2022-Davis Cup
2022-Davis Cup
2022-Davis Cup
19. Competition dates............................................................................................................... 21
20. Qualifiers .............................................................................................................................. 22
Composition .............................................................................................................. 22
Format of play ........................................................................................................... 22
Seeding....................................................................................................................... 22
20.4 Qualifiers Draw ......................................................................................................... 22
Qualifier results......................................................................................................... 23
21. Finals Week ......................................................................................................................... 23
Composition .............................................................................................................. 23
Format of play ........................................................................................................... 23
Wild Cards .................................................................................................................. 24
Seeding....................................................................................................................... 24
Round Robin Draw ................................................................................................... 24
Quarter-Finals Draw ................................................................................................ 25
Promotion and relegation ...................................................................................... 25
22. World Groups I and II (including Play-offs) ................................................................... 26
Composition .............................................................................................................. 26
Format of play ........................................................................................................... 26
Draws .......................................................................................................................... 27
Ties in World Group I and II ................................................................................... 28
Promotion and relegation ...................................................................................... 28
23. Regional Groups III and IV ............................................................................................... 28
Composition .............................................................................................................. 29
Format of play ........................................................................................................... 30
Group III and IV Draws ............................................................................................ 30
Promotion and relegation ....................................................................................... 31
24. Davis Cup Nations Ranking .............................................................................................. 31
G. ORGANISATION OF TIES/EVENTS ..............................................................................31
25. General hosting requirements ......................................................................................... 31
26. Organising body ................................................................................................................. 32
Finals Week ............................................................................................................... 32
Qualifiers, World Groups I and II and Play-offs................................................. 32
Groups III and IV ....................................................................................................... 32
27. Approval of arrangements ............................................................................................... 32
Home Nation Questionnaire (Qualifiers, World Groups I and II and Play-
offs) .............................................................................................................................. 32
Application to Host Form (Groups III and IV) .................................................... 33
Davis Cup Committee approval ........................................................................... 33
Power to intervene in the organisation of a Tie/Event................................... 33
28. Venues .................................................................................................................................. 34
Finals Week ............................................................................................................... 34
Qualifiers, World Groups I and II and Play-offs (Choice of Ground)............ 34
Regional Groups III and IV ..................................................................................... 36
Minimum requirements for venues ..................................................................... 37
29. Courts .................................................................................................................................... 37
Surface of courts ...................................................................................................... 37
Court Pace Rating .................................................................................................... 39
Court covers/water removal for outdoor courts .............................................. 39
Artificial Lighting ....................................................................................................... 40
Match court lines and markings ........................................................................... 40
Dimensions ................................................................................................................ 40
Minimum height to the ceiling ............................................................................... 41
Application to vary court requirements ............................................................... 41
No changes to courts during Tie/Event without Referee consent ............... 41
Consequences if match court(s) not playable ................................................... 41
Availability of match and practice courts ........................................................... 42
30. Balls........................................................................................................................................ 44
Ball types .................................................................................................................... 44
Consequences for use of unauthorised balls................................................... 44
Change of Balls ........................................................................................................ 45
31. Language for calling score .............................................................................................. 45
32. Visas ...................................................................................................................................... 45
33. Media ..................................................................................................................................... 46
34. Security ................................................................................................................................. 46
35. Insurance .............................................................................................................................. 47
H. SQUAD AND TEAM NOMINATIONS .......................................................................... 47
36. Nominations ......................................................................................................................... 47
37. Changes to team nominations ........................................................................................ 49
38. Notice of changes to team nominations ...................................................................... 50
39. Replacement of nominated Captain ............................................................................. 50
I. PLAYER SELECTIONS ..................................................................................................50
40. Notification of selection of singles and doubles Players ......................................... 50
41. Changes to Player selections .......................................................................................... 51
42. Referee power to vary Change of Selection Deadlines .......................................... 52
43. Notification of Player selections ..................................................................................... 52
J. PRE-TIE EVENTS ........................................................................................................... 53
44. Captains' Meeting .............................................................................................................. 53
45. Pre-Draw Press Conference ............................................................................................ 53
46. Pre-Tie Function ................................................................................................................. 53
47. Tie/Event Draw.................................................................................................................... 53
48. Post-Draw Press Conference .......................................................................................... 54
49. Official Dinner...................................................................................................................... 54
K. PLAYING SCHEDULE.................................................................................................... 54
50. Start and end of play ......................................................................................................... 54
51. Interval between matches................................................................................................ 55
52. Persons permitted on court ............................................................................................. 55
53. Captain's role on court ...................................................................................................... 55
54. Medical and toilet breaks ................................................................................................. 56
L. HOW A TIE/EVENT IS DECIDED.................................................................................. 56
55. Qualifiers, World Groups I and II and Play-offs (Home & Away format) ............... 56
55.1 Order of play ............................................................................................................. 56
55.2 Scoring ........................................................................................................................ 56
55.3 Dead match policy ................................................................................................... 56
56. Groups III and IV ................................................................................................................. 57
56.1 Order of play ............................................................................................................. 57
56.2 Scoring ........................................................................................................................ 57
57. Finals Week ......................................................................................................................... 58
57.1 Order of play ............................................................................................................. 58
57.2 Scoring – Finals Week Round Robin .................................................................. 58
57.3 Dead match policy for Finals Week Round Robin ........................................... 59
57.4 Scoring – Finals Week Knock-Out Rounds ....................................................... 60
57.5 Dead match policy for Finals Week Knock-Out Rounds................................ 60
58. Consequences if play called off due to bad weather or other unavoidable
hindrance or cicumstances.............................................................................................. 60
59. Scoring if match is a walk-over or started and not completed ............................... 61
60. Default in the event of a no-show ................................................................................... 61
M. CEREMONIES................................................................................................................. 62
61. ITF approval ......................................................................................................................... 62
62. Opening Ceremony ........................................................................................................... 62
63. Team Presentation Ceremony ........................................................................................ 62
64. Trophy and Closing Ceremony....................................................................................... 62
N. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL RIGHTS/OBLIGATIONS ....................................... 63
65. Commercial and financial rules ...................................................................................... 63
O. INTEGRITY...................................................................................................................... 63
66. Anti-doping .......................................................................................................................... 63
67. Anti-corruption .................................................................................................................... 65
P. INVESTIGATIONS AND RECIPROCITY ...................................................................... 65
68. ITF power to investigate potential breaches .............................................................. 65
69. Reciprocity ........................................................................................................................... 65
Q. DISPUTES AND ENFORCEMENT OF REGULATIONS .............................................. 66
70. Onsite enforcement ........................................................................................................... 66
71. First instance proceedings .............................................................................................. 66
Referee ....................................................................................................................... 66
Davis Cup Committee ............................................................................................. 66
Board, ITF Executive or other designated person/entity .............................. 66
ITF Internal Adjudication Panel ............................................................................ 66
Independent Tribunal ............................................................................................. 67
Anti-Corruption Officer ........................................................................................... 68
72. Provisional suspensions ................................................................................................... 69
73. Sanctions .............................................................................................................................. 69
74. Appeals ................................................................................................................................. 69
Standard appeal procedure .................................................................................. 69
Expedited appeal procedure available for Finals Week................................ 70
75. Failure to pay fines............................................................................................................. 72
R. MISCELLANEOUS ......................................................................................................... 72
76. Communications ................................................................................................................. 72
77. Governing law and jurisdiction ....................................................................................... 73
78. Waiver of claims and limitation of liability .................................................................... 73
79. Severability .......................................................................................................................... 73
80. Matters not provided for ................................................................................................... 74
SCHEDULE 1: DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION ..................................................... 1
SCHEDULE 2: COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL RULES .................................................. 1
A. OWNERSHIP OF RIGHTS ................................................................................................ 1
1. ITF rights .................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Nation rights ........................................................................................................................... 1
Part I: Commercial rights and obligations......................................................................... 1
3. Sponsorship rights ................................................................................................................ 1
4. Image Rights ...........................................................................................................................3
5. Media Rights ...........................................................................................................................3
6. Recordings ..............................................................................................................................3
7. Data .......................................................................................................................................... 4
7.1 Data Rights .................................................................................................................. 4
7.2 Data Rights protection .............................................................................................. 5
7.3 PAT Data exploitation ............................................................................................... 6
Part II: Finances ............................................................................................................................. 7
8. Currency .................................................................................................................................. 7
9. Participation Payment to Nations ...................................................................................... 7
10. Prize Money for Finals Week ............................................................................................. 7
Part III: Specific sanctions .......................................................................................................... 8
11. Failure to comply .................................................................................................................. 8
C. FINALS WEEK .................................................................................................................. 8
Part I: Commercial rights and obligations........................................................................ 8
12. Media Rights .......................................................................................................................... 8
13. Image Rights for the Final .................................................................................................. 8
Part II: Ticketing and hospitality ............................................................................................... 9
14. Complimentary tickets/hospitality.................................................................................... 9
15. Right to purchase additional tickets/hospitality .......................................................... 10
16. The Final ................................................................................................................................ 10
Part III: Finances .......................................................................................................................... 10
17. Expenses ............................................................................................................................... 10
Part I: Commercial rights and obligations........................................................................ 11
18. Media Rights ......................................................................................................................... 13
Part II: Ticketing and hospitality .............................................................................................. 15
19. Complimentary tickets/hospitality................................................................................... 15
20. Right to purchase additional tickets/hospitality .......................................................... 17
Part III: Finances .......................................................................................................................... 18
21. Allocation of Gross Receipts ............................................................................................ 18
22. Expenses ............................................................................................................................... 19
22.1 Officials ........................................................................................................................ 19
22.2 Nominated teams – general travelling expenses ............................................ 19
22.3 Nominated teams – accommodation/meals ...................................................... 19
23. Statement of Accounts ..................................................................................................... 20
24. Nation defaulting on payments ...................................................................................... 20
E. GROUPS III AND IV ....................................................................................................... 20
25. Commercial rights .............................................................................................................. 20
26. Ticketing and hospitality .................................................................................................. 20
27. Finances................................................................................................................................ 20
SCHEDULE 3: DAVIS CUP CODE OF CONDUCT ............................................................ 1
SCHEDULE 4: WELFARE POLICY ....................................................................................... 1
SCHEDULE 5: MEDICAL AND TOILET BREAKS ............................................................... 1
SCHEDULE 6: COMMITTEE ................................................................................................. 1
1.1 The Davis Cup, which is the ITF's Official Team Championship for men, is owned
by the ITF and managed by the ITF and ITFL.
1.2.1 The Qualifiers, consisting of one knock-out round of 12 Home & Away
Ties to be played between 24 Nations (selected in accordance with
Regulation 20.1.1) to determine which 12 Nations advance to the Finals
Week and which 12 Nations participate in World Group I.
1.2.2 The World Group I and World Group II Play-offs consisting of:
1.2.3 World Groups I and II: each consisting of one knock-out round of 12
Home & Away Ties to be played between 24 Nations (selected in
accordance with Regulation 22.4).
1.2.4 Regional Groups III and IV, each including Nations from different
geographic zones (Group III from (i) Europe (ii) Africa, (iii) Americas, and
Asia/Oceania and Group IV from (i) Europe/Africa, (ii) Americas, and (iii)
Asia/Oceania), playing a round robin competition.
1.2.5 The Finals Week, an event to be played by 16 Nations (the two finalists
of the previous edition of the Davis Cup competition, the 12 winners of
the Qualifiers, and two Wild Cards) over four rounds and a minimum of
seven days (a round robin round, and three straight knock-out rounds:
Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals and Final), to determine the champion
2.1 The Competition will take place in accordance with the following (collectively,
the Rules and Regulations): these Davis Cup Regulations, including the
attached schedules (together, the Regulations), the ITF Constitution, the Rules
of Tennis, the ITF Duties and Procedures for Officials, the Hosting Manual, the
Commercial Letter(s), the Financial Letter, the Tennis Anti-Doping Programme,
the Tennis Anti-Corruption Program, and any other rules, policies or documents
issued by the ITF from time to time that apply according to their terms to the
Competition, each as amended from time to time. Unless specified otherwise,
the provisions in the Rules and Regulations apply to all levels of the Competition.
2.3 Defined terms used in these Rules and Regulations (denoted by initial capital
letters) have the meaning given to them in Schedule 1. In addition, Schedule 1
includes certain rules of interpretation to be used in interpreting and applying
the Rules and Regulations.
2.4 The Regulations may be altered as specified in the ITF Constitution. The
expectation is that they will be altered at least annually so that a new and
bespoke version applies for each new edition of the Davis Cup competition.
Consequently, no Nation or other person acquires any accrued or vested rights
under these Regulations, or any legitimate expectation, in relation to future
editions of the Davis Cup competition.
3. Personal data
3.1 All personal data submitted by Nations and/or Team Members will be processed
in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Nations and Team Members
acknowledge and agree that personal data is processed by the ITF for the
purposes of administering the Davis Cup competition, enforcing the Rules and
Regulations, and maintaining the integrity of the sport.
4. The Board
4.1 The Competition will be managed by the Board and/or its delegate(s).
4.2 The powers and duties of the Board in respect of the Competition include the
4.2.2 to refuse or revoke the entry of any Nation in the Competition in
accordance with Regulation 15.2;
4.2.3 to determine that Ties may not be hosted by a Nation for a specified
period where in the Board’s opinion that Nation is unable to conduct a
Tie in the manner required to maintain the integrity of the Competition
and/or the safety of the participants, spectators, and/or personnel, or
otherwise in accordance with its obligations under the Rules and
4.2.5 to decide the scale of Prize Money (in agreement with the Steering
Committee) and Participation Payments to Nations, based on decisions
taken at an Annual General Meeting;
4.2.6 to appoint a Tournament Director for the Finals Week (unless a third
party Finals Week Organiser is appointed, in which case the Board will
appoint a Steering Committee, and the Steering Committee will appoint
the Tournament Director for the Finals Week);
4.2.8 to register in the name of the ITF any trade marks in connection with
the Davis Cup competition and to protect such trademarks; and
4.2.9 to exercise any other powers and fulfil any other duties assigned to the
Board in the Rules and Regulations.
4.3 Subject to Regulation 15.2, all decisions of the Board in respect of the
Competition will be made in accordance with the quorum and majority
requirements specified in the ITF Constitution.
5.1 The Board will appoint a Davis Cup Committee, in accordance with the ITF
Constitution and the committee's terms of reference. Each member of the Davis
Cup Committee must be from a different Nation (except that one member could
be from the Nation that the ITF President comes from), which Nation must have
played in the Davis Cup competition in at least 10 separate years.
5.2 The powers and duties of the Davis Cup Committee will be:
5.2.2 to liaise with the Steering Committee and the Tournament Director
regarding the organisation of the Finals Week;
5.2.3 to administer the funds of the Competition within the financial
framework of the ITF;
5.2.4 to use the funds of the ITF for any necessary expenditure in the general
interests of the Competition;
5.2.5 to request further details of the income and expenditure set out in any
Statement of Accounts (if necessary);
5.2.6 to submit regular reports to the Board, including on all financial matters;
5.2.7 to exercise any other powers and fulfil any other duties assigned to it
by the Board or in the Rules and Regulations.
6. Executive Director
6.1 The ITF will appoint an Executive Director for the Competition who will:
6.1.3 liaise with and advise the Steering Committee and the Tournament
Director regarding the proper organisation of the Finals Week; and
7.1 The Board may appoint a third party organiser to take on some or all of the
Board's responsibilities in relation to the event organisation of the Finals Week.
8.1 If the Board appoints a Finals Week Organiser, a Steering Committee will be
established to oversee the strategic direction of the Finals Week, and to manage
the relationship between the ITF and the Finals Week Organiser, in accordance
with the powers and duties set out in its terms of reference.
8.2 The Steering Committee will be made up of two ITF representatives, one
representative of the Finals Week Organiser, and a former player.
9. Tournament Director
9.1 The Board, or (if the Board appoints a Finals Week Organiser) the Steering
Committee, will appoint a Tournament Director for the Finals Week who will:
9.1.1 attend and manage the Finals Week; and
9.1.2 liaise with the Davis Cup Committee and the Executive Director
regarding the organisation of the Finals Week.
10.1 Officials will be appointed in accordance with the following table at least 21 days
before the first match in the Tie or Event in question:
Finals Week
Chief Umpire 1 Home Nation ITF Certified Official
(approved by Silver badge or higher
Chief Umpire 1 Host Nation ITF Certified Official
(approved by White badge or higher
10.2 All Officials nominated by a Home/Host Nation are subject to the approval of the
ITF, whose decision will be final.
10.3 Home/Host Nations that are unable to comply with the requirements of
Regulation 10.1 must contact the ITF for advice and direction as soon as
practicable, but in any event at least five weeks before the first match in the
Tie/Event in question.
10.4 In addition to any duties set out in these Regulations, the duties of Officials are
set out in the ITF Duties and Procedures for Officials.
11.1 The ITF will appoint an ITF Event Manager to assist with the operational
management in the lead-up to each Tie/Event. The ITF will decide whether or
not it is necessary for the appointed ITF Event Manager to attend a Tie/Event in
11.2 For the Finals Week, the ITF will appoint (at a minimum) the following Event
11.2.6 racquet stringers (to be available from the day that the first Players
arrive at the Finals Week venue).
11.3 For Qualifier, World Groups I and II, and World Groups I and II Play-off Ties, the
Home Nation must appoint (at a minimum) the following personnel to attend its
Tie by the applicable deadline set out in the table below:
11.4 For Regional Group III and IV Events, the Host Nation must appoint (at a
minimum) the following Event personnel to attend its Event by the applicable
deadline set out in the table below:
Independent Doctor No later than the first Proficient in spoken
(although they may be day of play in the Event English
on-call only)
Sports Physiotherapist No later than two days Proficient in spoken
prior to the first day of English
play in the Event
Chief of ball-persons Recommended, but not n/a
Reasonable number of No later than the first n/a
ball-persons day of play in the Event
(depending on the
number of courts and
Media Manager Recommended, but not n/a
Racquet stringer Must be operational at n/a
least four days prior to
the first day of play in
the Event
12.1 Referee
12.1.2 When the Referee is assisted by a neutral Chair Umpire, the Referee
will be seated in close proximity to the court. Otherwise, the Referee is
to be given a seat on the court with a clear view of the court. arriving onsite at the Tie/Event venue no later than the day
specified by the ITF; ensuring that all playing arrangements for the Tie/Event are
9 ensuring that Chair Umpires and Line Umpires have been
appointed, and (if necessary) appointing substitutes for any
umpires during the course of a match; ensuring that only the on-court Officials and the nominated
Players/Captain of each Nation are present for any on-court
Opening, Team Presentation and Closing Ceremony; and after the Tie, submitting a report of the Tie to the ITF for
distribution to the two Nations that played in the Tie.
duties for the match and/or for any or all of the
remaining matches of that Tie or Event (in which case
the Captain may be replaced only by one of his
Nation's nominated Players). Where warranted, the
Referee may remove the Captain without a formal
warning for a single incident of misconduct. Prior to or during a Tie, the Referee may (in his absolute
discretion) call off a match, Tie and/or Event in accordance
with Regulation 29.10.1 and may (in consultation with the ITF)
call off a Tie and/or Event in accordance with Regulation 58.
12.2.1 The ITF Event Manager is responsible, in conjunction with the Referee
(where relevant), for overseeing the day-to-day operational running of
the Tie or Event (excluding the Finals Week) in the lead-up to and onsite
at the Tie/Event, to verify that it is carried out in accordance with these
Regulations, the Hosting Manual and Commercial Letter.
12.2.2 For the Finals Week, the ITF event staff are responsible, in conjunction
with the Referee, for overseeing the running of the Event in the lead-up
to and onsite at the Event, to verify that all arrangements are carried out
in accordance with these Regulations.
12.3 Official Organiser
12.3.1 The Official Organiser must arrive onsite on the same day as the
Referee (or earlier) and remain onsite for the duration of the Tie. ensuring that the instructions of the Referee are carried out; liaising with the Referee and ITF Event Manager onsite to
ensure the smooth running of the Tie/Event.
12.3.3 For the Finals Week, the Tournament Director will carry out the
responsibilities of an Official Organiser.
12.4.2 The Security Officer may delegate any of the above duties to other
suitably qualified persons, provided that the ITF is notified of such
12.5 Media Manager
12.5.1 For the duration of the Tie, the Media Manager must operate from the
media room and be available to answer any media queries (including
overseas phone calls) relating to the Tie/Event.
12.6.1 The Visiting Nation Team Host is responsible for assisting the Visiting
Nation as necessary during the Tie/Event.
13.1.2 The Board has granted a dispensation from Regulation 13.1.1 to the
regional groups listed below, each of which may compete in the
Competition as if it were a Nation:
13.2.1 If the country or territory of a Nation that would otherwise have been
eligible to participate in any part of the Competition is divided into two
or more countries or territories, or is absorbed in whole or in part by
another country or territory, or otherwise ceases to exist, the Davis Cup
Committee will select another Nation to take the original Nation's place
replacement Nation will be selected based on the level of the
Competition in which the original Nation would have been
eligible to compete in, and the time at which the original
Nation ceases to exist).
13.2.2 The Davis Cup Committee may make any necessary consequential
amendments to the composition of the World Groups I and II and
Regional Groups.
13.2.3 Any newly created Nation that is eligible and enters the Competition
but is not selected as the replacement for the original Nation will play
in the lowest Group in its Region. have reached his 14th birthday by the first day of the Tie (for
Qualifier, World Groups I and II and Play-off Ties) or the
Monday of the week of the Event (for the Finals Week and
Regional Group III and IV Events);
(e) he agrees to be bound by and to comply with the
Rules and Regulations, including (without limitation)
agreeing to submit to anti-doping testing in
accordance with the Tennis Anti-Doping Programme;
(a) for the Finals Week: at midday (local time at the Event)
on the day before the first round robin match;
commitment to life and tennis in the nation that he wishes to represent.
The complete application and all supporting materials must be received
by the ITF at least three months prior to the Tie/Event for which the
Nation wishes to nominate the Player/Captain.
14.3.2 The ITF Executive will decide on the application having taken into
account all relevant matters. The decision of the ITF Executive may be
appealed to the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel, which will consider the
matter de novo, in accordance with its Procedural Rules. The appeal
must (i) be made in writing, (ii) detail the basis of the appeal, and (iii) be
filed with the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel within 14 days of
notification of the decision. There is no right of appeal from the ITF
Internal Adjudication Panel’s decision.
14.4.2 Once a Player/Captain is determined eligible under Regulation 14.4.1 (or
its comparable predecessor) to represent a newly formed nation, and
then plays for that newly formed nation, any subsequent application to
represent a Nation must be made under Regulation 14.2.
14.5.1 A Nation must only select Players and a Captain who are eligible to
represent it in the Competition. Upon request by the ITF, a Nation must
produce evidence to show that a Player/Captain is eligible to represent
15. Entries
15.1 To participate in the Competition, an eligible Nation must submit an entry form
by no later than the Entry Deadline and pay the applicable entry fee set out in
the relevant Financial Letter by the deadline specified by the ITF.
15.2 The entry of any Nation may be refused or revoked by the Members at an Annual
General Meeting if in the opinion of at least three-quarters of those Members
present and voting at the Annual General Meeting the participation of said
Nation may result in the Competition being brought into disrepute. If, due to
timing, the Members are unable to consider any issue relating to the refusal or
revocation of a Nation's entry at the Annual General Meeting, the powers
conferred on the Members under this Regulation may be exercised by the Board,
provided that at least nine members of the Board are present at the relevant
meeting and at least two-thirds of those present and voting cast their vote in
favour of the refusal or revocation.
16.1 As a condition of entry in the Competition, each Nation must take out and
maintain at its own expense:
16.1.2 suitable event cancellation and abandonment insurance covering all
reasonably known financial risks arising from the rescheduling,
cancellation and/or abandonment in whole or in part of a match, Tie
and/or Event due to force majeure.
16.2 Upon request by the ITF, the Nation must provide a copy of the above insurance
policies to the ITF.
17.1.1 A Nation may not withdraw from the Competition after its entry is
accepted by the ITF.
17.2.2 withdraws from the Competition prior to the Qualifiers Draw or World
Group I or II Play-offs Draw (in the case of any Nation that would
otherwise have participated in the Qualifiers, or the Play-offs
respectively); or
17.2.3 withdraws from the Competition prior to the scheduled final day of the
Qualifiers or World Group I or II Play-offs (in the case of any Nation not
participating in the Qualifiers, or the Play-offs respectively);
then the Davis Cup Committee (or, if the relevant Nation is a Wild Card, the
Steering Committee) will select another Nation to take its place according to the
table below (depending on the level of the Competition in which the non-
entering/withdrawing Nation was going to participate):
Tie in the previous edition of the Competition
using the most recent Davis Cup Nations
Rankings at the time of the Qualifiers Draw.
b) If the withdrawing Nation was not seeded it
will be replaced by the highest ranked
Nation that lost its World Group I Knock-out
tie in the previous edition of the Competition
using the most recent Davis Cup Nations
Rankings at the time of the Qualifiers Draw.
Wild Card Any Nation that meets the criteria set out at
Regulation 21.3.1
World Groups I and II The Davis Cup Committee may replace a
and Play-offs withdrawing Nation at its discretion.
Regional Groups Withdrawals from Regional Groups will be dealt in
accordance with the provisions on the composition
of Regional Groups in Regulation 23.5.
17.3 If a Nation withdraws from the Competition after the applicable deadline in
Regulation 17.2, then the Davis Cup Committee (or, if the relevant Nation is a
Wild Card, the Steering Committee) will determine the replacement Nation (if
any) in accordance with the table below, unless the Davis Cup Committee (or the
Steering Committee) determines that it is not practicable to fill that place:
During the Finals Week The withdrawing Nation will not be
replaced. It will be defaulted and
each remaining Tie will count as a
straight loss. See also Regulation 60.
Wild Cards
After the Qualifiers Any Nation entered in the
Competition, provided that it meets
the Wild Card criteria set out at
Regulation 21.3.1.
17.4 If the Davis Cup Committee decides pursuant to Article 17.3 to replace a Nation
that withdraws from the Finals Week after the Qualifiers but prior to the Finals
Week, the place in a World Group I Tie that the replacement Nation was
scheduled to play may be filled by the Davis Cup Committee, if it considers such
replacement practicable, taking into account all relevant facts, including (but not
limited to) the timing of the withdrawal, the cost implications, and repercussions
for the Nation that would have been playing the replacement Nation.
17.5 If the withdrawing Nation would (but for its withdrawal) have been the Home
Nation in a Home & Away Tie, the Davis Cup Committee has discretion to
determine which Nation will be designated as the Home Nation for that Tie (i.e.
either the Nation selected to replace the withdrawing Home Nation or the
Visiting Nation), depending on the circumstances and the timing of the
17.6 The Davis Cup Committee may make any necessary consequential amendments
to the composition of the Regional Groups.
18. Consequences to Nations that do not enter or withdraw from the Competition
18.1 Any Nation that does not enter or withdraws from the Competition by the
relevant deadline in Regulation 17.2 will be required to play in the lowest Group
of its Region in the next edition of the Davis Cup competition that it enters, unless
the Davis Cup Committee waives this requirement based on exceptional
circumstances (for example, where the withdrawal was the result of force
18.2 Any Nation that withdraws from the Competition after the relevant deadline in
Regulation 17.2:
18.2.1 will not be eligible to participate in any other level of the Competition
unless decided otherwise by the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel;
18.2.2 will not be eligible to take part in the next edition of the Davis Cup
competition, unless decided otherwise by the ITF Internal Adjudication
Panel (and in either case the next time the Nation participates the
Nation will be required to play in the Group determined by the ITF
Internal Adjudication Panel in consultation with the Davis Cup
Committee); and/or
18.2.3 may be subject to the following penalties imposed by the ITF Internal
Adjudication Panel:
18.3 This Regulation 18 applies in addition to the consequences set out for a no-show
under Regulation 60.
19.1 The Davis Cup Committee will decide on and will notify the participating Nations
of the dates for all Ties/Events in the Competition.
19.2 Unless decided otherwise by the Davis Cup Committee, the different
Competition levels will each be played during designated weeks. The Qualifiers
and World Group I and II Play-offs will be played first, followed by World Groups
I and II and Regional Groups III and IV, and then the Finals Week.
20. Qualifiers
20.1 Composition
20.1.1 The Nations participating in the Qualifiers will be 24 Nations from the
following 26 Nations: the 16 Nations from the 2021 Finals Week that did not
progress to the 2022 Finals Week; and the eight highest ranked Nations that won their World Group
I Ties in the 2021 Davis Cup competition. the two Nations that won their World Group I Knock-out Ties
in the 2021 Davis Cup competition.
20.1.2 Two Wild Card Nations will be selected from these 26 Nations to
participate in the Finals Week for the Competition, and they will not take
part in the Qualifiers.
20.2.1 The Qualifiers will consist of one knock-out round of 12 Home & Away
Ties played between 24 Nations (each Nation playing one Tie). Ties
must be played over two consecutive days, being the Friday and
Saturday of the designated week, unless otherwise approved by the
Davis Cup Committee.
20.2.2 Each Tie will consist of four singles matches and one doubles match.
Each match (singles and doubles) will be played to the best of three tie-
break sets, and doubles matches will be played with regular ad scoring.
20.3 Seeding
20.3.1 The twelve highest ranked Nations will be seeded in accordance with
the most recent Davis Cup Nations Rankings at the time of the Qualifiers
20.4.1 The Davis Cup Committee will have completed the Qualifiers Draw for
the Qualifiers no later than the Qualifiers Draw Deadline. Choice of
Ground for the Qualifier Ties will be determined at the same time as the
Qualifiers Draw. A representative from each participating Nation may
be present at the Qualifiers Draw.
20.4.2 If two Nations have previously been drawn to meet each other in two
successive years in any knock-out Home & Away draw (i.e. excluding
the Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals and Final in the Finals Week) they will
be drawn in different halves of the Qualifiers Draw.
20.5.1 The 12 Nations that win their Qualifier Ties will qualify for the Finals
20.5.2 The 12 Nations that lose their Qualifier Ties will play the remainder of
the Competition in World Group I (according to the provisions on the
composition of World Groups I and II set out at Regulations 22.4).
21.1 Composition the two Nations that participated in the Final in the previous
Davis Cup competition; the 12 Nations that win their Qualifier Ties in the Competition;
21.2.1 The Finals Week will consist of the following rounds (in the following
order) and will be played over a minimum of seven and a maximum of
thirteen days: a Finals Round Robin of 16 Nations, split into four round robin
groups with four Nations in each;
(c) a Final contested by the two Nations that win the Semi-
21.2.2 Each Tie in the Finals Week will consist of two singles matches and one
doubles match, all played on one day. Each match (singles and doubles)
will be played to the best of three tie-break sets, and doubles matches
will be played with regular ad scoring.
21.3.1 Prior to the Qualifiers Draw, the Steering Committee will select two Wild
Cards from any of the 26 Nations under Regulations and
and only if those Nations meet one of the following criteria:
21.3.2 Subject to Regulation 17, Wild Cards will not play in the Qualifiers, World
Groups and/or Regional Groups in the Competition.
21.4 Seeding
21.4.1 Four Nations will be seeded for the Finals Week. Seeds 1 and 2 will be
the finalists of the previous edition of the Davis Cup competition and
seeds 3-4 will be determined in accordance with the most recent Davis
Cup Nations Ranking at the time of the World Group I and II Draw.
21.5.1 The Round Robin Draw will take place no later than five months before
the Finals Week, in order to determine the round robin groups.
24 Nations ranked from 5 to 8 except any Host Nations will be
drawn randomly into round robin groups A-D, taking position
2 in such group; and
21.6.1 The Quarter-Finals Draw will take place at the same time as the Round
Robin Draw.
21.6.2 The Quarter-Finals Draw will consist of the four winners and four
second-place teams of round robin groups A-D (determined in
accordance with the count-back calculation at Regulation 57.2).
21.6.3 Nations that qualify for the Quarter-Finals will be drawn and placed as
follows: The two Nations that reach the Final will automatically be
entitled to participate in the Finals Week of the next edition
of the Davis Cup competition. The other Nations in the Finals Week (i.e. those that finish in
places 3-16) will be entitled to participate in the Qualifiers of
the next edition of the Davis Cup competition (unless
selected as a Wild Card pursuant to Regulation 20.1.2).
22.1 There will be two World Groups in the Competition. World Group I is the higher
of the two Groups.
22.2 Prior to determining which Nations participate in World Group I, World Group II
and Regional Group III, there will be a Play-off round for World Group I and II.
22.3 After the Play-offs, World Groups I and II and the Regional Groups shall be set
for the Competition. This Regulation 22 sets out the requirements applicable to
both World Groups I and II and the respective Play-offs.
22.4 Composition
22.4.1 The Nations participating in the World Group I Play-offs will be (i) the 12
Nations that lost their 2021 World Group I ties; (ii) the two Nations that
lost their 2021 World Group I Knock-out ties; (iii) the eight highest ranked
Nations that won their 2021 World Group II ties; and (iv) the two Nations
that won their 2021 World Group II Knock-out ties.
22.4.2 The Nations competing in World Group I will be (i) the 12 Nations that
win their World Group I Play-off ties in the Competition; and (ii) the 12
Nations that lose in the Qualifiers of the Competition;
22.4.3 The Nations participating in the World Group II Play-offs will be (i) the 12
Nations that lost their 2021 World Group II Ties; (ii) the two Nations that
lost their 2021 World Group II Knock-out ties; and (iii) the 10 Nations that
advanced from their 2021 Regional Group III Events.
22.4.4 The Nations competing in World Group II will be (i) the 12 Nations that
lose in the World Group I Play-offs in the Competition; and (ii) the 12
Nations that win their World Group II Play-off Ties in the Competition.
22.5.1 Each Nation in the Play-offs and World Groups I and II will play one Tie
on a Home & Away format.
22.5.2 Each Tie will be played over two days and will consist of four singles
matches and one doubles match. Each match (singles and doubles) will
be played to the best of three tie-break sets, and all matches will be
played with regular ad scoring.
22.6 Draws
Play-off Ties:
22.6.1 The Davis Cup Committee will conduct the Play-offs Draw no later than
10 days after the last of the World Group I and II Knock-out Ties of the
previous edition of the Davis Cup Competition. The Play-offs Draw is
made up of two separate draws for World Groups I and II. Choice of
Ground will be determined at the same time as the draw pursuant to
Regulation 28.2. A representative from each participating Nation may
be present at the draw.
22.6.2 If two Nations have previously been drawn to meet each other in two
successive editions of the Davis Cup competition in any knock out
Home & Away draw (i.e. excluding Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals and Final
in the Finals Week), they will be drawn in different halves of the Play-off
22.6.3 Nations shall be seeded and drawn for each of World Group I Play-offs
and World Group II Play-offs as follows:
22.6.4 The Davis Cup Committee will conduct the World Group I and II Draw
no later than 10 days after the World Group I and II Play-offs. The World
Group I and II Draw is made up of one separate draw for each of the
World Groups. Choice of Ground will be determined at the same time
as the draw pursuant to Regulation 28.2. A representative from each
participating Nation may be present at the draw.
22.6.5 If two Nations have previously been drawn to meet each other in two
successive editions of the Davis Cup competition in any knock out
Home & Away draw (i.e. excluding Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals and Final
in the Finals Week), they will be drawn in different halves of the World
Group I and II Draw.
22.6.6 Nations shall be seeded and drawn for each of World Group I and World
Group II as follows:
27 12 Nations shall be seeded based on the most recent Davis
Cup Nations Rankings at the time of the Draw; The 12 Nations that win their World Group I Ties will
participate in the Qualifiers of the next edition of the Davis
Cup competition. The 12 Nations that lose their World Group I Ties will
participate in the World Group I Play-offs of the next edition
of the Davis Cup competition. The 12 Nations that win their World Group II Ties will
participate in the World Group I Play-offs of the next edition
of the Davis Cup competition. The 12 Nations that lose their World Group II Ties will
participate in the World Group II Play-offs of the next edition
of the Davis Cup competition.
23.1 There will be two Regional Groups in the Competition. Regional Group III shall
be the higher of the two levels. The ITF may add further Regional Group levels
(e.g. Group V) if necessary to accommodate the number of Nations entered in
the Competition.
23.2 Group III is split into four geographical Regions: (i) Europe (ii) Africa, (iii) the
Americas, and (iv) Asia/Oceania.
23.3 Group IV is split into three geographical Regions: (i) Europe/Africa (which may be
further subdivided into the Europe Region and Africa Region), (ii) the Americas,
and (iii) Asia/Oceania. Nations in the Europe/Africa Group or the Asia/Oceania
Group will play Ties against the other Nations in that group that are in their
geographical Region.
23.4 The composition of the Regional Groups will be determined by the Davis Cup
Committee after the World Group II Play-offs.
23.5 Composition
23.5.1 The Davis Cup Committee will determine the composition of Regional
Groups III and IV (and lower, if applicable) shortly after the World Group
II Play-offs.
23.5.2 The Davis Cup Committee will determine the total number of Nations
that will play in Group III, taking into account the number of Nations that
can practically compete in one Regional Group Event. Once the Davis
Cup Committee has determined the size of Group III, the composition
will be made up of: the Nations that did not advance or were not relegated from
Group III in the previous edition of the Davis Cup competition.
23.5.3 If there are too many Nations, the Davis Cup Committee will select
Nations based on the most recent Davis Cup Nations Ranking.
23.5.4 The lowest Group of each Region will have a variable number of Nations
consisting of: any Nation entering the Davis Cup competition for the first
time in 2022; and any Nation that did not compete in the 2021 Davis Cup
23.6 Format of play
23.6.1 Groups III and IV will be played on a round robin or on a combined round
robin basis, as determined by the Davis Cup Committee from time to
time depending on the number of Nations in each Region of each
Group, with the aim of maximising competitive play while still allowing
a reasonable rest for the Nations.
23.6.2 Each Group III and IV Event will be played at one or more venues
selected by the Davis Cup Committee.
23.6.3 Each Tie in the round robin will consist of two singles matches and one
doubles match played in one day. Each match will be played to the best
of three tie-break sets.
23.7 Seeding
23.7.1 Seeding will be determined in accordance with the most recent Davis
Cup Nations Ranking at the time of the respective Regional Group draw.
23.8.1 The Group III and IV Draws will take place on the day prior to the start
of the Event. one location, then there will be one draw for each Group; or more than one location, then for each Group there will be a
(i) a pre-draw to determine which Nations will play at each
location, no later than ten weeks before the Event, and (ii) a
draw at each location to determine the round robin groups.
23.8.3 The Davis Cup Committee may split the Europe/Africa Region into a
Europe Group and an Africa Group for the purposes of the Group III and
IV Events.
23.8.4 Each Region in Group III and IV will be split into round robin groups. If a
Regional Group is made up of eight Nations, it will be divided into two
groups of four Nations. For any other number of Nations, the Davis Cup
Committee will decide on the number of groups, and how many Nations
will be in each one.
23.8.5 When drawing the Nations into two round robin groups, the highest
seeded Nation will be placed in one group and the second seeded
Nation will be placed in the other group. Thereafter the remaining
Nations will be drawn in pairs according to their Davis Cup Nations
Rankings. When there is an odd number of Nations remaining, the last
three Nations will be drawn together. The same principles will be
applied if there are more than two round robin groups.
23.8.6 If there are round robin groups with different numbers of Nations, the
highest seeded Nation(s) will be placed in the group(s) with the least
number of Nations.
23.9.1 Twelve Nations will advance from Group III to the World Group II Play-
offs in the next edition of the Davis Cup competition. The Davis Cup
Committee will determine the number of Nations promoted from each.
23.9.2 The Davis Cup Committee will determine the number of Nations
relegated from each Regional Group III depending on the size of that
Group. The Nations that will be relegated will move to the lower Group
based on their sporting results in that year’s Group III event.
23.9.3 The number of places for promotion and relegation (if there is a lower
Regional Group) from Regional Group IV will be determined by the
Davis Cup Committee when it determines the composition of the
Regional Groups in accordance with Regulations 23.5.
24.1 Nations will start the Competition with their year-end Davis Cup Nations Ranking
from the previous edition of the competition. The ranking points attributable to
each edition of the Davis Cup competition will be determined by the Davis Cup
Committee. The process for determining Nations' rankings is set out on the Davis
Cup website at www.daviscup.com/en/rankings/rankings-explained.aspx
25.1 Ties/Events must be organised in accordance with the Rules and Regulations,
including the Hosting Manual, the Commercial Letter applicable to the relevant
level of Competition, and the Financial Letter, and any other hosting
requirements issued by the ITF.
26. Organising body
26.1.1 The ITF is responsible for organising the Finals Week. The ITF may
delegate some or all of that responsibility to a third party.
26.1.2 The requirements for the organisation of the Finals Week will be set out
in a contract between the ITF and any third party to whom the
responsibility for organising has been delegated.
26.2.1 The organisation of Qualifier, World Group I and II and Play-offs Ties are
the responsibility of the Nation competing in the Tie that is designated
as the 'Home Nation', unless Regulation applies (in which case
the Davis Cup Committee will specify which of the competing Nations
is responsible for organising the Tie). The Choice of Ground provisions
set out in Regulation 28.2.1 will determine how the Home Nation is
26.3.1 The organisation of Group III and IV Events is the responsibility of the
relevant Host Nation. Any Nation in Groups III and IV may apply to host
a Group III and/or IV Event, by submitting an Application to Host Form
to the ITF by no later than the Host Application Deadline.
27.1 Home Nation Questionnaire (Qualifiers, World Groups I and II and Play-offs)
27.1.1 Once a Home Nation knows that it will be hosting a Tie, it must provide
the ITF with a duly completed Questionnaire, setting out the Home
Nation's proposed arrangements for the Tie, by the applicable deadline
set out in the table below (the Questionnaire Deadline).
27.1.2 A Nation may not publicly disclose any details set out in its
Questionnaire until the Questionnaire has been approved by the ITF or
until the ITF has given its consent to do so.
27.2 Application to Host Form (Groups III and IV)
27.2.1 The ITF will publish Hosting Requirements for Group III and IV Events.
The Host Nation must confirm that it will comply with those
requirements and set out any further proposed arrangements for the
Event, in an Application to Host Form, which must be submitted to the
ITF by the Host Application Deadline.
27.2.2 A Nation may not publicly disclose any details set out in its Application
to Host Form until the application has been approved by the ITF or until
the ITF has given its consent to do so.
27.3.1 The arrangements for hosting and organising Ties/Events are subject
to approval by the Davis Cup Committee (excluding the Finals Week).
The Davis Cup Committee may reject any proposed arrangements for
a Tie/Event that do not comply with the Rules and Regulations. The
Davis Cup Committee may also grant exemptions from the applicable
hosting requirements where it is satisfied that suitable alternative
arrangements can be made that will not prejudice the Competition.
27.3.2 Once arrangements for a Tie/Event have been approved by the Davis
Cup Committee, a Nation must consult the ITF as soon as reasonably
practicable if it has any concerns about its ability to deliver those
arrangements. Changes to approved arrangements may only be made
with the agreement of the Davis Cup Committee and only under
justified circumstances.
27.3.3 The Davis Cup Committee may delegate its approval power under this
Regulation 27.3 to the ITF Executive. If a Nation participating in a
Tie/Event disputes a decision made by the ITF Executive in relation to
the arrangements for that Tie/Event, it may request that the decision be
reviewed by the Davis Cup Committee.
27.4.1 The Davis Cup Committee may intervene at any time in the organisation
of a Tie/Event if it considers that the conditions for or the circumstances
surrounding the Tie/Event (including, without limitation, the climate
and/or other playing conditions, such as the surface of the courts and/or
balls) or local organisation do not or are unlikely to meet at all times the
high standards of the Davis Cup competition. For the Finals Week, the
Davis Cup Committee shall raise its concern(s) with (to) the Steering
27.4.2 In the event that a Nation fails to comply with any hosting requirements
set out in the Rules and Regulations, the Davis Cup Committee may
(without prejudice to the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel's general
sanctioning powers) relocate that Tie/Event.
28. Venues
28.1.1 The Finals Week will be held at one or more fixed location(s) decided,
in consultation with the Final Week Organiser if any, and published by
the ITF.
28.2.1 The venue for Qualifier Ties, World Group I and II Ties and World Group
I and II Play-off Ties is determined by the Nation that has Choice of
Ground (save if Regulation applies). Choice of Ground will be
determined in the following sequence: If the Nations have played each other in one or more previous
editions of the Davis Cup competition, the Nation that did not
have the choice in their most recent meeting will have choice
in the Competition. Ties played (i) prior to 1970, (ii) in the
Finals Week, and (iii) in Groups III and IV do not count for
these purposes.
28.2.3 Applications to hold a Tie under Regulation must reach the ITF
as soon as practicable after the Qualifiers Draw, World Group I and II
Draw or Play-off Draw (as applicable) and no later than the
Questionnaire Deadline.
28.2.4 For the purposes of Regulation 28.2.2, a Nation with Choice of Ground
that chooses to play:
34 on a Neutral Ground will be considered the Home Nation for
the purposes of the conduct and financial arrangements of
the Tie;
and in both cases the Nation that so chooses will be considered to have
exercised its Choice of Ground (for purposes of future application of
regulations equivalent to Regulation
28.2.5 A Nation with Choice of Ground may lose its choice at any time if the
Davis Cup Committee considers that it is not possible or practicable for
the opposing Nation to reach or play at the venue chosen for the Tie,
due to (for example) an incident such as war, political unrest, terrorism
or natural disaster. In such cases: If the Nation does not exercise the choice given to it under
Regulation, the Davis Cup Committee may decide
that the Tie will be held on a Neutral Ground or in the country
or territory of the opposing Nation.
financial arrangements of the Tie. Subject always to
Regulation 2.4, on the next two occasions the two
Nations meet, the Choice of Ground will be with the
Nation that lost its choice for the above reasons.
28.2.6 The Home Nation has the right to choose the ball and court surface for
the Tie. If both Nations are considered Visiting Nations under
Regulation, the Davis Cup Committee will choose the ball
and court surface for the Tie.
28.2.7 Decisions made by the Davis Cup Committee under Regulation 28.2.5
may be appealed by the Nation(s) concerned to the Independent
Tribunal, sitting as an appeal body, in accordance with its procedural
rules, save that the appeal under this Regulation shall not take the form
of a de novo review, but instead shall be limited to a consideration of
whether the decision being appealed was erroneous.
28.3.2 The Davis Cup Committee may change the selected venue for the
Group III and IV Events at any time in the event of an incident such as
war, political unrest, terrorism or natural disaster. In exceptional
circumstances, the Davis Cup Committee may postpone the Event.
Decisions made by the Davis Cup Committee under this Regulation may
be appealed by the Nation(s) concerned to the Independent Tribunal,
sitting as an appeal body, in accordance with its procedural rules, save
that the appeal under this Regulation shall not take the form of a de
novo review, but instead shall be limited to a consideration of whether
the decision being appealed was erroneous.
28.4 Minimum requirements for venues
28.4.1 The Home/Host Nation must ensure that during the period of the
Tie/Event no other tennis event is taking place at the venue selected
for the Tie/Event.
29. Courts
29.1.1 The ITF will determine the surface type of the courts to be used in the
Competition. Subject to Regulation 29.1.2, the surface type of the courts
to be used in the Competition must be acrylic, asphalt, carpet, clay,
hybrid clay, artificial clay, concrete, grass or artificial grass (as defined
in the current version of the “ITF approved tennis balls, classified
surfaces & recognised courts: a guide to products and test methods”).
A Tie may not be played on any other surface type except by mutual
agreement between the two Nations competing in the Tie and subject
to the approval of the Davis Cup Committee.
29.1.2 For all Ties in the Finals Week, Qualifiers, World Group I and World
Group I Play-offs, the court surface must be of a type used in a Grand
Slam tournament or in a minimum of three ATP World Tour tournaments
(each at a level of ATP 250 or higher) held in the year prior to the Tie.
For all Ties in the Finals Week, Qualifiers, World Group I and World
Group I Play-offs that are played on hard courts, the court surface must
be an ITF classified surface product listed in the ITF Approved Tennis
Balls, Classified Surfaces & Recognised Courts. For all Ties in World
Group II, World Group II Play-offs, and Regional Group Events that are
played on hard courts, it is recommended that the court surface be an
ITF classified surface product.
29.2 Court Pace Rating
29.2.1 The pace of the courts to be used in the Competition, excluding grass
and clay surfaces, must have a measured Court Pace Rating between
24 and 50 (inclusive) when using the Tie ball. Where practicable, Court
Pace Ratings will be confirmed and approved by the ITF in advance of
the Tie. Otherwise, all testing to determine Court Pace Ratings will be
conducted onsite.
29.2.2 If onsite testing establishes that the match court does not comply with
the required Court Pace Rating, the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel may
impose the following penalties on the Home Nation: a fine; In the Finals Week and Qualifiers, high quality court covers
with the appropriate water drainage adequate for all clay and
grass courts must be provided for all outdoor Ties, and must
be available at least eight days before the first day of the Tie. In World Group I and II, Play-off and Regional Group III and IV
Events, court covers for clay and grass courts are
29.3.2 Water removal equipment for outdoor hard courts:
29.4.1 Play is allowed with artificial lighting outdoors or indoors provided that: there are practice facilities with similar lighting to the match
court available for both participating Nations.
29.4.2 All light measurements are to be taken one metre above the playing
29.5.1 The lines on courts (other than grass courts) must be marked with paint
(or other similar substance), tapes of linen (or other similar material), or
metal painted white. Grass courts must be marked with chalk or paint.
29.5.2 A court marked for doubles with a doubles net may be used for singles
matches if it is properly equipped with singles sticks.
29.6 Dimensions for Ties in the Finals Week and Qualifiers, there must be a
space behind each baseline of not less than 8.23 metres (27
feet) and at the sides of not less than 4.57 metres (15 feet); for all World Group and Play-off ties and all Group III and IV
Events, there must be a space behind each baseline of not
less than 6.40 metres (21 feet) and at the sides of not less
than 3.66 metres (12 feet).
29.6.3 The chairs of the Line Umpires may be placed at the back and the sides
of the court within the above minimum distances provided they do not
protrude into the area by more than 0.914 metres (3 feet).
29.7.1 Unless otherwise approved by the Davis Cup Committee (or the
Steering Committee for the Finals Week), there must be a clear space
from the court surface to the ceiling (measured at the net) of not less
than: 12 metres for Ties in the Finals Week and Qualifiers; and 9 metres for all World Group, Play-off and Regional Group
29.8.2 The requirements in Regulations 29.4 to 29.7 may be varied only with
the prior approval of the Davis Cup Committee. The Home/Host Nation
must apply for such approval no later than the Questionnaire Deadline
or Host Application Deadline (as applicable).
29.9.1 From the date the Referee arrives onsite for the Tie/Event until the Tie
is over, the surface of the court(s) and/or court surrounds cannot be
changed without the Referee's consent.
29.10.1 Prior to or during a Tie/Event, if the Referee determines that the match
court(s) is/are not (or will not be) playable for any reason at the
scheduled start time of play or at any point during the Tie/Event, he may: postpone the start time of the match, Tie and/or Event (if he
believes that a playable match court may be available within
a reasonable time); and/or
29.10.2 If the Referee calls off a match, Tie and/or Event under Regulation
29.10.1 in circumstances where in his opinion the Home/Host Nation (or
any court supplier/installer it engaged) was at fault for failing to provide
a playable match court in accordance with any of the requirements in
Regulations 29.1 to 29.7 (except for Regulation 29.2): for Qualifier Ties, World Group I and II Ties and Play-off Ties,
the Home Nation will be deemed to have forfeited the match
and/or Tie and the Referee will declare the Visiting Nation the
winner of the match and/or Tie (however, the Referee must
obtain the approval of the Executive Director or his designee
for such forfeit); for Groups III and IV, the Host Nation must reschedule the
match, Tie and/or Event in accordance with the instructions
of the Davis Cup Committee; and
29.11.1 The Referee will be responsible for the allocation (at his discretion) of
match and practice courts at all times before and during the Tie/Event.
29.11.3 The Home Nation in Qualifier, World Group I and II and Play-off Ties
must make match and practice courts available as follows:
(c) The Home Nation may arrange to have only the match
court available for both practice and the Tie, in which
case the Visiting Nation will have priority in the
practice schedule.
(b) One practice court of exactly the same surface as, and
in close proximity to, the match court must be freely
available to both Nations during the six days before
the Tie is due to start and during the period of the Tie. All practice sessions onsite during the week of a Tie will
remain open. The court area will be restricted to the Nations,
Team Members, Officials, and any other person authorised
by the Referee.
29.11.4 For Group III and IV Events, the ITF will set out the requirements for the
match court(s) and the recommended number of practice courts in the
Hosting Requirements. A Host Nation must confirm the arrangements
for match/practice courts in its Application to Host Forms, which will be
subject to the approval of the Davis Cup Committee.
30. Balls
30.1.1 Subject to the applicable Court Pace Rating under Regulation 29.2, the
following types of balls may be used in the following circumstances:
30.1.2 Each Home/Host Nation must seek the ITF's approval for its choice of
ball by no later than (respectively) the Questionnaire Deadline or the
Host Application Deadline.
30.2.1 If any Home/Host Nation uses a type of ball during a Tie/Event that is
not one of the types of balls approved by the ITF, or that is otherwise
not suitable for play (e.g., it is too soft): the Referee has the power to (i) require that approved balls
be used and postpone the start time of a match, Tie and/or
Event, as necessary (if practicable in the circumstances), or
(ii) continue match play with the unauthorised balls (provided
that they are suitable for play); and
30.3 Change of Balls
30.3.1 For Ties in the Finals Week, Qualifiers, World Groups I and II and the
Play-offs, in each match the balls must be replaced with six new balls
after the first seven games and after each subsequent nine games,
unless both Captains and the Referee agree otherwise.
30.3.2 For Groups III and IV, in each match the balls must be replaced with four
new balls after the first nine games and after each subsequent 11 games.
31.1 The official language for calling the score is English. In each Tie, the participating
Nations and the Referee may mutually agree upon a second language to be
used by the Chair Umpire in calling the score. Failing such agreement, only the
English language will be used.
32. Visas
32.1.4 ensure that visas are issued 14 days before the Monday of the week of
the Tie/Event to a minimum of 15 people nominated by the Nation(s),
and to all ITF personnel, Tie/Event personnel and Officials attending the
Tie/Event (provided in each case that the individual in question has met
the requirements to obtain a visa).
32.2 For the Finals Week, the ITF or the Finals Week Organiser shall:
32.2.2 give every assistance to Officials and Nations participating in the Finals
Week in obtaining any necessary visas;
32.2.4 ensure that visas are issued 31 working days before the Monday of the
Finals Week (provided in each case that the individual in question has
met the requirements to obtain a visa).
33. Media
33.1 Suitable arrangements must be made for press and media, in accordance with
the Hosting Manual.
34. Security
34.1.3 comply with all security, health and safety laws, regulations and
guidelines applicable to the holding of an event in the location of the
security around the delivery of the Tie/Event and the implementation of
the Security Plan;
34.1.5 comply with any Security Guidelines or special requests that the ITF
may issue/make from time to time; and
34.1.6 notify the ITF about any specific security risk at or in connection with
the Tie/Event of which it is advised.
35. Insurance
35.1 In addition to the insurance requirements set out at Regulation 16, each
Home/Host Nation must:
35.1.1 take out and maintain suitable public and product liability insurance
policy that is compliant with local laws and regulations and that, at a
minimum, covers claims made for damage to third party property and/or
death/injury caused to people at the Tie/Event. “ITF Ltd and ITF
Licensing (UK) Ltd” must be named as additional insured parties on the
35.1.2 take out and maintain all other compulsory insurances that are required
by local law or regulation, e.g. employer's liability (workers
compensation), automobile, etc; and
35.1.3 ensure that all venues, training facilities, etc, for the Tie/Event have
appropriate insurance cover in place, including for material damage,
business interruption, and public liability.
35.2 Upon request by the ITF, the Nation must provide a copy of the above insurance
policies to the ITF.
36. Nominations
36.1.1 Each participating Nation in the Finals Week shall nominate a Squad of
a minimum of four players (the Squad).
36.1.2 Squad nominations must be provided to the ITF no later than nine
weeks before the Monday of the Finals Week (Squad Nomination
36.2.1 Each participating Nation must provide its team nominations to the ITF
no later than the applicable deadline set out in the table below (Team
Nomination Deadline):
36.2.4 The order of merit of Players will be determined (and the indicative
order of merit included at the team nomination will be amended) in
accordance with the following:
starts on a Monday or Tuesday, the singles rankings
published prior to the week of the Finals; or
(b) for the Qualifiers, World Groups I and II and the Play-
offs, the singles rankings published on the Monday of
the week of the Tie; or if the Players do not have a national ranking (or their National
Association has no national ranking system), their ranking
according to their Captain.
36.2.6 Upon request by the ITF, a Nation must provide evidence to support the
rankings assigned to its Players.
36.2.7 For each Tie in the Qualifiers, World Groups I and II and the Play-offs, a
Nation may nominate different Players and/or Captains.
37.1.1 Player nominations may be changed at any time prior to the applicable
Team Nomination Deadline.
robin match play is scheduled to start for Group III and IV
37.1.4 Notwithstanding Regulation 37.1.2, for the Finals Week, if following the
start of play in that week, three or more Players are, in the Referee’s
opinion incapacitated by illness or injury and are unable to play during
the Finals Week, the Davis Cup Committee may permit the Nation to
change one or more of those withdrawn Players. Save where the
Referee considers that there is an obvious injury or illness, before the
Referee makes a decision as to the fitness of a Player, the Player must
undergo an examination by the Independent Doctor, who must
complete the “ITF Medical Certification” form. The Davis Cup
Committee shall have discretion to impose conditions as it sees fit, and
prior to making its decision must consult with the Referee and the
Tournament Director.
38.1.1 made before the Referee arrives onsite at the Tie/Event must be notified
by the Nation to the ITF, and then the ITF will notify the other Nation(s)
participating in the Tie/Event;
38.1.2 made after the Referee arrives onsite at the Tie/Event must be notified
by the Nation to the Referee, and the Referee will notify the Captain(s)
of the other Nation(s) participating in the Tie/Event.
39.1 If the nominated Captain is unable to fulfil his duties on court, he may only be
replaced by one of the Nation's nominated Players. The replacement Captain
will sit on the court.
40.1 Subject to Regulation 41, the Captain may select any of the nominated Players
to play singles and/or doubles.
40.2 Each Captain must give to the Referee the names of his two singles Players in
order of merit (see Regulation 36.2.3) and the names of his two doubles Players
by the applicable deadline set out in the table below (Player Selection
Finals Week No later than one hour before the scheduled start
time of each Tie those Players are playing in (both
for round robin and knock-out rounds)
Groups III and IV No later than one hour before the scheduled start
of play each day during the Event
40.3 Of the two singles Players for each Nation, for purposes of determining order of
play, the Player with the higher ranking will be referred to as 'number one' and
the Player with the lower ranking will be referred to as 'number two'.
41.1.1 Subject to Regulation 41.4, a Captain may not change his selection of
Players for the first and second singles matches after the Player
Selection Deadline.
41.2 Third and fourth singles matches (applies only to the Qualifiers, World Groups I
and II and the Play-offs):
41.2.1 A Captain may change the selection of Players for the third and fourth
singles matches, provided that (i) any substitute Player is selected from
among the Players nominated for the Tie who has not competed in the
first or second singles matches; and (ii) he gives the Referee notice of
such change no later than: for the third singles match, no later than 15 minutes after the
completion of the doubles match; and for the fourth singles match, no later than 10 minutes after
completion of the third singles match.
41.3.1 A Captain may change the selection of Players for the doubles match,
provided that (i) he gives the Referee notice of such change no later
than the relevant deadline set out below, and (ii) any substitute Player
is selected from among the Players nominated for the Tie.
41.4 Changes of Players for disciplinary reasons or due to illness, accident or other
unavoidable hindrance:
41.4.1 Any selected Player who has been withdrawn by the Captain for
disciplinary reasons may only be replaced with the permission of the
Referee. Any substitute permitted by the Referee must be selected from
among the Players nominated for the Tie/Event. The withdrawn Player
may not compete thereafter in the Tie/Event.
41.4.3 Save where the Referee considers that there is an obvious injury or
illness, before the Referee makes a decision as to the fitness of a Player,
the Player must undergo an examination by the Independent Doctor,
who must complete the “ITF Medical Certification” form. This Regulation
applies to a Referee's decision (i) to replace a Player on grounds of
illness/injury, and (ii) to permit a Player to return to play after being
replaced due to illness/injury.
42.1 In case of bad weather or other unavoidable circumstances onsite, the Referee
may vary the Change of Selection Deadlines.
43.1 Any notice by a Captain under Regulation 41 must be given to the Referee in
writing by the applicable deadline. The Referee will inform the Captain of the
other participating Nation(s) as soon as practicable.
44.1 The Referee may call a Captains' Meeting for the Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals
and/or Final. The Referee will call a Captains' Meeting for all other Ties/Events
in the Competition.
44.2 A Captains' Meeting (if held) must take place by no later than the applicable
deadline set out in the table below.
Finals Week No later than two days before the scheduled start of
Qualifiers, World No later than two days before the first match in a Tie.
Groups I and II and
Groups III and IV No later than the day before the first match in the
44.3 Captains (whether playing or non-playing) must attend (on time) any Captains'
Meeting concerning their Tie/Event called by the Referee.
44.4 During a Captain's Meeting, the Referee and the Captains will discuss the
arrangements for the Tie/Event, and the Captains must each sign a statement of
arrangements to be made for the Tie/Event and the Official Functions.
45.1 A Pre-Draw Press Conference must be held at least 24 hours before the relevant
Tie Draw for Qualifier, World Group I and II and Play-off Ties.
46.1.2 must be held, at least 24 hours before the start of play, for Qualifier,
World Group I and II and Play-off Ties.
47.1 Unless specified otherwise by the ITF, the Tie/Event Draw must take place by
the applicable deadline set out in the table below.
Qualifiers, World The Tie Draw must take place at the Pre-Tie Function
Groups I and II and on the day prior to the first match in the Tie, at least 24
Play-offs hours before the start of play.
Groups III and IV The Event Draw must take place following the
Captains’ Meeting unless decided otherwise by the
48.1 A Post-Draw Press Conference must be held immediately after the Tie Draw,
save in the case of Group III and IV Events.
49.1 An Official Dinner may be organised for round robin Events (including the Finals
Week Round Robin and Groups III and IV).
50.1 The start and end of play must be arranged so that it is possible for play to be
completed each day under reasonable conditions. Scheduling will take into
account the best interests of the Nations to the extent possible, providing it does
not jeopardise the fairness of scheduling and the completion of the Tie/Event
(and this will override the specific times currently stated in Regulation 50.2).
50.2.1 There must be a minimum of 20 hours between the start time of play on
the first day and the scheduled start time of play on the second day.
50.2.2 There must be six hours of daylight for play outdoors on the first day of
play (irrespective of surface) and eight hours of daylight for the second
day of play.
50.2.3 If artificial light will be used, or if the Tie is held indoors, the first match
must start no later than 6.00pm on both days.
50.3 For Group III and IV Events, the Host Nation must propose playing start times in
the Host Application Form, which is subject to the approval of the ITF.
50.4.1 The Referee may amend the scheduled start and end times of play (in
consultation with the ITF) to ensure play will be completed under
reasonable conditions, save that the Referee is not required to consult
with the ITF when play is rescheduled due to bad weather.
50.4.2 The start times for play may be varied by the ITF in consultation with
relevant commercial partners in order to accommodate any television
or other agreements. For the Finals Week, this will be agreed between
the Tournament Director and the Referee. If the Tie/Event is being
hosted by a Home/Host Nation, the ITF will first consult with the
Home/Host Nation, and will give full consideration to factors important
to the success of the Tie within the Home/Host Nation.
51.1 Unless decided otherwise by the Referee, and subject to Regulation 51.2, singles
matches will be scheduled as follows:
51.1.2 for Qualifiers, World Groups I and II, Play-offs and Regional Group
51.2 If a Player is required to play two matches in the same day because of a change
of schedule (for example bad weather or other unavoidable circumstances), the
Referee may extend the interval between two matches (notwithstanding
Regulation 51.1) to give the Player a longer rest period, provided that the interval
between the two matches does not exceed two hours (with the maximum time
to be afforded only in exceptional circumstances).
52.1 No person other than the Players/Captains competing in the match, the Officials
officiating the match and the ball-persons may be on court during the course of
a match without the Referee's permission.
53.1 The Captain will sit on the court beside the chair of his team. He may not move
away from that area. He may talk to his team, to the Chair Umpire and to the
Referee. He may not talk to any Line Umpire.
54. Medical and toilet breaks
54.1 Schedule 5 sets out the conditions for medical and toilet breaks during a match.
55. Qualifiers, World Groups I and II and Play-offs (Home & Away format)
55.1.1 Subject to Regulations 55.1.2 and 55.1.3, the order of play will be:
Day 1:
1. first singles match (number one v number two; or vice
versa depending on the Tie Draw)
2. second singles match (reverse singles)
Day 2:
3. doubles match
4. third singles match (number one v number one)
5. fourth singles match (number two v number two)
55.1.2 The order of play will be determined by the Tie Draw. The names of four
singles Players will be placed in the Tie Draw and one Player's name will
be drawn. The Player whose name is drawn will play in the first singles
match against the Player with the opposite ranking (i.e. if the Player
drawn is ranked number one for his Nation, he will play the Player
ranked number two for the opposing Nation; if the Player drawn is
ranked number two for his Nation, he will play the Player ranked number
one for the opposing Nation).
55.1.3 The Referee may change the order of the doubles match. However, prior
to making such a decision, the Referee must endeavour to obtain the
approval of the Executive Director.
55.2 Scoring
55.2.1 The Nation that wins the majority of matches in the Tie will be declared
the winner of the Tie.
55.3.1 If the third match (doubles) is decisive, only the fourth match must be
played. The fifth match will not be played unless both Nations and the
Referee agree.
55.3.2 If the fourth match (third singles) is decisive, the fifth match will not be
played unless both Nations and the Referee agree.
55.3.3 If the fourth match is not completed (due to injury, etc), the Referee may
require the Nations to play the fifth match.
55.3.4 Any dead match played pursuant to this Regulation 55.3 will be played
to the best of three sets, with a 10-point match tie break in the third set
and regular ad scoring.
55.3.5 The Referee will make all decisions relating to the implementation of this
56.1.1 The order of play for each Tie in the Event will be, over one day:
56.2 Scoring
56.2.1 The Nation that wins the majority of the matches in the Tie will be
declared the winner of that Tie and awarded one point.
56.2.2 When a result has been obtained after the singles matches, the doubles
match must still be played to obtain the full score, unless the Referee
decides that it not practicable due to an unavoidable hindrance. When
a knock-out format is used, where a result has been obtained after the
singles matches the Referee may decide to cancel the doubles match.
56.2.3 The final standings in each group shall be determined by the following
count-back calculation (i.e. determined by the first of the following
methods that applies, following the order set out below): If two Nations are tied with an equal number of points, head-
to-head results.
(a) any Nation that has not played in all Ties in its round
robin group is automatically eliminated;
(b) highest percentage of matches won;
56.2.4 In the event that a Nation withdraws from the Event prior to completing
all of the Ties in its round robin group, any points earned against the
withdrawing Nation will not be counted in the count-back calculation.
(For example, if Nation A beats Nation B, where the former has not yet
played Nation C, and Nation B withdraws, the score from the match
between Nation A and B will not be included in the count-back
56.2.5 The ITF will announce the format for determining the overall winner of
the Event in advance of the Event. The ITF may determine the format at
its discretion. The possible formats include: The winner is based on the Nation that has the greatest
number of points following the round robin, determined in
accordance with the count-back calculation in Regulation
57.1.1 The order of play for each Tie in the Finals Week will be decided by the
Davis Cup Committee following consultation with the Tournament
57.2.1 The Nation that wins the majority of the matches in a Tie will be declared
the winner of the Tie and awarded one point.
57.2.2 Where a result has been obtained after the singles matches, the
doubles match must still be played to obtain the full score, unless the
Referee decides that is not practicable due to an unavoidable
hindrance. When a knock-out format is used, where a result has been
obtained after the singles matches the Referee may decide to cancel
the doubles match in consultation with the Tournament Director.
57.2.3 The final standings in each group shall be determined by the following
count-back calculation (i.e. determined by the first of the following
methods that applies, following the order set out below): if three Nations are tied, then the following order applies:
(a) any Nation that has not played the other three Nations
in its round robin group is automatically eliminated;
57.2.4 the event that a Nation withdraws from the Finals Week prior
to completing all of the Ties in its round robin group, any points earned
against the withdrawing Nation will not be counted in the count-back
calculation. (For example, if Nation A beats Nation B, where the former
has not yet played Nation C, and Nation B withdraws, the score from the
match between Nation A and B will not be included in the count-back
57.3.1 All matches in the Finals Week Round Robin must be played, except if
called off due to an unavoidable hindrance where a result in the Tie has
already been obtained.
57.4 Scoring – Finals Week Knock-Out Rounds
57.4.1 In the Quarter-Final, Semi-Final and Final Ties, the Nation that wins the
majority of matches in the Tie will be declared the winner of the Tie.
57.5.2 In the Final, if the second singles match is decisive, the doubles match
will not be played. The Closing Ceremony and Trophy presentation will
take place immediately after the second singles match.
58. Consequences if play called off due to bad weather or other unavoidable
hindrance or cicumstances
58.1 Where play is called off due to bad weather or any other unavoidable hindrance:
58.1.1 if a result has been obtained, Nations are not required to complete the
Tie unless decided otherwise by the Referee. Nations must stay and play for two further days if necessary
to conclude the Tie. If the Tie has not been concluded after
those two days, every effort must be made to conclude the
Tie on a further third or fourth day.
58.2 Consequences if play called off due to the other anavoidance circumstanes:
58.2.2 Where the Referee cancels a Tie and/or Event pursuant to Regulation
60 if a result has been obtained, Nations are not required to
complete the Tie and/or Event. if a result has not been obtained, the Referee will postpone
the Tie. The Davis Cup Committee will then notify the two
Nations concerned of the new date by which the Tie must be
played and concluded.
59.1 If a match is a walk-over (i.e. a player defaults before play is started), the score
must be recorded as 6-0, 6-0.
59.2 If a match is started but not completed, the full score must be recorded. (For
example, if Player A leads over Player B by 6-1, 4-3 when Player B is injured and
unable to continue, Player A’s victory must be recorded as 6-1, 6-3).
60.1 If after the ITF has approved the arrangements made for playing a Tie/Event, a
Nation fails to send a team to compete in a Tie/Event:
60.1.2 it will be defaulted from the remainder of the Event, unless decided
otherwise by the Referee;
60.1.4 it may, on application by the ITF, be subject to a fine imposed by the ITF
Internal Adjudication Panel;
60.1.5 (for a No Show in the Finals Week or a Home & Away Tie) it will be liable
for all reasonable expenses incurred by the ITF, or the Finals Week
Organiser and the other Nation(s) participating in the Tie/Event up to
the date when notice of default was received by the ITF (as determined
by the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel);
60.1.6 it will not be eligible to participate in the next one or more editions of
the Davis Cup competition in the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel’s
discretion; and
60.1.7 (for a No Show in the Finals Week) it may be relegated to a lower group
for the next edition of the Davis Cup competition that it participates in.
60.2 Any claim for reasonable expenses under this Regulation must be made within
two months of the date fixed for the conclusion of the Tie. In the event of
disagreement, the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel will determine the amount of
reasonable expenses to be paid by the defaulting Nation.
60.3 The defaulting Nation will be allowed one month from the date of the notification
to pay the reasonable expenses and fine (if applicable). It will not be eligible to
participate in any future edition of the Davis Cup competition until such sums
payable have been paid in full.
61.1 The location and timing of any ceremonies are subject to the ITF's prior approval.
62.1 An Opening Ceremony must take place on the first day of the Tie/Event, save
that it:
62.1.2 may take place the day before the first day of the Finals Week.
64.1 The trophy presented by Mr. Dwight F. Davis in 1900 will be awarded to the
winner of the Final (the Trophy) during the Closing Ceremony, which is to take
place immediately after the completion of the Final.
64.2 The winning Nation may keep the Trophy in its possession until a date specified
by the ITF in the year following the Final. After the Final, it is the responsibility of
the winning Nation to arrange for the shipment of the Davis Cup Trophy:
64.2.1 back to its country or territory, clearing the Trophy through customs and
paying any costs incurred; and
64.2.2 to the ITF the following year so that it is received no later than the date
specified by the ITF, clearing the Trophy through customs and paying
any costs incurred.
64.3 The Trophy will at all times remain the property of the ITF. Nations must comply
(and must ensure that any Team Member or third party handling the Trophy
complies) with the Davis Cup Trophy Protocol.
65.1 The commercial and financial rights and obligations of Nations and Team
Members are set out in Schedule 2, the Hosting Manual, the Commercial
Letter(s) and the Financial Letter.
66. Anti-doping
66.1 The Tennis Anti-Doping Programme (the TADP, available for download at
www.itia.tennis) applies to the Competition, and testing may be conducted
during the Competition in accordance with the TADP. Each Nation and Team
Member, and each Player Support Person (as defined in the TADP), shall be
deemed to have agreed to be bound by and to comply with all of the provisions
of the TADP.
66.2.1 If any Player’s results in the Competition are disqualified pursuant to the
TADP, those results will not be re-assessed for purposes of the
Competition, except that any wins by the Player (or by a doubles pair
including the Player) in the Final that are disqualified pursuant to the
TADP will be reversed and all unplayed dead matches in which the
Player would have played will be awarded to the opposing Nation of
such Player.
66.2.2 If such re-assessment results in the Nation that originally lost the Final
being declared the winner: the Nation that originally won the Final must repay to the ITF
the difference between the Participation Payment it received
for winning and the Participation Payment paid to the Nation
that originally lost the Final; the other Players from the original winning Nation must return
the difference between the Prize Money paid to the Players
of the winning Nation and that paid to the Players of the
runner-up Nation; and
66.3.1 Where a Player's results in any Tie are disqualified pursuant to the
TADP, that Player's Nation must repay to the ITF the following
proportion of its Participation Payment (after deducting any payment
paid to that Nation's Players) within the deadline specified by the ITF: For Finals Week and Groups III and IV: the proportion is equal
to the number of matches played by the Player divided by the
total number of matches played by the Player's Nation.
66.4.1 Where a Player's results in any Tie are disqualified pursuant to the
TADP, the Player will forfeit the prize money he actually received (or is
owed). If the Player did not participate in the Finals Week (and so any
prize money received was paid to him by his Nation), the
Nation must repay the prize money to the ITIA.
66.4.2 The Player and/or his Nation (as applicable) must repay the prize money
to the ITIA within a deadline specified by the ITIA. The Player and/or
Nation (as applicable) must provide proof of the prize money actually
received or paid/owed. In the event that a Player or Nation cannot
establish to the satisfaction of the ITIA how much money the Player
actually received, the prize money (as defined in the TADP) to be
forfeited under the TADP will be based on the same proportions as set
out in Regulation 66.3.1.
66.4.3 Where the Player and/or Nation fail(s) to provide proof of the prize
money received or paid/owed that is satisfactory to the ITIA, the ITIA
may conduct an investigation to determine that amount, including by
making a written demand to the Player and/or his Nation to furnish any
evidence the ITIA considers relevant to its investigation (including,
without limitation, bank statements and/or signed witness statements).
Where the ITIA establishes that the amount of prize money actually
received by or owed to the Player exceeds the amount of prize money
that would have been deemed forfeited under Regulation 66.4, the ITIA
may require the Nation to pay the actual amount received/owed.
67. Anti-corruption
68.1 The ITF has the power to conduct investigations into any potential breach of the
68.2 Nations and any person bound by the Regulations must cooperate fully with
investigations conducted pursuant to this Regulation 68. In cases of refusal or
failure to cooperate without compelling justification, disciplinary proceedings
may be brought against the Nation and/or person concerned before the
Independent Tribunal (sitting as a first instance body), and if the Independent
Tribunal finds that there has been such refusal or failure without compelling
justification then it shall impose upon the Nation and/or Team Member such
sanctions as it sees fit.
68.3 The ITF may make a written demand to a Nation and/or any person bound by
the Regulations to furnish to the ITF any information that may evidence or lead
to the discovery of evidence of a breach of the Regulations, including (without
limitation) requiring a representative of the Nation and/or the person concerned
to attend an interview and/or to provide a written statement setting forth his
knowledge of the relevant facts.
68.4 The ITF may in its absolute discretion share information concerning any
complaint against any person bound by the Regulations with, and/or may
conduct an investigation in conjunction with, any other tennis organisation or
any other relevant authorities. The ITF may also refer the complaint and/or any
information received during the course of its investigations or proceedings to
any authorities it considers appropriate in its absolute discretion. The ITF may,
where it deems appropriate, stay its own investigation pending the outcome of
investigations being conducted by any other tennis organisations and/or any
relevant authorities.
69. Reciprocity
69.1 The ITF reserves the right to ask the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel to extend to
any or all Ties/Events a suspension issued against a Nation or any person bound
by the Regulations either (i) by or on behalf of the ITF pursuant to any ITF code
or policy, or (ii) by any other tennis organisation including National Associations,
the Grand Slam Board, WTA and ATP. The ITF Internal Adjudication Panel’s
decision may be appealed by the Nation or person concerned and/or the ITF to
the Independent Tribunal. There shall be no right of appeal against the
Independent Tribunal’s decision.
70.1 The Referee is responsible for enforcing the Rules and Regulations onsite.
71.1 Referee
71.1.1 The Referee has exclusive jurisdiction, in the first instance, over the
following matters:
71.2.1 The Davis Cup Committee (or its delegate) will decide any issues
entrusted to it under these Regulations. Unless expressly provided
otherwise, there is no right of appeal from its decisions.
71.3.1 The Board, ITF Executive and any other person/entity designated under
these Regulations may decide any issues entrusted to them
(respectively) under these Regulations. Unless expressly provided
otherwise, there is no right of appeal from their respective decisions.
71.4.1 The ITF Internal Adjudication Panel has exclusive jurisdiction, in the first
instance, over the following matters:
66 any request for a decision that is expressly entrusted under
the Rules and Regulations to the ITF Internal Adjudication
Panel; any other dispute arising out of or relating in any way to the
Regulations that is referred to it by the Board (if the matter
referred under this Regulation involves an appeal of a
decision, the appeal shall not take the form of a de novo
review, but instead shall be limited to a consideration of
whether the decision being appealed was erroneous).
71.4.2 Any disputes referred under these Regulations to the ITF Internal
Adjudication Panel must be referred within 14 days of the Nation or
person concerned or the Board becoming aware of the dispute. Any
failure to meet that deadline shall constitute a waiver of all rights in
respect of the dispute, unless decided otherwise by the ITF Internal
Adjudication Panel.
71.4.3 The ITF Internal Adjudication Panel has appellate jurisdiction over
decisions of the Referee as to which the Rules and Regulations provide
an express right of appeal.
71.4.4 The ITF Internal Adjudication Panel shall conduct all proceedings
before it in accordance with its Procedural Rules.
71.4.5 Decisions of the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel are final and binding on
all parties, and may only be challenged by way of appeal as set out in
Regulation 74.
71.5.1 The Independent Tribunal has exclusive jurisdiction, in the first instance,
over the following matters: any request for a decision that is entrusted under the Rules
and Regulations to the Independent Tribunal;
67 any allegation arising in relation to the Competition of a
breach of: any other dispute arising out of or relating in any way to the
Regulations that is referred to it as a first instance body by
the Board or the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel.
71.5.3 The Board or the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel may (where it deems it
appropriate) refer any matter under Regulation 71.4 to the Independent
Tribunal. The Independent Tribunal will sit as a first instance body, but
there shall be no right of appeal against the Independent Tribunal’s
72. Provisional suspensions
73. Sanctions
73.1 Where the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel and/or the Independent Tribunal (as
applicable) upholds an allegation of breach of the Regulations, it may impose
one or more of the sanctions below for such breach, unless the Regulations
specify other specific sanctions for such breach:
73.2 The ITF Internal Adjudication Panel and/or Independent Tribunal (as applicable)
has the power to suspend all or any part of a sanction for a specified period, and
to vacate the suspended sanction(s) at the end of that period if there have been
no further breaches in the interim.
74. Appeals
74.1.1 Subject to any contrary provision in the Rules and Regulations, appeals
must be brought within no later than 21 days after receipt of the decision
in question.
74.1.3 Subject to any contrary provision in the Rules and Regulations, appeals
may (only) be brought by: the Nation of the person who is the subject of the decision
being appealed;
74.2.1 For the Finals Week, where a Referee makes a decision under
Regulation against a Team Member for misconduct, or a Team
Member is defaulted from a Tie as a result of an Onsite Offence, the
group of Referees appointed for the Finals Week (or the Executive
Director) shall have the power to remove the Team Member, or default
the Player, for the remainder of the Finals Week, provided that (in the
view of the Referees or Executive Director) such measure is required to
protect the integrity and/or reputation of the Davis Cup competition, the
ITF and/or the sport of tennis. A decision under this Regulation may be
appealed by: the Team Member that is the subject of the decision being
appealed; the Nation of the person who is the subject of the decision
being appealed; and/or
74.2.2 Any appeal under this Regulation 74.2 during the Finals Week may be
subject to the special expedited procedure set out below, provided that
the requirements set out below are met:
following notification of the decision. No notice of intention
to appeal is required for any appeal by the ITF.
74.2.3 If the person/Nation concerned does not request (or comply with the
requirements for) the special expedited procedure set out above, he/it
may still bring an appeal to the Independent Tribunal, in accordance
with the standard appeal procedure under Regulation 74.1 (or other
specific procedure provided in the relevant section of the Regulations).
In such a case, the person/Nation concerned shall not be entitled to an
expedited procedure under the Independent Tribunal's Procedural
Rules, unless the Independent Tribunal decides otherwise based on the
specific circumstances of the matter in issue.
75. Failure to pay fines
75.1 A Nation that fails to pay a fine within three months will not be allowed to
participate in further editions of the Davis Cup competition until the fine is paid
in full, unless otherwise decided by the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel.
76. Communications
76.1 Any communications required to be made by the ITF (or any of its
representatives) under the Regulations to:
76.1.1 a Nation will be sent to the National Association of that Nation by post,
fax, email or otherwise at the ITF's discretion;
76.1.2 one or more of the Nation's Team Members, directors, officials, officers,
members of staff, employees, contractors, agents, supporters or other
representatives may be sent to the individual in question directly (by
post, fax, email or otherwise at the ITF's discretion) or to the National
Association to which the individual is affiliated in accordance with
Regulation 76.1.1 (in which case it will be the responsibility of the
National Association to ensure that the communication is passed to the
relevant individual(s)).
76.2 For the purposes of Regulation 76.1, a Nation and/or individual will be deemed
to have received a communication from the ITF under these Regulations (a) if
sent by fax or email, on the business day such fax or email is sent (or, if not sent
on a business day, on the first business day after the day on which it is sent); and
(b) if sent by post, three business days after the day upon which the notification
is posted to the Nation and/or individual. For these purposes, a 'business day'
means a day on which the banks are open for business in the country/territory
of the Nation or (as applicable) in the country in which the individual is residing.
76.3 Any communications required to be made by a Nation to the ITF under the
Regulations must, unless otherwise specified by the ITF, be made by email with
copy by post to:
77. Governing law and jurisdiction
77.1 The Rules and Regulations and any dispute arising out of or in connection with
them (including any dispute or claim relating to non-contractual obligations) shall
be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, without regard
to English law conflict of law principles.
77.2 Strictly subject to the alternate dispute resolution provisions set out in
Regulations 70 to 74 or elsewhere in the Rules and Regulations, each Nation
and each of its Team Members, directors, officials, officers, members of staff,
employees, contractors, agents, and representatives agrees to submit any
disputes or claims or other matters arising in relation to the Rules and
Regulations (including any non-contractual disputes or claims) to arbitration
before the CAS, to the exclusion of any other court or forum.
against each of the ITF (and its designees), the Finals Week Organiser,
Home/Host Nations, Sponsors and any other commercial partners.
78.2 The ITF bears no liability to any Nation (or any of its Team Members) or any other
persons or entities for any loss incurred as a result of a delayed, cancelled or
rescheduled match, Tie and/or Event.
78.3 Nothing in the Regulations excludes or limits the liability of the ITF (and its
designees), the Finals Week Organiser, Home/Host Nations or Sponsors or other
commercial partners (i) for death or personal injury caused by their (respective)
negligence; (ii) for fraud; or (iii) to the extent that such exclusion or limitation is
not permitted by applicable law.
79. Severability
79.1 A ruling by a competent authority that any provision of the Regulations is invalid
or unenforceable shall not affect the legal enforceability of the Regulations as a
whole. Instead, such provision shall be replaced by the ITF with a valid and
enforceable replacement provision as close as possible in effect to the replaced
80. Matters not provided for
80.1 Where a matter arises for which provision has not been made in the Regulations,
the Board will provide for the matter as it sees fit.
S1.1 The following words or terms have the following meanings when used in the
Rules and Regulations:
Captains' Meeting: a meeting called by the Referee with the Captains of the two
Nations participating in a Tie, or the Captains of all Nations participating in the
Event, as described in Regulation 44.
Chair Umpire: the on-court official responsible for calling the score and
otherwise officiating a match. The Chair Umpire may be 'neutral' (i.e. from a
different country than the two Nations in the match) or 'non-neutral' (from the
same country as one of the two Nations in the match).
Change of Selection Deadline: the deadlines for changing singles and doubles
Player selections set out in Regulation 41.
Chief Umpire: the onsite official responsible for assisting the Referee and
managing and overseeing the other Officials appointed for any Tie/Event.
Commercial Letter: the letter(s) sent by the ITF to participating Nations before
each Tie/Event by 31 October for the Qualifiers and Finals and eight weeks
before any other Tie/Event setting out details of the commercial and operational
requirements to be fulfilled by participating Nations and the way in which the
participating Nations may be permitted to exercise rights in the Competition.
Sch 1 - 1
Competition: as defined in Regulation 1.2.
Court Pace Rating: the pace of a court surface, determined in accordance with
the Rules of Tennis.
Davis Cup: the annual international men's team tennis tournament known by
that name, being an official team competition of the ITF.
Davis Cup Committee (or DCC): the body appointed by the ITF to manage the
Davis Cup competition, which has the powers and duties set out in Regulation
Davis Cup Trophy Protocol: the protocol established by the ITF regarding the
handling of the Trophy, as amended from time to time.
Event: a series of round robin Ties (with a play-off or knock-out format) played
within a one week period.
Event Draw: the draw that will take place at Group III and IV Events to determine
the composition of the round robin groups.
Executive Director: the person appointed by the ITF with the powers and duties
set out in Regulation 6.
Final: the final round of the Competition, contested by two Nations for the
Finals Round Robin: the first round of the Finals Week consisting of a round
robin between 16 Nations.
Finals Week: the top level of the Competition held over a period of one week,
consisting of an 16-Nation Finals Round Robin, Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals and
Finals Week Organiser: a third party appointed by the ITF to organise the Finals
Sch 1 - 2
Financial Letter: the letter sent by the ITF to participating Nations setting out
further details of the financial requirements and benefits applicable to
participating Nations.
Grand Slam Board: the body responsible for managing the four Grand Slam
Home & Away: the format for Ties in the Qualifiers, World Groups I and II and
Play-offs, where the location of each Tie is determined in accordance with
Choice of Ground principles (Regulation 28.2), and where each Tie has a Home
Nation (hosting the Tie) and a Visiting Nation (save if Regulation
Home Nation: a Nation responsible for hosting a Home & Away Tie in the
Qualifiers World Groups I and II or Play-offs, determined in accordance with
Regulation 28.2.
Host Nation: a Nation responsible for hosting a Group III or IV (or lower) Event.
Hosting Manual: a manual issued by the ITF, setting out the requirements for
organising Ties/Events in the Competition.
Hosting Requirements: a document issued by the ITF, setting out the hosting
requirements for Group III and IV Events.
International Sponsor: the company or other entity to which the ITF (or its
designee) grants a package of rights for part or all of the Competition.
ITF: ITF Limited (t/a the International Tennis Federation), responsible for the
regulation of the Davis Cup competition (including the contents of the
Regulations), and/or ITF Licensing (UK) Limited, which owns all the commercial
rights in (and the rights to operate and manage) the Davis Cup competition,
and/or their designees.
Sch 1 - 3
ITF Constitution: the memorandum of association, articles of association and
bye-laws of the ITF, as amended from time to time, available at
ITF Duties and Procedures for Officials: the rules of procedures and duties for
Officials issued by the ITF, as amended from time to time.
ITF Event Manager: the person appointed by the ITF, with the powers and duties
set out at Regulation 12.2.
ITF Executive: the executive staff members of the ITF responsible for the
organisation of professional tennis events.
Line Umpire: the match-court official responsible for making line calls (among
other things).
Major Offence: the offences set out at Schedule 3 (Code of Conduct), Article III.
Media Manager: the person appointed to manage the media at a Tie/Event with
the powers and duties set out in Regulation 12.5.
Neutral Ground: location for a Home & Away Tie that is not in the country of
either the Home Nation or Visiting Nation (i.e. a neutral venue), as described in
Regulation 28.2.
Official: includes any match officials appointed by the ITF (or its designee) or a
Home/Host Nation, including the Referee, Chair Umpires (whether neutral or
non-neutral), Chief Umpires, Line Umpires and the Review Official.
Sch 1 - 4
Official Dinner: an official dinner that may be held by the organiser of a
Official Player Party: an official event that may be held for the Finals Week.
Onsite Offence: the offences set out in Article II of the Code of Conduct.
Participation Payment: payment paid to Nations, which the Nation may then
distribute to its Team Members as it wishes.
Player Support Team Member: as defined in the preamble to the Welfare Policy.
Point Penalty Schedule: the point penalty schedule set out at Schedule 3 (Code
of Conduct), section S.
Prize Money: prize money paid to Players participating in the Finals Week.
Sch 1 - 5
Procedural Rules: the procedural rules of the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel
and/or the procedural rules of the Independent Tribunal, both as amended from
time to time.
Qualifiers Draw: draw to determine which Nations will play each other in the
Qualifiers Draw Deadline: no later than 10 days after the Finals of the previous
edition of the Davis Cup competition.
Quarter-Finals: a round in the Finals Week contested by the eight Nations that
win the Finals Round Robin.
Quarter-Finals Draw: draw to determine which Nations will play each other in
the Quarter-Finals.
Questionnaire: the form setting out various arrangements for the organisation
of the Tie that are subject to the approval of the Davis Cup Committee.
Referee: the referee appointed for a Tie/Event by the Davis Cup Committee or
ITF (see Regulation 10.1) with the duties and powers set out under Regulation
Regional Group: any one of Group III-IV, which are different levels of the
Competition below World Groups I and II.
Regional Group III and IV Draw: the draws to determine the round robin pools
for each Regional Group in Groups III and IV.
Review Official: the match official responsible for reviewing the electronic line
calling system onsite.
Sch 1 - 6
Rules and Regulations: as defined in Regulation 2.2.
Rules of Tennis: the rules of tennis issued by the ITF, as amended from time to
Security Guidelines: the guidelines issued by the ITF from time to time, setting
out requirements for security at Ties/Events.
Semi-Finals: a round in the Finals Week contested by the four Nations that win
their Quarter-Final Ties.
Sponsor: includes the Title Sponsor, International Sponsors, Team Sponsors and
Tie Sponsors and any other Official Sponsor of the Competition.
Sch 1 - 7
Team Sponsor: an entity appointed by a National Association as a sponsor of its
Tie: a series of three or five matches (with one doubles match and the rest
singles) played between two Nations in the Competition.
Tie Draw: a draw completed before a Tie to determine the order of play.
Title Sponsor: the company or other entity to which the ITF (or its designee)
grants naming rights (and other rights, as agreed) to the Competition.
Visiting Nation: a Nation playing in a Home & Away Tie that is not responsible
for hosting the Tie (i.e. that is not the Home Nation), determined in accordance
with Regulation 28.2.
Visiting Nation Team Host: the person appointed by a Home Nation to assist a
Visiting Nation during a Home & Away Tie, as described in Regulation 12.6.
Wild Card: a Nation selected to play in the Finals Week (that would not otherwise
have been qualified for the Finals Week) in accordance with Regulation 21.3.
World Groups I and II: two World Groups, which are different levels of the
Competition below the Qualifiers (World Group I being the higher level).
World Group I and II Draw: the draws to determine which Nations will play Ties
against each other in each Group of World Group I and II.
World Group Play-offs: a round of Ties played before the World Group I and II
Ties to determine which Nations will play Ties in World Group I, World Group II
and Regional Group III (also “Play-offs”).
Sch 1 - 8
S1.2 The ITF may publish the Regulations in languages other than English. In the
event of any discrepancy between the English language version of the
Regulations and any other language versions of the Regulations, the English
language version will govern.
S1.3 Any words following the terms 'including', 'include', 'in particular', 'such as', 'for
example', or any similar expression will be construed as illustrative and will not
limit the sense of the words, description, definition, phrase or term preceding
those terms.
S1.5 References to provisions of the ITF Constitution or of the other Rules and
Regulation will be deemed to include references to any successor provisions
thereto as may be issued after the date these Regulations are issued.
S1.6 Unless the context requires otherwise, references to the male sex ('he' and 'his')
are to be deemed to encompass the female sex as well ('she' and 'her').
S1.7 To the extent there is any inconsistency between the ITF Constitution on the one
hand and these Regulations on the other hand, the ITF Constitution will govern.
Sch 1 - 9
1. ITF rights
1.1 Any and all rights of a commercial nature and any other exploitation of the
Competition and/or any match, Tie and/or Event within the Competition, and all
intellectual property rights associated with the Competition and/or any match,
Tie and/or Event within the Competition, are owned by and vested in the ITF (the
Commercial Rights).
1.2 The ITF has absolute discretion with respect to the Commercial Rights. It may
exploit all or some of the Commercial Rights itself; it may authorise others to
exploit all or some of the Commercial Rights; and/or it may decide not to exploit
(and not to allow others to exploit) some of the Commercial Rights. The ITF may
also appoint one or more commercial representatives to act as a broker or agent
on behalf of the ITF with respect to some or all of the Commercial Rights.
1.3 Save where expressly provided to the contrary in this Schedule 2 or otherwise
in the Rules and Regulations, all of the Commercial Rights will be reserved in
their entirety to the ITF and/or its designees, and all of the revenues arising from
the exploitation of the Commercial Rights will accrue to the ITF and/or its
1.4 All references in this Schedule 2 to 'the ITF' shall be deemed to mean 'ITFL'.
2. Nation rights
2.1 The Nations will have the rights and be entitled to keep the revenues as set out
in the subsequent sections of this Schedule 2, and as otherwise set out in the
Rules and Regulations.
3. Sponsorship rights
3.1 The ITF has the following rights (without limitation) in relation to the Competition,
including the Finals Week:
3.1.2 the use of any mascot, symbol, legend or device associated with the
Sch 2 - 1
3.1.3 advertisements within the court area and stadium in accordance with
the split of rights agreed by the ITF and the Nations (as shown on the
current Davis Cup court layout). The ITF may allow a Home/Host Nation
in World Groups I and II, the Play-offs and Groups III and IV to have
limited advertising within the court area. It is understood, however, that
the ITF will not acquire rights to permanent signs at the venues
(permanent meaning fixed in place prior to the scheduling of the Tie
pursuant to the terms of a written contract of not less than three years
duration). No venue may be selected if it has permanent signs at
courtside positions or within the angle of the main television cameras.
For the purposes of this provision, 'advertisements' means all space
available for advertising within the court area (including the court,
surrounds and stands) whether on advertising boards, banners, chairs,
uniforms, tickets, scoreboards, backdrops or any other static or moving
3.1.5 all Media Rights (without territorial limitation) (as set out in Article 5);
3.2 Subject to the provisions set out in the relevant Commercial Letter(s), each
participating Nation has the right to: Team Sponsors for the Finals Week may be in any category
other than the reserved categories notified to Nations in
advance of the Qualifiers, notwithstanding any conflict with
sponsors that the Finals Week Organiser engages.
3.2.3 produce team-specific merchandise and save that merchandise will not
be permitted to be sold within any Tie/Event venue without the prior
approval of the Tie/Event Organiser; and
3.2.4 use video clips and images on websites, platforms and publications (for
non-commercial information purposes and only to promote the
Competition and/or its team).
Sch 2 - 2
4. Image Rights
4.2 No Team Member's image may be used in a manner that implies a commercial
endorsement by the Team Member individually of any product or company save
as required by Article 13 and/or as otherwise agreed by separate agreement.
4.3 Each Nation must notify its Team Members of the grant to the ITF (and its
licensees) of the Image Rights, and must do or procure to be done all such
further acts and things, and will execute or procure the execution of all such
other documents, as may be required to give full force and effect to the grant of
that licence.
5. Media Rights
5.1 The ITF owns and has absolute discretion with respect to both domestic and
international Media Rights, save as set out in this Schedule 2. For the purposes
of this Schedule 2, the term Media Rights means the right to attend at and to
film and/or record and transmit, anywhere in the world, audio and audio-visual
signals of Ties, matches and other Competition-related content, in whole or in
part, whether live or delayed, by all methods of communication to the public by
way of electronic transmission (whether analogue or digital or otherwise) now
existing or as may be developed in the future, including (without limitation)
satellite, cable and terrestrial television and radio, internet (e.g. webcasting of
live video or audio coverage of matches and/or Ties), mobile and/or wireless
telephony and other technologies (e.g. WAP technology, SAS, ADSL, SDL, 3G),
applications or similar software, interactive technology and fixed media (e.g.
videos, DVDs, CD-ROMs and computer games).
6. Recordings
6.1 Copyright in any and all coverage of the Davis Cup competition (including but
not limited to coverage produced for television, film, video, internet and/or radio
exploitation) and other any other reproductions shall be the exclusive property
of the ITF. If a Nation wishes to film or make use of footage from the Davis Cup
competition, it must obtain prior written approval from the ITF.
Sch 2 - 3
7. Data
7.1.1 For the purposes of this Article 7, the following terms relating to data
rights are defined as follows: Data Rights: the right to in any way use or create or assemble
Official Data including without limitation the right to collect,
collate, store, use, reproduce, exploit, onward supply or make
available any and all Official Data including but not limited to
the Live Scoring Rights. Live Scoring Rights: the right to exercise the Data Rights
during the applicable Match Period.
7.1.2 The ITF will have the exclusive right to exercise the Data Rights
(including without limitation the Live Scoring Rights) in respect of any
and all Ties and/or any and all elements of the Competition. Each Nation
will assist the ITF in its efforts to exercise the Data Rights. use Official Data (excluding PAT Data) in the Nation's official
publications and on official websites, mobile applications
and/or other media outlets provided that any such use takes
place after the applicable Match Period and is for non-
gambling purposes;
Sch 2 - 4 supply the Official Data (excluding PAT Data) to Official
Sponsors and/or Official Suppliers provided that any such
supply: use the Official Data (excluding PAT Data) for in-venue
purposes (including, for example, without limitation, on in-
venue scoreboards) before the expiry of the Match Period for
non-gambling purposes; the Official Data is not used in connection with gambling or for
gambling purposes; and the Official Data used relates only to the Tie that is being
7.1.5 If the ITF provides a live score centre of any match on the ITF website,
Nations may request the ITF’s permission to incorporate a link on their
respective official websites that enables viewers to access and view
such live score centre. The ITF will not unreasonably refuse any request
to incorporate such a link provided that the link is incorporated in
accordance with the ITF's directions.
7.1.6 All other rights to use or create or assemble Official Data or in any way
to exercise the Data Rights are reserved exclusively to the ITF and may
be exploited by the ITF at its sole election.
Sch 2 - 5
7.2.2 The use of laptop computers, mobile phones or other handheld
electronic devices within the venues to collate, collect, use, store,
reproduce, onward supply or make available any Official Data and/or
any match score or other related statistical data (save for incidental use
within editorial reporting) or for purposes relating to gambling is
prohibited and each Nation must take reasonable steps to enforce such
prohibition (including without limitation by means of venue regulations,
ticket conditions and accreditation terms). This provision does not apply
to use by credentialed personnel of a Nation and/or the ITF of Official
Data in the performance of their duties. any system or scheme that the ITF implements for the exercise,
collection, supply and/or licensing (in each case by the ITF
itself or via an appointed third party) of Live Scoring Rights; and any measures that the ITF takes to protect the exclusivity of
Live Scoring Rights and the prevention of any unauthorised
collation, collection, use, storage, reproduction, onward supply
or making available of Official Data.
7.3.1 The ITF has, subject to the Rules of Tennis, agreed that Nations and
Team Members using approved PAT systems may collect, collate,
assemble and store PAT Data from matches played in the Competition
subject to the following conditions: During the Tie/Event, the Nations, Team Members and any
technology providers or service operators involved in the
collection, collation and/or analysis of PAT Data may only use
such PAT Data for internal analysis and coaching purposes of
the respective Player and/or Nation and such use is strictly
subject to Rule 30 of the Rules of Tennis.
Sch 2 - 6
PAT Data or analysis or product derived therefrom
may be used or supplied to any third party for any
purpose related to betting and/or gambling;
(c) ensure that the ITF is able to access free of charge any
and all such PAT Data live and/or delayed at the venue
of the match and/or such other point as may be
agreed, and the ITF is free to use such PAT Data and
authorise third parties to use such PAT Data for any
7.3.2 In the event that such PAT Data is accessed by unauthorised third
parties and/or the ITF reasonably believes that PAT Data, PAT
equipment and/or PAT services are being used for any purposes in
breach of the Rules and Regulations, the ITF is entitled to rescind its
approval and the Nations and Team Members will immediately cease
use of the PAT system pending resolution.
8. Currency
8.1 The official currency of the Competition is the US dollar. Financial transactions
under the Regulations may be conducted in currencies other than the US dollar
where agreed in writing between the two parties involved in the transaction.
Such agreement should specify the currency in which the transaction will be
conducted and the date on which any conversion to/from any other currency will
be calculated. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties, the
official currency will apply and the date of completion of the Tie in question will
be the relevant date for conversion of amounts from any other currency.
9.1 Each Nation participating in the Competition will receive a Participation Payment,
which may be made up of income from licence fees, sponsorship deals, and/or
broadcast or other rights deals in relation to the Davis Cup. The amount of the
payment will be based on performance in the Competition, and will be
determined by the Board in consultation with the Davis Cup Committee. It is up
to the Nation to determine any distribution of the Participation Payment to its
Team Members.
9.2 The ITF may (as it sees fit) make a separate payment to the Home/Host Nation
for hosting a Tie/Event, as determined by the Board in consultation with the
Davis Cup Committee.
10.1 For the Finals Week only, Prize Money must be paid in full in accordance with
the distribution agreed by the Nation and the Players. If no agreement is reached
Sch 2 - 7
on the distribution, the Prize Money must be distributed in full to that Nation’s
Players in accordance with the policy notified to the Nations by the ITF.
11.1 If a Nation fails, without the consent of the ITF, to carry out any of its obligations
under this Schedule 2, and the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel upholds an
allegation of such failure/breach, then in addition to its sanctioning powers under
Regulation 73, the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel may also order forfeiture of
that Nation's Choice of Ground on the first occasion on which it is entitled to
such choice in the next edition of the Davis Cup competition.
12.1 Participating Finals Week Nations will have no Media Rights. The ITF shall retain
all revenue generated from any exploitation of broadcast rights, whether
international or domestic, subject to any agreement with its designee that is
authorised to exploit these rights.
13.1 In respect of the Final, each Player/Captain acknowledges and agrees that
Sponsors may use his Image Rights (further to the licence granted in Article 4.1),
subject to the following conditions:
13.1.1 the rights are restricted to use by Sponsors in connection with each
Player's/Captain's status as a member of his Nation and must only be
used in materials featuring no less than four Players/Captains;
13.1.2 the images may only be used by Sponsors to promote their association
with the Finals Week;
13.1.3 the Image Rights may only be used by one Team Sponsor or one Tie
Sponsor, and only within the geographic territory of the relevant Nation;
13.1.4 all use by Sponsors (including scope and duration of use) will be subject
to the prior written approval of the ITF;
13.1.6 in any event the rights may only be granted for a period of up to one
year after the Final.
Sch 2 - 8
13.2 As to use of Image Rights by sponsors, unless otherwise approved by the ITF:
13.2.1 the Title Sponsor may use the Image Rights on a worldwide basis for a
maximum period of four months after the Final;
13.2.2 the International Sponsors may use the Image Rights on a worldwide
basis for a maximum period of four months after the Final. The Image
Rights may be used for print and online advertising in normal customer
contact points, e.g. store fronts and websites. The Image Rights may not
be used for any form of on-product advertising or promotion.
13.2.3 a Team Sponsor or Tie Sponsor may use the Image Rights, but such use
is restricted to the scope and duration set out in Article 13.1.3, and
restricted to within the geographic territory of the Nation associated
with that Team Sponsor/Tie Sponsor.
14.1 Each Nation participating in the Finals Week may receive up to the following
number of complimentary tickets and hospitality allocations (upon request to the
ITF) for each session of the Finals Week in which it participates:
14.2.1 If the Tie venue has boxes, each of the Nations participating in the Tie
will not automatically be entitled to have their (respective)
complimentary seats positioned in the area set aside for boxes unless
more than the first six rows of seating are categorised as boxes. In such
cases, complimentary seats must be positioned starting in the rows
immediately behind row six.
Sch 2 - 9
15. Right to purchase additional tickets/hospitality
15.1.3 to use a reasonable-sized facility onsite at the Finals Week venue for
each Tie it competes in for its official party (maximum of 100 people),
provided that it makes such request to the Finals Week Organiser by
the deadline set by the ITF and notified to participating Nations no later
than seven months before the Finals Week. Use of the facility will be
free of charge, but the Finals Week Organiser is entitled to charge the
Nation at cost for food, drink, decoration, etc.
16.1 The ticket allocations and entitlements detailed in Article 14 and 15 remain
applicable for the Final, subject to the following:
16.1.1 the minimum first category ticket entitlement for participating Nations
referred to at Article 15.1.2 will be 750, subject to availability.
16.2 The Presidents (and their partners) of Nations that have participated in the Finals
Week but are not participating in the Final are entitled (upon request to the ITF
at reasonable notice and where available) to receive complimentary seats in the
Presidential box (including hospitality) for use by themselves and their partners.
17. Expenses
17.1 For the Finals Week, the Finals Week Organiser will reimburse the general
travelling expenses of the Nation's Players and Captain in accordance with a
percentage agreed by the Board in consultation with the Davis Cup Committee
Sch 2 - 10
(as detailed in the Financial Letter). The general travelling expenses will be
limited as set out in the Financial Letter.
17.2 The Finals Week Organiser will provide for meals on match days onsite at the
Finals Week venue for up to 18 Team Members of both participating Nations, at
no cost.
17.3 The Finals Week Organiser will provide accommodation for each Nation's
nominated Players, Captain, doctors and physiotherapists.
17.4 For the avoidance of doubt, each Nation is responsible for the cost of all other
travel, accommodation, subsistence and other expenses incurred as a result of
participation in the Finals Week.
17.5 Subject to the provisions set out in the relevant Commercial Letter(s), in addition
to the rights set out at Article 3.2, the Home Nation has (in relation to the Tie that
it organises) the right to (together, the Home Nation Rights):
17.5.1 retain Gross Receipts (subject to the allocation under Article 21) and the
rights and proceeds to and from hospitality, the programme, food,
beverages, merchandise and other onsite sales related to the Tie;
17.5.2 advertisements within the court area and stadium of the Tie in
accordance with the current Davis Cup court layout, as set out in the
relevant Commercial Letter. The Home Nation must provide the Title
Sponsor and other International Sponsors of the Competition appointed
by the ITF the opportunity to purchase such advertising opportunities
and subject to the conditions set out below;
17.5.4 the right to appoint a number of Tie Sponsors in accordance with the
Commercial Letter;
17.5.6 traditional over the air radio broadcasts (non-internet) and film rights
(subject to Article 18) within the Home Nation's country/territory;
Sch 2 - 11
17.5.9 selection of the ball to be used, subject to Regulation 30; and
17.6 Further detail on the rights of Home Nations and the rights of sponsors of
Qualifier and/or World Group I and II and/or Play-off Ties will be set out in the
Commercial Letter.
17.7 The following restrictions apply to the exercise of Home Nation Rights:
17.7.1 If the Davis Cup Committee decides to relocate a Tie and/or otherwise
to revoke a Nation's status as a Home Nation in circumstances
permitted under the Regulations, that Nation will lose the right to
exercise the Home Nation Rights. If the Davis Cup Committee relocates
the Tie to the country of the Visiting Nation, then the Visiting Nation will
become the Home Nation for that Tie, and if the Davis Cup Committee
relocates the Tie to a neutral venue then the ITF will perform the
obligations of the Nation otherwise responsible for organising the Tie.
17.7.2 Companies that acquire Home Nation Rights may not undertake
substantial promotional or advertising activities at any particular Tie (i)
that conflict with licensed product lines advertised within the precincts
of the court by the Title Sponsor and/or International Sponsors, or (ii)
that are greater than and/or derogate from those rights acquired by the
Title Sponsor and International Sponsors. Nations must ensure that the
Title Sponsor is clearly recognised as the main sponsor of the
Competition and must give the Title Sponsor appropriate recognition in
any official programmes of the Tie and in other print and/or promotional
material. The ITF may intervene if it reasonably believes that this Article
17.7.2 has been or is about to be breached in a manner that may
jeopardise its contract(s) with the Title Sponsor or International
17.7.3 Home Nation Rights for advertisements within the court and the stadium
of the Tie may only be acquired by a Team Sponsor and Tie Sponsors,
of which there must be not more than the limit for that Tie as set out in
the relevant Commercial Letter. Tie Sponsors must be companies
whose principal place of business is located within and/or substantially
serves the metropolitan area of the Tie venue. Within the stadium and
court area, no one Sponsor can have more than four signs in total,
unless agreed otherwise in writing by the ITF (in its sole discretion). Any
Tie Sponsor or Team Sponsor must be notified to the ITF at least 15
days prior to the first match in the Tie.
17.8.1 ensure that the precincts of the court are cleared of advertising,
franchise, display and other rights that have not been granted by or with
Sch 2 - 12
the approval of the ITF or otherwise in accordance with the Rules and
17.8.3 where applicable, obtain a written statement from the prospective host
broadcaster that specifies any restrictions applicable to the display of
advertising boards, banners or any similar identification on its broadcast
feed and immediately send a copy upon receipt to the ITF;
17.8.4 procure that any holders of Home Nation Rights whose advertising or
identification may be seen on television comply with any restrictions
imposed by the host broadcaster under Article 17.8.3;
17.8.5 allow relevant contractors access to the match court at least 48 hours
prior to the start of play to erect and install advertisements, displays,
equipment and so on; and
17.8.6 remove or cover any advertisements that do not comply with the Rules
and Regulations.
17.9 If the Home Nation fails to comply with Article 17.8, the ITF may instruct its own
contractors to remove or cover up any advertisements as necessary to comply
with the Rules and Regulations.
17.10 The ITF undertakes to ensure that the holders of any International Rights comply
with any restrictions (provided that they are legitimate and notified to the ITF)
imposed by the host broadcaster pursuant to Article 17.8.3.
18.1 For the Qualifiers, the Home Nation will have no rights (or obligations) to
broadcast a Tie. There will be no 50:50 split between the ITF and the Qualifier
Nations, of the net profit from the exploitation of domestic broadcast rights.
18.2 For World Groups I and II and Play-offs, the domestic television rights relating to
each Tie are assigned to the Home Nation in which territory the Tie will be
staged, subject to the following conditions:
18.2.1 The ITF may acquire the domestic television rights for all Ties to be
staged in a Home Nation's territory in the Competition by notifying the
relevant Home Nation no later than 14 days after the World Group I and
II Draw or the Play-offs Draw (as applicable).
18.2.2 If the ITF exercises its option for any territory or territories:
Sch 2 - 13
for performing all host broadcaster obligations in relation to
the relevant Tie; the Home Nation must cooperate fully with the ITF (and/or its
licensee(s)) in performing its duties as host broadcaster,
including by (without limitation) providing free of charge
access to the venue(s) and all facilities at the venue(s) (such as
electricity, camera and commentary positions and parking);
(a) if it has had one or more home Ties in the past three
years at the World Group I or II level (from 2020
onwards), and/or Zone Group I or II level (up until
(b) if a Nation has not had a home Tie for the past three
years at the World Group I or II level (from 2020
onwards), and/or Zone Group I or II level (up until
2019), then in the first year that such Home Nation has
a home Tie at the World Group I or II level, 100% of the
net income that the ITF receives by way of rights fees
that is attributable solely to the exploitation of the
domestic television rights for the Home Nation's Tie,
unless a separate agreement is made between the ITF
and such Home Nation.
18.2.3 If the ITF does not exercise its option for any territory or territories, the
Home Nation must:
Sch 2 - 14 use commercially reasonable efforts to arrange for the Ties to
be televised in its own country, and retain the receipts from
this source. The Home Nation must provide a host broadcaster
or make such provision 50 days before the start of the relevant
Tie, otherwise Regulation 18.2.4 will apply. For the avoidance
of doubt the Home Nation may not enter into agreements for
the televising of any Ties other than those taking place in the
Competition; ensure that any television contract it enters into (i) permits
access free of charge to the signal produced by the host
broadcaster of all matches in the Tie for the ITF and its
licensees; and (ii) stipulates that host broadcasts are to be in
compliance with the ITF’s host broadcast manual. The Home
Nation must keep the ITF apprised of its negotiations with the
host broadcaster in this respect. The ITF reserves the right to
intervene in the negotiations if it believes, on reasonable
grounds, that it will not receive access to the host broadcaster
signal on reasonable terms.
18.2.4 If the Home Nation is responsible for contracting a host broadcaster but
fails to do so by the deadline in Article the ITF may appoint a host broadcaster for that Home Nation's
territory for the relevant Tie. In such case, any income and
expense relating to the securing of a host broadcaster will be
divided equally between the Home Nation and the ITF; or the Home Nation may retain the host broadcaster rights, but
only if it guarantees to deliver a full live signal of internationally
acceptable standard free of charge to the ITF and its licensees.
18.2.5 The ITF will issue separate requirements to each Nation specifically
relating to (i) the international distribution of the signal, and (ii) the
supply of suitable recordings for highlights or compilation programmes.
19.1 The Home Nation of any Qualifier, World Group I and II or Play-off Tie must
provide the following complimentary seats/tickets and hospitality (upon request)
to the Visiting Nation for each session:
Sch 2 - 15
Visiting Nations
19.2 The Home Nation of any Qualifier, World Group I and II or Play-off Tie must
provide the following complimentary seats/tickets and hospitality (upon request)
to the ITF, Title Sponsor and International Sponsors for each session:
19.3.1 If the Tie venue does not have any boxes, the Home Nation must give
the Visiting Nation and the ITF, Title Sponsor and International Sponsors
Sch 2 - 16
first choice (with priority for the Visiting Nation) for the location of their
complimentary tickets after the Home Nation’s requirements for its
President's area have been met.
19.3.2 If the Tie venue has boxes, the Visiting Nation, ITF, Title Sponsor and
International Sponsors will not automatically be entitled to have their
(respective) complimentary seats positioned in the area set aside for
boxes unless more than the first six rows of seating are categorised as
boxes. In such cases, complimentary seats must be positioned starting
in the rows immediately behind row six.
20.1.2 to use a reasonable-sized facility onsite at the Tie venue for its official
party (maximum of 50 people), provided that it makes such request to
the Home Nation no later than 30 days before a Tie. The Home Nation
is entitled to charge the Visiting Nation at cost for food, drink,
decoration, etc.
20.1.3 The ITF, Title Sponsor and International Sponsors are entitled to
purchase (in aggregate):
Sch 2 - 17 750 hospitality passes of a first class standard at market price.
The price must include facility construction, food and
beverages, decoration, staff etc. but does not have to include
local taxes. The ITF, Title Sponsor and International Sponsors
must be given first choice of the location of their hospitality
area after the Home Nation’s requirements for its President’s
area have been met.
21.1 The Home Nation shall make the following payments from Gross Receipts in the
following order for each Tie:
21.1.1 10% of the Gross Receipts must be paid to the ITF, which payment must
(in any event) be no lower than:
21.1.2 The Home Nation must pay the expenses set out in Article 22.3.1, in
accordance with any further specifications set out in the Financial
21.1.4 If there is insufficient money in the Tie account, any balance owed must
be paid by the Home Nation.
21.2 If a Tie is played on a Neutral Ground under Regulation where both
Nations are considered Visiting Nations, the Nation organising the Tie (as
designated by the Davis Cup Committee) must make the payments under Article
21.1, as if it were the Home Nation. If there is insufficient money in the Tie
account, any balance owed must be paid by the two Visiting Nations in equal
21.3 The Home Nation must provide certified vouchers for all receipts and all tax and
other deductions.
Sch 2 - 18
22. Expenses
22.1 Officials
22.1.1 The ITF will pay the travelling expenses of the Referee and neutral Chair
Umpires to/from their location to the Tie venue (i.e. airfare or other
modes of transport).
22.1.2 The Home Nation must pay the fees, accommodation, transport
(between hotel and venue) and subsistence costs of the Referee and
neutral Chair Umpires.
22.2.1 For each Tie that a Nation plays away from home, the ITF will reimburse
the general travelling expenses of the Nation's nominated Players and
Captain in accordance with a percentage agreed by the Board in
consultation with the Davis Cup Committee. The general travelling
expenses will be limited as follows: The ITF will reimburse the price of travel from the Nation's
capital city to the Tie venue. If any Player/Captain travels to the Tie venue from a city other
than the Nation's capital city, then the ITF will set a 'benchmark'
for the cost of travel from the Nation's capital city to the Tie
venue (the 'journey') using: (i) the actual price paid by one of
the nominated Player's/Captain's if he made the journey, or (ii)
if none of the Players/Captains made that journey, by carrying
out research online and with travel agents to prepare a quote.
If the actual cost of travel for any Player/Captain:
(a) is more than the benchmark for the journey, then the
ITF will reimburse only the benchmark amount; or
(b) is less than the benchmark for the journey, then the
ITF will reimburse only the lesser amount.
22.2.2 The ITF will reimburse business class airfares for Qualifier Ties and
economy class airfares for World Group I and II and Play-off Ties (or
equivalent, if the nominated Players/Captain travel by other reasonable
means of transport).
22.3.1 The Home Nation must provide and pay for meals on match days onsite
at the Tie venue for the nominated teams of both Nations.
22.3.2 Each Nation must pay its own costs for accommodation and off-site
meals, irrespective of where the Tie is played.
Sch 2 - 19
23. Statement of Accounts
23.1 The Home Nation must provide a Statement of Accounts setting out the income
and expenses under Article 21, signed by an authorised representative of the
Home Nation (or other Nation organising the Tie under Article 21.2), to the ITF
within two calendar months after the conclusion of the Tie.
23.2 Where a Nation fails to submit the required Statement of Accounts by the
specified deadline, the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel will impose a fine of not
more than 10% of the contribution payable in respect of that Tie, for each month
of delay, and may rule the Nation ineligible for future editions of the Davis Cup
until it pays fines and amounts owed in full.
24.1 Where a Nation fails to make any payment due under the Rules and Regulations,
either to the ITF or to another Nation, without prejudice to the Nation’s obligation
to discharge its liabilities to the ITF or the other Nation, the ITF Internal
Adjudication Panel will impose a fine (to be paid to the creditor in question) of
not more than 10% of the amount outstanding for each month of delay in
payment, and may rule the defaulting Nation ineligible for future editions of the
Davis Cup until its liabilities under this Regulation have been fully discharged.
24.2 A creditor Nation must file a claim with the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel within
four calendar months of the conclusion of the Tie/Event concerned, giving
particulars of the amounts due to it in respect of general travelling expenses,
subsistence and details of the Gross Receipts (if known).
26.1 The allocation of tickets will be as set out in the Hosting Manual.
27. Finances
27.1 The ITF will pay the fees, and all reasonable accommodation, subsistence and
travel expenses (economy class only) of the Referee as detailed in the Financial
Letter. Any other financial matters will be detailed in the Financial Letter.
Sch 2 - 20
A. Purpose
The ITF promulgates this Davis Cup Code of Conduct in order to maintain fair and
reasonable standards of conduct by Team Members and Related Persons in Ties and
to protect their rights, the rights of the public and the integrity of the sport of tennis.
B. Applicability
This Code of Conduct applies to the Competition and to all Team Members, Related
Persons and (for Article V and Article VI) Covered Persons.
All monetary fines set forth in this Code of Conduct are in US Dollars.
A. General
Each Team Member shall, during all matches and at all times while within the precincts
of the site of a Tie/Event (which shall include any official venue or location related to
the Tie/Event), or otherwise in connection with a Tie/Event, conduct himself in a
professional manner. The provisions hereinafter set forth shall apply to each Team
Member’s conduct while within the precincts of each such site.
B. Punctuality
Captains must provide team selections by the Player Selection Deadline and the
Change of Selection Deadline. Failure to do so may result in a fine of up to $5,000.
Matches shall be called in accordance with the order of play. Players and Captains shall
be ready to play when their matches are called. For the purposes of this punctuality
rule, the official clock in Ties shall be the Referee’s timepiece.
1. Any Player and/or Captain not ready to walk on court when his match is called
may be fined up to $5,000.
2. Any Player not ready to play (and/or any Captain not on court) within fifteen (15)
minutes after his match is called may be fined up to an additional $10,000 and the
Player shall be defaulted unless the Referee in his sole discretion, after consideration
of all relevant circumstances, elects not to declare a default.
Sch 3 - 1
Players and Captains must attend Official Functions on time and comply with ITF
instructions regarding the timing and organisation of any such Official Functions. Failure
to do so may result in a fine of up to $10,000.
Each Player and Captain must dress and present himself for play in a professional
manner. Clean and customarily acceptable tennis attire must be worn.
1. Unacceptable attire
Sweatshirts, gym shorts, dress shirts, T-shirts or any other inappropriate attire shall not
be worn during a match (including the warm-up).
Players are required to wear tennis shoes generally accepted as proper tennis attire.
Shoes shall not cause damage to the court other than what is expected during the
normal course of a match or practice. Damage to a court may be considered as physical
or visible, which may include a shoe that leaves marks beyond what it considered
acceptable. The Referee has the authority to determine that a shoe does not meet
these criteria and may order the player to change.
In a Tie played on grass courts, no shoes other than those with rubber soles, without
heels, ribs, studs or coverings, shall be worn by Players.
Special grass court shoes will not be used without the express approval of the Referee.
Such shoes will not be approved unless they comply with the following specifications:
The pimples or studs on the base of the sole shall have maximum top diameter of three
(3) millimetres and a minimum top diameter of two (2) millimetres. The maximum height
of the pimples or studs shall be two (2) millimetres with a maximum of 10 degree angle
slope between the base and the top of the pimple. The durometers shall be between
58 and 63 based on the shore “A” scale. The pimple top diameter compared to its
respective pimple density per square inch shall be within the following guidelines:
2.00mm 32
2.25mm 28
2.50mm 24
2.75mm 21
3.00mm 18
Shoes with pimples or studs around the outside of the toes shall not be permitted. The
foxing around the toes must be smooth. Players desiring approval of special grass court
shoes should submit a sample shoe to the ITF in advance of the Tie.
Sch 3 - 2
As an alternative to the above specifications, players may also use the special grass
court shoes developed, tested and approved by Wimbledon. These special grass court
shoes are available from the ITF upon request.
Players are required to wear tennis shoes generally accepted for play on clay courts or
granular surfaces. The Referee has the authority to determine that a tennis shoe’s sole
does not conform to such customs and standards and can prohibit its use at Ties played
on clay courts.
Special grass court shoes as described in section (a) above shall not be worn during a
match on clay courts.
2. Team identification
(a) Team identification principles – the Nation’s Players and Captains shall be
required at all times to dress in compliance with the team identification principles
which are set out in the Davis Cup Team ID Style Guide. To comply, a Player and
Captain shall:
For the Finals Week only, Players and Captains must dress in their Nation’s
“Away” colours if instructed to do so by the Referee or the ITF in respect of any
Match, Tie or Event.
A Nation’s “Away” colours shall be approved by the ITF in advance of the Finals
Week in accordance with the Davis Cup Team ID Style Guide.
The two Players in a doubles team shall be dressed in substantially the same
i) display the Nation’s name on the back of their shirts and dress in
substantially the same colours; or
Nations should refer to the Davis Cup Team ID Style Guide to ensure compliance
with this Section 2.
Sch 3 - 3
3. Identification
(i) Sleeves
Total of two (2) manufacturer’s identifications, neither of which exceeds two (2)
square inches (13 sq.cm) or one (1) manufacturer’s identification, which does not
exceed four (4) square inches (26 sq.cm), plus the Nation's logo which does not
exceed two (2) square inches (13 sq.cm) shall be permitted.
(b) Shorts
Two (2) manufacturer’s identifications, neither of which exceeds two (2) square inches
(13 sq.cm), or one (1) manufacturer’s identification which does not exceed four (4) square
inches (26 sq.cm) shall be permitted. On compression shorts, one manufacturer’s
identification not to exceed two (2) square inches (13 sq.cm) and which shall be in
addition to the manufacturer’s identifications on shorts shall be permitted.
(c) Socks/shoes
Manufacturer’s identifications on each sock and on each shoe shall be permitted. The
identifications on the sock(s) on each foot shall be limited to a maximum of two (2)
square inches (13 sq.cm).
Sch 3 - 4
(d) Racquet
One (1) manufacturer’s identification, not to exceed two (2) square inches (13 sq.cm)
shall be permitted.
Tennis equipment manufacturer’s identifications on each item plus two (2) separate
commercial identifications on one (1) bag, neither of which exceeds four (4) square
inches (26 sq.cm) shall be permitted.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary hereinabove set forth the identification by use
of the name, emblem, logo, trade mark, symbol or other description of any tennis circuit,
series of tennis events, tennis exhibition, tennis tournament, any other sport or
entertainment event is prohibited on all dress or equipment, unless otherwise approved
by the ITF.
(h) General
In the event that utilisation of any of the foregoing permitted commercial identifications
would violate any governmental regulation with respect to television, then the same
shall be prohibited.
For the purposes of this rule, the manufacturer means the manufacturer of the clothing
or equipment in question.
In addition, the size limitation shall be ascertained by determining the area of the actual
patch or other addition to a Player’s clothing without regard to the colour of the same.
In determining area, depending on the shape of the patch or other addition, a circle,
triangle or rectangle shall be drawn around the same and the size of the patch for the
purpose of this rule shall be the area within the circumference of the circle or the
perimeter of the triangle or rectangle as the case may be.
Players may wear warm-up clothing during the warm-up and during a match provided
it complies with the foregoing provisions and provided further that the Players obtain
approval of the Referee prior to wearing warm-up clothing during a match.
Sch 3 - 5
The country name of the Player's Nation must be displayed on the back of the warm-
up clothing. This is not considered to be an identification and is legal in any size.
This warm-up clothing can only be used during the warm-up, Pre-Tie Function, official
ceremonies and Pre-Draw Press Conferences.
5. Change/taping
Any Player who violates this section (dress and equipment) may be ordered by the Chair
Umpire or Referee to change his attire or equipment immediately. No taping over of
such attire shall be allowed. Failure of a Player to comply with such order may result in
immediate default.
6. Fines
Any Player and/or Captain who violates this section (dress and equipment) and (if a
Player) is not defaulted shall be subject to the following fines:
(c) Violation of the provisions with respect to commercial identifications shall result
in a fine of up to $4,000.
(d) Violation of the provisions with respect to other tennis, sport or entertainment
event shall result in a fine of up to $10,000.
If a violation of this section occurs during the Finals Week, the Nation of the relevant
Player/Captain must pay the relevant fine to the ITF on behalf of the Player/Captain.
Players and Captains shall not leave the court area during a match (including the warm-
up) without the permission of the Umpire. Violation of this section shall subject a Player
and/or Captain to a fine of up to $6,000 for each violation. In addition the Player may
be defaulted and subjected to the additional penalties for failure to complete a match
as set out below.
E. Best efforts
A Player shall use his best efforts to win a match when competing in a Tie. Violation of
this section shall subject a Player to a fine of up to $10,000 for each violation. For
Sch 3 - 6
purposes of this section, the Referee and/or the Chair Umpire shall have the authority
to penalise a Player in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule.
In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a Tie, or
are singularly egregious, a single violation of this section shall also constitute the Major
Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour” and shall be subject to the additional penalties set
forth in these Regulations.
All Players and Captains selected for any match, Tie and/or Event must complete such
match, Tie and/or Event unless they are incapacitated by illness, accident or other
unavoidable hindrance.
(a) For the Qualifiers, World Groups I and II, the Play-offs and Regional Group
The power to declare the Player and/or Captain ineligible to represent his Nation for
the remainder of the Tie or Event shall be exercised by the Referee, who shall use
his/her best efforts to obtain the approval of the Executive Director. Any further
ineligibility shall be determined by the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel.
In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a match,
Tie and/or Event, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this section shall also
constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour” and shall be subject to the
additional penalties set forth in that section.
Sch 3 - 7
G. Full Performance in the Finals Week
Notwithstanding section F above, any match, Tie and/or Event that is not completed in
the Finals Week shall subject the Nation of the Player who is responsible for not
completing the match, Tie and/or Event to a fine of up to $100,000 for each violation.
H. Media obligations
(b) Each Nation's nominated Players and Captain must attend (if held) any:
i) Pre-Tie Function;
(c) Captains must attend the Pre-Draw Press Conference (if held). The Pre-Draw
Press Conference may be held in conjunction with a Team Sponsor in
accordance with the Davis Cup Commercial Guidelines.
(d) For the Finals Week, each Nation's nominated Players and Captain must attend
a team press conference and interviews, and two additional promotional and
media activities (lasting a maximum of two hours in total).
(a) Unless injured and physically unable to appear, the Player(s) who participated in
the match must attend the post-match press conference organised immediately
or within 30 minutes after the conclusion of each match whether they won or
lost the match, unless such time is extended or otherwise modified by the
Referee for good cause. Captains must attend only the last post-match press
conference organised on each day of the Tie in which they participate.
(b) The Nation's nominated Players and Captain must participate in post-match one-
to-one interviews with the national broadcasters of the Home and Visiting
Nation, ITF TV and a journalist from the official Davis Cup website.
(c) For the Final, each the winning Nation's nominated Players and Captain must
attend promotional and media activities (lasting a maximum of four hours in total).
Violation of this section shall subject a Player/Captain to a fine of up to $10,000 for each
incident. (For the avoidance of doubt, if more than one Player/Captain from the same
Nation fail to attend the same media event, e.g. two Players fail to attend the same
Tie/Event Draw, the total fine for their collective conduct will be $10,000; but, if any of
a Nation's Players/Captains fail to attend different media events, e.g. a Nation's Player
Sch 3 - 8
fails to attend a Tie/Event Draw and its Captain fails to attend a Pre-Draw Press
Conference, then a fine of up to $10,000 may apply to each failure).
I. Ceremonies
For the purpose of ceremonies and Official Functions, the nominated Players and
Captains of all participating Nations are required to attend the following functions (if
held) in appropriate team dress unless reasonably unable to do so, as determined by
the Referee:
Violation of this section shall subject each Player/Captain to a fine of up to $10,000 for
each incident. (For the avoidance of doubt, if more than one Player/Captain from the
same Nation fails to attend the same ceremony/Official Function, e.g. two Players fail to
attend the Opening Ceremony, the total fine for their collective conduct will be $10,000;
but, if any of a Nation's Players/Captains fail to attend different ceremonies/Official
Functions, e.g. a Nation's Player fails to attend the Opening Ceremony and its Captain
fails to attend the Closing Ceremony, then a fine of up to $10,000 may apply to each
Following the expiration of the warm-up period play shall be continuous and a Player
and/or Captain shall not unreasonably delay a match for any cause.
A maximum of twenty-five (25) seconds shall elapse from the moment the ball goes out
of play at the end of the point until the time the ball is struck for the first serve of the
next point. If such serve is a fault the second serve must be struck by the server without
When changing ends a maximum of ninety (90) seconds shall elapse from the moment
the ball goes out of play at the end of the game until the time the first serve is struck
for the next game. If such first serve is a fault the second serve must be struck by the
server without delay. However, after the first game of each set and during a tie-break,
play shall be continuous and the Players shall change ends without a rest period.
At the conclusion of each set, regardless of the score, there shall be a set break of one
hundred and twenty (120) seconds from the moment the ball goes out of play at the end
of the set until the time the first serve is struck for the next set.
Sch 3 - 9
If a set ends after an even number of games, there shall be no change of ends until
after the first game of the next set.
The receiver shall play to the reasonable pace of the server and shall be ready to
receive within a reasonable time of the server being ready.
The first violation of this section, as either server or receiver, shall be penalised by a
time violation warning and each subsequent violation, as either server or receiver, shall
be penalised as follows:
When a violation is a result of a medical condition, refusal to play or not returning to the
court within the allowed time, a Code of Conduct violation (delay of game) penalty shall
be assessed in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule.
K. Audible obscenity
Team Members shall not use audible obscenity within the precincts of the site. Violation
of this Section shall subject a Team Member to a fine up to $10,000 for each violation.
In addition, if a Player commits such violation during a match (including warm-up), the
Player shall be penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule below. In
circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a Tie, or are
singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major
Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour” and shall be subject to the additional penalties set
forth in that section.
For the purpose of this section, audible obscenity is defined as the use of words
commonly known and understood to be profane and uttered clearly and loudly enough
to be heard by the Chair Umpire, spectators, linesmen or ball-persons.
Players shall not receive coaching during a match except as set out in Rule 30 of the
Rules of Tennis. Communications of any kind, audible or visible, between a Player and
a coach other than the Captain, may be construed as coaching.
Players shall also prohibit their Team Members (1) from using audible obscenity within
the precincts of the site, (2) from making obscene gestures of any kind within the
precincts of the site, (3) from verbally abusing an official, opponent, spectator or other
person within the precincts of the site, (4) from physically abusing any official, opponent,
spectator or other person within the precincts of the site and (5) from giving, making,
issuing, authorising or endorsing any public statement within the precincts of the site
which have, or are designed to have, an effect prejudicial or detrimental to the best
interests of the Davis Cup competition and/or of the officiating thereof.
Violation of this section shall subject a Player to a fine of up to $10,000 for each
violation. In addition, if such violation occurs during a match (including warm-up), the
Sch 3 - 10
Player shall be penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule. In
circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of the Tie, or
are singularly egregious, the Referee may order the Team Member to be removed from
the stands or the precincts of the site and upon his failure to comply with such order
may declare an immediate default of the Player.
M. Visible obscenity
Team Members shall not make obscene gestures of any kind within the precincts of the
site. Violation of this Section shall subject a Team Member to a fine up to $10,000 for
each violation. In addition, if a Player commits such violation during a match (including
warm-up), the Player shall be penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule
below. In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a
Tie, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this section shall also constitute
the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour” and shall be subject to the additional
penalties set forth in that section.
For the purposes of this section, visible obscenity is defined as the making of signs by
the person with his hands and/or racquet or balls that commonly have an obscene
meaning or impact to reasonable people.
N. Abuse of balls
Players shall not violently, dangerously or with anger hit, kick or throw a tennis ball
within the precincts of the site except in the reasonable pursuit of a point during a match
(including warm-up). Violation of this Section shall subject a Player to fine up to $700
for each violation. In addition, if a Player commits such violation during a match the
Player shall be penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule below.
For the purposes of this section, abuse of balls is defined as intentionally hitting a ball
out of the enclosure of the court, hitting a ball dangerously or recklessly within the court
or hitting a ball with negligent disregard of the consequences.
O. Abuse of racquets or equipment
Players shall not violently or with anger hit, kick or throw a racquet or other equipment
within the precincts of the site. Violation of this section shall subject a Player to a fine
up to $1,000 for each violation. In addition, if a Player commits such violation during a
match (including warm-up), the Player shall be penalised in accordance with the Point
Penalty Schedule below.
Team Members shall not at any time directly or indirectly verbally abuse any official,
sponsor, opponent, spectator or other person within the precincts of the site.
Sch 3 - 11
Violation of this Section shall subject a Team Member to a fine up to $10,000 for each
violation. In addition, if a Player commits such violation during a match (including warm-
up), the Player shall be penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule below.
In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a Tie, or
are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major
Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour” and shall be subject to the additional penalties set
forth in these Regulations.
For the purposes of this section, verbal abuse is defined as a statement about an official,
opponent, sponsor, spectator or other person that implies dishonesty or is derogatory,
insulting or otherwise abusive.
Q. Physical abuse
Team Members shall not at any time physically abuse any official, opponent, spectator
or other person within the precincts of the site.
Violation of this Section shall subject a Team Member to a fine up to $10,000 for each
violation. In addition, if a Player commits such violation during a match (including warm-
up), the Player shall be penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule below.
In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a Tie, or
are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major
Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour” and shall be subject to the additional penalties set
forth in these Regulations.
For the purposes of this section, physical abuse is the unauthorised touching of an
official, opponent, spectator or other person.
R. Unsportsmanlike conduct
Team Members shall at all times conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner and
give due regard to the authority of officials and the rights of opponents, spectators and
others. Violation of this Section shall subject a Team Member to a fine of up to $10,000
for each violation. In addition, if a Player commits such violation during a match
(including warm-up), the Player shall be penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty
Schedule below. In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the
success of a Tie, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also
constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour” and shall be subject to the
additional penalties set forth in these Regulations.
For the purposes of this section, unsportsmanlike conduct is defined as any misconduct
by a player that is clearly abusive or detrimental to the Davis Cup competition, the ITF
or the sport of tennis generally. In addition, unsportsmanlike conduct shall include, but
not be limited to, the giving, making, issuing, authorising or endorsing any public
statement having, or designed to have, an effect prejudicial or detrimental to the best
interest of the Davis Cup competition and/or the officiating thereof.
Sch 3 - 12
S. Partisan crowd/spectator behaviour
During Competition matches each Nation must control its supporting spectators so that
play is not interrupted or disturbed. In the event that the spectators or any individual
spectators supporting a Nation behave in such a partisan manner that play is
unreasonably interrupted or the Players at any time are unreasonably provoked and/or
intimidated, the Referee shall penalise such Nation's player in accordance with the
However, after the third partisan crowd violation, the Referee shall determine whether
each subsequent offence shall constitute a default.
In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a Tie, the
Referee shall have the authority to declare a default for a single violation of this section.
The Point Penalty Schedule to be used for violations set forth is as follows:
However, after the third Code of Conduct violation, the Referee shall determine
whether each subsequent violation shall constitute a default.
The decision of the Referee under the Point Penalty Schedule shall be final and not
subject to appeal.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Point Penalty Schedule applies in addition to any other
sanction (such as fines) that might apply under this Code of Conduct.
U. Defaults
The Referee may declare a default for either a single violation of this Code of Conduct
(immediate default) committed by any Team Member or pursuant to the Point Penalty
Schedule set out above. In all cases of default, the decision of the Referee shall be final
and not subject to appeal.
Any Player who is defaulted under this provision may be fined up to $2,000 in addition
to any or all other fines levied with respect to the offending incident.
In addition, any Player who is defaulted under this provision may be defaulted from the
remainder of the Tie/Event, except when the offending incident involves only a violation
of the punctuality or dress and equipment sections of this Code of Conduct, or as a
result of a medical condition or when his doubles partner commits the Code of Conduct
Sch 3 - 13
violation that causes the default. Default of a Player from the remainder of the Tie/Event
may include at the Referee’s discretion the removal of accreditation and denial of
access to the site.
A default as a result of a violation by a Team Member other than a Player will subject
that Team Member to removal of accreditation, and at the Referee’s discretion, denial
of access to the site (except for a violation arising during the Finals Week, in which case
Regulation 74.2 applies).
However, prior to any default from the remainder of the Tie, removal of accreditation
and/or denial of access to the site, the Referee must use best efforts to obtain the
approval of the Executive Director.
V. Doubles match
Point penalties, game penalties and/or a default if assessed for violation of this Code
of Conduct shall be assessed against the doubles team.
2. Fines
Fines for violation of the provisions on team identification for doubles teams shall be
assessed against the team. All other fines for violation of Article II shall be assessed
only against the individual member of the doubles team who is in violation unless both
members of the team are in violation.
The Referee shall make such investigation as is reasonable to determine the facts
regarding all Onsite Offences and upon determining that a violation has occurred shall
specify the applicable fine and/or other sanction and give written notice to the Captain.
X. Payment of fines
The ITF shall deduct any fines from a Nation’s Participation Payment.
Y. Appeals
Any Team Member found to have committed an Onsite Offence at a Tie may appeal
the offence and/or any fine imposed to the Independent Tribunal in accordance with
Regulation 74.
A. Aggravated Behaviour
No Team Member or Related Person at any Tie shall engage in “Aggravated Behaviour”
which is defined as follows:
Sch 3 - 14
1. One or more incidents of behaviour designated in this Code of Conduct as
constituting “Aggravated Behaviour”.
2. One incident of behaviour that is flagrant and particularly injurious to the success
of the Davis Cup competition, or is singularly egregious.
3. A series of two (2) or more violations of this Code of Conduct within a twelve (12)
month period which singularly do not constitute “Aggravated Behaviour”, but when
viewed together establish a pattern of conduct that is egregious and is detrimental to
the Davis Cup competition.
No Player, Captain or Related Person shall engage in conduct contrary to the integrity
of the game of tennis. If a Player and/or Captain is convicted of the violation of a criminal
law of any country or territory, the punishment for which includes possible
imprisonment for more than one year, he may be deemed by virtue of such conviction
to have engaged in conduct contrary to the integrity of the game of tennis. In addition,
if a Player, Captain or Related Person has at any time behaved in a manner severely
damaging to the reputation of the sport, he may be deemed by virtue of such behaviour
to have engaged in conduct contrary to the integrity of the game of tennis and be in
violation of this section. Violation of this section by a Player and/or Captain, directly or
indirectly through a Related Person or others, shall subject a Player and/or Captain to
a fine up to $250,000 and/or to a maximum penalty of permanent suspension from play
in all Ties and/or any ITF tournament, event or circuit. Violation of this Section shall be
Aggravated Behaviour and shall subject a Related Person to a maximum penalty of
permanent revocation of accreditation and denial of access to all Ties and/or any ITF
tournament, event or circuit.
The ITF will investigate all facts concerning any alleged Major Offence. All Players,
Captains and Related Persons must cooperate fully with such investigations. The ITF
may make a written demand to a Player, Captain or Related Person (a 'Demand') to
furnish to the ITF any information that may evidence or lead to the discovery of
evidence of a Major Offence, including (without limitation) requiring the Player, Captain
or Related Person to attend an interview and/or to provide a written statement setting
forth his knowledge of the relevant facts and circumstances. The Player, Captain or
Related Person must furnish such information within seven business days of the making
of such demand, or within such other deadline as may be specified by the ITF.
Sch 3 - 15
Where, as the result of an investigation under this section, the ITF forms the view that
a Player, Captain or Related Person has a case to answer for commission of a Major
Offence, the ITF shall refer the matter to the Review Board.
Review Board
The ITF will identify one or more individuals who are independent of the ITF and who
have the expertise required by the nature of the particular case to form the Review
Board and to review the evidence to determine whether there is a case to answer. The
ITF shall send the entire dossier of evidence to the Review Board member(s). Where
necessary, the Review Board may request that the ITF provide additional information
for the Review Board's consideration. There shall be no obligation for the Review Board
to meet in person to deliberate. However, any decision by the Review Board that the
player or other person has a case to answer must be unanimous.
Where the Review Board concludes that there is no case to answer, then the ITF shall
notify the Player, Captain or Related Person and any other party with a right of appeal
under Regulation 74, and (subject to the rights of appeal set out at Regulation 74) the
matter shall not proceed any further.
When the Review Board determines that a Player, Captain or Related Person has a case
to answer, the ITF shall send a written notice to the player or other person (the 'Notice
of Charge'), with a copy to the Chair of the Independent Tribunal, setting out:
(a) the Major Offence(s) alleged to have been committed, a summary of the facts
upon which such allegations are based;
(c) the Player, Captain or Related Person's entitlement to respond to the Notice
of Charge in one of the following ways:
(ii) To admit the Major Offence(s) charged, but to dispute and/or seek
to mitigate the consequences specified in the Notice of Charge, and to
have the Independent Tribunal determine the consequences at a
hearing; or
(d) that, if the Player, Captain or Related Person wishes to exercise his right to a
hearing before the Independent Tribunal, he must submit a written request for
such a hearing so that it is received by the ITF as soon as possible, but in any
event within 10 days of the Player, Captain or Related Person's receipt of the
Sch 3 - 16
notice. The request must also state how the Player, Captain or Related Person
responds to the charge in the notice and must explain (in summary form) the
basis for such response. In the event no such response is received by that
deadline, the Player, Captain or Related Person will be deemed to have admitted
the Major Offence(s) charged, and to have acceded to the consequences
specified in the Notice of Charge.
In the event that the ITF withdraws the Notice of Charge, or the Player, Captain or
Related Person admits the Major Offence(s) charged and accedes to the consequences
specified by the ITF (or is deemed to have done so), a hearing before the Independent
Tribunal shall not be required. Instead the ITF shall promptly issue a decision confirming
(as applicable) its withdrawal of the Notice of Charge or the commission of the Major
Offence(s) and the imposition of the specified consequences, and shall send a copy of
the decision to the Player, Captain or Related Person and to any other party that has a
right, further to Regulation 74, to appeal the decision.
Provisional suspension
At the time, afterwards, or (exceptionally) before it issues a Notice of Charge, the ITF
may impose a provisional suspension on the Player, Captain or Related Person in
question pending determination of the charge(s), where it considers it necessary to
protect the integrity and/or reputation of the Competition, the ITF, and/or the sport of
Where a provisional suspension is imposed, the ITF shall notify the Player, Captain or
Related Person of his right:
In circumstances where the ITF decides not to impose a provisional suspension, the
Player, Captain or Related Person shall be offered the opportunity to accept a voluntary
provisional suspension pending the resolution of the matter. If the Player, Captain or
Related Person wishes to accept the offer (and receive credit against any period of
suspension that might be imposed), the Player, Captain or Related Person must
communicate his acceptance in writing to the ITF, in a form acceptable to the ITF.
No admission shall be inferred, or other adverse inference drawn, from the decision of
a Player, Captain or Related Person (a) not to make an application to avoid (or to vacate)
a provisional suspension, or (b) to accept a voluntary provisional suspension.
Sch 3 - 17
A Player, Captain or Related Person may not, during the period of any provisional
suspension, play, coach or otherwise participate in any capacity in the Competition or
subsequent edition of the Davis Cup competition.
Any period of provisional suspension served by the Player, Captain or Related Person
(whether imposed or voluntarily accepted in writing, in a form acceptable to the ITF)
shall be credited against any period of suspension imposed by the Independent
Tribunal, provided that the Player, Captain or Related Person must have respected the
terms of the provisional suspension in full. No credit against a period of suspension
shall be given for any time period before the effective date of the provisional
suspension (whether imposed or voluntarily accepted in writing, in a form acceptable
to the ITF), regardless of the Player's, Captain's or Related Person's status or lack of
participation during such period. If a period of suspension is served pursuant to a
decision that is subsequently appealed, then the Player, Captain or Related Person shall
receive a credit for such period of provisional suspension served against any period of
suspension that may ultimately be imposed on appeal.
If the Player, Captain or Related Person charged exercises their right to a hearing, the
matter shall be referred to the Independent Tribunal and shall proceed in accordance
with the procedures set out in the Independent Tribunal Procedural Rules.
Subject only to the rights of appeal set out in Regulation 74, the Independent Tribunal’s
decision shall be the full, final and complete disposition of the case and will be binding
on all parties.
Any breach by a player or Related Person of the terms of their sanction under this Article
III shall be referred to the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel and dealt with pursuant to
clause 5 of the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel Procedural Rules.
All fines imposed by the Independent Tribunal for Major Offences shall be deducted
from the Nation’s Participation Payment, or (where there are no payments outstanding
or they are not sufficient to cover the fine) shall be paid by the Player/Captain and/or
his Nation to the ITF by the deadline specified by the Independent Tribunal (or ITF
where ethe Player or Captain does not exercise their right to a hearing).
Each Team Member shall be bound by and shall comply with the provisions of the
Welfare Policy set out in Schedule 4.
Sch 3 - 18
A. For the purposes of this article, 'Covered Persons' shall have the same meaning
as set out in the Welfare Policy in Schedule 4.
C. For the purposes of this section, 'Misconduct' means any conduct or behaviour
that is contrary to the integrity or reputation or interests of the ITF, the Davis Cup
competition, any other tournament, event or circuit owned or sanctioned by the ITF or
the game of tennis.
D. Any individual or Nation who/that believes that any Covered Person or Nation
has committed misconduct in violation of this section may file a written complaint with
the Executive Director. That complaint shall identify the complainant and state
specifically the nature of the alleged misconduct.
E. Upon receipt of such a complaint, or if the ITF itself considers that there has
been apparent misconduct, the ITF shall cause an investigation to be made of all facts
concerning the alleged misconduct and shall provide written notice of such
investigation to the Covered Person involved; the Covered Person shall be given at
least ten (10) days to provide to the ITF, directly or through counsel, such evidence as
the Covered Person deems to be relevant to the investigation. All Covered Persons
must cooperate fully with such investigations. Upon the completion of the investigation,
the ITF shall refer the matter to the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel.
F. Having heard the matter in accordance with the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel
Procedural Rules, the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel shall promptly issue a written
decision, including sanctions (if any). A copy of the decision shall be promptly delivered
to all parties.
Sch 3 - 19
do not justify disqualification, the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel may decide to impose
only a fine or withhold part or whole of the payment set out in Schedule 2, Article 9.
H. Any Covered Person sanctioned for misconduct by the ITF Internal Adjudication
Panel may appeal that decision to the Independent Tribunal in accordance with
Regulation 74.
I. If any Team Member commits misconduct during the Finals Week, Regulation
74.2 applies.
A. For the purposes of this article, 'Covered Persons' shall have the same meaning
as set out in the Welfare Policy in Schedule 4.
Sch 3 - 20
3. In the case of all other Covered Persons: immediate denial of privileges or
revocation of accreditation and denial of access to the Tie, Event or
Competition. One or more violations which are singularly or collectively
flagrant or egregious or detrimental or injurious to the tournament may also
result in permanent revocation of accreditation and denial of access to future
editions of the Competition as determined by the ITF.
A violation by a Covered Person may subject that Covered Person to (as applicable) a
fine, default, disqualification, immediate removal of accreditation and/or denial of
access to the site, at the Referee’s discretion (except for a violation arising during the
Finals Week by a Player or Team Member, in which case Regulation 74.2 applies).
Before issuing any default from the remainder of the Tie, removal of accreditation
and/or denial of access to the site, the Referee must use best efforts to obtain the
approval of the ITF Executive Director.
Any Player or Team Member found to have committed an offence under Article VI.B at
a Tie or Event may appeal the offence and/or any fine imposed to the Independent
Tribunal in accordance with Regulation 74. Any other Covered Person found to have
committed an offence under Article VI.B at a Tie or Event may appeal the offence and/or
any sanction imposed to the Internal Adjudication Panel in accordance with Regulation
Sch 3 - 21
A “Covered Person” is bound by all sections of this Welfare Policy, and is any person
• Competes, coaches, officiates, works at, or otherwise participates in (whether as
a player or supporting role, including parents and legal guardians of a player) in
a tennis event organised or sanctioned by the ITF;
• Attends or is employed at an ITF Regional Training Centre;
• Is a member of an ITF Touring Team in any capacity;
• Is an ITF employee or ITF-appointed consultant;
• Holds an ITF or ITF-recognised Officiating or Coaching certification;
• Receives accreditation at any ITF Tournaments, Events and activities; or
• Acts as an ITF contractor or volunteer in relation to any of the above.
Section A.
Section B.
Section C.
Section D.
Sch 4 - 1
1. Medical condition
(a) Any medical condition that cannot be treated appropriately, or that will
not be improved by available medical treatment within the time allowed.
(b) Any medical condition (inclusive of symptoms) that has not developed or
has not been aggravated during the warm-up or the match.
(e) Any medical condition requiring oxygen, unless prior medical approval
has been given by the ITF. Except as permitted by this provision, the use
of supplemental oxygen is not permitted at any time, for any reason.
Sch.5- 1
2. Medical evaluation
2.1 During the warm-up or the match, the Player may request through the Chair
Umpire for the Sports Physiotherapist, in conjunction with the Independent
Doctor, to evaluate him during the next change over or set break. Only in the
case that a Player develops an acute medical condition that necessitates an
immediate stop in play may the Player request through the Chair Umpire for the
Sports Physiotherapist, in conjunction with the Independent Doctor, to evaluate
him immediately.
2.2 The purpose of the medical evaluation is to determine if the Player has
developed a treatable medical condition and, if so, to determine when medical
treatment is warranted. Such evaluation should be performed within a
reasonable length of time, balancing player safety on the one hand, and
continuous play on the other. At the discretion of the Referee, such evaluation
may be performed off-court and may proceed in conjunction with the
Independent Doctor.
2.3 If the Referee, in consultation with the Independent Doctor, determines that the
Player has a non-treatable medical condition, then the Player will be advised that
no medical treatment will be allowed.
3. Medical Time-Out
3.2 The Medical Time-Out begins when the Sports Physiotherapist is ready to start
treatment. At the discretion of the Referee, treatment during a Medical Time-Out
may take place off-court, and may proceed in conjunction with the Independent
3.4 A Player is allowed one Medical Time-Out for each distinct treatable medical
condition. All clinical manifestations of heat illness shall be considered as one
treatable medical condition. All treatable musculoskeletal injuries that manifest
as part of a kinetic chain continuum shall be considered as one treatable medical
3.5 A Player may receive treatment for muscle cramping only during the time allotted
for change of ends and/or set breaks. Players may not receive a Medical Time-
Out for muscle cramping.
Sch.5- 2
3.6 In cases where there is doubt about whether the Player suffers from an acute
medical condition, non-acute medical condition inclusive of muscle cramping, or
non-treatable medical condition, the decision of the Referee, in consultation with
the Independent Doctor, is final. If the Sports Physiotherapist, in conjunction with
the Independent Doctor, believes that the Player has heat illness, and if muscle
cramping is one of the manifestations of heat illness, then the muscle cramping
may only be treated as part of the recommended treatment by the Sports
Physiotherapist, in conjunction with the Independent Doctor, for the heat illness
3.7 A Player who has stopped play by claiming an acute medical condition, but is
determined by the Referee, in consultation with the Independent Doctor, to have
muscle cramping, shall be ordered by the Chair Umpire to resume play
3.8 If the Player cannot continue playing due to severe muscle cramping, as
determined by the Referee, in consultation with the Independent Doctor, he may
forfeit the point(s)/game(s) needed to get to a change of ends or set-break in
order to receive treatment. There may be a total of two full change of ends
treatments for muscle cramping in a match, not necessarily consecutive.
3.10 A total of two consecutive Medical Time-Outs may be allowed by the Referee
for the special circumstance in which the Sports Physiotherapist, in conjunction
with the Independent Doctor, determines that the Player has developed at least
two distinct acute and treatable medical conditions. This may include: a medical
illness in conjunction with a musculoskeletal injury; two or more acute and
distinct musculoskeletal injuries. In such cases, the Sports Physiotherapist, in
conjunction with the Independent Doctor, will perform a medical evaluation for
the two or more treatable medical conditions during a single evaluation, and may
then determine that two consecutive Medical Time-Outs are required.
4. Medical Treatment
4.1 A Player may receive on-court medical treatment and/or supplies from the Sports
Physiotherapist, and/or Independent Doctor during any changeover or set
break. As a guideline, such medical treatment should be limited to two
changeovers/set breaks for each treatable medical condition, before or after a
Medical Time-Out, and need not be consecutive. Players may not receive
medical treatment for non-treatable medical conditions.
5. Penalty
Sch.5- 3
game. Any Player abuse of this provision will be subject to penalty in accordance
with the unsportsmanlike conduct section of the Code of Conduct.
6. Bleeding
6.1 If a Player is bleeding, the Chair Umpire must stop play as soon as possible, and
the Sports Physiotherapist should be called to the court by the Chair Umpire for
evaluation and treatment. The Sports Physiotherapist, in conjunction with the
Independent Doctor, will evaluate the source of the bleeding, and will request a
Medical Time-Out for treatment if necessary.
6.3 If blood has spilled onto the court or its immediate vicinity, play must not resume
until the blood spill has been cleaned appropriately.
7. Vomiting
7.1 If a Player is vomiting, the Chair Umpire must stop play if vomiting has spilled
onto the court, or if the Player requests medical evaluation. If the Player requests
medical evaluation, then the Sports Physiotherapist, in conjunction with the
Independent Doctor, must determine if the Player has a treatable medical
condition, and if so, whether the medical condition is acute or non-acute.
7.2 If vomiting has spilled onto the court, play must not resume until the vomit spill
has been cleaned appropriately.
8. Incapacity
8.1 If any concern arises about a Player's medical condition (whether physical or
psychological) that he is unable to compete, or he poses a serious health risk to
other Players, Officials or Tie organisers or staff, the Sports Physiotherapist
and/or Independent Doctor should be called to assist the Player.
8.2 If the issue arises during a match, the Chair Umpire should immediately call for
the Sports Physiotherapist and/or Independent Doctor to assist the Player.
8.3 The Independent Doctor is responsible for ensuring that the Player is afforded
the best medical attention, that his well-being is not put at risk, and that his
medical condition is not a risk to other Players or the public at large. All
discussions between the Independent Doctor and the Player take place within
the context of a doctor-patient relationship and are therefore confidential and
may not be divulged to a third party without the informed consent of the player.
However, if the Independent Doctor determines that the Player’s medical
condition makes the Player unable to participate safely in the match, the Player
must permit the Independent Doctor to advise the Referee of their determination
(only disclosing medical information to which the Player has consented). Upon
Sch.5- 4
receipt of such a report from the Independent Doctor, the Referee will decide
whether to retire the Player from the match in progress or withdraw him from the
match to be played (as applicable). The Referee shall use great discretion before
taking this action, and should base the decision on the best interests of
professional tennis, as well as taking all medical opinion and advice, and any
other relevant information into consideration.
9. Toilet break
9.1 A Player is allowed to request permission to leave the court for a reasonable
time for a toilet break.
9.2 Toilet breaks should be taken on a set break and can be used for no other
9.3 In singles, a Player is entitled to one toilet break during a best of three set match
and two toilet breaks during a best of five set match.
9.4 In doubles matches, each doubles team is entitled to a total of two breaks. If
partners leave the court together, it counts as one of the team’s authorised
9.5 Any time a Player leaves the court for a toilet break, it is considered one of the
authorised breaks regardless of whether or not the opponent has left the court.
9.6 Any toilet break taken after a warm-up has started is considered one of the
authorised breaks.
9.7 Additional breaks will be authorised but will be penalised in accordance with the
Point Penalty Schedule if the Player is not ready to play within the allowed time.
9.8 Any Player abuse of this rule will be subject to penalty in accordance with the
unsportsmanlike conduct section of the Code of Conduct.
Sch.5- 5
Board of Directors
David Haggerty (USA) (Chair), Katrina Adams (USA) (Vice President), Bernard Giudicelli
(FRA) (Vice President), Bulat Utemuratov (KAZ) (Vice President), Rene Stammbach (SUI)
(Treasurer), Carlos Bravo (CRC), Martin Corrie (GBR), Jack Graham (CAN), Anil Khanna
(IND), Nao Kawatei (JPN), Ulrich Klaus (GER), Salma Mouelhi Guizani (TUN), Camilo
Perez Lopez Moreira (PAR), Mary Pierce (FRA), Aleksei Selivanenko (RUS), Stefan
Tzvetkov (BUL), Mark Woodforde (AUS).
Mark Woodforde (AUS/BoD) (Chair), Jennifer Bishop (CAN), Goran Djokovic (SRB), Ismail
El Shafei (EGY), Patrick Galbraith (USA), Bernard Guidicelli (FRA/BoD), Gijs Kooken (BEL),
Scott Lloyd (GBR), Sergio Palmieri (ITA), Minoru Ueda (JPN), Dietloff von Arnim (GER),
Rafael Westrupp (BRA), Evgeniy Zukin (UKR), Enric Rojas (Kosmos – Observer).
Sch.6- 1