B.tech. Biotechnology Notes
B.tech. Biotechnology Notes
B.tech. Biotechnology Notes
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PrctecttdentihcatiuFadulaxoha.d lnpldnenlallah 63 t c r f o ) o r d i aco n u o l.J kn d .p' 1d o h.nr .' r 0.onp.e p8ni.ipanb rdniintr ir ro dbiftyolth prc.rect r'o D' oc! sldal l ooti hc
hlen rocoftcrde deviaions. panicipidon allIh. n.jor cx4uti!6 ofdc is by of Tha corrrol syal.n lo b. dcsgnrd de a.tjvc
pbjecr t.am so thd the synemcM stlsfy dc ndual rcquftmenb
Sono ol ihe ConlrolSyslems as Under are ' . . r . . Wort brcatdownshctur. Bd chdfllliLeiodc chan Prqruftm.-procrc$ chRn Monllrly n{us r.pons Lin! oi BalucefLoB) .hd ElmcdVrle aialysij
N fl eoh plan P r(((d"nr d . e . -P V ? [ P T " o r]
t N.l wor& simuhrioi (WBS)lor Projeut Conlrol slrqclure UseotWofkBreakdown work ftl ol ft. obj@tiE WBSn to brok dowrrlE*hoLe llojecrit smaile! packagq {e el'r, !co@l!lv plrn.ad. and budeclad. {hcdulcd contollcd can identitable (nar bedcfinci, ind
A debil.dac@unr.fworkBEtk Dowr Stnctu'. (wBs) andOrgatjsdionslBd'tDo*n Stdctult ll (OBS) givdt in paralr l0 chaprer is of drecl con ror IhecomPldion th! packagc,lnu rvorkpackage rhewBS. 6c budseted in I,orcach $hcdulc(io rhcnan aod.nd dard. lnd th' man'Powei Limc l^kcnior itt conplcrionlh! litrro j scJL ;i ^ d to' por qco- ol lh' lum of 6c budS'bd rh r " ' o i tb.'.@u n s n \' wh. n p6j 4t .o r o" cr r nr .1avhdlc p ..-r'6v' r .J' " *-" . r ' "" - --t. con ovrhcadrxrc addcdro rhc dtccr con. rl giv$ tM ornl budgcrcd oi dc pbj@t. Haling pa.kage,tlra adlal tio.slEnt' Frcpdld the me, con rd mai-pow.r ftqunemetts to. eacheork iot ijic ndualconiircurcdandde xcrut'lr,,dPo*crus.dm. conrpued ca.hworkFcka8cand14'
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(E Er r n od val!e A nary3is V A )
oi acdvidcs poj.ct o! mY
r$ di Y <r ?; l ' P lonn"lc r r sc r o,n. ' ,n..,. "d Fid.d vold Anal ti r - F lordrncc aidltns Mod(n ndrho( ' t providcs analyli.irl e*orr l0r ' .0 . - r tr r I o' _r if,:Lng 010^ k. c J sie :: ' :': an , L uor p' Io 1:n.e amr .J co r PeJom @ 'e : rooe^ !" ,,. r1itrt.c (ni irriuilr.r - 1. ' nder ,.
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P4 Wor! sch.dulcd drY ld Wo* schcdultd 6 drY\ rr0 con ol oir n{i ilooi Dodsdcd
: BCWP 1 2 0 :3 h*J's : Rs 160
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haYa oilt lztl compurcis be.ninsalled AtEr l6 dnY5,
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S.hrdrte P.rfomar&
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hav' betn No ofjDstalla on! rlar oughrro (16 X l0) cohpletcdand 16 d'Yr No of insElldjois lctrrliv coDltcrcd
T s lrl rrr lrr is TV \ d. ,'m. equ r, !i pd of rare iniEllddon day$ Pl rhe ro mJ[c guuL] \h'n llLlol 40,rho ol Li!y\ requtr.d
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!h. Fo. bj*t. t'.i:cE involrlns, lIsu iunrbn o13c vnrcs. plolccrsheluling b4on6 vcry c o t p l d d d l n cu s.l o 'co D ve i rionr L|!r lt.td' oi51i:tdr r lik.bich' sandniknon ac h&6 pr viil norbccttecrlYiCo.,pLcx under c$iDahono. ov(r cihrarioi oI pruj3.(nplcrhhr on pe.iod,borhoI *hich will hrvc sdiousconscqu.ncd. $e pojecr.onplcion n. is uic.i eniod.d rhcacru,linplemcnkuon II cnllcdrtihc priod of dmc rAulrinsin ehar ir kchnically will bc morerhai dc .simared D.riod ro ove.dn . Iivari.bly.rln'clverni rcads cor ovci rutrof 0rcj.dh.Ir ftc rddirionllcNti duct'
bl. ii rind, {he Projcd comple on wilr surfcru scr brck
prcj*r $h.duung corErhrndy solvidg in compkx bnsd$hedulinS ofprcjccb Nd wodr Prcbloms Gchiiquc!. uc Thcy Dct ftarc ar.lwo populd wotk.lcheduling ;. Cntical PaUr Mrhid .PM/
&b, ftosramD,eEvlludion Rcvi.w Tcdinkluc (PER'j) G.re! Chrflor3 to, flnhc. dcbih oi CPM .id PERTtcJrirq!.t
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of oI rhe sdc in|oeccoMl proba narure rinc iakdtior $e completion er vitks dd Ecogniss PERT detcmnF is pe$imlsic monlikclv)Howerer, .dd dme $@ probable 6l,nars (Optnisric, dnv pad wirrrour @8ddro jsdci; mvins d rhccn ..l latli sinc.lrk PERT aniY6d rlt c'iri" r '!
u ( u n ccn !n r;rd l r" <!l mrl n ' |l/r o1o (! hr ' cERr '" r c the rnr'c'l p'$ o0ry rhc nnrnhN incorFrating uDc(
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b r n g o u ' o n o i-o . Reqe' me' ng\ u I htlP
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Since @vi!w n(tlngs
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I d rls s s K re ^
d on tsa on t Conscnsus bc liiived
(ors" or -'-";h^ -r ts+ftl -- nT!!' d^. u(d ro crrcdotiv' cano. ii:;YP $ar Ndn unrolvld
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dff!' in
rvoid ouFof_nod sirur ons oo " ," , ft. porecr Dnor i'\ !-o f' . ;;""";'.; co.@L mcchlr'i' ' Bldbtsh PtoP.r
infomonor in{ernet ersyLo at Invodu.c efieclivcedv ro uddcistlnd p.cdcbmiacd procltcdanr af,d or availabihv msreno ha!. d Plm for thrimolv
fmPe cqJtre.
ed .q 6i.ct Eda!@d rD. !E Prc.cr he!s* - ' r oc.or ' \.v o.ro^! in o'A.niarions Fr' 'a.li \yho@c!py iop cx.curiv4 rioni wlrl be chor.nno'n imons soccc$n'l poi Prcj.eld6i3.B
to unli*.lincddas.G whom..xpos.d onlvlnri!li!. or.ctivitv "tttrll h b.c{ro of Ibcaon lnar aboutheopdr' and prolo!:fluagcu .xposcd thcroulo.sanizarion sainorcmllknowhdse to e com0l*. rhestvk or moretnd Dorc becones 'tlofu of Ul. differcnr deoonmcit. businc$ Ai op lo radiriodil hkrltchcalntocNr.will norb. ablc copc widltlE |tst o; r;!s.n.i( tnalrclics
ohinr.liS buriD.$ coiditions.
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otli.. Maiy n'ddl0 lcvclnrnisca nanv 0l5oros. .nd odDropqalonal.nploy..s in rh. Prcj.cr scarcc ottinuh ulilisatjon becoming 6.t Dosinors @oourc6.wnh den md mdcnalrcaourc.s ro lmpotcd t.ch_ ftsourcer. For $e Mduss wi! bc 81!d top prionry. oplimi?ing uk ot available Iimeco! rrdFolf 0nalvsis !nlu6.of prcj*t coiircl wouldbe(oneocenrioia ,rd moret.t{r mighrb. wq,ld bc cmicd our For oprjfrizdio' I tad-oft anaryrkrophh'i.ddddon'purc6 lho frol. oi Projbd M6na9.f6 ltloE 'ili! rols ol !bj*t narascrqould b*onc a cdoal andlnpon.Droncii rhcor3miadon, r.$i.3 &rerio, t.hDi,tu.s *orrd b. usedto' icle.riis p'oj.cr ddnis.6 Psrihorosical ibrcur ro woaldEccirc morcan niior, s lrojccr riat.gcm wnl b. cipecred dilplry vcrysood 'nerPcr prcjd manased inrcracl will notc frequcndv sofui &larioN t ancnSrhet rdm mcfrbs\ tne !/irh rb.lopbdagen.rr ed willg&jD1i6l nNd krowl.dgrUi slitxit loat sd rryO. orSaiia' do!.. r'hlr si! holp lncd lo lnoe how rh. oBMizdri.nrl loak ar. r.nJom.d iDropbjdct obj.c' ot rlv* d'd how th. noD-achicvcm-r pbjad objcdivc wili atLcr dc nr!t.3ic goqk of thc i,qieir,rioD. T!. poj..t Eersc^ wil bc expcccd to posa$ lh. folowi'is 3ullvquauri.s for lEbins dc orsdizrio! sudjve. qualiti.s tc.n boilding lcade^hip Dd ; lojccr nd.sen will bcexpccrcd toposdr hishcalibrd ,l ar rhc {o Proj@r nanagcswill bc cxpecr.d d. iv( llre goods aiy co( wirlrin coinftin$ ot rcq!@Fcnls rvdldblcEsoue.s wnhindrelimccoalraiiGandefti/iDs rh! pedomance rltrou8hout cot(i rousl, ro ADja.tmeageEwill bccxpe.tdr. hav.r|[ dbilny lemricw skills cotrdnioir, rhey will b. eip.d.d ro .m n.w drir csfui To coF uP *nh dr. ch3iging UcldrTnywrll be .ipectd 1o krow how m.ior policj drion3 drv.lopn!nb ii all rclaied . ro fi. tudc ed willb. lxpored lhr ecoiomir n \ rc n m. n r o f h r. o ! ry ! n L lo f rh c wo rd 5 o ve delf ptojeds crn brr Lhey make elobillvcofrpelil
d of b. by tolprner M inretlep.nie sysrcm nerwo*might sed for conmllins Oa!,r. linkcd nany Compuren migh'rePlacc crc s, accountanl! Di'irbdofpoj.cts hardlidbr tn or83.Ddiot.
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