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Government of Jharkhand: Receipt of Online Payment of Stamp D

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Government of Jharkhand
Receipt of Online Payment of Stamp D


Re ceipt Number : 7b ac7a0de4a75469 b 481

Recei pt Date : 20-Apr-2022 05 29 07 pm

[ ~d Receipt Amount : I 00 /·
U CO ~ Amount In Wo rds : One Hundred Rup ee s Onl y
-~:;~· Docum e nt Typ e : Ag r eeme nt or Memo r a n dum of an
Ag r ee me nt
O.!il ~
C: ::?_. Dis tric t Name : Ramgarh
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I 5 .g-g S tamp Duty Pa id By : MR PRADEEP KUMAR SHARMA
"O "' - Purpos e of stamp duty paid : RENT AGREEME NT

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..c T" > First Party Name : MRS RAJ NI SHARMA
I ~ Second Party Name : MS BALA S HREE ENTERPR IS ES
~ ·
GRN Numbe r : 2210931057

I ·~~
,. ~ ., This stamp paµer can be verified in the jhamibandhan site through receipt numbe r ,.

This Receipt is to be use tamp duty only fo r one docume nt. e use o
same receipt as proof of payment of stamp duty in another document through reprint.photo copy
other means is penal offence under section-62 of Indian Stamp Act, 1899
This AGREEMENT is made at Ranchi on this 18th day of April, 2022.
Kausalya Niwas, Gali No. 29(Near Distlory pull) River Side Colony, Lalpur, Ranchi
G.P.O, Ranchi , Jharkhand-83400 I (Hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR) of the one
Son ofShri PRADEEP KUMAR SHARMA, Resident ofNarayani Niwas, NH -33 Near
Dr. Arti Dipati, Block Hospital Ramgarh, Jharkhand-829122 (Hereinafter referred to as
the LESSEE) of the other part;

The term LESSOR and LESSEE shall, unless repugnant to the subject or context, mean

and include their respective heirs, successors, representatives and assigns:

Whereas the land and building comprised is in Kausalya Niwas, Gali No. 29(Near
Distlory pull) River Side Colony, Lalpur, Ranchi G.P.O, Ranchi, Jharkhand-834001,
hereinafter referred to as the leased premises is owned, held and possessed by the

The LESSEE proposed to the LESSOR to take on lease the aforesaid leased premises on t:":)
the terms and condition set out hereunder to which the LESSEE has agreed; V
NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto and this
agreement witnesses as follows: -

I. That the LESSEE has consented to operate business of Construction

2. That the rent of the leased premises will be Rs. 3000/- (Rupees Three thousand
only) per month.

• 3. That the period of lease shall be for 3 years only with the option of renewal for
another 3 years.
4. That the LESSEE has agreed to deposit interest free security amount of Rs.3000/-
(Rupees Three thousand only) which will be refunded after the early termination
or expiry of the lease term.

5. The rent of the leased premises shall be from the I" May 2022 the premises by
the LESSOR payable herein on or before 7th of each month in advance by way of
Cheque payable at Ranchi.
6. The aforesaid rent of Rs. Rs.3000/- (Rupees Three thousand only) Per month
shall be subject to enhancement after mutual consent of both parties on expiry of
current agreement. In addition to the rent, the LESSEE shall be liable to pay
current electricity charges from the date of handing over by the LESSOR and
,ff: takmg over by the LESSEE.

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7. That the LESSEE shall be entitled to make temporary alteration in the I.eased
premises such as wood work for the convenience in addition to interiql'
decoration and fit electrical appliances at its own cost without causing anY
alteration. It shall be restored to their original position in all respect. All charges
in connection with interior decoration, including the civil work, shall be borne by
8. That the LESSEE shall not assign, sub let or otherwise part with the possession of
demised premises.
9. That day-to-day repair like fuses, leakages and minor repair etc. have to be done
by the LESSEE at its own cost.
I 0. That the LESSOR or any of their authorized representatives shall inspect the
demised premises at working hours.
11. That the LESSOR shall be entitled to ask from the LESSEE monthly Photostat
copies of the paid electricity bills & Telephone bills if any.
12. The LESSEE shall not carry on any structural addition or alteration, modification

or change of business in the leased Premises without the consent of the LESSOR.
13. The LESSEE shall run the business of Wholesale and Retail in accordance with 1
the law and shall fulfill all legal obligations and take all necessary licenses.
14. The ground rent of the leased premises and all other changes relating to
ownership of the said leased premises shall be paid by the LESSOR directly to
the concerned government authorities or other authorities or Municipal
Corporation. \
15. The LESSOR shall allow and do all other things and take all other steps for quiet !)
and peaceful enjoyment and possession of the leased premises by the LESSEE '\:.
throughout the period of lease. ·· · )o
16. That on the expiry of the lease, the LESSEE shall hand over the vacant 6
possession of the premises to the LESSOR including all other fittings and fixtures
initially provided in working order. However, the LESSEE shall be entitled to
remove all fittings, fixtures, fixed by their own cost, without causing any harm to

17. That the LESSOR shall not be held responsible for any injury or damages which
i •

may happen to any of the LESSEE's Employees, agents and their invitees or to

• any goods or properties of the LESSEE which may be stored or lying in the
premises by fire or by any other cause, whatever. The LESSEE shall at all times
during the continuance of the lease occupy and use the demised premises with
care and diligence.
18. That the LESSEE shall not use the demised premises or any part thereof, nor

pennit the demised premises to be used for any illegal purpose or cause, pennit or
suffer to be done , anything upon the demised premises or any part thereof, which
will be in offence against any statute, law or notification, rules and regulations
made by the Government or any other Local authority and which may become
nuisance or abeyance to the said premises or any part thereof, which may effect
prejudicially the interest of the LESSOR.

19. That the LESSOR agrees to refund the security deposit on handing over the
vacant peaceful possession of the premises by the LESSEE to the LESSOR or on
the early tennination or expiry of the initial lease period, after deducting, if any
amount due for any damages, breakages etc. and any outstanding dues towards
electricity, telephone bills, etc. and other charges except the usual wear and tear
after expiration of notice period of lease period as the case may be.
20. It is expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that LESSEE will have
an Option to tenninate this agreement by giving I (One) month previous notice in
writing to the LESSOR.
21. ifthe LESSEE breaches any of the conditions mentioned herein the LESSOR can
terminate the lease by giving One month notice. The LESSEE shall then hand
over vacant possession to the LESSOR and the amounts referred to above after
deducting the amount, if any, as said above, shall simultaneously be refunded to
the LESSEE and the LESSEE entitled to take back all the fixtures and fittings
erected by them. (")<_ V

• @
22. In case of any dispute related to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the-- \ \
matter will be mutually decided within jurisdiction of Ranchi ..

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed and executed this
agreement in duplicate each party retaining one signed copy on stamp paper, in the
presence of the witnesses attesting hereunder.




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