Data values are presented for each 50 ft range gate. The height of the first
value in the line in thousands of feet. Two digits, a leading zero is
replaced by a space. Twenty 50 ft values per line starting with 0 (ft), next
line 1 000 (ft). 13 lines altogether. Last line (12 000 ft) has 10 values.

CT12K Digital Message No. 3

This message contains Status Line 1 identical to Message No. 2 (see
section CT12K Digital Message No. 2 on page 69) and one single range
gate data line indicating the presence or absence of backscatter in each
range gate.

An example of digital message No.3 is presented below:

10 04200 00150 ///// ///// 0000011010 ↵
0001FFF80000000000007A000......000 ↵

ON/OFF data is 1/0 accordingly. Other data is decimal or hexadecimal

numbers. The total length of the message is 112 characters. The printout
is 2 lines, the maximum width is 66 characters, of which 64 are visible.
The time for message transmission at 300 baud is 3.73 s.

Message Interpretation:


Example: ↵

 = Start-of-Heading character
↵ = Carriage Return + Line Feed


The first line of the message is status line 1. Status line 1 of digital
message No.3 is identical to that of message No. 2 (see section CT12K
Digital Message No. 2 on page 69).

The second line of the message is a backscatter data line.

Example: D1D2D3D4........................D64↵

D = A single, ASCII coded hexadecimal character O ... F, where
each bit of the 4-bit nibble of the hex character expressed in a
binary form represents one range gate.
D1 = Represents the four lowest 15 m (approximately 50 ft) range
gates, that is, 45 m (appr. 0 ft, 50 ft, l00 ft, 150 ft).
D2 = Represents the four next ones, that is, 60 m (appr. 200 ft,
250 ft, 300 ft, 350 ft), etc.

0 Indicates no detectable backscatter in four adjacent range gates

F Indicates backscatter in all four range gates
8 Indicates backscatter in the lowest range gate only
1 Indicates backscatter in the highest range gate only

All other characters indicate a gate-by-gate combination of backscatter

according to the binary nibble, converted to hexadecimal.

CT25K Data Messages

Ceilometer CL31 includes two Ceilometer CT25K data messages. These
are data message No. 1 and data message No. 6.

CT25K Data Message No. 1

This message is intended for cloud height/vertical visibility measurement
when no other measurement information is desired. The message
includes the most elementary status information, which enables a host
system or operator to see that no warnings or alarms are present. An
example of data message No.1 is presented below:

CTA2010↵ 1st line 11 char.

30 01230 12340 23450 FEDCBA98↵ 2nd line 31 char.
↵ 3rd line 3 char.
total 44 characters

The transmission time and size is the following:

0.18 s at 2 400 bps (10-bit char.)

10.6 Kbytes/h, 253 Kbytes/d, 7.6 Mbytes/mo. at 4 msg./min.,

Chapter 5

Message interpretation:


Example: CTA2010↵

 = Start-of-Heading character
CT = Ceilometers' identification string; always CT
A = Unit number 0 ... 9, A ... Z
20 = Software level id 00 ... 99
1 = Message number; this message is always = 1
0 = Spare character for future subclasses of message
 = Start-of-Text Character


Example: 30 01230 12340 23450 FEDCBA98↵

Second line of CT25K data message No. 1 is identical to that of CL31

data message No. 1 (see section CL31 Data Messages No. 1 and 2 on
page 59), except for the status bit string, which is 4-byte hex coded. The
status bit string is coded as follows:

FEDC = Alarm (A), Warning (W), and internal status information. Each character is a
BA98 hexadecimal representation of four bits, that is, values between 0 and 9 are
presented with respective numbers and values 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 are
presented with letters A, B, C, D, E, and F respectively. As each character
represents the sum of four individual bits, the total number of bits is 32 (b00-
b31), with the following breakdown and interpretation:
F: b31 (8000 0000) Transmitter shut-off (Laser temperature high.)
b30 (4000 0000) Transmitter failure (A)
b29 (2000 0000) Receiver or coaxial cable failure (A)
b28 (1000 0000) Engine, voltage or memory failure (A)
E: b27 (0800 0000) (spare) (A)
b26 (0400 0000) (spare) (A)
b25 (0200 0000) (spare) (A)
b24 (0100 0000) (spare) (A)
D: b23 (0080 0000) Window contaminated (W)
b22 (0040 0000) Battery low (W)
b21 (0020 0000) Transmitter expire warning (W)
b20 (0010 0000) Heater or humidity sensor failure (W)
C: b19 (0008 0000) High radiance warning together with b02 (W)
b18 (0004 0000) Engine, receiver, or laser monitor failure
warning (W)
b17 (0002 0000) Relative Humidity is high > 85 % (option)
b16 (0001 0000) Light path obstruction or receiver saturation
(also receiver failure active, b29) (A)
B: b15 (0000 8000) Blower failure (W)
b14 (0000 4000) (spare) (W)
b13 (0000 2000) (spare) (W)
b12 (0000 1000) (spare) (W)
A: b11 (0000 0800) Blower is ON
b10 (0000 0400) Blower heater is ON
b09 (0000 0200) Internal heater is ON
b08 (0000 0100) Units are METERS if ON, else FEET
9: b07 (0000 0080) Polling mode is ON
b06 (0000 0040) Working from battery
b05 (0000 0020) Always 0 (Single sequence mode is. N/A)
b04 (0000 0010) Always 0 (Manual settings are effective. N/A)
8: b03 (0000 0008) Tilt angle is > 45 degrees (W)
b02 (0000 0004) High radiance warning together with b19. (W)
b01 (0000 0002) Manual blower control
b00 (0000 0001) (spare)


↵ = End-of-Text and Carriage Return + Line Feed

CT25K Data Message No. 6

Message number 6 is similar to message number 1 but extended with a
sky condition line. For an interpretation, see section Sky Condition
Algorithm on page 45.

The following is an example of message number 6 format:

CTA2060↵ 1st line 11 char.

30 01230 12340 23450 FEDCBA98↵ 2nd line 31 char.
3 055 5 170 0 /// 0 ///↵ 3rd line 30 char.
↵ 4th line 3 char.
total 75 characters

The transmission time and size is the following:

total 75 characters

=> 0.31 s at 2400 bps (10 bit char.)

=> 18.0 Kbytes/h, 432 Kbytes/d, 12.7 Mbytes/mo. at 4 msg/min,

Chapter 5

Message interpretation:

LINES 1 and 2 are identical to that of Message number 1.


Example: 3 055 5 170 0 /// 0 ///

Note that the string begins with 2 spaces.

3 = The first number of line: detection status as follows:
0 ... 8 Cloud amount of the first layer in oktas.
9 Vertical visibility.
-1 Data missing or the ceilometer is in standby mode.
99 Not enough data (after start-up).
055 The second number of line: Height of the 1st cloud layer
(5500 ft or 550 m depending on feet or meter selection).
5 The third number of line: Cloud amount of the 2nd layer
in oktas.
170 The fourth number of line: Height of the 2nd cloud layer
(17000 ft or 1700 m depending on feet or meter
0 The fifth number of line: Cloud amount of the 3rd layer
in oktas.
/// The sixth number of line: Height of the 3rd cloud layer.
0 The seventh number of line: Cloud amount of the 4th
layer in oktas.
/// The eighth number of line: Height of the 4th cloud layer.

The reporting resolution is 100 ft or 10 m depending on feet or meter

selection. If the cloud amount is zero, the corresponding layer height is

CT25KAM Data Messages

Ceilometer CL31 includes two Ceilometer CT25KAM data messages.
These are data message No. 60 and data message No. 61.

CT25KAM Data Message No. 60

CT25KAM message number 60 is identical to CT25K message number
6. See section CT25K Data Message No. 6 on page 76.
CT25KAM Data Message No. 61
CT25KAM message number 61 is similar to CT25KAM message
No. 60 (and CT25K message No. 6) but extended with a fifth layer in the
sky condition line. An example of data message No. 61 is presented
CTA2061↵ 1st line 11 char.
30 01230 12340 23450 FEDCBA98↵ 2nd line 31 char.
3 055 5 170 0 /// 0 /// 0 ///↵ 3rd line 37 char.
↵ 4rd line 3 char.
total 82 characters

The transmission time and size is the following:

total 82 characters
=> 0.34 s at 2400 baud (10-bit char.)
=> 20.4 Kbytes/h, 490 Kbytes/d, 14.6 Mbytes/mo. at 4 msg/min,

LD40 Standard Telegram

Ceilometer CL31 includes one Ceilometer LD40 data message. This is
the standard telegram 'X1TA'. This message is given in clear text and
includes cloud heights and additional meteorological data, date, time,
sensor address, and status information of the instrument.
Chapter 5

An example of the 'X1TA' telegram and a message interpretation are

presented below:
T_11300_11600_+025_ft_01_00000000_96 ↵ 

 = Start-of-text character
X = Sensor type (X LD40)
1 = Sensor ID number (0 to 9..ABC..MN)
TA = Text telegram
8 = Instrument type, Always 8 = LD40
015 = Telegram update time or message interval in seconds
00.00.0 = Always (Date N/A))
00:00 = Always (Time N/A)
00875 = First cloud layer
11175 = Second cloud layer
NODE = Third cloud layer (in this case: not detected)
0100 = Penetration depth of laser beam into first cloud layer
0325 = Penetration depth of laser beam into second cloud layer
NODT = Penetration depth of laser beam into third cloud layer
11300 = Vertical visibility
11600 = Maximum range of detection
+025 = Cloud height offset (in this case the ceilometer is situated
25 ft above the runway level)
f = Dimensions of all values between byte 26 and byte 76 (ft or
00 = Always (Precipitation index. N/A)
000000 = System status and messages
96 = Checksum (This value is only an example; the correct value
may be different from this one.)
↵ = Carriage return + Line feed
 = End-of-transmission character

NOTE The notation '_' stands for a space character.

Telegram Structure Remarks
a. Spaces (20 hex) always appear with the following bytes: 5, 7,
11, 20, 26, 32, 38, 44, 49, 54, 59, 65, 71, 76, 79, 82, 91.

The only other byte that may contain a <SPACE>, is byte 78,
provided that the dimension is in meters.

Numbers are always given with the leading zeros as in bytes

27 to 31 in the example.
b. NODET (and NODT) indicates that the value in question has
not been detected because, for example, there was only one
cloud layer or no cloud layer at all.

Like any measured value, NODET also contains information

about the result of the measurement.

NODET may appear instead of cloud layers, minimum

vertical extensions of clouds, and vertical visibility.
c. When bytes 83 to 90 signal an CL31 alarm, all cloud
detection values within the telegram are replaced by minus
signs (-, 2D Hex). For example:
----- is shown instead of bytes 27 to 31.
d. All values given are height above the runway level;
Ceilometer CL31 itself might be located above or below the
runway level. Therefore, byte 72 must always contain a sign
byte, either + or -.

Failure and Warning Messages

Bytes 83 to 89 of the LD40 standard telegram indicate warnings and
errors. A '0' signifies that no error of that error group has happened.

An alarm causes data telegrams to contain invalid data. A warning status

does not cause invalid data.

The following tables describe how CL31 is mapped to the LD40 error
groups. See Table 12 on page 81 for the definition of the different error
Chapter 5

Table 12 Error Group Definition

Error Group Byte No. Description
1 83 Engine board and voltages
2 84 Light path, receiver saturation and window
3 85 Receiver and coaxial cable
4 86 Transmitter
5 87 Memory failure and general warnings
6 88 Temperature regulation
7 89 Always 0. Not used.

Tables from Table 13 to Table 19 describe the single error codes in

different error groups.

Table 13 Error Group 1 (Byte 83)

Error Code Description
0 Status OK
1 Engine or voltage failure (A)
2 Not used
3 Not used
4 Not used
5 Not used
6 Not used

Table 14 Error Group 2 (Byte 84)

Error Code Description
0 Status OK
1 Light path obstruction (A) or
Window contamination warning (W)
2 Receiver saturation (A)

Table 15 Error Group 3 (Byte 85)

Error Code Description
0 Receiver OK
1 Not used
2 Not used
3 Not used
4 Receiver failure (A) or
Coaxial cable failure (A) or
Receiver warning (W)
5 Not used
6 Not used
Table 16 Error Group 4 (Byte 86)
Error Code Description
0 Transmitter OK
1 Transmitter expires (laser power low) (W)
2 Transmitter failure
3 Not used
4 Not used
5 Not used
6 Transmitter shutoff (laser temperature too high) (A)

Table 17 Error Group 5 (Byte 87)

Error Code Description
0 Status OK
1 Laser monitor failure (W) or
Blower failure (W) or
High radiation warning (W) or
Engine warning (W) or
Tilt angle warning (angle is > 45 degrees) (W) or
Battery voltage low (W) or
Battery failure (W) or
Humidity high (option) (W) or
Humidity Sensor failure (option) (W)
2 Not used
3 Memory failure (A)
4 Not used

Table 18 Error Group 6 (Byte 88)

Error Code Description
0 Temperature regulation OK
1 Heater failure (W)

Table 19 Error Group 7 (Byte 89)

Error Code Description
0 Always 0 (Data transmission. N/A)
1 Not used
2 Not used
3 Not used
4 Not used
5 Not used
6 Not used
7 Not used
8 Not used
Chapter 5

Checksum Calculation
The checksum of a data or a command telegram is calculated by
computing the sum of all signs (alphanumerical signs and control codes
such as STX, EOT CR, LF, except the checksum bytes itself), building
the two's complement and taking the lower byte of this result.

The higher half-byte and the lower half-byte - converted to a visible

ASCII character - is the checksum.

See the following example with the polling command:


STX H0C!X1P----------83 EOT

1. Compute the sum:

Sum = STX + 'H' + '0' + 'C' + !'' + 'X' + '1' + 'P'
+ 10 x '-' + EOT

Sum = 0x02 + 0x48 + 0x30 + 0x43 + 0x21 + 0x58

+ 0x31 + 0x50 + 10 x 0x2D + 0x04

Sum = 0x037D HEX = 893 DEZ

2. Build the two's complement:

The two's complement is built by inverting the binary
representation of the sum and adding 1:

2Com = ¬ Sum + 1= ¬ 0x037D + 0x01 = 0x0C83 HEX

= 3203 DEZ .

3. Take lower byte and build ASCII-character:

The lower byte of 2Com is 0x83 HEX, so the high byte of the
checksum is 8 and the low byte is 3:

Checksum = 83
Manual Message
The ceilometer can be set to transmit user defined cloud heights and
status information. User can set a cloud message in the format of line 2 of
any real cloud message (for example, Message No. 1 or CT25K data
message). The message is a string and the maximum length is 33
characters. If the length is less than 33 characters, the remaining length
will be padded with spaces. (The CT25K messages use only 29
characters). The end of a string is determined by a new line and the
leading spaces are omitted. This message is volatile. The manual
message command is behind the password "advanced". Below is an
example of a manual message:
CEILO > advanced
Service password accepted.
CEILO > set message manual_msg 30 00200 01000 05000

The get params message command displays the current manual


To return to the normal messages, give an empty string:

CEILO > set message manual_msg


The manual message is intended for testing purposes. After reset, the
normal message takes effect.
Chapter 5

Polling Mode
A port can be set to transmit a message only when polled by a
predetermined polling string of characters. The polling string can contain
the message identification.

NOTE Ceilometer CT12K messages cannot be polled.

The CL31 unit can be assigned an identification of one-character digit or

letter. The factory setting is 0 (zero).

The polling mode is activated with the following command:

CEILO > set message transmission request

Returning to the normal autosend mode is done using the following

CEILO > set message transmission periodic

The polling string format is as follows:

<Enq> CLIdNo ↵

Enq = Character ENQUIRE = ASCII 05H = control-E.
CL = Fixed ceilometer identifier; CL for CL31 messages, CT for
CT25K and CT25KAM messages.
Id = Identification character, 7-bit printable ASCII character.
No = Optional message identifier; 1 or 6 for CT messages and 1, 2
or S for CL messages. The CL identifier 1 returns the default
option for data message No. 1. To return a particular subclass
message, use one of the following identifiers: 11, 12, 13, 14,
or 15. Data message No. 2 is requested similarly: 21, 22, 23,
24, or 25. . The identifier S returns the Status message.
↵ = ENTER (Carriage Return) + Line Feed.

The following are examples of the polling command:

<Enq> CL112<Enter> Message 1, subclass 2 from ceilometer No.1

<Enq> CT11<Enter> CT25K Message 1 from ceilometer No.1
NOTE If the id character in a polling string is replaced with a blank space, all
ceilometers on the line will respond. Accordingly, if No is a blank space,
CL31 sends the default message. In RS-485 mode id is always needed,
the blank space is ignored.

LD40 message is polled by sending an LD40 Command Telegram. See

Table 20 below for a description of the command telegram frame of a
polling request.

Table 20 Command Telegram Description 'Polling Request'

Byte Example Description
0 <STX> 02 HEX (Start of text)
1 H Command telegram header
2 0 Command telegram header
3 C Command telegram header
4 ! Command telegram header
5 X Instrument type --> Ceilometer
6 1 Sensor Id number (0 to 9..ABC..MIN). In this
case --> 1
7-17 P---------- Command indicator --> P (polling), byte 8-17
not used and filled with '-'
18-19 83 Checksum (Hex-coded two's complement of the
sum of bytes from 0 to 20, excluding bytes 18
and 19.
20 <EOT> 04 Hex (End of transmission)
Chapter 6


This chapter provides information that is needed in basic maintenance of

the CL31 Ceilometer.

Periodic Maintenance
Periodic maintenance is normally limited to window cleaning. In
addition, warnings and alarms should be checked regularly with the
maintenance terminal or another terminal or PC with a serial connection
(see section CL31 Status Message on page 66). Proper function of the
window blower, the only mechanically moving part, is automatically
checked once an hour. Malfunction is reported in the data and status

Alarms and Warnings

The data message has to be checked for alarms and warnings on a regular
basis. The second character in line two contains warning and alarm
information indicating the present device status as follows:

0 Self-check OK
W At least one warning active, no alarms
A At least one alarm active

In case there is an active alarm or warning, more information is given at

the end of the second line as a binary code indicating the cause. The
status message gives detailed information about the failure. See section
Data Messages on page 58.

Repair and service must be done according to the instructions in Chapter

7, Troubleshooting, on page 91 and Chapter 8, Repair, on page 99.

Data messages include a warning that informs when the window is
contaminated. After the system has detected contamination on the
window, it will start the blower, which is designed to remove light
contaminants and dry off rain drops. If the blower cannot remove the
contamination, CL31 will issue a Window Contaminated warning
indicating that the window must be manually cleaned.

To clean the window, proceed as follows:

1. Flush the window with clean water to remove coarse grains.

Remember to keep the enclosure door closed. Do not use pressure
2. Clean the window with a soft, lint-free cloth moistened with a mild
detergent. Be careful not to scratch the window surface.

While cleaning the window, you can also check the operation of the
window blower. Unless it is already running, the blower should start
when you block the laser beam with the cleaning cloth for approximately
5 seconds or more. This verifies that the blower is functional. If there are
no low clouds, precipitation, or fog present, the blower should stop after
the window is cleaned. In case of malfunction, the window blower has to
be replaced.

Window Contamination Measurement Calibration

After 5 years of operation, calibrate the window contamination

In addition, if the CL31 system starts issuing Window Contamination

warnings frequently without a real reason, this may indicate that the
window is worn out or the window contamination measurement has
drifted. In that case, the window contamination measurement can be
calibrated to ensure proper functioning.

To calibrate, do the following:

1. Check the sky condition. In case of fog, smoke, precipitation or

otherwise unclear sky, use the termination hood (CLTERMHOOD)
in calibration.
2. Make sure that the window is cleaned.
3. Open the command line and enter the Advanced level by giving the
advanced command.
4. Give the set factory win_clean command.
The calibration is carried out automatically.

NOTE If the window is visibly worn out, replace it.

Chapter 6

Checking the Door Gasket

The measurement unit door utilizes an electrically conductive gasket to
suppress electromagnetic radiation. When the door is opened, check that
the gasket and the opposite contact surfaces are clean. If necessary, use a
wet cloth for cleaning.

Checking the Battery

Check the battery condition annually. If there are any signs of aging,
such as a bulging battery case, white powder, or residue near the battery
vent, leaking electrolyte, or corroded terminals, replace the battery. Lead
acid batteries may age in 3 to 5 years time and result in a rupture and loss
of electrolyte.

NOTE When disposing of old batteries, be sure to follow local environmental


NOTE In freezing temperatures there is a danger of battery rupture if the battery

is completely discharged. Do not store empty batteries in freezing
temperatures. Replace the battery if signs of mechanical rupture are

If the CL31 is stored unpacked for extended periods of time in an
unconditioned area, keep caps on all external connectors. Keep the
measurement unit door closed and also keep a dust cover on the window
during long periods of storage.

Save the container for future transport use. For transportation, the
equipment must be placed and padded into the container in the same way
as initially received.
This page intentionally left blank.
Chapter 7


This chapter describes common problems, their probable causes and

remedies, and contact information for technical support.

Troubleshooting Procedure
The goal of troubleshooting is to locate the cause for the potential
problem. Failure situations are usually caused by dirt in optics or
unclarity of the optical path. Also external conditions or the following
replaceable subassemblies may be the source of problems:

- CLE321 Ceilometer Engine Board

- CLT321 Ceilometer Transmitter
- CLR321 Ceilometer Receiver
- CLM311 Laser Monitor Board
- CLP321 AC Power
- CLB311-115/230 Blower
- CLH311-115/230 Heater
- 226296 Coaxial cable
- No-break Battery

If damage is suspected in a subassembly or a board, replace it with a

spare part and send the defective part to Vaisala for repair/replacement.

NOTE Replacements must only be performed by qualified maintenance

personnel, and they must be done according to the instructions in Chapter
8, Repair, on page 99. As a principle, customer made repairs are
restricted to the replacement of subassemblies.

Accessing Diagnostic Information

During normal operation, the CL31 continuously monitors its internal
status and regularly checks the blower and the heater. The CL31
automatically analyzes the diagnostic test results and reports potential
failures with every data message. See section CT25K Data Messages on
page 74.

CL31 automatically identifies the potentially faulty subassemblies. If this

does not help, see Table 21 on page 95, Table 22 on page 96 and Table
23 on page 97 for probable causes for warnings, alarms, and other typical
faults. You can also use these tables to rule out any problems related to
cable connections or the clarity of the window or optical path.

Equipment for Troubleshooting

To establish a service connection to the CL31 you need to have a
maintenance terminal which can be a palmtop computer with an RS-232
Interface or a PC with serial interface, Maintenance cable QMZ101, and
any terminal program. The CL-VIEW software can be used for this
purpose. If you perform the operation check indoors, you need to have an
Optical Termination Hood (CLTERMHOOD) which absorbs the laser
light that would otherwise reflect from the ceiling and possibly saturate
the receiver.

NOTE The maintenance connection can also be established through the data line
if, for example, the ceilometer is out of use. This will stop the data flow
for as long as the command line is kept open.

Troubleshooting Instructions
To check the normal operation of the CL31, proceed as follows:

1. Clean the window carefully with a soft, lint-free cloth moistened

with a mild detergent. Be careful not to scratch the window surface.
2. If you are indoors, put the optical termination hood
(CLTERMHOOD) on the ceilometer window. To the ceilometer
this represents a clear, nighttime sky.
3. Connect the maintenance terminal to the maintenance port at the
bottom of CL31. Turn on both the CL31 and the maintenance
terminal. If you are using the palmtop or the CL-VIEW program
for the first time, make the necessary installations according to the
manuals of these products.
4. Verify that the ceilometer starts operating properly. A quick status
check can be made by looking at the LEDs on the CLE321 board
(see Figure 26 on page 107). After the initialization routines, the
Laser on LED should start blinking at 2-second intervals. If all the
key modules are ok, also all the six diagnostic LEDs should light
Chapter 7

5. A blower check is done during the first five minutes, during which
the blower is running. The automatic check also verifies the
functioning of the blower heater. The result of this check is
available five minutes after starting the unit and it is indicated by
the CLB ok LED. It is also displayed in the status message.
6. To get the failure status message, type the open command and
press ENTER on the maintenance terminal (PC) keyboard.
A CEILO > prompt should appear. Give the get failure status
command and press ENTER.

An example of the response is as follows:

Tmit Shutoff OK Transmitter ALRM
Receiver OK Voltages OK
Ext Memory OK Light Pth Obs OK
Rec Saturat OK Coaxial Cable OK
Engine OK

Window Contam OK Battery Low OK
Transm Expire OK Humid High OK
Blower OK Humid Sensor OK
Int Heater OK High Rad OK
Engine OK Battery OK
Laser Monitor OK Receiver OK
Tilt Angle OK

System Status: FAIL

Suspect Module: CLT

The two last lines in the status message will indicate if there are
warnings or alarms present. The Suspect module line indicates the
sub unit that is suspected to be faulty. In this example, it is the
Ceilometer Transmitter CLT321.

7. Wait until the 5-minute blower check is over and check the result
from the status message. After this, place a piece of white paper on
the ceilometer window. The blower should start within one minute.
Remove the paper. The blower should stop within eight minutes.
8. If there are clouds present, compare the ceilometer measurement
with a qualified weather observer's height approximation.
9. In case there are no clouds present and if the site is suitable, do a
hard target test. Turn the measurement unit 90 degrees and aim it
on a fixed target (such as a wall or a forest front).
The minimum distance to a hard target should be 300 meters
(1 000 ft). The backscatter signal from a hard target is very strong
compared to the signal from a cloud. The receiver may saturate if
the distance is too short.
CAUTION When tilting the unit, make sure that nobody is watching the beam with
binoculars or other magnifying optics.

Disable the automatic angle correction with the following



Compare the distance reading of the ceilometer to a reference

Chapter 7

Warning and Alarm Messages

This section describes different warning and alarm messages.

Table 21 CL31 Status, Warnings

Status Message Info Reason Instructions
Window contamination Usually drizzle drops on the The blower will clean the window.
warning (appears from time window. If clouds are detected, the height
to time and lasts < 5 min) information is correct. If no clouds
are detected, it is possible that high
clouds are missed.
Window contamination Bird droppings, leaves, dust etc. Clean the window.
warning (continuous) have contaminated the window.
Battery low warning The unit has been powered too Connect the line voltage or replace
long using the backup battery. the battery.
Recharging of the battery has If the battery is old, replace it. If the
failed. battery is OK, check the operation of
Ceilometer Engine Board CLE321.
Transmitter expires warning Laser diode is too old. Replace Transmitter CLT321. The
measurement data is valid, but it is
possible that some clouds are
High humidity warning Relative humidity > 85 %. Water Take the ceilometer inside, open the
(option) has been condensed inside the maintenance door and let it dry in a
ceilometer. Leakage in the warm air conditioned place.
enclosure or leakage in the door. Condensed water on optical surface
may disturb the measurement. There
is a danger of short circuits.
Blower failure warning Blower cable is not connected. Check that the blower cable is
Window blower circuit breaker is Check that the window blower circuit
not ON. breaker is ON.
Line voltage level is not correct. Check that the line voltage is present
and correct.
Blower is stuck. Check if visible obstacles disable
blower operation.
Blower is damaged. Replace the blower.
Humidity sensor failure Humidity sensor is not Connect the humidity sensor or
warning (option) connected. disable the option in the software.
Humidity sensor is damaged. Contact technical support and send
the ceilometer CL31 to Service
Center for the humidity sensor to be
Heater fault warning Window blower circuit breaker is Check that the window blower circuit
not ON. breaker is ON.
Line voltage level is not correct. Check that the line voltage is present
and correct.
Heater is damaged. Replace the heater.
High background radiance Direct sunlight. In case there are no alarms, the
warning measurements are ok. If there is an
alarm, the measurements are invalid.
Ceilometer Engine Board Non-critical fault in Ceilometer Replace Ceilometer Engine Board
failure warning Engine Board CLE321. CLE321.
Battery failure warning Battery is dead. Replace the battery.
Status Message Info Reason Instructions
Laser monitor failure Laser power monitor board Replace CLM311.
warning CLM311 has failed.
Laser power measurement on Replace CLE321.
Ceilometer Engine board
CLE321 has failed.
Receiver warning A non-critical CLR321 Receiver Replace CLR321.
Tilt angle > 45° warning The unit is not correctly installed Check the installation. The height
or the tilt angle is larger than measurement accuracy is lost with
45°. tilt angles greater than 45°.

Table 22 CL31 Status, Alarms

Problem Reason Instructions
Transmitter shut-off alarm Direct sunlight has heated the Wait for the sun to exit the field-of-
(Laser temperature > 85 °C) laser. view. CL31 will return to normal
Environment temperature is too Check if there is a specific reason
high. for the high temperature.
Transmitter failure alarm Laser is worn out or damaged. Replace Laser Transmitter CLT321.
Laser does not get electrical Check from the status message that
power. the line Voltages is marked OK.
Receiver failure alarm Receiver CLR321 is damaged. Replace CLR321.
Loose cable connection. Check that the cables from Receiver
CLR321 and Ceilometer Optics
CLO321 are undamaged and
correctly connected.
Receiver test not operating. Check that the Optics unit CLO321
is not misplaced or damaged. If the
CLO321 unit is damaged or missing,
contact Vaisala for repair and
replacement, since the CLO321 unit
is not field replaceable.
Voltage failure alarm Ceilometer Engine Board Replace CLE321.
CLE321 is damaged.
Memory error alarm A failure in the CLE321 memory. Replace CLE321.
Light path obstruction alarm Window is badly contaminated or Clean the window or in case of
severely scratched. damage, replace CLW311.
Something blocks the laser Check the clarity of the optical path.
Receiver saturation alarm Direct sunlight. Wait for the sun to exit the field-of-
view. CL31 will return to normal
Something is partially blocking Check the clarity of the optical path.
the laser beam.
Chapter 7

Table 23 CL31 Status, Miscellaneous Problems

Problem Reason Instructions
CL31 does not start, no Power is not connected. Check that both the main and the
LEDs are lit battery switches are in the ON
position. Check the presence and
correctness of the line voltage, and
make sure that the battery is OK.
Loose cable connection. Check the cable connections.
Laser on LED is not Operation mode is standby. Connect the maintenance terminal
blinking but the Status LED and check if the operation mode is
is lit. normal.
CLE321 is damaged. Replace CLE321.
Data message is missing. Dialogue is not operating. Check the cable connections. Open
the terminal.
Wrong communication Check the communication
parameters. parameters (number of bits, parity,
Wrong data port. Open the terminal program and give
open command and then get
params message command. Check
that the PORT is set to DATA.
Operation mode is standby. Open the terminal program and first
give the open command and then
the status command. Check that
Cloud detection is missing. Equipment failure. Open the terminal program and give
open command and then get
failure status command. Check the
alarms and warnings. If there are no
alarms or warnings in the data
message, contact Vaisala.
The capability to detect high Low receiver gain (no fog or Check the automatic receiver gain
clouds is reduced. snow). setting in the status message. If it is
low, check that the window is clean.
Check that the optical path is clear.
Visually check that the lens is clean.
Extensive amount of dirt or water Check the window clarity. Check the
droplets on the window and a blower operation by giving the
failure in the diagnostics. service self_check command and
check that the blower works.
Technical Support
For technical questions, contact the Vaisala technical support by e-mail at
helpdesk@vaisala.com. Provide at least the following supporting

- Name and model of the product in question

- Serial number of the product
- Name and location of the installation site
- Name and contact information of a technically competent person who
can provide further information on the problem.

Product Returns
If the product must be returned for service, see www.vaisala.com/returns.

For contact information of Vaisala Service Centers, see

Chapter 8


This chapter provides information on how to remove and replace

different parts of the product.

Table 24 Available Spare Parts

Spare Part Code Common Name
226116 No-break Battery
CLB311-115SP Window Blower 115VAC
CLB311-230SP Window Blower 230VAC
CLE321SP Engine board
CLH311-115SP Inside Heater 115VAC
CLH311-230SP Inside Heater 230VAC
CLM311SP Laser Monitor Board
CLP321SP AC Power
CLR321SP Ceilometer Receiver
CLT321SP Ceilometer transmitter
CLTERMHOODSP Optical Termination Hood
CLW311SP Window Assembly
CT35022SP Shock Absorber Kit
CT35324SP Power cable (115V)
CT3838SP Data Cable
CT3839SP Power cable (230V)
DXL421SP-CL31 Modem Module
226296SP Coaxial Cable
TERMBOX-1200SP Termination Box with overvoltage protection
CLTERMBOXSP Termination Box
QMZ101SP Terminal Cable for MAWS
CL31BIRDKITSP Bird deterrent

Figure 22 CL31 Maintenance Parts

Chapter 8

The following numbers refer to Figure 22 on page 100.

1 = Internal heater CLH311
2 = Ceilometer Receiver CLR321
3 = Coaxial cable 226296
4 = Receiver ribbon cable
5 = Ceilometer transmitter CLT321
6 = Ceilometer AC power CLP321
7 = Ceilometer engine board CLE321
8 = Data line connector
9 = Optics unit CLO321
10 = Transmitter ribbon cable
11 = AC power cables
12 = No-break battery
13 = Window CLW311
14 = Window Blower CLB311
15 = Laser Monitor Board CLM311
16 = Battery cable

Replacing Window CLW311

Refer to number 13 in Figure 22 on page 100.

NOTE Vaisala recommends that Ceilometer Window CLW311 is replaced

indoors to prevent water and other contamination from getting into the
measurement unit.

To replace Ceilometer Window CLW311, you will need a 2.5 mm Allen-

key and a screwdriver.

Then proceed as follows:

1. Open the measurement unit door. Then switch the power off with
all three switches (F1, F2, and Battery). For the location of the
switches, see Figure 15 on page 38 and Figure 16 on page 39.

WARNING Disconnect the power cable from connector J2 before continuing.

2. Close the door and remove the measurement unit. To do this,

loosen the three attachment screws (marked A in Figure 6 on page
26), disconnect the blower cable from connector J1 (see Figure 11
on page 32) and pull out the unit.
3. Loosen the 12 screws on the frame of the window and remove the
window by lifting it out with the screws attached. Also remove any
pieces of the old gasket.
4. Use some solvent to clean the surface of the measurement unit
before attaching the new window. Additionally, check that the
gasket on the window is undamaged and in place.

NOTE Avoid touching the new window with your bare hands as it may get
scratched. Avoid also touching the clean window surface as it may get


Figure 23 Window CLW311

5. Place the window on the measurement unit and attach the 12

screws with your fingers to prevent the window from sliding off its
6. Tighten the screws in a crosswise order to allow the window gasket
to tighten evenly. For example, you can first tighten the screw on
top of the window frame, then the one on the bottom, then the one
on the left, and the one on the right. Tighten the remaining eight
screws in a clockwise order, in such a way that you first tighten one
screw and then the one opposite to this, then the one next to the
first screw and so forth. After tightening these eight screws,
retighten the first four screws.

NOTE Remember to use a thread-locking compound to the window screws

before final tightening.

7. After attaching the window, clean it properly. See section Cleaning

on page 87.
Chapter 8

8. Place the measurement unit inside the shield, reconnect the blower
cable to connector J1, and tighten the three attachment screws
(marked A in Figure 6 on page 26).
9. Connect the power cable to connector J2.
10. Switch the power on with all three switches. Wait until the Laser
on LED starts blinking at 2-second intervals. Make sure that all six
diagnostic LEDs are lit. Refer to Figure 26 on page 107.

The ceilometer unit should now return to normal operation. Verify that
the unit is working properly and that there are no failures with the
system. If failures exist, separate troubleshooting may be necessary.

Replacing Ceilometer Laser Transmitter

Refer to number 5 in Figure 22 on page 100.

WARNING Ceilometer Transmitter CLT321 emits invisible laser radiation, which is

harmful to the eye if viewed at a short distance. Never remove the
Ceilometer Transmitter from its normal position without first switching
off both the line and the battery power and detaching the transmitter
ribbon cable from the Ceilometer Engine Board CLE321.

CAUTION Servicing the equipment must only be performed by qualified

maintenance personnel.


Figure 24 Laser Transmitter CLT321

The transmitter should be replaced if the ceilometer unit has been
generating warnings and alarms, and a malfunction with the operation of
the transmitter has been detected.

To replace Ceilometer Laser Transmitter CLT321, you will need a

2.5 mm Allen-key.

Then proceed as follows:

1. Open the measurement unit door and confirm that there is an active
transmitter failure. In case of a transmitter failure, the CLT ok
LED will be off. Refer to Figure 26 on page 107.
2. Switch off the power with all three switches (F1, F2, and Battery).
For the location of the switches, see Figure 15 on page 38 and
Figure 16 on page 39.

WARNING Disconnect the power cable from connector J2 before continuing.

3. Detach the transmitter ribbon cable (refer to number 10 in Figure

22 on page 100) from Ceilometer Engine Board CLE321.
4. To detach the transmitter, loosen the transmitter ring by turning it
to the right. If necessary, you can use a 2.5-mm Allen key as a
lever. Remove the transmitter from the unit.
5. Place the new transmitter to its place and tighten the transmitter
ring in such a way that the labels of the transmitter face the
measurement unit door.
6. Connect the transmitter ribbon cable to the CLE321 board.
7. Connect the power cable to connector J2.
8. Switch on the power with all three switches. Wait until the Laser
on LED starts blinking at 2-second intervals. Ensure that all six
diagnostic LEDs are lit. Refer to Figure 26.

The ceilometer unit should now return to normal operation. Verify that
the unit is working properly and that there are no other failures with the
system. If other failures exist, separate troubleshooting may be necessary.
Chapter 8

Replacing Ceilometer Receiver CLR321

Refer to number 2 in Figure 22 on page 100.

CAUTION Servicing the equipment must only be performed by qualified

maintenance personnel.

The receiver should be replaced if the ceilometer unit has been

generating warnings and alarms, and a malfunction in the receiver
operation has been detected.


Figure 25 Receiver CLR321

To replace Ceilometer Receiver CLR321, you will need a 2.5 mm Allen-

key. Then proceed as follows:

1. Open the measurement unit door and confirm that there is an active
receiver failure. In case of a receiver failure, the CLR ok LED will
be off. Refer to Figure 26 on page 107.
2. Switch off the power with all three switches (F1, F2, and Battery).
For the location of the switches, see Figure 15 on page 38 and
Figure 16 on page 39.

WARNING Disconnect the power cable from connector J2 before continuing.

3. Detach the coaxial cable (refer to number 3 in Figure 22 on page
100) from the receiver. Then detach the receiver ribbon cable (refer
to number 4 in Figure 22) from Ceilometer Engine Board CLE321.
4. To detach the receiver, loosen the receiver ring by turning it
downwards. If necessary, you can use a 2.5-mm Allen key as a
lever. Remove the receiver from the unit.
5. Place the new receiver to its place and tighten the receiver ring in
such a way that the labels of the receiver face the left wall of the
6. Connect the receiver ribbon cable to the CLE321 board and the
coaxial cable to the receiver.
7. Connect the power cable to connector J2.
8. Switch on the power with all three switches. Wait until the Laser
on LED starts blinking at 2-second intervals. Ensure that all six
diagnostic LEDs light up after the self-test. Refer to Figure 26 on
page 107.

The ceilometer unit should now return to normal operation. Verify that
the unit is working properly and that there are no other failures with the
system. If other failures exist, separate troubleshooting may be necessary.
Chapter 8

Replacing Ceilometer Engine Board CLE321

Refer to number 7 in Figure 22 on page 100.


Figure 26 Ceilometer Engine Board CLE321

CAUTION Servicing the equipment must only be performed by qualified

maintenance personnel.

Ceilometer Engine Board CLE321 should be replaced if the ceilometer

unit has been generating warnings and alarms, and a malfunction with the
operation of the CLE321 board has been detected.

To replace Ceilometer Engine Board CLE321, you will need a

Then proceed as follows:

1. Open the measurement unit door and confirm that there is an active
CLE321 board failure. In case of a CLE321 board failure, the CLE
ok LED will be off. Refer to Figure 26 on page 107.
2. Switch off the power with all three switches (F1, F2, and Battery).
For the location of the switches, see Figure 15 on page 38 and
Figure 16 on page 39.

WARNING Disconnect the power cable from connector J2 before continuing.

3. Detach the transmitter ribbon cable, the receiver ribbon cable, and
the coaxial cable from Ceilometer Engine Board CLE321. (Refer to
numbers 10, 4, and 3 in Figure 22 on page 100, respectively.)
4. Memorize the position of the data line connector (RS-232/
RS-485/Modem; refer to number 8 in Figure 22) in front of the
CLE321 board and detach it. Refer to Figure 26.
5. Loosen the hand screws to release the CLE321 board from the
frame. Gently pull the CLE321 board halfway out of the
measurement unit and detach the battery cable (refer to number 16
in Figure 22) and the CLM311 cable (refer to number 15 in Figure
22). Then remove the entire CLE321 board. Refer to Figure 26.
6. Place the new CLE321 board onto the frame in such a way that you
can reconnect the battery cable and the CLM311 cable.
7. Reattach the receiver ribbon cable, the transmitter ribbon cable, and
the coaxial cable when the board is pushed halfway in.
8. Push the CLE321 board in such a way that it connects to the back
plane connector. Tighten the hand screws to lock the board
9. Connect the data line connector to the same position as it was
connected to on the previous board.
10. Connect the power cable to connector J2.
11. Switch on the power with all three switches. Wait until the Laser
on LED starts blinking at 2-second intervals. Make sure that all six
diagnostic LEDs light up after the set-test. Refer to Figure 26.

The ceilometer unit should now return to normal operation. Verify that
the unit is working properly and that there are no other failures with the
system. If other failures exist, separate troubleshooting may be necessary.
Chapter 8

Replacing No-break Battery

Refer to number 12 in Figure 22 on page 100.

CAUTION Servicing the equipment must only be performed by qualified

maintenance personnel.


Figure 27 No-break Battery

The no-break battery should be replaced when it is damaged or, for

whatever reason, can no longer be recharged.

To replace the battery, you need a crosshead screwdriver and a 3 mm


Then proceed as follows:

1. Open the measurement unit door and switch off the power with all
three switches (F1, F2, and Battery). For the location of the
switches, see Figure 15 on page 38 and Figure 16 on page 39.

WARNING Disconnect the power cable from connector J2 before continuing.

2. Disconnect the battery cable (refer to number 16 in Figure 22 on

page 100) from the CLE321 board.
3. Remove the two screws locking the lid of the battery cage. One of
the screws is located on top of the battery cage, the other is on the
left side near the top of the cage.
4. Open the lid of the battery cage and slide out the battery.
Disconnect the battery cable.
5. Connect the battery cable to the new battery, connecting the red
end to the positive (+) pin and the black end to the negative (-) pin.
6. Slide the new battery into the battery cage and close the lid.
Tighten the two screws back to their places.
7. Reconnect the battery cable to the CLE321 board.
8. Connect the power cable to connector J2.
9. Switch on the power with all three switches. Wait until the Laser
on LED starts blinking at 2-second intervals. Make sure that all six
diagnostic LEDs light up after the self-test. Refer to Figure 26 on
page 107.

The ceilometer unit should now return to normal operation. Verify that
the unit is working properly and that there are no other failures with the
system. If other failures exist, separate troubleshooting may be necessary.

Replacing AC Power CLP321

Refer to number 6 in Figure 22 on page 100.

CAUTION Servicing the equipment must only be performed by qualified

maintenance personnel.

AC Power CLP321 should be replaced if the ceilometer unit has been

generating warnings and alarms, and a malfunction with the operation of
the power unit has been detected.
Chapter 8


Figure 28 AC Power CLP321

To replace the AC power, you will need a 3 mm Allen-key. The Optics

unit and battery cage have to be removed before replacing CLP321.

Then proceed as follows:

1. Open the measurement unit door and confirm that there is an active
AC power unit failure. In case of an AC power unit failure, the
CLP ok LED will be off. Refer to Figure 26 on page 107.
2. Switch off the power with all three switches (F1, F2, and battery).
For the location of the switches, see Figure 15 on page 38 and
Figure 16 on page 39.

WARNING Disconnect the power cable from connector J2 before continuing.

3. Disconnect the battery, transmitter, receiver, laser monitor board,

and data cables (refer to numbers 3, 4, 8, 10 and 16 in Figure 22 on
page 100) from the CLE321 board.
4. To remove the Optics Unit (refer to number 9 in Figure 22), first
remove the holder plate by loosening the four Allen screws on its
front cover.
5. Detach the internal heater connector and holding the cable aside,
carefully pull out the Optics Unit upper end first.

NOTE Do not touch the lens of the Optics Unit.

6. Detach the CLM311 twisted pair cable (refer to number 15 in
Figure 22) from the CLE321 board.
7. Remove the battery. Refer to steps 3 to 5 in section Replacing No-
break Battery on page 109.
8. Remove the battery cage by removing the three screws holding it in
its place. One of the screws is located inside the battery cage, the
other two are on the left side near the bottom of the cage.
9. Detach the data line cable from the connector J3.
10. Remove the six CLP321 attachment screws from the bottom of the
ceilometer measurement unit. Also disconnect the AC power cable
(refer to number 11 in Figure 22). Lift the AC power unit from the
ceilometer measurement unit.
11. Put the new AC power unit in place of the old one and connect the
AC power cable. Tighten the six attachment screws back to their
12. Reattach the data line connector.
13. Put the battery cage back to its place and tighten the three screws.
14. Attach the CLM311 twisted pair cable to the CLE321 board.
15. Slide the Optics Unit to its place with the bottom end first. Make
sure that no cables get stuck between the optics tube and other
ceilometer components.
16. Snap the internal heater connector to its place.
17. Place all heater cables behind the holder and tighten the four holder
18. Reconnect the battery, transmitter, receiver, laser monitor board,
and data cables to the CLE321 board.
19. Insert and reconnect the battery as you removed it. Refer to steps 6
to 8 in section Replacing No-break Battery on page 109.
20. Connect the power cable to connector J2.
21. Switch on the power with all three switches. Wait until the Laser
on LED starts blinking at 2-second intervals. Ensure that all six
diagnostic LEDs light up after the self-test. Refer to Figure 26 on
page 107.

The ceilometer unit should now return to normal operation. Verify that
the unit is working properly and that there are no other failures with the
system. If other failures exist, separate troubleshooting may be necessary.
Chapter 8

Replacing Window Blower CLB311

Refer to number 14 in Figure 22 on page 100.

CAUTION Servicing the equipment must only be performed by qualified

maintenance personnel.

The window blower should be replaced if the ceilometer unit has been
generating warnings and alarms, and a malfunction with the operation of
the blower has been detected.

To replace Ceilometer Window Blower CLB311, you will need

a 5 mm Allen-key.

Then proceed as follows:

1. Open the measurement unit door and confirm that there is an active
window blower failure. In case of a window blower failure, the
CLB ok LED will be off. Refer to Figure 26 on page 107.
2. Switch off the power with all three switches (F1, F2, and Battery).
For the location of the switches, see Figure 15 on page 38 and
Figure 16 on page 39.

WARNING Disconnect the power cable from connector J2 before continuing.


Figure 29 Window Blower CLB311-115 / CLB311-230

3. As the blower is attached to the shield of the ceilometer, you will
first have to remove the measurement unit from the shield to get to
the blower. To remove the measurement unit, loosen the three
attachment screws (marked A in Figure 6 on page 26), disconnect
the blower cable from connector J1 (see Figure 11 on page 32) and
pull out the unit.
4. Use an Allen key to loosen the two screws on the side of the
window blower, then pull out the blower.
5. Use the same Allen screws to attach the new window blower.
6. Reattach the measurement unit by placing it inside the shield,
reconnecting the blower cable to connector J1, and tightening the
three attachment screws.
7. Connect the power cable to connector J2.
8. Switch on the power with all three switches. Wait for 5 minutes
after the start-up until self-check is completed. Ensure that all six
diagnostic LEDs are lit. Refer to Figure 26.

The ceilometer unit should now return to normal operation. Verify that
the unit is working properly and that there are no other failures with the
system. If other failures exist, separate troubleshooting may be necessary.
Chapter 8

Replacing Internal Heater CLH311

Refer to number 1 in Figure 22 on page 100.

CAUTION Servicing the equipment must only be performed by qualified

maintenance personnel.

NOTE Internal Heater CLH311 is recommended to be replaced indoors.

The internal heater should be replaced if the ceilometer unit has been
generating warnings and alarms, and a malfunction with the operation of
the heater has been detected.


Figure 30 Internal Heater CLH311-115 / CLH311-230

To replace Internal Heater CLH311, you need a 3 mm Allen-key. The

Optics unit has to be removed before replacing CLH311.

Then proceed as follows:

1. Open the measurement unit door and confirm that there is an active
internal heater failure. In case of an internal heater failure, the
CLH ok LED will be off. Refer to Figure 26 on page 107.
2. Switch off the power with all three switches (F1, F2, and battery).
For the location of the switches, see Figure 15 on page 38 and
Figure 16 on page 39.
WARNING Disconnect the power cable from connector J2 before continuing.

3. Close the enclosure door and remove the measurement unit. To do

this, loosen the three attachment screws (marked A in Figure 6 on
page 26, disconnect the blower cable from connector J1 (see Figure
11 on page 32) and pull out the unit.
4. Remove the metal plate protecting the heater by loosening its two
5. Disconnect the battery, transmitter, receiver, and data cables (refer
to numbers 3, 4, 8, 10 and 16 in Figure 22 on page 100) from the
CLE321 board.
6. To remove the Optics Unit (refer to number 9 in Figure 22), first
remove the holder plate by loosening the four Allen screws on its
front cover.
7. Detach the internal heater connector and holding the cable aside,
carefully pull out the Optics Unit upper end first.

NOTE Do not touch the lens of the Optics Unit.

8. Detach the CLM311 twisted pair cable (refer to number 15 in

Figure 22) from the CLE321 board.
9. To remove the internal heater, use an Allen key or a short
screwdriver and loosen the three screws attaching the heater to the
left wall of the measurement unit enclosure. Then slide out the
internal heater.
10. Slide the new internal heater to its place and hold it there while
tightening the three screws.
11. Attach the CLM311 twisted pair cable to the CLE321 board.
12. Slide the optics tube to its place with the bottom end first. Make
sure no cables get stuck between the optics tube and other
ceilometer components.
13. Snap the internal heater connector to its place.
14. Place all heater cables behind the holder and tighten the four holder
15. Reconnect the battery, transmitter, receiver, and data cables to the
CLE321 board.
16. Reattach the metal plate protecting the internal heater.
17. Insert the measurement unit inside the shield, reconnect the blower
cable to connector J1, and tighten the three attachment screws.
Chapter 8

18. Connect the power cable to connector J2.

19. Switch on the power with all three switches. Wait until the Laser
on LED starts blinking at 2-second intervals. Ensure that all six
diagnostic LEDs are lit. Refer to Figure 26 on page 107.

The ceilometer unit should now return to normal operation. Verify that
the unit is working properly and that there are no other failures with the
system. If other failures exist, separate troubleshooting may be necessary.

Replacing Laser Monitor Board CLM311

Refer to number 15 in Figure 22 on page 100.

CAUTION Servicing the equipment must only be performed by qualified

maintenance personnel.


Figure 31 Laser Monitor Board CLM311

To replace Laser Monitor Board CLM311, you will need a 2.5 mm

Allen-key and a calculator. The Optics unit and transmitter module have
to be removed before replacing CLM311.
Then proceed as follows:

1. Open the measurement unit door and switch off the power with all
three switches (F1, F2, and battery). For the location of the
switches, see Figure 15 on page 38 and Figure 16 on page 39.

WARNING Disconnect the power cable from connector J2 before continuing.

2. Disconnect the battery, transmitter, receiver, and data cables (refer

to numbers 3, 4, 8, 10 and 16 in Figure 22 on page 100) from the
CLE321 board.
3. To remove the Optics Unit (refer to number 9 in Figure 22), first
remove the holder plate by loosening the four Allen screws on its
front cover.
4. Detach the internal heater connector and holding the cable aside,
carefully pull out the Optics Unit upper end first.

NOTE Do not touch the lens of the Optics Unit.

5. Detach the CLM311 twisted pair cable (refer to number 15 in

Figure 22) from the CLE321 board.
6. To detach the transmitter, loosen the transmitter ring by turning it
to the right. If necessary, you can use the Allen key as a lever.
Remove the transmitter from the Optics unit.
7. Detach the Laser Monitor Board CLM311 by loosening the two
screws. You can access the screws through the hole in the
transmitter ring (see number 5 in Figure 3 on page 18).
8. Write down the sensitivity value of the old, defective board, for
example, 102 % . If no value is written on the CLM311, use the
standard value 100 %.
9. Write down the sensitivity value of the new CLM311 board, for
example, 98 %. If there is no value on the CLM311, use the
standard value 100 %.
10. Attach the new CLM311 board into the Optics unit and tighten the
two screws.
11. Place the transmitter to its place and tighten the transmitter ring in
such a way that the labels of the transmitter face the measurement
unit door.
12. Attach the CLM311 twisted pair cable to the CLE321 board.
13. Slide the Optics Unit to its place with the bottom end first. Make
sure that no cables get stuck between the optics tube and other
ceilometer components.
Chapter 8

14. Snap the internal heater connector to its place.

15. Place all heater cables behind the holder and tighten the four holder
16. Reconnect the battery, transmitter, receiver, and data cables to the
CLE321 board.
17. Connect the power cable to connector J2 and the maintenance
terminal to CL31.
18. Switch on the power with all three switches. Wait until the Laser
on LED starts blinking at 2-second intervals. Ensure that all six
diagnostic LEDs are lit. Refer to Figure 26 on page 107.
19. Open the command line with the open command. The password is
20. Enter the get params factory command and write down the
Target Outlaser value.
21. The new calibration value is calculated as follows:



For example:
880 x 98 % / 102 % = 837 (rounded to the nearest integer value)
22. Give the following command:


where <value> is the new, calculated target outlaser value.

23. Give the status command and check from the status message that
the measured outlaser is close (±5 %) to the new outlaser value.
Also check that the system status is OK and there are no suspect

The ceilometer unit should now return to normal operation. Verify that
the unit is working properly and that there are no other failures with the
system. If other failures exist, separate troubleshooting may be necessary.
Replacing Modem Module DXL421 (Optional)
CAUTION Servicing the equipment must only be performed by qualified
maintenance personnel.
Always replace the modem module indoors.

For detailed replacing instructions, see the spare parts instructions.


Figure 32 DXL421 Leased Line Modem

The following figures refer to Figure 32 above:

1 = DIL switch
2 = Power input
3 = RS232 interface
4 = Leased line interface
Chapter 9


This chapter provides the technical data of the product.

This section describes the different technical specifications of Vaisala
Ceilometer CL31.

Mechanical Specifications
Table 25 Ceilometer CL31 Mechanical Specifications
Property Description / Value
Measurement unit 620 x 235 x 200 mm (24 1/2 x 9 1/4 x 8 in.)
Height with shield 1190 mm (47 in.)
Total 1190 x 335 x 325 mm
Measurement unit 12 kg (26.5 lbs)
Shield and blower 19 kg (41.8 lbs)
Housing classification IP65
Plywood transport
Container size 1400 x 490 x 450 mm (55 x 19 1/4 x 17 3/4 in.)
Container weight 47 kg (103.6 lbs)

External Connector J1 - Window Blower

Table 26 Window Blower
Property Description / Value
Connector J1 Type Binder series 693, 09-4228-00-07 (female)
Mating connector Type Binder series 693, 99-4225-70-07
type 7-pin (male) elbow
External Connector J2 - Power Input
Table 27 Power Input
Property Description / Value
At nominal line voltage 100/115/230 VAC ± 10%
Power consumption (typical):
Total 310 W
Measurement unit 15 W
Internal heater 100 W
Window conditioner heater 175 W
Window blower 20 W
Frequency (min/max) 45-65 Hz
Power connector (J2) Type Binder series 693, 09-4223-00-04
4-pin (male)
Mating connector type Type Binder series 693, 99-4222-70-04
(female) elbow
No-break power supply 12 V Sealed Lead Acid Battery, 2 Ah
Overvoltage protection Low-pass filter , VDR

Output Interface
The data port can operate according to the following serial line standards:

RS-485, multidrop, 2-wire

The data port can also be operated through a DXL421 modem module.
The maintenance port is an RS-232 serial line.

External Connector J3 - Data Line

The data line is intended to be used for measurement data
communication, but it can also be used with a Ceilometer Maintenance
Terminal, PC, or other terminals.
Chapter 9

Table 28 Data Line

Property Description / Value
Connector (J3) Type Binder series 693, 09-4227-00-07
7-pin (male)
Mating connector type Type Binder series 693, 99-4226-70-07
(female) elbow
Baud rate 19200 bps standard with RS-232
300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600, 115 200 bps available
300 or 1200 bps available with modem DXL421

Max. distance to operate 300m (1000 ft) with RS-232,

1.2 km (4000 ft) with RS-485, all at 2400 bps
with typical communication cables
10 km (6.2 mi.) with Modem
Standard character frame 1 Start Bit
8 Data Bits
No Parity
1 Stop Bit
Standard character code USASCII
Pin connections 1 RS485 -/RTS# (no SW support)
2 RS485+/RS-232 RxD/ Modem Lead A
3 Modem Lead B /RS-232 TxD
4 Ground
5 CTS# (no SW support)
6 +12 V DC (700 mA continuous, for local
external equipment)

Modem circuits are non-polar and symmetrical. All modem circuits are
electrically floating to overvoltage protection rating (300 V - 500 V).

Overvoltage protection in Primary: Gas Discharge Tube

each circuit Secondary: PCTs, Thyristor Overvoltage

NOTE For information on data line connection options, see Figure 12 on page
34, Figure 13 on page 35, and Figure 14 on page 36.

External Connector J4 - Maintenance

Maintenance line is intended for on-site maintenance and can be used
with a Ceilometer Maintenance Terminal, PC, or other terminal.
Table 29 Maintenance Line
Property Description / Value
Connector (J4) Female five (5) pin M12 connector (e.g.
Lumberg RKF 5 / 0,5 M)
Mating connector type Male five (5) pin M12 connector (e.g. Lumberg
RST 5-644)
Baud rate 9600 default and standard
300, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,
115 200 bps available
Distance to operate 300 m (1000 ft) at 2400 baud with typical
communication cables
Standard character frame 1 Start Bit
8 Data Bits
No Parity
1 Stop Bit
Standard character code USASCII
Pin connections See Figure 33 on page 124 above (RTS/CTS
not used).

Figure 33 Pin Connections of Connector J4

Overvoltage protection in Primary: Noble Gas Surge Arrester

each circuit Secondary: VDRs, Transient Zener Diodes or
normal Diodes
Chapter 9

Modem Module DXL421

Table 30 Modem Module DXL421 Specifications
Property Value / Description
Data rate 300, 1200 bps
Modem standards supported V.21 300 / 300 bps FSK, V.22 1200 / 1200
DPSK and V.23 1200 /1200 bps FSK
Supply voltage +5 V to 30VDC
Current consumption 0.09W

(Reset / power-down 9 mA, operation 26 mA)

Modem chip crystal 11.0592 MHz
USART clock frequency 11.0592 MHz / 2 (Modem xtal freq. divided by
Line interface Matched to 600 Ω
Max. operation distance 10 km (approx. 6 miles)

Transmitter Specifications
Table 31 Transmitter Specifications
Property Description / Value
Laser source Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) Diode Laser
Center wavelength 910 ± 10 nm at 25 °C (77 °F)
Operating Mode Pulsed
Nominal pulse properties at full range measurement:
Energy 1.2 µWs ± 20 % (factory adjustment)
Peak power 11 W typical
Width, 50 % 110 ns typical
Repetition rate 10.0 kHz
Average power 12.0 mW
Max Irradiance 760 µW/cm² measured with 7 mm aperture
Laser classification Classified as Class 1M laser device in
accordance with IEC/EN 60 825-1 Complies
with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 except for
the devations pursuant to the Laser Notice No.
50, dated July 26, 2001.
Beam divergence ±0.4 mrad x ±0.7 mrad
Receiver Specifications
Table 32 Receiver Specifications
Property Description / Value
Detector Silicon Avalanche Photodiode (APD)
Surface diameter 0.5 mm (0.02 in.)
Receiver bandwidth 3 MHz (-3db)
Interference filter Center wavelength 915 nm typical
50 % pass band 36 nm
Transmissivity at 913 nm 80 % typical
Field-of-view divergence ± 0.83 mrad

Optical System Specifications

Table 33 Optical System Specifications
Property Description / Value
Optics System Focal Length 300 mm (11.8 in.)
Effective lens diameter 96 mm (3.8 in.)
Lens transmittance 96 % typical
Window transmittance 97 % typical, clean

Performance Specifications
Table 34 Performance Specifications
Property Description / Value
Measurement range 0 ... 7.6 km (0 ... 25 000 ft.)
Measurement resolution 10 m (33 ft) or 5 m (16 ft), selectable
Reporting resolution 5 m or 10 ft., units selectable
Reporting interval 2 ... 120 s, selectable
Measurement interval 2 s default (3 s in high-resolution mode)

Environmental Conditions Specifications

Table 35 Environmental Conditions Specifications
Property Description / Value
Temperature range -40 ... +60 °C (-55 ... +60 °C optional)
-40...+140 °F (-67...+140 °F optional)
Humidity 0 … 100 % RH
Wind to 50 m/s (110 kt)
Vibration Lloyds Register / IEC60068-2-6
5 - 13.2 Hz, ± 1.0 mm
13.2 - 100 Hz, ± 0.79 g
Appendix A



Figure 34 CL31 Bird Deterrent Installation


Figure 35 Bird Deterrent in Detail

Appendix A


Figure 36 Blood Knot Instructions

This page intentionally left blank.

A External connector J2 122

External connector J3 122
Alarm check 87
External connector J4 123
Alarms 96
Extinction normalization 44
Laser failure 96
Laser temperature shut-off 96 F
Light path obstruction 96
Focal length 126
Memory error 96
Foundation screws 23
Receiver failure 96
Receiver saturation 96 G
Voltage failure 96
Atmospheric transmittance 43 GET command 40
Attaching the measurement unit 26 H
Average laser power 125
Hard target test 93
B Height normalization 43
Background light 64 I
Backscatter 15
Backscatter coefficient 43 Internal humidity transmitter 17
Beam divergence 125 Inversion 44


Changing user-programmable parameter value Laser 125

40 Laser classification 125
Character code 123 Letter case in commands 51
CLOSE command 52 LIDAR 15
CL-VIEW 92 Lidar equation 42
Contrast threshold 45 Lidar ratio 43


Data messages 58 Main parts 17

CL31 Status message 66 Maintenance
CT25K data message No. 1 74 Alarms and warnings 87
CT25K data message No. 6 76 Battery check 89
CT25KAM data message No. 60 77 Maintenance cable 17
CT25KAM data message No. 61 78 Manual message 84
Detector 126 Max irradiance 125
Digital display DD50 45 Measurement parameters 64
Door gasket check 89 Measurement range 126
DXL421 modem 125 Measurement signal 41
Meteorological Optical Range MOR 43
E Miscellaneous problems 97
Modem module DXL421 125
Electrostatic discharge 13
MOR 43
Environmental conditions 126
ESD 13 N
External connections 32
External connector J1 121 No-break power supply 122
Noise cancellation 42 STATUS command 66
Storage 89
SUM 64
OPEN command 52 Switch settings for normal operation 39
Operating principle 41
Operation modes
CONTINUOUS 51 Technical support 98
STANDBY 51 Termination box 17
Optical filter 126 Transmitter 125
Optical system 126 Transportation 24
Optical termination hood 17, 92 Troubleshooting
Optional parts 17 Alarms 96
Output interface 122 Miscellaneous problems 97
Overvoltage protection 122, 123, 124 Warnings 95
Password 53 User commands 53
PC terminal cable 17 User-Programmable Parameters
Performance 126 Factory Defaults 40
Pin connections 124
Polling mode 85
Polling string 85 Vertical visibility 44
Polling string format 58 Volume backscatter coefficient 42
Principle of operation 41
Pulse properties 125 W

R Warning
Ceilometer engine board failure 95
Receiver 126 Warning check 87
Recycling 13 Warnings 95
Repetition rate 125 Battery failure 95
Resolution 42, 126 Blower failure 95
Return signal strength 42 Heater fault 95
High background radiance 95
Humidity sensor failure 95
SCALE 64 Laser monitor failure 96
Serial lines 51 Receiver 96
CLOSED 52 Receiver optical cross-talk compensation
DATA 51 poor 95
MAINTENANCE 51 Relative humidity > 85 % 95
OPEN 52 Tilt angle > 45° 96
Service connection 92 Transmitter expires 95
SET command 40 Window contamined 95
Shock absorber 17 Warranty 14
Sky condition 45, 76 Wavelength 125
Activation 46 Wedge bolts 23
Option code 45 Window cleaning 87


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