Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
1 Algebraic Expressions
x +1 e) x 2
d) f)
y xz
x ( z 2 + 1) 4
2.1.2 Constants
1 5 , 2 , 6,
Variables are represented by the letters of the alphabet. Examples of variables are: a, b, t, x, y, z 2.1.4 Polynomials
x x 5x + 2 b)
3 2
7 a 3 b 2 4a 2 b 3 + ab 4 1 5 c)
2.1.5 Terms of a Polynomial A term of a polynomial is a nonzero constant or the product of a nonzero constant and one or more variables with nonnegative integral or whole number exponents. A polynomial can be considered as the sum of a finite number of terms. x x x3 5 x 2 + 2 x3 + ( 5 x 2 ) + 2 For example, the can be written as and the
2 3 terms are x , 5x , and 2 . Any factor of a term is called the coefficient of the other factors. For example, in 2a2b3, 2 is the coefficient of a2b3, 2a2 is the coefficient of b3, and so on. The nonzero constant in a tem is the numerical or constant coefficient and the remaining factor is the literal coefficient. For example, in 5xyz, the numerical or constant coefficient is 5 and the literal coefficients are x, y, and z. Terms having the same literal coefficients are similar terms. For 1 3 4 3 4 y z example, 9y3z4, 2 , and y3z4 are similar terms with y z as the common literal coefficients. Terms that have different literal coefficients are dissimilar terms. For example, 3x3y2 and 7x2y3 are dissimilar terms. x
2.1.6 Degree of a Polynomial The degree of a term of a polynomial in one variable is the exponent of the variable, while the degree of a term in two or more variables is the sum of the exponents of all the variables of a polynomial. For example, the degree of 7y7 is 7, while the degree of 5x2 y5z3 is 10. The degree of a nonzero term is zero. The degree of a polynomial is the same as the degree of the term with the highest degree in the polynomial. For example, the degree of the polynomial 4x5 y4 2x6 y5 + 3xy + 8 is 11 because 2x6 y5 is the term with the highest degree, 11. The degree of the constant zero is not defined. 2.1.7 Standard Form of a Polynomial A polynomial is in standard form if its terms are arranged in the decreasing power of one variable. The polynomial, x7 2x6 + 5x5 4x3 + 7x 2 is in standard form because the terms are arranged in the decreasing power of x. Likewise, the polynomial 3a4b2 2a3b + 6ab3 + 4b4 is in standard form because the terms are arranged in the decreasing power of a not of b. 2.1.8 Classification of Polynomials Polynomials are classified according to:
A. Number of Terms a) monomial a polynomial of one term. b) binomial a polynomial of two terms. c) trinomial a polynomial of three terms. d) quadrinomial a polynomial of four terms. e) multinomial a polynomial of two ore more terms. 1) Degree a) linear a polynomial of degree 1. b) quadratic a polynomial of degree 2. c) cubic a polynomial of degree 3. d) quartic a polynomial of degree 4. e) nth degree a polynomial of degree n. The following table shows the classification of polynomials according to the number of terms and degree. Polynomials 20 2x 3 x4 5x3y3 + 3y2 4y5 + x3y3 3x2y2 xy 2x x8 + x5 7x3 + 3x2 2 2.2 Evaluation of Algebraic Expressions To evaluate an algebraic expression means to find the numerical value of the given expression by replacing the variables with the specified numbers, and performing the indicated operations. The replacement or substitution property is used in evaluating an algebraic expression. Example. Evaluate each of the following expressions for the specified value of the variable. x 3 + 3x 2 + 2 x for x = 2 1) y =3
2 2) 2( x y ) 5 x( x y ) + 1 for x = 2 and
Number of Terms 1 2 3 4 5
Degree 0 1 6 9 8
4a 3b c 3) 2a b 3 for a = 1, b = 1, c = 2 z=3
The expression an is a power or the nth power of a. The number a is the base (the repeated factor), and the number n is the exponent (the number of times the base is taken as a factor). When no exponent is written, the exponent is understood to be one. This means that there is only one factor and a1 = a. Examples:
5 a) 6 = 6 6 6 6 6
(product of 5 factors each equal to 6) (product of 4 factors each equal to 5) (product of 3 factors each equal to 4) (product of 2 factors each equal to 3) (one factor equal to 2)
b) 5 = 5 5 5 5 3 c) 4 = 4 4 4 2 d) 3 = 3 3 e) 21 = 2
2a k +1 b Like powers are powers having the same base. Thus, x , x , and x are like powers with x as the common base.
2.3.1 Laws of Exponents The laws of exponents are very useful in simplifying expressions containing powers.
Zero Exponents
( 4) 3
0 b) 2 + x
0 c) 2 x
d) 2 x 5 x + 1
2 0
Example 2. Perform the indicated operations using the laws of exponents and simplify. Assume that no denominator is equal to zero. 2 3 2 12 a b c 21ab 2c 3
2 3 4 a) 5a b 3a b
4 3 2 2 4 1 b) 5 x y z 2 x y z
(3 )(3 ) (3 )(3 )
5 6 2 3
(3x (2x
y 2 z 4 y 2 z 3
) )
3 2
(b ) (b )
1 2 e) 5 x y
5 2 a 4b 3 3 3 2 c d f)
2 2 x +3 33 x2 h) 3
x 3 2
x+2 2
2.4 Operations on Polynomials 2.4.1 Addition and Subtraction Basic Principle: Only similar terms can be combined algebraically by using the distributive property. The sum or difference of dissimilar terms can only be indicated. 2) Monomials The following are the rules in adding and subtracting monomials.
Rule 1: For addition of similar terms, add the numerical coefficients using the rule of sign for addition and multiply the sum by the common literal coefficients. Rule 2: For subtraction of similar terms, change the sign of the subtrahend and add. Rule 3: For addition and subtraction of dissimilar terms, the sum and difference can only be indicated. 3) Polynomials The following are the steps in adding and subtracting polynomials. Step 1: Arrange the terms of the given polynomials such that similar terms are in the same vertical columns. Step 2: For addition, combine similar terms in each column. For subtraction, change the sign of all the terms of the subtrahend and add. Example 1. Add the following monomials:
2 2 2 2 2 a) 3a b , 5a b , a b , 7 a b , and 6a b 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 b) 3 x y , x y , 7 x y , 3 x y , and 2 x y
Example 3. Subtract:
3 2 3 2 4) 5 x 3 x + 2 x + 2 from 2 x + 3x 9 x 5 2 2 5) the sum of 2 x + 7 x + 1 and 7 x + 5 from 4 x 2 x + 3 c) the sum of 5y2 + 8y + 4 and 7y2 + 9y 6 from the sum of 8y2 + 7 and 6y 11
2.4.2 Multiplication 6) Product of Monomials Rule: Multiply the numerical coefficients applying the rule of sign for multiplication and the literal coefficients applying the product of powers. Example. Find the product of the following:
3 2 4 3 2 1) (2 x y )(7 x y )( x y ) (3a 3b 2 x 3 )(2bc 3 y )(a 2 c 2 x 2 )
7) Product of a Monomial and a Polynomial Rule: Apply the distributive property. (Multiply the monomial to each of the terms of the polynomial and simplify). Example. Find the product of the following. 2 3 2 1) 4a (5a 3a + 5a 6) 2) ( 3 x 2 y 3 z)(2 x 3 y 2 5 y 3 z 3 + 4 x 2 z 2 1)
Product of Polynomials The following are the steps in multiplying polynomials Step 1: Arrange both multiplicand and multiplier in decreasing power of a common letter Step 2: Multiply each term of the multiplier to all the terms of the multiplicand. The result is called a partial product. Step 3: Add all partial products obtained in Step 2.
2 2 1) 2 x 5 x 3 4 x + 3x 1 3 x 4 + 2 x 2 y 2 4 xy 3 + x 3 y 2 y 4 5 x 2 2 y 2
8) Symbols of Grouping Symbols of grouping are used to indicate that two or more terms are to be considered as one. The three commonly used symbols of grouping are the parentheses ( ), the brackets [ ], and the braces { }. One way to simplify an algebraic expression is by removing the symbols of grouping and combining similar terms. Removing the symbols of grouping is an application of the distributive property. The following are the rules in removing symbols of grouping. Rule 1: Remove the symbols of grouping one at a time starting from the innermost symbol of grouping. Rule 2: If the symbol of grouping is preceded by: a) +1, simply remove the symbol of grouping and combine similar terms. b) 1, change the signs of all the terms enclosed and combine similar terms. Rule 3: If the symbol of grouping is preceded by any number other than 1, apply the distributive property and combine similar terms. Example 1. Simplify each of the following expressions by removing the symbols of grouping and combining similar terms. a) 4( 3 x y ) 2( 2 x + 5 y ) + 5( x y ) b) 5 ( 2b 3c ) ( 3a 4b ) ( a b 2c ) + ( c 2a 5b ) c) 2a( 3 x + y ) 3b( x y ) + x( a 2b ) 3 y ( 2a + b ) d) 5a [ 2b ( 3a 7b ) ] + 3( 2a b ) e) 3 [ ( x 9) 4( 3 x 2 ) ( 6 + x ) 5] f) 5 x[ 5 + x( 4 + x ) + 2 x(1 x ) ]
g) 4{ 7 [ 4 2( 5 x 3 y ) ]} 6{ 3 [ 2 3( x + 2 y ) ]} h) 6 x { 7 y [10 x ( 3 y 4 x ) ] ( 4 y + 5 x )}
i ) 2[ 3a { b 2c + ( 3a 2b )} ] 2[ b + 3c { a ( b 3c )} ] j ) 3a { 6 2[ 2( c 3b ) + 2( c a ) + b] + 2a} Example 2. Complete the statements by inserting the correct expression inside the parentheses. Note: When grouping terms, the same rules in removing symbols of grouping shall also apply. a) 2a + 5b 3c = 2a + ( b) 5 x 2 y 7 z = 5 x (
c) 6m + 3n 5 p = 3n (
) )
) )
2.4.3 Division 9) Quotient of Monomials Rule: Divide the numerical coefficients applying the rule of sign for division and the literal coefficients applying the quotient of power Example: Find the quotient of the following.
8 10 6 2 3 4 1) 64r s t 80r s t
3a 5b 2 c 2 a 2b 3c 2) 81x y z 27 x y z
10) Quotient of a Polynomial by a Monomial Rule: Divide each term of the polynomial by the monomial and simplify. Example: Find the quotient of the following. 27 a 3 b 3 c 4 + 18a 4 b 4 c 2 36 5 b 3 c 9a 2 b 2 c 2 1) 21x 3n + 5 15 x 2 n 1 + 9 x n 2 5 x n + 2 3x n + 2 2)
Quotient of Polynomials The following are the steps in dividing polynomials. Step1: Arrange the terms of both dividend and divisor in decreasing power of a common letter. For the dividend, leave a space for every missing power. Step2: Divide the 1st term of the dividend by the 1 st term of the divisor to get the 1st term of the quotient. The result is called a partial quotient. Step3: Multiply the partial quotient obtained in STEP 2 to each of the terms of the divisor and subtract the product from the dividend. The result is called a new dividend. Step4:Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the new dividend is zero (no remainder) or of a degree lower than the degree of the divisor (this represents the remainder) Step 5: Write the quotient as: Remainder + Q = partial quotient Divisor Example. Find the quotient of the following.
4 2 3 2 1) 8 x + 9 x 18 x 6 4 x + 2 3 x 2) 5 4 4 2 3 2 2 6 x 5 x y 24 xy 10 x y x 2 y
) (
) (
Synthetic Division Synthetic division is the shortest and simplest method of dividing a polynomial, P(x), by a binomial in the form x c, where c is a constant. Thus, P( x) R = Q( x) + xc x c , c is a constant The following are the steps in performing synthetic division: Step 1: Write the dividend, P(x) in the form an x n + an 1 x n 1 + an 2 x n 2 + ... + a1 x + a0 Step2: On one line, write the numerical coefficients of the dividend in the decreasing power of the letter. Supply zero as the coefficient of every missing power
Step3: Replace the divisor xc with c and write this on the 1st line after the last coefficient. Step 4: Bring down the 1st coefficient, an to the 1st position on the 3rd line. Step5: Multiply an by c, and write the product in the 2nd line below the 2nd coefficient, an-1; add the product to an-1, and write the sum in the 3rd line. Step6: Multiply this sum by c and write the product in the 2nd line below the 3rd coefficient an-2 ; add the product to an-2 and write the sum in the 3rd line. Step7: Continue the process of Step 5 and 6 until a product is added to the last coefficient. Step8: The last number in the 3rd line is the remainder and the numbers reading from left to right are the coefficients of the quotient, which is one degree lower than the degree of the dividend. D.1 Remainder Theorem The Remainder Theorem is used to find the remainder when a polynomial in x, P(x), is divided by a divisor, x c without actually performing synthetic division.
P( x ) R = Q( x ) + xc xc P( x ) R = Q( x ) + ( x c ) xc xc P( x ) = Q( x )( x c ) + R P( c ) = Q( c )( c c ) + R P( c ) = Q( c )( 0 ) + R
( x c)
Multiply both sides by x c Replace x with c
P( c) = R
This shows that the remainder is the value of P(x) when x = c. The theorem is known as the Remainder Theorem.
Example. A. Find the quotient of the following using synthetic division. Check the remainder obtained using the Remainder Theorem.
4 3 1) 2 x 5 x 3 x 2 ( x 3) (27 x 3 + 18 x 2 + 21x + 15) (3x + 1)
5 4 3 2 2) 2 x 5 x 10 x 8 x + 1 ( x 4)
4 2 4) 4 x x 2 ( 2 x + 1)
+ 7 x 4 + 8 x 3 9 x 2 + 19 x 10 x 3 + 4 x 2 2 x + 5
) (
4 3 2 2 2) 4m + 2m 6m 7 m 3 2m + 2m + 1
) (
x 5 x 4 + 11x 3 23x 2 + 24 x 15 2 x 2 x + 5
) (