Chapter 5 Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 5 Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 5 Hypothesis Testing
Self-Test Activity
Ho: Music therapy does not lessen the burdens of cancer patients.
Ho: There is no effect on the Lifestyles and Eating Habits in Man’s Health Condition.
Ha: There is an effect on the Lifestyles and Eating Habits in Man’s Health Condition.
Ho: There is no significant effect on the students’ perception of the teacher and
performance in Mathematics.
Ha: There is a significant effect on the students’ perception of the teacher and
performance in Mathematics.
Ho: There is no significant relationship on the mortality rate increase with man ages.
Ha: There is a significant relationship on the mortality rate increase with man ages.
6. Traditional classroom teaching is better than the Modern classroom teaching.
7. Students in the morning classes performed better than the students in the evening
Ho: There is no significant difference between students in the morning classes and
students in the evening classes.
Ha: There is a significant difference between students in the morning classes and
students in the evening classes.
Ho: Absentee parenting has no positive effect deposited to children left behind.
Ha: Absentee parenting has a positive effect deposited to children left behind.
Ho: There is no significant difference between quality education and rate of tuition
Ha: There is a significant difference between quality education and rate of tuition fee.
II. Complete for the missing information.
5. Computation
𝑥̅ = 45, 𝑛 = 16, 𝜇 = 50, 𝜎 = 5
t = 3.87
1. Conclusion:
The computed value is greater than the tabulated value, therefore, the null
hypothesis is rejected. The average tensile strength of the steel wire is equal to 50
2. A controversial issue need to be resolved by officials of a certain university
with regards to absenteeism of students. The group supports the idea that
absenteeism of students will not affect their academic performance, and
should never be a reason for failing. A group of 24 students who were found
to have absences in their classes were considered in the study and showed
an average academic performance of 85.78. The average performance of the
students in that university was recorded at 82.98 with a standard deviation of
24.87. Test if absenteeism should never be a reason for students’ failure in the
class. Test at 99% level of confidence.
1. Ho- Absenteeism has no effect with students’ academic performance and their
reason for failing.
Ha- Absenteeism has an effect with students’ academic performance and their
reason for failing.
5. Computation
𝑥̅ = 85.78, 𝑛 = 24, 𝜇 = 82.98, 𝜎 = 24.87
z = 0.552
6. Conclusion
The computed value is not significant enough to reject the null hypothesis.
Therefore, students’ absenteeism has no effect to their academic performance and
reason for failing.
3. A university professor wish to find out if the computer aided instructions
really improved students’ performance in his mathematics class. He used two
groups of students with similar intelligence in his actual experimental research.
Group A with 25 students make used of the traditional method of teaching and
Group B with 25 students used the computer aided instructions. Post test
revealed that Group A has a computed mean of 84 while group B averaged to
87. if the computed standard deviation for the whole class is 7.89, is it safe to
conclude that the computer aided instructions really improved students’
performance in mathematics class.
1. Ho- The computer aided instructions did not improve students’ performance in Mathematics
5. Computation
6. Conclusion
The computed value is less than the tabulated value, therefore we fail to reject the null
hypothesis. Computer aided instructions did not improve the students’ performance in Math.
5. The average typing speed of a good typist was recorded at 75 words per
minute. 24 typists from one of the country’s prestigious company were tried
and given a typing test. Results showed that the average typing speed of the
said typists were recorded at 55 words per minute with a computed standard
deviation of 15.78. Is it safe to conclude that the 24 typists are below the
1. Ho – The average typing speed of the typists are above or equal to 75 words per
Ha - The average typing speed of the typists are below 75 words per minute.
df = 24 – 1 = 23
one tailed test tabular value: 1.714
6. Statethe conclusion: There is not enough evidence that the population mean is less
than 75 at the 0.05 level of significance. Therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.
6. A research was conducted so as to establish strong linkages between
academic achievements of OFW and Non-OFW children. Records of ten
students from each group was taken and were noted as follows;
4. Tabular value
df = 10 + 10 – 2 = 18
two tailed test tabular value = 2.878
5. Computation
6. Conclusion
There is not enough evidence to claim that the population mean is different than the
significant level. Therefore, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.
7. Records from the registrar’s office showed that the mean grade of
Engineering student was recorded at 87.45. Grades of 30 Engineering
student was taken and the mean was found to be 89 with a standard
deviation of 16. Is it safe to conclude that the 30 students were better than
the rest? Set the level of significance at 0.05.
3. Determine the type of test used. t – test, sample mean compared with population
4. Tabular value df = 30 – 1 = 29 one tailed
tabular value = 1.699
5. Computation
T= 0.5306
6. Conclusion: The null hypothesis is not rejected. The 30 students were not better than
the rest.
8. At the beginning of the school year, the average achievement test of the
student was recorded at 45. The reason given out for the low average was
students’ very low comprehension skill. 35 students were subjected to rigid
reading comprehension technique and was found to have an average of
56 with a standard deviation of 7.89. Has the sample made a significant
progress because of the rigid reading comprehension technique? Use
0.01 level of significance.
1. Ho – The rigid reading comprehension technique did not make a significant
progress for the achievement test.
Ha – The rigid reading comprehension technique made a significant progress for the
achievement test.
3. Determine the type of test used. t – test, sample mean compared with population
5. Computation
6. Conclusion
The null hypothesis is rejected, The rigid reading comprehension technique made a
significant progress for the achievement test.
9. A researcher is trying to determine whether the computer aided
instructions improved student proficiency in carrying statistical tasks. Two
groups of students were utilized in the test both consisting of 32 students
of equal IQ’s and the result was taken after three months. The first group
using the computer-aided instruction recorded a mean grade of 82.45 with
standard deviation of 49.9, while the other group make used of the
traditional method has a recorded average grade of 80.67 with the
computed standard deviation of 56.78. Did the computer-aided
instructions increase student’s proficiency?
1. Ho – The computer aided instructions did not improve the student proficiency in carrying
statistical tasks
Ha - The computer aided instructions improved the student proficiency in carrying statistical
2. The level of significance is set at 0.01.
3. Determine the type of test used: t – test, comparing two sample means
4. Tabular value
df = 32 + 32 – 2 = 62
one tailed test tabular value = 2.388
5. Computation
6. Conclusion
We fail to reject the null hypothesis. The computer aided instructions improved the students’
proficiency in carrying statistical tasks
10. A group of women claimed that female employees received lower
payments as compared to their male counterparts, although they were
found to be equal in educational qualifications. They conducted a study to
support if the claim was true. A total of 32 women currently employed
received a mean annual salary of 125, 345 with a standard deviation of
1456.78. While another group of 32 male workers were considered in the
study and received a mean annual salary of 145, 876 with a standard
deviation of 102, 456. At 95% level of confidence can we support that the
claimed of women is true.
1. Ho - The female employees received higher or equal payments as compared to their male
3. Determine the type of test used. t – test, comparing two sample means
4. Tabular value
df = 32 + 32 – 2 = 62
one tailed test
tabular value = -2.388
5. Computation
6. Conclusion
The null hypothesis is rejected. The female employees received lower payments as
compared to their male counterparts.