Rent Agreement ENGLISH
Rent Agreement ENGLISH
Rent Agreement ENGLISH
Kuldeep Sirohi (Aadhar No. 6185 2615 2112) S/o V S Sirohi R/o H. No. 137, Anuj Vihar, Delhi –
110063 (Hereinafter called the FIRST PARTY / OWNER / LAND LORD / LAND LADY / LESSOR)
Nadeem Shaik (Aadhar No. 7780 8313 1552) S/o Subhan Sahib Nazeerjan R/o H. No. 2/702,
Shahjahanabad Apartment, Sector 11, Plot 1, Dwarka, Delhi – 110075 (Hereinafter called the
Second Party / Tenant/ LESSEE)
This expressions of the First Party / Owner / Landlord and Second Party / Tenant shall mean and
include their respective legal heirs, successors, legal representative, administrators, executors
and assigns.
Whereas the Lessor is the absolute owner of the Property – Flat No. E5, 1st Floor, Express City,
Opp OP Jindal University, Sector 35, Sonipat, Haryana – 131001. (hereinafter referred to as
That the first party agree to let out the said “PROPERTY” which is a semi-furnished flat with list
of items mentioned in Annexure – 1 to the second party (hereinafter referred to as the "SAID
PREMISES").on the following terms and conditions:
1. That the rent of the said premises is fixed between the parties at Rs. 15,000/-
(Rupees Fifteen Thousand only) excluding maintenance charges per month.
2. That the tenancy period of the said premises shall be deemed to be commenced
w.e.f 01-04-2024 to 28-04-2025 for a period 11 months only according to English
3. That the Tenant / Second party have paid in advance sum of Rs.
________________/- (Rupees
_________________________________________________________ only) on
account of _____ months in Advance Rental.
4. That the Tenant / Second party have paid in advance sum of Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees
Fifteen Thousand only) on account of Security which will be returned to Second
Party without any interest after making adjustment of dues pending against the
tenant, if any, at the time of vacating the premises peacefully.
5. That the Tenant / Second party shall pay to monthly rent of the said demised
premises to the first party/ Owner in advance on or before 7 st day of each English
6. That the premise has been checked by the second party / Tenant who is satisfied
about color / painting etc. and working of fittings provided in the premises which are
in working condition and need no repairs.
7. That the tenant at the time of initial occupation has seen that all the sanitary,
electrical and other fittings and fixtures are in good condition & in the working
order. The Tenant shall be responsible of restoration of any broken or missing fitting
and fixtures, window panes etc.
8. That the Tenant / Second party is not permitted to make any type of additions or
alterations in the said premises without obtaining prior consent from the Owner (s)
First Party & shall not damage or caused to be damaged interior/ POP work /
wooden work in the property.
9. That the Tenant / second party is not permitted to sub-let assign or party with the
possession of the said premises leased out to him to anybody except without the
prior written consent of the first party.
10. That the Tenant / second Party shall be liable and responsible for or any type of
damage breakage or losses in the said premises during the tenancy period.
11. That the first party or his / her authorized person shall be entitled to inspect the
premises at all reasonable hours and the second party shall not raise any objection
against the same.
12. That the tenant / second party shall use the premise for Residential purpose only
and will not change the uses thereof for the other purpose, violation of this
condition shall lead to the immediate vacations of the premises without any notice.
13. That the tenant / second party shall handover/ deliver the peaceful vacant
possession of the said premise as well as all fitting and fixtures in running / working
condition to the Owner (s) first party after the expiry of the tenacity period without
any hitch.
14. That if either of the party wants to vacant the said premises before the expiry to the
tenancy period 11 months then they will serve Two Month’s notice to each other
15. That the tenant / second party shall pay Electricity Charges & Water Charges extra of
monthly rent to the concerned authority / society according to bills during the
tenancy period.
16. That the Landlord shall have right or evict the tenant for breach of any of the
conditions mentioned in this Deed without prejudice to his right arrears of rent,
electricity bill, if any remaining unpaid.
17. That in case of non- payment of rent of consecutive two months demised premises
will be immediately vacated without any notice & rent will be adjustment from the
said premises through the court of law at the cost of the tenant subject to Haryana
18. That in case of any miss-happening, incident, fire in the tenant will be fully
responsible, in case of any damage and tenant will have to pay for the repair of the
19. That in case the tenant indulge in unlawful activations & is arrested by police or flee
away by putting locks on the rented premises & in such situation rent remains
unpaid, the landlord shall have full right to remove the locks & belongings of the
tenant in the presence of two Hon’ble members of society / RWA & in that case a list
of belongings will be prepared & kept by all of them and if any goods / article
prohibited by the law are found information will be made to police of lawful action.
The landlord will also publish notice in two newspapers of local area of claim of
belongings in case of missing of tenant & thereafter expiry of notice period, landlord
will be free to use let- out or enjoy the same in any manner.
20. That the Second Party if intend to increase the tenancy duration further, an increase
in rent will be made at the rate of 5% or at mutual consent, which will be given from
successive executed month and also a fresh rent agreement has to be executed on
the terms and conditions of this rent agreement.
In witness whereof, the tenant /second party and owner / first party set their respective hands
and signatures on this deed of Agreement in the presence of the following witnesses