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Doosan B10 - 13 - 15 - 16R-5 - SB4292E - 18.09

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For use in service manual

form SB4292E
Feb. 2013



This form lists the contents of the complete Service Manual for this product.
The items listed with form numbers are available and included in the manual.
If form numbers are listed with mark(*), they are not available for the initial
release of the manual. When items are updated, or supplements are added,
they will be provided separately.

Title form number

Service Manual Contents SB4293E00

Safety SB2003E01
Torque Specifications SB2004E00


MicroController Control Systems SB4294E00


Power Train SB4295E01


Vehicle System SB4296E00

Vehicle System D & A SB4297E00
Mast System SB4298E00
Hydraulic System Schematic SB4299E00
Electric System Schematic SB4300E01


Operation & Maintenance Manual SB2351E

Models ; B10R-5, B13R-5, B15R-5, B16R-5

This document is the informational asset of Doosan Corporation. Thus, unauthorized

access, revision, distribution and copying of this document are strictly prohibited.
July. 2012


The proper and safe lubrication and Do not operate this machine unless you have
maintenance for this machine, recommended read and understand the instructions in the
by DOOSAN, are outlined in the OPERATION OPERATOR'S GUIDE. Improper machine
& MAINTENANCE GUIDE for this machine. operation is dangerous and could result in
injury or death.
Improper performance of lubrication or
maintenance procedures is dangerous and 5. Use steps and grab handles (if applicable) when
could result in injury or death. Read and mounting or dismounting a machine. Clean any
understand the OPERATION & mud or debris from steps, walkways or work
MAINTENANCE GUIDE before performing any platforms before using. Always face machine when
lubrication or maintenance. using steps, ladders and walkways. When it is not
possible to use the designed access system,
provide ladders, scaffolds, or work platforms to
The service man or mechanic may be unfamiliar perform safe repair operations.
with many of the systems on this machine. This
makes it important to use caution when performing 6. To avoid back injury, use a hoist when lifting
service work. A knowledge of the system and/or components which weigh 23 kg (50 lb.) or more.
components is important before the removal or Make sure all chains, hooks, slings, etc., are in
disassembly of any component. good condition and are of the correct capacity. Be
sure hooks are positioned correctly. Lifting eyes are
Because of the size of some of the machine not to be side loaded during a lifting operation.
components, the serviceman or mechanic should
check the weights noted in this Manual, Use proper 7. To avoid burns, be alert for hot parts on machines
lifting procedures when removing any components. which have just been stopped and hot fluids in lines,
tubes and compartments.
Following is a list of basic precautions that should
always be observed.
8. Be careful when removing cover plates. Gradually
1. Read and understand all Warning plates and back off the last two bolts or nuts located at
decals on the machine before operating, opposite ends of the cover or device and pry cover
lubricating or repairing the product. loose to relieve any spring or other pressure, before
removing the last two bolts or nuts completely.
2. Always wear protective glasses and protective
shoes when working around machines. In 9. Be careful when removing filler caps, breathers and
particular, wear protective glasses when plugs on the machine. Hold a rag over the cap or
pounding on any part of the machine or its plug to prevent being sprayed or splashed by
attachments with a hammer or sledge. Use liquids under pressure. The danger is even greater
welders gloves, hood/goggles, apron and other if the machine has just been stopped because fluids
protective clothing appropriate to the welding job can be hot.
being performed. Do not wear loose-fitting or torn
clothing. Remove all rings from fingers when 10. Always use tools that are in good condition and be
working on machinery. sure you understand how to use them before
performing any service work.
3. Do not work on any machine that is supported
only by lift jacks or a hoist. Always use blocks or 11. Reinstall all fasteners with same part number. Do
jack stands to support the machine before not use a lesser quality fastener if replacements
performing any disassembly. are necessary. Do not mix metric fasteners with
standard nuts and bolts.
4. Lower the forks or other implements to the
ground before performing any work on the
12. If possible, make all repairs with the machine
machine. If this cannot be done, make sure the
forks or other implements are blocked correctly parked on a level, hard surface. Block machine so
to prevent them from dropping unexpectedly. it does not roll while working on or under machine.

1 of 2
13. Disconnect battery and discharge any capacitors 21. Do not operate a machine if any rotating part is
(electric trucks) before starting to work on damaged or contacts any other part during
machine. Hang "Do Not Operate" tag in the operation. Any high speed rotating component
Operator's Compartment. that has been damaged or altered should be
checked for balance before reusing.
14. Repairs, which require welding, should be
performed only with the benefit of the appropriate 22. On LP equipped lift trucks, be sure to close the
reference information and by personnel valve on the LP tank before service work is
adequately trained and knowledgeable in welding performed. Always close the valve on the LP
procedures. Determine type of metal being tank when the lift truck is being stored. Do not
welded and select correct welding procedure and check for LP leaks with an open flame.
electrodes, rods or wire to provide a weld metal
strength equivalent at least to that of parent 23. Caution should be used to avoid breathing dust
metal. that may be generated when handling
components containing asbestos fibers. If this
15. Do not damage wiring during removal operations. dust is inhaled, it can be hazardous to your
Reinstall the wiring so it is not damaged nor will it health. Components in DOOSAN products that
be damaged in operation by contacting sharp may contain asbestos fibers are brake pads,
corners, or by rubbing against some object or hot brake band and lining assemblies, clutch plates
surface. Do not connect wiring to a line and some gaskets. The asbestos used in these
containing fluid. components is usually bound in a resin or sealed
in some way. Normal handling is not hazardous
16. Be sure all protective devices including guards as long as airborne dust which contains asbestos
and shields are properly installed and functioning is not generated.
correctly before starting a repair. If a guard or
shield must be removed to perform the repair If dust which may contain asbestos is present, there
work, use extra caution. are several common sense guidelines that should be
17. Always support the mast and carriage to keep
carriage or attachments raised when a. Never use compressed air for cleaning.
maintenance or repair work is performed, which
requires the mast in the raised position. b. Avoid brushing or grinding of asbestos containing
18. Loose or damaged fuel, lubricant and hydraulic
lines, tubes and hoses can cause fires. Do not c. For clean up, use wet methods or a vacuum
bend or strike high pressure lines or install ones equipped with a high efficiency particulate air
which have been bent or damaged. Inspect lines, (HEPA) filter.
tubes and hoses carefully. Do not check for leaks
with your hands. Pin hole (very small) leaks can d. Use exhaust ventilation on permanent machining
result in a high velocity oil stream that will be jobs.
invisible close to the hose. This oil can penetrate
the skin and cause personal injury. Use e. Wear an approved respirator if there is no other
cardboard or paper to locate pin hole leaks. way to control the dust.

19. Tighten connections to the correct torque. Make f. Comply with applicable rules and regulations for
sure that all heat shields, clamps and guards are the work place (for example in the U.S.A., OSHA
installed correctly to avoid excessive heat, requirements as set forth in 29 CFR 1910. 1001).
vibration or rubbing against other parts during
operation. Shields that protect against oil spray g. Follow environmental rules and regulations for
onto hot exhaust components in event of a line, disposal of asbestos.
tube or seal failure must be installed correctly.
h. Avoid areas where asbestos particles may be in
20. Relieve all pressure in air, oil or water systems the air.
before any lines, fittings or related items are
disconnected or removed. Always make sure all
raised components are blocked correctly and be
alert for possible pressure when disconnecting
any device from a system that utilizes pressure.

2 of 2


This document is the informational asset of Doosan Corporation.

Thus, unauthorized access, revision, distribution and copying of this document are strictly prohibited.

NOTE : Take care to avoid mixing metric and inch dimensioned fasteners.
Mismatched or incorrect fasteners can result in vehicle damage or malfunction, or
possible injury. Exceptions to these torques are given in the Service Manual where

NOTE : Prior to installation of any hardware, be sure components are in near new
condition. Bolt and nut threads must not be worn or damaged. Hardware must be
free of rust and corrosion. Clean hardware with a non-corrosive cleaner and apply
engine oil to threads and bearing face. If thread lock or other compounds are to be
applied, do not apply engine oil.


(mm) (N i m) (lb i ft)
M6 12 ±3 9 ± 2
M8 28 ±7 20 ± 5
M10 55 ± 10 40 ± 7
M12 100 ± 20 75 ± 15
M14 160 ± 30 120 ± 22
M16 240 ± 40 175 ± 30
M20 460 ± 60 340 ± 44
M24 800 ± 100 600 ± 75
M30 1600 ± 200 1200 ± 150
M36 2700 ± 300 2000 ± 225


(mm) (N i m) (lb i ft)
M6 8 ± 3 6 ± 2
M8 17 ± 5 13 ± 4
M10 35 ± 5 26 ± 4
M12 65 ± 10 48 ± 7
M16 110 ± 20 80 ± 15
M20 170 ± 30 125 ± 22
M24 400 ± 60 300 ± 45
M30 650 ± 80 480 ± 60
M36 870 ± 100 640 ± 75

1 of 7

Exceptions to these torques are given in the Service

Manual where needed.


inch (N i m) (lb i ft)
1/4 12 ± 3 9 ± 2
5/16 25 ± 6 18.0 ± 4.5
3/8 47 ± 9 35 ± 7
7/16 70 ± 15 50 ± 11
1/2 105 ± 20 75 ± 15
9/16 160 ± 30 120 ± 20
5/8 215 ± 40 160 ± 30
3/4 370 ± 50 275 ± 35
7/8 620 ± 80 460 ± 60
1 900 ± 100 660 ± 75
1-1/8 1300 ± 150 950 ± 100
1-1/4 1800 ± 200 1325 ± 150
1-3/8 2400 ± 300 1800 ± 225
1-1/2 3100 ± 350 2300 ± 250


inch (N i m) (lb i ft)
1/4 8 ± 3 6 ± 2
5/16 17 ± 5 13 ± 4
3/8 35 ± 5 26 ± 4
7/16 45 ± 10 33 ± 7
1/2 65 ± 10 48 ± 7
5/8 110 ± 20 80 ± 15
3/4 170 ± 30 125 ± 22
7/8 260 ± 40 190 ± 30
1 400 ± 60 300 ± 45
1-1/8 500 ± 70 370 ± 50
1-1/4 650 ± 80 480 ± 60
1-3/8 750 ± 90 550 ± 65
1-1/2 870 ± 100 640 ± 75

2 of 7






inch (N i m) (lb i ft)
5/16-24 5.0 ± 1.5 45±15 lb i in
3/8-24 12 ± 2 110±20 lb i in
7/16-20 20 ± 4 15 ± 3
1/2-20 30 ± 5 22 ± 4
9/16-18 40 ± 5 30 ± 4
3/4-16 100 ± 15 75 ± 10
7/8-14 135 ± 15 100 ± 10
1 1/16-12 200 ± 25 150 ± 20
1 3/16-12 250 ± 25 185 ± 20
1 5/16-12 300 ± 40 225 ± 30
1 5/8-12 300 ± 40 225 ± 30
1 7/8-12 300 ± 40 225 ± 30
2 1/2-12 300 ± 40 225 ± 30


inch (N i m) (lb i ft)
9/16-18 16 ± 3 12 ± 2
11/16-16 30 ± 4 22 ± 3
13/16-16 50 ± 7 37 ± 5
1-14 90 ± 10 65 ± 7
1 3/16-12 120 ± 15 90 ± 10
1 7/16-12 160 ± 20 120 ± 15
1 11/16-12 190 ± 20 140 ± 15
2-12 215 ± 25 160 ± 20

3 of 7

HYDRAULIC LINE INSTALLATION 1. Put locknut (3), backup washer (4) and O-ring seal
(5) as far back on fitting body (2) as possible. Hold
these components in this position. Turn the fitting
1. For a metal tube to hose installation, install the tube into the part it is used on until backup washer (4) just
and tighten all bolts finger tight. makes contact with the face of the part it is used on.
2. Tighten the bolts at the rigid end. 2.To put the fitting assembly in its correct position, turn
3. Install the hose and tighten all bolts finger tight. the fitting body (2) out (counterclockwise) a
maximum of 359û. Tighten locknut (3) to the torque
4. Put the hose in a position so that it does not make shown in the correct chart for the fitting used.
contact with the machine or another hose.
NOTE: If the fitting is a connector (straight fitting), the
5. Tighten the bolts on both connections. hex on the body takes the place of the locknut. To
6. Start the engine. install this type fitting, tighten the hex against the face
of the part it goes into.
7. Move the implement control levers to all positions.
8. Look at the hose during movement of the
implement. Make sure hose is not in contact with TORQUES FOR FLARED AND O-RING FITTINGS
the machine or other hoses.
The torques shown in the charts that follow are to be
9. Shut off the engine.
used on the nut part of 37û Flared, 45û Flared and
10. If necessary, put the hose in a new position where it Inverted Flared fittings (when used with steel tubing),
will not make contact when the implement is moved. O-ring plugs, O-ring fittings and swivel nuts when
used in applications to 3000 psi (20 700 kPa).



This type of fitting is used in many applications. The tube

end of the fitting will be different in design so that it can
be used in many different applications. However, the
installation procedure of the fitting is the same. If the tube
end of the fitting body is the same as in the illustration
(either an elbow or a straight body) it will be necessary to
assemble the sleeve on the tube before connecting the
tube to the end.

1 IDAS003B


7.9 mm 0.9 ± 0.2 N i m 0.7 ± 0.2 N i m
(.312 in) 8 ± 2 lb i in 6 ± 2 lb i in
13.5 mm 4.5 ± 0.5 N i m 3.0 ± 0.5 N i m
(.531 in) 40 ± 5 lb i in 25 ± 5 lb i in
IDAS002B 6 15.9 mm 7.5 ± 0.5 N i m 4.5 ± 0.5 N i m
ELBOW BODY ASSEMBLY (.625 in) 65 ± 5 lb i in 40 ± 5 lb i in
(1) End of fitting body (connects to tube). (2) Fitting body.
(3) Lock-nut. (4) Backup washer. (5) O-ring seal. (6) End of fitting
that goes into other part.

4 of 7






METRIC INCH inch (N i m) (lb i ft)
3.18 .125 5/16 5.0 ± 1.5 4 ± 1
4.76 .188 3/8 11.0 ± 1.5 8 ± 1
6.35 .250 7/16 16 ± 2 12 ± 1
7.94 .312 1/2 20 ± 5 15 ± 4
9.52 .375 9/16 25 ± 5 18 ± 4
9.52 .375 5/8 35 ± 5 26 ± 4
12.70 .500 3/4 50 ± 7 37 ± 5
15.88 .625 7/8 65 ± 7 48 ± 5
19.05 .750 1-1/16 100 ± 10 75 ± 7
22.22 .875 1-3/16 120 ± 10 90 ± 7
25.40 1.000 1-5/16 135 ± 15 100 ± 11
31.75 1.250 1-5/8 180 ± 15 135 ± 11
38.10 1.500 1-7/8 225 ± 15 165 ± 11
50.80 2.000 2-1/2 320 ± 30 240 ± 22


Hi Duty (Shear sleeve) Tube Fittings
After tube has been put through the nut and makes
contact against the tube shoulder in the fitting body,
turn the nut with a wrench until a small decrease in
torque is felt. This is an indication that the sleeve has
been broken off the nut. Hold the tube to prevent IDAS005B
turning and tighten the nut 1-1/2 turns.

Hi Seal Fittings
Put nut and sleeve over the tubing with the short
heavy end of the sleeve facing the end of tubing. Put
the tube end against the counterbore in the body of
the fitting and tighten until nut is over the last thread IDAS006B
on the body. The remainder of space is used
whenever the fitting is removed and installed again.

5 of 7




METRIC INCH inch (N i m) (lb i ft)
3.18 .125 5/16 5.0 ± 1.5 4 ± 1
4.76 .188 3/8 8.0 ± 1.5 6 ± 1
6.35 .250 7/16 11 ± 2 8 ± 1
7.94 .312 1/2 17 ± 3 13 ± 2
9.52 .375 5/8 30 ± 3 22 ± 2
11.11 .438 11/16 30 ± 3 22 ± 2
12.70 .500 3/4 38 ± 4 28 ± 3
15.88 .625 7/8 50 ± 5 37 ± 4
19.05 .750 1-1/16 90 ± 8 65 ± 6
22.22 .875 1-1/4 100 ± 10 75 ± 7


Ermeto Tube Fittings
Put nut and sleeve over the tube with head or
shoulder end of sleeve next to nut. Push tube into
counterbore of fitting body as far as possible. Turn
nut clockwise until sleeve holds tube and prevents
movement. Tighten the nut 1-1/4 turns more to seat IDAS008B
sleeve and give a locking action. When necessary to
assemble again, put sleeve over tube and tighten nut
until a sudden increase in torque is felt. Then tighten
1/6 to 1/3 turn more to seat the sleeve.

Flex Fittings
Put nut and sleeve over the tubing and push tube in
to counterbore of fitting body as far as possible.
Tighten the nut until it is against the hex part of the
fitting body.

6 of 7






inch N im (lb i ft) N im (lb i ft) N im (lb i ft)
5/8-18 18 ±4 13 ± 3 30 ± 3 22 ± 2 23 ± 3 17 ± 2
3/4-16 37 ±4 27 ± 3 52 ± 5 38 ± 4 33 ± 4 24 ± 3
7/8-14 40 ±4 30 ± 3 60 ± 7 44 ± 5 38 ± 4 28 ± 3
1 1/16-14 45 ±5 33 ± 4 75 ± 8 55 ± 6 50 ± 5 37 ± 4


inch Nim (lb i ft) Nim (lb i ft)
1/16-27 15 11 20 15
1/8-27 20 15 25 18
1/4-18 25 18 35 26
3/8-18 35 26 45 33
1/2-14 45 33 60 45
3/4-14 60 45 75 55
1-11 1/2 75 55 90 65
1 1/4-11 1/2 95 70 110 80
1 1/2-11 1/2 110 80 130 95
2-11 1/2 130 95 160 120

7 of 7
July 2007

Micro Controller
Control System
System Operation
Testing & Adjusting

B10R-5, B13R-5, B15R-5, B16R-5

Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic safety
rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an
accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary training,
skills and tools to perform these functions properly.

Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result
in injury or death.

Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read and
understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard warnings are not
heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as “WARNING” as
shown below.

The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:

Attention ! Become Alert ! Your Safety is Involved.

The message that appears under the warning, explaining the hazard, can be either written or pictorially presented.

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in this publication.

DOOSAN cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings in
this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating
technique not specifically recommended by DOOSAN is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and
others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by the operation, lubrication,
maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information available at the
time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other
items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the complete
and most current information before starting any job. DOOSAN dealers have the most current information


Specifications Eye Software Interface

Component Measurements .................................. 5 General Information..........................................100

Controller AS Specification................................... 6 Installation........................................................100
Instrument Panel Layout ...................................... 8 Features...........................................................101
Fuses .................................................................. 9 Main Menu .......................................................102
Assembly Layout of Controller.............................. 9 Troubleshooting of Eye Program ......................129
Assembly Layout of Motors .................................. 9
Control Panel Layout ......................................... 10
Systems Operation Appendix A : Parameter List .............................130
Appendix B : Error Code List ............................133
Appendix C : Contraction for dot matrix display. 139
Glossary ............................................................ 11 F1. Alarm Code ..................................139
General Information ........................................... 13 F2. Calibration Code...........................140
Installation and Wiring........................................ 17 F3. Diagnostic Code ...........................142

Testing and Adjusting

Preparation Tests and Check............................. 23

Programmable Parameters ................................ 25
Some Functions Management............................ 30

Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

General Description ........................................... 31

Alarm List .......................................................... 31
Troubleshooting Problem List............................. 40
System Tests and Adjustments .......................... 82
Electrical System Adjustment ............................. 83

Instrument Panel

Instrument Panel................................................ 86
Display Keys Utilization...................................... 90
Parameter Calibration ........................................ 91
Sensor Initial Setting .......................................... 94
Default Setting ................................................... 94
Diagnostic Mode ................................................ 95
List of diagnostic (Table 9) ................................. 96
Accessing Stored Error Codes ........................... 97

Micro Controller Control System 3 Index

Component Measurements


Multimeter Setting (+) Test Lead (-) Test Lead Results
Resistance +BATT Each U,V,W About 1.9 Mohms
Resistance -BATT Each U,V,W About 1.9 Mohms
Resistance U Terminal V Terminal About 4.0 – 5.0 Mohms
Resistance U Terminal W Terminal About 4.0 – 5.0 Mohms
Resistance V Terminal W Terminal About 4.0 – 5.0 Mohms

Micro Controller Control System 5 Specifications

Controller AS Specification

VIBRATION 5g 10-500Hz in X,Y,Z axis
CONTROLLER Complies with EN 1175-1 EN 12895-1

Micro Controller Control System 6 Specifications

Drive Motor Specification Pump Motor Specification

Cos φ 0.874 Cos φ 0.902

Micro Controller Control System 7 Specifications

Instrument Panel Layout



Micro Controller Control System 8 Specifications

Fuses Assembly Layout of Motors
Line .................................................................... 700A PUMP MOTOR
Key ........................................................................ 10A
Horn ...................................................................... 10A
DC / DC Converter................................................ 10A
Light ..................................................................... 10A
Option light............................................................ 10A

Assembly Layout of Controller


Micro Controller Control System 9 Specifications

Control Panel Layout

NOTE: Apply a small amount of D557047 Thermal Joint Compound on control panel plate and mating surface
prior to assembly. Communication cable’s assembly with power units and logic control unit uses the micro screw

Communication cable's assembly with Power Unit and Logic Control Unit uses Micro Screw Driver

(1) Logic Board. Use a screw driver to hold screws

(2) Drive Motor Power Unit. Use a hex bit socket(5mm) wrench(100mm) or L-wrench to hold bolts
(3) Pump Motor Power Unit
(4) FUSE. Use a socket wrench(13mm) and a wrench(13mm) to hold bolts
(5) Line Contactor
(6) Bus Bar. Use a socket wrench(13mm) and a socket wrench(17mm) to hold bolts

Micro Controller Control System 10 Specifications

Systems Operation

Accelerator A device that converts mechanical movement into a analog voltage pattern to the
logics for variable drive motor speed.
Ampere (or Amp) The unit of measurement of current flow. The amount of current that one volt can
push through a resistance of one ohm.
Analog to Digital A device that converts an analog voltage into a pattern of digital HIGH and LOW
Converter voltage signals.
Battery Two or more cells connected together for a supply of electric current.
BDI Battery Discharge Indicator - An electrically controlled display showing the operator
the state of batter y charge.
Bus Bar A heavy electrical conductor to which other smaller wires are connected.
Capacitor Device used to store electrical energy for short periods of time.
Circuit A way for current to go from the positive (+) side of an electrical power source to the
negative (-) side of an electrical power source. This can be through wires and
electrical components.
Coil A component made from many circles or turns of wire used to concentrate a
magnetic field.
Connector Part of a wire assembly or harness that connects with another wire assembly or
harness. Used for ease of assembly and disassembly.
Contactor Assembly An electrical component consisting of an electromagnetic coil and a set of heavy
contact tips. Control current passes through the coil, building a magnetic field which
closes or opens the contact tips.
Contactor Coil An electromagnet used to close or open contact tips in a contactor assembly.
Contact Tips or Contacts The portion of a switch, relay or contactor where the circuit can be opened or closed.
Current The movement or flow of electricity through a conductor. A circuit must be complete
for current to flow.
Current Limit The maximum allowable armature current of a stalled drive motor during pulsing.
Digital Signal A signal in which the elements may be either of two distinct values.
For example high voltage, low voltage.
Diode A semiconductor device that allows current to flow in one direction, from the anode to
the cathode.
Display An electrical device that converts voltage inputs to a visual output.
Electrical Assist Braking Electrically trying to rotate the drive motor opposite to the direction of truck
(EAB) movement.
Fuse A component in an electrical circuit that will open the circuit if too much current goes
through it.
Harness An assembly made of two or more wires that are held together.
Heat Sink A mounting frame used for semiconductor cooling.
Indicator LCD that gives an indication of some vehicle condition when it turns on or flashes.
LCD Liquid Crystal Display.
Logic Control Unit The main printed circuit board containing a microprocessor and circuits to condition
the voltage signals that go into or come out of the logics. It electronically monitors
and controls the truck's functions.

Micro Controller Control System 11 Systems Operation


Microprocessor A small computer chip preprogrammed to control the various electrical functions on a
lift truck.
Normal Condition Words used with a switch or relay. Their normal condition is their condition when they
are not controlled by the application of force, temperature, pressure, or electricity.
MOSFET A semiconductor component used in electric lift trucks as an electronic switch. A
MOSFET most often has three terminals, a GATE(G), a DRAIN(D), a SOURCE(S). A
MOSFET is a voltage-controlled device and required only a small input current. The
switching speed is very high.
Ohm The unit of measurement of resistance. The amount of resistance that will let one volt
push only one ampere of current through it.
ON-Time The amount of time current flows through a transistor.
Open Circuit Wiring or components of a circuit that have no continuity.
Overload The presence of voltage or current which is greater than an electrical circuit or
component is designed to handle.
Plugging A portion of electrical braking where the generated current is directed back through
the armature.
Relay An electrical component consisting of an electromagnetic coil and a set of small
contact tips. Control current passes through the coil, building a magnetic field which
closes or opens the contact tips. When the contact tips are closed, low current can
flow in a separate isolated circuit.
Resistor A component made of a material that has a specific resistance to the flow of current.
Rotor Part that rotate of motor
Schematic A line drawing of an electrical or electronic assembly which uses symbols to show
individual components. It shows how the components, wires and connectors function
Short Circuit An electrical connection between two or more components that is not desired.
Socket The female contact of a connector that slips over a male contact (pin) of another
Solid State Reference to semiconductor components or circuits that use semiconductor
components that have no moving parts, such as diodes and transistors.
Stator Fixed part in driving state of motor
Switch A component used to control an electric circuit. It can close or open a circuit.
Systems The electrical components, circuits, and connections that deliver power to perform
specific tasks.
Terminal An electrical connection point on an electrical component.
Thermal Sensor A sensor that activates at a set temperature.
Volt The unit of measurement of electromotive force. One volt is the force needed to
make one ampere of current flow through one ohm of resistance in a circuit.
Watt The unit of measurement of power. The amount of power used when one volt pushes
one ampere of current through a resistance of one ohm. The result of amperes
(current) multiplied by volts (voltage) is watts (power).
Wire A conductor used to provide a path for current to flow to and from electrical
Wiring Diagram A drawing using visual representation of components the way they actually look. It is
used to show the locations of components and the connections between them.
Zener Diode A special diode used to regulate voltage or as an over-voltage (too high a voltage)

Micro Controller Control System 12 Systems Operation

General Information
Advantage of AC motor Comparison between AC and DC
AC induction motors are the most diffused for power
conversion in industrial application. In the battery- Motor Characteristics
fed lift-truck applications DC motors are more used,
because they are easy to control in torque with a
simple chopper drive with a current limitation. AC Motor systems DC Motor system
1 Little components More complex
To reach the traction requirements the AC control
has to be very advanced and the motor parameters 2 Decreasing price Increasing price
have to be known by the control algorithms.
3 More reliable Less reliable
The reason of their recent diffusion are related to
the technological development and to deeper Practically Continuous maintenance
studies about this matter. maintenance free to brushes

The advantages of using AC motors instead of 5 High speed Low speed

DC motors are many: High torque
Low torque performance
6 performance at high
1. More robust and easy to build at high speed
2. Less complex and more reliable
3. Practically maintenance free (no continuous High braking Poor braking
brush maintenance) 7 performance at high performance at high
4. Higher speed speed speed
5. More performance at high speed especially in 8 Safer Less safe
6. Absence of contactors for speed inversion
7. Continuous torque control during inversion (no
Controller Characteristics
delay with zero torque)
8. Safer because AC motor is not supplied and it
doesn’t work in case of short circuit AC Motor systems DC Motor system
9 Complex controller Simple controller
See following tables and relative explanation for a
comparison between AC and DC motor systems. Presence of auxiliary
10 No auxiliary contactor
4 quadrants Torque discontinuity and
continuous transition delay
Precise and smooth
12 Poor regulation

Micro Controller Control System 13 Systems Operation

AC and DC Motors Difference Explanation

DC motor is made with a rotor with power windings

and a stator with excitation windings and brushes.
The AC motor is composed by a rotor and a stator
with windings.

Because of great diffusion of AC motors and the

automatic industrial production process, their prices
continue to decrease.

Because of DC motor more complexity, brush

presence and poor environmental protection, the life
of DC motor is greatly reduced, compared with AC

The maintenance of DC motor must be continuous

because of consumption of brushes.
The most critical component for AC motor are the
bearings. AC motor reaches higher speed because
of DC sparkling limitation of brushes.

AC motor has higher torque at high speed because

of DC sparkling limitation of brushes. AC motor has
much more regenerative braking torque at high
speed because of DC sparkling limitation of brushes.

AC motor is safer than DC because if a short circuit

happens in armature, DC motor accelerates. The
AC motor needs an AC voltage to accelerate.

The AC controller is much more complex of a DC

one. The reason why is the AC control algorithms
requires the use of a very powerful microprocessor
which performs a fast real time control.

In most of DC controllers are present auxiliary

breakers which operate every drive inversion,
introducing delays and compromising the controller

Most of DC controller systems have zero torque

delays during inversion causing a poor driving
performance. In AC the transition between forward
and reverse and acceleration and braking is
continuous giving an optimum performance even at
very low speed and in sharp ramp.

Because of 4 quadrants continuous transition and

the presence of a sophisticated controller the
regulation of AC system is superior in precision,
stability, smoothness and safety to DC one.

Micro Controller Control System 14 Systems Operation

Main ITC (Intelligent Torque Control) Software control algorithm is customized in order to
features best fit lift truck characteristics; you can set the
value of a wide range of parameters, in order to
Most important features of Intelligent Torque optimize system performance and to adjust the
Control system developed by DHIM the settings of main functions in compliance with user’s
following: needs.

1. Control unit: One panel assembly containing User can interact with control board making use of a
three power inverters for drive and pump and a software application (named EYE) developed by
control board; main board, wired directly to the DHIM, or with COMPACT display. In both cases, it’s
power modules, could manage up to 4 inverters. possible to obtain an exhaustive “on line” diagnostic
The presence of 2 DSP (Digital Signal for all lift truck functional parameters and also to
Processors), working in mutual redundant adjust them.
control, guarantees powerful software
performance: in case of such a system, You can upgrade control board internal software
managing both drive and pump motors, high connecting a PC via serial port (or via USB 1.x or
dynamic performance in vectorial torque control higher, inserting the appropriate serial port-USB
can be obtained. adapter); in fact, working with RS232
communication standard, EYE application permit to
2. Two asynchronous three-phase drive motors load and upgrade panel software in any working
equipped with magnetic sensors(64 impulses/ conditions, if only control board is correctly fed on .

3. An asynchronous three-phase pump motor for

lifting equipped with magnetic sensor (64
impulses/ rotation).

4. Instrument Panel.


Instrument Panel (option)

Micro Controller Control System 15 Systems Operation

Basic ITC ITC system characteristics

Following basic hardware and software You can obtain high performance for the lift
functions characterize DHIM Company system: truck with DHIM system, thanks to following
specific features:
1. Protection against reverse battery polarity
2. Anti-roll-back, with adjustable ramp stop time 1. DSPs (Digital Signal Processor) high
3. Anti-roll-down performance control with custom software: this
4. Regenerative braking is resident in the internal FLASH memory, and
5. Electrically assisted braking allows to control 3 independent AC motors.
6. Management of static return to off function 2. One serial asynchronous RS232 interface for
(SRO) PC communication in order to obtain:
7. Drive speed compensation (load/unload) a. Software update
8. Drive speed acceleration/deceleration b. Diagnosis of truck functionalities
9. Drive speed reduction c. Parameters modification, in order to
10. Redundant control of acceleration pedal customize the system
(applying a control switch or a double 3. One accelerator (0 - 5 V) and all on/off
potentiometer) emergency micro-switches interface.
11. Continuous lift speed control 4. One encoder (0 - 5 V) interface for traction and
12. Pump speed compensation (load/unload) pump motors.
13. Lift speed acceleration/deceleration 5. Motor torque control by speed and current loop.
14. Continuous control of main contactor applied to 6. Controlled acceleration and deceleration ramps
DC power line of drive and pump motors in order to avoid
15. Seat switch open check with delay time uncontrolled jolts of the load due to oversights
16. Battery discharged indicator with adjustable of the operator.
reset value 7. Automatic truck speed limitation depending on
17. Overtemperature protection for inverters and steering angle.
motors 8. Ramp stop of the lift truck.
18. Low and high battery voltage limit 9. Automatic energy recovery at each truck
19. Drive/pump speed feedback braking.
20. Zero speed drive in ramp 10. LIN (Local Interconnect Network) display
21. Standby for supply interface.
22. Diagnostics and stored error code 11. Automatic truck speed limitation, depending on
23. Power line fault detection (fuse/contactor) the height of the load lifted(option).
24. Continuous temperature measuring (Controller, 12. Automatic truck maximum speed limitation, in
drive/pump motor) function of:
13. Weight present on the forks(option)
a. Fork height
b. Battery voltage level
c. Any thermal alarm
d. Full protection of drives against overcurrent
of the motors, overheating of the power
transistors and both maximum and minimum
battery voltage.
14. Low maintenance costs by using A.C induction

Micro Controller Control System 16 Systems Operation

Installation and Wiring

1. A metallic container encloses control board (Fig.


2. There are three power modules assembled to

main board as shown in Fig. 4

3. A 24 pins AMP connector (named K1,K2),

permits to interface control board to lift truck
Fig. 1: Logic control board
electrical/electronic sub-devices. See Fig. 5 for
a view of K1- 24 ways connector.

4. Power modules shall be connected also to

battery supply (wire named +B and -B) and to
corresponding motor phases.

Working on electrical systems is potentially

dangerous; you should protect yourself
against :
Uncontrolled operation: some conditions could
Fig. 2: Power module
cause the motor to run out of control:
disconnect the motor or jack up the vehicle and
get the drive wheels off the ground before
attempting any work on motor control circuitry.
High current arcs: batteries can supply very
high power, and arcs can occur if they are short
circuited. Always open the battery circuit
ground before working on motor control circuit.
Wear safety glasses and use properly insulated
tools to prevent shorts.
Lead acid batteries: charging or discharging
generates hydrogen gas, which can build up
and go around the batteries. Follow the battery
manufacturer’s safety
Fig. 3: Main contactor and fuse, bus bar

Micro Controller Control System 17 Systems Operation

Remember the controller contains ESD(Electro
Static dischange) sensitive components.
Use appropriate precautions in connecting,
disconnecting and handling it.

Fig. 4: Power modules assembly with main contactor and fuse,

logic board.

Fig. 5: View of accessible terminals on 24 ways connect

Micro Controller Control System 18 Systems Operation

System Circuit

Power Circuit

If divide greatly composition of electric controller

system of this vehicles, is consisted of 1 Logic
control board, Power Unit (Drive, Pump) 2, Line
Contactor 1.

Each power unit controls each motor's speed, logic

control board vehicles situation and driver's select
receiving feedback vehicles control.

Micro Controller Control System 19 Systems Operation

Actuation Circuit

This circuit supplies power to the Logic Control When the seat switch is closed, current will flow
Board and the Instrument Panel(Display). It must be from the logic K1-7A through the seat switch to
activated before power steering, hydraulics or drive controller negative. The logics then activates the
will operate. line contactor by allowing current to flow from K1-8B
through the line contactor coil (+) and K1-7C the line
When the battery is connected and the key switch is contactor coil (-).
closed, current flows from battery positive through
the key fuse, key switch, wire #4 to the logic control With the line contactor tips closed the logics
board (logic) contactor K1-8A. continues its checks for any “Run Time” faults. If no
The logic circuits are powered up to accept voltage faults are detected the display will indicate the
inputs and create voltage outputs whenever the battery charge level, the power steering (IDLE)
battery is connected and the key is turned to ON. system operates, the pump and drive power circuits
receive battery voltage and the logics receives
battery voltage.

Micro Controller Control System 20 Systems Operation

Hydraulic Pump Motor Circuit

Only one hydraulic pump motor is used for all power

steering, lift, tilt and auxiliary hydraulic functions. To
activate the pump circuit, the seat switch, key switch
and line contactor must be closed first as explained
in the topic, Actuation Circuit.

Power Steering Circuit

The power steering speed of this vehicles operate

by speed (default 700 rpm) that specify in pump
motor calibration.

Lift Control Circuit Location Components

(2) Lift Sensor. (3) Magnet.

When the operator pulls the lift lever, magnet (3)

moves closer to the lift sensor (2). The sensor
1 detects the increasing magnetic field and sends an
increasing voltage to the valve control card.
The input to the logics at K2-7A.
The logics use these changing voltages to
determine what speed to operate the pump motor.
The logics then controls the pump power unit.

Location Components
(1) Valve control card.

This control panel accepts a linear speed lift signals

and tilt/aux lever signals. The lift control system is
controlled by valve control card (1) mounted at the
top of the control valve.

The drive control card uses a hall-effect transducer

(Lift Sensor) and magnet to sense lift lever
movement. The closer the magnet is to the
transducer the greater the hydraulic pump motor

Micro Controller Control System 21 Systems Operation

Thermal protection circuit Accessory Circuits

Control Panel Horn Circuit

If the Power Unit’s MOSFETs are overheat, a The horn will operate when the battery is connected
thermal senders mounted in the MOSFET heatsink and the horn button is pushed. Current flows from
will give a voltage signal to logic. If the temperature battery positive through horn fuse, horn switch and
is over than preset value(100°C), the Instrument horn, back to battery negative.
Panel will display a “Run Time” diagnostic symbol
and E1, E3. The logics will decrease the speed of
the drive motors and the pump motor. The amount DC-DC Converter Circuit (OPTIONAL)
of current allowed to flow through the MOSFETs is
decreased to permit them to cool. When the
heatsink cools off the truck will return to normal
operation. But due to the reduced speed,
acceleration performance will be decreased. Each
error code is stored in memory.

Drive Motor

If the drive motor overheats a thermal sensor

mounted in the stator coil of drive motor will warn at
a predetermined temperature (155°C).
If reach in overheating temperature, the Instrument
Panel will display a “Run Time” diagnostic symbol
and E4.
To decrease the amount of current allowed to flow
through the drive motor, the logics will reduce the
speed. When the drive motor cools off, the truck will
return to normal operation. Drive system
acceleration performance and top travel speed is
affected by an overheated drive motor. “MOTOR
TEMPERATURE” will be stored for Drive Motor
overheating in memory. The 12 volt output of the converter is protected
against short circuits and overloading by an internal
15 amp current limit circuit. A fuse on the converter
Hydraulic Pump Motor protects it from reverse connection of the battery
If the drive motor overheats a thermal sensor
mounted in the stator coil of drive motor will warn at Notice: Do not connect the 12 volt negative output
a predetermined temperature (155°C). of the DC-DC converter to battery negative.
If reach in overheating temperature, the Instrument Damage to system components could
Panel will display a “Run Time” diagnostic symbol occur.
and E6. To decrease the amount of current allowed
to flow through the pump motor, the logics will The DC-DC converter changes the lift truck battery
reduce the speed. When the pump motor cools off, voltage to 12 volts. This 12 volts is used to power
the truck will return to normal operation. “MOTOR accessories such as floodlights, brakes/side lights
TEMPERATURE” will be stored for Pump Motor and backup alarms.
overheating in memory.
The positive of the 12 volt output is common to the
positive of the battery voltage. The negative of the
12 volt output is pulsed to maintain a steady 12 volt

Micro Controller Control System 22 Systems Operation

Testing and Adjusting Battery Load Test

1. Turn the range switch on the multimeter to read

Preparation Tests and Check battery voltage.

Battery Tests 2. Connect the battery.

A weak battery can cause or contribute to problems

in the Logic Control Board and power circuits. Verify
the battery is good before investigating other

1. Verify proper polarity at the battery connector

and the control panel. Positive cable should be
at the line fuse and negative at the negative on
control panel.

2. If the lift truck is operational, perform a battery

load test.

3. If the truck is not operational and the battery is Battery Voltage Test.
suspected, perform a cell voltage or specific (1) Positive cable connection. (2) Negative cable
gravity test.
3. Connect the multimeter leads between positive
(+) cable connection (1), and negative (-) cable
connection (2).

4. In a safe area, operate the hydraulic system,

(hold tilt lever to maximum position
momentarily) while reading the voltage
indicated on the multimeter.

5. If the indication is less than 22.0V the battery

needs to be charged or repaired before
continuing to troubleshoot.

Micro Controller Control System 23 Testing and Adjusting

Cell Voltage Test 3. Charge the battery correctly. A battery should
be discharged to 80% of its capacity then fully
With the truck powered up and the pump(Idle) motor recharged. It should cool four to eight hours to
running, measure the voltage at each cell. Normal allow the voltage to stabilize before being put
voltage should be between 1.95V and 2.12V per cell. back in use. The battery should have an
If the voltage on each cell is below 1.95V the battery equalizing charge (an extra three or four hour
must be charged or repaired before continuing to charge at a low finish rate) once a month to
troubleshoot. make sure all cells are in a fully charged
condition. Properly charged batteries should be
NOTE: The indication between cells should not identified to prevent low batteries from being
differ more than 0.05 volts. If it does, the battery installed in trucks.
must have an equalizing charge or be repaired.
4. Operation with a low battery must be prevented.
Low battery operation may damage the battery
Hydrometer Test and will cause higher than normal current in the
electrical system. High current draw due to a
Test each cell of the battery with a hydrometer. low battery will damage contactor tips and
If the specific gravity indication is below 1.140, the shorten motor brush life.
battery must be charged. The battery is fully
charged if the indication is 1.265 to 1.285. 5. The battery's maximum temperature is critical.
The electrolyte temperature should never
NOTE: The indication between cells should not exceed 43°C (110˚F) either while operating or
differ more than 1.020 If it does, the battery needs charging. Overcharging a battery will cause
an equalizing charge or needs to be repaired. overheating and warp the battery plates.
Maximum battery life will result from maintaining
25˚C (77˚F) electrolyte temperature. Most of the
Battery Maintenance charging equipment is fully automatic but should
be checked periodically to assure proper
NOTE: It is important that all batteries are charged working order.
and maintained according to the battery
manufacturers instructions. 6. Keep accurate battery records. Regular battery
readings should be taken with a battery tester or
The care and maintenance of batteries is most voltmeter and a written record kept. Specific
important to maximize battery life and efficient truck gravity and voltage of each cell should be
operation. Periodic inspection and service will checked and recorded at least once each month.
increase the life of batteries. Special attention This inspection should be made after an
should be given to the rules that follow: equalizing charge. Readings should never be
taken directly after water has been added.
1. Keep batteries clean at all times. Cleaning will Records of all battery maintenance should be
prevent corrosion, current leakage and shorts to made and filed so it will be known which
chassis. Tighten all vent plugs, wash the battery batteries are being abused or wearing out.
with water and a brush, then dry with an air
hose. It may be necessary to use a baking soda Repairs should be made immediately otherwise the
solution if water alone will not clean the top of battery may become damaged. Batteries stored in a
the battery. discharged condition may be difficult to recharge
due to sulfate formation.
2. Add enough water to cover the plates before
charging. This will ensure the proper chemical
reaction over the entire plate surface. After
charging is complete, add water until it is about
12.7 mm (.50 in) above the plates. Use distilled
water or water that has tested free from

Micro Controller Control System 24 Testing and Adjusting

Visual Checks Programmable Parameters
1. Verify all components and wires are in their Adjustable Parameters Description
proper place. Check fuses, components,
contactor tips, wires and connections. Verify The possibility of interfacing by PC with the system
that they are not burned, broken or loose. allows to have an exhaustive real time analysis of
the system working and of the condition of its
2. Verify there is no mechanical binding or components; moreover, you can choose among a
interference in the contactor. wide range of parameters in order to reach the
optimum operating of the system in compliance with
3. Visually check the parking brake switch, the your needs.
hydraulic switches and accelerator linkage for Adjustable parameters are listed below. We briefly
adjustment or interference problems. explain what’s the meaning of each programmable
parameter, and which is the effect of its changes in
lift truck performance.
Resistance to Chassis Checks

Resistance between any point in the truck wiring

and the chassis should be a minimum of 10,000
ohms or more.

Many malfunctions are caused by shorts to chassis.

Usually, two shorts must exist before a malfunction
will occur. But, since batteries can have chassis
leakage, only one short to chassis in the truck wiring
can cause problems. To prevent problems because
of shorts, do the following:

1. Disconnect the battery and discharge the Power


2. Randomly measure any component connection

or wiring connection in respect to the lift truck
chassis for a minimum resistance of 10,000
ohms. Any test point with low resistance must
have the short to chassis removed.

3. Always keep batteries clean to minimize current

leakage to the chassis.

4. Routinely clean the brush dust from the motors.

5. Be sure that all attachments, such as horns and

lights are designed for no chassis connection (a
two wire system).

Micro Controller Control System 25 Testing and Adjusting

Drive Motor (H mode)

Parameter Mini Def Maxi Re

Parameter Parameter Description Unit
No mum ault mum mark
as high it is as quickly the truck decreases
5 its speed if the truck driver is turning the rpm/s 0 1,000 5,000
steering ramp 1
wheel quickly
as high it is as quickly the truck decreases
its speed in relation to the drive speed of
6 truck. This parameter increases the rpm/s 0 0 1,000
steering ramp 2
deceleration ramp while the driver is steering
at high speed.
Buzzer on If it’s ON, the buzzer will be alarmed when OFF = 0 (Default)
30 digit
forward direction the direction switch is moved to forward. ON = 1
Buzzer on If it’s ON, the buzzer will be alarmed when OFF = 0 (Default)
31 digit
reverse direction the direction switch is moved to reverse. ON = 1
The cooling Fan runs when the temperature
Starting of motors reaches to set value. And the
32 185 311
35 temperature of cooling Fan stops when the motors cools ℉(℃)
(0) (85) (155)
motor's Fans down below 60℃ from set value(The
minimum of stop temperature is 25℃).
Slow speed If parameter is set to 0, speed limitation Disable = 0
40 digit
button enable button is disable. Enable = 1 (Default)
Drive maximum Drive motors maximum current (expressed
41 % 20 100 100
current in per cent of high energetic mode value)
Maximum forward lift truck speed with no
42 speed limitation rpm 1,000 3,850 4,000
maximum speed
(no alarms present and turtle not active)
Maximum reverse lift truck speed with no
43 speed limitation rpm 1,000 3,850 4,000
maximum speed
(no alarms present and turtle not active)
Drive limitation Maximum lift truck speed with speed
44 rpm 500 2,000 3,500
maximum speed limitation (turtle active)
High lift switch 1 Maximum travel speed when switch 1 was
46 rpm 0 1,000 4,000 option
drive max speed "ON"
Steer limitation drive Maximum speed reference in the angle in
47 rpm 400 1500 2,000
maximum speed which the internal wheel is mechanically still.
Lift truck acceleration with accelerator pedal
48 Acceleration ramp rpm/s 40 900 2,000
49 Inversion ramp Lift truck deceleration in inversion rpm/s 40 900 2,000
Lift truck deceleration with accelerator pedal
50 Release ramp rpm/s 40 500 2,000
Lift truck deceleration with pedal brake
51 Pedal brake ramp rpm/s 40 1,000 2,000
If the truck speed is greater then this
threshold, the speed reference becomes a
52 Creep speed rpm 100 300 2,000
parabolic function of the accelerator
potentiometer voltage.
Diameter of drive
53 Drive tire's diameter mm 300 424 700
High lift switch 2 Maximum travel speed when switch 1 and
54 rpm 0 1,000 4,000 option
drive max speed switch 2 was "ON"
Parameter that softens the drive inversion
59 Partial release ramp ramp if the traction motors are working with rpm/s 10 35 500
low rpm
If parameter is set to1, speed limitation is
Disable = 0(Default)
94 Slow speed active; otherwise lift truck speed is managed digit
Enable = 1
as usual.
If parameter is set to 1, values are
Normal = 0 (Default)
95 British unit expressed in British unit, otherwise in digit
British unit = 1
international ones.
96 Display's brightness adjustment digit 0 5 8

Micro Controller Control System 26 Testing and Adjusting

If this parameter is set to 1, it is possible to
Disable = 0 (Default)
97 E-S-H enable change the value of the power mode with digit
the display Enable = 1
Time meter / If parameter is set to 1, odometer indication
Timer meter = 0(Default)
98 Odometer on appears on display ; otherwise display digit
Odometer = 1
display shows the hour meter.
99 Maintenance time Can set truck's maintenance period. h 0 0 10,000

Sensors and Potentiometers

Parameter Mini Def Maxi Re

Parameter Parameter Description Unit
No mum ault mum mark
Minimum Accelerator sensor voltage with pedal
23 mV 200 1,000 4,500
accelerator released
Maximum Accelerator sensor voltage with pedal
24 mV 2,000 3,600 4,500
accelerator completely pressed
Lift sensor voltage with lift lever completely
32 Maximum lift mV 3,000 11,500 12,000
33 Minimum lift Lift sensor voltage with lift lever released mV 0 2,300 12,000
Lift lever potentiometer voltage to which the
34 Middle lift lifting becomes proportional to the shift of mV 1,000 2,750 12,000
the lever

Pump Motor

Parameter Mini Def Maxi Re

Parameter Parameter Description Unit
No mum ault mum mark
if it's OFF, the pump motor works like it does now,
that is, the reference speed of pump motor, in
case of many simultaneous commands (LIFT +
TILT, LIFT + AUX1, TILT + AUX1.......), will be the
Lift priority for OFF = 0 (Default)
27 highest of every single command; if it's ON the digit
speed reference ON = 1
reference speed of pump motor, in case of many
simultaneous commands, will be the lowest of
those reference speed required by every single
Weight of the
36 Load measurement kg 0 0
load on the forks future
37 No load pressure Load measurement bar·10 0 0 2,200 option
38 Load pressure Load measurement bar·10 0 0 2,200
Limitation 212 311
39 Start temperature of performance reduction ℉(℃)
temperature (100) (155)
Lift maximum Pump motor maximum current with lift
61 % 20 100 100
current function active
Auxiliary Pump motor maximum current with lift lever
62 % 10 66 100
maximum current released
Lift maximum
63 Maximum lift speed rpm 1,500 3,000 3,000
64 Tilt speed Pump motor speed with lift function active rpm 500 900 2,000
Auxiliary 1
65 Pump motor speed with 1st auxiliary function active rpm 500 900 2,800
function speed
Auxiliary 2 Pump motor speed with 2nd auxiliary function
66 rpm 500 900 2,800
function speed active
Auxiliary 3 Pump motor speed with 3rd auxiliary function
67 rpm 500 900 2,800
function speed active
Lift minimum
68 Minimum lift speed rpm 500 700 1,500
High lift 1 switch Maximum pump motor speed with forks above the
69 rpm 0 1,500 3,000 option
lift max speed critical height
70 Hydro speed Pump motor speed when steering rpm 400 700 800

Micro Controller Control System 27 Testing and Adjusting

Pump motor speed with direction command lever
71 Hydro idle speed not in neutral, acceleration pressed and no pump rpm 200 500 600
command active
72 Lift acceleration rpm/s 1,000 7,000 10,000
acceleration ramp
Pump Pump motor deceleration after the end of a
73 rpm 1,000 7,000 10,000
deceleration ramp command
High lift 2 switch Maximum lift speed when switch 1 and switch 2
74 rpm 0 1,500 3,000 option
lift max speed was "ON"
High lift 1 switch
75 Maximum tilt speed when switch 1 was "ON" rpm 0 500 2,000 option
tilt max speed
High lift 2 switch Maximum tilt speed when switch 1 and switch 2
76 rpm 0 500 2,000 option
tilt max speed was "ON"
High lift 1 switch
Maximum auxiliary 1 speed when switch 1 was
77 auxiliary 1 max rpm 0 500 2,800 option
High lift 2 switch
Maximum auxiliary 1 speed when switch 1 and
78 auxiliary 1 max rpm 0 500 2,800 option
switch 2 was "ON"
High lift 1 switch
auxiliary 2 Maximum auxiliary 2 speed when switch 1 was
79 rpm 0 500 2,800 option
function max "ON"
High lift 2 switch
auxiliary 2 Maximum auxiliary 2 speed when switch 1 and
80 rpm 0 500 2,800 option
function max switch 2 was "ON"
High lift 1 switch
auxiliary 3 Maximum auxiliary 3 speed when switch 1 was
83 rpm 0 500 2,800 option
function max "ON"
High lift 2 switch
auxiliary 3 Maximum auxiliary 3 speed when switch 1 and
84 rpm 0 500 2,800 option
function max switch 2 was "ON"

Micro Controller Control System 28 Testing and Adjusting


Parameter Mini Def Maxi Re

Parameter Parameter Description Unit
No mum ault mum mark
Time interval between seat switch opening
11 Seat switch delay s 1 3 9
and drive and pump motors stopping
Time delay between last command given to
12 Chat time a drive or pump motor and chat mode s 1 6 9
Time interval when pump motor works (with
13 Hydro time s 1 10 20
hydro speed) after the end of a command
Stop on slop Without stepping on pedal brake, time that is
26 s 1 5 10
timer doing stop in slope


Parameter Mini Def Maxi Re

Parameter Parameter Description Unit
No mum ault mum mark
Battery reset Minimum battery voltage necessary to reset
9 V*10 226 230 249
value battery discharged voltage alarm

Program Service

Parameter Mini Def Maxi Re

Parameter Parameter Description Unit
No mum ault mum mark
99 Maintenance time Maintenance period decision h 0 0 10,000
Maintenance time Disable = 0 (Default)
14 Maintenance time inserting enable digit
inserting enable Enable = 1

E-S-H Energetic Modes Parameters

Some parameters value depend on selected energetic mode: in following tables are listed parameter default
values for each operating mode (Economic, Standard and High)


Maximum drive current 62 76 100
Maximum forward speed [rpm] 2900 3300 3850
Maximum reverse speed [rpm] 2900 3300 3850
Drive acceleration ramp [rpm/s] 700 800 900
Drive inversion ramp [rpm/s] 700 800 900
Drive release ramp [rpm/s] 500 600 700
Lift maximum current 85 85 100
Maximum lift speed [rpm] 1800 2600 3000

Micro Controller Control System 29 Testing and Adjusting

Some Functions Management
Static Return to Off Buzzer Management

To ensure operator safety, when switching on the lift The buzzer is activated in the following cases:
truck, a number of inputs are analyzed; if one of 1. Alarm condition
these signals indicates a wrong start condition or 2. Switching your device on you find wrong start
any likely danger situation, main breaker is not conditions:
closed and all system modes are disabled. a. Accelerator pedal pressed or directional
(forward or reverse) switch inserted.
If the anomalous input assumes the correct value, b. One of pump motor command levers not
main breaker is closed and it’s now possible go on released.
with usual truck management. 3. Parking lever is pot pulling and no one is in the
The analyzed inputs are the followings: 4. The trucks moves in reverse/forward direction
1. Seat switch (the closing is checked) (Select the truck-Setup Menu or Calibration No.
2. Directional switch (the insertion of a selected 30,31)
direction is checked)
3. Accelerator (the system controls if the pedal is
pressed) B.D.I. Measure Management

To measure battery voltage one of the following

Pump Motor Modes conditions must be true :
1. Chat mode
Control of a command lever moving when 2. Lift with drive and pump motors still
starting 3. Drive motors still and pump motor working to its
minimum speed (idle speed)
When switching on the key, in case an hydraulic
command is active, the lift, lateral shift, tilt and If this conditions are fulfilled for at least 2 seconds,
auxiliary functions are disabled. battery voltage begins to be evaluated, using a low–
pass filtering. After 15 seconds of voltage
Only when the activated lever and/or the requested processing, the filter output signal is uses to
command assumes the released position, operator evaluate the battery charge level.
can return to the usual operative condition.
If the battery is discharged for at least two
Pump motor commands management Switching on consecutive sampling periods, low battery voltage
the key, the motor works at minimum speed (idle alarm is signaled and following limitations are
speed, adjustable by PC). activated:
1. Limitation of drive motor speed and maximum
If the operator moves a command lever or the torque
steering wheel, the speed takes on a value that can 2. Limitation of maximum pump motor speed
be adjusted, depending on the type of the active 3. Lift, tilt and auxiliary functions are disabled
command and on the possible presence of
limitations (caused by thermal or low battery alarms). If the alarm is observed switching on the key, the
first received pump command is keep active for 3
After the active command is switched off, motor seconds and then is disabled. Battery voltage must
speed assumes idle speed value for an adjustable exceed an adjustable limit value (Battery reset value,
time (idle time), relating to the start of hydro guide; if see Chapter4) to return to normal operative
no command is activated during this period of time, the condition after a low battery voltage alarm.
speed returns to no operation value (0 rpm)

Micro Controller Control System 30 Testing and Adjusting

Diagnostic and Troubleshooting
General Description Alarm List
Diagnostic information about anomalous working Maximum battery voltage
condition is provided by COMPACT display or by
PC (using EYE software utility). 1. Eye alarm code: 1
This chapter explains how to manage any detected 2. Display alarm code: F0
fault and how to return to a normal working 3. Alarm level: 1
situation; suggestions to be applied in case of each 4. Alarm cause: battery voltage, measured by a
possible alarm are listed in a growing order, i.e. circuit inside logic, exceeds 34V.
from the least to the most serious one.
If the controller detects such a fault, refer to
If an alarm condition is detected by main board, following troubleshooting procedure:
software control inhibits some lift truck functions, to 1. Such an alarm can be caused also by the
guarantee operator’s safety. presence of regeneration currents; when lift
Anomalous working conditions are indicated by truck is on release or reverse braking ramp,
different alarm levels, classified as follows, motors work as generators, and battery voltage
depending on their effects on the system: can exceed overvoltage limit. In a case like that,
1. Main breaker is opened and both pump and the battery condition should be verified ( if the
drive motors are stopped; buzzer and red led on battery is new it is necessary to do some
the upper right corner of COMPACT display, charge-discharge cycles before reaching the
signal the presence of such an alarm. rating declared by the constructor) or has a high
2. Pump and drive motors are stopped. internal resistance. If the case is the second
3. Drive motors speed is limited to 2000 rpm. and it is not possible to change the battery, the
Moreover, in presence of such an alarm, first solution may be to reduce the release and
command given to pump motor is inhibited 3 reverse braking ramp.
seconds after activation, together with all pump 2. Incorrect wiring to battery positive or negative
motor functions (except hydro functions). terminals.
4. Drive and pump motors speed is limited to 800 3. Verify if battery is still in good conditions.
rpm; buzzer signals the presence of such an 4. Replace the logic.
5. Drive motors speed is limited to 800; over Minimum battery voltage
temperature alarms are signaled by. buzzer
activation. 1. Eye alarm code: 2
6. Pump motor speed is limited to 800; buzzer 2. Display alarm code: F1
signals the presence of such an alarm. 3. Alarm level: 1
7. No effects on system performance. 4. Alarm cause: battery voltage, measured by an
※ 2000 rpm = about 7 km/hr [4.4 mph] internal circuit, is lower than 11.5V.
800 rpm = about 2.8 km/hr [1.75 mph]

If more than one faulty condition is detected,
Compact displays shows alarm code referring to
the most serious one (the one characterized by
lower alarm level).

Following section gives useful suggestions covering

a wide range of possible faults, listing
corresponding alarm cause identified by its alarm

Micro Controller Control System 31 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

In case of minimum battery voltage alarm, follow Eeprom alarm
these steps:
1. Incorrect wiring to battery, or corroded positive 1. Eye alarm code: 5
or negative terminals; 2. Display alarm code: F
2. Verify battery conditions: if the electrolyte inside 3. Alarm level: 1
is partially exhausted, an under voltage alarm 4. Alarm cause: eeprom does not work properly, or
can sometimes be detected from the controller; one of memorized values is out of correct limits.
even in case of low battery charge (<10%), high
current rates (i.e. both pump and drive motors In case of alarm follow this procedure:
working in full load conditions) could cause an 1. Load default values for eeprom variables, both
under voltage alarm, in particular in presence of using PC with serial communication software
an exhausted battery. and Instrument panel;
3. Replace the logic. 2. Replace the logic.

Pedal trimmer fault Pre-charge capacitors low voltage

alarm (Capacitors not charged)
1. Eye alarm code: 3
2. Display alarm code: F2 1. Eye alarm code: 6
3. Alarm level: 2 2. Display alarm code: A
4. Alarm cause: voltage measured on accelerator 3. Alarm level: 1
circuit exceeds the value calculated averaging 4. Alarm cause: voltage level of pre-charge
calibration and reachable voltages; moreover, capacitors is less then 70 % of nominal battery
start switch seems to be open. level. It could happen, in example, if the power
module is working with main breaker open.
In case of such an alarm, follow these Capacitors voltage decreases cause energy
troubleshooting steps : spent to keep motors in motion.
1. Verify if the accelerator initial set-up is correct; if
not, repeat calibration procedure. (You can use In case of alarm follow this procedure:
both PC with serial communication software and 1. Verify if main breaker coil and power terminals
Instrument panel). are in good conditions;
2. Verify if the following the 24pin main connector 2. Verify if supply lines power fuse is damaged;
terminals are correctly wired to their 3. Verify if main breaker coils are correctly wired to
correspondent inputs in accelerator circuit: their correspondent inputs :
a. K2-1C (5 V) a. K1-8B (positive terminal)
b. K1-6C (ground) b. K1-7C (negative terminal)
c. K2-6A (pedal output-A) 4. Replace main breaker;
d. K2-4A (pedal output-B) 5. Replace logic.
3. In case of correct wiring, replace the accelerator
4. Replace logic

Micro Controller Control System 32 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

Inverter desaturation or overcurrent Pump motor power module
alarm overtemperature

1. Eye alarm code: 1. Eye alarm code: 10

8 (for drive motor power module) 2. Display alarm code E3:
25 (for pump motor power module) 3. Alarm level: 6
2. Display alarm code: 4. Alarm cause: the power module temperature
F3 (for drive motor power module) (measured with a temperature connector),
F5 (for pump motor power module) exceeds 100 °C, or is inside [95 °C, 100 °C]
3. Alarm level: 1 range at least 30 s.
4. Alarm cause: actual current exceeds limits ;
1100Apeak In case of alarm follow this procedure:
1. Alarm could be caused by ineffective
In case of alarm follow this procedure: temperature dissipation. Verify thermal coupling
1. With such an alarm present when you turn on between power module block and aluminum
lift truck, disconnect the power cable between plate, and between aluminum plate and truck
the malfunctioning power module and the ballast. The presence of a correct amount of
corresponding motor (first, turn off the system, thermal grease in the coupling is essential to
of course). ensure an efficient heat exchange;
2. Replace cable connecting the output pump of
If turning lift truck on again, alarm is not active, the logic to the pump power module;
then: 3. If temperature readings seem too high in
1. Replace the cable connecting logic and power function of total time interval of lift truck using,
module. replace pump power module causing the alarm.
2. Replace the power module; You can read temperature measures using
3. Replace logic. “Instrument Panel” display or “EYE”
communication software.
If turning lift truck on again, alarm is active, 4. Replace logic.
then :
1. Replace the power module;
2. Replace the motor.

Power module capacitors pre-charge

too fast

1. Eye alarm code: 9

2. Display alarm code: A
3. Alarm level: 1
4. Alarm cause: pre-charge capacitors voltage
increases too fast when you turn the system on.

In case of too fast pre-charge alarm, follow this

1. Inspect whether the main connector is not loose.
2. Inspect whether the drive connector is not loose.
3. Replace the main breaker.
4. Replace the drive power module.
5. Replace the logic.

Micro Controller Control System 33 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

Capacitors too charged on start Drive motor overtemperature

1. Eye alarm code: 11 1. Eye alarm code: 13

2. Display alarm code: A 2. Display alarm code: E4
3. Alarm level: 1 3. Alarm level: 5
4. Alarm cause: when you turn on the system, 4. Alarm cause: The measure of drive motor
capacitors are not completely discharged by temperature exceeds 155 °C.
pump motor. In fact, if you turn suddenly on the
lift truck, after a turning off, capacitors voltage In case of alarm, follow this procedure:
level is too high. You have to discharge them Presence of alarm with cold motors:
before checking the presence of any fault (both 1. With a handheld multimeter (in resistance
of capacitors and of logic) operating mode) you have to measure a
resistance of about 10 kohm between the two
In case of alarm follow this procedure: wires of the temperature sensor (execute the
1. Verify the correctness of wiring from pump measure at ambient temperature of 25°C). If the
motor and relative power module; measure is not correct it is necessary to replace
2. Replace wire connecting "pump" with the the temperature sensor.
corresponding power module or if not possible 2. Disconnect the temperature sensor and check
because the pump motor power module box the wiring insulation between signal wire and
integrates the outlet wire, substitute the power ground wire (towards logic);
module box 3. Replace logic.
3. Verify if main breaker has stuck closed
terminals: in such a case replace it Presence of alarm with hot motors:
4. Replace the wire connecting "drive" in logic to 1. If temperature value (you can read it from
right drive motor power module: a defective wire Instrument or via PC) seems correct, verify if
could give a wrong measure for capacitors fans (if present) work properly; fault is caused
voltage by on inefficient motor refreshing, or by
5. Replace the logic. operating out of nominal maximum ranges.

Low battery alarm

1. Eye alarm code: 12

2. Display alarm code: EL
3. Alarm level: 3
4. Alarm cause: battery voltage level is lower than
minimum charge value expected, referred to
table 3 in Instrument panel technical

In case of low battery alarm, follow this

1. Measure battery voltage with a tester and, if
different from the value reported on Instrument,
replace logic;
2. Otherwise recharge battery.

Micro Controller Control System 34 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

Pump motor overtemperature Main breaker fault

1. Eye alarm code: 14 1. Eye alarm code: 17

2. Display alarm code: E6 2. Display alarm code: 17
3. Alarm level: 6 3. Alarm level: 1
4. Alarm cause: The measure of pump motor 4. Alarm cause: overcurrent on main breaker coil.
temperature exceeds 155 °C.
In case of alarm follow this procedure:
In case of alarm follow this procedure: 1. Replace main breaker
Presence of alarm with cold motors: 2. Replace logic.
1. With a handheld multimeter in resistance
operating mode, you have to measure about Watchdog timer alarm
10kohm at ambient temperature of 25°C
between the two wires of the temperature 1. Eye alarm code: 18
connector. If the measure is not correct it is 2. Display alarm code: F
necessary to replace the temperature connector. 3. Alarm level: 1
2. Disconnect the temperature sensor and check 4. Alarm cause: improper communication between
the wiring insulation between signal wire and DSPs present on logic, or/and defective logic.
ground wire (towards logic);
3. Replace logic. In case of alarm follow this procedure:
1. Using EYE program interface, try to program
Presence of alarm with hot motors: control board flash memory;
1. If temperature value (you can read it from 2. Replace logic.
Instrument panel or via PC) seems correct,
verify if fans (if present) work properly; fault is
caused by an inefficient motor refreshing, or by
operating out of nominal maximum ranges.

Motor current offset alarm

1. Eye alarm code: 15 for drive motor

36 for pump motor
2. Display alarm code: F6 for drive motor
F8 for pump motor
3. Alarm level: 1
4. Alarm cause: non-zero phase currents when
you turn lift truck on.

In case of motor current offset alarm, follow this

1. Replace the wire connecting inverter to logic.
2. Replace inverter.
3. Replace logic.

Micro Controller Control System 35 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

Drive motor power module Alarm on 5 V encoder voltage
1. Eye alarm code: 37
1. Eye alarm code: 20 for right drive motor 2. Display alarm code: FH
2. Display alarm code: E1 for right drive motor 3. Alarm level: 1
3. Alarm level: 5 4. Alarm cause: K2-1C terminal (5 V output)
4. Alarm cause: power module temperature, voltage is lower than 4.3 V.
measured with a probe, exceed 100 °C.
In case of alarm follow this procedure:
In case of alarm follow this procedure: 1. Verify if 5 V output is grounded, cause an
1. Alarm could be caused by ineffective incorrect encoder wiring.
temperature dissipation; verify thermal coupling 2. Verify if 5 V output is grounded, cause any
between power module block and aluminum encoder malfunction. In that case, replace the
plate and between aluminum plate and truck defective one.
ballast. The presence of the correct amount of 3. Replace logic.
thermal grease in the coupling are essential to
ensure a correct heat exchange; Alarm on 12 V output voltage
2. Check cable connecting the communication
output connector of the logic to the 1. Eye alarm code: 38
corresponding power module; 2. Display alarm code: FA
3. If temperature readings seem too high in 3. Alarm level: 1
function of total time interval of lift truck using, 4. Alarm cause: K1-3C terminal (12 V output)
replace power module unit causing the alarm. voltage is lower than 10.5 V.
You can read temperature measures using
“ Instrument Panel” display or “EYE” In case of an alarm on 12 V output voltage,
communication software. follow this procedure:
4. Replace logic. 1. Verify if 12 V output is grounded, cause an
incorrect wiring to:
Serial communication alarm a. Steering sensor
b. Buzzer
1. Eye alarm code: 21 c. Display
2. Display alarm code: F 2. Replace defective device;
3. Alarm level: 1 3. Replace logic.
4. Alarm cause: error in serial communication
between the two DSP; DSP present on main
board make a mutual software control, to insure
fast diagnosis of such a fault.

In case of alarm follow this procedure:

1. Switch on the system and the turn it on again.
2. Program pump and drive DSP again; maybe
software present in flash memory was corrupted.
3. Try to the default setting (LOAD EEPRON
4. Replace the logic.

Micro Controller Control System 36 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

Pump motor commands active on Seat switch open on start
1. Eye alarm code: 63
1. Eye alarm code: 50 2. Display alarm code: EE (flash)
2. Display alarm code: FL 3. Alarm level: warning; main breaker is opened
3. Alarm level: warning; while the fault condition is and pump and drive motors are stopped.
active, all pump motor functions (except hydro 4. Alarm cause: when you start working, you find
functions) are inhibited. seat switch open, or, after the main breaker is
4. Alarm cause: you find a pump motor command closed, the seat switch remains opened for at
active when you turn your system on. least “ seat switch delay” s.

In case of alarm follow this procedure: In case of alarm follow this procedure:
1. Before starting to operate, turn off any active 1. Verify if seat switch is defective;
command (both levers and switches); 2. Replace the logic.
2. Be sure that lift, tilt and auxiliary command
switches, are not active; Wrong start
3. Replace the valve board.
1. Eye alarm code: 64
Battery miss matching 2. Eye alarm code: EE
3. Alarm level: warning; main breaker is opened
1. Eye alarm code: 60 and pump and drive motors are stopped.
2. Display alarm code: 60 4. Alarm cause: when you start working, you find
3. Alarm level: 7 accelerator pedal pressed or a forward/ reverse
4. Alarm cause: battery is not suitable voltage to switch active.
In case of alarm follow this procedure:
Drive motor shunt down temperature 1. Verify if a switch was active or the pedal
pressed, when you turn on the lift truck;
1. Eye alarm code: 61 2. Verify if start, forward or reverse switches are
2. Display alarm code: 61 stuck close;
3. Alarm level: 1 3. Verify if pedal circuit voltage exceeds 1/3 its
4. Alarm cause: The measure of drive motor maximum range (measured in Volt);
temperature exceeds 165 °C. 4. Replace logic.

In case of alarm follow this procedure:

Presence of alarm with cold motors:
1. With a handheld multimeter (in resistance
operating mode) you have to measure a
resistance of about 10 kohm between the two
wires of the temperature connector (execute the
measure at ambient temperature of 25°C) . If
the measure is not correct it is necessary to
replace the temperature connector;
2. Disconnect the temperature connector and
check the wiring insulation between signal wire
an ground wire ( towards logic);
3. Replace the logic.

Presence of alarm with hot motors:

1. If temperature value (you can read it from
Instrument panel or via PC) seems correct,
verify if fans (if present) work properly; fault is
caused by an inefficient motor refreshing, or by
operating out of nominal maximum ranges.

Micro Controller Control System 37 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

Pump motor shunt down temperature Pump motor Encoder alarm

1. Eye alarm code: 65 1. Eye alarm code: 76

2. Display alarm code: 65 2. Display alarm code: 76
3. Alarm level: 1 3. Alarm level: 1
4. Alarm cause: The measure of pump motor 4. Alarm cause: an encoder channel is
temperature exceeds 165 °C. disconnected, and motor is working.

In case of alarm follow this procedure: In case of alarm, follow this procedure:
Presence of alarm with cold motors: 1. Verify if the encoder is correctly connected to:
1. With a handheld multimeter in resistance a. Motor itself
operating mode, you have to measure about b. Ground : K2- 1B terminal
10kohm at ambient temperature of 25°C c. + 5 V: K2- 1C terminal
between the two wires of the temperature d. A channel:
connector. If the measure is not correct it is K2- 3C terminal (for right drive motor
necessary to replace the temperature encoder)
connector; e. B channel:
2. Disconnect the temperature connector and K2- 2C terminal (for right drive motor
check the wiring insulation between signal wire encoder)
and ground wire ( towards logic); 2. If correctly wired, replace the encoder;
3. Replace the logic. 3. Replace logic.

Presence of alarm with hot motors:

1. If temperature value (you can read it from
Alarm of motor thermal sensor
display or via PC) seems correct, verify if fans
(if present) work properly; fault is caused by an
1. Eye alarm code:
inefficient motor refreshing, or by operating out
77 (for drive motor thermal sensor)
of nominal maximum ranges.
79 (for pump motor thermal sensor).
2. Display alarm code:
Drive motor encoder alarm 77 (for drive motor thermal sensor)
79 (for pump motor thermal sensor).
1. Eye alarm code: 74 3. Alarm level: 7
2. Display alarm code: Fc 4. Alarm cause: Temperature difference between
3. Alarm level: 1 both motors results greater than 70 °C
4. Alarm cause: an encoder channel is
disconnected, and motor is working. In case of alarm, follow this procedure:
1. Verify if the wiring is correct;
In case of alarm follow this procedure: 2. Replace the sensor;
1. Verify if the encoder is correctly connected to: 3. Replace logic.
a. Motor itself
b. Ground : K2- 1B terminal
c. + 5 V: K2- 1C terminal
d. A channel:
K2- 5C terminal (for right drive motor
B channel:
e. K2- 4C terminal (for right drive motor
2. If correctly wired, replace the encoder;
3. Replace logic.

Micro Controller Control System 38 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

Alarm of a inverter temperature Steering sensor alarm
thermal sensor
1. Eye alarm code: 91
1. Eye alarm code: 2. Display alarm code: F9
80 (for drive motor power module thermal 3. Alarm level: 5
sensor) 4. Alarm cause: steer circuit voltage is out of
82 (for pump motor power module thermal nominal range.
2. Display alarm code: In case of a steering sensor alarm follow this
80 (for drive motor power module thermal procedure:
sensor) 1. Verify correctness of wiring with :
82 (for pump motor power module thermal a. K1-3C (12 V),
sensor) b. K1-6C (ground)
3. Alarm level: 7 c. K2-1A (steering sensor input);
4. Alarm cause: Temperature difference between 2. If correctly wired, replace steering sensor;
both inverters is greater than 70°C. 3. Replace logic.

In case of alarm follow this procedure:

1. Check the wiring connecting logic and inverter; Capacitors pre-charge too slow
2. Replace the inverter;
3. If alarm is still present, replace logic. 1. Eye alarm code: 98
2. Display alarm code: A
CRC(Cyclic Redundancy Check) fault 3. Alarm level: 1
alarm 4. Alarm cause: pre-charge capacitor voltage
grows too slowly, when you turn on the system.
1. Eye alarm code: 83
2. Display alarm code: 83 In case of alarm follow this procedure:
3. Alarm level: 1 1. Check assembly of the 24pin main connector.
4. Alarm cause: Faulty eeprom or mismatching 2. Check cable connecting the Drive/Pump output
software release. of the logic with the corresponding inverter.
3. Replace the logic;
In case of alarm follow this procedure:
1. Restore eeprom with EYE application software, Capacitors pre-charge timeout
using the “RESTORE” item present in main
page 1. Eye alarm code: 99
2. Try to the default setting (LOAD EEPROM 2. Display alarm code: A
3. if alarm is still present, replace the logic.CRC : 4. Alarm cause: pre-charge capacitor voltage
Cyclic Redundancy Checking error. grows too slowly, when you turn on the system.

Bank CRC(Cyclic Redundancy Check) In case of alarm follow this procedure:

restored 1. Check assembly of the 24pin main connector.
2. Check cable connecting the Drive/Pump output
1. Eye alarm code: 84 of the logic with the corresponding inverter.
2. Display alarm code: 84 3. Replace the logic;
3. Alarm level: 1
4. Alarm cause: there was an eeprom restore,
caused by a CRC(Cyclic Redundancy Check)

In case of alarm follow this procedure:

1. Switch on the system and the turn it on again
2. Try to the default setting (LOAD EEPROM

Micro Controller Control System 39 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Problem List
1 CVMS does not work, with no lift truck operation. -
2 CVMS does not work at all, lift truck operation normal. -
Display portion of CVMS seems random or wrong.
3 -
Lift truck operation normal.
4 Direction switch circuit defect. -
5 Lift sensor circuit defect. -
6 Tilt switch circuit defect. -
7 Auxiliary switch circuit defect. -
8 Park brake switch circuit defect. -
9 Pedal brake switch circuit defect. -
10 Display="E1", The max speed of drive motor is reduced. 20
11 Display="E3", The max speed of pump motor is reduced. 10
12 Display="E4", The max speed of drive motor is reduced. 13
13 Display="E6", The max speed of pump motor is reduced. 14
Display="EL", The max speed and max torque of drive &pump motor is reduced
14 12
to minimum value
15 Display="EE", No left truck operation 64
16 Display="EE(Flashing)", No left truck operation 63
17 Display="F", No lift truck operation 5, 18, 21
18 Display="F0", No Left truck operation 1
19 Display="F1", No Left truck operation 2
20 Display="F2", No left truck operation 3
21 Display="F3", No left truck operation 8
22 Display="F5", No left truck operation 25
23 Display="F6", No left truck operation 15
24 Display="F8", No left truck operation 36
25 Display="F9",The max speed of pump motor is reduced. 91
26 Display="FA", No Left truck operation 38
27 Display="Fc", No left truck operation 74
28 Display="FH", No left truck operation 21, 37
29 Display="FL", No left truck operation 50
30 Display="A", No lift truck operation 6, 9, 11, 98, 99
31 Display="60", Lift truck operation 60
32 Display="61", No lift truck operation 61
33 Display="65", No lift truck operation 65
34 Display="76", No left truck operation 76
35 Display="77", Lift truck operation 77
36 Display="79", Lift truck operation 79
37 Display="80", Lift truck operation 80
38 Display="82", Lift truck operation 82
39 Display="83", No lift truck operation 83
40 Display="84", No lift truck operation 84
41 Display does work normal, Lift truck operation abnormal. -

Micro Controller Control System 40 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Central Vehicle Monitoring System (CVMS) does not work,

with no lift truck operation.


Battery polarity not correct on control panel;

Key fuse open circuit; Key switch defect; Logics


With battery connected, check control panel battery connections for correct polarity.
Positive battery connected to line fuse and negative battery connected to B - on controller.
If correct If not correct

Push horn button to close horn switch. Make correction to cables.

Horn work Horn does not work

Disconnnect battery and check the horn

fuse for continuity.

Continuity No continuity

Check for shorts and

replace fuse.

Close key switch. Measure voltage on K1-8A Measure voltage on horn (wire #90) with
depressing the horn switch.
Battery Less than Check continuity the negative wire of horn
Voltage Battery voltage
Battery Less than
Voltage Battery voltage
Replace logics.

Replace horn or Repair or replace

check the battery. open wire
Replace key switch or repair broken wire
#23 between key switch and K1-5B.

Micro Controller Control System 41 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


CVMS does not work at all, lift truck operation normal.

If only part of CVMS works.


Open circuit from K1-3C to CVMS connector PIN 8;

Open circuit from K1-6C to CVMS connector PIN 7;
CVMS defect.


Make sure CVMS connector is connected to CVMS.

If connected If not connected

Connect multimeter positive lead to K1-3C Connect CVMS connector.

and negative lead to K1-6C.
Measure the voltage.

12 volts 0 volts

Replace the CVMS module. Repair or replace open circuit between 5 wires
from controller to CVMS.

Micro Controller Control System 42 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Display portion of the CVMS seems random or wrong.

Lift truck operation normal.


Connection defect; Wiring defect; Logics defect;

Display defect.


Check continuity from logics to CVMS connector

Continuity No continuity

Check for shorts to battery negative from Repair or replace open wire.
PIN 7 to PIN 8 on CVMS connector.

No shorts found Shorted

Replace logics. Repair or replace shorted wire.

Micro Controller Control System 43 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Direction switch circuit defect.


Direction switch defect; Wiring to direction

switch defect;


Disconnect the battery.

Disconnect main connector.
Check continuity from K1-6C to K1-5A harness connector;
With direction lever in forward should have a closed circuit,
in neutral should be open.

Check OK Check failed

Check continuity from K1-6C to K1-6A. Disconnect direction switch connector.

With direction lever in reverse should have a Check continuity between Pin2 and Pin3.
closed circuit, in neutral should be open.
Check OK Check failed
Check OK Check failed

Replace logics. Repair or replace direction switch.

Check wiring for open/short circuits Check wiring for open/short circuits
between harness connector K1-6C and K1-6A. between harness connector K1-6C and K1-5A.
Repair any open/short circuit found. Repair any open/short circuit found.

Replace direction switch.

Micro Controller Control System 44 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Lift sensor circuit defect.


Lift sensor not adjusted properly or defective;

Lift sensor wiring defect; Valve control card (board)
defect; Logics defect.


Retest lift sensor circuit in self diagnostics.

Circuit passes Circuit fails

“Diagnostics” “Diagnostics”

Perform Problem 11,12 Tilt Key switch ON.

or Connect multimeter negative lead to Pin5
and the positive lead to Pin2 and Pin7.
Measure the voltage.

Battery Voltage 0 Volt

Measure voltage from Pin7 to Pin5 battery Repair or replace broken wire
negative as the lever is pulled and released. between Pin1 and Pin5(wire #30)
or between Pin5 and battery
9.0 to 11.0 and .2v 9.0 to 11.0 and .2V negative(-).
Measured NOT measured

Replace logics. Replace Valve Control Card.

NOTE: Before lift truck is placed into operation, connect tilt and auxliary switches and verify proper adjustment.
Refer to Valve Control Card Adjustments.

Micro Controller Control System 45 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Tilt switch circuit defect.


Tilt switch defect; Wiring defect; Logics defect.


Disconnect main connector. Pull tilt lever to maximum.

Check continuity from K1-3A to K1-6C.
Continuity No continuity

Replace logics. Check continuity of wire #13.

Continuity No continuity

Check continuity from K1-3A of wire #13 to Repair or replace wire.

Pin5 of valve board connector.

Continuity No continuity

Replace tilt switch. Repair or replace wire.

Micro Controller Control System 46 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Auxiliary switch circuit defect.


Wiring defect; Auxiliary switch defect; Logics defect.


Disconnect main connector. Pull auxiliary lever to

maximum. Check continuity from K1-6C to K2-7B or K2-8B.

Continuity No continuity

Replace logics. Check continuity of wire #12 or #24.

Continuity No continuity

Check continuity from K1-6C of wire #30 to Repair or replace wire.

Pin1 of valve board connector.

Continuity No continuity

Replace AUX switch. Repair or replace wire.

Micro Controller Control System 47 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Park brake switch circuit defect.


Wiring defect; Park brake switch defect; Logics defect.


Disconnect main connector. Release park brake lever.

Check continuity from K1-4B to K1-6C.

Continuity No continuity

Replace logics. Check continuity of wire #22.

Continuity No continuity

Check continuity from K1-4B of wire Repair or replace wire.

#22 to terminal of park brake switch.

Continuity No continuity

Replace park brake switch. Repair or replace wire.

Micro Controller Control System 48 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Pedal brake switch circuit defect.


Wiring defect; Pedal brake switch defect; Logics defect.


Disconnect main connector. Push down the brake pedal.

Check continuity from K1-6C to K1-5B.

Continuity No continuity

Replace logics. Check continuity of wire #23.

Continuity No continuity

Check continuity from K1-6C of wire Repair or replace wire.

#30 to Pin2 of pedal brake switch.

Continuity No continuity

Replace park brake switch. Repair or replace wire.

Micro Controller Control System 49 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


The max speed of drive motor is reduced.


Drive power module over temperature.

Control board failed


Let the truck cool for 15 minutes.

Continuity Normal

Check temperature of drive If repeat occur, check drive motor

power module seem too high. current draw or operating cycle for
excessive ramp climbing or towing.
You can read temperature
measures using ”COMPACT”
display or “EYE” software.

Yes No

Replace right power module Repair logic board

Micro Controller Control System 50 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


The max speed of pump motor is reduced.


Pump power module over temperature.

Control board failed


Let the truck cool for 15 minutes.

Continuity Normal

Check temperature of pump I If repeat occur, check pump

power module seem too high motor current draw or operating
cycle for excessive ramp climbing
You can read temperature or towing
measures using “COMPACT”
display or “EYE” software.

Yes No

Replace pump power module Repair logic board

Micro Controller Control System 51 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


The max speed of drive motor is reduced


Right drive motor over temperature ; Drive motor thermal

sensor defect; Control board failed


Let the truck cool for 15 minutes.

Continuity Normal

You have to measure a If repeat occur, check drive

resistance about 10kohm motor current draw or operating
between two wires of the cycle for excessive ramp climbing
thermal sensor of drive motor or towing

Yes No

Replace control board Replace thermal sensor

Micro Controller Control System 52 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


The max speed of pump motor is reduced.


Right drive motor over temperature ;

Drive motor thermal sensor defect ;
Control board failed


Let the truck cool for 15 minutes.

Continuity Normal

You have to measure a If repeat occur, check pump motor

resistance about 10kohm current draw or operating cycle for
between two wires of the excessive ramp climbing or
thermal sensor of pump motor. towing

Yes No

Replace control board. Replace thermal sensor.

Micro Controller Control System 53 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


The max speed and max torque of drive &
pump motor is reduced to minimum value.


Battery discharged; Logic defect


Connect battery, turn on the key switch, close seat switch

And measure voltage from B+ to B- on controller.
Voltage must be greater than 22.0V.

Voltage OK Voltage low

With key on, seat switch and main Check battery

contactor closed, measure voltage connection ;
at BATT+ on controller.
Charge or replace battery
Battery voltage

Replace logic

Micro Controller Control System 54 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No left truck operation


Static Return to Off(SRO) circuit activated by

Improper operation sequence; Direction switch defect
Accelerator linkage not fully release.
Accelerator control defect; Logic defect.


Check SRO by release of accelerator, release park brake

Move the direction lever to neutral, reselect direction and
Press the accelerator.

No change Lift truck operation ok

Check accelerator, Inform operator of correct start-up

F/R switch. procedure. Also, that the direction lever
must be left in neutral when leaving the

If no faulty component is
found, replace logics.

Micro Controller Control System 55 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No left truck operation


No operator in seat; Seat switch defect;

Open wire.


Disconnect main connector Check continuity from wire #10

to wire #51 .Should be closed circuit when seat is
pressed on and open circuit when seat release.

No continuity Check OK

Disconnect seat switch connector. Replace logics

Push on the seat and check the
continuity across the seat switch.

Continuity No continuity

Replace seat switch

Check wiring for open circuits

Between harness #10 and #51.
Repair any open circuit found.

Micro Controller Control System 56 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No lift truck operation


Improper communication between DSP,

Logic board defect.


Try default setting and pedal/steering/lift resetting.

OK If not ok

Normal operating. Replace logic board

Micro Controller Control System 57 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Lift truck operation.


Battery voltage exceeds 34V.

Failed logic


Disconnect battery, measure voltage at battery

connector terminal.

More than 34V Not

Battery discharge Replace logic board

Micro Controller Control System 58 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Lift truck operation.


Battery voltage is lower than 11.5V.

Failed logic


Disconnect battery, measure voltage at battery

connector terminal.

Lower than 11.5V Not

Battery charge Replace logic board

Micro Controller Control System 59 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No lift truck operation.


Accelerator sensor failure. Accelerator

connector disconnect. Failed logic.


Check Accelerator connector.

Connection Disconnection

Accelerator resetting; value must be lower Connect Accelerator

than Min 0.2V and higher than Max 3.0V connector.
(You can read temperature measures
using “COMPACT” display or “EYE”

Continuity No continuity

Replace logic board

Micro Controller Control System 60 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No lift truck operation.


Drive power module overcurrent.

(Actual current exceeds limit 1100A)
Failed logic board or power module.


Key switch off and on again.

Display=F3 Drive operation normal

Measure the resistance between U,V,W terminals and

shell on the right motor

Open 0 ohm

Replace drive motor

Measure the resistance between U,V,W terminals on

the drive power module.

About 4.4 Mohm 0 ohm or open

Replace logic board Replace drive power module.

Micro Controller Control System 61 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No lift truck operation.


Pump power module overcurrent.

(Actual current exceeds limit 1100A)
Failed logic board or power module.


Key switch off and on again.

Display=F5 Drive operation normal

Measure the resistance between U,V,W terminals and

shell on the pump motor

Open 0 ohm

Replace pump motor

Measure the resistance between U,V,W terminals and

shell on the pump motor.

About 4.4 Mohm 0 ohm or open

Replace logic board Replace pump power module

Micro Controller Control System 62 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No lift truck operation.


Disconnect communication cable from drive power

module to drive motor; Drive power module defect.
Logic board defect.


Check the cable connecting from drive power

module to drive motor.
Connection Disconnection

Connect communication cable

Check current of drive power module when you turn on the lift
truck. (You can read temperature measures
using ”COMPACT” display or “EYE” software.)

Zero current Non zero current

Replace logic board Replace drive power module

Micro Controller Control System 63 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No lift truck operation.


Disconnect communication cable from pump power

module to Pump motor; Pump power module defect;

Logic board defect.


Check the cable connecting from pump power module to

Pump motor.
Connection Disconnection

Connect communication cable

Check current of pump power module when you turn on the

lift truck.(You can read temperature measures
using ”COMPACT” display or “EYE” software.)

Zero current Non zero current

Replace logic board. Replace pump power module

Micro Controller Control System 64 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


The max speed of pump motor is reduced.


Steering angle sensor fault.

Wiring defect.


Check continuity from K1-3C(12V) to pin3.; Check continuity

from K1-6C(Gnd) to pin1.; Check continuity from K2-1A(out) to
Check the housing.

Repair or replace wire Replace angle sensor

Micro Controller Control System 65 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No lift truck operation.


5V Encoder not ok.

Voltage of K2-1C terminal is lower than 4.3V


Measure voltage from K2-1C terminal of encoder to

K2-1B (GND) terminal of encoder.

5 voltage Lower than 4.3 voltage

Replace logic board Replace defective one

(Drive, pump encoder,

Micro Controller Control System 66 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No lift truck operation.


Drive motor encoder defect.

An encoder channel is disconnected and
motor is working.


Check drive motor encoder connection.

If correct If not correct

Check continuity from K2-4C to Connect correctly encoder

encoder (pin 4) and from K2-5C connector
to encoder (pin 3).
Check the diagnostic No.49

If correct If no correct

Replace logic board Repair or replace wire

Micro Controller Control System 67 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Lift truck operation.


12V output not ok.

Voltage of K1-3C terminal is lower than 10.5V.


Measure voltage from K1-3C to K1-6C.

12 voltage Lower than 10.5 voltage

Replace logic board Replace defective device one

(Instrument, steering sensor,
valve board)

Micro Controller Control System 68 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No lift truck operation.

Valve control card defect,
Lift setting fault. Tilt/AUX1/AUX2 switch detect


Key switch on. Seat switch on.

Measure voltage at K2-7A

Over minimum setting voltage No voltage

Resetting lift calibration. Replace logic board

Ok If not ok

Adjust valve board

Ok If not ok

Check and adjust the

Tilt/AUX1/AUX2 switch

Ok If not ok

Replace valve board

Micro Controller Control System 69 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No lift truck operation


Capacitor discharge; Main contactor fail,

Logic board fail


Key switch off and on again. Key switch off and

measure resistance of the main contactor.

About 85~90Ω Other resistance

Check continuity from K1-8B to Replace main contactor

main contactor terminal.

Check continuity from K1-7C to

main contactor terminal.

Continuity No continuity

Check power fuse Repair or replace wire

Normal Open

Replace logic board Replace logic board

Micro Controller Control System 70 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Lift truck operation


Battery miss matching;

Logic board fail


Check battery voltage at the system.

OK If not ok

Replace logic board Replace battery

Micro Controller Control System 71 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No lift truck operation.


Blocking overtempature of drive motor.;

Drive motor thermal sensor defect;
Control board failed


Let the truck cool for 15 minutes.

Continuity Normal

You have to measure a If repeat occur, check drive

resistance about 10kohm motor current draw or operating
between two wires of the cycle for excessive ramp
thermal sensor of drive motor. climbing or towing


Replace control board. Replace thermal sensor.

Micro Controller Control System 72 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No lift truck operation.


Blocking over temperature pump motor.;

Pump motor thermal sensor defect;
Control board failed


Let the truck cool for 15 minutes.

Continuity Normal

You have to measure a If repeat occur, check drive

resistance about 10kohm motor current draw or operating
between two wires of the cycle for excessive ramp
thermal sensor of pump motor. climbing or towing


Replace control board. Replace thermal sensor.

Micro Controller Control System 73 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No lift truck operation.


Pump motor encoder fail.

An encoder channel is disconnected and
motor is working.


Check drive motor encoder connection.

If correct If not correct

Check continuity from K2-2C to Connect correctly encoder

encoder (pin 4) and from K2-3C connector
to encoder (pin 3).

If correct If no correct

Replace logic board. Repair or replace wire.

Micro Controller Control System 74 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Lift truck operation


Thermal sensor wire of drive motor open.

Logic board fail


Check continuity from K2-1B to thermal sensor pin1.

Check continuity from K2-3B to thermal sensor pin2.

Continuity No continuity

Replace thermal sensor. Repair or replace wire.

Micro Controller Control System 75 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Lift truck operation


Thermal sensor wire of pump motor open.

Logic board fail


Check continuity from K2-1B to thermal sensor pin1.

Check continuity from K2-2B to thermal sensor pin2.

Continuity No continuity

Replace thermal sensor. Repair or replace wire.

Micro Controller Control System 76 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Lift truck operation


Wrong drive power module’s thermal sensor.

Logic board fail


Check temperature of drive power module.

(You can read temperature measures using ”COMPACT”
display or “EYE” software)

Normal Abnormal

Replace logic board. Replace drive power module

Micro Controller Control System 77 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Lift truck operation


Wrong pump power module thermal sensor

Logic board fail


Check temperature of pump power module.

(You can read temperature measures using “COMPACT”
display or “EYE” software)

Normal Abnormal

Replace logic board. Replace pump power module

Micro Controller Control System 78 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No lift truck operation


Faulty eeprom or mismatching software release

Logic board fail


Restore EEPROM (default setting) with EYE application,

Eye software install

Normal Still problem

Replace logic board.

Micro Controller Control System 79 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


No lift truck operation


CRC alarm


System turn off/on again. Try default setting.

Eye software reinstall.

Normal Still problem

Replace logic board.

Micro Controller Control System 80 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting


Display does work normal

Lift truck operation abnormal.


Encoder defect;
Logic board defect


In case detected motor is operating, RPM of defected motor

is about zero(0) rpm and current of defected motor is
waving from 100A to 600A.
You can see diagnostic mode of display panel.
Parameter No.
15, 16, 17: Drive motor current,
21, 22, 23: Pump motor current
2: Drive motor rpm
9: Pump motor rpm
49 : Drive motor encoder channels
51 : Pump motor encoder channels
Or you can see test mode of eye program by Pc.

OK If not ok

Check cable (U,V,W) of

detected motor
YES If not ok

Replace defected motor

Check wiring for open circuit.

Wiring No.#16,#31,#32,#33 of drive motor and
#16,#31,#35,#36 of pump motor.
Check connection of encoder connector.

OK If not ok

Replace encoder

Micro Controller Control System 81 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

System Tests and Adjustments Hydrometer

Test Equipment Hydrometers are usually available from any battery

supplier. Battery maintenance is a crucial part of
maintaining the electric vehicle. The ability to
measure specific gravity and adjust the battery
discharge indicator to match battery manufacturers
specifications is an important part in the total
maintenance of the electric vehicle.
There are various pieces of electric truck test
equipment that DOOSAN recommends for all
service personnels. This equipment is available
from a number of world wide manufacturers and
local electronic suppliers. Contact your DOOSAN
dealer or the factory for further recommendations.

Handheld Multimeter
There are various pieces of electric truck test
equipments are that DOOSAN recommends for all A digital multimeter that measures DC voltage,
service personnels. This equipment is available resistance, and has a diode tester, is required. It is
from a number of world wide manufactures and recommended that a high quality meter that is drop
local electronic suppliers. Contact your DOOSAN protected, or comes with a drop proof case, be
dealer or the factory for further recommendations. purchased. Autoranging features, fast becoming an
industry standard, are convenient for the service
personnel, but are not required for servicing the lift
truck. A variety of miniature test leads, alligator clips,
and needle probes are also useful, and some of
these usually come with the multimeter.

Clamp-on Current Probe

The electric lift truck testing and adjusting

procedures require the measurement of average
DC currents. Currents in excess of 600 amps may
be present, so a clamp-on meter that will exceed
this level is required. It is also highly recommended
that a device that has a voltage output, as well as a
visible display, be used. This makes viewing and
adjusting currents from the operator's seat possible.
The jaws of the current probe should be able to
accept at least a 19mm (.75 inch) cable diameter.

Micro Controller Control System 82 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

Electrical System Adjustment Lift Sensor

Parking Brake Switch 1. Disconnect the battery and discharge the head

The lift truck can move suddenly. Injury to

personnel or damage to the lift truck is possible. 1
Safely lift the drive wheels off the floor. Put 3
blocks of wood under the frame so both drive
wheels are free to turn. Keep away from drive
wheels that turn.


Lift Sensor Adjustment

(1) Lift Sensor (transducer) (2) Magnet. (3) Screw.
(4) Setscrew. (A) 1.0 mm (.039 in) Clearance.

Lift sensor may be damaged. Do not allow the
magnet (2) to make contact with the plastic
bracket when the lift lever is activated.
Parking Brake Switch Adjustment
(1) Switch. (2) Plate. (3) Bolts.
2. Loosen setscrew (4).
1. Close the seat switch and turn the key to ON.
3. Adjust screw (3) to make clearance (A) 1.0mm
3. Release the parking brake and put the truck in (.039 in) between lift sensor (1) and magnet (2)
forward. when the lift lever is activated fully (pulled all the
way back).
4. Reposition plate (2) so the switch (1) actuator is
against the bracket. Tighten bolts (3). 4. Tighten setscrew (4). Check lift sensor circuit.
The valve control card may need adjusting.
5. Engage the parking brake and the park brake
symbol will be displayed. Repeat the procedure 5. Set lift sensor initial setting.
until adjustment is correct. Refer to “Sensor Initial Setting”.

Micro Controller Control System 83 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

Tilt and Auxiliary Switches

Because each tilt and auxiliary switch can turn on

the pump motor, it is recommended that only one be
connected to start with. After adjusting the first
switch proceed with the next one.

1. Disconnect the battery and discharge the head

capacitor. Disconnect all but one switch

Tilt and Auxiliary Switch Adjustment

(1) Screw. (2) Screws.

2. With valve spool in neutral position, loosen

screws (2) and adjust screw (1) to center the
switch roller on cam.

3. After adjusting switch in or out to obtain correct

switch point, tighten screws (1) and (2) to lock
switch into position.

4. Connect the battery, close the seat switch and

turn the key to on. Readjust switch if needed, so
that the pump motor turns on before the control
valve opens.
This must be adjusted for each lever direction
(pushed or pulled).

5. Connect the next switch and repeat this


Micro Controller Control System 84 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

Instrument Panel
LCD Instrument panel shows information about
system main analogue and digital parameters,
as follows:
1. Truck speed
2. Park brake insertion
3. Seat switch closure
4. Low speed insertion
5. Battery charge level
6. Energetic operating mode



To find further technical data and useful information

about Compact display refer its own user manual.

We briefly mention two important functions:

Diagnostic Mode
This operating mode enables you to test main
analogical and digital signals managed by your

Parameter Calibration
This procedure allows to adjust the main operating
parameters of the system.
You can enter calibration mode before working as
usual with your lift truck.
It is also possible to update the parameters with
default values.
(Notice this way you loose calibration values).

Micro Controller Control System 85 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

Instrument Panel Display Segments

Monitoring Systems The display gives the following information about the
operating state of the system:
Indicator (Compact Display)
Lift truck speed (expressed in km/h or

Handbrake active, indicated by the

warning symbol

Safety contact open, indicated both by

EE blinking message visualized in
timemeter area and by relative symbol

With any directional switch active and safety contact

(STANDARD) still open, lift truck can’t be moved, even after seat
switch is closed; in such a case, after safety contact is
closed, the symbol disappears.

EE code disappears only after active directional switch

is turned off.

Time meter or, otherwise, odometer

Steering angle (OPTION)

Maintenance time expiry, indicated by

warning symbol (OPTION)

Slow speed operation, indicated by

Lift truck speed level, range from 0 (NO
speed) to 9 (MAXIMUM speed) segment,
as in symbol (OPTION)

Battery level, indicated by a 9 segments


In following Table 1, you can read the generic relation

between battery charge level and number of
visualized bars . See Table 2. Display signals with
alarm code EL the fact battery is completely

Micro Controller Control System 86 Instrument Panel

Relation between battery charge level and Table 3 : Contraction for dot matrix display Alarm Code
number of visualized bars Display
Description Contraction
Table 1 : Case of a generic system CONTACTOR
17 Main breaker fault
No segments Discharged battery
1 flashing segment 10 % R-MOTOR
61 Overtemperature of
1 segment 20 % SHUTDOWN
motor (over 165℃)
2 segments 30 % Blocking
3 segments 40 % Overtemperature of P-MOTOR
4 segments 50 % pump motor (over SHUTDOWN
5 segments 60 % 165℃)
6 segments 70 % P-MOTOR
76 Pump motor Encoder
7 segments 80 %
Wrong traction R-M TEMP
8 segments 90 % 77
motor thermal switch SENSOR
9 segments Full charged battery Wrong pump motor P-M TEMP
thermal probe SENSOR
Table 2 : Case of an 36V system (BC25S – 36V) Wrong traction
LEVEL [V] probe
Discharged battery Voltage < 22.0 V Wrong pump module
thermal probe
10 % 22.0 V ÷ 22.5 V
83 CRC fault CRC FAULT
20 % 22.5 V ÷ 22.9 V 84 Bank CRC restored CRC RESTORED
30 % 22.9 V ÷ 23.3 V Capacitors not
40 % 23.3 V ÷ 23.7 V A FAST CHARGE
charged : fast charge
50 % 23.7 V ÷ 24.1 V Trans.precharge in
60 % 24.1 V ÷ 24.4 V A Short / Cap. Too TOO CHARGED
70 % 24.4 V ÷ 24.7 V charged
80 % 24.7 V ÷ 25.0 V Capacitors not
90 % 25.0 V ÷ 25.2 V A charged :
slow charge
Full charged battery Voltage > 25.2 V
Capacitors not TIME OUT
charged : time out CHARGE
Capacitors not CAP NOT
charged CHARGED
Drive module R-INV
Overtemperature OVERTEMP
Pump module P-INV
Overtemperature OVERTEMP
Drive motor R-MOTOR
Overtemperature OVERTEMP
Pump motor P-MOTOR
Overtemperature OVERTEMP
EE Wrong start WRONG START
EL Low battery voltage LOW BATT VOLT
WD Timer/Enable WD TIMER
micro signals FAULT
F Serial communication COMM FAULT
Maximum battery
Minimum battery
F2 Pedal trimmer fault ACCEL FAULT

Micro Controller Control System 87 Instrument Panel

Drive module R-INVERTER enabled: in case you have chosen one of L1, L2
Desat/overcurrent FAULT or L3 operating modes, and lift truck is stopped,
Pump module P-INVERTER one of the segments of speed indicator symbol
Desat/overcurrent FAULT (see Table 4) blinks to show selected energetic
Drive motor R-MOTOR I mode.
current Offset OFFSET
Pump motor current P-MOTOR I
F8 Table 4 : selected energetic mode (OPTIONAL
F9 Steer sensor fault DISPLAY
Drive motor R-MOTOR (from symbol left side)
Fc 1st segment L1 (Limit 1)
FA 12V out not ok 12V NOT OK 5st segment L2 (Limit 1)
Pump input on at the 9st segment L3 (Limit 1)

Otherwise symbol indicates, as usual,

Lift truck operation mode
selected operating mode.
Pressing E-S-H button, you can set
energetic operating mode for your
NOTE: as usual, if lift truck is moving,
symbol indicates speed level
This function is enabled using EYE menu named
Calibration – ESH, to select desired operating
mode. In particular you can choose either E-S-H

- Pressing E-S-H (economic, standard, high) button,

you change energetic mode and update related
parameters with a value, corresponding to
selected operating mode, that operator can’t
manage 3 further options (limit 1, limit 2, and limit
3). You can set parameters value, that are
expressed in per cent of high energetic mode;
changing active limitation (among L1, L2 or L3),
related per cent data are used to calculate actual
parameters value.

NOTE: Percent values can be modified only with

EYE Calibration – E-S-H menu.


can manage economic, standard or high operating
mode too.

COMPACT display shows different symbols in

function of selected energetic mode:

- E-S-H management disabled: no symbol

- E-S-H management enabled: active mode
is indicated by symbol.


Micro Controller Control System 88 Instrument Panel

NOTE: if active mode is one of L1, L2 or L3 Low oil level of the brakes; red colour LED.
limitations and you change operating mode (from
PROGRAMMABLE WORKING to E-S- H), software Seat Belt warning (OPTION): red color
automatically sets operating mode to economic one LED for 10 seconds.

Alarm message, indicated by an alpha-numerical

code in the display area where usually lift truck NOTE: Alarm LED is managed as follows:
speed appears.
See Table 3 for the meaning of alarm codes. - Display normally working: LED lights up briefly
switching on /off your system
E1~E6 Over-temperature warning, indicated by the - Display not communicating with control board:
warning light In case the temperature of power after 3 seconds from the moment in which the
transistors exceeds the warning limit and relative communication stops, alarm LED brightens
light blink. - Display board microprocessor not working:
alarm LED brightens.
Hour meter separation point, usually blinking,
stops No Alarm, No Movement
in following cases:
- Seat switch open. In case the truck does not move forward or
-Serial communication between display and reverse direction, check to see if the service
control unit not active brake switch is activated.
- Main breaker open

Turning your lift truck on, some alphanumeric codes,

visible for 3 seconds, appear where usually is
visualized speed indicator symbol; those codes help
to identify system in use (see Table 5).
Where usually is visualized hour meter, on left side
appears feed voltage in VDC, and on right side,
maximum weight industrial truck can lift, expressed
in quintals.

Table 5




LED Indicators

On left side, COMPACT display has four LED

indicators which, when switched on, give
information as follows:

Alarm message; red color LED (OPTION)

Message of lamps; green color LED


Indicator lights activated; green color


Micro Controller Control System 89 Instrument Panel

Display Keys Utilization
As you can see in Fig.1, on right side of display front there are four keys: E-S-H, UP (TURTLE), DOWN and

The function of each of them is described as E-S-H key

follows: With this key, you can modify the device operating
condition, in a circular sequence, as described in
ENTER key Table 6 :
1. When you switch your device on, this key,
pressed for 3 consecutive seconds, allows Current Working Working Condition After
entering both to parameter calibration and to Condition the Key Pressure
diagnostic mode.
Economic (E) Standard (S)
2. During usual operations, this key, pressed for 3
consecutive s, allows you to access merely to Standard (S) High (H)
diagnostic mode. High (H) Limitation 1 (L1)
Limitation 1 (L1) Limitation 2 (L2)
Remember that if the display is operating in
Limitation 2 (L2) Limitation 3 (L3)
diagnostic mode during typical operations, you can
exit this procedure pressing once ENTER key. Limitation 3 (L3) Economic (E)
Moreover, ENTER key is used to confirm the new Table 6
value of the parameter in calibration procedure.
Notice: You can modify system operating modes
only after enabling their management with EYE
UP key applicative software.
1. Pressing of this key, in calibration and
diagnostic mode, you increase the number of Notice: Pressing this key when you are in
the parameter displayed. diagnostic mode you can see a circular list of 10
2. In calibration phase, you increase the numeric latest alarms.
value of the parameter displayed.

Remember that pressing this key you can toggle
between slow running and normal working condition
(if the lift truck is already in speed limitation mode).

DOWN key
1. Pressing of this key, in calibration and
diagnostic mode, you decrease the number of
the parameter displayed.
2. In calibration phase, you decrease the numeric
value of the parameter displayed.

Micro Controller Control System 90 Instrument Panel

Parameter Calibration The parameter number (blinking) appears on the
display area usually reserved to lift truck speed and
This chapter describes the way to adjust the main alarm codes, and its value is shown in the time-
operating parameters of the system. meter area.
You inhibit the access to this menu with EYE Moreover, appear a number of segments
submenu named “Lift truck setup”. proportional to the parameter value.
To calibrate your parameters, read following
instructions: If you see that the numeric data have been modified
in the time meter area, it means that the value of the
To enter calibration mode: chosen parameter has really been updated into
1. Switch on your system, with ENTER key control board memory.
pressed until a blinking “0” (zero) appears.
2. Press UP key: the entry to the chosen Notice: Remember that parameter values can be
calibration mode is indicated by “C”; this symbol modified only by discrete increments.
persists until the first parameter will be selected. See Table 7 for the list of all adjustable
parameters and relative minimum available
Notice: If calibration procedure is not enabled variations.
using EYE “Lift truck setup” menu, UP key
pressure has no effect. Alarm reset:
Select parameters 10 and 17 to the following
Notice: You can exit this operating mode only values:
switching off your system. Parameter 10 = 48
Parameter 17 = 26
To execute the calibration:
1. Select parameter 10 using UP and DOWN keys, Notice: If you press the E-S-H key in the Calibration
and confirm your choice pressing ENTER key. mode’s value change, you can change the
2. Use UP and DOWN keys to set at 4 the value of ciphers of the value.
this parameter, and confirm with ENTER key.
3. Repeat the above operations to fix parameter
17 value at 6 Notice: it doesn’t matter if you first
modify parameter 10 and then 17, or vice versa.

Only after this procedure, you allow operator to

change the value of other parameters:
1. Select the parameter to change, using UP or
DOWN key; press ENTER to confirm.
2. Now adjust the value of the selected parameter
with UP and DOWN keys; confirm your choice
typing ENTER key.

Micro Controller Control System 91 Instrument Panel

Table 7 (H mode)

No Parameter Unit Minimum Default Maximum Remark

5 Deceleration steering ramp 1 rpm/s 0 1,000 5,000
6 Deceleration steering ramp 2 rpm/s 0 0 1,000
9 Battery reset value V*10 226 230 249
First parameter for calibration enable
(1st password)
11 Seat switch delay s 1 3 9
12 Chat time s 1 6 9
13 Hydro time s 1 10 20
Disable = 0 (Default)
14 Maintenance time inserting enable digit
Enable = 1
Second parameter for calibration enable
(2nd password)
23 Minimum accelerator mV 200 1,000 4,500
24 Maximum accelerator mV 2,000 3,600 4,500
26 Stop on slop timer s 1 5 10
OFF = 0 (Default)
27 Lift priority for speed reference digit
ON = 1
OFF = 0 (Default)
30 Buzzer on forward direction digit
ON = 1
OFF = 0 (Default)
31 Buzzer on reverse direction digit
ON = 1
32 Maximum lift mV 3,000 11,500 12,000
33 Minimum lift mV 0 1000 12,000
34 Middle lift mV 1,000 2,750 12,000
35 Starting temperature of motor's Fans ℉(℃) 0 140(85) 311(155)
36 Weight of the load on the forks (option) kg 0 0
37 No load pressure (option) bar·10 0 0 2,200
38 Load pressure (option) bar·10 0 0 2,200
39 Limitation temperature ℉(℃) 0 212(100) 311(155)
Disable = 0
40 Slow speed button enable digit
Enable = 1 (Default)
41 Drive maximum current % 20 100 100
42 Forward maximum speed rpm 1,000 3,850 4,000
43 Reverse maximum speed rpm 1,000 3,850 4,000
44 Drive limitation maximum speed rpm 500 2,000 3,500
46 High lift switch 1 drive max speed rpm 0 1,000 4,500 Option
47 Steer limitation drive maximum speed rpm 400 1,500 2,000
48 Acceleration ramp rpm/s 40 900 2,000
49 Inversion ramp rpm/s 40 900 2,000
50 Release ramp rpm/s 40 800 2,000
51 Pedal brake ramp rpm/s 40 1,000 2,000
52 Creep speed rpm/s 100 300 2,000

Micro Controller Control System 92 Instrument Panel

No Parameter Unit Minimum Default Maximum Remark
53 Diameter of drive tires mm 300 424 700
54 High lift switch 2 drive max speed rpm 0 1,000 4,500 Option
59 Partial release ramp rpm/s 10 35 500
61 Lift maximum current % 20 100 100
62 Auxiliary maximum current % 10 66 100
63 Lift maximum speed rpm 1,500 3,000 3,000
64 Tilt speed rpm 500 900 2,000
65 Auxiliary 1 function speed rpm 500 900 2,800
66 Auxiliary 2 function speed rpm 500 900 2,800
67 Auxiliary 3 function speed rpm 500 900 2,800
68 Lift minimum speed rpm 500 700 1,500
69 High lift 1 switch lift max speed rpm 0 1,500 3,000 Option
70 Hydro speed rpm 400 700 800
71 Hydro idle speed rpm 200 500 600
72 Pump acceleration ramp rpm/s 1,000 7,000 10,000
73 Pump deceleration ramp rpm/s 1,000 7,000 10,000
74 High lift 2 switch lift max speed rpm 0 1,500 3,000 Option
75 High lift 1 switch tilt max speed rpm 0 500 2,000 Option
76 High lift 2 switch tilt max speed rpm 0 500 2,000 Option
77 High lift 1 switch side shift max speed rpm 0 500 2,800 Option
78 High lift 2 switch side shift max speed rpm 0 500 2,800 Option
79 High lift 1 switch auxiliary 2 function max speed rpm 0 500 2,800 Option
80 High lift 2 switch auxiliary 2 function max speed rpm 0 500 2,800 Option
83 High lift 1 switch auxiliary 3 function max speed rpm 0 500 2,800 Option
84 High lift 2 switch auxiliary 3 function max speed rpm 0 500 2,800 Option
Disable = 0 (Default)
94 Slow speed digit
Enable = 1
Normal = 0 (Default)
95 British unit digit
British unit = 1
96 Display brightness digit 0 5 8
Disable = 0
97 E-S-H enable digit
Enable = 1 (Default)
Timer meter = 0 (Default)
98 Time meter / Odometer on display digit
Odometer = 1
99 Maintenance time h 0 0 10,000

Micro Controller Control System 93 Instrument Panel

Sensor Initial Setting Default Setting
In case that initial settings of sensors are not It is also possible to update the parameters with
performed accordingly, the machine performance default values.
can be lowered.
So, in the following cases, initial setting for each As for the procedure explained below, use UP,
sensor should be done to secure the correct DOWN and ENTER keys to set parameter 10 value
machine performance. to 5 and parameter 17 value to 2. Once more, the
order you adopt to change the two parameters is
- Replacing Logic not important.
- Updating flash memory (Update EEPROM) or The loading of default data is indicated by the
Resetting EEPROM symbols dS (default set);
- Replacing or adjusting Sensor
- Default Setting Notice: All parameters whose value is related to
selected energetic operating mode (economic,
ACCELERATOR SENSOR (parameter 11): standard, high, limitation 1, limitation 2, limitation 3)
Enter diagnostic mode to visualize speed sensor are updated with default values corresponding to
voltage. the active one.
Minimum value calibration: read from display sensor Pressing E-S-H key on display, and selecting a
voltage corresponding to start switch closure (when different working mode, you immediately change the
all segments dedicated to speed level visualization value of all parameters related. Such parameters,
are active); enter calibration mode and set as well as their default values, are listed in Table 8
parameter 23 to the value measured. (*)

Maximum value calibration: read sensor voltage Econom Standar Hige

value from display, with pedal completely pressed; Parameter
ic Mode d Mode Mode
enter calibration mode and set parameter 24 to the
Maximum drive
value measured. 62 76 100
Maximum forward
LIFT LEVER SENSOR (parameter 5): 2,900 3,300 3,850
speed [rpm]
Enter diagnostic mode to visualize lift lever voltage.
Maximum reverse
Minimum value calibration: read from display sensor 2,900 3,300 3,850
voltage with lift lever released; enter calibration speed [rpm]
mode and set parameter 33 to the value read. Drive acceleration
700 800 900
ramp [rpm/s]
Maximum value calibration: read from display Lift maximum
85 85 100
sensor voltage with lift lever completely pressed; current
enter calibration mode and set parameter 32 to the Maximum lift speed
1,800 2,600 3,000
value measured. [rpm]
Central value calibration: enter calibration mode and Drive inversion ramp
700 800 900
modify parameter 34. [rpm/s]
Drive release ramp
500 600 700
Notice: You do not need the initial setting of Table 8 (*) Its values are actually implemented into the
STEERING SENSOR because this steering switch software of 48 V lift truck
is only a proximity switch for low or high signal.
Notice: Once default data have been loaded, if
you further need to modify parameters value, you
have to switch your system off, before entering
calibration mode again.

Notice: Parameter 94 is visualized only in case E-

S-H management procedure is enabled with relative
EYE software calibration menu.

Micro Controller Control System 94 Instrument Panel

Diagnostic Mode
This operating mode enables you to test main
analogical and digital signals managed by your

Enter diagnostic mode if you are switching on

your lift truck:
1. Press ENTER key (for 3 consecutive seconds)
until the symbol “0” lights up.

2. Press DOWN key to enter diagnostic mode; the

symbol “d” is visualized and it persists until the
first parameter has been selected.

Enter diagnostic mode if you are working as

usual with your lift truck:
1. Press ENTER key (for 3 consecutive seconds)
until symbol “d” appears; it will persist as long
as the first parameter has been selected.

After diagnostic operation mode has been enabled,

you can choose the parameter you want to analyse
using UP and DOWN keys (parameter number
increases using UP key and decreases with DOWN

Here, in Table 9, you have a list of the parameters

you can analyze with their respective displaying
order :

Micro Controller Control System 95 Instrument Panel

List of diagnostic (Table 9)
Parameter No. Description Unit
1 Drive motor speed [rpm]
2 Drive motor speed reference [rpm]
5 Lift voltage [mV]
6 Battery voltage [V·10]
7 Drive motor power module temperature [℃ / °F]
8 Pump motor power module temperature [℃ / °F]
9 Pump motor speed [rpm]
10 Pump motor speed reference [rpm]
11 Accelerator potentiometer voltage [mV]
12 Accelerator second potentiometer voltage [mV]
13 Steering sensor voltage [mV]
15 Drive motor phase current U [A rms]
16 Drive motor phase current V [A rms]
17 Drive motor phase current W [A rms]
21 Pump motor phase current U [A rms]
22 Pump motor phase current V [A rms]
23 Pump motor phase current W [A rms]
24 Drive motor temperature [℃ / °F]
26 Pump motor temperature [℃ / °F]
27 Seat switch hour meter [h]
28 Drive motor hour meter [h]
29 Pump motor hour meter [h]
30 Seat switch [digit]
31 Park brake switch [digit]
32 Start switch [digit]
33 Reverse traction direction switch [digit]
34 Forward traction direction switch [digit]
35 Pedal brake switch [digit]
37 Auxiliary 1 function (Side shift) switch [digit]
38 Auxiliary 2 function switch [digit]
39 Auxiliary 3 function switch [digit]
40 High lift switch 1 [digit]
41 Tilt switch [digit]
42 High lift switch 2 [digit]
43 Main breaker command [digit]
44 5V out [digit] [digit]
45 12V out [mV] [mV]
46 24V out [digit] [digit]
47 Buzzer command [digit] [digit]
48 Fans command [digit] [digit]
49 Drive motor encoder channels -
51 Pump motor encoder channels -
52 Lift pressure [bar · 10] [bar • 10]
53 Pressure sensor voltage [mV] [mV]
54 Weight of the load on the forks [kg] [kg]

Micro Controller Control System 96 Instrument Panel

In diagnostic mode selected parameter is Accessing Stored Error Codes
visualized as follows:
1. In the area dedicated to speed and alarm The B16R-5 series of remembers the last 10 error
signals, appears parameter number ( flashing) codes. This is case the truck has had an intermittent
2. Its actual value is displayed in the area reserved problem, but the operator cannot remember which
to the time meter. code appeared on the display. Also by analyzing the
contents of the last 10 error codes, it may be
In particular, if the selected parameter is: possible to determine what sort of application the
Analogue input: Instrument panel shows the truck has been working in.
parameter value, expressed in the unit of Table 9
The stored error codes are accessed at diagnostic
Digital input: if the command activated by the mode by using E-S-H button.
operator corresponds to the parameter selected, the
value of the quantity is visualized. 1. Access the diagnostic mode.

Other way the symbol E (error) appears, except 2. Press E-S-H button. And then, the stored error
in following case: code will be shown with SMU hours, if any.
1. Seat switch active, for any selected digital input.
3. By pressing UP or DOWN key, more error
To exit diagnostic mode, type ENTER key again. codes can be shown.

Notice: If an alarm occurs when diagnostic mode is 4. Pressing again E-S-H key, you return to
enabled, and the system is working as diagnostic mode.
usual, display returns automatically to its
typical visualization mode.
However you can enter diagnostic mode
again, pressing ENTER key (for 3
consecutive s), until the last parameter
displayed before exiting is visualized.

Micro Controller Control System 97 Instrument Panel

Eye Software Interface
EYE is a diagnostic software environment designed
to communicate with the forklift truck.

It can be run from a PC with serial or USB (1.x o2.x)

port. Connection between PC and Main harness’s
Serial Communication connector is characterized by
a 38,4 kBaud/s Baud-rate.

User can communicate with lift truck during working

operations, and can analyse on line main electrical
variables value/ status.

EYE software interface is user friendly and intuitive:

it guides the operator through the process of
parameter setting and is an effective data analysis
instrument, helping to identify faults and causes of

Following functions are in particular very useful:

1. Diagnostic: User can receive relevant control
data from the main board (such as current,
voltage, rpm, temperatures etc ) evaluating lift
truck performance and detecting any faulty
2. Calibration: User can transmit parameters and
settings to the truck in order to tune its
3. Flash memory software update

Micro Controller Control System 98 Eye Software Interface

To find further technical data and useful information about EYE software, refer its own user manual.

Micro Controller Control System 99 Eye Software Interface

General Information PC-Controller Communication

Minimum Requirements Connect serial port of PC and harness with picture

1. 350MHz Pentium class or higher
2. 128Mb or greater of RAM
3. Serial port or USB port


Serial port
To install EYE software, complete following
1. Check computer requirements
2. Start Setup.exe application
3. Select destination path then press FINISH
4. At the end press OK and then reboot
5. You can create a short-cut of EYE.exe on

If there is an old release installed, you must

uninstall it.
To uninstall you must execute Setup.exe application
from CD and confirm any step

USB port

4. Graphic card 1Mb

5. Windows 98SE/NT/XP/ME/2000
6. 1024x768 resolution video adapter

Recommended Requirements

1. 1GHz Pentium class or higher microprocessor

2. 512Mb of RAM
3. Serial port or USB port
4. Graphic card 2Mb
5. Windows 98SE/NT/XP/ME/2000
6. 1024x768 resolution video adapter

Micro Controller Control System 100 Eye Software Interface

If EYE software installation is successful, starting the application from Windows “Programs” Menu, or using short-
cut on desktop (Fig.1), you can access main menu (Fig.2).

Fig.1: Short-cut

Date: xx-xx-xx (Software version)

Fig.2: Main menu – operator mode

To quit application or exit a submenu, press ESC key or select Exit menu.
In case of any problems, refer to section 4 “TROUBLESHOOTING”.

Some menus, items or calibration parameters described in this manual are optional lift truck functions: so
they could be not implemented.

Micro Controller Control System 101 Eye Software Interface

Main Menu
On left side, there are some notes about software release, operating mode and serial communication setting.
Below lift-truck picture, there are actual active alarms (code level and description);
In case of more alarms with the same priority level, the first occurred is visualized.

In operator mode, you can access following menus:

1. “Setup”
2. “Test”
3. “Data logging”
4. “Password”
5. “About”

Even before starting of serial communication between lift truck and PC (Fig.3), you can access “Setup”,
“Password” and “About” menus (Fig.4). In such a case some data field are missing.
In case of faults during a serial communication data flow, any submenu is aborted and main menu front panel is

Fig.3: operator mode – serial communication faulty

Fig.4: About menu

Micro Controller Control System 102 Eye Software Interface

Password Insertion

Fig.5: Password insertion

Selecting Password mode from menu-bar, you can access Supervisor mode (Fig.6) inserting the correct password
Contact EYE software developer to know correct password.

Fig.6: main menu – supervisor mode

In case wrong password insertion (Fig.7), following message becomes visible:

Fig.7: unauthorized user

Micro Controller Control System 103 Eye Software Interface

In Supervisor mode, you can access these further menus:
1. “Calibration”
2. “Flash”

“Password” menu disappears from menu-bar.

In case of faulty serial communication, main menu front panel is reinitialized as follows (Fig.8):

“PANEL BLANK” message is used to distinguish case of not programmed flash memory, so Flash menu
is obviously active.

Fig.8: supervisor mode – communication faulty

You can select active menus directly from main panel menu bar (any grayed menu is not accessible in that
moment); you can also access present sub panels with a further selection by a pop-up menu (Fig.9)

Fig.9: Submenu selection

Micro Controller Control System 104 Eye Software Interface

Not Actual Software / Eeprom Crc Fault

A CRC alarm message is visualized both in case of failed EEPROM memory writing and of using a software
version without the CRC control procedure.
Pressing the visualized button, you can load in EEPROM default values: if you don’t execute this procedure,
calibration functions are inhibited. You have now to execute calibration procedure (see inverter manual).
A message signals also the presence of not actual software loaded on inverter panel.
In such a case you can access only basic EYE functions: some menus, for compatibility reasons, will be inhibited.


Print function is accessible from many of listed submenus: you can send active front panel image to printer or
save it on file; in that case destination directory is <EYE PATH>\EYE\ images.

BEWARE: if more than one window is in use, only the one relative to the inner submenu is active and all others
work in background.
If you select a non active window, you can’t communicate\ interact with inverter panel.

Configuration Menu (Setup)

Fig.10: Setup menu

From setup menu (Fig.10) you can select communication serial port and image file format used by Print function.

Micro Controller Control System 105 Eye Software Interface


This pop-up menu includes of following subjects:

1. “Drive” (Fig.11)
2. “Pump” (Fig.12)
3. “Battery” (Fig.13)
4. “Timers” (Fig.14)

Drive (Traction)

Fig.11: Drive menu

Following items appear in Drive menu front panel:

1. Accelerator pedal voltage
2. Pedal brake pressure (in bar)
3. Drive motors phase currents: you can select current phase from pop-up menu
4. Both modules temperature: you can select measure unit between °C and °F.
Temperature above 60°C is signaled by a red color; temperature above 90°C is signaled by a flashing display.
5. Steering angle in percent, using following criteria:
6. 0% steering completely on left
7. 50% straight wheels
8. 100% steering completely on right
9. Steering sensor voltage
10. Request RPM and motor speed for both motors, with an arrow signaling direction
11. Both motors temperature: you can select measure unit between °C and °F.
In case of an overheating alarm, the corresponding green led becomes red.
12. Active output command status
13. Steering switch status
14. Customizable input switch status
15. Start, forward and reverse switches status
16. Drive motors encoder diagnostic leds, both for A and B channel
17. Pedal brake, hand brake and seat switches status

Micro Controller Control System 106 Eye Software Interface


Fig.12: Pump menu

Following items appear in Pump menu front panel:

1. Voltage on lift command circuit
2. Hydraulic lift circuit pressure
3. Pump motor current : you can select current phase from pop-up menu
4. Module temperature: you can select measure unit between °C and °F.
Temperature above 60°C is signaled by a red color; temperature above 90°C is signaled by a flashing display.
5. Request RPM and motor speed, with an arrow signaled direction
6. Motor temperature: you can select measure unit between °C and °F. In case of an overheating alarm, the
green led becomes red
7. Electrovalves output status
8. Customizable input switches status
9. Tilt, lift and high lift digital input status
10. Encoder diagnostic leds, both for A and B

Micro Controller Control System 107 Eye Software Interface


Fig.13: Battery menu

Following items appear in Battery menu front panel:

1. Battery and inverter voltage
2. Battery charge level
3. Code, description and level of active more serious alarm for both microprocessors; if there is more than one
alarm of same level, the latest is visualized.
4. There is a chronological list of latest 10 alarms, with code, description, time and temperature. First listed alarm
is the first occurred.
Temperature value is obviously referred to faulty module or faulty motor (if there are no faulty modules or
motors, this is a no meaning data field).

With “Reset alarms” menu, you can reset alarm list.

Micro Controller Control System 108 Eye Software Interface


Fig.14: Timers menu

Following items appear in Timers menu front panel: total inverter working hours, drive motor and pump motor hour

Micro Controller Control System 109 Eye Software Interface


For safety, you can access all calibration menus only in Supervisor mode and with park brake on.
A confirmation is asked to quit a calibration menu without saving changes.
You can’t set a value out of fixed limits: the message “OUT OF LIMIT” signals a case like that.

By a pop-up menu, you can access following calibration functions:

1. “Battery“: Battery reset voltage calibration (Refer to page 111)
2. “Timers“: Timers calibration (Refer to page 112)
3. “Steering“: Steering sensor (Refer to page 113)
4. “Pedal“: Pedal accelerator calibration (Refer to page 114)
5. “Lift“: Lift calibration (Refer to page 115)
6. “ESH“: E/S/H parameters calibration and limits (Refer to page 116)
7. “Steering parameters“: Steering parameters calibration (Refer to page 118)
8. “Program service“: Program service interval setting (Refer to page 119)
9. “Drive motor“: Drive motors parameters calibration (Refer to page 120)
10. “Pump motor“: Pump motors parameters calibration (Refer to page 121)
11. “Critical height switches“: Speed limits calibration in case of critical height (Refer to page 122)(*)
12. “Weight sensor“: Weight sensor calibration (Refer to page 123) (*)
13. “Truck setup“: Some lift truck parameters setup (Refer to page 124) (*)
14. “Load eeprom default“: EEPROM configuration (Refer to page 125)
15. “Parameters image”: Parameter store or Restore. (Refer to page 126)
16. "Data Logging" : Data acguistion (Refer to page 127)
17. "Flash" : Flash programming (Refer to page 129)

(*): Optional menu

Micro Controller Control System 110 Eye Software Interface

Battery reset voltage calibration

Fig.15: Battery reset and Discharged battery voltage menu.

In that menu front panel, you can find following data about battery reset voltage: description, actual value, new
value you want to set, measure unit, default value, minimum and maximum settable values.
You can execute following operations:

Load default value:

1. Press DEFAULT button ; NEW data field will be automatically updated with default value
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; OLD data field too will be updated

Change actual value:

1. Insert changed value in NEW data field
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; in case of good result, OLD data field is updated. Otherwise an error is
signaled and NEW data field initial value is restored.

Discard changes:
1. Press CANCEL button; initial value will be restored in NEW data field
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; OLD data field too is restored with initial value

Discharged battery voltage : If battery’s performance is bad, select the discharged battery voltage high.

Micro Controller Control System 111 Eye Software Interface

Timers calibration

Fig.16: Timers calibration menu

In that menu front panel, you can find following data about timer parameters: description, actual value, new value
you want to set, measure unit, default value, minimum and maximum settable values.
You can execute following operations:

Load default value:

1. Press DEFAULT button ; NEW data fields will be automatically updated with default value
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; OLD data fields too will be updated

Change actual value:

1. Insert changed value in NEW data field
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; in case of good result, OLD data field is updated. Otherwise an error is
signaled and NEW data field initial value is restored.

Discard changes:
1. Press CANCEL button; initial values will be restored in NEW data fields
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; OLD data fields too are restored with initial values

Micro Controller Control System 112 Eye Software Interface

Accelerator pedal calibration

Fig.18: Accelerator pedal calibration menu

There are following data about accelerator parameters: description, actual value, measure unit, default values,
minimum and maximum settable values.
Pressing SAVE button, selected parameter VALUE data field is updated with pedal sensor actual voltage.
You can execute following operations:

Load default value:

1. Press DEFAULT button; VALUE data field will be automatically updated with default value

Change parameters value:

1. Select MIN ACCELERATOR parameter
2. Release accelerator pedal.
3. Press SAVE button and confirm
4. Select MAX ACCELERATOR parameter
5. Press completely accelerator pedal
6. Press SAVE button and confirm

Discard changes:
1. Press CANCEL button; initial value will be restored in VALUE data fields

If selected parameter value is out of permitted voltage range, you cannot calibrate it; in such a case check for any
lift truck fault.
In this window front panel there are 3 green leds, expressing actual state of forward, reverse and start switches.

Micro Controller Control System 113 Eye Software Interface

Lift calibration

Fig.19: Lift sensor calibration menu

There are following data about lift parameters: description, actual value, measure unit, default values, minimum
and maximum settable values.
Pressing SAVE button, selected parameter VALUE data field is updated with lift sensor actual voltage.
You can execute following operations:

Load default value:

1. Press DEFAULT button; VALUE data fields will be automatically updated with default values

Change parameters value:

1. Select MIN LIFT parameter
2. Release lift command lever
3. Press SAVE button and confirm
4. Select MAX LIFT parameter
5. Press completely lift command lever
6. Press SAVE button and confirm
7. Select MIDDLE LIFT parameter
8. Press lift command lever to select start acceleration point for pump motor
9. If lift sensor actual value is inside permitted range, press SAVE button and confirm

Discard changes:
1. Press CANCEL button; VALUE data fields will be restored with initial values

If selected parameter value is out of permitted voltage range, you cannot calibrate it; in such a case check for any
lift truck fault.

Micro Controller Control System 114 Eye Software Interface

E/S/H parameters and L1, L2, L3 limits calibration

Fig.20: E/S/H calibration menu

In that menu front panel, you can find following data about E/S/H parameters: description, actual value, new value
you want to set, measure unit, default values for E, S, and H operating mode, settable per cent values for
parameters in L1,L2,L3 operating mode
You can execute following operations:

Select default value:

1. Press DEFAULT button ; NEW data field will be automatically updated with default value
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; OLD data field too will be updated

Change actual value:

1. Insert changed value in NEW data field
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; in case of good result, OLD data field is updated. Otherwise an error is
signaled and NEW data field initial value is restored.

Discard changes:
1. Press CANCEL button; NEW data fields will be restored with initial values
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; OLD data fields too are restored with initial values

This calibration procedure is optional, and you can enable/disable it with the ESH button.
In any case, you can disable limits calibration section (L1, L2 and L3 parameters) with PROGRAMMABLE
WORKING button.

N.B.: if “programmable working” section is disabled, and you select one of L1, L2 or L3 operating modes,
a message will advise user and E operating mode will be forced .

With E_S_H, pop-up menu you can select one of lift truck possible energetic operating modes (Economic,
Standard and High); selected operating mode default values are so loaded on characteristic parameters.
The message in Fig. 21 appears if you have selected a different energetic mode using Compact display; pressing
OK button, parameters are updated loading new values from control board.

Micro Controller Control System 115 Eye Software Interface

Fig.21: Parameters externally changed

If PROGRAMMABLE WORKING section is enabled, pressing MODIFY LIMITS button you enter Fig. 22 window;
you can now modify percent values for L1, L2 and L3 limits, remembering that every single data change require to
be confirmed.

Fig.22: Percent parameters menu

In that menu front panel, there are data about L1, L2 and L3 parameters: description, measure unit, modifiable
values expressed in percent, minimum and maximum settable values.
You can execute following operations:

Change actual value:

1. Insert new value
2. Confirm

If actually selected operating mode percent values are now modified, exiting to ESH calibration menu, user can
load new default values. Every parameter percent value is referred to High mode data.

Micro Controller Control System 116 Eye Software Interface

Steering parameters calibration

Fig.23: Steering parameters calibration menu

In that menu front panel, you can find following data about steering parameters: description, actual value, new
value you want to set, measure unit, default values minimum and maximum settable values.
You can execute following operations:

Select default value:

1. Press DEFAULT button ; NEW data fields will be automatically updated with default value
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; OLD data fields too will be updated

Change actual value:

1. Insert changed value in NEW data field
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; in case of good result, OLD data field is updated. Otherwise an error is
signaled and NEW data field initial value is restored.

Discard changes:
1. Press CANCEL button; NEW data fields will be restored with initial values
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; OLD data fields too are restored with initial values

Micro Controller Control System 117 Eye Software Interface

Program service calibration

Fig. 24: "Program service" menu

To modify assistance interval, you have to enable apposite function.

Change actual value:

1. Set button INCREASE properly to select if increase or decrease service interval
2. Change assistance interval value using HOURS INCREASE pop-up menu
3. Press SAVE AND EXIT button and confirm

Micro Controller Control System 118 Eye Software Interface

Drive motor parameters calibration

Fig.25: Drive motors calibration

In that menu front panel, you can find following data about drive motor parameters: description, actual value, new
value you want to set, measure unit, default values minimum and maximum settable values, actual value in
You can execute following operations:

Select default value:

1. Press DEFAULT button; NEW data fields will be automatically updated with default value
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; both OLD data fields and first 3 parameters will be updated

Change actual value:

1. Insert changed value in NEW data field (or modify one of first 3 parameters)
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; in case of good result, OLD data field is updated. Otherwise an error is
signaled and NEW data field (or one of first 3 parameters) initial value is restored.

Discard changes:
1. Press CANCEL button; NEW data fields will be restored with initial values
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; OLD data fields and first 3 parameters are restored with initial values

First 3 parameters, for their particular meaning, are visualized and managed in a more user friendly way.

Micro Controller Control System 119 Eye Software Interface

Pump motor parameters calibration

Fig.26: Pump motor calibration menu

In that menu front panel, you can find following data about pump motor parameters: description, actual value, new
value you want to set, measure unit, default values minimum and maximum settable values, actual value in
You can execute following operations:

Select default value:

1. Press DEFAULT button; NEW data fields will be automatically updated with default value
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; OLD data fields will be updated

Change actual value:

1. Insert changed value in NEW data field
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; in case of good result, OLD data field is updated. Otherwise an error is
signaled and NEW data field initial value is restored.

Discard changes:
1. Press CANCEL button; NEW data fields will be restored with initial values
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; OLD data fields are restored with initial values

Micro Controller Control System 120 Eye Software Interface

Critical height: speed limits calibration(Optional Menu)

Fig.27: Maximum speed calibration menu

You can set maximum speed of pump and drive motors in case of a fork height superior to critical one (that
condition is signaled by two switches present on lift truck forks)
In that menu front panel, you can find following data about critical maximum speeds: description, actual value,
new value you want to set, measure unit, default values minimum and maximum settable values, actual value in
You can execute following operations:

Select default value:

1. Press DEFAULT button; NEW data fields will be automatically updated with default value
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; OLD data fields will be updated

Change actual value:

1. Insert changed value in NEW data field
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; in case of good result, OLD data field is updated. Otherwise an error is
signaled and NEW data field initial value is restored.

Discard changes:
1. Press CANCEL button; NEW data fields will be restored with initial values
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; OLD data fields are restored with initial values

Micro Controller Control System 121 Eye Software Interface

Weight sensor calibration (Optional Menu)

Fig.28: Fork weight calibration menu

In that menu front panel, you can find following data about parameters: description, actual value, measure unit,
default values, minimum and maximum settable values. Pressing SAVE button, visualized pressure value is saved
on actually selected parameter.
You can execute following operations:

Select default value:

1. Press DEFAULT button; VALUE data fields will be automatically updated with default value

Calibrate weight sensor:

1. Select NO LOAD parameter
2. Hoist lift truck forks till 50 cm height
3. Wait for 5 s
4. Press SAVE button and confirm to record weight sensor reading in case of no load on forks
5. Put on lift truck forks a known value load
6. Select LOAD parameter
7. Set, in weight data field, lifted load value
8. Hoist lift truck forks till 50 cm height
9. Wait for 5 s
10. Press SAVE button and confirm to record weight sensor reading in case of known load on forks

Discard changes:
1. Press CANCEL button; VALUE data fields will be restored with initial values

Micro Controller Control System 122 Eye Software Interface

Lift truck setup

Fig.31: Lift truck setup menu

In that menu front panel, you can find following data: parameters description, actual status (ON or OFF), new
status you want to set, and default status.
You can execute following operations:

Select default value:

1. Press DEFAULT button; NEW data fields will be automatically updated with default status
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; OLD data fields will be updated

Change actual value:

1. Insert changed status in NEW data field
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; in case of good result, OLD data field is updated. Otherwise an error is
signaled and NEW data field initial status is restored.

Discard changes:
1. Press CANCEL button; NEW data fields will be restored with initial status
2. Press SAVE button and confirm; OLD data fields are restored with initial status

Micro Controller Control System 123 Eye Software Interface

Eeprom reset menu

That menu has two important functions:

1. In case of Eeprom alarm, you have to use complete EEPROM reset procedure.
2. If you have updated flash memory software, and you want to load default Eeprom configuration, you have to
use complete Eeprom reset; to maintain already calibrated values you can use partial EEPROM reset

Pay attention that using complete reset procedure you loose already calibrated values.
Both procedures, in any case, don’t modify timers value and alarm history.

Partial EEPROM reset:

2. Give a confirmation to load default values

Fig. 33: Eeprom configuration menu

Complete EEPROM reset:

1. Press TOTAL LOAD EEPROM button
2. Give a confirmation to load default values
3. Give a further confirmation (Fig. 34)

Fig. 34: Further confirmation

Micro Controller Control System 124 Eye Software Interface

Parameters Image menu

Fig 35: Parameters image menu

In that menu, You can store and restore about calibration parameters except lift, pedal, steering setting value.

Parameter Store
1. Press Export button
2. Store calibration parameters

Parameter Restore (other trucks)

1. Press Import button
2. Restore calibration parameters

Micro Controller Control System 125 Eye Software Interface

Data Logging

With that menu (Fig. 36) you can save on file the values of a certain number of variables with a certain frequency;
the resulting file is logging out, saved in <EYE PATH>\EYE\out directory.

Fig. 36: Data logging menu

Data acquisition procedure is following:

1. Select Nmax, the number of variables you want to save
2. Select the variables whose value you want to record, with apposite pop-up menu
3. You can modify sampling period, expressed in seconds.
4. Pressing START button, saving procedure begins; in that phase you can’t modify acquisition parameters

During acquisition procedure (Fig. 37), following data are visualized:

1. A led signals saving instant
2. A gauge scans time between 2 saving instants
3. Indication of number of saved frames
4. Flashing message SAVING…

To stop saving procedure you can press START button, or simply exiting the menu.

Micro Controller Control System 126 Eye Software Interface

Fig. 37: Data logging menu – saving mode

Logging.out file format is:

FIRST ROW: name of NMAX variables to be saved followed by saving date and time;
SUCCESSIVE ROWS: NMAX recorded values separated by space.

Micro Controller Control System 127 Eye Software Interface


Fig. 38: Flash programming phase

To upgrade main controller software, with Flash menu (Fig. 38) follow these steps:
1. Disable all commands
2. Verify if “C:\Source_SME\Source_SNG_FILE” directory exists (otherwise create it)
3. Source directory must contain only 1 source file.(XX-XX-XX 0015.SNG0)
4. Select FLASH item from menu-bar
5. Give confirmation to start programming phase
6. In case of troubles with source files, (missing files, wrong version,...) there will be an error message and flash
memory will not programmed .
7. After a synchronization phase, flash programming will start; a bar gives the percent indication of already
programmed memory.
8. In case of problems with serial communication, there will be an error message and flash programming phase
will be stopped.
9. After traction micro successful programming, begins pump micro programming phase (step 7 and 8)
10. A message will signal the end of programming phase, and its result; give confirmation to exit the menu.

See troubleshooting section in case of any error.

NOTE: If programming phase fails after synchronization, panel has to be programmed with correct software
before being used.

Enforce necessarily following item after Flash.

1. Click the total load EEPROM of LOAD EEPROM DEFAULT MENU
2. Re-set the lift, pedal, steering sensor

Micro Controller Control System 128 Eye Software Interface

Troubleshooting of Eye Program
Generality Flash Programmation

Often you can solve problems reading error If panel programming phase fails, when you try
messages and following suggestions. to load source files:
1. Verify if “C:\Source_SME\Source_SNG_FILE”
directory exists
Software Installation 2. Verify if “C:\Source_SME\Source_SNG_FILE”
directory contains only 1 source file.
In case of failed EYE software installation, 3. Be sure that source files are the ones provided
follow these steps: by DI’s Homepage.
1. Verify if your PC complies minimal requirements
2. Be sure of having PC administrator rights If you program memory successfully, but
3. Close all active applications and disable inverter doesn’t work correctly:
antivirus before installation 1. Be sure that source files are the ones provided
4. Verify installation, step by step by S.M.E

In case of successful installation, if application In case of transmission error:

has a runtime error: 1. Verify system ground connections
1. Verify if your PC complies minimal requirements 2. Control serial connection cable: you must use a
2. Turn off PC and try again after turning it on shielded one
3. Uninstall and install again EYE software 3. Verify if serial port works correctly
4. Verify if there are any active commands

Serial Communication
Other Problems
If application doesn’t work and message “not
connected” appears: Application works slowly:
1. Verify system ground connections 1. Verify if your PC complies minimal requirements
2. Verify if inverter panel works correctly
3. Control serial connection cable: you must use a Application doesn’t work properly:
shielded one 1. Verify if your PC complies minimal requirements
4. Verify if serial port works correctly
5. Use Setup menu to verify serial port Text and ”objects” on main panel are not centred:
configuration 1. Verify if your PC complies minimal requirements
6. Verify no other applications serial port 2. Don’t modify window size

Monitor doesn’t display correctly text and

1. Verify if monitor refresh frequency is at least
2. Verify if your PC complies minimal requirements

Micro Controller Control System 129 Eye Software Interface

Appendix A : Parameter List
Parameter Mini Def Maxi Re
Parameter Parameter Description Unit
No mum ault mum mark
Deceleration as high it is as quickly the truck decreases
5 steering ramp its speed if the truck driver is turning the rpm/s 0 1,000 5,000
1 wheel quickly
as high it is as quickly the truck decreases its
Deceleration speed in relation to the drive speed of truck.
6 steering ramp This parameter increases the deceleration rpm/s 0 0 2,000
2 ramp while the driver is steering at high
Battery reset Minimum battery voltage necessary to reset
9 V*10 226 230 249
value battery discharged voltage alarm
Seat switch Time interval between seat switch opening
11 s 1 3 9
delay and drive and pump motors stopping
Time delay between last command given to a
12 Chat time s 1 6 9
drive or pump motor and chat mode signaling
Time interval when pump motor works (with
13 Hydro time s 1 10 20
hydro speed) after the end of a command
Disable = 0 (Default)
14 time inserting Maintenance time inserting enable digit
Enable = 1
Steering Steering sensor voltage with wheels turned
18 mV 500 10,300 11,500
anticlockwise on right
Steering Steering sensor voltage with wheels turned
19 mV 500 1,200 11,500
clockwise on left
20 Steering voltage with wheels straight ahead mV 500 6,300 11,500
Minimum Accelerator sensor voltage with pedal
23 mV 200 1,000 4,500
accelerator released
Maximum Accelerator sensor voltage with pedal
24 mV 2,000 3,600 5,000
accelerator completely pressed
Stop on slop Without stepping on pedal brake, time that is
26 s 1 5 10
timer doing stop in slope
if it's OFF, the pump motor works like it does now, that is,
the reference speed of pump motor, in case of many
simultaneous commands (LIFT + TILT, LIFT + AUX1,
Lift priority for
TILT + AUX1.......), will be the highest of every single OFF = 0 (Default)
27 speed digit
command; if it's ON the reference speed of pump motor, ON = 1
in case of many simultaneous commands, will be the
lowest of those reference speed required by every single
Buzzer on
If it’s ON, the buzzer will be alarmed when the OFF = 0 (Default)
30 forward digit
direction switch is moved to forward. ON = 1
Buzzer on
If it’s ON, the buzzer will be alarmed when the OFF = 0 (Default)
31 reverse digit
direction switch is moved to reverse. ON = 1
Lift sensor voltage with lift lever completely
32 Maximum lift mV 3,000 11,500 12,000
33 Minimum lift Lift sensor voltage with lift lever released mV 0 1,000 12,000
Lift lever potentiometer voltage to which the
34 Middle lift lifting becomes proportional to the shift of the mV 1,000 2,750 12,000
The cooling Fan runs when the temperature
Starting of motors reaches to set value. And the
℉ 185 311
35 temperature of cooling Fan stops when the motors cools 0
(℃) (85) (155)
motor's Fans down below 140℉(60℃) from set value(The
minimum of stop temperature is 77℉(25℃)).
Weight of the
36 Load measurement kg 0 0
load on the forks
No load
37 Load measurement bar·10 0 0 2,200 option
38 Load pressure Load measurement bar·10 0 0 2,200

Micro Controller Control System 130 Appendix

Parameter Mini Def Maxi Re
Parameter Parameter Description Unit
No mum ault mum mark
Limitation 212 311
39 Start temperature of performance reduction ℉(℃) 0
temperature (100) (155)
Slow speed If parameter is set to 1, speed limitation Disable = 0
40 digit
button enable button is enabled. Enable = 1 (Default)
Drive motors maximum current (expressed in
41 maximum % 20 100 100
per cent of high energetic mode value)
Forward Maximum forward lift truck speed with no
42 maximum speed limitation rpm 1,000 3,850 4,000
speed (no alarms present and turtle not active)
Reverse Maximum reverse lift truck speed with no
43 maximum speed limitation rpm 1,000 3,850 4,000
speed (no alarms present and turtle not active)
Drive limitation
Maximum lift truck speed with speed
44 maximum rpm 500 2,000 2,500
limitation (turtle active)
High lift switch
Maximum travel speed when switch 1 was
46 1 drive max rpm 0 1,000 4,500 Option
Steer limitation
Maximum speed reference in the angle in
47 drive maximum rpm 400 1,500 2,000
which the internal wheel is mechanically still.
Acceleration Lift truck acceleration with accelerator pedal
48 rpm/s 40 900 2,000
ramp pressed
49 Lift truck deceleration in inversion rpm/s 40 900 2,000
Lift truck deceleration with accelerator pedal
50 Release ramp rpm/s 40 900 2,000
Pedal brake Lift truck deceleration with pedal brake
51 rpm/s 40 1,000 2,000
ramp pressed
If the truck speed is greater then this
threshold, the speed reference becomes a
52 Creep speed rpm 100 300 2,000
parabolic function of the accelerator
potentiometer voltage.
Diameter of
53 Drive tyre's diameter mm 300 424 700
drive tires
High lift switch
Maximum travel speed when switch 1 and
54 2 drive max rpm 0 1,000 4,500 Option
switch 2 was "ON"
Parameter that softens the drive inversion
Partial release
59 ramp if the traction motors are working with rpm/s 10 35 500
low rpm
Lift maximum Pump motor maximum current with lift
61 % 20 100 100
current function active
Pump motor maximum current with lift lever
62 maximum % 10 66 100
Lift maximum
63 Maximum lift speed rpm 1,500 3,000 3,000
64 Tilt speed Pump motor speed with lift function active rpm 500 900 2,000
Auxiliary 1 Pump motor speed with 1st auxiliary function
65 rpm 500 900 2,800
function speed active
Auxiliary 2 Pump motor speed with 2nd auxiliary function
66 rpm 500 900 2,800
function speed active
Auxiliary 3 Pump motor speed with 3rd auxiliary function
67 rpm 500 900 2,800
function speed active
Lift minimum
68 Minimum lift speed rpm 500 700 1,500
High lift 1
Maximum pump motor speed with forks
69 switch lift max rpm 0 1,500 3,000 Option
above the critical height
70 Hydro speed Pump motor speed when steering rpm 400 700 800

Micro Controller Control System 131 Appendix

Parameter Mini Def Maxi Re
Parameter Parameter Description Unit
No mum ault mum mark
Pump motor speed with direction command
Hydro idle
71 lever not in neutral, acceleration pressed and rpm 200 500 600
no pump command active
72 Lift acceleration rpm/s 1,000 7,000 10,000
acceleration ramp
Pump Pump motor deceleration after the end of a
73 rpm 1,000 7,000 10,000
deceleration ramp command
High lift 2 switch Maximum lift speed when switch 1 and switch
74 rpm 0 1,500 3,000 Option
lift max speed 2 was "ON"
High lift 1 switch
75 Maximum tilt speed when switch 1 was "ON" rpm 0 500 2,000 Option
tilt max speed
High lift 2 switch Maximum tilt speed when switch 1 and switch
76 rpm 0 500 2,000 Option
tilt max speed 2 was "ON"
High lift 1 switch
Maximum auxiliary 1 speed when switch 1
77 auxiliary 1 max rpm 0 500 2,800 Option
was "ON"
High lift 2 switch
Maximum auxiliary 1 speed when switch 1
78 auxiliary 1 max rpm 0 500 2,800 Option
and switch 2 was "ON"
High lift 1 switch
auxiliary 2 Maximum auxiliary 2 speed when switch 1
79 rpm 0 500 2,800 Option
function max was "ON"
High lift 2 switch
auxiliary 2 Maximum auxiliary 2 speed when switch 1
80 rpm 0 500 2,800 Option
function max and switch 2 was "ON"
High lift 1 switch
auxiliary 3 Maximum auxiliary 3 speed when switch 1
83 rpm 0 500 2,800 Option
function max was "ON"
High lift 2 switch
auxiliary 3 Maximum auxiliary 3 speed when switch 1
84 rpm 0 500 2,800 Option
function max and switch 2 was "ON"
If parameter is set to1, speed limitation is
Disable = 0 (Default)
94 Slow speed active; otherwise lift truck speed is managed digit
Enable = 1
as usual.
If parameter is set to 1, values are expressed Normal = 0
95 British unit digit
in British unit, otherwise in international ones. British unit = 1 (Default)
96 Display's brightness adjustment digit 0 5 8
If this parameter is set to 1, it is possible to
Disable = 0
97 E-S-H enable change the value of the power mode with the digit
Enable = 1 (Default)
Time meter / If parameter is set to 1, odometer indication
Timer meter = 0 (Default)
98 Odometer on appears on display ; otherwise display shows digit
Odometer = 1
display the hour meter.
Maintenance Can set truck's maintenance period.
99 h 0 0 10,000
time (Maintenance period decision)

Micro Controller Control System 132 Appendix

Appendix B : Error Code List
EYE Error
Description Level Cause Troubleshooting
Code Code
1. Such an alarm can be caused also by the
presence of regeneration currents; when lift
truck is on release or reverse braking ramp,
motors work as generators, and battery voltage
can exceed overvoltage limit. In a case like
that, the battery condition should be verified ( if
the battery is new it is necessary to do some
Maximum Battery voltage, measured charge-discharge cycles before reaching the
1 F0 battery 1 by a circuit inside logic, rating declared by the constructor) or has a
voltage exceeds 34 V high internal resistance.
If the case is the second and it is not possible
to change the battery, the solution may be to
reduce the release and reverse braking ramp.
2. Incorrect wiring to battery positive or negative
3. Verify if battery is still in good conditions.
4. Replace the logic.
1. Incorrect wiring to battery, or corroded positive
or negative terminals;
2. Verify battery conditions: if the electrolyte
inside is partially exhausted, an under voltage
Minimum Battery voltage, measured alarm can sometimes be detected from the
2 F1 battery 1 by an internal circuit, is controller; even in case of low battery charge
voltage lower than11.5 V (<10%), high current rates (i.e. both pump and
drive motors working in full load conditions)
could cause an under voltage alarm, in
particular in presence of an exhausted battery.
3. Replace the logic.
1. Verify if the accelerator initial set-up is correct;
if not, repeat calibration procedure.(You can
use both PC with serial communication
software and Instrument panel).
Voltage measured on
2. Verify if the following the 42pin main connector
accelerator circuit exceeds
terminals are correctly wired to their
the value calculated
Pedal correspondent inputs in accelerator circuit:
3 F2 2 averaging calibration and
trimmer fault - K2-1C(5 V)
reachable voltages;
- K1-6C (ground)
moreover, start switch
- K2-6A (pedal output-A)
seems to be open.
- K2-4A (pedal output-B)
3. In case of correct wiring, replace the
accelerator itself.
4. Replace the logic.
Eeprom does not work 1. Load default values for eeprom variables, both
Eeprom properly, or one of using PC with serial communication software
5 F 1
alarm memorized values is out of and Instrument panel.
correct limits. 2. Replace the logic.
Voltage level of pre -
charge capacitors is less
1. Verify if main breaker coil and power terminals
then 70 % of nominal
Pre -charge are in good conditions.
battery level.
capacitors 2. Verify if supply lines power fuse is damaged.
It could happen, in
low voltage 3. Verify if main breaker coils are correctly wired
example, if the power
6 A alarm 1 to their correspondent inputs :
module is working with
(Capacitors - K1-8B (positive terminal)
main breaker open.
not - K1-7C (negative terminal)
Capacitors voltage
charged) 4. Replace the main breaker.
decreases cause energy
5. Replace the logic.
spent to keep motors in

Micro Controller Control System 133 Appendix

EYE Error
Description Level Cause Troubleshooting
Code Code
Drive motor 1. With such an alarm present when you turn on
8 F3 power 1 lift truck, disconnect the power cable between
module the malfunctioning power module and the
corresponding motor (first, turn off the system,
of course).
If turning lift truck on again, alarm is not active,
Actual current exceeds
1. Replace the cable connecting logic and
Pump motor limits 1100 A
power module.
25 F5 power 1
2. Replace the power module.
3. Replace the logic.
If turning lift truck on again, alarm is active,
then :
1. Replace the power module.
2. Replace the motor.
1. Inspect whether the main connector is not
power loose.
Pre-charge capacitors
module 2. Inspect whether the drive connector is not
voltage increases too fast
9 A capacitors 1 loose.
when you turn the system
pre-charge 3. Replace the main breaker.
too fast 4. Replace the drive power module.
5. Replace the logic.
1. Alarm could be caused by ineffective
temperature dissipation.
Verify thermal coupling between power module
block and aluminium plate, and between
aluminium plate and truck ballast.
The presence of a correct amount of thermal
The power module
grease in the coupling is essential to ensure an
Pump motor temperature
efficient heat exchange.
power (measured with a
2. Replace cable connecting the output pump of
10 E3 module 6 temperature connector),
the logic to the pump power module;
overtemper exceeds 100℃, or is
3. If temperature readings seem too high in
ature inside [95℃, 100℃] range
function of total time interval of lift truck using,
at least 30 s.
replace pump power module causing the
You can read temperature measures using
Instrument panel or “EYE” communication
4. Replace the logic.
1. Verify the correctness of wiring from pump
When you turn on the
motor and relative power module
system, capacitors are not
2. Replace wire connecting "pump" with the
completely discharged by
corresponding power module or if not possible
pump motor.
because the pump motor power module box
In fact, if you turn
integrates the outlet wire, substitute the power
Capacitors suddenly on the lift truck,
module box
11 A too charged 1 after a turning off,
3. Verify if main breaker has stuck closed
on start capacitors voltage level is
terminals: in such a case replace it
too high. You have to
4. Replace the wire connecting "drive" in logic to
discharge them before
right drive motor power module: a defective
checking the presence of
wire could give a wrong measure for capacitors
any fault (both of
capacitors and of logic)
5. Replace the logic.

Micro Controller Control System 134 Appendix

EYE Error
Description Level Cause Troubleshooting
Code Code
Battery voltage level is
lower than minimum 1. Measure battery voltage with a tester and, if
Low battery charge value expected, different from the value reported on Instrument
12 EL 3
alarm referred to table 3 in panel, replace the logic;
Instrument panel technical 2. Otherwise recharge battery.
Presence of alarm with cold motors:
1. With a handheld multimeter (in resistance
operating mode) you have to measure a
resistance of about 10 kohm between the two
wires of the temperature connector ( execute
the measure at ambient temperature of 25°C) .
If the measure is not correct it is necessary to
replace the temperature connector;
Drive motor The measure of drive 2. Disconnect the temperature connector and
13 E4 over 5 motor temperature check the wiring insulation between signal wire
temperature exceeds 155℃. an ground wire (towards logic);
3. Replace the logic.

Presence of alarm with hot motors :

1. If temperature value (you can read it from
Instrument panel or via PC) seems correct,
verify if fans (if present) work properly; fault is
caused by an inefficient motor refreshing, or by
operating out of nominal maximum ranges.
Presence of alarm with cold motors:
1. With a handheld multimeter in resistance
operating mode, you have to measure about
10kohm at ambient temperature of 25°C
between the two wires of the temperature
connector. If the measure is not correct it is
necessary to replace the temperature
Pump motor The measure of pump 2. Disconnect the temperature connector and
14 E6 over 6 motor temperature check the wiring insulation between signal wire
temperature exceeds 155℃. and ground wire (towards logic);
3. Replace the logic.

Presence of alarm with hot motors:

1. If temperature value (you can read it from
display or via PC) seems correct, verify if fans
(if present) work properly; fault is caused by an
inefficient motor refreshing, or by operating out
of nominal maximum ranges.
1. Replace the wire connecting power module to
Drive motor
Non-zero phase currents logic.
15 F6 current 1
when you turn lift truck on. 2. Replace the power module.
offset alarm
3. Replace the logic.
Main Overcurrent on main 1. Replace the main breaker.
17 17 1
breaker fault breaker coil. 2. If alarm is still present, replace the logic.
Improper communication
1. Using EYE program interface, try to program
Watchdog between DSPs present on
18 F 1 logic flash memory. (default setting)
timer alarm logic, or/and defective
2. Replace the logic .

Micro Controller Control System 135 Appendix

EYE Error
Description Level Cause Troubleshooting
Code Code
1. Alarm could be caused by ineffective
temperature dissipation; verify thermal coupling
between power module block and aluminium
plate and between aluminium plate and truck
ballast. The presence of the correct amount of
thermal grease in the coupling are essential to
Drive motor power module ensure a correct heat exchange;
power temperature, measured 2. Check cable connecting the communication
20 E1 module 5 with a connector, exceed output connector of the logic to the
overtemper 100℃, or is inside corresponding power module;
ature [100℃] range at least 30 s. 3. If temperature readings seem too high in
function of total time interval of lift truck using,
replace power module unit causing the alarm.
You can read temperature measures using
“Instrument panel” or “EYE” communication
4. Replace the logic.
Error in serial 1. Switch on the system and the turn it on again.
communication between 2. Program pump and drive DSP again; maybe
Serial the two DSP; DSP present software present in flash memory was
21 F communicat 1 on logic make a mutual corrupted. (REFLASH)
ion alarm software control, to insure 3. Try to the default setting (LOAD EEPRON
fast diagnosis of such a DEFAULT-TOTAL LOAD EEPROM)
fault. 4. Replace the logic.
1. Replace the wire connecting power module to
Pump motor
Non-zero phase currents logic.
36 F8 current 1
when you turn lift truck on. 2. Replace the power module.
offset alarm
3. Replace the logic.
1. Verify if 5 V output is grounded, cause an
incorrect encoder wiring.
Alarm on 5 logic K2-1C terminal
2. Verify if 5 V output is grounded, cause any
37 FH V encoder 1 (5 V output) voltage is
encoder malfunction. In that case, replace the
voltage lower than 4.3 V.
defective one.
3. Replace the logic.
1. Verify if 12 V output is grounded, cause an
incorrect wiring to:
Alarm on 12 logic K1-3C terminal - Steering sensor
38 FA V output 1 (12 V output) voltage is - Buzzer
voltage lower than 10.5 V. - Display
2. Replace defective device;
3. Replace the logic.
1. Before starting to operate, turn off any active
Pump motor
You find a pump motor command (both levers and switches);
50 FL 1 command active when you 2. Be sure that lift, tilt and auxiliary command
active on
turn your system on. switches, are not active;
3. Replace the valve board.
Battery miss Battery is not suitable
60 60 1 Check battery voltage at the system.
matching voltage to controller.

Micro Controller Control System 136 Appendix

EYE Error
Description Level Cause Troubleshooting
Code Code
Presence of alarm with cold motors:
1. With a handheld multimeter (in resistance
operating mode) you have to measure a
resistance of about 10 kohm between the two
wires of the temperature connector (execute
the measure at ambient temperature of 25°C) .
If the measure is not correct it is necessary to
replace the temperature connector;
Drive motor The measure of right drive 2. Disconnect the temperature connector and
61 61 shutdown 1 motor temperature check the wiring insulation between signal
temperature exceeds 165℃. wire an ground wire ( towards logic);
3. Replace the logic.

Presence of alarm with hot motors :

1. If temperature value (you can read it from
Instrument panel or via PC) seems correct,
verify if fans (if present) work properly; fault is
caused by an inefficient motor refreshing, or by
operating out of nominal maximum ranges.
When you start working,
you find seat switch open,
Seat switch
EE or, after the main breaker 1. Verify if seat switch is defective;
63 open on 1
(flash) is closed, the seat switch 2. Replace the logic.
remains opened for at least
“ seat switch delay” s.
1. verify if a switch was active or the pedal
pressed, when you turn on the lift truck;
When you start working,
2. verify if start, forward or reverse switches are
you find accelerator pedal
64 EE Wrong start 1 stuck close;
pressed or a forward/
3. verify if pedal circuit voltage exceeds 1/3 its
reverse switch active.
maximum range (measured in Volt);
4. Replace the logic.
Presence of alarm with cold motors:
1. With a handheld multimeter in resistance
operating mode, you have to measure about
10kohm at ambient temperature of 25°C
between the two wires of the temperature
connector. If the measure is not correct it is
necessary to replace the temperature
Pump motor The measure of pump 2. Disconnect the temperature connector and
65 65 shutdown 1 motor temperature check the wiring insulation between signal wire
temperature exceeds 165℃. and ground wire ( towards logic);
3. Replace the logic.

Presence of alarm with hot motors:

1. If temperature value (you can read it from
display or via PC) seems correct, verify if fans
(if present) work properly; fault is caused by an
inefficient motor refreshing, or by operating out
of nominal maximum ranges.
1. Verify if the encoder is correctly connected to:
- Motor itself
- Ground : K2-1B terminal
Drive motor An encoder channel is
- + 5 V: K2-1C terminal
74 Fc Encoder 1 disconnected, and motor
- A channel: K2-5C terminal
alarm is working.
- B channel: K2-4C terminal
2. If correctly wired, replace the encoder;
3. Replace the logic.

Micro Controller Control System 137 Appendix

EYE Error
Description Level Cause Troubleshooting
Code Code
1. Verify if the encoder is correctly connected to:
- Motor itself
- Ground : K2-1B terminal
Pump motor An encoder channel is
- + 5 V: K2–1C terminal
76 76 encoder 1 disconnected, and motor
- A channel: K2–3C terminal
alarm is working.
- B channel: K2–2C terminal
2. If correctly wired, replace the encoder;
3. Replace the logic.
Alarm of
drive motor
77 77
Temperature difference 1. Verify if the wiring is correct;
7 between both motors 2. Replace the connector;
Alarm of
results greater than 70℃. 3. Replace the logic.
pump motor
79 79
Alarm of
drive motor
80 80 7
module Temperature difference 1. Check the wiring connecting control unit and
connector between both power power module;
Alarm of modules results greater 2. Replace the power module;
pump motor than 70℃. 3. If alarm is still present, replace the logic.
82 82 7
1. restore eeprom with EYE application software,
using the “RESTORE” item present in main
Faulty eeprom or page
CRC fault
83 83 1 mismatching software 2. Try to the default setting (LOAD EEPROM
3. if alarm is still present, replace the logic.
CRC : Cyclic Redundancy Checking error.
There was an eeprom 1. Switch on the system and the turn it on again
Bank CRC
84 84 1 restore, caused by a CRC 2. Try to the default setting (LOAD EEPROM
1. verify correctness of wiring with :
- K1-3C (12 V),
Steer circuit voltage is out - K1-6C (ground)
91 F9 sensor 5
of nominal range. - K2-1A (steering sensor input);
2. if correctly wired, replace the steering sensor;
3. Replace the logic.
1. Check assembly of the main connector.
Pre-charge capacitor
Capacitors 2. Check cable connecting the Drive/Pump
voltage grows too slowly,
98 A pre -charge 1 output of the logic with the corresponding
when you turn on the
too slow power module.
3. Replace the logic;
Pre-charge capacitors 1. Check assembly of the main connector.
Capacitors voltage does not reach the 2. Check cable connecting the Drive/Pump
99 A pre-charge 1 rated battery voltage output of the logic with the corresponding
too slow within a limit time, when power module.
you turn on the system. 3. Replace the logic;

Micro Controller Control System 138 Appendix

Appendix C : Contraction for dot matrix display.
F1. Alarm Code

[Display Code] [Description] [Contraction]

17 Main breaker fault CONTACTOR FAULT
60 Battery/controller mismatch BATT MISMATCH
61 Drive Motor Shutdown Temperature R-MOTOR SHUTDOWN
65 Pump Motor Shutdown Temperature P-MOTOR SHUTDOWN
76 Pump motor Encoder P-MOTOR ENCODER
77 Wrong drive motor thermal sensor R-M TEMP SENSOR
79 Wrong pump motor thermal sensor P-M TEMP SENSOR
80 Wrong drive power module thermal probe R-INV T SENSOR
82 Wrong pump module thermal probe P-INV T SENSOR
83 CRC fault CRC FAULT
84 Bank CRC restored CRC RESTORED
A Capacitors not charged : fast charge FAST CHARGE
A Trans. precharge in short/Cap. too charged TOO CHARGED
A Capacitors not charged : slow charge CAP SLOW CHARGE
A Capacitors not charged : time out TIME OUT CHARGE
A Capacitors not charged CAP NOT CHARGED
E1 Drive power module Overtemperature R-INV OVERTEMP
E3 Pump module Overtemperature P-INV OVERTEMP
E4 Drive motor Overtemperature R-MOTOR OVERTEMP
E6 Pump motor Overtemperature P-MOTOR OVERTEMP
EE Wrong start WRONG START
EL Low battery voltage LOW BATT VOLT
F WD Timer/Enable micro signals WD TIMER FAULT
F Serial communication COMM FAULT
F0 Maximum battery voltage MAX BATT VOLT
F1 Minimum battery voltage MIN BATT VOLT
F2 Pedal trimmer fault ACCEL FAULT
F3 Drive power module Desat/overcurrent R-INVERTER FAULT
F5 Pump module Desat/overcurrent P-INVERTER FAULT
F6 Drive motor current Offset R-MOTOR I OFFSET
F8 Pump motor current Offset P-MOTOR I OFFSET
F9 Steer sensor fault STEER SENSOR OUT
FH 5V encoders not ok 5V NOT OK
Fc Drive motor Encoder R-MOTOR ENCODER
FE 24V out 24V NOT OK
FA 12V out not ok 12V NOT OK
FL Pump input on at the start PUMP SIGN ON

Micro Controller Control System 139 Appendix

F2. Calibration Code

[Display Code] [Description] [Contraction]

5 Deceleration steering ramp 1 STEERING DECEL1
6 Deceleration steering ramp 2 STEERING DECEL2
9 Battery reset value BATT RESET VALUE
10 First parameter for calibration enable 1 PASSWARD
11 Seat switch delay SEAT SW DELAY
12 Chat time CHAT TIME
13 Hydro time HYDRO TIME
14 Maintenance time inserting enable SERVICE TIME ON
17 Second parameter for calibration enable 2 PASSWARD
18 Steering sensor value : handle turned on the Max. left HANDLE TURN-L
19 Steering sensor value : handle turned on the Max. right HANDLE TURN-R
20 Steering sensor value : wheels on straight position WHEEL STRAIGHT
23 Accelerator pedal minimum value ACCEL MIN VALUE
24 Accelerator pedal maximum value ACCEL MAX VALUE
26 Stop on slop timer SLOP TIMER
27 Lift priority for speed reference LIFT PRI SPEED
30 Buzzer on forward direction FORWARD ALARM
31 Buzzer on reverse direction BACK UP ALARM
32 Lift sensor maximum value LIFT MAX VALUE
33 Lift sensor minimum value LIFT MIN VALUE
34 Lift sensor middle value LIFT START VALUE
35 Starting temperature of motor’s Fans START MOTOR FAN
36 Weight of the load on the forks LOAD WEIGHT
37 No load pressure NO LOAD PRESSURE
38 Load pressure LOAD PRESSURE
39 Limitation temperature LIMIT TEMP
40 Slow speed button enable SLOW SPEED FIX
41 Drive maximum current DRIVE MAX I
42 Forward maximum speed FWD MAX SPEED
43 Reverse maximum speed REV MAX SPEED
44 Drive limitation max speed D LIMIT MAX SPD
46 High lift switch 1 drive max speed HIGH1 DRIVE MAX
47 Steer limitation drive max speed STEER LIMIT SPD
48 Drive acceleration ramp D ACCEL RAMP
49 Drive inversion ramp D INVERSION RAMP
50 Drive release ramp D RELEASE RAMP
51 Pedal brake ramp PEDAL BRAKE RAMP
52 Creep speed CREEP SPEED
53 Diameter of drive tires TIRES DIA
54 High lift switch 2 drive max speed HIGH2 DRIVE MAX
59 Partial release ramp PARTIAL RELEASE
61 Lift max current LIFT MAX CURRENT
62 Auxiliary max current AUX MAX CURRENT
63 Lift max speed LIFT MAX SPEED
64 Tilt max speed TILT MAX SPEED
65 Auxiliary 1 function speed AUX 1 SPEED
66 Auxiliary 2 function speed AUX 2 SPEED
67 Auxiliary 3 function speed AUX 3 SPEED
68 Lift min speed LIFT MIN SPEED
69 High lift 1 switch lift max speed HIGH1 LIFT LIMIT
70 Hydro speed HYDRO SPEED
71 Hydro idle speed IDLE SPEED
72 Pump acceleration ramp PUMP ACCEL RAMP
73 Pump deceleration ramp PUMP DECEL RAMP
74 High lift 2 switch lift max speed HIGH2 LIFT LIMIT

Micro Controller Control System 140 Appendix

75 High lift 1 switch tilt max speed HIGH1 TILT LIMIT
76 High lift 2 switch tilt max speed HIGH2 TILT LIMIT
77 High lift 1 switch auxiliary 1 max speed HIGH1 AUX1 LIMIT
78 High lift 2 switch auxiliary 1 max speed HIGH2 AUX1 LIMIT
79 High lift 1 switch auxiliary 2 function max speed HIGH1 AUX2 LIMIT
80 High lift 2 switch auxiliary 2 function max speed HIGH2 AUX2 LIMIT
83 High lift 1 switch auxiliary 3 function max speed HIGH1 AUX3 LIMIT
84 High lift 2 switch auxiliary 3 function max speed HIGH2 AUX3 LIMIT
94 Slow speed SLOW SPEED
95 British unit BRITISH UNIT
96 Display brightness LCD BRIGHTNESS
97 E-S-H enable E-S-H
98 Time meter / Odometer on display TIMER-ODOMETER
99 Maintenance time SERVICE PERIOD

Micro Controller Control System 141 Appendix

F3. Diagnostic Code

[Display Code] [Description] [Contraction]

1 Drive motor speed RIGHT MOTOR SPD
2 Drive motor speed reference R-MOTOR REF SPD
5 Lift lever voltage LIFT SENSOR OUT
6 Battery voltage BATT VOLTAGE
7 Drive motor power module temperature R-INVERTER TEMP
8 Pump motor power module temperature P-INVERTER TEMP
9 Pump motor speed PUMP MOTOR SPD
10 Pump motor speed reference P-MOTOR REF SPD
11 Accelerator potentiometer voltage ACCEL 1ST OUT
12 Accelerator second Potentiometer voltage ACCEL 2ND OUT
13 Steering sensor voltage STEER SENSOR OUT
15 Drive motor phase current R-MOTOR I-U
16 Drive motor phase current R-MOTOR I-V
17 Drive motor phase current R-MOTOR I-W
21 Pump motor phase current P-MOTOR I-U
22 Pump motor phase current P-MOTOR I-V
23 Pump motor phase current P-MOTOR I-W
24 Drive motor temperature R-MOTOR TEMP
26 Pump motor temperature P-MOTOR TEMP
27 Seat switch hour meter SEAT H METER
28 Drive motor hour meter DRIVE H METER
29 Pump motor hour meter PUMP H METER
30 Seat switch SEAT SWITCH
31 Park brake switch PARK SWITCH
32 Start switch SRART SWITCH
33 Reverse traction direction switch REV SELECT SW
34 Forward traction direction switch FWD SELECT SW
35 Pedal brake switch PEDAL BRAKE SW
37 Auxiliary 1 switch AUX 1 OUTPUT
38 Auxiliary 2 switch AUX 2 OUTPUT
39 Auxiliary 3 switch AUX 3 OUTPUT
40 High lift 1 switch HIGH LIFT 1 SW
41 Tilt switch TILT SWITCH OUT
42 High lift 2 switch HIGH LIFT 2 SW
43 Main breaker command CONTACTOR
44 5V out 5V OUT
45 12V out 12V OUT
46 24V out 24V OUT
47 Buzzer command BUZZER
48 Fans command FANS
49 Drive motor encoder channels R-MOTOR ENCODER
51 Pump motor encoder channels P-MOTOR ENCODER
52 lift pressure LIFT PRESSURE
53 Pressure sensor voltage PRESSURE OUTPUT
54 Weight of the load on the forks LOAD WIGHT

Micro Controller Control System 142 Appendix


Power Train
Systems Operation
Testing & Adjusting
Disassembly & Assembly

B10R-5, B13R-5, B15R-5, B16R-5

Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic
safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations
before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the
necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.

Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before operating or performing lubrication,
maintenance and repair on this product.

Basic safety precautions are listed in the “Safety“ section of the Service or Technical Manual. Additional safety
precautions are listed in the “Safety“ section of the owner/operation/maintenance publication.
Specific safety warnings for all these publications are provided in the description of operations where hazards
exist. WARNING labels have also been put on the product to provide instructions and to identify specific
hazards. If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons.
Warnings in this publication and on the product labels are identified by the following symbol.


Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could
result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read
and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in this

DOOSAN cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings
in this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or
operating technique not specifically recommended by DOOSAN is used, you must satisfy that it is safe for you
and others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by the operation,
lubrication, maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information available at
the time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and
other items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the
complete and most current information before starting any job. DOOSAN dealers have the most current
information available.


General Tightening Torques ................................. 5
General tightening torque
for bolts, nuts and taperlock studs ..................... 5
Drive Motor .......................................................... 7
(AC).................................................................. 7
Wheel Mounting ................................................... 8
Motor and Transfer ............................................... 9
Brake ..................................................................10

Systems Operation
General Information.............................................11
Drive Motor .........................................................12
<AC> ...............................................................12
Thermal Sensor Tests......................................12
Sensor Bearing ................................................13
Motor and Transfer ..............................................14
Brake ..................................................................14
Connecting the hydraulic brake system ............14
Connecting the brake cable..............................14
Replenishing With Transmission Fluid ..............15
Front Axle ...........................................................16
Front Axle Tightening Torque ...........................17
Testing and Adjusting ......................................17
Drive Axle ...........................................................18
- GK25LD (A473022) .......................................18
- GK26LD (101587-00013) ...............................20

Testing and Adjusting

Troubleshooting ..................................................21
Visual Checks ..................................................21
Checks During Operation .................................21

Disassembly and Assembly

Front Axle ...........................................................25
Drive Axle ...........................................................31
- GK25LD (A473022) .......................................31
- GK26LD (101587-00013) ...............................54

Power Train 3 Index

General Tightening Torques

General tightening torque

for bolts, nuts and taperlock studs
The following charts give the thread
standard torque
standard torque values for bolts, size
nuts and taperlock studs of SAE
Grade 5 or better quality.
Exceptions are given in other inches lb·ft N·m*
sections of the Service Manual
where needed.
1/4 9 ±3 12± 4
5/16 18 ±5 25± 7
Use these torques for 3/8 32 ±5 45± 7
bolts and nuts with
standard threads 7/16 50 ± 10 70 ± 15
(Conversions are approximate) 1/2 75 ± 10 100 ± 15
9/16 110 ± 15 150 ± 20
5/8 150 ± 20 200 ± 25
3/4 265 ± 35 360 ± 50
7/8 420 ± 60 570 ± 80
standard thread
1 640± 80 875 ± 100
1-1/8 800 ±100 1100 ± 150
1-1/4 1000 ± 120 1350 ± 175
1-3/8 1200 ± 150 1600 ± 200
1-1/2 1500 ± 200 2000 ± 275
5/16 13 ±2 20± 3
Use these torques for 3/8 24 ±2 35± 3
bolts and nuts on
7/16 39 ±2 50± 3
hydraulic valve
bodies. 1/2 60 ±3 80± 4
5/8 118 ±4 160± 6
1 5±2 7± 3
5 10±3 15± 5
Use these torques for 3 20±3 30± 5
studs with taperlock
threads. 7 30±5 40± 10
1 40±5 55± 10
9 60± 10 80 ± 15
5 75±10 100 ± 15
3 110± 15 150 ± 20
taperlock stud
7 170± 20 230 ± 30
1 260± 30 350 ± 40
1-1/8 320 ± 30 400 ± 40
1-1/4 400 ± 40 550 ± 50
1-3/8 480 ± 40 650 ± 50
1-1/2 550 ± 50 750 ± 70
*1 newton meter(N•m) is approximately the same as 0.1 mkg.

Power Train 5 Specifications

Metric fasteners
metric ISO thread

thread size torque

(mm) (N·m)* (lb·ft)
M6 12 ±4 9±3
M6 12 ±4 9±3
M8 25 ±7 18±5
[Usually, material strength identification on bolt
head is with numbers (i.e., 8.8, 10.9, etc.)] M10 55 ±10 40 ±7
M12 95 ±15 70 ±10
The chart on the right gives the torque for bolts and
nuts with Grade 8.8. M14 150 ±20 110 ±15
M16 220 ±30 160 ±20
NOTICE : Caution must be taken to avoid mixing
metric and standard (customary) fasteners. M18 325 ±50 240 ±35
Mismatched or incorrect fasteners can result in M20 450 ±70 330 ±50
damage or malfunction, or possible personal injury. M22 600 ±90 440 ±65
Original fasteners removed from the vehicle should M24 775 ±100 570 ±75
be saved for assembly when possible. If new ones
are required, caution must be taken to replace with M27 1150 ±150 840 ±110
one that is of same part no. and grade or better. M30 1610 ±200 1175 ±150
M33 2000 ±275 1450 ±200
M36 2700 ±400 2000 ±300
ISO-International Standard Organization
Hose clamps-worm drive band type

intitial assembly reassembly or

clamp torque on new hose retightening torque
(N·m)* (lb·ft) (N·m)* (lb·ft)
15.9 mm (.625 inch) 7.5 ±0.5 65 ±5 4.5±0.5 40 ±5
13.5 mm (.531 inch) 4.5 ±0.5 40 ±5 3.0±0.5 2 ±5
7.9 mm (.312 inch) 0.9 ±0.2 8 ±2 0.7±0.2 6 ±2
*1 newton meter(N•m) is approximately the same as 0.1 mkg.

Power Train 6 Specifications

Drive Motor


Thermal switch

Warning temperature ...............155 ± 4°C (311 ±10°F)

Power Train 7 Specifications

Wheel Mounting


(1) Nut. (2) Bolt.

(1) Torque for drive wheel mounting nut ..................

........................... 190 N·m±10 N·m (140±7 lb·ft)

(2) Torque for bolt that hold housing to mast ...........

......................... 300 N·m±30 N·m (222±22 lb·ft)

Power Train 8 Specifications

Motor and Transfer


(1) Socket head bolt. (2) Bolt.

(1) Torque for socket head bolts that hold transfer

and drive motor .........23 N·m±5 N·m (17±4 lb·ft)

(2) Torque for bolt that hold transfer to frame ..........

................................80 N·m±5 N·m (59±4 lb·ft)

Power Train 9 Specifications


Actuating stroke for the hand brake cable

(1) Bleeder port. (2) Brake line (hydraulic line). (3) Brake cable.

(1) Torque for bleeder port ......................................

................................50 N·m±5 N·m (37±4 lb·ft)

(2) Torque for brake line..........................................

................................50 N·m±5 N·m (37±4 lb·ft)

(3) Torque for brake cable .......................................

................................50 N·m±5 N·m (37±4 lb·ft)

Power Train 10 Specifications

Systems Operation
General Information

Power Flow
(1) Drive axle. (2) Drive motor. (3) Front axle.

The powertrain for the B16R-5 MODEL Lift Trucks

consist of three main components; drive motor (2),
Drive axle (1) and Front axles (3)

Electric storage batteries are used as a power

source for the drive motor (2). The drive motor turns
drive axle (1), which turn the rear drive wheel.

Power Train 11 Systems Operation

Drive Motor

Thermal Sensor Tests

Tools Needed
Digital Multimeter or Equivalent 1

1. With the digital multimter in resistance operating

mode, you have to measure about 10K ohm at
ambient temperature of 25°C between the two
wires of the thermal sensor.

Power Train 12 Systems Operation

Sensor Bearing

1. Remove the protective cover of sensor bearing.

2. De-mount the ring nut.

3. Remove the front endbell.

4. Unthread the rotor.

5. Remove the sensor bearing from its seat by

forcing the sensor bearing from inside the motor
(that is now open in one side).

6. Install the new sensor bearing in its own seat.

7. Repeat the points from 4 to 1 to mount back the


Power Train 13 Systems Operation

Motor and Transfer Brake

Actuating stroke for the hand brake cable



3 5
IOPS003I 4
(1) Socket head bolt. (2) Drive motor. (3) Drive axle.

1. Place the drive motor (2) carefully on the Drive

axle (3) and join the gearings of motor spline and (1) Bleeder port. (2) Brake line (hydraulic line).
pinion gear carefully. (3) Brake cable. (4) Rod. (5) axle lever.

NOTE : When joining the splines, turn the motor

shaft carefully until the motor spline Connecting the hydraulic brake
engages into the pinion gear.
2. Turn motor so that bore pattern of transfer lines
up with that of motor. Connect the brake line (hydraulic line) (2) according
to the assembly position.
3. Screw motor and transfer together with six socket Tightening torque of bleeder port (1) and brake line
head bolts (1). Tighten the bolts to a torque of ..... (2) is ............................ 50 N·m±5 N·m (37±4 lb·ft).
................................23 N·m±5 N·m (17±4 lb·ft).

Connecting the brake cable

Screw the brake cable (3) to a torque of..................
.................................... 50 N·m±5 N·m (37±4 lb·ft).

If the rods (4) have much play, adjust the rods (4) for
axle levers (5) not to be pulled.

Power Train 14 Systems Operation

Replenishing With Transmission

Approx. 0.5L



(1) Air breather. (2) Sealing washer. (3) Oil level plug.

Loosen air breather (1).

Use a funnel with a hose for easier filling. Maximum
outside diameter of hose to be 10mm (0.4 in). The
correct fluid level and amount of fluid has been
reached when the level can be seen at hole for oil
level plug (3). When filling the fluid in, make sure
that no air bubbles are formed in the transmission.
Turn the wheel shaft to remove them.

Screw the air breather (1) with the sealing washer

(2). Tighten the air breather to torque of ..................
........................................ 70 ±10 N·m (52 ± 7 lb·ft).

Apply LOCTITE No.572 to thread of drain plug (3)

and tighten to a torque of ..................... 70 ± 10 N·m
(52 ± 7 lb·ft)

Bleed the brake system after filling of brake fluid.

Refer to Brake System Air Removal of Lift Trucks
Vehicle System

Power Train 15 Systems Operation

Front Axle
Sealed up structure of hydraulic disk brake system
Front axle is composed of Drive shaft ① and Brake
secures good brake performance even in the high

humid or dusty area
It is assembled with rear wheel drive power train,
Because it is possible to use the brake semi-
that is role of service brake and parking brake
permanently, there is no need to replace or change
the lining as drum type brake do. Parking brake's
lever system is the serration type, so it is possible to
adjust the play.
Because it is easy to maintain the gap of both brake
efficiency and minimum disproportional braking
deviation is acquired.
Major components are 4 disk plates④, 5 steel plates
⑤, service piston⑦. Braking force is applied by
restricting the driving force from drive shaft② and
spline collar⑨


Axle oil MOBIL #424

Front Axle
Oil quantity 0.5 L
Service brake Oil disk brake 1 Drive shaft 2 Tapered bearing
Brake oil AZOLLA-ZS10 3 Housing 4 Disk brake
Lever 5 Steel plate 6 Parking piston
Brake revolution 7 Parking lever 8 Parking lever shaft
Type 9 Brake cover 10 Spline collar
Parking brake
( Single type 11 Service piston
with service

Power Train 16 Systems Operation

Front Axle Tightening Torque Testing and Adjusting


(1) lubricating oil shortage.

(2) Incorrect oil specification.

1 Regular noise
(3) Shaft bearing sdjustment
failure or defect.

Oil leakage at the drive


Lubricating oil a. Too high oil level.

b. Incorrect oil specification.

c. Clogged housing reather.

(1) Drive shaft damaged.

Drive wheel - Shaft bearing loosening.

(2) Nut at Drive shaft too

1 Drive shaft 25±5 kg.㎝

2 Lock nut 2100±100 kg.㎝
3 Brake housing bolt 360±10 kg.㎝

Power Train 17 Systems Operation

Drive Axle
- GK25LD (A473022)
1. Transmission schematic

No. 1 Transmission housing

No. 2 Wheel shaft not illustrated gear set, consisting of input pinion, helical gear, bevel pinion shaft and crown

No. 3 Housing top section (with integrated input pinion)

No. 4 Housing cover

No. 5 Centering ring

No. 6 Lock plate

No. 7 Final stop (2x)

No. 8 Oil filler- and oil inspection plug

No. 9 Oil drain plug


Power Train 18 Systems Operation

2. Tightening torques for screws in Nm according to ZF-Standard 148

If not especially indicated, tightening torques can be taken from the following chart:

Metric ISO standard thread DIN 13, sheet 13 Metric ISO-fine thread DIN 13, sheet 13
Size 8.8 10.9 12.9 Size 8.8 10.9 12.9
M4 2, 8 4, 1 4, 8 M 8x1 24 36 43
M5 5, 5 8, 1 9, 5 M 9x1 36 53 62
M6 9, 5 14 16, 5 M 10x1 52 76 89
M7 15 23 28 M 10x1,25 49 72 84
M8 23 34 40 M 12x1,25 87 125 150
M10 46 68 79 M 12x1,5 83 120 145
M12 79 115 135 M 14x1,5 135 200 235
M14 125 185 215 M 16x1,5 205 300 360
M16 195 280 330 M 18x1,5 310 440 520
M18 280 390 460 M 18x2 290 420 490
M20 390 560 650 M 20x1,5 430 620 720
M22 530 750 880 M 22x1,5 580 820 960
M24 670 960 1100 M 24x1,5 760 1100 1250
M27 1000 1400 1650 M 24x2 730 1050 1200
M30 1350 1900 2250 M 27x1,5 1100 1600 1850
M33 1850 2600 3000 M 27x2 1050 1500 1800
M36 2350 3300 3900 M 30x1,5 1550 2200 2550
M39 3000 4300 5100 M 30x2 1500 2100 2500
M 33x1,5 2050 2900 3400
M 33x2 2000 2800 3300
M 36x1,5 2700 3800 4450
M 36x3 2500 3500 4100
M 39x1,5 3450 4900 5700
M 39x3 3200 4600 5300

Friction coefficient: μ total 0,12 for screws and nuts without aftertreatment as well as for phosphatized nuts.
Tighten by hand!

Power Train 19 Systems Operation

- GK26LD (101587-00013)

Components and accessories of a GK26LD transmission

1. Gearbox housing
2. Housing cover
3. Wheel shaft with locating and contact surfaces for wheel
4. Top part of housing with gearing (shown) or without gearing
5. Steering pinion
6. Alternative top part of housing for chain steering connection with chain tensioner
7. Steering lock
8. Integrated input pinion with motor connection profile
9. Oil filler plug and oil level check
10. Oil drain plug
11. Mounting plate for frame connection

Power Train 20 Systems Operation

Testing and Adjusting WARNING
If an electrical failure or an overload of the
Troubleshooting motor is present, personnel must not breathe
the toxic fumes which are a product of the burnt
insulation. All power must be disconnected
Visual Checks from the motor before any inspection is made to
find the failure. The area around the motor must
Make a visual inspection of the truck to check for
be well ventilated (air flow) and the motor is to
problems. Operate the truck in each direction.
be cooled before any repair work is done.
Make a note of the noises that are not normal and
Water must not be used on any electrical
find their source. If the operation is not correct,
equipment because of the danger of electric
make reference to the Check List During Operation
shock. If a fire is present, disconnect the
for "Problems" and "Probable Causes".
electrical power and use a carbon dioxide
extinguisher to put the flame out.

Checks During Operation Do not operate the drive motors without a load,
as too much speed may cause damage to the
Drive Motor motor and injury to personnel.

Before an analysis is made of any electric drive

motor problem, always make reference to the
Troubleshooting section of the MicroController <AC>
System Operation module.
Problem 1 : Drive Motor Will Not Operate.
Probable Cause :
The lift truck can move suddenly. Battery
voltage and high amperage is present. Injury to 1. Switch not closed (battery connector, key switch,
personnel or damage to the lift truck is possible. seat switch, direction switch or parking brake
Safely lift both drive wheels off the floor. Put switch) :
wood blocks or jack stands of the correct Close the switch. If it still does not operate test
capacity under the frame so the drive wheels for power to the control panel and power flow
are free to turn. During any test or operation through each switch with a voltmeter.
check, keep away from the drive wheels. But the service brake switch should be opened.
The Power unit will have to be discharged
before any contact with the control panel is 2. Bad connection. Fuse blown :
made. Disconnect the battery and discharge the Check battery connections. Check connections at
Power unit. Rings, watches and other metallic battery connector. Check fuses, drive and logics.
objects should be removed from hands and Replace fuse if blown.
arms when troubleshooting the MicroController Check the Drive motor and control panel for
Control System. possible reasons for a blown fuse. Some causes
To prevent personal injury, never use air are :
pressure that is more than 205 kPa (30 psi), and
wear protective clothing and a face shield. a. Operation under excessive MOSFET load, too
high current limit (C/L).

b. Possible short circuit in power unit.

To prevent damage to electrical components, make
sure the air line is equipped with a water filter when
they are cleaned with air.

Power Train 21 Testing And Adjusting

3. Low battery voltage: Problem 3 : Neither traction or hydraulic will
Check battery terminal voltage. If too low, charge last through a complete normal work period.
the battery.
Check all the cells for one or more that have Probable Cause :
Check the specific gravity of each cell. The 1. Too small a battery equipped in the lift truck :
maximum density difference from the highest to Use a larger battery for the complete work cycle
the lowest cell must not be more than .020 SG and normal work period.
(specific gravity).
2. Battery not being fully charged or equalized
4. Control panel operation not correct : during the battery charging operation :
See the MicroController System Operation Check the battery cells for an equalization
module. charge(a charge to make the specific gravity the
same in all cells). Check the battery charger for
5. Static return to off circuit (S.R.O.) actuated: defects.
If the static return to off is activated, the control
will not start again until the accelerator is 3. Battery change interval is too long or changed
released and the directional control lever is battery cooling time is too short. This decreases
returned to neutral. the capacity and the ability of the battery :
Decrease the battery work duration before a
6. Speed sensor is breakdown. change. Increase the battery cooling time after a
charge before it is put to use.

Problem 2 : Traction will not operate through a 4. Battery has one or more defective cells which
normal work period, but hydraulic operation is results in less than the rated capacity and ability
normal. of the battery :
Replace the battery.
Probable Cause :
5. Traction system draws (makes a consumption of)
1. Brakes have a defect, cause a resistance(lack of too much battery power because of traction
free movement). Heat increases, which causes system faults. Operation of the duty cycle
the motor to stall : (complete working cycle) condition is not correct :
Check the brake adjustment according to the Check the brake adjustment according to the
procedures in Testing And Adjusting in the procedures in Testing And Adjusting in the
Vehicle Systems module. Vehicle Systems module. Check the mechanical
components such as wheel bearings, axles, etc.,
2. Too much heat in MicroController control panel for corrections to eliminate the faults. Change to
because: a tire with less friction.

a. Extra heavy traction loads. 6. Hydraulic system draws too much battery power
Decrease the duty cycle load. because of lifting and tilting arrangements, or
hydraulic conditions are not correct for the duty
b. Faulty thermal sensor. cycle:
See the MicroController System Operation
module. Decrease hydraulic relief valve setting to the
capacity that only will be used.
These can cause MOSFETS to become defective, Change to a smaller hydraulic pump.
control panel failure or drive fuse to go bad. Check the mast for restriction during operation.

7. Lift truck working more than the capacity of its

design with no available power after one work
shift :

Have available an extra (exchange) battery.

Decrease the speed and work load required to
complete the work shift.

Power Train 22 Testing And Adjusting

Problem 4 : Low resistance to ground [battery Problem 6 : Lift truck does not have enough
polarity either positive (+) or negative (–) or a power to position itself under a load. Lift truck
medium voltage is in direct contact with truck does not have enough power on ramps or
frame (body) or drive motor body]. towing trailers.

Probable Cause : Probable Cause:

1. Dirty battery, electrolyte on top of cells and is in 1. Unpolished or improperly positioned forks :
contact with the frame. Current flows through Install tapered and polished forks. Position forks
battery box, which places a voltage on the truck correctly for load being lifted.
frame :
2. Lift truck equipped with tires that have poor
Clean the battery with baking soda and water traction :
Install tires that have good traction per
2. Battery or control panel wire connections in recommendation from DOOSAN Inc.
contact with truck frame :
3. Lift truck work load is too heavy or the duty cycle
Make a continuity test and move the wire from too long :
Decrease the work load and/or duty cycle.
Remove wires in sequence until the fault is
Problem 7 : Lift truck has slow acceleration.
The fault will be in the wire last disconnected.
Probable Cause:
3. Dirty motor :
1. Drive control overheated and the thermal switch
Remove metallic or carbon dust with air pressure. opens :

4. Wet motor : NOTE: The thermal switch will warning if the

temperature is 155 ± 4°C (311 ± 10°F).
To dry the motor, heat it to 90°C (194°F).

Problem 5 : Lift truck will not get to top speed.
Problem 1 : Abnormal movement of drive shaft
Probable Cause : to axial direction.

1. Battery not fully charged or battery has bad cells : Probable cause :
Charge the battery. Check for bad cells. Replace
battery if necessary. 1. Lock nut loosening :

2. A fault either in the drive motor, control panel or Check if lock nut and socket head bolt for
drive train : stopping lock nut are loosened. Tighten lock nut
and socket head bolt with Loctite No.277.
Check lift truck speed in both directions. If the
MicroController control panel needs to be tuned Problem 2 : Rattle noise during coasting and
up, make adjustments as shown in the respective cornering.
MicroController System Operation module. If the
drive motor is at fault, make the tests of the motor Probable cause :
components in Testing And Adjusting.
1. Abnormal wear on tire tread :

Change tires with new tires.

Rattle noise could be improved by change tires
left and right each other.

Power Train 23 Testing And Adjusting

Problem 3 : Gear noise during driving. Problem 7 : Noise during brake application.

Probable cause : Probable cause :

1. Damaged tooth or excessive wear of bearing : 1. Using wrong transmission oil specification :
Check gears and bearings and change the Check the transmission oil with specified one and
damaged gear and bearing of excessive wear. keep the drain interval.
Keep the oil drain interval and use specified oil.
2. Insufficient soaking hour of friction discs. After a
few days, problem will disappear.
Problem 4 : Leakage through air breather.

Probable cause : Problem 8 : Poor brake performance.

1. Excessive oil level : Probable cause :

Check the oil level and keep the specified oil level. 1. Damaged brake friction disc and steel plate by
excessive heat :
2. Failure of air breather : Check if parking cable is released. Change friction
discs and steel plates. Keep the drain interval of
Change air breather with new one. transmission oil.

Problem 5 : Long brake pedal stroke. Problem 9 : Leakage from drive shaft.

Probable cause : Probable cause :

1. Excessive lining wear : 1. Faulty oil seal of drive shaft :

Check the stroke of brake piston rod. Keep the Check oil seal and drive shaft for damages in the
stroke within 3~5 mm by adding shim. sealing area.

2. Failure of brake master cylinder :

Problem 10 : Transmission overheats.
Change the seals in the brake master cylinder.
Probable cause :

Problem 6 : Decreased oil level in brake oil 1. Transmission oil level is either too high or too
reservoir or leakage through brake piston rod. low :

Probable cause : Check oil level.

1. Damage on seals of brake piston rod : 2. Wheel bearings with an excessive prestress :
Change the quad ring, back up ring and wear
rings on piston rod. Check rolling torque of drive shaft.

2. Scratch on brake piston bore :

Replace transmission housing cover with new one.

Power Train 24 Testing And Adjusting

Disassembly and
Front Axle

1. Loosen the oil drain plug in the axle housing and

drain oil.

3. Loosen the lock nut.

4. Remove 5 disc and 4 plate from the spline collar

and disassemble the spline collar then, remove 3
brake pin.

2. Loosen 10 socket head bolts from the housing

cover and then, remove the housing cover. (But it
will be hard to remove because of dowelpin)

5. Remove the drive shaft with using a hydro

presser or plastic hammer a plastic hammer.
Shaft seal will be damaged.

Power Train 25 Disassembly and Assembly

Disassembly of Housing Cover

6. Remove bearing cone then, remove bearing cup

from housing. (there is one more bearing cup
opposite side of the housing) 1. Remove the actuator.

7. Remove bearing cone then, remove oil seal from

drive shaft.

8. Remove 8 wheel bolt using plastic hammer. 2. Remove piston using a tool and then, remove 2
square ring from the housing.

Power Train 26 Disassembly and Assembly

Reassembly of Housing Cover

3. After removing the snap ring, remove the roller

and 2 washers.
1. Assemble bush with applying locktight #620 and
assemble using jig, needle bearing too.

4. After removing the snap ring, remove the parking

lever and washer to remove shaft. 2. Assemble shaft in the reverse order to

Power Train 27 Disassembly and Assembly

3. Assemble the parking lever. 2. Assemble piston and actuator.

Reassembly of Axle Body

3. Assemble 2 bearing cup each other.

1. After assembling dowel pin, assemble square ring

with oil (MOBIL #424) to the housing.

Power Train 28 Disassembly and Assembly

Apply grease or oil to shaft seal and then,
assemble it from the direction of outre side of

4. Apply liquid gasket #1215 to the oil seal while

heating inner race of bearing to max 100℃

6. Assemble bearing cone with plastic hammer

5. After assembling bearing cone and oil seal,

assemble drive shaft.

Power Train 29 Disassembly and Assembly

Measuring play of drive shaft end

Measure shim thickness by following method.

Assemble Shim with Nut at the tightening torque of

2000~2500 kg•cm

Measure rolling resistance of taper roller bearing

• Tightening torque : 20~35 kg•cm

If Torque is more then add a shim

If Torque is less then subtract a shim

After finding final shim thickness, apply locktight

#277 on locknut, and lock it.

7. After assembling spline collar, brake pin and

dowel pin, assemble disc and plate.

8. Apply liquid gasket #1102 to housing, assemble

housing cover.

9. Tighten 8 bolts to the housing.

Apply loctite #271 or #277 on the thred of bolt.

• Tightening torque : 500~700 kg·cm

Power Train 30 Disassembly and Assembly

Drive Axle 1. Drain off transmission oil
- GK25LD (A473022) Place a suitable receptacle under the oil drain plug
(Pos.1) and unscrew it with a 6 mm Allen wrench.
Disassembly Drain transmission oil completely into the receptacle.
Do not drain transmission oil into the sewerage
Prior to disassembly clean transmission carefully. system or into the soil! Observe oil drain time!
A great help is a bright, spacious working place, free
of dirt and chips.
The necessary working steps are described and
illustrated in the correct sequence.
Parts only available as assembly groups will not be
stripped any further.
Please observe strictly the instructions of the vehicle
manufacturer for removing the transmission
from the vehicle.
For dis- and reassembly we recommend to use a
fixture as shown in below figure.

Fig. III1-1

2. Remove housing top section

Loosen and remove the socket head bolts (Pos.1)

on the bottom side of the transmission housing as
well as inside the housing top section.
see Fig. III2-1 and Fig. III2-1a
5x M8x35
2x M8x50
8x M10x45

Fig. III2-1

Power Train 31 Disassembly and Assembly

This transmission version has the housing top
section additionally fastened to the transmission
housing by means of 2 socket head bolts (Pos.2),
hexagon nuts (Pos.3) and washers (Pos.4). Fig. III2-
1a and Fig. III2-2

Fig. III2-4

2.1 Remove input from the housing top

section and dismantle it

By means of two assembly levers press cover assy
Fig. III2-1a Fig. III2-2 (Pos.2) cautiously against the bearing outer ring
(with radial shaft seal, grooved ball bearing, O-ring
For motor fixing the centering ring (Pos.2) is bolted and input pinion) out of the bearing bore.
onto the pivoting bearing (Pos.1).
Two final stops (Pos.3) on the chain tread and the Do not damage the input pinion toothing!
lock plate (Pos.4) connected with the centering ring Damages might cause louder running noises!
are required for the steering lock.
Only in case of damage the lock plate and the 2
final stops have to be removed and replaced.

Fig. III2-1

NOTE: Prior to remove the grooved ball bearing

Fig. III2-3 (Pos.3), the helical gear has to be taken off
first, as indicated in Chapter III, Sect. 7.1.
Slightly beat with a plastic hammer or a copper
mandrel from the bottom against the top section
(Pos.1), so that it loosens from the transmission
housing. Cautiously lift off and remove the housing
top section.

Housing top section can only be replaced

completely. Centering ring can be reused.

Remove cyl. pins, breather valve and grease

nipples only in case of damage. Check housing
top section acc. to chapter „Reassembly“,
Section 15.1 and keep it properly.

Power Train 32 Disassembly and Assembly

Pull grooved ball bearing (Pos.3) with a bearing
extractor out of the bore hole in the housing top
section and remove it.

Fig. III2.1-3

By means of two assembly levers press input pinion

(Pos.4) cautiously out of the cover and remove it. Fig. III2.1-5a
Do not damage the input pinion toothing!
Damages might cause louder running Use O-ring only once.
noises! For reassembly a new O-ring is to
be used!

Fig. III2.1-4 Fig. III2.1-5

Remove radial shaft seal (Pos.5) from the cover, Unsnap and remove circlip (Pos.8) with the aid of
only if unavoidable! a screw driver from the housing top section.

->radial shaft seal will be destroyed at removal!

->use new radial shaft seal for reassembly!

By means of bush press radial shaft seal and


ball bearing (Pos.6) out of the cover (Pos.7) and

remove them. Remove O-ring (Pos.8) from the slot
in the cover.

Fig. III2.1-5 and Fig. III2.1-5.a

Fig. III2.1-6

Power Train 33 Disassembly and Assembly

3. Remove housing cover Drive wheel shaft (Pos.1) with the aid of a copper
mandrel and a hammer out of the housing and
Remove hexagon bolts (Pos.1) in the housing cover. remove it.
Loosen and remove housing cover (Pos.2) from the Take care that the wheel shaft is not damaged
housing by slightly beating with a plastic hammer during removal.
against the outer edge. During disassembly of the wheel shaft the sealing
ring (Pos.2) on the wheel shaft and the radial shaft
seal in the housing can be damaged and should
always be replaced!
Then carefully remove the crown gear (Pos.3) from
the housing.

Fig. III3-1

4. Remove wheel shaft and crown gear

Place transmission into the fixture and fasten it with Fig. III4-2
screws. Screw 2 wheel nuts onto the wheel bolts
and hold the wheel shaft with a lever.
Screw off the hexagon bolt with a hexagonal
spanner WAF=24 mm and remove it with the
washer from the wheel shaft.

Fig. III4-1

Power Train 34 Disassembly and Assembly

5. Remove bearing inner rings from wheel shaft 5.2 Remove bearing inner ring from crown gear
and crown gear
Proceed as described under Sect. 5.1 for removal of
If the taper roller bearings are to be reused, we the bearing inner ring from the crown gear. Crown
recommend to use puller „M“. (see Chapter I Special gear should be clamped on the work bench and
Tools) pressure piece “N” be inserted into the crown gear
bore hole to support the spindle. Fig. III5-1
5.1 Remove bearing inner ring from wheel shaft For replacement of the taper roller bearings, the
following steps are required:
Place clamping pliers of the puller onto the rollers of
the bearing inner ring. • Open bearing cage (Pos.1) by cutting and
By means of union nut tightly connect clamping remove the rollers (Pos.2)
pliers with the rollers.
Bolt spindle to the wheel shaft face and remove the • Cautiously remove the bearing inner ring with a
bearing inner ring cautiously and evenly at all sides. puller (e.g. three-armed puller)over the bearing
Take off the sealing ring (Pos.1) from the wheel collar (->).
• Remove sealing ring (Pos.3) from wheel
Avoid damage at the wheel bolt threads at
counter-supporting! • shaft. Fig. III5-2
Protect wheel bolt thread against damage with
suitable fixtures.

Fig. III5-1

Power Train 35 Disassembly and Assembly

6. Press wheel bolts out of the wheel shaft

Wheel bolts (Pos.1) can only be pressed out at

removed wheel shaft.

Make these 2 steps only in case of emergency!

Do not damage wheel bolt threads at pressing

• Place wheel shaft (Pos.2) into a suitable bush

and press out wheel bolts with a press.

• By means of a copper mandrel and a hammer

drive wheel bolts out of the wheel shaft.

• Be especially careful at this step, since at

replacement or installation of the new wheel bolt
with the old wheel shaft, the position of both
parts to each other must exactly be obtained
again. Fig. III7-1

7.2 Drive out bevel pinion shaft

Drive out bevel pinion shaft with the aid of a plastic

hammer from the bearing seat. Take off and remove
the taper roller bearing inner ring (Pos.2) from the
bearing bore hole.

Take care that the bevel pinion shaft is not

damaged during removal!

Fig. III6-1

7. Remove bevel pinion shaft

7.1 Remove helical gear

Bevel pinion shaft can only be removed, when

crown gear was taken off before. Unscrew hexagon
nut (Pos.1).

Use hexagon nut only once!

Fig. III7-2
Pull off and remove helical gear (Pos.2) from bevel
pinion shaft (Pos.3) with the aid of a puller (three-
armed puller). Fig. III7-1

Power Train 36 Disassembly and Assembly

7.3 Press off taper roller bearing inner ring from
the bevel pinion shaft

By means of bush „B“ press off the bearing inner


(Pos.1) from the bevel pinion shaft (Pos.2).

Fig. III8-1

9. Remove thread protective shield (Gamma


By means of robust screw driver and a plastic

hammer cautiously drive out and remove the thread
Fig. III7-3 protective shield from the adhesive point on the
housing neck
8. Remove taper roller bearing outer rings and
radial shaft seal Use the thread protective shield only once. For
reassembly a new thread protective shield must
Cautiously drive the bearing outer rings (Pos.1;2;3 be used!
and 4) for supporting of the wheel- and bevel pinion
shaft with the aid of a copper mandrel and a
hammer out of the housing.
Take care that shim rings (Pos.5;6;7 and 8) are not
damaged during removal of the bearing outer rings.

Put bearing outer ring to the respective bearing

inner ring. Do not reuse deformed or damaged
shim rings!

By means of a copper mandrel or robust screw

driver and a hammer drive out and remove radial
shaft seal (Pos.9) from the housing.

During disassembly of the wheel shaft the radial

shaft seal can be damaged and must always be

Fig. III9

Power Train 37 Disassembly and Assembly

Reassembly Place measuring bush D into the housing- bearing
bore and measure dimension F.
Introduction Determine housing dimension E by the following
Clean all parts with a suitable cleaning agent equation.
and remove residues of LOCTITE.
E = L - F + d/2
Keep away cleaning agent from your skin, do not
drink it or inhale its vapours! Wear safety which means:
gloves and goggles! In case of skin contact
rinse immediately with a lot of water! If by L = Length of the measuring bush "D" (dimension
mistake marked on it 77.50 mm)
the cleaning agent was swallowed, call medical F = Difference dimension from bearing seat
aid immediately! diameter to front face measuring bush "D"
d/2 = Measure housing borehole
Observe regulations for prevention of accidents! By means of the equation :
Check all parts for wear, damages and cracks, if
required replace them. In case of damaged running X=E-B-T
teeth, the gear set parts have to be replaced per set.
Always replace damaged taper roller bearings it is possible to calculate the thickness
(inner- and outer ring). of the shim rings (Pos.1). which means:
Do not reuse deformed shim rings and worn thrust B = Installation dimension of bevel pinion shaft is
washers. Touch up seal faces or smoothen them 100.00 mm (Factory setting of the installation
with a fine file. dimension with a tolerance of ±0 is marked on the
bevel pinion shaft!)
For reassembly the following new parts should
be used: T = Bearing width of the bearing (Pos.2)

• Hexagon nut for bevel pinion shaft and helical gear


• Hexagon bolt and washer for crown gear fastening

• Radial shaft seal on the wheel shaft

• Spring washers and lock washers

• Deformed or damaged shim rings

• Sealing rings on oil drain- and oil filler plug

1. Determination of installation dimension for

bevel pinion shaft

The bevel gear set, consisting of bevel gear shaft Fig. IV1-1
and bevel gear, is provided with certain installation
dimensions. The installation dimension of the bevel
pinion shaft is 100.00 mm. The correct adjustment of
the bevel pinion shaft is required for an exact setting
of the contact pattern and the torsional backlash of
the gearing. Shim ring thickness and the correct
adjustment of the bevel pinion shaft respectively can
be determined acc. to the following method:
Fig. IV1-1

Power Train 38 Disassembly and Assembly

2. Preassemble housing

2.1 Bearing for bevel pinion shaft

Shim ring thickness determined in Sect. 1. has to be

obtained by combining shim rings of variable
thicknesses. Place shim rings (Pos.1) into the
bearing seat.

Install bearing outer ring (Pos.2) into bearing seat in

the housing.

A tolerance of ±0,05 from the determined dimension

is permissible.

Fig. IV2-2

Fig. IV2-1

2.2 Bearing for wheel shaft

Place shim ring pack (Pos.1 and Pos.3, removed at

disassembly) for presetting into both bearing seats.
By means of a copper mandrel and a hammer install
the bearing outer rings (Pos.2 and Pos.4) of the
wheel shaft bearing into the bearing bore until
contact on both sides of the housing.

Do not reuse distorted shim rings.

Radial shaft seal between taper roller bearings

and the thread protective shield are only allowed
to be pressed in when the bearing is adjusted.

Power Train 39 Disassembly and Assembly

3. Preassemble wheel shaft

3.1 Press in wheel bolts

Wheel bolts (Pos.1) can only be pressed in when

the wheel shaft is removed.

Make these steps only in case of emergency! For

pressing-in take care that the flattened side on
the bolt collar shows to the center of the wheel

Place wheel shaft (Pos.2) into a suitable bush and

press in wheel bolts with a press. Be especially
careful at this step, since at pressing in of the new
wheel bolt with the old wheel shaft, the position of
both parts to each other must exactly be obtained

Fig. IV3-2

4. Press bearing inner ring onto the crown gear

By means of sleeve „H“ press bearing inner ring

(Pos.1) onto the crown gear (Pos.2) until contact.

Fig. IV3-1

3.2 Install sealing ring and bearing inner ring

onto the wheel shaft

Push sealing ring (Pos.1) on the wheel shaft (Pos.2).

By means of sleeve „H“ press bearing inner ring
(Pos.3) onto the wheel shaft until contact.

Only when the bearing is adjusted, the sealing Fig. IV4-1

and the taper roller bearing can be filled with
grease SHELL Alvania R3.

Power Train 40 Disassembly and Assembly

5. Preassemble bevel pinion shaft 7. Measure bearing play of bevel pinion shaft
and adjust bearing preload
By means of bush „C“ cautiously install bearing
inner ring (Pos.1) until contact. If no press is 7.1 Measure bearing play
available, the bearing can be installed in accordance
with the following Note. With the following method the thickness of the shim
ring(s) (Pos.1) to be added is determined.
NOTE : Heat bearing inner ring up to max. 90°C and Dim. C = Distance from collar of bevel pinion shaft
install it until contact. Install subsequently to contact bearing outer ring.
until contact after cooling down! Dim. S = Distance from plane face of bearing outer
ring to plane face of bearing inner ring.

Fig. IV7-1a

Calculate shim ring thickness (Pos.1) by means of

Add shim ring corresponding with thickness Z.
Example: C= 0.7 measured on housing and shaft
S= 0.08 measured on bearing
Z = 0.7+ 0.08 = 0.78mm
As per experience +0.02 mm will be added to
Dimension Z, so that a bearing preload from 0.02 to
Fig. IV5-1 0.07 mm is set.
Z = 0.78 + 0.02 = 0.8mm

6. Install bevel pinion shaft into the housing A bearing preload of 0.07 mm shall be achieved!

Wet cage and space between rollers of the bearing

inner ring with transmission oil. Insert preassembled
bevel pinion shaft from the bottom into the housing
and by means of clamping fixture “F” apply a slight
preload to the bearing outer ring in the housing.
Fig. IV6-1

Fig. IV6-1
Fig. IV7-1

Power Train 41 Disassembly and Assembly

Shim ring thickness (thickness Z) determined in Carefully push the helical gear (Pos.1) onto the
Sect.7. has to be obtained by combining shim rings spline profile of the bevel pinion shaft and mount it
of variable thicknesses. Place shim ring(s) (Pos.1) until contact.
into the bearing seat. Install bearing outer ring
(Pos.2) by means of a copper mandrel and a Hold helical gear with a suitable strap wrench,
hammer into bearing seat of the housing until unscrew and tighten the hexagon nut. Do not
contact with the shim ring. Then install by means of damage helical gearing at counter-supporting.
bush “G” the bearing inner ring (Pos.3) for the bevel
pinion shaft bearing onto the bevel pinion shaft until Tightening torque of the hexagon nut:
contact. Fig. IV7-1b .................................................. 150 N·m (111 ft·lb)

Use a new hexagon nut. Peen hexagon nut after

contact pattern check!

Fig. IV7-1b

Fig. IV7-1c
Prior to helical gear installation, the grooved ball
bearing must be installed into the housing seat first.
(see Fig. IV7-b.1) Press bevel pinion shaft down by hand and rotate it
several times, so that the taper rollers in the bearing
Drive grooved ball bearing (Pos.1) with assembly rings are aligned.
drift „V“ into the bearing bore of the housing until Position dial gauge as shown in Fig. IV7-1d and put
contact. the dial gauge indicator to “Zero”.
Mark position of the dial gauge on the helical gear
with a color pencil.
With both hands press bevel pinion shaft upwards
and read the bearing play on the dial gauge. (as
shown in Fig. IV7-1d)
For checking no bearing play is allowed to be

Fig. IV7-b.1

Power Train 42 Disassembly and Assembly

8. Mount wheel shaft and crown gear into the

Radial shaft seal between the taper roller bearings

has to been installed into the housing, only when
bearing preload of the wheel shaft was determined.

Insert crown gear (Pos.1) into the housing.

Cautiously install the wheel shaft (Pos.2) into the
crown gear toothing. Bolt together the crown gear
and the wheel shaft with hexagon bolt (Pos.3) and
washer (Pos.4).

Tightening torque of hexagon bolt : 245 N·m

Fig. IV8-1

Use hexagon bolt and washer only once!

Fig. IV7-1d

This step has to be made with utmost caution

and several times, in order to check the adjusted
bearing preload.
A direct checking of the now adjusted bearing
preload is not possible. However, the bevel
pinion shaft must be rotatable by hand.

7.2 Adjust bearing preload

Bearing preload: 0.02 to 0.07 mm

Remove helical gear and bevel pinion shaft. Add

necessary shim rings to obtain the required bearing
preload and install the bevel pinion shaft as
indicated in Chapter IV, Sect.7.1.
Apply a thin layer of LOCTITE No. 270 onto inner Fig. IV8-1
toothing of the helical gear (hub spline). Install
helical gear as in Chapter IV, Sect.7.1.

Remove excess LOCTITE with a cloth.

Power Train 43 Disassembly and Assembly

9. Measure and adjust torsional backlash on the Apply marking ink onto 3-4 tooth flanks of the crown
crown gear gear and have it to get in mesh with the bevel pinion
shaft several times.
For measurement of the torsional backlash on the Check contact pattern as described under Section
crown gear, the bevel pinion shaft has to be blocked 10.
against torsion, e.g. with a wooden wedge.
Position dial gauge with magnetic stand right-angled
to a tooth flank and measure the torsional backlash
rotating the wheel shaft.

Torsional backlash 0.03 - 0.11 mm

A mean value is to be achieved.

Fig. IV9-1a

Torsional backlash is corrected by adding or

removing of the shim ring(s). see Fig. IV-9-1b

Fig. IV10-1

Fig. IV9-1a

Fig. IV9-1b

Power Train 44 Disassembly and Assembly

10. Contact pattern check

For a contact pattern check it is necessary to apply If there are considerable deviations it has to be
marking ink onto 3-4 tooth flanks of the crown gear. checked if the installation dimensions were correctly
Have the ink-marked tooth flanks get into mesh with kept.
the bevel pinion several times. A better recognition As a rule wrong installation dimensions are the
of the contact pattern is possible, when the bevel cause for wrong contact patterns.
pinion is braked slightly. Only when at a repeated checking of the installation
The contact patterns obtained have to be compared dimensions no correct contact patterns are
with the specified contact pattern as regards size obtainable,
and position. The specified contact patterns are the position of the contact pattern should be
indicated in below diagram. corrected according to the diagram as shown below.
Insignificant deviations of the ideal shape are
possible and permissible. These deviations are
firstly due to the varying contact pressures during
contact pattern checking.

Installation specifications

Concave flank Concave flank

Correct contact pattern adjustment by changing of

Tooth contact on crown gear false contact patterns
the installation dimension in direction of the arrow
1. Contact on tip

2. Contact on root

Setting specifications:
On principle all gear sets have to be mounted in
accordance with the installation dimension (A).
Only in case of incorrect contact patterns the
installation dimension (A) has to be changed.
The extent of a change depends on the position of
the contact patterns.

Power Train 45 Disassembly and Assembly

11. Measure bearing play on wheel shaft and
adjust bearing preload

Press wheel shaft down by hand and rotate it

several times, so that the taper rollers in the
bearing rings are aligned. Position dial gauge as
shown in Fig. IV11-1a and put the dial gauge
indicator to “Zero”. Mark position of the dial gauge
on the wheel shaft with a colour pencil.
With two levers (robust assembly levers) press
wheel shaft upwards and read the bearing play on
the dial gauge.

By using shim rings a minimum bearing play of

approx. 0.02 mm shall be achieved. Only then the
final preload is to be adjusted.

Fig. IV11-1b

After setting of the bearing preload check the

torsional backlash once more.
If the bearing friction torque (see Sect. 13.1) or
the torsional backlash are beyond the
requested values a new adjustment is required.
The final value has to be obtained by adding or
removing of shim rings (see Fig. IV11-1b).

If for correction of the torsional backlash shim

rings (Pos.2) are removed or added at bearing
point „2“, those have to be added or removed
from the shim ring pack (Pos.1) at bearing
point „1“. Fig. IV11-1b

After correct adjustment of the bearing preload and

Fig. IV11-1a the torsional backlash the wheel shaft has to be
removed once again in order to install the thread
Remove wheel shaft, by means of a copper protective shield and the radial shaft seal. Please
mandrel and a hammer drive taper bearing outer observe Sections 12 and 13.
ring out of the housing. (also see Chapter III,
Determine shim ring thickness (Pos.1) and install
with shim ring into bearing seat of housing until
contact. Fig. IV11-1b

Required bearing preload: 0.05 to 0.10 mm

It is not possible to check the bearing preload

adjusted now. At a check no bearing play is
allowed to be measurable. However the wheel
shaft must be rotatable by hand.

Power Train 46 Disassembly and Assembly

12. Install thread protective shield (Gamma

Spray seat for thread protective shield with

LOCTITE Fast Cleaner. Have fast cleaner work
and thoroughly remove the dissolved dirt with a
clean cloth. Spray surface again and have it dried.
Fig. IV12-1.

Hazardous when breathed or swallowed!

Avoid contact with eyes or skin! Do not spray
near open flame and glowing parts!

Apply LOCTITE No. 270 onto seat for the thread

protective shield on the housing and press on the
thread protective shield (Pos.1) by means of
assembly drift „S“ until contact.

Fig. IV13-1a

Fill sealing ring and taper roller bearings on the

wheel shaft (Pos.2) with SHELL Alvania R3 grease.
Cautiously install wheel shaft (Pos.2) into the
crown gear toothing.

Remove excess LOCTITE with a clean cloth.

Bolt together the crown gear and the wheel shaft

with hexagon bolt (Pos.3) and washer (Pos.4). Fig.
Bolt 2 wheel nuts onto the wheel bolts and lock
wheel shaft with a lever. (see Chapter III, Sect.4,
Fig. III4-1)

Tightening torque: 245 N·m

Fig. IV12-1

13. Install radial shaft seal into the housing

Remove wheel shaft and crown gear (also see

Chapter III, Sect.4.). Drive out taper roller bearing
outer ring from the housing. Provide outer
diameter of radial shaft seal (Pos.1) with a thin
layer of LOCTITE No. 574 and install it by means
of assembly drift “T” into the housing.
Fig. IV13-1a

Observe installation dimension A:.......................

GK 25 LD 3.0 +0.5 mm

Apply a thin layer of LOCTITE No. 270 onto

surface of inner toothing (hub spline) of the crown
gear (Pos.1).

Apply LOCTITE only to the inner toothing of Fig. IV13-1b

the crown gear.

Power Train 47 Disassembly and Assembly

13.1 Check bearing friction torque

Rotate wheel shaft several times in order to have

aligned the taper rollers in the bearing rings.
No bearing play must be measurable during
the check!
However, the wheel shaft must be rotatable by
The bearing preload described in Sect.11 is
correctly adjusted when a bearing friction torque of
9 ...12 Nm is reached.
Use an electronic torque spanner (Pos.1) to check
the bearing friction torque.

If the bearing friction torque is beyond the

requested values, a new adjustment is required.
(see Sect.11.)

Fig. IV14-1

15. Check pivoting bearing (housing top


The housing top section has to be replaced, if:

• the peened cover disc on the pivoting bearing

has loosened

Fig. IV-13.1-1 • the pivoting bearing is difficult to rotate or


14. Install housing cover • the cage segments or balls are damaged

Apply a thin layer of LOCTITE sealing compound • the maximum bearing play is exceeded.
No. 574 onto plane face of the housing.
Apply one drop each of LOCTITE 243 onto threads The housing top section can only replaced
of the hexagon bolts (Pos.2). completely!

If tapped holes are drilled through the housing, Checking of housing top section:
the hexagon bolts must be sealed completely Clamp the housing top section onto the assembly
with LOCTITE. table. Screw 3 eye bolts into the outer ring of the
pivoting bearing. Have the pivoting bearing rotated
Fasten housing cover (Pos.1) with hexagon bolts several times.
(Pos.2) onto the housing.
Fig. IV14-1

Tightening torque: 9,5 N·m

Power Train 48 Disassembly and Assembly

Fig. IV15-1 Fig. IV15-2

Position three dial gauges onto the pivoting

bearing and put the dial gauge indicator to „Zero“. 16. Install input into the housing top section
Mark position of the dial gauge on the pivoting
bearing with a colour pencil. Cautiously install the input pinion (Pos.1) through
Pull with approx. 50 kg at the pivoting bearing by the helical gearing.
means of a medium pillar swivel crane and a
spring balance. Do not damage toothing of input pinion and
Have the pivoting bearing rotated several times helical gear! Damage might cause louder
and put it back to the marking. running noises!
see Fig. IV15-1
By means of a copper mandrel cautiously install
Max. bearing play of pivoting bearing: 0,03 mm the input pinion (Pos.1) into the bearing bore or
onto the bearing seat until contact.

15.1 Install breather valve

Drive breather valve (Pos.1) by means of press-in

mandrel „U“ carefully into the housing top section.
Fig. IV15-2

Take care for mounting that the cap of the breather

valve can still move freely.

15.2 Install hydraulic-type lubricating nipple

Screw in hydraulic-type lubricating nipple (Pos.2)

with an open-jaw spanner into the housing top
section until contact. Fig. IV16-1

Tightening torque: 10 N•m


Power Train 49 Disassembly and Assembly

Install the grooved ball bearing (Pos.2) with a
suitable bush onto the bearing seat of the input
pinion until contact.

Fig. IV16-4

Insert O-ring (Pos.5) into slot of the cover.

Fig. IV16-2 Use new O-ring for installation!

Slightly wet O-ring with transmission oil.
Preassemble cover (Pos.3) as follows:

• Install radial shaft seal (Pos.4) by means of an

assembly drift “V” with the correct side until

Do not damage sealing lip of the shaft seal.

Apply a thin layer of grease onto the sealing

Fig. IV16-5

Insert and snap in circlip (Pos.6) into bore hole of

the housing top section.

Fig. IV16-3

Cautiously put cover (Pos.3, with radial shaft seal

preassembled) onto the pinion shaft and install it.
By means of a plastic hammer mount cover until

Fig. IV16-6

Power Train 50 Disassembly and Assembly

16.1 Install housing top section

Provide sealing surface of the housing with a thin

layer of LOCTITE 574.

Plane faces of the housing and the housing top

section have to be cleaned carefully before
LOCTITE Fast Cleaner and must be free of
grease !

Place housing top section onto the transmission

housing, so that the cylindrical pins in the
transmission housing are positioned in the fitting
bores of the top section.

Fig. IV16.1-3

Fig. IV16.1-1

Screw in the socket head bolts (Pos.1) at the

bottom side of the transmission housing as well as
inside the housing
top section and tighten them uniformly.
In addition also the 2 socket head bolts (Pos.2),
hexagon nuts (Pos.3) and washers (Pos.4)
See Fig.IV16.1-2; Fig.IV16.1-3 and Fig.IV16.1-4

Fig. IV16.1-4

Fig. IV16.1-2

Power Train 51 Disassembly and Assembly

16.2 Check axial play of the input in housing
top section

Have wheel shaft rotated several times. For

measurement of the axial play of the input, a dial
gauge with a magnetic stand is to be positioned
right-angled onto the plane face of the input pinion
and the dial indicator must be put to “Zero”. Mark
position of the dial gauge on the plane face with a
colour pencil. With both hands press input pinion
upwards and downwards. Read the axial bearing
play on the dial gauge.
Fig. IV16.1-5
Axial play of grooved ball bearing 0.1 - 0.4 mm.
When checking a bearing play has to be

Fig. IV16.2-1

Place centering ring (Pos.2) for motor fixing onto

the pivoting bearing (Pos.1) and bolt it with the
pivoting bearing. (Also observe instructions in the
manual “Operating instructions for helical bevel
gear transmissions GK 25 LD”.)

Observe min. screw-in depth of the 6 fixing

bolts (Pos.3)!

Steering lock is installed as follows:

• screw two final stops (Pos.4) onto the chain


• place lock plate (Pos.5) into the groove in the

centering ring and connect it with the pivoting
bearing by means of screws.

• Tightening torques of the screws acc. To ZF-

standard (see Chapter I)

For assembly please observe the specified

mounting position of the steering lock in the
relating installation drawing!

Power Train 52 Disassembly and Assembly

17. Relubrication of pivoting bearing

Under normal operating conditions the pivoting

bearing has to be relubricated once a year.
After cleaning with a steam jet device or similar,
the pivoting bearing has to be relubricated. For the
operation in a heavily dust-loaded or humid
environment (e.g. cold store application) the
pivoting bearing has to be relubricated 2x per
month at least.
We recommend a grease of the quality SHELL
Alvania R3 or grease of an equal composition and
an equal specification.


a. The pivoting bearing has two grease


b. Over the two grease nipples press in the grease

with a grease gun into the pivoting bearing.
Transmission has to be turned slowly.

Required grease volume for dry pivoting earing

approx. 55 g.

c. Rotate transmission several times, so that the

grease istributes completely.

d. Remove the grease pressed out of the pivoting

bearing ith a cloth.
Fig. IV17-1

Fig. IV17-1

Power Train 53 Disassembly and Assembly

Drive Axle
- GK26LD (101587-00013)
Clamp the unit.

(S) Assembly truck 5870 350 000

(S) Clamping device AA00 852 804


Fig. 1
The following figures show a different
clamping device. ZF offers only the device
shown in fig. 1.

Loosen all screw plugs and drain the oil.

Waste oil to be disposed of ecologically and
according to the legal provisions!.

Fig. 2

Components and upper housing part

Geared steering version

Loosen the screw plug on top of the motor (arrow).

Turn the eyebolt into the motor shaft behind and fix
the lifting device.

Fig. 3

Loosen the cylindrical screws on the motor (see

arrow) and remove the motor by means of the
lifting device.

Fig. 4

Power Train 54 Disassembly and Assembly

Loosen the cylindrical screws. Loosen the frame
plate by means of slight hits with a plastic hammer
and remove it.

Fig. 5

If necessary, remove the cylindrical screws (steering


Fig. 6

Loosen countersunk screws (arrows 1) and lift off

the steering stop (arrow 2).

Fig. 7

Power Train 55 Disassembly and Assembly

Chain steering version

Loosen the screw plug on top of the motor (arrow).

Turn the eyebolt into the motor shaft behind and fix
the lifting device.

Fig. 8
Loosen bolted motor connection.

Fig. 9
Remove motor by means of the lifting device.

Fig. 10
Loosen Torx screws on the connection plate.

Fig. 11

Power Train 56 Disassembly and Assembly

Carefully remove the connection plate using a screw
driveror a suitable assembly tool.

Fig. 12
Lift off the shaft seal on the connection plate.

Fig. 13
Pull the slotted pin out of the chain tightener.

Fig. 14

Remove cylindrical screws on the bottom of the

chain tightener.

Remove chain tightener.

Fig. 15

Power Train 57 Disassembly and Assembly

Remove the adjusting washer.
Remove O ring (see arrow).


Loosen bolted connection on upper housing part.

Fig. 17

Carefully loosen upper housing part by means of

slight hits and remove it.

Fig. 18
Force bushing and input pinion out of the upper
housing part.

Apply force only to the bushing.

Fig. 19

Power Train 58 Disassembly and Assembly

Remove bearing inner ring out of the upper housing

Fig. 20

Force out both bearing outer rings on the upper

housing part one after the other.

Fig. 21

If required, force out breather on upper housing part.

Fig. 22

Dismantle retaining ring on the input pinion.

Fig. 23

Power Train 59 Disassembly and Assembly

Support the bushing with a suitable sleeve as
Force input pinion out of the bushing.

Pay attention so that the input pinion does not
Protect the input pinion by means of a soft pad.

Fig. 24

Force the input pinion out of the ball bearing, as


Pay attention so that the input pinion does not
Protect the input pinion by means of a soft pad.

Fig. 25

Remove the ball bearing from the bushing.

Fig. 26

Position the taper roller bearing on the bearing inner

ring with a suitable sleeve. Then press the bushing
out of the bearing inner ring.

Fig. 27

Power Train 60 Disassembly and Assembly

Input and output

Use lever to remove protective cap from the gear


Fig. 28

Install locking device (S) on the gear shaft (see

arrow) thus blocking the gear shaft against rotation.
Loosen both hexagon nuts on the bevel gear shaft
one after the other. Remove disk.

(S) Locking device 5870 240 002

Fig. 29

If necessary, block gear shaft against rotation by

means of the locking device (S) (see previous
figure) and dismantle the wheel bolt with suitable

It is possible to unscrew the wheel bolts with
dismounted and mounted gear shaft.

Fig. 30
Disengage snap ring from the annular groove on the

Fig. 31

Power Train 61 Disassembly and Assembly

Lift off the cover on the cast brackets.

Fig. 32

Remove O ring (see arrow).


Install locking device (S) on the gear shaft (see

arrow) thus blocking the gear shaft against rotation.
Loosen both hexagon nuts on the gear shaft one
after the other.
Remove disk.

(S) Locking device 5870 240 002

Fig. 34

Carefully remove the gear shaft from the crown

wheel using a plastic hammer.

Pay attention: gear shaft releases downwards.

Fig. 35

Power Train 62 Disassembly and Assembly

Press off the bearing inner ring from the gear shaft.

(S) Cut-off device 5870 300 028

Fig. 36

Remove the crown wheel from the housing.

Fig. 37

Remove the bearing inner ring out of the housing.


Carefully remove the bevel gear shaft out of the spur

gear using a plastic hammer (bearing inner ring
below) and take out from the bottom.

Pay attention: Bevel gear releases downwards.

Fig. 39

Power Train 63 Disassembly and Assembly

Support the bearing inner ring with a suitable sleeve
and press it off the bevel gear shaft.

Fig. 40

Remove spur gear from the housing.

Fig. 41

Remove bearing inner ring from the housing.

Fig. 42

Force bearing outer ring out of the housing and

remove the
adjusting washer behind.

Pay attention so that the releasing adjusting
washer does not drop. Mark installation position.
Assembly aid.

Fig. 43

Power Train 64 Disassembly and Assembly

Force out the opposite bearing outer ring.

Fig. 44

Lift-off shaft seal.

If the shaft seal is stuck, you can force it out
from the opposite side.

Fig. 45

Force bearing outer ring out of the housing and

remove the
adjusting washer behind.

Pay attention so that the releasing adjusting
washer does not drop. Mark installation position.
Assembly aid.

Fig. 46

Force out the opposite bearing outer ring.

Fig. 47

Power Train 65 Disassembly and Assembly


Input and output

If either crown wheel or bevel gear shaft is
damaged, both parts must be jointly replaced.


1 = Bevel gear shaft

2 = Crown wheel
3 = Adjusting washer of contact pattern
4 = Adjusting washer of backlash (circumferent.
5 = Taper roller bearing
6 = Taper roller bearing
7 = Gear shaft

If a new taper roller bearing (fig. 1 item 5) is used,
determine the bearing width and compare it with
Fig. 1 the previous bearing to match the adjusting
washer (item 3).

Determine thickness of the adjusting washer

removed during disassembly. Determine bearing
width of the new and the old taper roller bearing and
calculate thickness of adjusting washer.


Bearing width (old bearing) e.g. . . . . . . . 22.35 mm

Adjusting washer (old) e.g. . . . . . . . . . . + 0.30 mm
Bearing width (new bearing) e.g. . . . . – 22.25 mm
Adjusting washer (new) e.g. 0.40 mm
Fig. 2

Insert the adjusting washer into the bearing hole on

the housing. Fit the bearing outer ring until contact is

(S) Driver tool AA00 607 184

When installing the old taper roller bearing (fig. 1
item 5), use the adjusting washer removed
during disassembly.

Fig. 3

Power Train 66 Disassembly and Assembly

Fit bearing outer ring into the bearing hole on the
housing until contact is obtained.
(S) Driver tool AA00 658 635

Fig. 4

Press-on the bearing inner ring until contact with the

gear shaft is obtained.

Fig. 5

Insert bearing inner ring into the bearing outer ring.

Fig. 6

Wet inner gearing at the spur gear evenly with

Loctite 270.

Fig. 7

Power Train 67 Disassembly and Assembly

Place the spur gear on top of the housing.

Observe the installation position. Convex side of
spur gear to face upwards.

Mount the preassembled bevel gear shaft to the

spur gear from below.

Fig. 8

Press against the bevel gear shaft from below. Use

a suitable sleeve and a plastic hammer to bring the
spur gear carefully to contact position.

Fig. 9

Install the disk on the bevel gear shaft. Hand-tighten

a hex. nut without using a wrench until contact is

Fig. 10

Position the counter support (S). Tighten the second

hexagon nut.

Tightening torque MA = 200 N·m

(S) Stop AA00 321 773

Fig. 11

Power Train 68 Disassembly and Assembly

Check rolling torque of the bevel gear shaft bearing
0.7 … 1.3 N·m.

Try to achieve the lower value.

If rolling torque is incorrect, loosen both
hexagon nuts and repeat the work steps shown
Fig. 12 in fig. 10 … 12. Use the lower hexagon nut for

Drive in the bearing outer ring until contact is

(S) Driver tool AA00 603 011

Fig. 13

Install shaft seal by means of driver tool (S).

(S) Driver tool AA00 603 138

Apply grease (Shell Alvania RL3) to the shaft
seal inner side.

When installing a new taper roller bearing (fig. 1
item 6), determine the bearing width and
Fig. 14
compare it with the previous bearing to match
the adjusting washer (item 4).

Determine bearing width of new and old taper roller

bearing as well as thickness of adjusting washer.


Bearing width (old bearing) e.g. . . . . . . . 32.10 mm

Adjusting washer (old) e.g. . . . . . . . . . . + 0.30 mm
Bearing width (new bearing) e.g. . . . . – 32.20 mm
Adjusting washer (new) e.g. 0.20 mm

Fig. 15

Power Train 69 Disassembly and Assembly

Insert adjusting washer into the bearing hole and
force in bearing outer ring until contact is obtained.

(S) Driver tool AA00 658 776

When installing the old taper roller bearing (fig. 1
item 6), use the adjusting washer removed
during disassembly.

Fig. 16

Insert the bearing inner ring into the bearing outer


Fig. 17

Wet inner gearing at the crown wheel evenly with

Loctite 270.

Fig. 18

Position the crown wheel at the bearing inner ring,

as illustrated.

Fig. 19

Power Train 70 Disassembly and Assembly

Press on the bearing inner ring until contact with the
gear shaft is obtained.

Fig. 20

Install the gear shaft on the crown wheel from below.

Secure with hexagon nut.

Fig. 21

Support unit on the gear shaft. Use a press to bring

crown wheel and suitable sleeve to contact position.

Fig. 22

Hand-tighten a hexagon nut without using a wrench

until contact is obtained.

Fig. 23

Power Train 71 Disassembly and Assembly

Fix and support the locking device (S) on the gear
Position the counter support (S) and adjust contact
position. Tighten the second hexagon nut.

Tightening torque MA = 550 Nm

(S) Locking device 5870 240 002

(S) Counter support AA00 857 163

Check rolling torque of the gear shaft bearing 13 …

22 N·m.

Try to achieve the lower value.

When installing the old taper roller bearing (fig. 1
item 6), use the adjusting washer removed
during disassembly.

Place dial indicator at right angles to the tooth flank

of the crown wheel and check backlash (0.10 …
Fig. 25 0.18 mm).

In case of any deviation from the required
backlash correct the adjusting washer (fig. 16/fig.
1 item 4)
according to the following specification:
Insufficient backlash – install thinner adjusting
washer Excessive backlash – install thicker
adjusting washer

Then cover some drive and coast flanks on the

crown wheel with marking ink and rotate crown
Fig. 26
wheel in both directions several times.
Compare the obtained contact pattern with the
examples on page 0/4.

(S) Locking device 5870 240 002

If the contact pattern differs, use a suitable shim
forcorrection (figure 3/fig. 1 item 3).

Power Train 72 Disassembly and Assembly

Grease the O-ring and install it into the annular
groove onthe cover (see arrow).

Fig. 27
Mount the preassembled cover into the housing until
contact is obtained.

Observe installation position. Bring recess for
taper roller bearing into the correct position. See

Fig. 28

Insert snap ring into the annular groove on the

housing and fix the cover.

Fig. 29

Power Train 73 Disassembly and Assembly

Upper housing part and components
If removed, or in case of a new part, flush-mount the
protection cap with the open side facing inwards.

Fig. 30

Press ball bearing onto the input pinion until contact

is obtained.

Apply assembly force only on the bearing inner

Fig. 31
Install preassembled input pinion into the bushing as

Press ball bearing onto the input pinion until contact

Fig. 32 is obtained.

Observe installation position. Snap ring to show

Apply assembly force only on the bearing inner

Fig. 33

Power Train 74 Disassembly and Assembly

Fix ball bearing on the input pinion by means of a
retaining ring.

Fig. 34

Press bearing inner ring onto the bushing as


Fig. 35

Insert both bearing outer rings onto the upper

housing part until contact is obtained.

Fig. 36

Place upper housing part on the preassembled

bushing, as illustrated. Place bearing inner ring as
illustrated and carefully bring into contact position by
means of a handoperated press.

Fig. 37

Power Train 75 Disassembly and Assembly

Adjust rolling torque of the connection plate bearing
(fig. 38… 50).
Support the preassembled upper housing part on
the bushing. Determine dimension I from front side
of bearing inner ring to front side of bushing.
Dimension I e.g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.90 mm

Fig. 38

Determine dimension II on connection plate.

Dimension II e.g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 9.65 mm

Also see the following figure.

Calculate the adjusting washer thickness for rolling

torque adjustment of connection plate.

Fig. 39
Dimension I e.g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.90 mm
Dimension II e.g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 9.65 mm
Bearing pre-load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0.10 mm
Adjusting washer 0.15 mm

1 = Connection plate
2 = Shaft seal
II = Dimension II (fig. 39)

Fig. 40

If removed, or in case of a new part, install

cylindrical pins (see arrows 1).

Wet mounting face (arrow 2) with Loctite 574.

Fig. 41

Power Train 76 Disassembly and Assembly

Use a plastic hammer to bring the upper housing
carefully into contact position with the housing.

Fig. 42

Fix the upper housing part by means of cylindrical

Tightening torque (M8/10.9) MA = 30 N·m

Fig. 43

If removed, or in case of a new part, install breather

(S) on upper housing part by means of a driver tool.

(S) Press-fit mandrel AA00 852 929

Fig. 44

Place the adjusting washer determined in fig. 39

onto the bushing (e.g. s = 0.15 mm).

Grease the O-ring and place it into the annular

groove on the upper housing part (see arrow).

Fig. 45

Power Train 77 Disassembly and Assembly

Flush-mount the shaft-seal into the connection plate.

Apply grease (Shell Alvania RL3) to the inner
side of the shaft seal.

Observe installation position. Also refer to fig.

Fig.46 If removed, or in case of a new part, insert the

cylindrical pin (see arrow) into the hole near the
M12-threads, until contact is obtained.

Mount the connection plate on the input pinion/on

the bushing.

Ensure that the sealing lip on the shaft seal is
not turned up.

Observe installation position. Cylindrical pin
(see arrow) to face the casting recess on the
upper housing part (dashed line).

Use a plastic hammer to bring the connection plate

carefully into contact position.

Fig. 48
Fix the connection plate by means of Torx screws.
Tightening torque MA = 79 N·m

Tighten screws crosswise.

Fig. 49

Power Train 78 Disassembly and Assembly

Check rolling torque of connection plate bearing 18
… 25 N·m.

(S) Assembly fixture AA00 630 183

Fig. 50
Geared steering version

Mount steering stop as illustrated. Force in grooved

pins in alignment with the steering stop. Fix steering
stop by means of countersunk screws.

Tightening torque (M6/10.9) MA = 14 N·m

Secure countersunk screws with Loctite 243.

Fig. 51

If removed, or in case of a new part, install

cylindrical screws.

Tightening torque (M12/8.8) MA = 79 N·m

Mount cylindrical screws with Loctite 243.

Fig. 52

Place frame plate onto the connection plate and fix it

by means of cylindrical screws.

Tightening torque (M12/8.8) MA = 79 N·m

Secure cylindrical screws with Loctite 243.

Fig. 53

Power Train 79 Disassembly and Assembly

Wet inner gearing at the input pinion evenly with
grease Klüberplex BEM 34-132.

Fig. 54

Apply grease Klüberplex BEM 34-132 evenly on the

shaft at the electric motor.

Fig. 55

Place electric motor onto the connection plate and

fix it by means of cylindrical screws.

Tightening torque (M8/8.8) MA = 23 N·m

Observe installation position. See disassembly.

Fig. 56

Turn screw plug into the electric motor.

For tightening torque see motor manufacturer.

Fig. 57

Power Train 80 Disassembly and Assembly

Chain steering version

Mount the chain tightener in the order indicated by

the arrows.

Fig. 58

Force slotted pin into the upper housing part, to be

in alignment with the chain tightener.

Fig. 59

Fix the chain tightener by means of cylindrical


Tightening torque (M8/10.9) MA = 30 N·m

Secure cylindrical screws with Loctite 243.

Wet inner gearing at the input pinion evenly with
grease Klüberplex BEM 34-132.

Fig. 61

Power Train 81 Disassembly and Assembly

Apply grease Klüberplex BEM 34-132 evenly on the
shaft at the electric motor.

Fig. 62

Place the electric motor onto the connection plate.

Observe installation position. See disassembly.

Fig. 63

Fix electric motor by means of cylindrical screws.

Tightening torque (M8/8.8) MA = 23 N·m

Fig. 64

Turn screw plug into the electric motor.

For tightening torque see motor manufacturer.


Power Train 82 Disassembly and Assembly

Force protective cap onto the gear shaft until contact
is obtained, as illustrated.

Fig. 66
If removed or in case of a new part, install two
hexagon nuts to the long thread of the wheel stud
and lock them. Then turn the short thread of the
wheel bolt into the gear
Tightening torque MA = 60 N·m

Observe installation position. See disassembly.

Fig. 67
Prior to putting the unit into operation, fill in oil
according to the GK 26 LD assembly
instructions (ZFordernumber 4699 750 047).

Power Train 83 Disassembly and Assembly

July 2007

Vehicle System
System Operation
Testing & Adjusting

B10R-5, B13R-5, B15R-5, B16R-5

Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic
safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations
before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the
necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.

Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before operating or performing lubrication,
maintenance and repair on this product.

Basic safety precautions are listed in the “Safety” section of the Service or Technical Manual. Additional safety
precautions are listed in the “Safety” section of the owner/operation/maintenance publication.
Specific safety warnings for all these publications are provided in the description of operations where hazards
exist. WARNING labels have also been put on the product to provide instructions and to identify specific
hazards. If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons.
Warnings in this publication and on the product labels are identified by the following symbol.


Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could
result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read
and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in this

DOOSAN cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings
in this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or
operating technique not specifically recommended by DOOSAN is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is
safe for you and others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by the
operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information available at
the time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and
other items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the
complete and most current information before starting any job. DOOSAN dealers have the most current
information available.


Specifications Testing & Adjusting

Hydraulic Control Valve.......................................... 5 Troubleshooting....................................................28

Visual Checks..................................................28
Hydraulic Pump ..................................................... 6 Hydraulic System and Mast .............................28
Brake System ..................................................33
Sideshift Cylinder................................................... 6 Electric Motors.................................................34

Lift Cylinders.......................................................... 7 Hydraulic System..................................................37

Standard........................................................... 7 Relief Valve Pressure Check ...........................37
Full Free Triple Lift and..................................... 7 Lift Cylinders Air Removal................................38
Full Free Lift Primary......................................... 7 Steering System Air Removal ..........................39
Full Free Lift Secondary .................................... 8 Steering System Air Removal ..........................39
Full Free Triple Lift Secondary .......................... 8 Steering System Pressure Check ....................39

Tilt Cylinder............................................................ 9 Brake System.......................................................41

Brake System Air Removal ..............................41
Steering Wheel .................................................... 10 Pedal Adjustment ............................................42
Parking Brake Test ..........................................42
Priority Valve ....................................................... 10 Parking Brake Control Group Adjustment.........42

Steering Hydraulic Motor...................................... 10 Hydraulic Pump Motor ..........................................43

Instruction about sensor bearing’s exchange ...43
Steering Gear ...................................................... 11

Hydraulic Pump Motor.......................................... 12

Systems Operation

Hydraulic System................................................. 13

Control Valve ....................................................... 15

Lift Valve Neutral Position ............................... 15
Lift Position ..................................................... 16
Lift Lower Position........................................... 17
Tilt Neutral Position......................................... 18
Tilt Forward Position ....................................... 19
Tilt Back Position ............................................ 20
Relief Valve .................................................... 21

Steering System .................................................. 22

Hydraulic Steering system............................... 22
Steering Unit–Steering Gear ........................... 23

Brake System ...................................................... 26

Master Cylinder............................................... 26

Electric Motors..................................................... 27
Hydraulic Pump Motor..................................... 27

Vehicle Systems 3 Index

Hydraulic Control Valve


Main Relief Valve Auxiliary Relief Valve

AC Type
Pressure Pressure
24 [V] ± 250 kPa ± 35 psi ± 250 kPa ± 35 psi
B10/13R-5 Min. 360 [A] 15,900 2,306
14,000 2,040
B15/16R-5 Max. 380 [A] 17,500 2,538

1. Torque for nuts that hold control valve sections

together .................. 26 to 32 N •m (19 to 23 lb •ft)

2. Torque for nuts that hold control valve sections

together .................. 24 to 29 N •m (18 to 21 lb •ft)

3. Torque for main and auxiliary relief valve .............

............................... 44 to 49 N •m (32 to 36 lb •ft)

Vehicle Systems 5 Specifications

Hydraulic Pump Sideshift Cylinder


Rotation is counterclockwise when seen from drive 1. Torque for head ............................270 ± 35 N•m
end. (200 ± 25 lb•ft)

Type of pump : Gear 2. Torque for piston nut.......................260 ± 25 N•m

(190 ± 20 lb•ft)
Displacement : 16 cc/rev

Vehicle Systems 6 Specifications

Lift Cylinders Full Free Triple Lift and
Standard Full Free Lift Primary

1. Put Pipe Sealant on the last three threads of 1. Put Pipe Sealant on the last three threads of
bleed screw and tighten to a torque of................... bearing.
.........................................6 ± 1 N•m (53 ± 9 lb•in)
Put Pipe Sealant of the last three threads of bleed
NOTE: All seals to be lubricated with hydraulic oil. screw(not shown) and tighten to a torque of .........
........................................ 6 ± 1 N•m (53 ± 9 lb•in)

NOTE: All seals to be lubricated with hydraulic oil.

Vehicle Systems 7 Specifications

Full Free Lift Secondary Full Free Triple Lift Secondary

1. Put Pipe Sealant on the last three threads of 1. Put Pipe Sealant on the last three thread of
bearing. bearing.

2. Put Pipe Sealant on the last three threads of 2. Put Pipe Sealant on the last three thread of bleed
bleed screw and tighten to a torque of .. 6 ± 1 N•m screw and tighten to a torque of............6 ± 1 N•m
(53 ± 9 lb•in) (53 ± 9 lb•in)

NOTE: All seals to be lubricated with hydraulic oil. NOTE: All seals to be lubricated with hydraulic oil.

Vehicle Systems 8 Specifications

Tilt Cylinder


Tilt Tilt Angle Degrees Cyl. Closed – X Cyl. Open – YStroke Stroke – Z
Group Forward Backward mm in mm in mm in
A471399 3° 6° 385 15.2 458 18.0 73 2.9
A475110 3° 5° 385 15.2 449 17.7 64 2.5

1. Adjust pivot eye to dimension(Y) with cylinder

open (extended)

2. Torque for bolt .............................269.7 ± 34 N•m

(199 ± 25 lb•ft)

3. With mast at tilt back position shim as required to

permit no gap between eye(1) and spacer.
Torque for head............................269.7 ± 34 N•m
(199 ± 25 lb•ft)

4. Torque for jam nut........................402.1 ± 34 N•m

(296.6 ± 22 lb•ft)

Vehicle Systems 9 Specifications

Steering Wheel Priority Valve


Flow .............................Load sensing closed center.


1. Torque for steering wheel nut ............. 80 ± 6 N•m

(60 ± 4 lb•ft)

2. Torque for bolt ........................... 15 N•m (11 lb•ft)

Steering Hydraulic Motor


1. Torque for steering motor bolt ......... 0.5 +0.3 N•m

(0.4+0.06 lb•ft)

2. Torque for steering motor bolt .........3.8 ± 0.6 N•m

(2.8 ± 0.44 lb•ft)

3. Torque for bolt ...............3 +0.5 N•m (2+0.36 lb•ft)

Vehicle Systems 10 Specifications

Steering Gear


(1) Pin(1) in the body must be aligned with internal

pump gear (gerotor) (2) and drive (3) as shown.

(4) Tighten bolts in sequence shown.

Tighten to a first torque of ............14.1 ± 2.8 N•m

(125 ± 25 lb•in)

Tighten to a final torque of ...........28.2 ± 2.8 N•m

(250 ± 25 lb•in)

(5) Torque for plug ....................11.3 N•m (100 lb•in)

Plug to be flush (even) with or below mounting


Vehicle Systems 11 Specifications

Hydraulic Pump Motor

Thermal switch

Warning temperature ..... 155 ± 4℃(311 ± 10 ℉)

Vehicle Systems 12 Specifications

Systems Operation
Hydraulic System


Basic Hydraulic Schematic With Standard Lift

(1) Lift cylinders. (2) Excess flow protector. (3) Sideshift cylinder(option). (4) Flow regulator.
(5) Hydraulic control valves. (6) Tilt cylinders. (7) Relief valve (lift and tilt). (8) Relief valve (sideshift).
(9) Hydraulic oil filter. (10) Hydraulic oil tank. (11) Priority valve. (12) Oil line.
(13) Hydraulic pump. (14) Oil line to steering unit. (15) Oil line.

The hydraulic system has hydraulic oil tank (10), The return hydraulic oil from the cylinders flows
which holds the oil for gear type hydraulic pump (13). through hydraulic control valve (5), line (12), into
Hydraulic pump (13) sends pressure oil to hydraulic filter (9) and hydraulic tank (10). Relief valve (7) in
and steering systems. the control valve body will make the flow control
Pump oil flows from pump (13) to priority valve (11) valve release extra pressure to the hydraulic tank
where the oil flow divides to the steering unit through when the pressure in the lift or tilt circuits goes
line (14). Oil also flows to hydraulic control valve (5) higher than relief valve pressure shown in the
and back to hydraulic tank (10). control valve section of Specifications. Relief valve
(8) does the same thing for the sideshift circuit when
The control valve levers move the valve spools in it goes higher than the auxiliary relief valve pressure
control valve (5) to let the pump oil in the control shown in the control valve section of Specifications.
valve go to lift cylinders (1) and/or (18), tilt cylinders
(6) or sideshift cylinder (3).

Vehicle Systems 13 Systems Operation

Basic Hydraulic Schematic With Full Free Lift Or Full Free Triple Lift
(1) Lift cylinders. (2) Excess flow protector. (3) Sideshift cylinder(option). (4) Flow regulator.
(5) Hydraulic control valve. (6) Tilt cylinders. (7) Relief valve (lift and tilt). (8) Relief valve (sideshift).
(9) Hydraulic oil filter. (10) Hydraulic oil tank. (11) Priority valve. (12) Oil line. (13) Hydraulic pump.
(14) Oil line to steering unit. (15) Oil line. (16) Excess flow protector. (17) Lift cylinder(primary).

The maximum speed when the lift cylinders are

lowered is controlled by flow regulator (4).

Excess flow protectors (2) and (16) will act as flow

regulator if an oil line between them and flow
regulator (4) is broken when the mast is raised or
lowered. This prevents a sudden fall of the mast or
carriage if an oil line is broken.

REFERENCE : For the Hydraulic Systems


Vehicle Systems 14 Systems Operation

Control Valve
Lift Valve Neutral Position

Control Valve for Lift (Shown In NEUTRAL Position)
(1) Spool. (2) Outlet to head end of lift cylinders. (3) Load check valve. (4) Passage. (5) Inlet passage for pump oil.
(6) Chamber. (7) Passage for return oil. (8) Passage. (9) Chamber. (10) Spring.

Oil from pump enters the valve through a passage in

the inlet section. From there it goes to both chamber
(6) and chamber (9). Since spool (1) is in the
NEUTRAL position, the only path the oil can take is
from chamber (9) into the tilt valve. It would go out
through passage (8).

The mast can be stopped and held in any position

when the lift control valve is in neutral. This is
because the flow to and from the cylinders is
stopped by spool (1). In the NEUTRAL position, oil
can not flow from passage (4) to outlet (2) or back.

Vehicle Systems 15 Systems Operation

Lift Position

Control Valve for Lift (Shown In LIFT Position)
(1) Spool. (2) Outlet to head end of lift cylinders. (3) Load check valve. (4) Passage. (5) Inlet passage for pump oil.
(6) Chamber. (7) Passage for return oil. (8) Passage. (9) Chamber. (10) Spring.

When the control lever is moved to the LIFT position,

lift spool (1) is moved into the valve. Movement of
spool (1) opens a path for oil to flow from chamber
(6) through load check valve (3) into passage (4).
From passage (4) the oil goes to outlet (2) and then
to the lift cylinders. Pressure oil to the head end of
the lift cylinders moves the rod up and the mast will

Vehicle Systems 16 Systems Operation

Lift Lower Position

Control Valve For Lift (Shown In LOWER Postion)
(1) Spool. (2) Outlet to head end of lift cylinders. (3) Load check valve. (4) Passage. (5) Inlet passage for pump oil.
(6) Chamber. (7) Passage for return oil. (8) Passage. (9) Chamber. (10) Spring.

When the control lever for lift is moved to the

LOWER position, lift spool (1) moves until a path is
opened between outlet (2) and passage for return oil

Vehicle Systems 17 Systems Operation

Tilt Neutral Position

Tilt Spool In Neutral Position
(1) Spool. (2) Outlet to rod end of tilt cylinders. (3) Load check valve. (4) Passage. (5) Inlet passage for pump oil. (6) Chamber.
(7) Outlet to head end of tilt cylinders. (8) Passage for return oil. (9) Spring. (10) Spool. (11) Passage. (12) Chamber. (13) Spring.
(14) Orifice. (15) Orifice. (16) Passage.

Oil from lift valve goes to both chamber (6) and (12).
Since spool (1) is in the NEUTRAL position, the only
path the oil can take is from chamber (12) to tank
through passage (11).

The mast can be stopped and held in any position

when the tilt control valve is in neutral. This is
because the flow to and from the tilt cylinders is
stopped by spool (1). In the NEUTRAL position, oil
can not flow from passage (4) to outlet (2) or (7).

Vehicle Systems 18 Systems Operation

Tilt Forward Position

Tilt Spool In Forward Position
(1) Spool. (2) Outlet to rod end of tilt cylinders. (3) Load check valve. (4) Passage. (5) Inlet passage for pump oil.
(6) Chamber. (7) Outlet to head end of tilt cylinders. (8) Passage for return oil. (9) Spring. (10) Spool. (11) Passage.
(12) Chamber. (13) Spring. (14) Orifice. (15) Orifice. (16) Passage.

When the control lever for tilt is moved to TILT As tilt spool (1) is moved to the TILT FORWARD
FORWARD position, spool (1) is moved until a path position, two paths are opened for the flow of oil to
is opened between passage (4) and outlet (7), and the tilt cylinders. One is from passage (4) to outlet
oil flow from chamber (12) to passage (11) is (7), which allows pressure oil to go to the head end
stopped. This causes the oil pressure to increase of the tilt cylinders. The other path is for return oil
and open load check valve (3). The pressure oil from the rod end of the tilt cylinders. As spool (1)
from the pump can now flow from passage(4) to moves, orifice (15) moves into position to send
outlet (7). It then flows to the head end of the tilt pressure oil to the chamber behind spool (10). Spool
cylinders and the mast tilts forward. Return oil from (10) moves against the force of spring (9) and opens
the rod end of the tilt cylinders flows into the valve a path for return oil between passage (16) and
through outlet (2) in to passage (8) and then to tank. orifice (14). This has the effect of slowing down the
flow of oil from the rod end of the tilt cylinders and
preventing cavitation in the head end. If pump flow
(pressure) is lost, for any reason, spool (10) will
return to the NEUTRAL position and the path for
return oil will be closed.

Vehicle Systems 19 Systems Operation

Tilt Back Position

Tilt Spool In Tilt Back Position
(1) Spool. (2) Outlet to rod end of tilt cylinders. (3) Load check valve. (4) Passage. (5) Inlet passage for pump oil.
(6) Chamber. (7) Outlet to head end of tilt cylinders. (8) Passage for return oil. (9) Spring. (10) Spool. (11) Passage.
(12) Chamber. (13) Spring. (14) Orifice. (15) Orifice. (16) Passage.

When the control lever for tilt is moved to TILT

BACK position, tilt spool (1) is moved until a path is
opened between passage (4) and outlet (2), and oil
flow from chamber (12) to passage (11) is stopped.
This causes the oil pressure to increase and open
load check valve (3). The pressure oil from the
pump can now flow from passage (4) to outlet (2). It
then flows to the rod end of the tilt cylinders and the
mast tilts back.
Return oil from the head end of the tilt cylinders
flows into the valve through outlet (7) into passage
(8) and then to tank.

Vehicle Systems 20 Systems Operation

Relief Valve If the control lever is held in LIFT or TILT position
after the cylinder rod is fully extended or retracted,
the flow of oil from outlet port to the cylinders is
stopped. The oil under pressure must be released.
The pressure oil flows through piston(11) of the
main relief valve. The pressure oil opens pilot valve
(14). This lets the oil flow go through spring chamber
(13) to passage (7). The oil then returns to tank.
When the pilot valve opened, it caused a decrease
in the pressure in spring chamber (13) that let piston
(11) move against the force of the spring in spring
chamber (13). This stops the flow of oil around the
pilot valve to passage (7) and moves piston (12)
down until a path is open for pump flow to go to the
tank through passage (7). This action will continue
until the control lever is moved to NEUTRAL position.


Relief Valve
(7) Passage for return oil. (11) Piston. (12) Dump valve.
(13) Spring chamber. (14) Pilot valve.

Vehicle Systems 21 Systems Operation

Steering System
Hydraulic Steering system

Hydraulic Schematic


7 5

Return 3 12
from 17
To control
Pump motor

11 13

steering system schematic

1. Steering unit 2. Hydraulic line 3. Hydraulic line 4. Hydraulic line 5. Hydraulic line 6. Hydraulic steering motor 7.Hydraulic line
8.Transmission PTO 9. Hydraulic line 10. Hydraulic pump 11. Hydraulic tank 12. Priority valve 13. Suction filter 14. Filter-return.
15. Hydraulic line 16. Hydraulic line. 17. Steered wheel

The steering system uses the hydraulic fluid for operation. The system has priority valve (12) which sends the
fluid to steering unit(1) as needed before the requirements of mast operation are filled.
The fluid is pulled from a hydraulic tank(11) to a hydraulic pump(10). Pump supplies a fluid through a hydraulic
hose(15) to a priority valve(12).
When the steering unit(1) is neutral position, pilot pressure in load sensing line(7) is reduced and the spool of
priority valve is moved to the left . The fluid flows though hydraulic line(16) to control valve.

During a right turn, pilot pressure is increased in load sensing line(7) and the spool of priority valve is moved
to the right. The fluid flows through hydraulic line(9) to the steering unit. From the steering unit the fluid flows
through a hydraulic line(5) for right turn. The return fluid flows through a hydraulic line(4) back through
steering unit, a hydraulic line(2) and into the hydraulic tank(11).

During a left turn, a pilot pressure is again increased in load sensing line(7) which moves the spool of priority
valve to the right. A fluid flows through a hydraulic line(9) to a steering unit. From the steering unit, the fluid
flows through a hydraulic line(4) to a hydraulic steering motor(6) to make a left turn. The return fluid flows
through a hydraulic line(5) back to steering unit, a hydraulic line(2) and into the hydraulic tank.

A check valve is installed into the port of steering unit connected to hydraulic line(9) to prevent a fluid back to
priority valve right after a turn is made,
Relief valve in priority valve will open if steering pressure goes above 10000(+500,-0) kpa or 1450(+70,0) psi.

Vehicle Systems 22 Systems Operation

Steering Unit–Steering Gear Oil Flow


Steering Unit (Shown in RIGHT TURN Position)

IBCS037B (1) Spool. (2) Sleeve. (3) Outlet to tank. (5) Inlet from pump.
Steering Unit (8) Centering springs. (9) Pin. (10) Left turn port.
A. Control valve section. B. Metering section. (11) Right turn port. (13) Drive. (14) Passage. (15) Passage.
(1) Spool. (2) Sleeve. (3) Outlet to tank. (4) Check valve. (16) Gerotor. (17) Passage.
(5) Inlet from pump. (6) Rotor. (7) Stator.
(8) Centering springs. (9) Pin. (10) Left turn port. When the steering wheel is turned for a right turn,
(11) Right turn port. (12) Body. (13) Drive. pump oil flows into the STEERING UNIT through
inlet (5) and passage (14). From passage (14) it
The steering unit has two main sections ; control goes into the gerotor through passage (17). With the
section (A) and pump or metering section (B). These steering wheel turning, gerotor (16) is turning and
two sections work together to send oil to the steering pumping oil. The Metered flow comes out through
cylinder. passage (15), where it is directed out to the steering
cylinder through right turn port (11). When the
Oil from the priority valve enters the steering unit steering wheel started to turn ; spool (1), pin (9) and
through inlet (5) into the control section. When the drive (13) also started to turn. Sleeve (2) did not
steering wheel is turned, the control section sends start to turn at the same time as the spool because
the oil to and from the metering section, and also to the diameter of the holes in the sleeve are slightly
and from the steering cylinder. larger than the diameter of pin (9). This allows spool
(1) to turn inside of sleeve (2) enough to put the
The metering section is a small hydraulic pump. It small holes in sleeve (2) in line with the grooves in
meters the oil that goes to the steering cylinder, As spool (1). The alignment of the small holes in the
the steering wheel is turned faster, there is an sleeve with the grooves in the spool provides the
increase in the flow of oil to the steering cylinder. path for oil flow to gerotor (16) and also to the
This increased flow causes the steering cylinder to steering cylinder.
move farther and faster. As the steering cylinder Centering springs (8) are compressed when the
moves farther, more oil can flow from the metering spool moves in relation to the sleeve. When the
section to the steering cylinder and a faster turn is steering wheel is no longer turning, the springs will
made. bring the spool and sleeve back to a NEUTRAL
position. This means that the wheels will stay in the
position they were in when the steering effort
stopped. The steering wheel must be turned in the
opposite direction to bring the wheels back to
straight ahead, or to make a left turn. As the
metered oil goes out to the cylinder through outlet
(11) for a right turn, return oil from the cylinder is
coming back into the STEERING UNIT through
outlet (10). This oil is sent to the tank.

Vehicle Systems 23 Systems Operation


Steering Unit (Shown in a LEFT TURN Position) Spool And Sleeve

(1) Spool. (2) Sleeve. (3) Outlet to tank. (5) Inlet from pump. (1) Spool. (2) Sleeve. (18) Slots for spring.
(9) Pin. (10) Left turn port. (11) Right turn port. (13) Drive. (19) Holes for pin. (20) Small holes for oil flow.
(14) Passage. (15) Passage. (16) Gerotor. (17) Passage. (21) Grooves for oil flow.

When the steering wheel is turned to the left, spool The rate of flow the gerotor sections is determined
(1), pin (9) and drive (13) turn with it. After spool (1) by how fast the steering wheel is turned. The faster
has turned a small amount pin (9) will cause sleeve the steering wheel turns, the greater the flow and
(2) to move with the spool. They will rotate together the faster the vehicle will turn.
but will be a few degrees apart. The flow of oil
through the STEERING UNIT is in the opposite
direction to that of a right turn. It comes in through
inlet (5) and passage (14) and then goes into
gerotor (16) through passage (15). From the gerotor,
the oil leaves through passage (17), goes through
the sleeve spool combination and then to left turn
port (10). From the left turn port it goes to the
steering cylinder.

Vehicle Systems 24 Systems Operation


Steering Unit (Shown in Manually Operated Right Turn Pump Gears In The Metering Section
Position) (6) Rotor. (7) Stator. (9) Pin. (13) Drive.
(3) Outlet to tank. (4) Ball check. (10) Left turn port.
(11) Right turn port. (15) Passage. (16) Gerotor. When the steering wheel is turned, in either direction,
(17) Passage.
pin (9) turns with the sleeve and spool and causes
drive (13) to turn also. The drive cause rotation of
If there is a pump failure or the engine stops and
rotor (6) inside of stator (7). This rotation of the rotor
can not be started again, the STEERING UNIT can
sends a controlled (metered) flow of oil back to the
be manually operated. Turning the steering wheel
spool sleeve combination where it is then directed to
will take oil from the tank and bring it in through
either port (10) or (11) and then to the steering
outlet (3). It will then open check valve (4) and go to
the gerotor (16) through passage (17). It will come
out of (16) through passage (15) and go to the right
If the unit is taken apart for any reason, it must be
turn port (11). This is the flow for a right turn. It
put back together with the relationship between pin
would be reversed for a left turn.
(9) and rotor (6) as shown.
During normal operation, check valve (4) will be held
closed by pressure oil from the pump.

Vehicle Systems 25 Systems Operation

Brake System
Master Cylinder

(1) Master Cylinder Reservoir

Brake fluid from remote reservoir (1) to replenish
master cylinder (2).

The master cylinder has a piston which push brake

liquid into the brake lines. The reservoir, located on
the middle plate, is connected to inlet of master
cylinder. The supply lines keep master cylinder (2)
filled so no air enters the system. Reservoir (1)
supplies brake liquid to the system.

When the brake pedal is first pushed, the piston
moves into the master cylinder and pushes brake
liquid through outlet into the brake lines.
Master Cylinder And Cylinder of Brake Lever
(1) Master Cylinder reservoir. (2) Master Cylinder.
The liquid pushed through outlet goes through the
(3) Brake Cylinder.
brake lines to the brake cylinder (3).


(3) Brake Cylinder. (4) Piston Rod. (5) Lever Plate.

When hydraulic pressure is supplied to the brake

cylinder (3), piston rod (4) rotates lever plate (5).
With rotation, lever plate is moved towards friction
and steel plates. Then wet disc brake is actuated by
this force from lever plate.

Vehicle Systems 26 Systems Operation

Electric Motors
Hydraulic Pump Motor

The motor is protected from over temperature by a

thermal sensor. If motor’s temperature reaches in
155 ± 4°C (311 ± 10°F) controller does overheat
warning and operates by smallest performance.

The hydraulic pump motor is activated when the key

and seat switches are closed and lift, tilt or auxiliary
lever is moved. In lift operation, the speed of the
motor is variable. The larger the distance the lever is
moved, the faster the motor will rotate. The speed of
the motor is fixed in tilt or auxiliary operation.

On the instrument Panel or Eye program the speed

of lift or tilt or auxiliary operation could be pre-

Vehicle Systems 27 Systems Operation

Testing & Adjusting 3. Check all oil lines and connections for damage or

Troubleshooting 4. Check all the lift chains and the mast and carriage
welds for wear or damage.
Troubleshooting can be difficult. A list of possible
problems and corrections are on the pages that Hydraulic System and Mast
During a diagnosis of the hydraulic system,
This list of problems and corrections will only give an remember that correct oil flow and pressure are
indication of where a problem can be and what necessary for correct operation. The output of the
repairs are needed. Normally, more or other repair pump(oil flow) increases with an increase in motor
work is needed beyond the recommendations on the speed(rpm) and decreases when motor speed(rpm)
list. Remember that a problem is not necessarily is decreased. Oil pressure is caused by resistance
caused only by one part, but by the relation of one to the flow of oil.
part with other parts. This list can not give all
possible problems and corrections. The serviceman Visual checks and measurements are the first step
must find the problem and its source, then make the when troubleshooting a possible problem. Then do
necessary repairs. the Operation Checks and finally, do instrument
The pressure Gauge Kit or the Tetragauge Group tests with pressure gauges.
can be used to make the pressure tests of the
hydraulic system. Before any test is made, visually Use the Pressure Gauge Kit, a stop watch, a
inspect the complete hydraulic system for leakage of magnet, a thermometer and a mm (inch) ruler for
oil and for parts that have damage. basic test measurements.

WARNING 1. The pressure of the oil required to open the relief

valve. Relief valve pressures that are too low will
To prevent personal injury when testing and cause a decrease in the lift and the tilt
adjusting the hydraulic system, move the characteristics of the lift truck. Pressures that are
machine to a smooth horizontal location and too high will cause a decrease in the life of hoses
lower the mast and carriage to the ground. If the and components.
mast and carriage can not be on the ground,
make sure they are blocked correctly to keep 2. Drift rates in the cylinders. Cylinder drift is caused
them from a fall that is not expected. Move away by a leakage past cylinder pistons, O-ring seals in
from machines and personnel that are at work. the control valve, check valves that do not seat
There must be only one operator. Keep all other correctly or poor adjustment or fit in the control
personnel away from the machine or where the valve spools.
oerator can see the other personnel. Before any
hydraulic pressure plug, line or component is 3. Cycle times in the lift and tilt circuits; Cycle times
removed, make sure all hydraulic pressures are that are too long are the result of leakage, pump
released. wear and/or pump speed(rpm).

Visual Checks Performance Test

A visual inspection of the hydraulic system and its The performance tests can be used to find leakage
components is the first step when a diagnosis of a in the system. They can also be used to find a bad
problem is made. Lower the carriage to the floor and valve or pump. The speed of rod movement when
follow these inspections; the cylinders move can be used to check the
condition of the cylinders and the pump.
1. Measure the oil level. Look for air bubbles in the
oil tank. Lift, lower, tilt forward and tilt back the forks several
2. Remove the filter element and look for particles
removed from the oil by the filter element. A 1. Watch the cylinders as they are extended and
magnet will separate ferrous particles from retracted. Movement must be smooth and regular.
nonferrous particles (piston rings, O-ring seals,

Vehicle Systems 28 Testing and Adjusting

2. Listen for noise from the pump. Mast and Carriage

3. Listen for the sound of the relief valve. It must not Problem: The hydraulic system will not lift the
open except when the cylinders are fully extended load.
or retracted, when the forks are empty.
Probale Hydraulic Cause :
Hydraulic Oil Temperature
(Too Hot) 1. There is an air leak, which lets air into the
hydraulic system on the inlet side of the hydraulic
When the temperature of the hydraulic oil gets over pump.
98.8°C (210°F), polyurethane seals in the system
start to fail. High oil temperature causes seal failure 2. The relief valve opens at low oil pressure.
to become more rapid. There are many reasons why
the temperature of the oil will get this hot. 3. The hydraulic pump has too much wear.

1. Hydraulic pump is badly worn. 4. The load is not correct (too heavy).

2. Heavy hydraulic loads that cause the relief valve Probable Mechanical Cause:
to open.
1. The mast is not in alignment with the other lifting
3. The setting on the relief valve is too low. components and does not move freely.

4. Too many restrictions in the system. 2. Not enough lubricant on the parts of the mast that
5. Hydraulic oil level in the tank is too low.
3. The carriage or mast rollers(bearings) are worn
6. High pressure oil leak in one or more circuits. and do not move(seized).

7. Very dirty oil. Problem : Lift cylinder extends too slowly.

8. Air in the hydraulic oil. Probable Hydraulic Cause :

NOTE: If the problem is because of air in the oil, it 1. Not enough oil supply to lift cylinder.
must be corrected before the system will operate at
normal temperatures. There are two things that 2. Defective lift cylinder seals.
cause air in the oil(aeration). These are :
Probable Mechanical Cause :
a. Return oil to the tank goes in above the level of
the oil in the tank. 1. The mast is not in alignment with the other lifting
components and does not move freely.
b. Air leaks in the oil suction line between the
pump and the tank. 2. Not enough lubricant on the parts of the mast that

3. The carriage or mast rollers (bearings) are worn

and do not move (seized).

Problem : Mast does not move smoothly

Probable Hydraulic Cause :

1. Air in the hydraulic system.

2. Relief valve sticks or defective.

Vehicle Systems 29 Testing and Adjusting

Probable Mechanical Cause : 5. Air in the hydraulic system.

1. Not enough lubricant on the parts of the mast that Probable Mechanical Cause:
1. The mast is not in alignment with the other lifting
2. Load rollers(bearings) defective or not adjusted components and does not move freely.
2. Carriage chains need an adjustment.
Problem : Mast will not lower completely or will
not lower at all. 3. Not enough lubricant on the part of the mast that
Probable Mechanical Cause :
4. The carriage or mast rollers(bearings) are worn
1. Lift cylinder damaged or bent. and do not move(seized).

2. Load rollers(bearings) defective or not adjusted Problem : The lift or tilt cylinders do not hold
correctly. their position with the valve control levers in
neutral position.
3. Not enough lubricant on the parts of the mast that
move. Probable Cause :

Problem: The mast does not tilt correctly or 1. The valve spools do not hold their positions
moves too slowly. because the springs for the valve spools are weak
or broken.
Probable Hydraulic Cause :
2. Control valve leakage caused by worn valve
1. There is an air leak, which lets air into the spools.
hydraulic system on the inlet side of the hydraulic
pump. 3. The check valve or flow control valves in the
control valve are bad.
2. The relief valve opens at low oil pressure.
4. Leakage of the cylinder lines or piston seals.
3. The hydraulic pump has too much wear.
5. There is foreign material in the control valve.
4. The internal valve of the tilt spool is stuck.
Hydraulic Pump
5. Control valve tilt spool has a restriction.
Problem: Noise in the pump.
Probable Mechanical Cause :
Probable Cause :
1. Damage or failure of the piston rods on the tilt
cylinders. 1. The oil level is low.

Problem : The carriage will not lower correctly. 2. The oil is thick(viscosity too high).

Probable Hydraulic Cause: 3. The pump inlet line has a restriction in it.

1. There are restrictions in the lift line. 4. Worn parts in the pump.

2. The lift spool in the control valve has a restriction 5. Oil is dirty.
caused by foreign material and does not operate
freely. 6. Air leaks into the inlet line.

3. The lift cylinder flow control valve has a restriction.

4. Lift cylinders excess flow protectors have a


Vehicle Systems 30 Testing and Adjusting

Problem: The oil temperature is too high. 7. The bolts of the pump do not have the correct
Probable Cause : torque.

1. The oil level is low. Hydraulic control valve

2. There is a restriction in an oil passage. Problem:The control spools do not move freely.

3. The relief valve setting is too low. Probable Cause:

4. The oil is too thin. 1. The temperature of the oil is too high.

5. There is air leakage in the system. 2. There is foreign material in the fluid.

6. The pump has too much wear. 3. The fitting connections in the valve body are too
7. The system operates at too high a pressure.
Relief valve setting too high. 4. The fastening bolts of the valve assembly do not
Attachment components cause a restriction during have the correct torque and have twisted the body.
Restrictions in flow control valve, check valve and 5. Linkage of the lift and tilt levers does not operate
in oil lines. smoothly.

Problem : Leakage at the pump shaft seal. 6. Bent lift or tilt spools.

Probable Cause : 7. Damage to the return springs of the spools.

1. The shaft seal is worn. 8. The hydraulic oil is not at normal temperature for
2. The inner parts of the pump body are worn.
Problem : Control valve spools have leakage
3. Operation with too low oil level in tank causes around the seals.
suction on the seal.
Probable Cause :
4. Seal cut on shoulder of pump or keyway during
installation. 1. There is foreign material under the seal.

5. Seal lips are dry and hardened from heat. 2. The valve spools are worn.

Problem : There is failure of the pump to deliver 3. The seal plates are loose.
4. The seals have damage or are badly worn.
Probable Cause :
Problem : The load lowers when the lift spool is
1. Low level of the oil in the tank. moved from the NEUTRAL position to the RAISE
2. There is a restriction in the pump inlet line.
Probable Cause :
3. There is air leakage in the pump inlet line.
1. There is foreign material in the check valve area.
a. Loose bolts.
2. The check valve poppet and seat show wear.
b. Defects in suction line.
3. Sudden loss of pump oil pressure.
4. The viscosity of the oil is wrong.
4. Damage to the relief valve which causes low oil
5. The pump has too much wear. pressure.

6. Failure of the pump shaft.

Vehicle Systems 31 Testing and Adjusting

Problem : Spools do not return to neutral. Problem : Foreign material behind the wiper
rings causing scratches on the cylinder rod.
Probable Cause:
Probable Cause :
1. The springs are broken.
1. The wiper rings show wear and do not remove dirt
2. The spool is bent. and foreign material.

3. The system or valve has foreign particles in it.

Steering System
4. The control linkage is not in alignment.
Problem : Too much force needed to turn
5. The fastening bolts of the valve have too much steering wheel.
Probable Cause :
Problem : No motion or slow, then a too sudden
action of the hydraulic system. 1. Priority valve (if equipped) releases pressure oil at
a low setting
Probable Cause :
2. Pump oil pressure is low, worn pump.
1. The relief valve is not correctly set, or will not
move in base and/or is worn. 3. Steering gear covers are too tight.

2. There is air in the system. 4. Steering column not aligned with steering gear.

3. Dirt or foreign particles between relief valve 5. Priority valve spool is held in one position.
control poppet and its seat.
6. Steering gear without lubrication.
4. Valve body has a crack inside.
7. Low fluid level in the hydraulic supply tank.
5. Spool not moved to a full stroke.
Problem : Steering wheel does not return to
Lift and Tilt Cylinders center position correctly.

Problem : Leakage around the cylinder rod. Probable Cause :

Probable Cause : 1. Steering gear covers are too tight.

1. Cylinder head(bearing) seals are worn. 2. Steering column is not in correct alignment.

2. Cylinder rod is worn, scratched or bent. 3. Valve spool in the steering gear has a restriction.

Problem : There is leakage of oil inside the 4. Priority valve check valve permits lift and tilt
cylinder or loss of lift or tilt power. hydraulic oil to affect hydraulic circuit.

Probable Cause : Problem : Oil leakage at the pump.

1. The piston seals are worn and let oil go through. Probable Cause :

2. Cylinder has damage. 1. Loose hose connections.

Problem: The tilt cylinder rods show wear. 2. Bad shaft seal.

Probalble Cause :

1. The cylinder are not in correct alignment.

2. Oil is dirty.

Vehicle Systems 32 Testing and Adjusting

Problem: Low oil pressure. Problem : The temperature of the oil is too hot.

Probable Cause : Probable Cause :

1. Low oil level. 1. The viscosity of the oil is wrong.

2. Priority valve (if equipped) relief valve spring 2. Air is mixed with the oil.
3. The relief valve is set too high(priority valve).
3. Relief valve(priority valve) will not move from the
open position. 4. There is a restriction in the return line circuit.

4. Oil leakage inside or outside of the system.

5. Bad pump. Brake System

Problem : Pump makes noise when turning the Wet Disc Brake
steering wheel and does not move smoothly.
Problem : Pedal resistance is not solid(spongy).
Probable Cause :
Probable Cause :
1. Air in the steering hydraulic circuit.
1. Leakage or low fluid level.
2. The pump has to much wear.
2. Air in the brake hydraulic system.
3. Loose connection of the oil line on the inlet side of
the pump. 3. Master cylinder is loose.

4. The viscosity of the oil is wrong. Problem : Extra (excessive) pedal pressure
needed for braking action.
5. The oil level in the hydraulic tank is low.
Probable Cause :
Problem : Lift truck does not turn when steering
wheel is slowly turned. 1. Mechanical resistance on the brake pedal.

Probable Cause : 2. Restriction in the brake line.

1. The oil level of the tank is low. 3. Bad master cylinder.

2. There is air in the steering system. 4. Discs look like glass(glazed) or are worn.

3. The pump operation is not correct. Problem : Pedal gradually goes to the floor.

4. Dirt in the steering system. Probable Cause :

5. Steering gear operation is not correct. 1. Leakage or low fluid level.

6. Restriction in the steer axle linkage. 2. Bad master cylinder.

Vehicle Systems 33 Testing and Adjusting

Problem : Extra(excessive) pedal travel. Parking Brakes

Probable Cause : Problem : Brakes will not hold.

1. Pedal adjustment is not correct. Probable Cause :

2. Leakage or low fluid level. 1. Parking brake assembly out of adjustment.

3. Air in the brake hydraulic system. 2. Parking brake control cable out of adjustment.

4. Bad master cylinder. 3. Worn brake discs.

5. Discs are worn.

Problem : Brakes will not apply. Electric Motors

Probable Cause : Before an analysis is made of any electric motor
problem, always make reference to the
1. Leakage or low fluid level. troubleshooting section of MicroController Control
System module.
2. Air in the brake hydraulic system.

3. Linkage is not in correct adjustment or is bent.

4. Discs look like glass (glazed) or worn. If an electrical failure or an overload of the motor
is present, personnel must not breathe the toxic
5. Oil or brake fluid is on the lining. fumes which are a product of the burnt
6. Bad master cylinder. All power must be disconnected from the motor
before any inspection is made to find the failure.
Problem : Not braking evenly or rough feeling The area around the motor must be well
during braking (chatter). ventilated(air flow) and the motor is to be cooled
before any repair work is done. Water must not
Probable Cause : be used on any electrical equipment because of
the danger of electrical shock. If a fire is present,
1. Discs look like glass (glazed) or worn. disconnect the electrical power and use a
carbon dioxide extinguisher to put the flame out.
2. Oil or brake fluid is on the lining.
Do not operate the drive motor without a load as
3. Bad contact between the steel discs and friction too much speed may cause damage to the motor
discs. and injury to personnel.

4. Brake discs uneven (out of flat).

5. Loose pressure plate bearing. Never use air pressure that is more than 30 psi (205
kPa) and make sure the air line is equipped with a
6. Bad disc and friction disc assembly. water filter.

Vehicle Systems 34 Testing and Adjusting

Problem 1 : Hydraulic pump motor will not Problem 2 : Battery will not last a complete
operate. normal work period.

Probable Cause : Probable cause :

1. Bad connections or fuses. 1. Too small a battery installed in the lift truck.

Check battery connections. Study and question the use of the lift truck in its
complete working conditions, select and purchase
Check the key fuse. appropriate capacity of battery regarding work
Check the hydraulic pump motor for possible
reasons for a bad fuse. 2. Battery not being fully charged or equalized
during the battery charging operation.
Some causes are:
Check the battery cells for an equalization charge
a. Operation with too high hydraulic pressures. (a charge to make the specific gravity the same in
all cells).
b. Operation with too much current draw.
Check the battery charger for defects.
c. Possible short circuit in power(Inverter) unit.
3. Battery Discharge Indicator (BDI) lift interrupter
2. Key switch, seat switch or line contactor not circuit which protects the battery, shuts off the
closed. hydraulic motor circuit too soon.

Close the seat and key switch. Use a See Battery Discharge Indicator Operation
multimeter(VOM) to check power flow thru the Adjustment and Troubleshooting in the
seat switch, key switch, line contactor coil and line MicroController Control System module.
contactor. The key switch, seat switch and line
contacor must be closed for the power steering 4. Battery charge interval is too long or charged
function to operate. battery cooling time is too short. This causes
excessive (too much) cell temperatures which
The key switch, seat switch, control valve switch decreases the capacity of the battery to supply the
and the line contactor must be closed for the rated amp hours.
hydraulic pump motor to operate.
Decrease the battery work duration before a
3. Not enough voltage. High resistance in battery change.
cells or cables.
Increase the battery cooling time after a charge
Charge the battery or replace the battery. before it is put to use.
Check all the cells for one or more that has
defects. 5. Battery has one or more defective cells which can
result in less than the rated capacity and ability of
Check the specific gravity of each cell. The the battery.
maximum density difference from the highest to
lowest cell must not be more than .020 SG Test and locate the defective cells. Replace the
(specific gravity). defective cell (s).

Check cable terminals for tight fit at battery Battery cells are connected in series, one bad cell
terminal and control panel connectors. causes a high resistance in series with the other
Check for broken inner wires in cables. cells. This slows down the speed of the motor as
the cell resistance increases. This can occur with
4. Speed Sensor is breakdown. the other cell almost fully charged.

5. Lift and drive system operation not correct. See

troubleshooting section of the Micro Controller
Control System module.

Vehicle Systems 35 Testing and Adjusting

6. Hydraulic system draws too much battery power
because of lifting and tilting arrangements or
hydraulic controls are not correct for the duty

Decrease hydraulic relief valve setting to the

capacity needed for the application.

Change to a smaller hydraulic pump (if available).

Check the mast for restriction during operation.

Remove quick disconnects and install fittings with

lesser resistance to oil flow.

Check for defective hydraulic control valve, the

pilot operated relief valve.

Remove any restrictions in the hydraulic circuit.

Make an inspection of the movable hydraulic
attachments for restrictions. Check for
components that slide, bearing wear, hinges
binding and the correct amount of lubrication on
necessary components.

Problem 3 : Lift truck has slow hydraulic speeds.

Probable Cause :

1. Hydraulic pump motor overheated.

In case motor’s temperature reaches in 155°C

controller does overheat warning and reduce the

2. Pump motor control circuit overheated.

In case power unit’s temperature reaches in

100°C controller does overheat warning and
reduce the performance.

Vehicle Systems 36 Testing and Adjusting

Hydraulic System
Relief Valve Pressure Check

Use the Pressure Gauge Group to check the relief

valve pressure.

Hydraulic oil, under pressure can remain in the
hydraulic system after the engine and pump
been stopped. Personal injury can be caused if Relief Valve Adjustment
this pressure is not released before any work is (2) Control valve. (3) Screw. (4) Jam nut. (5) Acorn nut.
done on the hydraulic system. To prevent
possible 1. With the key switch off, remove plug(1) from
injury, lower the carriage to the ground, key pump (6) and install a pressure gauge.
switchoff and move control levers to make sure
all 2. Turn the key switch ON and tilt the mast back to
hydraulic pressure is released before any fitting, the end of its travel.
plug, hose or component is loosened, tightened,
removed or adjusted. 3. With the motor at fast rpm, hold the tilt control
Always move the lift truck to a clean and level lever in the TILT BACK position and watch the
location away from the travel of other machines. gauge. This indication of the gauge is the
Be sure that other personnel are not near the pressure of the oil that opens the relief valve. For
machine when engine is running and tests or the correct pressure setting, see the topic Control
adjustments are made. Valve in SPECIFICATIONS.

4. If an adjustment to the relief valve setting is

necessary, do the steps that follow:

a. Turn the key switch OFF.

b. Remove acorn nut (5) and loosen jam nut(4).

c. Turn Screw (3) either clockwise for an increase

or counterclockwise for a decrease.

d. Hold screw (3) and tighten jam nut (4). Install

acorn nut (5).
Control Valve Pressure Check
5. Check the relief valve pressure setting again.
(1) Plug (6) Priority Valve.

Vehicle Systems 37 Testing and Adjusting

Lift Cylinders Air Removal

After the lift cylinder has been disassembled and

then assembled again, it may be necessary to
remove the air (bleed) from the cylinder.

1. With no load, lift and lower the mast and carriage

through one complete cycle.

2. With the forks on the floor, check the oil level in

the hydraulic tank. Add oil (if necessary)to bring
the oil level to the full mark.

3. With no load, left and lower the mast and carriage Lift Cylinder Air Removal (FFTL - Secondary Cylinders)
again through four complete cycles. (24) Bleed Screw.

5. Open bleed screws (23 and 24) no more than one

WARNING turn. The weight of the carriage will force air and
The oil will have high pressure present. To hydraulic oil out of the cylinders through the bleed
prevent personal injury, do not remove the bleed screws. Close the bleed screws before all the
screws completely. Keep hands and feet away pressure is out of the cylinders. This will prevent
from any parts of the truck that move, because air from entering back through the bleed screws.
the forks will lower when the bleed screw is
loose. 6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until there is no air bubbles
at the bleed screws.
4. Lift the forks high enough to put a load on all
stages of the lift cylinders. (The illustrations shown 7. After all the air is removed, tighten the bleed
are of a full free triple lift mast.). screws.

8. Fill the hydraulic tank to the full mark.

9. Lift and lower the mast and carriage again

through one complete cycle. If the mast does not
operate smoothly, repeat Step 3 through 9.

Lift Cylinder Air Removal (FFTL - Primary Cylinder)

(23) Bleed Screw.

Vehicle Systems 38 Testing and Adjusting

Steering System Air Removal
1. Fill the hydraulic tank nearly full. Be ready to add WARNING
oil when the pump motor is started. To prevent personal injury, do not operate
Do not let the oil level go below the outlet to the vehicle until air is removed. The steering will not
pump. operate correctly until the air is removed.

7. When the oil in the tank is clear(not cloudy), the

NOTICE system is free of air.
To prevent damage to the steering pump, keep the
oil level in the hydraulic tank above the outlet to the 8. Fill the tank to the recommended level.
Steering System Pressure Check
2. Close the seat switch and turn the key switch on.
Add oil immediately to the tank as needed.

3. Lift a capacity load to take the weight off of the

steer axle. Turn the steering wheel as rapidly as
possible to remove the air in the steer axle and

4. Add oil immediately when the valve spool of the

steering gear is activated to replace oil that flows
through the circuit.

Hydraulic Steering Gear

NOTICE (1) "P" port of steering unit.
Do not hold the steer wheel against its stops for an
extended period of time. This will cause the oil to get If the steering system does not work correctly, check
hot and damage the components. the hydraulic tank for the correct oil level and the
hoses and connections for leakage. If all these items
are correct, use the pressure gauge to check the
5. Turn the steer wheel until it has reached the stop steering hydraulic system and its relief pressure
in one direction, then quickly turn the steering setting.
wheel in the opposite direction to the opposite

6. This procedure must go on approximately 15 to

20 times, to remove the air from the system. Add
oil as required.

NOTE: The oil in the lines to the steer axle stops at

the piston assemblies of the rack. The oil in the
steer axle does not flow in a circuit. As the piston
moves backward and forward, the oil moves
backward and forward in the lines. Air in these lines,
and in the steer axle may move slowly into the
steering gear and then to the tank.

Vehicle Systems 39 Testing and Adjusting

Hydraulic pressure can cause personal injury.
Before any steering system hydraulic lines or
omponents are disconnected, make sure all
hydraulic pressure is released in the steering
system. Move the steer wheels to the left and
right and then to the straight forward direction.

1. Turn the motor off. Disconnect off.

2. Connect the 28000 kPa (4000 psi) gauge to the

port(1) after removing plug.

3. Turn the key switch to the ON position and

activate the hydraulic controls until the oil is at a
temperature for normal operation.

4. Turn the steer wheels to the left or right against

the stops and make a note of the indication on the
pressure gauge.

5. The indication on the pressure gauge must be the

priority valve relief setting. The priority relief
setting should be 10,340~10,840 kPa(1,500~
1,570 psi). If the indication is correct and a
problem exists, then there is possibly a
mechanical failure in the steering system.

6. If the indication is not correct, then there is

steering hydraulic failure in the components. Do
these procedures to find the failure as follws.

a. With the motor running and read the indication

on pressure gauge.

b. If the indication is approximately the pressure

shown in Step 5, then the steering gear has a
hydraulic failure.

c. If the indication is too low or too high, then the

priority valve on its components must be

7. If the steering gear and the priority valve are

working properly, the steering cylinder is defective
and must be repaired.

8. Correct the problem and check steering relief

valve pressure again.

Vehicle Systems 40 Testing and Adjusting

Brake System
Brake System Air Removal

When the brake pedal resistance is spongy(not

solid) it is usually an indication that there is air in the
brake hydraulic system. The cause may be low fluid
or oil level, leakage in the system, a broken brake
line or a brake line that is not connected.

To remove air from the brake system. do the

procedure that follows :
Bleed Screw Location
(2) Bleed screw.

2. Put pressure on the brake pedal and open bleed

screw (2) to let air out of the system. Close bleed
screw (2), while pressure is still on the brake
pedal, then let the pedal return to the original

3. Do step 2 again as many times as necessary until

the brake fluid is free of air.

4. (If equipped) : Use the procedure in Steps 2 and 3

again, except this time use the other bleed screw
Reservoir Location
(not shown).
(1) Reservoir.

5. Fill the reservoir again, with the correct fluid, to

1. Fill reservoir (1) with the correct fluid to 12.7 mm
the level explained in Step 1.
(.50 in) from the filler cap. See the Operation And
Maintenance Manual for the correct brake fluid.

Vehicle Systems 41 Testing and Adjusting

Pedal Adjustment Parking Brake Test

The brake pedal must have enough free play to let 1. Drive the lift truck with a rated load up a 15%
the master cylinder piston return to the release incline.
positon and open the relief outlet.

Hydraulic pressure in the brake lines goes back WARNING

through the relief opening and releases the brakes. To prevent personal injury, the operator must be
If there is no pedal free play, the pressure can not ready to use the service brake if the parking
go back through the relief opening, and the brakes brake is not adjusted correctly and the lift truck
will tighten and not release. starts to move.

If there is too much free play, the brake pedal will be 2. Half way up the incline, stop the lift truck with the
low even with the correct brake adjustment. service brakes. Apply the parking brake.

The master cylinder push rod must be adjusted so 3. If the parking brake has the correct adjustment,
the brake pedal has 3.0 to 8.0 mm(.118 ± .315 in) of the lift truck will be held in this position.
free play from the pedals stop to the push rod
contact point with the master cylinder piston. 4. If the parking brake does not hold, do the steps in
Parking Brake Adjustment.
If the pedal free play adjustment is not correct, do
the procedure that follows :

Parking Brake Control Group


Location of Master Cylinder

(1) Boot. (2) Rod. (3) Nut.

NOTE: On some trucks the rubber boot may have to

be moved to expose the adjustment nuts.

1. Loosen nut (3).

2. Adjust rod (2) until there is the correct amount of

free play.
3. Hold rod (2) and tighten nut (3).
Parking Brake Control Group
(1) Switch assembly. (2) Cam.

1. Put the parking brake in the OFF position.

2. Adjust the switch assembly (1) which is

depressed by cam (2) when parking brake put in
the ON position.

Vehicle Systems 42 Testing and Adjusting

Hydraulic Pump Motor

Instruction about sensor bearing’s


Explain the instructions to change the sensor


PUMP MOTOR : Look at exploded view of A474016

and related components

1. Unscrew 4 M4 screws

2. Remove the installed sensor

3. Position and push the new sensor into its housing

4. Verify if it’s completely inserted in its housing as,

on the contrary, it could be damaged sa soon as
the screw are screwd.

5. Screw the 4 M4 screws with a tightening torque of


Vehicle Systems 43 Testing and Adjusting

July 2007

Vehicle System
Disassembly & Assembly

B10R-5, B13R-5, B15R-5, B16R-5

Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic safety
rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an
accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary training,
skills and tools to perform these functions properly.

Improper operation, Iubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result in
injury or death.

Do not operate or perform any Iubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read and
understood the operation, Iubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard warnings are not
heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons.

The hazards are identified by the "Safety Alert Symbol" and followed by a "Signal Word" such as "WARNING" as
shown below.


The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows :

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.

The Message that appears under the warning, explaining the hazard, can be either written or pictorially presented.

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in this publication.

DOOSAN cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings in this
publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating
technique not specifically recommended by DOOSAN is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and
others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by the operation, Iubrication,
maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information available at the
time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other
items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product.
Obtain the complete and most current information before starting any job. DOOSAN dealers have the most current
information available.


Hood (with seat) Assembly ....................................5

Overhead Guard ...................................................6
Hydraulic Control Valve .........................................7
Disassemble Hydraulic Control Valve ....................8
Assemble Hydraulic Control Valve.......................11
Hydraulic Pump Motor.........................................13
Hydraulic Pump...................................................15
Accelerator Control Switch ..................................17
Standard Lift Cylinder..........................................18
Secondary Lift Cylinder .......................................20
Primary Lift Cylinder ............................................23
Tilt Cylinder .........................................................26
Steer Sensor Group ............................................30
Steering Wheel....................................................31
Steering Column .................................................31
Steering Gear......................................................33
Assembly & Disassembly ....................................38
Priority Valve.......................................................42
Brake Master Cylinder .........................................43
Disassemble & Assemble Brake..........................44
Steer Wheel, Transfer and Drive motor................44
Control Panel ......................................................46
Drive Axle ...........................................................46
Counterwieght .....................................................47

Disconnect batteries before performance of any
service work.

Vehicle Systems 3 Index

Hood (with seat) Assembly
Remove & Install Hood (with seat)


4. Remove two bolts (3) and washers.


1. Raise the hood. Support the hood with a hoist.

2. Disconnect harness connector (1) for seat brake.


5. Use the hoist to remove hood and seat assembly


6. Install the hood and seat assembly in the reverse

order of removal.


The hood and seat assembly can fall when nut
(2) is removed from the support cylinder rod.
To avoid personal injury, support the seat and
hood assembly before removing nut (2).

3. Remove nut (2) from the support cylinder.

Remove the cylinder rod from the bracket.

Vehicle Systems 5 Disassembly And Assembly

Overhead Guard
Remove & Install Overhead Guard

4. Remove bolts (4) and washers from the front leg

(each side).

1. Remove cowl platic right cover (1).

5. Remove caps (5) from the rear leg (each side).


2. Disconnect harness connector (2) from inside of

the cowl.


6. Remove bolts and washer (6) from the rear leg

(each side).
7. Remove overhead guard (3).
3. Support overhead guard (3) with lifting straps and
8. Install overhead guard (3) in the reverse order of
a hoist as shown.

Vehicle Systems 6 Disassembly And Assembly

Hydraulic Control Valve 3. Support control valve (1). Remove four bolts (3)
from frame. And remove three bolts (4), nuts and
control value (1) from plate.
Remove & Install Hydraulic Control
Valves 4. Install the control valve (1) in the reverse order of
5. Fill the hydraulic tank to the correct level with fluid.
Hydraulic oil under pressure can remain in the Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual
hydraulic system after the pump motor have for further information.
been stopped. Personal injury can result if the
pressure is not released before any work is End By :
done to the hydraulic system. To prevent
possible personal injury, turn the key switch off a. Install the hydraulic control valve switch group.
and move the control levers to make sure the
hydraulic pressure is released before any fitting,
plug, hose or component is loosened, tightened,
removed or adjusted. Always move the lift truck
to a clean and level location away from the
travel of other machines.

Start By :

a. Remove hydraulic control valve switch group.

1. Drain the hydraulic tank.

NOTE: For purposes of reassembly, put

identification marks on all lines, tubes and hoses
before any disconnections are made.

2. Disconnect lines (2) from control valve (1).

NOTE: Plug and cap all openings to avoid

contamination and debris from entering the system
after removing any tubes or lines.

Vehicle Systems 7 Disassembly And Assembly

Disassemble Hydraulic Control
Start By :

a. Remove hydraulic control valve.



5. Remove lift section assembly (6) from the valve

1 body.

2 7
IHCD105P 6

NOTE: For purpose of assembly, put identification

marks on all valve sections.

1. Remove three nuts (1) to separate the valve 11

sections. 9

2. Remove inlet section assembly (2) from the valve

6. Remove plug (7) and O-ring (8) from the lift
section assembly (6).
4 5
7. Remove O-ring (9), poppet (10) and spring (11)
from lift section assembly (6).

IHCD106P 12
3. Remove O-ring (3) from inlet section assembly (2).

4. Remove relief valve (4) and O-ring (5).


8. Remove two screws (12) and cap (13) from lift

section assembly.

Vehicle Systems 8 Disassembly And Assembly

16 17


9. Remove two screws (16) and seal plate (17). 13. Remove tilt section assembly (26) from the valve
10. Remove lift spool (18).

26 28

19 24 29

25 21
22 IHCD113P

14. Remove O-ring (27), poppet (28) and spring (29)
11. Remove the wiper seals (19) and O-rings (20) from tilt section assembly (26).
from the spool. Check the condition of O-rings and
wiper seals and replace with new ones if needed.

NOTE: Remove the spool end (21) from the spool.

The centering spring (22) has a slight preload and will
extend to its free length when the spool end is
removed. 30
12. Remove the spring seats (23 and 24), centering
spring (22) and seal plate (25).


15. Remove two screws (30) and cap (31) from tilt
section assembly.

Vehicle Systems 9 Disassembly And Assembly

15 45
14 44




16. Remove two screws (32), seal plate (33) and tilt 20. Remove side shift section assembly (43) and
spool (34). fourth section (44) from the valve body.

17. Remove valve (14) and O-ring (15). NOTE: Do step 7 through 12 to disassemble valve
spools of side shift and fourth section assembly.

21. Remove section assembly (45).




38 37


18. Remove the wiper seals (35) and O-rings (36).

Check the condition of wiper seals and O-rings IHCD119P
and replace with new ones if needed.
22. Remove relief valve (46) and O-ring (47) from the
NOTE: Remove the spool end (37) from the spool. section assembly (45).
The centering spring (38) has a slight preload and will
extend to its free length when the spool end is

39 38 40

42 41


19. Remove spring seats (39 and 40), spring (38 and
42) and piston (41).

Vehicle Systems 10 Disassembly And Assembly

Assemble Hydraulic Control Valve
19 24
Do not use caustic (corrosive) materials to clean any
parts in this valve group. Caustic materials will cause
corrosion and damage to parts.
25 21
1. Make sure all valve parts are clean and free of dirt. 22


4 5 4. Install the spring seats (23 and 24), centering

2 spring (22) and seal plate (25) on the lift spool.

5. Compress the spring with spool end (21) and

3 tighten spool end. Torque the spool end to 8 ~ 11
N•m (70 ~ 97 lb•in).

6. Install the wiper seals (19) and O-ring (20) to the

spool (18).

2. Install O-ring (3) to inlet section assembly (2).

3. Install relief valve (4) with O-ring (5) to inlet

section assembly (2). The torque for the relief
valve is 44 ~ 49 N•m (32 ~ 36 lb•ft).
16 17


7. Install the spool (18), seal plate (17) and the

screws (16).

Vehicle Systems 11 Disassembly And Assembly




8. Install cap (13) and two screws (12). 13. Install O-ring (47) and relief valve (46) to the
section assembly (45).


11 1
9. Install O-ring (9), poppet (10) and spring (11) to lift
section assembly (6). 14. Assemble all the sections on the studs.

10. Install O-ring (8) and plug (7) to the lift section 15. Install the nuts (1) that hold the valve sections
assembly. together. Tighten the single top nut to torque of 26
~ 32 N•m (19 ~ 23 lb•ft) and two bottom nuts to
torque of 24 ~ 29 N•m (18 ~ 21 lb•ft).
39 38 40
37 End By :

41 a. Install hydraulic control valve.



11. Install piston (41), spring (42), spring seats (39

and 40) and spring (38) on the tilt spool assembly.

12. Compress the spring with spool end (37). Torque

the spool end to 8 ~ 11 N•m (70 ~ 97 lb•in).

NOTE: Do step 6, 7, 8 and 9 to assemble the tilt

spool to the tilt section assembly.

NOTE: Do same steps to assemble the side shift

section and fourth section assembly.

Vehicle Systems 12 Disassembly And Assembly

Hydraulic Pump Motor

Remove & Install Hydraulic Pump Motor

Start By :

a. Raise the hood.

b. Disconnect the battery.

NOTE: For purpose of assembly, put identification

marks on the wires and cables for proper installation.
3. Disassemble brake ass’y (2).

1. Prevent brake oil being drained from reservoir by

4. Disconnect cables from UVW terminal.
using tie wrap or equivalent material.
5. Disconnect encoder cable & thermal sensor cable
from main harness.

2. Disconnect brake oil hose from master cylinder (1).

Vehicle Systems 13 Disassembly And Assembly

6. Disconnect suction hose (3) from priority valve to 9. Support pump motor with straps and move out
control valve. motor and pump assembly.

11. Remove two bolts, washers, hydraulic pump from

hydraulic motor.
For the reassembly purpose, the torque for bolt is
55 ±10 N•m (40 ± 7 lb•ft).

12. Install the hydraulic pump motor and hydraulic

pump in reverse order of removal.

[Caution! When assembling & disassembling]

1. Do not apply any impact on the motor.

2. Ensure encoder (sensor bearing) cable not to be

7. Disconnect bulk hose from hydraulic pump. damaged.
3. Ensure U.V.W. marks on motor cables to be
matched with
U.V.W. marks on terminal board of pump motor.

End By :

a. Connect the battery.

b. Close the hood.

8. Disassemble four bolts(4).

Vehicle Systems 14 Disassembly And Assembly

Hydraulic Pump
Disassemble Hydraulic Pump

Start By : 8

a. Remove hydraulic pump.


4. Remove two gears (8) from the pump body.

Separate the pump sections.

EHCD050C 12

NOTE: Identify and mark all sections of the hydraulic

pump for purposes of reassembly. 10

1. Remove four bolts (1) and washers (2) to remove 9

pump cover (3).

5. Remove O-ring (9), seal (10), back up-ring (11)

and bush (12) from the pump body.
Replace seals, back up-ring, O-ring with new ones
4 if needed.



2. Remove O-ring seal (4) from the pump body.

4 EHCD055C

6. Remove seal (13) from the flange (14).



3. Remove seal (5), back up-ring (6) and bushes (7)

from the pump gears.

Vehicle Systems 15 Disassembly And Assembly

Assemble Hydraulic Pump




EHCD055C 4. Install back-up ring (6) and seal (5) in the bushes
NOTE: When installing seal (13), make sure the lip
of the seal is positioned toward the inside of the pump 5. Install bushes (7) in the pump body.

1. Install seal (13) in the pump body.



6. Install seal (4) on the pump body.

2. Install bush (12), back-up ring (11), seal (10) and

O-ring (9) in the pump body.

8 3


7. Install the bolts (1), washers (2) and pump cover

(3) onto the pump body. Tighten the bolts for
EHCD053C cover (3) to a torque of 39 to 40 N•m (28 to 30
3. Install two gears (8) in the pump body.
End By :

a. Install the hydraulic pump.

Vehicle Systems 16 Disassembly And Assembly

Accelerator Control Switch
Remove And Install Accelerator Control


1 4. Disconnect accelerator connector (4) from main



1. Remove the floormat (1).

5. Remove three screws (5).

6. Install the accelerator assembly in the reverse

IOCD0012P order of removal.

2. Remove rear floor plate (2).


3. Remove front floor plate (3).

Vehicle Systems 17 Disassembly And Assembly

Standard Lift Cylinder
Disassemble Standard Lift Cylinder

Start By :

a. Remove standard lift cylinders.


3. Remove rod (3) from the cylinder body.


1. Put standard lift cylinder (1) in position as shown.


2 4. Remove retaining ring (4) from the cylinder rod.


2. Remove rod-cover assembly (2) with tool.



5. Remove screw bleeders (5) and steel ball (6) from

the rod-cover.

Vehicle Systems 18 Disassembly And Assembly

Assemble Standard Lift Cylinder



6. Remove O-ring seal (7) and back up ring (8) from EHCD105C
the rod-cover.
1. Install slide ring (12), back up ring (11) U-packing
(10) and wiper seal (9) on the inside of the
12 rodcover.

10 7

EHCD105C 8

7. Remove wiper seal (9), U-packing (10), back up

ring (11) and slide ring (12) from the rod-cover. EHCD104C

2. Install back up ring (8) and O-ring seal (7) onto the


3. Install the steel ball (6) and screw-bleeder (5) onto

the rod cover.

Vehicle Systems 19 Disassembly And Assembly

Secondary Lift Cylinder
Disassemble Secondary Lift Cylinder

Start By :

a. Remove secondary lift cylinders.


4. Install rod (3) with a retaining ring into the cylinder

1. Put secondary lift cylinder (1) in position as shown.

5. Install rod-cover assembly (2) on the cylinder rod
and tighten using tool.

End By :

a. Install standard lift cylinder.*


* Refer to the topic "Assemble Mast" in this module.

2. Remove rod-cover assembly (2) with tool.

Vehicle Systems 20 Disassembly And Assembly




3. Remove rod (3) from the cylinder body. 6. Remove O-ring seal (10) and back up ring (11)
from the rod-cover.

5 4



6 7 EHCD105C

7. Remove wiper seal (12), U-packing (13), back up

IOCD015I ring (14) and slide ring (15) from the rod-cover.

4. Remove wear rings (5), snap ring (7) and cushion

ring (6) from piston (4).


5. Remove screw bleeders (8) and steel ball (9) from

the rod-cover.

Vehicle Systems 21 Disassembly And Assembly

Assemble Secondary Lift Cylinder
5 4




6 7
14 IOCD015I

1. Install slide ring (15), back up ring (14) U-packing 4. Install cushion ring (6), snap ring (7) and wear
(13) and wiper seal (12) on the inside of the rings (5) onto the piston (4).




5. Install rod (3) with a retaining ring into the cylinder
2. Install back up ring (11) and O-ring seal (10) onto body.
the rod-cover.

6. Install rod-cover assembly (2) on the cylinder rod
3. Install the steel ball (9) and screw-bleeder (8) onto and tighten using tool.
the rod cover.
End By :

a. Install secondary lift cylinder.*

* Refer to the topic "Assemble Mast" in this module.

Vehicle Systems 22 Disassembly And Assembly

Primary Lift Cylinder NOTE: The following steps are for the installation of
the primary lift cylinder.
Remove And Install Primary Lift

Start By : 1

a. remove carriage.

Be sure all the pressure in the hydraulic system
has been released before any lines or hoses are

4. Put primary lift cylinder (5) in position on the mast.

5. Connect hydraulic hose.

6. Install U-bracket (2) and bolts (1).

End By :

a. Install carriage.

Disassemble Primary Lift Cylinder

Start By :
1. Fasten nylon straps and a hoist to the primary lift
a. Remove primary lift cylinder.

2. Remove bolts (1) and U-bracket (2).



1. Remove head assembly (1).


2. Remove rod (2) from the cylinder body.

3. Pull the cylinder out enough to disconnect
hydraulic hose (4). Remove primary lift cylinder (5).

Vehicle Systems 23 Disassembly And Assembly

Assemble Primary Lift Cylinder

EHCD109C 8

3. Remove rings (3) from the cylinder rod. EHCD111C

1. Install back-up ring (7) and U-packing (8) in the

head assembly. Install the seal with the lip toward
4 the inside.

2. Install wiper seal (6). Install the seal with the lip
toward the outside.

3. Install slide rings (9) in the head assembly.

EHCD110C 4

4. Remove O-ring seal (4) and back-up ring (5) from

the head assembly. 5


NOTE: Install the back-up ring with the curved side

contacting the O-ring seal.
9 4. Install the back-up ring (5) and O-ring seal (4) on
the head assembly.

5. Remove wiper seal (6), back-up ring (7), U-

packing (8) and slide rings (9) from the head

Vehicle Systems 24 Disassembly And Assembly



5. Install split rings (3) on the cylinder.



6. Install cylinder rod (2) in the cylinder body.

7. Install head assembly (1) on the cylinder body.

Tighten the head assembly.

End By :

a. Install primary lift cylinder.

Vehicle Systems 25 Disassembly And Assembly

Tilt Cylinder
Remove & Install Tilt Cylinder

Start By :

a. engage parking lever.

b. Lift mast until it is easy to access to tilt cylinder.

If tilt cylinder is removed, the mast can fall. To
2. Remove grease hoses (1) and connector.
avoid possible personal injury, make sure the
mast is securely held in place or supported by a
hoist before removing the tilt cylinder.

c. Disconnect the battery cable.

d. Remove the battery.

3. Remove retainer bolt (3) and pin (4).

1. Disconnect tilt hoses (1).

To prevent personal injury, move the control
levers backward and forward to release any
pressure in hydraulic system. Slowly loosen the
cap of the hydraulic tank to release any pressure
4. Remove snap ring (5) and safety guard (6).
in the tank. Be cautious of hot hydraulic oil when
Remove retainer bolt (7) and pin (8).
any lines are disconnected in the hydraulic
5. Remove tilt cylinder (10).

6. Install the tilt cylinder in the reverse order of


7. Refer to tilt cylinder information section for

adjusting tilt cylinder.

Vehicle Systems 26 Disassembly And Assembly

Disassemble & Assemble Tilt Cylinders

Start By : 7

a. Remove tilt cyliner.

1 EHCD115C

6. Remove spacer (6) with a O-ring seal and shims

from the cylinder rod (7) if they are installed.

2 7. Loosen the nut and bolt on the rod eye. Remove

EHCD113C cylinder rod (7).

1. Remove cover-rod (1) from the cylinder body.

Use extra care not to damage the highly 10
finished surface of the cylinder rod and the bore
of the cylinder body during disassembly and
assembly of the tilt cylinder.

2. Remove rod assembly (2) from the cylinder body.


5 8. Remove slipper seal (9) and O-ring seal (10) from

4 the piston.

Check the condition of all seals. If any parts are
worn or damaged use new parts for replacement.


3. Remove nut (3) from the cylinder rod.

4. Remove piston and seal assembly (4) from the

cylinder rod.

5. Remove cover-rod assembly (5).

Vehicle Systems 27 Disassembly And Assembly

12 13



9. Remove O-ring seal (11) and back up-ring (12) NOTE: U-packing (15) should be installed with the
from the cover-rod. lip of the seal toward the outside of the cover-rod.

12. Install wiper seal (13) in the cover-rod. Position

the lip of the seal toward the outside of the
15 coverrod as shown.
13. Install back-up ring (14).

14. Install U-packing (15) in the cylinder head.


EHCD118C 12

10. Remove wiper seal (13), back-up ring (14) and

Upacking (15) from the cover-rod.


16 15. Install O-ring seal (11) and back up-ring (12) on

the cover-rod.


11. Inspect the bushing (16) in the cover-rod. If the

bushing has a large amount of wear, Replace the
bushing and cover-rod as a unit. The parts can not
be ordered separately.

NOTE: Use the following steps to assemble the tilt


Vehicle Systems 28 Disassembly And Assembly

9 3



16. Install slipper seal (9) and O-ring seal (10) on the 19. Position the cylinder rod eye in a vise as shown.
20. Install cover-rod assembly (5) on the cylinder rod.

21. Install piston assembly (4) onto the cylinder rod.

7 The torque for the nut (3) is 260 ± 25 N•m (190 ±
20 lb•ft).


17. Install cylinder rod (7) and shims. Tighten the nut
and bolt on the rod eye to a torque of 95 ± 15 N•m
(70 ± 10 lb•ft). 2

18. Install the spacer (6) with O-ring seal onto the
cylinder rod if needed. 22. Install the rod assembly (2) in the cylinder body.

23. Tighten cover-rod (1). The torque for cover-rod (1)

is 270 ± 35 N•m (200 ± 25 lb•ft).

End By :

a. Install tilt cylinder.

Vehicle Systems 29 Disassembly And Assembly

Steer Sensor Group
Remove And Install Steer Sensor Group

Start By :

a. Raise the hood.

1. Disconnect harness connector.

5. Adjust clearance 2~3 pitches.

End By :

a. Close the hood.

b. Set “Sensor Initial setting”.

2. Remove two blots (1) and washers.

3. Remove steering angle sensor (3) from plate (2).

4. Install the tilt cylinder in the reverse order of


Vehicle Systems 30 Disassembly And Assembly

Steering Wheel Steering Column
Remove And Install Steering Wheel Remove Steering Column

Start By :

a. Remove steering wheel.



1. Remove 10 screws (1), washer, covers (2) and
key switch (3).


1. Remove cap (1) from the steering wheel.

2. Remove nut (3) and washers (2) from the steering

3. Use a suitable puller to remove the steering wheel.
2. Remove two screws (4) and cover (5).
NOTE: The following steps are for installation of the
steering wheel.
4. Put the steering wheel in position on the shaft.
Install WASHER (2) and nut (3). Tighten the nut to
a torque 80 ± 7 N•m (60 ± 5 lb•ft).

5. Install cap (1) on the steering wheel.


3. Remove horn switch (6) from the steering column.

Vehicle Systems 31 Disassembly And Assembly




14 17


4. Remove two bolts (7), washers and bracket with a 7. Remove screw (14) and handle (15).
directional switch (8) from the support assembly. Loosen nut (17) and remove gas cylinder (18).

5. Disconnect four hoses (9) from the steering gear. 8. Install the steering column in the reverse order of
NOTE: Put identification marks on all hoses for
profer installation. Plug and cap all openings to avoid
contamination and debris from entering the system
after removing any hoses or lines.



10 13

6. Remove four bolts (11) and separate steering

gear (10) from steering column (12). Remove
cotter pin (13). Remove steering column (12).

Steering gear (10) and column (12) can separate
after bolts (11) have all been removed, causing
gear (10) to fall. To avoid damaging
components, support the steering gear while
removing bolts (11).

Vehicle Systems 32 Disassembly And Assembly

Steering Gear
7 9
Disassemble & Assemble Steering Gear

Start By :

a. Remove steering gear (pump). 4

8 3
Refer to the “Remove Steering Column” in this module
for further information. EHCD136C

4. Remove the components from housing (3) as

a. Remove plate (6) from housing (3) and cap (4).
b. Remove shaft (7) from gerotor (9).
c. Remove gerotor (9) from housing (3).
d. Separate cap (4) from housing (3).
e. Remove O-rings seal (8) from housing (3).
f. Remove O-ring seal (10) from cap (4).

Typical Example

1. Remove the elbows (1) from pump body (2). 12 11

3 EHCD137C

2 5. Remove suction valve balls (12) and pins (11).

6. Remove screw (13) and check valve ball (14).


2. Remove seven bolts (5) from gerotor housing (3)

and cap (4). 2

Make a note of the position of special bolt with
a pin. It is locatedmat a mark in line with check 16

EHCD138C 15

3. Separate housing (3) and cap (4) from pump body

7. Remove O-ring seal (15) from pump body (2).

8. Remove sleeve (16) from pump body (2).

Vehicle Systems 33 Disassembly And Assembly


28 27


12. Remove plugs (27) and washer (28) from pump

body (2).

32 2

23 33
20 18 34

9. Remove the components from sleeve (16) as EHCD003B

follows :
a. Remove pin (18) from spool (17) and sleeve 13. Remove plug (31) and spring (32) from the pump
(16). body (2).
b. Remove spool (17) from sleeve (16).
c. Remove two bearing races (19), (20) and 14. Remove poppet (34) and relief valve housing (35)
bearing (21) from spool (17). from the pump body.
d. Remove six springs (23) and ring (22) from
spool (17).

37 36



EHCD141C 15. Remove plug (36) and washer (37) from the pump
10. Remove O-ring seal (24) and king-ring (25) from
body (2). NOTE: The following steps are for assembling the
steering pump.
11. Check the condition of dust seal ring (26).
Replace seals with new if worn or damaged.

Vehicle Systems 34 Disassembly And Assembly


37 36



16. Install washer (37) and plug (36) into the pump 20. Install dust seal ring (26). Install O-ring seal (24)
body. with king-ring (25) into pump body (2).

32 21
2 19

20 18

17. Install housing (35) and poppet (34) into the pump
body. NOTICE
For purposes of installation, note that springs
18. Install spring (32) and plug (31) into pump body (23) are installed in two stacks of three. Make
(2). Tighten plug (31) to a torque 11.3 N•m (100 sure the curves of the two stacks are in contact
lb•in). and positioned in the center of spool (17). The
notched side of springs (23) must be positioned
toward sleeve (16).

28 27


19. Install washer (28) and plug (27) into pump body
(2) Tighten plugs to a torque 30 N•m (22 lb•ft). EHCD139C

21. Install springs (23) into spool (17).

22. Install spool (17) into sleeve (16).

23. Install pin (18), ring (22), two bearing races (19),
(20) and bearing (21) in their original positions on
spool (17).

Vehicle Systems 35 Disassembly And Assembly



EHCD138C 15 EHCD004B

24. Install sleeve (16) into pump body (2).

25. Install O-ring seal (15) into pump body (2). 10

7 9

12 11
8 3


14 28. Install plate (6) onto pump body (2).


26. Install check valve ball (14) and screw NOTICE

(13).Tighten the screw (13). Make sure the notch of shaft (7) properly seats on
pin (18) when installed into body (2) and spool (17).
27. Install suction valve balls (12) and pins (11) in
their original positions into the pump body.
29. Install shaft (7) into body (2) and spool (17).

Gerotor (9) must be aligned with shaft (7) and pin
(18) as shown in the illustration.

30. Install O-ring seal (8) and housing (3).

31. Install O-ring seal (10) and cap (4).

Vehicle Systems 36 Disassembly And Assembly


To assure proper operation of the pump, make
sure bolts (5) are clean and dry before installing.
Tighten bolts (5) in the sequence shown in the



32. Install bolts (5) into cap (4). Tighten bolts (5)
a. Tighten bolts (5) in correct sequence to a first
torque of 14.1 ± 2.8 N•m (125 ± 25 lb•in).
b. Tighten bolts (5) in correct sequence to a
second torque of 28.2 ± 2.8 N•m (250 ± 25

End By :

a. Install steering pump.

Vehicle Systems 37 Disassembly And Assembly

Assembly & Disassembly
Hydraulic Steering Motor

Vehicle Systems 38 Disassembly And Assembly

Special Tools

SJ 151-9000-12.

Main holding tool (horse hole):

Code No. SJ151-9000-1.

SJ 151-9000-14.

Holding tool for motor with square mounting flange:

Mandrel: Mandrel: Code No. SJ 151-9000-12.
Code No. Code NO. 151-2097.10
SJ151-0414. SJ 151-9000-7 or Holding tool for MRWN.
SJ151F9000-7 Code No. SJ 151-9000-14.


Item Part to remove Comments

10 Castellated nut
11 Washer
12 Parallel key
Put the motor in a holding tool, with the output shaft downward.
28 Seal plugs
For end port version use 10 mm hexagon socket spanner.
Drain plug, washer
25, 24 Use a 17 mm spanner socket.
(if present)
21, 20 Screws, washers Use a 13 mm spanner socket.
19 End cover Remove end cover sideways
Gear wheel set O-rings (2
18, 16 Keep fingers under the gearwheel set to prevent the parts from falling out.
14 Cardan shaft
17, 16 Distributor plate O-ring

Vehicle Systems 39 Disassembly And Assembly

Item Part to remove Comments
Motors with integrated spigot flange:
Place the motor housing on the work bench and press the shaft out of the
motor housing.
Shaft and bearings should normally not be removed from OMRWN.
13 Output shaft
However, if necessary for inspection and cleaning, remove the shaft from the
housing front end. The rear bearing can thus remain in the housing.
After this, turn the motor.

Use Torx-spanner type T30, 9 mm screwdriver or 4 mm hexagon socket

1 Screws (6 off)
2 Washer Only OMRWN
4 Splgot flange

Motors with integrated spigot flange:

Remove bearing and bearing race from the motor housing.
6, 7
bearing race
Motors with separate spigot flange:
Use a 2 mm screwdriver.

8 Needle bearing

Motors with integrated spigot flange:

With mandrel and plastic hammer, carefully knock out the shaft seal.
5 Shaft seal
3 Dust seal Motors with integrated spigot flange:
Knock out the shaft seal/dust seal with a plastic hammer.
Use mandrel SJ 151-9000-7 or SJ 151F9000-7

Only OMR/OMRWN with Ø32 mm/28.5 mm tapered shaft.

9 Bearing race
Use a 2 mm screwdriver.
Only OMR with check valves.
26 Check valves (2 off) Pull the check valve out with, for example, a ground (shortened) 3.5 mm
screw tap.


Clean all parts carefully with low aromatic kerosene.

Inspection and replacement

Check all parts carefully and replace if necessary.

Before assembly, lubricate all parts with hydraulic oil
and grease rubber parts with Vaseline.

Vehicle Systems 40 Disassembly And Assembly


Item Part to install Comments

Place the motor housing in the holding tool with the flange upwards.
Only OMR with check valves
26 Check valves (2 off) Grease the check valves (fitted with new O-rings) and fit them in their bores with
light blows using plastic hammer.
9 Bearing race Only OMR/OMRWN with Ø32 mm/28.5 mm tapered shaft.
Motors with integrated spigot flange:
Lubricate the shaft seal on the outside with hydraulic oil. Fit the shaft seal
correctly onto mandrel SJ 151-0414 and carefully press the shaft seal into
position in the motor housing.
5 Shaft seal
Motors with separate spigot flange:
Knock the seal into position in the spigot flange. Check that the seal lies against
the cover recess. Use mandrel SJ 151-9000-7 or SJ 151F9000-7
Place the dust seal ring in the spigot flange and knock it into position with a
3 Dust sealring plastic hammer and appropriate mandrel.
SJ 151-9000-7 or SJ 151F9000-7

Motors with integrated spigot flange:

Fit bearing and bearing race onto the shaft and mount together with the shaft.
Bearing race
7, 6
O-ring Motors with separate spigot flange:
Grease the O-ring with Vaseline and fit the bearing race and O-ring into the
spigot flange.

8 Needle bearing
4 Spigot flange Turn so that the holes line up.
2 Washer Only OMRW N

Tightening torque
Torx screws M6: 5-8 Nm [45-70 lbf•in]
Slotted screws M6: 5-8 Nm [45-70 lbf•in]
1 Screws(6 off)
Hexagon socket screws M5: 5-10 Nm [45-70 lbf•in]
Hexagon socket screws M5: 12-15 Nm [45-70 lbf•in]
After this, turn the motor.
Out put shaft

Grease the journals with hydraulic oil.

The rear shaft end most be marked before fitted. The mark must be positioned
vertically above a commutation slot leading up to the front annular channel.
For OMRW N, guide the shaft into the motor housing back with the rear needle
bearing fitted on the shaft. Bring the shaft in line with the back of the motor by
gently tapping the shaft with a plastic hammer. Check that the shaft rotates

16 O-ring Grease the O-ring and put it in the O-ring groove of the housing.
17 Distributor plate Turn the distributor plate so that the holes line up.

Vehicle Systems 41 Disassembly And Assembly

Priority Valve Disassemble & Assemble Priority Valve

Remove & Install Priority Valve Start By :

Start By : a. Remove priority valve

a. Remove floorplate. NOTE: Mark the positions of all components for

purposes of reassembly.

Hydraulic oil under pressure can remain in the
hydraulic system after the pump motor have
been stopped. Personal injury can result if the
pressure is not released before any work is 2
done to the hydraulic system. To prevent
possible personal injury, turn the key switch off
and move the control levers to make sure the
hydraulic pressure is released before any fitting,
plug, hose or component is loosened, tightened, 4
removed or adjusted. Always move the lift truck 3
to a clean and level location away from the EHCD145C
travel of other machines.
1. Remove the spool assembly from valve body as
follows :
NOTE: For purposes of reassembly, put a. Remove plug (1). Check the condition of the
identification marks on all lines, tubes and hoses bush (2). Replace with new bush if worn or
before any disconnections are made. damaged.
b. Remove spool (3).
c. Remove spring (4).

1. Disconnect four hydraulic lines (1) from priority EHCD146C

valve (2). Plug and cap all openings to prevent
contamination and debris from entering the 2. Remove check valve (5) from the valve body.
NOTE: Check the condition of all components.
2. Support valve (2). Remove the two bolts (3) and Replace any worn or damaged components with new
priority valve and mount assembly (2). parts. Make sure all components are clean before
3. Install priority valve (2) in the reverse order of
removal. 3. Assemble the priority valve in the reverse order of
End By :
End By :
a. Install the floorplate.
a. Install the priority valve.

Vehicle Systems 42 Disassembly And Assembly

Brake Master Cylinder
Remove And Install Brake Master 7 8
Cylinder 6

1 2. Disconnect hose (4) and tube (5) from the master


3. Remove the cotter pin and pin (6) from the clevis
IHCD120P and brake pedal assembly.

4. Remove two bolts (7) and master cylinder (8) from

the bracket.

5. Install the brake master cylinder in the reverse

order of removal.

6. Fill the brake reservoir and master cylinder with
brake fluid. See the Operation And Maintenance

7. Bleed the brake system, and if necessary, adjust

3 the pedal free level. See Brake System Air
IHCD121P Removal And Pedal Adjustment in Testing And
1. Remove floor mat (1) and floor plates (2), (3).

Vehicle Systems 43 Disassembly And Assembly

Disassemble & Assemble Brake Steer Wheel, Transfer and Drive
Master Cylinder
Remove Steer Wheel
Start By :

a. Remove master cylinder.



1. Raise the rear of the machine and support with

wooden block as shown.

1. Remove head (1) and boot (2). 2. Remove five nuts (1).

2. Remove snap ring (3) from master cylinder. NOTE: Tighten the nuts (1) to a torque of 190 N•m
(140 lb•ft) when installing.

7 15 9 3. Remove steer wheel (2).

4 5
13 3

6 8 11 10

3. Remove large spring (4) and small spring (5).

4. Remove retaining ring (6) from small piston (12).

5. Remove spring seat (7), primary cup1 (8) and

small spacer (9) from small piston(12).

6. Remove secondary cup (10) from large piston (13).

7. Remove spring pin (11).

8. Remove small piston (12) from large piston (13).

9. Remove primary cup2 (14) and large spacer (15)

from large piston (13).

10. Assemble the master cylinder in the reverse order

of disassembly.

End By :

a. Install master cylinder.

Vehicle Systems 44 Disassembly And Assembly

Remove Transfer & Drive Motor

Start By :

a. Remove Counterweight. See removal of

Counterweight Section.

b. Remove steer wheel

3. Remove washers and bolts (4).

NOTE: Tighten the bolts (4) to a torque of 80 N•m

(59 lb•ft) when installing.

1 4. Remove transfer(5).

1. Disconnect cables from UVW terminal (1).

2. Remove six nuts (2). And disassemble Drive


NOTE: Tighten the socket bolts (2) to a torque of 23

N•m (17 lb•ft) when installing.

Vehicle Systems 45 Disassembly And Assembly

Control Panel Drive Axle
Remove And Install Control Panel Remove & Install Drive Axle

(AC) NOTE: The procedure for removing and installing

the drive axle is the same for both sides.

Battery voltage and high ampere are present.
Injury to personnel is possible. The power unit
must be discharged before any contact with the 2
control panel is made. Disconnect the battery
and discharge the power unit.

1. Raise the hood. Remove the side panels.


1. Loosen 8 nuts (1) and put a jack or wooden block

under the lift truck.

2. Remove eight nuts (1) and drive tire (2).

2. Disconnect the main connectors.

3. Disconnect brake lines (3) and parking rods (4)

3. Remove the motors’ cables and battery cables.

4. Loosen six bolts and remove the control board.

5. Remove control panel assembly from the lift truck.

6. Install the control panel in the reverse order of

4. Remove six bolts and washers (5).

5. Install the steering column in the reverse order of


Vehicle Systems 46 Disassembly And Assembly

NOTE: Tighten six bolts and washer(5) to a torque Counterwieght
of 300 N•m (222 lb•ft) when installing.
Remove And Install Counterweight
NOTE: Tighten eight bolts (2) to a torque of 190
N•m (140 lb•ft) when installing.
Start By :

a. Remove battery.

1. Install two forged eyebolts at the top of the

counterweight. Attach a hoist.

2. Remove four bolts (1) and washers from the

counterweight (2).

3. Remove counterweight (2). The approximate

weight of the counterweight is as follows:

B10R-5.........................................500 kg (1102 lb)

B13R-5.........................................680 kg (1500 lb)
B15R-5.........................................750 kg (1653 lb)
B16R-5.........................................840 kg (1851 lb)

NOTE: The following steps are for installation of the


4. Put the counterweight in position on the lift truck

and install four bolts (1) and washers. The torque
for the bolt (1) is 400 N•m (296 lb•ft). Apply the
Loctite NO.262 on the bolt thread.

End By :

a. Put the battery.

Vehicle Systems 47 Disassembly And Assembly

July 2007

Mast System
Disassembly & Assembly
Testing & Adjusting

B10R-5, B13R-5, B15R-5, B16R-5

Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic
safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations
before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the
necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.

Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before operating or performing lubrication,
maintenance and repair on this product.

Basic safety precautions are listed in the “Safety” section of the Service or Technical Manual. Additional safety
precautions are listed in the “Safety” section of the owner/operation/maintenance publication.
Specific safety warnings for all these publications are provided in the description of operations where hazards
exist. WARNING labels have also been put on the product to provide instructions and to identify specific
hazards. If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons.
Warnings in this publication and on the product labels are identified by the following symbol.


Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could
result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read
and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in this

DOOSAN cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings
in this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or
operating technique not specifically recommended by DOOSAN is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is
safe for you and others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by the
operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information available at
the time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and
other items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the
complete and most current information before starting any job. DOOSAN dealers have the most current
information available.


Disassembly & Assembly

Backrest .................................................................5
Carriage .................................................................6
Mast .......................................................................9

Testing & Adjusting

Chain Adjustments ...............................................22

Chain Wear Test ..................................................22
Carriage and Mast Height Adjustment............23
Forks Parallel Check......................................23
Tilt Cylinder Alignment..........................................24
Drift Test .......................................................24
Tilt Cylinder Adjustment........................................25
Lift & Tilt Mounting Group Adjustment...................26
Mast mounting Group Adjustment.........................26

Mast System 3 Index

Disassembly & Assembly

Forks Backrest

Remove & Install Forks Remove & Install Backrest

1. Fasten a hoist to the backrest. Remove bolts (2)

that fasten the backrest to the carriage.

2. Remove backrest (1).

Backrest weighs 32 kg (71 lb).

3. Install backrest (1) in the reverse order of


1. Lift fork pin (1).

2. Use a suitable C-clamp, strap and hoist to support

the fork as shown.

3. Slide the fork to slot (2) in the middle of the


4. Remove the fork. The weight of the fork is 35 kg

(77 lb).

5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the remaining fork.

6. Install the forks in the reverse order of removal.

7. Put the forks in position. Lower both fork pins (1)

to lock the forks in position.

Mast System 5 Disassemble & Assembly

Remove & Install Carriage

Start By:

a. Remove forks.

b. Remove backrest.

4. Remove two nuts (6).

Remove carriage stop bolt (7).

1. Remove two bolts (1) from the cross head (2).

2. Remove cross head (2) from the cylinder rod (3).

5. Raise the inner mast to pull out carriage as

3. Remove hoses (5).
6. Remove carriage from bottom of inner mast (9).
Carriage weighs 64kg (141 lb).

NOTE : Use the following steps to install the


7. Raise the inner mast (9) to put in the carriage (8)

onto the mast, and lower the inner mast to cover
carriage bearing fully.

Mast System 6 Disassemble & Assembly

End By:

a. Install backrest.

b. Install forks.

Disassemble Carriage

Start By:

a. Remove carriage.

8. Install stop bolt (7).

Shim stop bolt as required to obtain a 4 to 6 mm
(.157 to .242 in) lap with top carriage stop on the
inner upright.

9. Put the chains in position over cross head. Install

nuts(6) onto the chain anchors to a torque of 300
±30 N•m (220±22 lb•ft).

1. Remove the roll pins and pins (2) to disconnect

chains (1).

10. Install hoses (5).

2. Remove lower roller bearings (3) and the shims

from the carriage.

11. Install cross head (2) to cylinder rod (3).

12. Install hose guard (2) and bolts (1) to a torque of

8±2 N•m (6±1.5 lb•ft).

Mast System 7 Disassemble & Assembly

1. Select bearings from the chart to obtain minimum
clearance (C) between bearings and channel leg
for full channel length. Use same bearing at all
four locations.


Part No. Bearing Size Bearing O.D.*
D580006 Undersize 98.5 mm (3.878 in)
D580007 Standard 99.0 mm (3.898 in
D580008 Oversize 99.5 mm (3.917 in)

3. Remove screw (5) and washer (4). * Permissible tolerance of ± 0.08 mm (.003in)
Remove two top roller bearings (6) and the shims.
Refer to carriage Adjustment in Testing & Adjusting.
4. Remove bolt (7), washer, pin-adjust (8) and
side-roller bearing (9) from the carriage.

Assemble Carriage

NOTE : The standard, Full Free Lift and Full Free

Triple Lift carriage load bearings are all adjusted the
same way. The Full Free Triple Lift carriage is
shown in the following illustrations.

To make the carriage clearance adjustments,

carriage must be removed from the mast.

Use the procedure that follows to adjust carriage

load bearings. 2. Find narrowest point by ruler on the inner mast in
the area where the bearings make contact.

3. Install enough shims (1) that have been divided

into two equal groups behind bearings (2). At
installation, there is to be contact [zero clearance
Carriage Adjustment
(A)] between the bearings and the narrowest
(3) Upper bearings. (4) Shims. (5) Bolt. (6) Screw.
point of inner mast.
(7) Side-roller bearings. (8) Lower bearings. (9) Pin-adjust.
(10) Bolt. (A) Zero clearance.
4. Do step 2 through 3 for other sets of bearings.
(B) 4.0 to 6.0 mm. (.157 to .242 in) clearance.
(C) Minimum clearance. (D) 4.5 ± 0.5 mm

Mast System 8 Disassemble & Assembly

Remove & Install Mast

Start By:

a. Remove forks.
Move the truck to the place where pit is set up.

5. Tighten screw (3) that holds the top and middle

bearings (4) to the carriage to a torque of 34±7
N•m (25±5 lb•ft).

1. Support mast assembly (2) with a hoist and strap

(1) as shown.

6. Position chains (6) on the carriage. Install pins (5)

and the roll pins.

End By:

a. Install carriage, raise the inner mast and insert the

carriage from the bottom of inner mast.

Place identification marks on all hydraulic
connectors and hoses to assure proper installation.
Plug and cap all hydraulic connectors and hoses to
avoid debris and contamination from entering the

2. Disconnect hose (3).

NOTE : For B10/13/15/16R-5 see article 6 prior to

disconnecting hose (3).

Mast System 9 Disassemble & Assembly

6. Use the hoist to remove mast assembly from the

7. Install the mast in the reverse order of removal.

End By:

a. Install forks.

Tilt cylinders (4) can drop when pin(6) is
To avoid component damage or personal injury,
support tilt cylinder (4) while removing pin(6).

3. Remove bolt (5) from each side of mast assembly


4. Remove pin (6) from the tilt cylinders on each

side of the mast assembly.

5. B10/13/15/16R-5 tilt forward mast assembly about

8° with the hoist.
Remove four bolts (7) from pit each side of the
base of mast assembly.

Loosen the tension of straps to be connected
with hoist when mast assembly is tilted forward.
If straps are too tight, mast assembly could slide
off when bolts (7), (8) are removed.

Mast System 10 Disassemble & Assembly

Disassemble Mast

Start By:

a. Remove lift chain to be connected primary lift


b. Remove primary lift cylinder.

NOTE: The following disassembly and assembly

procedure is for a full free triple lift mast.

4. Disconnect and remove chains (5) from the

bottom of the mast.

1. Remove hoses (1) along with the hose support

clamps (2).

5. Remove tube ass’y (9) and bolt (10) from

stationary mast and disconnect regulator (8) from
secondary cylinder.

2. Remove hose sheave (3).

3. Remove chain nut (4) from the top of the mast

(each side).

Mast System 11 Disassemble & Assembly

6. Remove top cylinder retainer bolts (11) from each
side of the mast. 9. Check the condition of bearings (14) located in
each of the tilt cylinder pin bores. Replace
bearings (14) with new if worn or damaged.

7. Remove cylinder retainer brackets (12) from each


10. Remove bearing mounting pins (15).

11. Check the condition of the bearings (16) located

in each of the mast mounting bracket.
Replace the bearings (16) with new if worn or

8. Remove secondary cylinders (13). Each cylinder

weighs 38 kg (84 lb).

Mast System 12 Disassemble & Assembly

12. Move inner mast channel (20) downward. 17. Move intermediate mast channel (23) downward.

13. Remove bearings (17) and shims from the 18. Remove bearings (21) and the shims from the
intermediate mast channel (23). stationary mast channel.

14. Remove nylon pads (18) and shims. 19. Remove nylon pads (22) and the shims.

15. Remove bearings (19) and shims from the inner 20. Remove bearings (24) and the shims from the
mast channel (20). intermediate mast channel (23).

16. Fasten nylon straps and hoist to inner channel 21. Fasten nylon straps and a hoist to the
(20). Remove inner channel. The weight of the intermediate mast channel (23). Remove
inner channel is 110 kg (243 lb). intermediate mast channel. The intermediate
mast channel weighs 112kg (247 lb).

Mast System 13 Disassemble & Assembly

Assemble Mast

NOTE: The standard, Full Free Lift and Full Free

Triple Lift mast load bearings are all adjusted the
same way. The mast shown in the following
illustrations is the Full Free Triple Lift mast.

1. Make sure all parts are clean and free of dirt and
foreign material.

2. Check all parts for damage, use new parts for


A. Lower Bearing Adjustment of Intermediate 4. Find narrowest point by ruler on the stationary
Mast mast in the area where the bearings make
contact at 420 mm (16.5 in) channel lap.

When the correct amount of shim has been installed
behind bearings (1) there will be contact (zero
clearance) between the bearings and the inner mast
at most narrow point of mast.

Mast Adjustment Lower Bearings

(A) Zero clearance. (B) Minimum clearance. (C) Zero clearance. 5. Lifting by crane, insert intermediate mast into
(3) Bearing. (4) Bearing. (5) Shims. (6) Shims. stationary mast from the upper side.

3. Select lower bearings (3) and (4) from the chart to

obtain minimum clearance (B) between bearing
and channel leg for full channel length. Use same
be aring on left and right side.

MAST And Carriage Bearings

Part No. Bearingsize Bearing O.D.*
D580006 Undersize 98.5 mm (3.878 in)
D580007 Standard 99.0 mm (3.898 in)
D580008 Oversize 99.5 mm (3.917 in)

* Permissible tolerance ± 0.08 mm (.003 in)

Mast System 14 Disassemble & Assembly

6. Install 1mm shim and bearing (1) of stationary 9. Install 1mm shim and bearing (4) of intermediate
upper basically. lower basically.

NOTE: When installing shims (2) behind bearings

(1), make sure the amount of shim is divided equally
when positioned behind each bearing.

7. Install the correct amount of shim (2) behind

rollers until contact (zero clearance) is made
between the bearings.

8. Install pads (3) to each side.

Refer to “Upper Pad Adjustment” of Disassebly & Mast Adjustment Lower Bearings
Assembly. (A) Zero clearance. (B) Minimum clearance. (C) Zero clearance.
(3) Bearing. (4) Bearing. (5) Shims. (6) Shims.

NOTE: When installing shims (5) behind bearings

(4), make sure the amount of shim is divided equally
when positioned behind each bearing (4).

Mast System 15 Disassemble & Assembly

10. Make sure intermediate mast lower bearings are 13. Install 1 mm shim to each bearing of stationary
properly shimmed in the stationary mast by mast upper basically. Bearing should be
rolling up and down and moving intermediate selected D580006 undersize bearing.
mast to right and left. If clearance between both
masts can be detected, pull out the intermediate
mast from the stationary mast with crane and
add shim 0.5 mm or 1 mm to both intermediate
lower bearings.

11. In case of standard and full free mast, inner

lower bearings can be easily extruded by pulling
down the inner mast from the bottom of
stationary mast. If intermediate mast is stuck
and cannot move by rolling up and down, there
might be excessive shim. Pull out the
intermediate mast from the stationary mast and
remove shim 0.5 mm to both intermediate lower
bearings. Repeat same procedure of above until 14. Install 1mm shim and bearing (4) of intermediate
properly shimmed. There is to be contact zero lower basically.
clearance (C) between intermediate lower
bearings and stationary channel at
approximately 420 mm (16.5 in) channel lap.

B. Upper Bearing Adjustment of Stationary Mast

12. Lift by crane, insert intermediate mast into

stationary mast from the upper side.

Mast System 16 Disassemble & Assembly

bearings. Repeat same procedure of above until
properly shimmed. There is to be contact zero
clearance (F) between stationary upper bearings
and the widest point of intermediate mast to be
checked before.

C. Upper Pad Adjustment

Mast Adjustment Upper Bearings

(D) Zero clearance. (E) 0.80 mm (.031 in) Clearance maximum
(F) Zero clearance. (7) Pads. (8) Shims. (9) Shims. (10) Shims.

Mast Adjustment Upper Bearings

(D) Zero clearance. (E) 0.80 mm (.031 in) Clearance maximum.
(F) Zero clearance. (7) Pads. (8) Shims. (9) Shims. (10) Shims.

17. Install shims (8) behind each pad (7) until there
is 0.80 mm (.031 in) maximum clearance (E)
between the pads and the inner and
15. Make sure stationary mast upper bearings are intermediate masts with the masts at full
properly shimmed by rolling up and down and extension. Lift by crane, and pull out
moving intermediate mast to right and left. If intermediate mast from stationary mast and
clearance between both masts can be detected, insert the shims behind each pad. In case of
pull out the intermediate mast from the standard and full free mast, the pads of
stationary mast with crane and add shim 0.5 mm stationary upper can be easily extruded by
or 1 mm to both stationary upper bearings. pulling down the inner mast from the bottom of
stationary mast.
16. In case of standard and full free mast, stationary
upper bearings can be easily extruded by pulling
down the inner mast from the bottom of
stationary mast. If intermediate mast is stuck
and cannot move by rolling up and down, there
might be excessive shim. Pull out the
intermediate mast from the stationary mast and
remove shim 0.5 mm to both stationary upper

Mast System 17 Disassemble & Assembly

D. Lower Bearing Adjustment of Inner Mast

19. Find narrowest point by ruler on the intermediate

mast in the area where the inner lower bearings
make contact full length of intermediate mast
excluding minimum channel lap 420 mm (16.5

Mast Adjustment Lower Bearings

(A) Zero clearance. (B) Minimum clearance. (C) Zero clearance.
(3) Bearing. (4) Bearing. (5) Shims. (6) Shims.

18. Select lower bearings (3) and (4) from the chart
to obtain minimum clearance (B) between
bearing and channel leg for full channel length. 20. Lifting by crane, insert inner mast (11) into
Use same bearing on left and right side. intermediate mast (12) from the upper side.

MAST And Carriage Bearings

Part No. Bearing size Bearing O.D.*
D580006 Undersize 98.5 mm (3.878 in)
D580007 Standard 99.0 mm (3.898 in)
D580008 Oversize 99.5 mm (3.917 in)

* Permissible tolerance L0.08mm (.003in)

21. Install 1 mm shim and bearing (13) of

intermediate upper basically.

Mast System 18 Disassemble & Assembly

E. Upper Bearing Adjustment of intermediate

Follow same procedure with above B.

F. Upper Pad Adjustment of Intermediate Mast

Follow same procedure with above C.

24. If the bearings were removed from the mast

mounting brackets, install new ones.

25. Put a small amount of clean grease on mounting

22. Install 1mm shim and bearing (14) of inner lower bearing. Install mounting pins and screw into
basically. mast mounting brackets.
Refer to Mast Mounting Group Adjustment of
Testing & Adjusting.

26. If the bearings were removed from the tilt

cylinder pin bores (15), install new ones.

Mast Adjustment Lower Bearings

(A) Zero clearance. (B) Minimum clearance. (C) Zero clearance.
(3) Bearing. (4) Bearing. (5) Shims. (6) Shims.

23. Make sure inner mast lower bearings are

properly shimmed in the intermediate mast by
rolling up and down and moving inner mast to
right and left. If clearance between both masts
can be detected, pull down the inner mast from
the bottom of intermediate mast. Inner lower
bearings can be easily extruded. Add shim 0.5
mm or 1 mm to both inner lower bearings. If 27. Install secondary cylinders (16) into the
inner mast is stuck and cannot move by rolling stationary mast.
up and down, there might be excessive shim.
Pull out the inner mast from the intermediate
mast and remove shim 0.5 mm to both inner
lower bearings. Repeat same procedure of
above until properly shimmed. There is to be
contact zero clearance (C) between inner lower
bearings and intermediate channel at narrowest

Mast System 19 Disassemble & Assembly

28. Install secondary cylinder mounting brackets 31. Connect chains (25) at the bottom of the mast.
(17) over the secondary cylinders.

32. Connect chains (26) at the chain bracket of

29. Install top cylinder retainer bolts (18) for the stationary mast upper.
secondary cylinders.
33. Install sheave (27) of lift hose.

33. Install sheave (27) of lift hose.

30. Install regulator (22) to secondary cylinder and

tube ass’y (23) and bolts (24) to stationary mast. 34. Install hoses (28) along with the hose support

End by:

a. Install primary lift cylinder.

b. Install lift chain to be connected primary lift


Mast System 20 Disassemble & Assembly

Testing & Adjusting 2. Select upper bearing from the chart to obtain
minimum clearance (C) between bearings and
channel leg for full channel length. Use same
Carriage Adjustment bearing at all two locations. (For G20SC-5,
GC20SC-5, B20T, D20SC-5, and B20X, bearings
NOTE: The standard, Full Free Lift and Full Free are same with upper, middle 4 locations.)
Triple Lift carriage load bearings are all adjusted the
same way. The Full Free Triple Lift carriage is
shown in the following illustrations. MAST And Carriage Bearings
Part No. Bearingsize Bearing O.D.*
To make the carriage clearance adjustments,
D580006 Undersize 98.5 mm (3.878 in)
carriage must be removed from the mast.
D580007 Standard 99.0 mm (3.898 in)
Use the procedure that follows to adjust carriage D580008 Oversize 99.5 mm (3.917 in)
load bearings.
* Permissible tolerance of ± 0.08mm (.003in)

3. Equally shim both sides until contact (A) is made

(zero clearance) between bearings and inner
mast at narrowest point

4. Shim bolt as needed to obtain a 4.0 to 6.0 mm

(.157 to .242 in) overlap (B) between bolt (3) and
the carriage stop on the inner upright.
(See Carriage Adjustment in Testing &

5. Torque for screw........... 34 ± 7 N•m (25 ± 5 lb•ft).

6. Refer to “Carriage Assembly* of Disassembly &


Carriage Adjustment
(3) Upper Bearings. (4) Shims. (5) Bolt. (6) Screw.
(7) Side-roller Bearings. (8) Lower Bearings. (9) Pin-adjust.
(10) Bolt. (A) Zero Clearance.
(B) 4.0 to 6.0 mm. (.157 to .242 in) Clearance.
(C) Minimum Clearance. (D) 4.5 ± 0.5 mm

1. Select lower bearings from the chart to obtain

minimum clearance (C) between bearings and
channel leg for full channel length. Use same
bearing in all two locations.

Mast System 21 Testing & Adjusting

Chain Adjustments 2. Make adjustments to chain anchor nuts (1) or
bolts (2) for equal tension of the mast and
Chain Adjustment Check carriage chains.

3. Put LOCTITE NO.242 Thread Lock on the

threads of the locknuts after the adjustment is

Lift the carriage and mast high enough to put their

full weight on the carriage and mast chains. Check
the chains, and make sure the tension is the same.
Outer Lift Chains
Chain Adjustment (2) Chain Anchor Bolts.

If the tension is not the same on both chains, do the

procedure that follows: Chain Wear Test
Chain wear test is a measurement of wear of the
WARNING chain links and pins. Do the steps that follow to
Personal injury can be caused by sudden check chain wear.
movement of the mast and carriage. Blocks
must be used to prevent the mast and carriage 1. Lift the mast and carriage enough to put tension
from any movement while the adjustments are on the lift chains.
made. Keep hands and feet clear of any parts
that can move. 2. Measure precisely ten links of chain distance at
the center of pins in millimeter.
A chain wear gauge can also be used.

3. Calculate chain wear rate.

New one pitch = 15.88 mm

Chain wear rate (%)

= Actual measurement - 158.8 X 100


Do not put a lift truck into service if the chain
wear indication is 2% or more. A reading of 2%
Inner Lift Chains or more could cause damage or injury to
(1) Chain Anchor Nuts. persons.

1. Lift the mast and carriage and put blocks under

the mast and carriage to release the tension from 4. If the chain wear indication is 2% or more,
the lift chains. replace the lift chain.

Mast System 22 Testing & Adjusting

Carriage and Mast Height Adjustment Forks Parallel Check

1. Move the mast either forward or backward so it is 1. Lift the mast and operate the tilt control lever,
in the vertical position. until the top surface of the forks is parallel with
the floor. Place two straight bars, that are the
2. Lower the carriage completely. same width as the carriage, across the forks as
shown. Measure the distance from the bottom of
each end of the two bars to the floor. The forks
must be parallel within 3 mm (.12 in) for Full
Tapered and Polished (FTP) forks, all other forks
6.4 mm (.25 in), for their complete length.

2. If not parallel, determine which one is defective

and replace it.

Forks Parallel Check

(Typical Example)
3. On Full Free Lift and Full Free Triple Lift models,
the bottom of the inner mast must be even with
the bottom of the stationary mast.

4. Measure the distance from the bottom of the

inner upright to the bottom of carriage bearing

5. The measurement (A) must be as follows:

B10/13/15/16R-5...................... 18 mm (0.708 in)


B10/13/15/16R-5...................... 32 mm (1.259 in)

NOTE: If the above measurements are not correct,

make adjustments to the chains to get the correct
measurement. See Chain Adjustments in TESTING

Mast System 23 Testing & Adjusting

Tilt Cylinder Alignment Drift Test

If the tilt cylinders are out of alignment, extra Drift is movement of the mast or carriage that is the
stresses in the mast assembly and the mast hinge result of hydraulic leakage in the cylinders or control
area will result. To prevent damage, the tilt cylinders valve. Before testing the drift:
must stop evenly at the end of the tilt back and tilt
forward strokes.
Tilt Angle Check Personal injury can be caused by sudden
movement of the mast or carriage. Use wood
blocks and clamps to hold the mast in this
position. Keep hands and feet clear of any parts
that can move.

1. Check the chain adjustment and tilt cylinder

alignment and make necessary adjustments.

2. Lift the mast approximately 762 mm (30 in). Use

wood blocks and clamps to hold the mast in this

Tilt Angle Check (Typical Example) 3. Check the mast hinge bolts to make sure they are

The tilt angle of the mast must be checked in the full 4. Remove the blocks and clamps and lower the
tilt back and full tilt forward positions. A tilt indicator mast.
or a protractor can be used to measure the angle.
Both sides of the mast must be checked to make
sure that the mast is not twisted.

The tilt angle is determined by the tilt cylinders used.

See tilt cylinders in specifications to determine the
tilt angle from the cylinder being used.

Mast System 24 Testing & Adjusting

Drift Test For Lift System

1. Secure a rated capacity load on the forks of the

lift truck. Operate the lift truck through a complete
lift and tilt cycle until the oil is at normal
temperature of operation, 45 to 55 °C (113 to
131 °F).

2. Put the mast in a vertical position.

Raise a rated capacity load to a sufficient height
to test the lift cylinders.

3. Measure any drift of the carriage for a ten minute Tilt Cylinder Adjustment
period. Drift for all models shall not exceed 100.0 (1) Pivot eye. (2) Bolt. (3) Rod.
mm (4.00 in).

1. Loosen bolt (2) at pivot eye (1).

Tilt Cylinder Adjustment
2. Turn rod (3) into or out of pivot eye (1) to obtain
the correct length. The miN•mum length from the
WARNING end of rod to the rear face of eye is 16 mm.
Tilt cylinder pivot eyes can loosen if the torque
on the pivot eye clamping bolt is not tight
enough. This will let the tilt cylinder rod turn in
the tilt cylinder eye. The cylinder rod may twist
out of the pivot eye and the tilt cylinder will be
out of alignment or may let the mast fall and
cause personal injury or damage. When the rod
lengths are made even, the tilt angle differences
or the mast alignment will no longer be a

To correct the tilt angle or tilt cylinder length, an

adjustment must be made to the tilt cylinder as
3. Tighten bolt (2) and the nut to a torque of 95± 5
follows :
N•m (70±10 lb•ft).

Mast System 25 Testing & Adjusting

Lift & Tilt Mounting Group (1) With chains adjusted for equal tension, run mast
to full lift. If mast does not kick (move) to one
Adjustment side, no shims are needed. If mast does kick
(move) to one side, disconnect cylinder from the
bar on that side. Add shim, connect cylinder,
adjust chains and run mast to full lift to check for
kick. Repeat process if necessary. The total
shim pack must not be more than three shims

(2) Install bearing outer race to a depth of (F) .........

..............................4.5±0.8 mm (.177±.031 in).

(3) Tilt cylinder installation shown.

(4) (Full Free Lift Mast Only):

Tighten nuts until U-bolt is firm against cylinder,
do not apply standard torque.

Mast mounting Group Adjustment


1. Install roll pin (1) to a depth 2 ~ 3 mm (0.079 ~

0.118 in) from surface of bearing (2).

2. Apply the crean grease to a surface of bearing.

3. Apply Loctite No242 to bolts and tighten with a

torque 180±20 N•m (130 ± 15 lb•ft).

Mast System 26 Testing & Adjusting

July 2007

Hydraulic Schematic
B10R-5, B13R-5, B15R-5, B16R-5
MODEL : B10/13/15/16R-5

AC Type Main Relief Valve Pressure Auxiliary Relief Valve Pressure

24 [V] ± 250 kPa ± 35 psi ± 250 kPa ± 35 psi

B10/13R-5 Min. 360[A] 15,900 2,306

14,000 2,040
B15/16R-5 Max. 380[A] 17,500 2,538

May. 2008

Electric Schematic
B10R-5, B13R-5, B15R-5, B16R-5 (AC 24V)
MODEL : B10/13/15/16R-5 (AC 24V)


Operation &
Maintenance Manual
B10R-5, B13R-5
B15R-5, B16R-5

Original Instruction

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Information Section Maintenance Section

Foreword .................................................................2 Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Lift Truck

Forks ..................................................................... 68
Tire Inflation Information........................................ 72
Safety Section Torque Specifications............................................ 73
Lubricant Specifications ........................................ 75
Important Safety Information....................................4 Battery Discharge Indicator ................................... 77
Safety ......................................................................5 Battery................................................................... 78
Warning Signs and Labels .......................................5 Cold Storage Applications ..................................... 80
General Hazard Information.....................................9 Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities ............ 81
Lift Chains..............................................................10 Maintenance Intervals ........................................... 82
Operation Information ............................................11 When Required ..................................................... 83
Maintenance Information .......................................13 Every 10 Service Hours or Daily............................ 90
Operator Restraint System (If Equipped) ...............16 First 50 - 100 Service Hours or a Week................. 96
Avoiding Lift Truck Tipover ....................................20 First 250 Service Hours or a Month ....................... 98
Safety Rules ..........................................................22 Every 250 Service Hours or Monthly ..................... 99
How to Survive in a Tipover (If Operator Restraint Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months ................. 103
System Equipped) .................................................28 Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months ............... 108
Every 2500 Service Hours or 15 Months ............. 116

General Section
Environment Protection Section
Declaration of Conformity ......................................29
Specifications.........................................................30 Environment Protection ....................................... 117
Noise and Vibration ...............................................32
Capacity Chart .......................................................33
Serial Number........................................................34 Index Section
Operator’s Warning and Identification Plate...........35
Index ................................................................... 118

Operation Section

Operator’s Station and Monitoring Systems...........37

Lift Truck Controls..................................................44
Service Brake Pedal ..............................................44
Before Operating the Lift Truck ..............................48
Lift Truck Operation ...............................................51
Mono-Ped Control System (Option) .......................54
Finger Tip (Option).................................................55
Operating Techniques............................................58
Parking the Lift Truck .............................................62
Lift Fork Adjustment ...............................................64
Storage Information ...............................................65
Transportation Hints ..............................................66
Towing Information ................................................67

Information Section

Foreword Safety

Literature Information The Safety Section lists basic safety precautions. In

addition, this section identifies the text and locations
of warning signs and labels used on the lift truck.
This manual should be stored in the operator's
Read and understand the basic precautions listed in
compartment in the literature holder or seat back
the Safety Section before operating or performing
literature storage area.
lubrication, maintenance and repair on this lift truck.
This manual contains safety, operation,
transportation, lubrication and maintenance Operator Restraint System (If Equipped)
information. This manual contains safety, operation and
maintenance information for the DOOSAN operator
Some photographs or illustrations in this publication restraint system. Read, study and keep it handy.
show details or attachments that can be different
from your lift truck. Guards and covers might have
been removed for illustrative purposes. WARNING

Continuing improvement and advancement of Your DOOSAN truck comes equipped with an
operator restraint system. Should it become
product design might have caused changes to your necessary to replace the seat for any reason, it
lift truck which are not included in this publication. should only be replaced with another DOOSAN
Read, study and keep this manual with the lift truck. operator restraint system.

Whenever a question arises regarding your lift truck,

or this publication, please consult your DOOSAN Photographs or illustrations guide the operator
dealer for the latest available information. through correct procedures of checking, operation
and maintenance of the DOOSAN operator restraint

SAFE and EFFICIENT OPERATION of a lift truck

depends to a great extent on the skill and alertness
on the part of the operator. To develop this skill the
operator should read and understand the Safe
Driving Practices contained in this manual.

Forklift trucks seldom tipover, but in the rare event

they do, the operator may be pinned to the ground
by the lift truck or the overhead guard. This could
result in serious injury or death.

Operator training and safety awareness is an

effective way to prevent accidents, but accidents
can still happen. The DOOSAN operator restraint
system can minimize injuries. The DOOSAN
operator restraint system keeps the operator
substantially within the confines of the operator's
compartment and the overhead guard.

This manual contains information necessary for Safe

Operation. Before operating a lift truck make sure
that the necessary instructions are available and

Information Section

Operation Environment Management

The Operation Section is a reference for the new Note that DOOSAN INDUSTRIAL VEHICLE
operator and a refresher for the experienced one. DIVISION is ISO 14001 certified which is
This section includes a discussion of gauges, harmonized with ISO 9001. Periodic
switches, lift truck controls, attachment controls, ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITS & ENVIRONMENTAL
transportation and towing information. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS have been made
Photographs and illustrations guide the operator by internal and external inspection entities.
through correct procedures of checking, starting, LIFECYCLE ANALYSIS has also been made
operating and stopping the lift truck. through out the total product life.
Operating techniques outlined in this publication are DESIGN FOR ENVIRONMENT from the initial stage
basic. Skill and techniques develop as the operator of the design. ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT
gains knowledge of the lift truck and its capabilities. SYSTEM considers environmental laws &
regulations, reduction or elimination of resource
consumption as well as environmental emission or
Maintenance pollution from industrial activities, energy saving,
environment friendly product design(lower noise,
The Maintenance Section is a guide to equipment vibration, emission, smoke, heavy metal free, ozone
care. The illustrated, step-by-step instructions are depleting substance free, etc.), recycling, material
grouped by servicing intervals. Items without specific cost reduction, and even environmentally oriented
intervals are listed under "When Required" topics. education for the employee.
Items in the "Maintenance Intervals" chart are
referenced to detailed instructions that follow.

Maintenance Intervals
Use the service hour meter to determine servicing
intervals. Calendar intervals shown (daily, weekly,
monthly, etc.) can be used instead of service hour
meter intervals if they provide more convenient
servicing schedules and approximate the indicated
service hour meter reading. Recommended service
should always be performed at the interval that
occurs first.

Under extremely severe, dusty or wet operating

conditions, more frequent lubrication than is
specified in the "Maintenance Intervals" chart might
be necessary.

Perform service on items at multiples of the original

requirement. For example, at "Every 500 Service
Hours or 3 Months", also service those items listed
under "Every 250 Service Hours or Monthly" and
"Every 10 Service Hours or Daily".

Safety Section

Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic
safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations
before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards, and use common sense. Persons
must also have the necessary training, skills and tools before attempting to perform these functions.

Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could
result in injury or death.

Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read
and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard
warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons.

The hazards are identified by the "Safety Alert Symbol" and followed by a "Signal Word" such as "WARNING"
as shown below.


The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.

The message that appears under the warning, explaining the hazard, can be either written or pictorially

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in this

DOOSAN cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard, and common
sense is always required. The warnings in this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive.
Before any tool, procedure, work method or operating technique not specifically recommended by DOOSAN is
used, you must be sure that it is safe for you and others. You should also ensure that the product will not be
damaged or made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustration in this publication are on the basis of information available at
the time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and
other items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the
complete and most current information before starting any job. DOOSAN dealers have the most current
information available.

Safety Section

Safety Warning Signs and Labels

The safety rules and regulations in this section are There are several specific safety signs on your lift
representative of some, but not all rules and truck. Their exact location and description of the
regulations noted under the Occupational Safety hazard are reviewed in this section. Please take the
and Health Act (OSHA) and are paraphrased time to familiarize yourself with these safety signs.
without representation that the OSHA rules and
regulations have been reproduced verbatim. Make sure that you can read all warning and
instruction labels. Clean or replace these labels if
Please refer to 1910. 178 in Federal Register Vol. you cannot read the words or see the pictures.
37, No. 202, the National Fire Protection Association When cleaning the labels use a cloth, water and
No. 505 (NFPA), American National Standard, ANSI soap. Do not use solvent, gasoline, etc.
B56. 1 Safety Standard for Low lift and High Lift
Trucks and subsequent revisions for a complete list You must replace a label if it is damaged, missing or
of OSHA rules and regulations as to the safe cannot be read. If a label is on a part that is replaced,
operation of powered industrial lift trucks. Since make sure a new label is installed on the replaced
regulations vary from country to country outside in part. See your dealer for new labels.
U.S.A., operate this lift truck in accordance with local
Training Required To Operate or Service
DOOSAN lift trucks are manufactured according to Warning
the regulations and standards laid down in EU
Machinery Directive 98/37/EC and EMC directive
2004/108/EC. Please refer to the Directives 89/655/
EC and 89/391/EC and its amendments for the safe
use of DOOSAN lift trucks.

The most effective method of preventing serious

injury or death to the lift truck operator or others is
for the lift truck operator to be familiar with the
proper operation of the lift truck, to be alert and to
avoid actions or conditions which can result in an

Do not operate a lift truck if in need of repair, Located on the right side of the steering wheel.
defective or in any way unsafe. Report all defects
and unsafe conditions immediately. Do not attempt
any adjustments or repairs unless trained and WARNING
authorized to do so.
Improper operation or maintenance could result
in injury or death. Do not operate or work on the
lift truck unless you are properly trained. Read
and understand the Operation and Maintenance
Manual. Additional manuals are available from
DOOSAN Lift Truck dealers.

This label also provides allowable lift truck capacity


Safety Section

General Warnings to Operator 17. Parking-Lower lifting mechanism to floor. Put

directional control or shift lever in neutral. Set
parking/secondary brake. Turn "ON - OFF"
WARNING switch off. Chock wheels if machine is on incline.
Disconnect battery when storing electric
Only trained and authorized personnel may machines.
operate this machine. For safe operation, read
and follow the operation and maintenance 18. Observe safety rules when handling fuel for
Manual furnished with this lift truck and observe engine powered machine and when changing
the following warnings : batteries for electric machines.
19. The emergency switch uses in emergency really.
1. Before starting machine. Check all controls and When you use often emergency switch by key
warning devices for proper operation. switch, you can cause fatal mistake to your
2. Refer to machine identification plate for
allowable machine capacity. Do not overload. 20. If user operates continuously pushing work or
Operate machines equipped with attachments both brake pedal and accelerator pedal were
as partially loaded machines when not handling depressed at the same time, main electric parts
a load. were able to damage.
3. Put directional control or shift lever in neutral
before "ON-OFF" switch is turned on.
4. Start, turn and brake smoothly. Slow down for
turns, slippery or uneven surfaces. Extremely
poor surfaces should be repaired. Avoid running
over loose objects or holes in the roadway
surfaces. Use extreme caution when turning on

5. Travel with load as low as possible and tilted

back. If load interferes with visibility, travel with
load trailing.
6. On grade operations travel with load up grade.

7. Watch out for pedestrians and obstructions.

Check overhead clearances.
8. Do not permit riders on forks or machine at any

9. Do not allow anyone to stand or pass under the

elevated portion of any machine.
10. Be sure operating surface can safely support

11. Operate machine and attachments only from

operator's position.
12. Do not handle unstable or loosely stacked loads.
13. Use minimum tilt when picking up or depositing
a load.
14. Use extreme care when handling long, high, or
wide loads.
15. Forks should be completely under load and
spread apart as far as load permits.
16. Machine should be equipped with overhead
guard or equivalent protection. Where load
requires it, use load backrest extension. Use
extreme caution if operating without these

Safety Section

Hand Placement Warning Load Backrest Must Be In Place


Operation without this device in place may be

No hands. Do not place hands in this area. Do
not touch, lean on, or reach through the mast or
permit others to do so.

Located on the load backrest.

Located on the mast.
Overhead Guard Must Be In Place
No Standing On Forks Warning, No Warning
Standing Under Forks Warning
WARNING Operation without this device in place may be
hazardous. This guard conforms to
Do not stand or ride on the forks. Do not stand A.N.S.I.B56.1 and F.E.M. Section IV. This design
or ride on a load or pallet on the forks. Do not has been tested with an impact of appropriate
stand or walk under the forks. value.

Located on the lift cylinder.
Located on the Overhead Guard.

Safety Section

No Riders Warning Battery Restraint Warning


To avoid personal injury, allow no riders. A lift

truck is designed for only one operator and no

Located on front of battery cover.


Before operating truck, ensure that hood is

securely locked by hood latch, and turn stopper
to locking position. Otherwise, a battery may
come out of a truck in case of tipover. It could
Located beside the operator's station. cause the risk of serious injury or death.

Parking Brake Warning


When leaving machine apply parking brake!

Parking brake is not automatically applied.

Located on the top left side of the cowl.

Safety Section

Battery Disconnect Before Servicing General Hazard Information




Disconect battery from truck and also discharge

high voltages from capacitor banks with a 150
ohm, 25 watt Resistor before attempting to
service this truck.(B+, B-)

Attach a "Do Not Operate" or similar warning tag to

start switch or controls before servicing or repairing
the lift truck.

Do not start or service the lift truck when a "DO

NOT OPERATE" or similar warning tag is attached
to the start switch or controls.

Wear a hard hat, protective glasses and other

protective equipment as required by job conditions.

Know the width of your attachments so proper

clearance can be maintained when operating near
Seat Switch Warning fences, boundary obstacles, etc.

Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that can catch

WARNING on controls or other parts of the lift truck.

Install any seat to this seat frame. Switch must Keep the lift truck, especially the deck and steps,
shut off all power when operator is not seated. free of foreign material such as debris, oil tools and
other items which are not part of the lift truck.

Secure all loose items such as lunch boxes, tools

and other items which are not part of the lift truck.

Know the appropriate work-site hand signals and

who gives them. Accept signals from one person

Always use the overhead guard. The overhead

guard is intended to protect the lift truck operator
from overhead obstructions and from falling objects.

A truck that is used for handing small objects or

uneven loads must be fitted with a load backrest.

If the lift truck must be operated without the

overhead guard in place due to low overhead
clearance, use extreme care. Make sure there is no
possibility of falling objects from any adjacent
storage or work area. Make sure the load is stable
and fully supported by the carriage and the load
backrest extension (if equipped).

Safety Section

Do not raise loads any higher than necessary and Lift Chains
never raise a load higher than 1830 mm (72 in) with
the overhead guard removed.

Always use load backrest extension when the

carriage or attachment does not fully support the
load. The load backrest extension is intended to
prevent the load or any part of the load from falling
backwards into the operator's station.

When operating the lift truck, do not depend only on

flashing lights or back-up alarm (if equipped) to
warn pedestrians.

Always be aware of pedestrians and do not

proceed until the pedestrians are aware of your Inspect the part of the chain that is normally
presence and intended actions and have moved operated over the crosshead roller. When the chain
clear of the lift truck and/or load. bends over the roller, the movement of the parts
against each other causes wear.
Do not drive lift truck up to anyone standing in front
of an object. Inspect to be sure that chain link pins do not extend
outside of the bore hole.
Obey all traffic rules and warning signs.
If any single link pin is extended beyond its
Keep hands, feet and head inside the operator connecting corresponding link, it should be
station. Do not hold onto the overhead guard while suspected of being broken inside of its bore hole.
operating the lift truck. Do not climb on any part of
the mast or overhead guard or permit others to do Inspect the chain anchor and the anchor links for
so. wear.

Do not allow unauthorized personnel to ride on the Do not change any factory set adjustment values
forks or any other part of the lift truck, at any time. (including engine rpm setting) unless you have both
authorization and training. Especially Safety
When working in a building or dock, observe floor equipment and switches may not be removed or
load limits and overhead clearances. adjusted incorrectly. Repairs, adjustments and
maintenances that are not correct can make a
Inhaling Freon gas through a lit cigarette or other dangerous operating condition.
smoking method or inhaling fumes released from a
flame contacting Freon can cause bodily harm or For any checkup, repair, adjustments, maintenance
death. Do not smoke when servicing air and all other work concerning your forklift truck,
conditioners or wherever Freon gas may be present. please contact your DOOSAN dealer. We would
like to draw your attention to the fact that any
Never put maintenance fluids into glass containers. secondary damages due to improper handling,
Use all cleaning solutions with care. insufficient maintenance, wrong repairs or the use
of other than original DOOSAN spare parts waive
Do not use steam, solvent, or high pressure to any liability by DOOSAN.
clean electrical components.

Report all needed repairs.

Safety Section

Operation Information Make sure the lift truck horn, lights, backup alarm (if
equipped) and all other devices are working
Mounting and Dismounting
Mount and dismount the lift truck carefully. Check for proper operation of mast and
attachments. Pay particular attention to unusual
Clean your shoes and wipe your hands before noises or erratic movement which might indicate a
mounting. problem.

Use both hands face the lift truck when mounting Make sure service and parking brakes, steering,
and dismounting. and directional controls are operational.

Use the handgrips for mounting and dismounting. Make sure all personnel are clear of lift truck and
travel path.
Do not try to climb on or off the lift truck when
carrying tools or supplies. Refer to the topic "Lift Truck Operation" in the
"Operation Section" of this manual for specific
Do not use any controls as handholds when starting instructions.
entering or leaving the operator's station.

Never get on or off a moving lift truck. Never jump Starting the Lift Truck
off the lift truck.

Keep hands and steering wheel free of slippery


Before Starting the Lift Truck

Perform a walk-around inspection daily and at the
start of each shift. Refer to the topic "Walk-around
Inspection" in "Every 10 Service Hours or Daily"
section of this manual.

Adjust the seat so that full brake pedal travel can be

obtained with the operator's back against the seat Do not start the engine or move any of the controls
back. if there is a "DO NOT OPERATE" or similar warning
tag attached to the start switch or controls.
Make sure the lift truck is equipped with a lighting
system as required by conditions.
Before Operating the Lift Truck
Make sure all hydraulic controls are in the HOLD
position. Test brakes, steering controls, horn and other
devices for proper operation. Report any faulty
Make sure the direction control lever is in the performance. Do not operate lift truck until repaired.
NEUTRAL position.
Learn how your lift truck operates. Know its safety
Make sure the parking brake is engaged. devices. Know how the attachments work. Before
moving the lift truck, look around. Start, turn and
Make sure no one is standing and/or working on, brake smoothly.
underneath or close to the lift truck before operating
the lift truck. An operator must constantly observe his lift truck
for proper operation.
Operate the lift truck and controls only from the
operator's station.

Safety Section

Operating the Lift Truck Always use overhead guards except where
operation conditions do not permit. Do not operate
Always keep the lift truck under control. lift truck in high stacking areas without overhead
Obey all traffic rules and warning signs.
When stacking, watch for falling objects. Use load
Never leave the lift truck with the engine operating, backrest extension and overhead guard.
or with the parking brake disengaged.
Refer to the topic "Operation Techniques" in the
Operate the engine only in a well ventilated area. "Operation Section" of this manual.

Lower the mast, with or without load, before turning

or traveling. Tip over could result. Watch out for Loading or Unloading Trucks/Trailers
overhead obstructions.
Do not operate lift trucks on trucks or trailers which
Always observe floor load limits and overhead are not designed or intended for that purpose. Be
clearance. certain truck or trailer brakes are applied and wheel
chocks in place (or be certain unit is locked to the
Start, turn, and brake smoothly. Slow down for loading dock) before entering onto trucks or trailers.
turns, grades, slippery or uneven surfaces.
If trailer is not coupled to tractor, make sure the
Use special care when operating on grades. Do not trailer landing gear is properly secured in place. On
angle across or turn on grades. Do not use a lift some trailers, extra supports may be needed to
truck on slippery grades. Travel with forks prevent upending or corner dipping.
downgrade when unloaded. Travel with load
upgrade. Be certain dock plates are in good condition and
properly placed and secured. Do not exceed the
Do not overload, or handle offset, unstable, or rated capacity of dock boards or bridge plates.
loosely stacked loads. Refer to load capacity plate
on the lift truck. Use extreme caution when handling
suspended, long, high or wide load. Lift Truck Parking
Tilt an elevated load forward only when directly When leaving the operator station, park the lift truck
over unloading area and with load as low as in authorized areas only. Do not block traffic.
possible. z Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered
and the mast tilted forward until the fork tips
Do not stunt ride or indulge in horseplay. touch the floor.

Always look and keep a clear view of the path of z Move the direction control lever to NEUTRAL.
z Engage the parking brake.
Travel in reverse if load or attachment obstructs
visibility. Use extreme caution if visibility is z Turn the key switch off and remove the key.
z Turn the disconnect switch to OFF (If equipped).
Stay in designated travel path, clear of dock edges,
ditches, other drop- z Block the drive wheels when parking on an
offs and surfaces which cannot safely support the incline.
lift truck.

Slow down and use extra care through doorways,

intersections and other location where visibility is

Slow down for cross aisles, turns, ramps, dips,

uneven or slippery surfaces and in congested areas
and avoid pedestrians, other vehicles, obstruction,
pot holes and other hazards or objects in the path
of travel.

Safety Section

Maintenance Information Keep objects away from moving fan blades. They
will throw or cut any object or tool that falls or is
Perform all maintenance unless otherwise specified pushed into them.
as follows :
Do not use a kinked or frayed wire rope cable.
z Park the lift truck in authorized areas only. Wear gloves when handling the wire rope cable.

Retainer pins, when struck with force, can fly out

z Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered
and injure nearby persons. Make sure the area is
and the mast tilted forward until the fork tips
clear of people when driving retainer pins.
touch the floor.
Wear protective glasses when striking a retainer pin
z Place the controls lever in neutral. to avoid injury to your eyes.
z Engage the parking brake. Chips or other debris can fly off objects when struck.
Make sure no one can be injured by flying debris
z Remove the start switch key and turn the before striking any object.
disconnect switch OFF (if equipped).

z Block the drive wheels when parking on an Falling Objects Protective Structure (FOPS)
This is an attached guard located above the
operator's compartment and secured to the lift truck.
Pressure Air
To avoid possible weakening of the Falling Objects
Pressure air can cause personal injury. When using Protective Structure (FOPS), consult a DOOSAN
pressure air for cleaning, wear a protective face dealer before altering, by adding weight to, welding
shield, protective clothing and protective shoes. on, or cutting or drilling holes into the structure.

The maximum air pressure must be below 205 kPa The overhead guard is not intended to protect
(30 psi) for cleaning purposes. against every possible impact. The overhead guard
may not protect against some objects penetrating
into the operator's station from the sides or ends of
Fluid Penetration the lift truck.
Always use a board or cardboard when checking The lift truck is equipped with an overhead guard
for a leak. Escaping fluid under pressure, even a and FOPS as standard. If there is a possibility of
pinhole size leak, can penetrate body tissue, overhead objects falling through the guard, the
causing serious injury, and possible death. If fluid is guard must be equipped with smaller holes or a
injected into your skin, it must be treated by a Plexiglas cover.
doctor familiar with this type of injury immediately.
Any altering done that is not specifically authorized
by DOOSAN invalidates DOOSAN’s FOPS
Crushing or Cutting Prevention certification. The protection offered by this FOPS
Support equipment and attachments properly when will be impaired if it has been subjected to structural
working beneath them. Do not depend on hydraulic damage. Structural damage can be caused by an
cylinders to hold it up. Any attachment can fall if a overturn accident, by falling objects, etc.
control is moved, or if a hydraulic line breaks.
Do not mount any item such as fire extinguishers,
Never attempt adjustments while the lift truck is first aid kits and lights by welding brackets to or
moving or the engine is running unless otherwise drilling holes in any FOPS structure. See your
specified. DOOSAN dealer for mounting guidelines.

Where there are attachment linkages, the clearance

in the linkage area will increase or decrease with
movement of the attachment.

Stay clear of all rotating and moving parts.

Safety Section

Burn Prevention Fire or Explosion Prevention

Oils All fuels, most lubricants and some coolant
mixtures are flammable.
Hot oil and components can cause personal injury.
Do not allow hot oil or components to contact the Do not smoke in areas where batteries are charged,
skin. or where flammable materials are stored.
At operation temperature, the hydraulic tank is hot
and can be under pressure. Clean and tighten all electrical connections. Check
daily for loose or frayed electrical wires. Have all
Remove the hydraulic tank filter cap only after the loose or frayed electrical wires tightened, repaired
engine has been stopped and the filter cap is cool or replaced before operating the lift truck.
enough to remove with your bare hand. Keep all fuels and lubricants stored in properly
marked containers and away from all unauthorized
Remove the hydraulic tank filter cap slowly to persons.
relieve pressure.
Store all oily rags or other flammable material in a
Relieve all pressure in air, oil fuel or cooling protective container, in a safe place.
systems before any lines, fittings or related items
are disconnected or removed. Do not weld or flame cut on pipes or tubes that
contain flammable fluids. Clean them thoroughly
with nonflammable solvent before welding or flame
Batteries cutting on them.
Only trained and designated personnel should Remove all flammable materials such as fuel, oil
inspect, recharge or exchange batteries. and other debris before they accumulate on the lift
Always wear protective glasses when working with
batteries. Do not expose the lift truck to flames, burning brush,
etc., if at all possible.
Service, exchange and handle batteries only in
authorized areas when proper safety and ventilation Do not operate in areas where explosive gases
facilities are provided. exist or are suspected.
Do not smoke, or expose battery to sparks or flame
when checking, charging or servicing battery. Keep Fire Extinguisher
chains and metallic tools away from top of battery.
Have a fire extinguisher-type BC and 1.5KG
Batteries give off flammable fumes which can minimum capacity-on rear overhead guard leg with
explode. latch and know how to use it. Inspect and have it
serviced as recommended on its instruction plate.
Highly explosive gases are especially hazardous
toward the end of the charging period as the battery
approaches a full charge condition. Lines, Tubes and Hoses

Electrolyte is an acid and can cause personal injury Do not bend or strike high pressure lines. Do not
if it contacts skin or eyes. install bent or damaged lines, tubes or hoses.

Service batteries in accordance with battery Repair any loose or damaged fuel and oil lines,
manufacture instructions. tubes and hoses. Leaks can cause fires. Contact
your DOOSAN dealer for repair or replacement.
Refer to the topic "Batteries" in the "Maintenance
Section" of this manual. Check lines, tubes and hoses carefully. Do not use
your bare hand to check for leaks. Use a board or
cardboard to check for leaks. See Fluid Penetration
in the Safety Section for more details. Tighten all
connections to the recommended torque. Replace if
any of the following conditions are found.

z End fittings damaged or leaking.

Safety Section

z Outer covering chafed or cut and wire Nitrogen inflated tires reduce the potential of a tire
reinforcing exposed. explosion, because nitrogen does not support
combustion. Also, nitrogen helps prevent oxidation
z Outer covering ballooning locally. and the resulting deterioration of rubber and
corrosion of rim components.
z Evidence of kinking or crushing of the flexible
part of hose. Proper nitrogen inflation equipment and training in
its use are necessary to avoid over inflation. A tire
z Armoring embedded in the outer cover. blowout or rim failure can result from improper or
misused equipment.
z End fittings displaced.
Stand behind the tread and use a self-attaching
chuck when inflation a tire.
Make sure that all clamps, guards and heat shields
are installed correctly to prevent vibration, rubbing
Servicing, changing tires and rims can be
against other parts, and excessive heat during
dangerous and should be done only by trained
personnel using proper tools and procedures. If
correct procedures are not followed while servicing
Tire Information tires and rims, the assemblies could burst with
explosive force and cause serious personal injury
Explosions of air-inflated tires have resulted from or death. Follow carefully the specific information
heat-induced gas combustion inside the tires. The provided by your tire or rim servicing personnel or
heat, generated by welding or heating rim dealer.
components, external fire, or excessive use of
brakes can cause gaseous combustion.

A tire explosion is much more violent than a

blowout. The explosion can propel the tire, rim and
axle components as far as 500 m (1500 ft) or more
from the lift truck. Both the force of the explosion
and the flying debris can cause personal injury or
death, and property damage.

Do not approach a warm tire closer than the outside

of the area represented by the shaded area in the
above drawing.

Dry nitrogen (N2) gas is recommended for inflation

of tires. If the tires were originally inflated with air,
nitrogen is still preferred for adjusting the pressure.
Nitrogen mixes properly with air.

Safety Section

Operator Restraint System (If

Warning Signs and Labels
Your DOOSAN lift truck has the following tipover
warning decals.

Make sure that you can read all safety signs. Clean
or replace these if you cannot read the words or
see the pictures. When cleaning the labels use a
cloth, water and soap. Do not use solvent, gasoline,
The "Survive in tipover" warning is located on the
etc. You must replace a label if it is damaged,
overhead guard. It shows the proper use of the
missing or cannot be read. If a label is on a part
operator restraint system.
that is replaced, make sure a new label is installed
on the replaced part. See you DOOSAN Lift Truck
dealer for new labels. Seat Adjustment

The most effective method of preventing serious

injury or death to yourself or others is to familiarize
yourself with the proper operation of the lift truck, to
be alert, and to avoid actions or conditions which
can result in an accident.


Tipover can occur if the truck is improperly

operated. In the event of tipover, injury or death
could result.

Move the lever, slide the seat to the desired

position, and release the lever.

Adjust the seat before operating the lift truck. After

adjusting, set the seat to make sure it is properly
locked. DO NOT adjust the seat while the truck is in

Do NOT place your hand or fingers under the
seat. Injury may occur as the seat moves up
and down.

Safety Section

If Optional Suspension Seat Equipped Weight adjustment

Forward and Backward Adjustment Pull the weight adjustment lever upwards and move
right or left side.
The seat can be adjusted by pushing the lever on Adjust to driver’s weight in 7 steps (50 ~ 110 kg)
the right side of seat.


Forward and Backward Do not place your hand or fingers under the seat.
Adjustment Injury may occur as the seat moves up and down.

Backrest Inclination

The backrest angle can be adjusted by using the

lever on the left side of seat.

Adjust the seat before operating the lift truck. After

adjusting, set the seat to make sure it is properly
locked. DO NOT adjust the seat while the truck is in

Safety Section

Seat Belt
The Operator Restraint System, Prevents the
operator from jumping from the operator's
compartment in the event of forward or side tipover.
The system is designed to keep the operator on the
seat and in the operator's compartment in the event
of tipover.


3. In the event of tipover, the seat and restraint

system should be inspected for damage and
replaced, if necessary.

NOTE: Operator restraints shall be examined at

the regular truck service intervals. It is
recommended that they be replaced if any
of the following conditions are found:

z Cut or frayed strap

z Worn or damaged hardware including anchor
1. If the seat belt is torn, if pulling motion is points
interrupted during extension of the belt, or if the z Buckle or retractor malfunction
belt cannot be inserted into the buckle properly, z Loose stitching
replace the seat belt assembly.

The seat belt may cause the operator to bend at

the waist. If you are pregnant or have suffered
from some abdominal disease, consult a doctor
before you use the seat belt.

Fasten the Seat Belt

2. Belt Maintenance – Every 500 service hours.

Check that the belt fastening works properly
and that winding device is free from run lock
when jerked. Check that the belt is suitably
fastened to the seat. Check that the seat is
correctly secured to the hood and the chassis.
On visual inspection, fastenings must be intact,
otherwise, contact the safety manager.

1. Grip the plate (connector) of the belt and pull
Your DOOSAN truck comes equipped with a the belt from the retractor. Then insert the plate
DOOSAN operator restraint system. Should it into the slot of the buckle until a snap is heard.
become necessary to replace the seat for any Pull on the belt to confirm it is latched.
reason, it should only be replaced with another
DOOSAN operator restraint system. 2. Make sure the belt is not twisted.

Safety Section

Hold the plate of the belt and allow the belt to

WARNING slowly retract.

If you fasten the belt across your abdomen, the

belt may injure your abdomen in an accident.

3. Be sure to fasten the belt across your hips, not

across your abdomen.

NOTE: The belt is designed to automatically adjust

to your size and movement. A quick pull on
the belt will confirm that the automatic
adjuster will hold the belt position in the
event of an accident.

Release the Seat Belt

Push the button of the buckle to release the belt.

The belt will automatically retract when released.

Safety Section

Avoiding Lift Truck Tipover Stability and Center of Gravity

Lift Truck Stability

The stability of the lift truck is determined by the

location of its CG; or, if the truck is loaded, the
Counterbalanced lift truck design is based on the combined CG of the truck and load. The lift truck
balance of two weights on opposite sides of a has moving parts and, therefore, has a CG that
fulcrum (the front axle). The load on the forks must moves. The CG moves forward or backward as the
be balanced by the weight of the lift truck. mast is tilted forward or backward. The CG moves
The location of the center of gravity of both the up or down as the mast moves up or down. The CG
truck and the load is also a factor. This basic and, therefore, the stability of the loaded lift truck,
principle is used for picking up a load. The ability of are affected by a number of factors such as:
z the size, weight, shape and position of the load
the lift truck to handle a load is discussed in terms
of center of gravity and both forward and sideways z the height to which the load is lifted
z the amount of forward or backward tilt

Center of Gravity (CG) z tire pressure

z dynamic forces created when the lift truck is

accelerated, braked or turned

z condition and grade of surfaces on which the lift

truck is operated

The point within an object, at which the whole

weight of the object may be regarded as being
concentrated, is called the center of gravity or CG.
If the object is uniform, its geometric center will
coincide with its CG. If it is not uniform, the CG
could be at a point outside of the object. When the These same factors are also important for unloaded
lift truck picks up a load, the truck and load have a lift trucks. They tip over sideways easier than a
new combined CG. loaded lift truck carrying its load in the lowered

Safety Section

Lift Truck Stability Base Remember that, unless otherwise indicated, the
capacity load shown on the nameplate is for a
standard lift truck with standard backrest, forks and
mast, and having no special-purpose attachment. In
addition, the capacity load assumes that the load
center is no further from the top of the forks than it
is from the face of the backrest. If these conditions
do not exist, the operator may have to reduce the
safe operating load because the truck stability may
be reduced. The lift truck should not be operated if
its capacity/nameplate does not indicate capacity

NOTE: If the load is not uniform, the heaviest

portion should be placed closer to the
For the lift truck to be stable (not tip over forward or backrest and centered on the forks.
to the side), the CG must stay within the area of the
lift truck stability base – a triangular area between
the front wheels and the pivot of the steer wheels. If NOTICE
the CG moves forward of the front axle, the lift truck
will tip forward. If the CG moves outside of the line 1. Capacity/Nameplates originally attached to
on either side of the stability base, the lift truck will forklifts sold by DOOSAN shall not be removed,
tip to the side. altered or replaced without DOOSAN’s approval.
2. DOOSAN assumes no responsibility for lift
trucks placed in service without a valid
3. If necessary to change your specification,
Dynamic forces (braking, acceleration, turning) contact your DOOSAN lift truck dealer.
also affect stability and can produce tipover
even when the CG is within the stability triangle.

Capacity Load (Weight and Load Center)

The capacity load of the lift truck is shown on the

capacity/nameplate riveted to the truck. It is
determined by the weight and load center. The load
center is determined by the location of the CG of
the load.

The load center shown on the nameplate is the

horizontal distance from the front face of the forks,
or the load face of an attachment, to the CG of the
load. The location of the CG in the vertical direction
is the same as the horizontal dimension.

Safety Section

Safety Rules

Do not operate a lift truck unless you are in the

operator’s seat. Keep hands and feet inside the
operator’s compartment. Do not put any part of
Only properly trained and authorized personnel the body outside of the operator’s compartment.
should operate forklift trucks. Wear a hard hat and Never put any part of body into the mast structure
safety shoes when operating a lift truck. Do not or between the mast and the truck
wear loose clothing.

Do not start, stop, turn or change direction suddenly

Inspect and check the condition of your forklift truck or at high speed. Sudden movement can cause the
using the operator's check list before starting work. lift truck to tip over. Slow the speed of your truck
Immediately report to your supervisor any obvious and use the horn near corners, exits, entrances,
defects or required repairs. and near people.
In case of a truck with the steering knob, Do not
operate the steering knob suddenly, to prevent
accident caused by quick turning.

Do not operate your truck in unauthorized areas.

Know your forklift truck and think safety.
Do not compromise safety.
Follow all safety rules and read all warning signs. Never operate a lift truck with wet hands or shoes.
Never hold any controls with grease on your hands.
Your hands or feet will slide off of the controls and
cause an accident.

Safety Section

Do not raise anyone on the forks of your lift truck Do not overload. Always handle loads within the
unless using an approved safety cage. Do not let rated capacity shown on the capacity plate.
other people ride on the truck. Lift trucks are Do not add extra counterweight to the truck. An
designed to carry loads, not people. overload can cause the truck to roll over and cause
injury to personnel and damage to the lift truck.

Do not operate your truck without the load backrest

extension and overhead guard. Keep the load Do not drive on soft ground.
against the backrest with the mast tilted backward. Observe all signs, especially those on maximum
permitted floor loadings, elevator capacities and
clearance heights.
Handle loads carefully and check them closely for
stability and balance.

Do not lift or move loads that are not safe. Do not

pick up an off center load. Such a load increases
the possibility of a tipover to the side. Make sure
loads are correctly stacked and positioned across
both forks. Always use the proper size pallet. Do not drive on slippery surfaces.
Position the forks as wide as possible under the Sand, gravel, ice or mud can cause a tipover.
load. Position loads evenly on the forks for proper If unavoidable, slow down.
balance. Do not lift a load with one fork.

Safety Section

Do not permit anyone to stand or walk under the Do not elevate the load with the mast tilted forward.
load or lifting mechanism. The load can fall and Do not tilt the elevated loads forwards.
cause injury or death to anyone standing below. This will cause the lift truck to tip over forward.

Look out for overhead obstructions when raising or Do not jump off if your truck starts to tip over.
stacking loads. Do not travel with a raised load. Do Stay in your seat to survive.
not travel with the mast raised. The lift truck can roll
over and cause injury or death to you or other

Go up ramps in forward direction and down ramps

in reverse direction when moving loads.
Never elevate a load with the forklift truck on an
Do not move loose loads that are higher than the incline.
load backrest. Go straight off and straight down. Use an assistant
Be alert for falling loads when stacking. when going up or down a ramp with a bulky load.
Travel with the load tilted back and the forks as low
as possible.
This will increase stability to the truck and load and
permit better visibility for you.

Safety Section

Do not stack or turn on ramps. Do not drive in forward direction when loads restrict
Do not attempt to pick-up or deposit a load unless your visibility. Operate your lift truck in reverse to
the lift truck is level. Do not turn on or drive across improve visibility except when moving up a ramp.
an incline.

Be careful when operating a lift truck near the edge

Do not go over rough terrain. If unavoidable, slow of a loading dock or ramp. Maintain a safe distance
down. from the edge of docks, ramps and platforms.
Cross railroad tracks slowly and diagonally Always watch tail swing.
whenever possible. A railroad crossing can give a The truck can fall over the edge and cause injury or
loaded forklift truck a real jolt. For smoother death.
crossing, cross the railroad diagonally so one wheel
crosses at a time.

Do not operate on bridge plates unless they can

support the weight of the truck and load. Make sure
Avoid running over loose objects. Look in the that they are correctly positioned. Put blocks on the
direction of travel. Look out for other persons or vehicle you enter to keep it from moving.
obstructions in your path of travel. An operator must
be in full control of his lift truck at all times.

Safety Section

Do not operate your truck close to another truck. Park your lift truck in authorized areas only. Fully
Always keep a safe distance from other trucks and lower the forks to the floor, put direction lever in
make sure there is enough distance to stop safely. NEUTRAL position, engage the parking brake, and
Never overtake other vehicles. turn the key to the OFF position. Remove the key
and put blocks behind the wheels to prevent the
truck from rolling. Shut off your forklift truck when
leaving it unattended.
Check the condition of your forklift truck after the
day's work.

Do not use your lift truck to push or tow another

Do not let another push or tow your truck.
If a truck will not move, call a service technician.

Do not operate forklifts near flammable or

combustible materials.
To avoid the discoloration, deformation or
combustion of materials (such as lumber, veneer
board, paper products and other similar items),
always park at least 30 cm (12 inches) away from

Forklift trucks may only be refueled at specially

reserved locations. Switch off the engine when
Smoking and handling of naked flames during
refueling are strictly prohibited. This prohibition also
applies during the changing of the LPG (liquefied
propane gas) tank.
Mop up spilt fuel and do not forget to close the fuel
tank before restarting the engine.

Safety Section

Forklift trucks are not cars. They often have small There are many special attachments available to
tires, no suspension, and are very heavy. replace the forks on a lift truck.
The forklift's center of gravity will also change when All carry safety implications and special training in
carrying loads. their operation is highly recommended.
Avoid uneven bumps, pot holes and other hazards
whenever possible.

The counterweight draw bar should not be used for

towing the forklift or for towing another forklift.
Carrying a load suspended on a chain or a cable Towing is only advised in emergencies, by trained
may unbalance a truck. operators and at low speed, no faster than 2 km/h,
Take extra care around pedestrians with a to a convenient location for repair.
suspended load as it may sway or even strike them.

An unloaded forklift may be easier to tip over than a

loaded truck.
When traveling without a load, the risk of lateral
overturn is greater.

Safety Section

How to Survive in a Tipover (If

Operator Restraint System


In the event of a tipover, the risk of serious

injury or death will be reduced if the operator is
using the operator restraint system and follows
the instructions provided.

Brace your feet and keep them within the operator's


Always use operator restraint system.

Lean away from the direction of fall.

Don’t jump.

Lean forward.

Hold on tight.

General Section

Declaration of Conformity


Doosan Industrial Vehicle Co., Ltd.
(Manseok-dong) 468, Injung-ro, Dong-Gu, Incheon, Korea 401-010

Authorized Representative, Compiler of Technical File According to 2006/42/EC and Keeper of

Technical File According to 2000/14/EC
Doosan Industrial Vehicle Europe N.A, Mr. Y.W. Chung
1A Rue Achille Degrace 7080 Frameries, Belgium

herewith declare
that the following equipment conforms with the appropriate requirements of the Directives
2006/42/EC(Machinery Directive), 2000/14/EC as amended by 2005/88/EC(Noise Emission in
the environment by equipment for use outdoors), and 2004/108/EC (EMC Directive) based on
its design and type, as brought into circulation by us.

Description of the equipment :

Type : Lift Truck, Battery Powered Driven, Counterbalanced

Function : Lifting and Moving materials

Family : B16R-5 Series

Model Name : B10R-5, B13R-5, B15R-5, B16R-5

General Section

1 Manufacturer
2 Model
3 Capacity at rated load center kg
4 Load center distance mm
5 Power type eletric,diesel,gas,Lp-gas
6 Operator type stand-on, rider seated
7 Tire P=pneumatic,E=elastic,C=cushion
8 Wheels number of front/rear
9 Lift with STD maximum fork height with rated load mm
10 two-stage mast free lift mm
11 Fork carriage ISO Class
12 Fork thickiness X width X length mm
13 forkspacing (maximumXminimum) mm
14 Tilt of mast foreward/backward deg
15 length without forks mm
16 width mm
17 Overall mast lowered height mm
18 dimensions mast extended height mm
19 overhead guard height mm
20 seat height (to SIP) mm
21 Outside turning radius mm
22 Load moment constant (from center of front wheel to fork face) mm
23 Aisle width with pallets 1000X1200 Crosswise mm
23a Aisle width with pallets 800X1200 Lengthwise mm
24 travel,loaded/unloaded 24V km/h
25 Speeds lift,loaded/unloaded 24V mm/s
26 lowering,loaded/unloaded mm/s
28 Max. Drawbar pull loaded/unloaded (5 min. rating) kgf
30 Max. gradeability loaded/unloaded (5 min. rating) %
31 Steering Manual/power assisted/full power
32 Total weight (with minimum weight of battery) kg
33 Axle load with load(vertical) front/rear kg
34 without load(vertical) front/rear kg
35 number of front/rear
36 Tires Size front
37 rear
38 Wheelbase (forward x vertical x back) mm
39 Tread front/rear mm
40 Ground loaded at the lowest point mm
41 clearance at center of wheelbase mm
42 Service brake
43 Parking brake
44 Type
45 Battery Volt/Capacity-Max. V/AH
46 Weight (Minimun) kg
47 Electric motor Drive motor (1 HR Rating) 24V kw
48 Hydraulic motor (20% Duty) 24V kw
54 Speed control with electric drive Type
57 Relief pressure system/attachment Kpa
58 Noise level Leq dB(A)

General Section


B10R-5 B13R-5 B15R-5 B16R-5 2
1000 1250 1500 1600 3
500 500 500 500 4
electric electric electric electric 5
rider seated rider seated rider seated rider seated 6
P,E P,E P,E E 7
2/1x 2/1x 2/1x 2/1x 8

3000 3000 3000 3000 9

130 130 130 130 10
35x100x900 35x100x900 35x100x900 35x100x900 12
200x905 200x905 200x905 200x905 13
3/6 3/6 3/6 3/6 14
1710 1735 1760 1785 15
996 996 996 996 16
2025 2025 2025 2025 17
4045 4045 4045 4045 18
2067 2067 2067 2067 19
1010 1010 1010 1010 20
1380 1405 1430 1455 21
330 330 330 330 22
3039 3064 3089 3114 23
3161 3186 3211 3236 23a

12.5/13.5 12.0/13.0 12.0/12.5 12.0/12.5 24

320/520 310/520 300/520 300/520 25
500/450 500/450 500/450 500/450 26
290/837 357/765 385/765 354/765 28
19/25 19/25 16/25 15/25 30
full power full power full power full power 31

2451 2777 2951 3036 32

3007/445 3486/541 3958/493 4109/527 33
1275/1176 1321/1455 1408/1543 1388/1648 34

2/1 2/1 2/1 2/1 35

18x7-8 18x7-8 18x7-8 18x7-8 36
18x7-8 18x7-8 18x7-8 18x7-8 37
1111x1135x1185 1111x1135x1185 1161x1185x1235 1161x1185x1235 38
840/0 840/0 840/0 840/0 39
85 85 85 85 40
90 90 90 90 41
foot/hyd foot/hyd foot/hyd foot/hyd 42
hand/mach hand/mach hand/mach hand/mach 43

lead-acid lead-acid lead-acid lead-acid 44

24/875 24/875 24/1000 24/1000 45
445 600 676 676 46
5 5 5 5 47
7 7 7 7 48
Inverter AC Inverter AC Inverter AC Inverter AC 54
15900/15900 15900/15900 15900/15900 17500/15900 57
70.0(Tested model:B18T,48V) 58

General Section

Noise and Vibration

Noise Level [ Unit : dB(A) ] Vibration Level [ Unit : m/s²]

Sound Pressure Level

Model Human Vibration
at Operator's Ear (Leq.)

prEN 12053 prEN 13059

67.4 0.76
* Test Model : B16R-5

General Section

Capacity Chart

A: 2000~4000 mm MAST A: 4000 mm MAST D: 5000 mm MAST

B: 4500 mm MAST B: 4500 mm MAST E: 5500 mm MAST
C: 4750 mm MAST F: 6000 mm MAST

A: 2000~4000 mm MAST A: 4000 mm MAST D: 5000 mm MAST

B: 4500 mm MAST B: 4500 mm MAST E: 5500 mm MAST
C: 4750 mm MAST F: 6000 mm MAST

A: 2000~3700 mm MAST A: 4000 mm MAST D: 5000 mm MAST

B: 4000 mm MAST B: 4500 mm MAST E: 5500 mm MAST
C: 4500 mm MAST C: 4750 mm MAST F: 6000 mm MAST

A: 2000~3700 mm MAST A: 4000 mm MAST D: 5000 mm MAST

B: 4000 mm MAST B: 4500 mm MAST E: 5500 mm MAST
C: 4500 mm MAST C: 4750 mm MAST F: 6000 mm MAST

General Section

Serial Number
Serial Numbers Locations
Both the lift truck and its motors have serial
numbers. You can record them in this manual for
quick reference.
Use the spaces provided below the illustrations.

Lift Truck Serial Number

Hydraulic/Power Steering Motor Serial Number

Drive Motor Serial Number

General Section

Operator’s Warning and Identification Plate

Familiarize yourself with the information on the ldentification, Lift Capacity and Attachment Plates. Do not
exceed allowable lift truck working capacity load ratings.

Operator’s Warning Plate Identification, Lift Capacity and

Attachment Plate
Lift Truck Capacity Rating

DO NOT exceed allowable lift truck working

capacity load ratings.

The capacity of the lift truck is given by weight and

distance to the load center. For example: a capacity
of 1200kg(2540 lb) at 600mm (24in) means that the
lift truck can lift 1200kg (2640lb) if the load center is
600 mm (24in) from both the vertical and horizontal
faces of the forks.
Located on the right side of the operator’s seat on
the battery cover.
Before attempting to lift any load, ensure that the
weight and load center combination is within the
capacity of the lift truck as shown on the capacity
rating plate. To determine the load center, measure
the distance from the face of the carriage to the
gravitational center of the load.

The rated capacity on the plate refers to the

capacity of the lift truck as it left the factory.
Subsequent changes of any form to the equipment
or battery can alter the lift truck’s rating.

The rated capacity of the lift truck applies to

operating conditions where the lift truck is on level
ground. The capacity of the lift truck is reduced on

Below are abbreviations that may appear on the

Identification, Lift Capacity and Attachment Plate
and their meanings.

General Section

Mast Abbreviations TH - Tire Handler.

The identification plate indicates the type of mast CTH - Container Top Handler.
installed on the lift truck when it left the factory. The
type of mast is indicated by an abbreviation. CSH - Container Side Handler

STD - Standard Mast(single inner member, low LP - Load Push Device, Non Sideshift.
free lift).
LPP - Load Push-Pull Device, Non Sideshift.
FF - Full Free Lift Mast (single inner member,
with high free duplex or multiple cylinder). C - General Clamp (other than Bale, Carton
or Roll).
FFT - Triple Lift Mast (two inner members) with
either low or full free lift. BC - Bale Clamp.

QUAD - Quadruple (Quad) Mast (three inner CC - Carton Clamp.

RC - Roll Clamp.
SPEC - Special Mast, such as non-telescopic or
double mast, not within the other LS - Load Stabilizer.
LH - Log Handler.
NOTE: When only a mast-type is listed on the
identification plate, a standard carriage and PWH - Pulp Wood Handler.
forks are used.
SS-ST - Sideshift-Side Tilt Carriage.
Attachment Abbreviations (Includes
Special Forks)

SC - Special Carriage-increased width, height

or outreach.

SSS - Shaft-type Sideshift Carriage.

HSS - Hook-type Sideshift Carriage(ITA).

ISS - Integral Sideshift Carriage(ITA).

CW - Special Counterweight.

SF - Special Forks.

NOTE: Numbers following this abbreviation indicate

number and/or length of forks.

SS-SWS - Sideshift-Swing Shift.

RAM - Ram or Boom

ROTC - Rotating Carriage.

DBCBH - Double Cube Block Handler

HFP - Hydraulic Fork Positioner, Non Sideshift.

CR - Crane Arm or Crane Boom.

Operation Section

Operator’s Station and Monitoring Systems

Read and understand the “Safety”, “Operation” and “Maintenance” sections before operating the lift truck.

Key Switch Seat Switch

The key switch is located on the right side of the The seat switch is located under the operator’s seat.
steering column.
OPEN - When the operator’s seat is in
OFF - Turn the key switch to OFF (1) to the up position the electrical circuits are
disconnect the electrical circuits. disconnected.

ON - Turn the key switch the ON (2) to CLOSE - When the operator’s seat is in
connect the electrical circuits. If the key the down position(operator seated) the
switch is left in the ON position when the electrical circuits are connected.
operator leaves the lift truck, the LCD display will
show a flashing “EE”. The power steering pump motor is activated when
the key switch is turned to ON and the seat switch
The power steering pump motor is activated when is closed.
the key switch is turned to ON and the seat switch
is closed.

NOTE: The power steering pump motor will shut off

if the directional lever is left in NEUTRAL
and no control levers are actuated for
approximately six seconds. The motor will
be turned on when any control lever is used.

Operation Section

Monitoring Systems Indicator Display Segments

The display gives the following information about the

operating state of the system:

Lift truck speed (expressed in kmh or


Handbrake active, indicated by the

warning symbol

With any directional switch active and safety

contact still open, lift truck can’t be moved, even
after seat switch is closed; in such a case, after
Located on the middle of the console cover panel. safety contact is closed, the symbol disappears.

The symbols shown on the instrument panel EE code disappears only after active directional
identify different features of the lift truck. The switch is turned off.
symbol for each feature is identified and an
explanation of the function and location is described Time meter or, otherwise, milometer
on the following page.

Slow speed operation, indicated by

Low oil level of the brakes.

Battery level, indicated by a 9

segments symbol.

In following Table 1 and 2, you can read the generic

relation between battery charge level and number
of visualized bars. Display signals with alarm code
EL the fact battery is completely discharged .

Operation Section

Relation between battery charge level and The display gives the following contraction on the dot
number of visualized bars matrix display about the operating state of the system.
See table 3
Table 1 : Case of a generic system
Table 3 : Contraction for dot matrix display.
Alarm Code
No segments Discharged battery Display
1 flashing segment 10 % Description Contraction
1 segment 20 % CONTACTOR
17 Main breaker fault
2 segments 30 % FAULT
3 segments 40 % Battery/inverter
4 segments 50 % mismatch
5 segments 60 % P-MOTOR
76 Pump motor Encoder
6 segments 70 % ENCODER
Wrong right traction R-M TEMP
7 segments 80 % 77
motor thermal switch SENSOR
8 segments 90 % Wrong pump motor P-M TEMP
9 segments Full charged battery 79
thermal probe SENSOR
Wrong right traction
Table 2 : Case of an 24V system 80 module thermal R-INV T SENSOR
LEVEL [V] Wrong pump module
thermal probe
Discharged battery Voltage < 22.0 V
83 CRC fault CRC FAULT
10 % 22.0 V ÷ 22.5 V
84 Bank CRC restored CRC RESTORED
20 % 22.5 V ÷ 22.9 V Capacitors not
30 % 22.9 V ÷ 23.3 V A FAST CHARGE
charged : fast charge
40 % 23.3 V ÷ 23.7 V Trans.precharge in
50 % 23.7 V ÷ 24.1 V A short/Cap. too TOO CHARGED
60 % 24.1 V ÷ 24.4 V charged
70 % 24.4 V ÷ 24.7 V Capacitors not
80 % 24.7 V ÷ 25.0 V A charged : slow
90 % 25.0 V ÷ 25.2 V
Capacitors not TIME OUT
Full charged battery Voltage > 25.2 V A
charged : time out CHARGE
Capacitors not CAP NOT
charged CHARGED
Drive right module R-INV
Overtemperature OVERTEMP
Pump module P-INV
Overtemperature OVERTEMP
Drive right motor R-MOTOR
Overtemperature OVERTEMP
Pump motor P-MOTOR
Overtemperature OVERTEMP
EE Wrong start WRONG START
EL Low battery voltage LOW BATT VOLT
WD Timer/Enable WD TIMER
micro signals FAULT
F Serial communication COMM FAULT
Maximum battery
Minimum battery
F2 Pedal trimmer fault ACCEL FAULT

Operation Section

Drive right module R-INVERTER - E-S-H management disabled: no symbol

Desat/overcurrent FAULT visualised.
Pump module P-INVERTER - E-S-H management enabled: active
Desat/overcurrent FAULT mode is indicated by symbol
Drive right motor R-MOTOR I
current Offset OFFSET
Pump motor current P-MOTOR I
F8 Otherwise symbol indicates, as usual,
selected operating mode.
F9 Steer sensor fault
FA 12V out not ok 5V NOT OK
Drive right motor R-MOTOR
Fc NOTE: as usual, if lift truck is moving, symbol
FE 24V out 24V NOT OK indicates speed level.
FH 5V encoders not ok 12V NOT OK
Pump input on at the

NOTE: if active mode is one of L1, L2 or L3

Lift truck operation mode limitations and you change operating mode
Pressing E-S-H button, you can set S-H), software automatically sets operating
energetic operating mode for your system. mode to economic one.

Alarm message, indicated by an alpha-

This function is enabled using EYE menu named numerical code in the display area where
Calibration – ESH, to select desired operating usually lift truck speed appears.
mode. In particular you can choose between E-S-H See Table 4 for the meaning of alarm codes.
Table 4 : Meaning of alarm codes.
- Pressing E-S-H (economic, standard, high) button, ALARM
you change energetic mode and update related ALARM DESCRIPTION
parameters with a value, corresponding to F Wrong eeprom + watch dog timer
selected operating mode, that operator can’t F0 Maximum battery voltage
F1 Minimum battery voltage
F2 Pedal trimmer fault
manage 3 further options (limit 1, limit 2, and limit
F3 Drive right module desat/overcurrent
3). You can set parameters value, that are
F5 Pump module Desat/overcurrent
expressed in per cent of high energetic mode;
changing active limitation (among L1, L2 or L3), F6 Drive right motor current offset
related per cent data are used to calculate actual F8 Pump motor current offset
parameters value. F9 Steer sensor fault
FA 12V out not ok
NOTE: Percent values can be modified only with Fc Drive right motor Encoder
EYE Calibration – E-S-H menu. FE 24V out not ok
FH 5V encoders not ok
NOTE: Pressing PROGRAMMABLE WORKING FL Pump inputs on at start
you can manage economic, standard or E1 Drive right module Overtemperature
high operating mode too. E3 Pump module overtemperature
E4 Drive right motor Overtemperature
COMPACT display shows different symbols in E6 Pump motor Overtemperature
function of selected energetic mode: EE Wrong start
EL Low battery voltage
Seat switch opened
Alarm on pre - charge circuit of
internal capacitors
AL Key retention

Operation Section

17 Main breaker fault LED Indicators

60 Battery / inverter mismatch
Wrong right traction motor thermal On left side, COMPACT display has four LED
probe indicators which, when switched on, give
79 Wrong pump motor thermal probe information as follows:
Wrong right traction module thermal
probe Low oil level of the brakes : red color LED.
82 Wrong pump module thermal probe
83 CRC fault Seat Belt warning (Option) : red color
84 Bank CRC restored LED for 10 seconds.

Hour meter separation point, usually blinking, stops No Alarm, No Movement (OPTION)
in following cases:
- Seat switch open. In case the truck does not move forward or reverse
- Serial communication between display and control direction, check to see if the service brake switch
unit not active (option) is activated.
- Main breaker open

Turning your lift truck on, some alphanumeric codes,

visible for 3 seconds, appear where usually is
visualized speed indicator symbol; those codes
help to identify system in use (see Table 5).
Where usually is visualized hour meter, on left side
appears feed voltage in VDC, and on right side,
maximum weight industrial truck can lift, expressed
in quintals.

Table 5

Operation Section

Front and Rear Floodlights Switch Tilt Steering Column

Located on the right side of the instrument panel, Located on the lower front of the steering column.
below the display panel.
To adjust the steering column, raise the handle(1)
OFF - Push down on the left side of the and move the steering column to the desired
switch to turn both front and rear flood position. Release the handle and the steering
lights off. column will remain in the desired position.
Front Floodlights - Push down on the
right side of the switch, to the first position, Seat Adjustment
to turn the front floodlights on.
Adjust the seat at the beginning of each shift or
Front and Rear Floodlights - Push down when changing operators.
on the right side of the switch, to the
second position, to turn both the front and Adjust the seat to allow full travel of all pedals with
rear floodlights on. The rear floodlights the operator seated against the seat back.
are optional.
The seat must be adjusted with the operator seated.

Horn Button

Move the lever to adjust the seat forward or

backward. Release the lever. Move the seat slightly
Located in the center of the steering to lock it.
Push in on the horn button to sound the

Operation Section

Emergency Switch (If Equipped)

OFF - Push the emergency switch button

to disconnect the electrical circuits. (It
must be done after the key switch is
turned off)

ON - Pull the emergency switch button to

connect the electrical circuit.

Operation Section

Lift Truck Controls Service Brake Pedal

Parking Brake Lever


Do not engage the parking brake while the lift truck

is moving unless an emergency arises. The use of
the parking brake as a service brake in regular
operation will cause severe damage to the parking
brake system.

Service Brake - The service brake pedal is located

on the floor of the operator’s compartment.

Depress the service brake pedal to slow

or stop the lift truck. Drive circuit will be
interrupted while the pedal is depressed.

Release the service brake pedal to allow

the lift truck to move.

Parking Brake - The parking brake lever

is located on the left side of the cowl.

Parking Brake Engaged - Pull the

parking brake lever up, which will engage
the interlock switch that shuts off power
to the drive motor.

Parking Brake Disengaged - Push the

parking brake lever down to release the
parking brake.

Operation Section

Accelerator Pedal Directional Control Lever


The service brake and accelerator pedals should

not be used at the same time, except for
emergency situations. Use of both the brake and
accelerator pedals at the same time may cause the
drive motor to overheat.

Forward - Push the lever forward. The

lift truck will move forward.

Neutral - Move the lever to center

position. The lift truck should not move
when lever is in neutral.

If the operator leaves the seat, or turns the key

switch off, the lever must be returned to NEUTRAL.
The lift truck will not move until accelerator pedal is
Accelerator Pedal - The accelerator pedal is located released and lever is returned to NEUTRAL.
on the floor of the operator’s compartment.
NOTE: Wait Mode of Operation - This condition will
Push down the pedal to increase travel speed. go into effect when the following occurs.
The seat switch is closed, key switch is on
If the accelerator pedal is depressed before the key and the directional control lever is left in
switch is turned to the ON position, the lift truck will NEUTRAL for more than five seconds, with
not move until the pedal is released and depressed no operator input to any control.
The line contactor will open and the power steering
Release the pedal to decrease travel speed. motor will turn off to conserve energy. The lift truck
will remain in this mode until the operator moves
the directional control lever, pushes on the
Film for Function of Pedals accelerator pedal and/or moves any control valve
(If Equipped) lever.

Reverse - Pull the lever toward the

operator. The lift truck will move in

NOTE: The directional control lever can be used for

electrical braking(plugging). To slow or stop
the lift truck when traveling in either
direction, move the directional control lever
to the opposite direction of travel while
keeping the accelerator depressed. The lift
truck will slow to a complete stop and then
accelerate in the opposite direction.

This film shows the function of the brake and When the operator raises off the seat (seat switch
accelerator pedals. opens) while the lift truck is in motion, the drive

Operation Section

motor will lose power. When this occurs, release Tilt Control Lever
the accelerator, close the seat switch(operator
seated), move the directional control lever to
NEUTRAL and then to desired direction of travel.
Push down on the accelerator.

Lift Control Lever

The forks’ tilt control is located at the operator’s

right side front. The tilt control lever is the lever at
the center.

Tilt Forward - Push the lever forward

smoothly to tilt the forks forward.

The forks’ lift control is located at the operator’s Hold - Release the tilt lever. The lever
right side front. The lift control lever is the lever at will return to the center(hold) position
the left. and the forks will remain in the position
they are in.
Lower - Push the lever forward smoothly
to lower the lift forks. Tilt Back- Pull the lever back smoothly to
tilt the forks back.
Hold - Release the lift lever. The lever
will return to the center(hold) position and
the forks will remain in the position they NOTE: To prevent a sudden change of position of
are in. the load, operate all lift, tilt and attachment
controls smoothly. Never tilt an elevated
Raise - Pull the lever back smoothly to load forward past vertical.
raise the lift forks.

NOTE: To prevent a sudden change of position of

the load, operate all lift, tilt and attachment
controls smoothly.

Operation Section

Sideshift Attachment Control

(If Equipped)

The sideshift attachment control is located at the

operator’s right side front. The sideshift attachment
control lever is the lever at the right.

Sideshift Left - Push the lever forward

smoothly to shift the carriage to the left.

Sideshift Hold - Release the sideshif

attachment lever. The lever will return to
the center(hold) position and sideshifting
action will stop.

Sideshift Right - Pull the lever back

smoothly to shift the carriage to the right.

NOTE: To prevent a sudden change of position of

the load, operate all lift, tilt and attachment
controls smoothly.

Operation Section

Before Operating the Lift Truck

Walk-Around Inspection
7 8
For your own safety and maximum service life of
the lift truck, make a thorough walk-around
inspection before mounting the lift truck or starting
to move it.
Look for such items as loose bolts, trash build-up,
oil leaks, condition of tires, mast, carriage, forks or
2 6. Inspect the tires and wheels for proper inflation,
cuts, gouges, foreign objects and loose or
missing nuts.
7. Inspect the overhead guard for damage, loose
or missing mounting bolts.

8. Inspect the hydraulic system for leaks, worn

hoses or damaged lines.

1. Inspect the operator’s compartment for loose 9. Inspect the drive axle housing and the ground
items and clean any mud or debris from the for oil leaks.
floor plates for safe footing.

2. Inspect the instrument panel for damage to the

indicator display.

3. Test the horn and other safety devices for

proper operation. 10


10. Disconnect the battery. Raise the lever bracket

assembly to the full upright position. Tilt the
steering column to the full upright position.

Batteries give off flammable fumes that can

4. Inspect the mast and lift chains for wear, broken explode.
links, pins and loose rollers. Do not smoke when observing the battery
electrolyte levels.
5. Inspect the carriage, forks or attachments for Electrolyte is an acid and can cause personal
wear, damage and loose or missing bolts. injury if it contacts skin or eyes.
Always wear protective glasses when working
with batteries.

Operation Section

11. Release the battery restraint lever in front of 15. Adjust the steering wheel to comfortable
battery cover. Raise the seat and cover position. Grasp the steering wheel and raise the
assembly. handle to release the steering column. PULL
the steering column BACK or PUSH
12. Inspect the battery compartment for loose FORWARD to obtain the most comfortable
connections and frayed cables. position. RELEASE the knob and make sure
the steering column is locked in this position.
13. Observe the battery electrolyte level for proper
level. Lower the seat and cover assembly and
the lever bracket assembly and connect the
battery to the lift truck. Secure the battery
restraint properly.

Personal injury may occur from accidents

caused by improper seat adjustment. Always
adjust the operator’s seat before operating the
lift truck.

Seat adjustment must be done at the beginning

of each shift and when operators change. 16. With the seat switch closed and the directional
lever in NEUTRAL, turn the key switch ON.
Observe the battery discharge indicator.

14. Position the seat by operating the lever and

moving the seat forward or backward to a
comfortable position.

Operation Section

17. Make sure the battery is charged before

operating the lift truck. A fully charged battery
will cause “9 Segments” to be displayed on the
BDI display.

Better Battery Performance


The lift truck operator must not start a shift with a

battery that has been taken off a charger too soon.

A battery should never be disconnected from a

charge until the charge cycle has been completed.

The batteries that have been fully charged should

have a tag attached for identification.

In Operation, a battery should be discharged then

recharged in 8 to 12 hours, depending on the
charger type. Then, they should be allowed to cool
and stabilize 4 to 8 hours. Repeated undercharging
must be prevented. It can damage the battery.

If there is an indication of low battery operation, the

lift truck operator should return the lift truck to the
battery charging area.

NOTE: Refer to the Maintenance Section of this

guide for additional battery exchanging and
charging information.

Operation Section

Lift Truck Operation

Be sure no one is working on or near the lift truck.

Keep the lift truck under control at all times.

Reduce speed when maneuvering in tight quarters

or when braking over a rise.

Do not allow the lift truck to overspeed downhill.

Use the service brake pedal to reduce speed when
traveling down hill.


Do not move directional control lever from one 3. Push down on the service brake pedal and
direction to the other(plug) when the drive wheels Prelease the parking brake.
are off the ground and rotating at full speed.

Damage can occur to the control panel.

1. Adjust the operator’s seat.

4. Turn the key switch to the ON position. Raise

the attachments.

2. Move the directional control lever into the

NEUTRAL position, if it is not already in this

5. Move the directional control lever to the desired

direction of travel.

Operation Section

6. Release the service brake pedal.

7. Push down on the accelerator pedal to obtain

the desired travel speed. Release the pedal to
decrease travel speed.

8. To change the lift truck direction of travel,

electrical braking(plugging) can be used to slow
or stop the lift truck.

Operation Section

Electrical Braking (Plugging)

2. Hold the accelerator pedal down until the lift

To slow, stop or change direction when traveling in truck nearly comes to a complete stop. Release
either direction, move the directional control lever the accelerator pedal.
(1) to the opposite direction while keeping the
accelerator pedal (2) depressed. 3. Push down on the service brake pedal to bring
the lift truck to a complete stop and hold it.
The Micro-controller senses that the motors are
turning opposite to the lift truck and immediately 4. If a change of direction is desired, continue to
goes into the plugging mode. push down on the accelerator pedal until the
desired travel speed in the opposite direction is
Rotation of the motors is retarded at a obtained.
predetermined rate by electrical braking (plugging).

If the accelerator pedal is kept depressed, the

Microcontroller will slow the lift truck to a complete
stop and then accelerate in the opposite direction.

5. To stop the lift truck where conditions do not

permit electrical braking(plugging). Release the
accelerator peadal (1). Push down on the
service brake pedal (2) and bring the lift truck to
a smooth stop.
1. Move the directional control lever to the
opposite direction of lift truck travel.

Operation Section

Steering Knob (If Equipped) Mono-Ped Control System

There is a steering knob available for inclusion with
new truck deliveries. This option is solely intended
for slow travel situations when two handed steering
is not possible due to hydraulic operations.

Forward-Push the left side (2) of the pedal

for FORWARD direction travel.
Loss of stability can occur when a lift truck Neutral-The lift truck should not move
steering wheel is rotated quickly while the truck when the Mono-Ped pedal is released..
is in motion. A steering knob will assist with
easy rotation of the steering wheel, but if a
steering knob is improperly used (e.g., rotating Reverse-Push the right side (1) of the
the steering wheel quickly while the truck is in pedal for REVERSE direction travel.
motion), this can contribute to truck instability
and a tip over. A steering knob is intended for
slow travel maneuverability ONLY. The MONO-PED pedal controls the speed and
direction of the lift truck. Pushing on the right side of
the pedal (1) causes the lift truck to move in
REVERSE. The optional reverse lights and optional
back-up alarm will be ON in the REVERSE position.
Pushing on the left side of the pedal (2) causes the
lift truck to move in FORWARD.
The speed of the truck increases as the pedal is

Operation Section

Finger Tip (Option)

Function of Knobs Tilt Control knob

If finger tip control option is equipped, the hall-effect

type electric knobs replace convention control valve

Lift Control knob

Tilt Forward - Push the knob forward

smoothly to tilt the lift forks forward.

Hold - Release the tilt knob. The knob will

return to the center(hold) position and the
forks will remain in the position they are in.
Lower - Push the knob forward smoothly
to lower the lift forks. Tilt Back - Pull the knob back smoothly to
tilt the lift forks back.
Hold - Release the lift knob. The knob will
return to the center(hold) position and the NOTE: To prevent a sudden change of position of
forks will remain in the position they are in. the load, operate all lift, tilt and attachment
knobs smoothly.
Raise - Pull the knob back smoothly to
raise the lift forks.

NOTE: To prevent a sudden change of position of

the load, operate all lift, tilt and attachment
knobs smoothly.

Operation Section

Sideshift Attachment Control Warning Lamp

Sideshift Left - Push the knob forward The state of the finger tip ECU can be checked by
smoothly to shift the carriage to the left. the external warning lamp blinking.

Sideshift Hold - Release the sideshift Blinking Lamp State

attachment knob. The knob will return to
No Lighting Normal
the center(hold) position and sideshifting
action will stop. Lighting System Failure

Sideshift Right - Pull the knob back If the warning lamp is blinking, refer to "Diagnosis
smoothly to shift the carriage to the right. LED on finger tip ECU"

NOTE: To prevent a sudden change of position of

the load, operate all lift, tilt and attachment
knobs smoothly.

Emergency Switch

In case of emergency, push this button. Pushing

button makes the finger tip system on and off
alternately. So if the finger tip control dose not work,
then press this button once.

Operation Section

Adjustment of Armrest Up and Down Adjustment

2 2

By using 2 knobs, adjust the position of the armrest To move the armrest down, turn the knob(2)
to give the operator the best comfortable position of counterclockwise.

knob #1 - Forward and backward adjustment

knob #2 - Clockwise and Counterclockwise rotation


Forward and Backward Adjustment


To move the armrest up, turn the knob(2) clockwise.

1. Loosen the knob bolt(1).

2. Adjust the position of armrest forward or backward.

3. Tighten the knob bolt(1) to be locked tightly

Operation Section

Operating Techniques
NOTE: The illustrations used here are typical examples and may not look exactly like to your particular lift

Inching into Loads Lifting the Load

1. Move the lift truck slowly forward into position
and engage the load. Lift truck should be
square with load. The forks should be spaced
evenly between pallet stringers and as far apart
as the load will permit.

1. Lift the load carefully and tilt the mast back a

short distance.

2. Tilt the mast further back to cradle the load.

2. Move the lift truck forward until the load touches

the carriage.

3. Operate the lift truck in reverse until the load is

clear of the other loads.

4. Lower the load to the travel position before

turning or traveling.

The forklift truck must not be used to push

loads or other vehicles.

Only the moving equipment supplied or the rear

hook for towing must be used.

Operation Section

Traveling Turning
Whether you are traveling with or without a load,
keep the fork as low as possible, while still
maintaining good clearance above the floor.

1. When turning sharp corners, keep close to the

inside corner. Begin the turn when the inside
drive wheel meets the corner.

1. Carry the load as low as possible, but maintain


2. In narrow aisles, keep as far from the stockpile

as possible when making a turn into the aisle.
Allow for counterweight swing.
2. On grades, alway travel with the load on the
“uphill” side, as shown above. NOTE: The MicroCommand control uses the steer
wheel angle signals to adjust drive motor
speeds to match the steering cramp angle.

With steer wheel cramp angles of 20° or

more, the MicroCommand control limits
drive motor speed to both drive motors.

Limiting motor speed when turning reduces

lift truck rotational speed while maintaining
traction and power to both drive wheels.

3. Travel in reverse with bulky loads. This gives

you better vision.

Operation Section


3. As the steer wheel angle increases, the inside

drive motor speed is progressively slowed down
with respect to the outside drive motor speed. It 1. Move the lift truck into the unloading position.
is essentially switched OFF when the steer
wheel cramp angle is 45°. 2. Do not tilt the mast forward until it is directly
over the unloading area.

Do not tilt the mast forward with the load unless

directly over the unloading area, even if the
power is off.

4. At a steer wheel cramp angle of 75°, the inside

drive motor rotation is reversed and its speed
will progressively increase as the cramp angle

5. At a steer wheel cramp angle of 90°, the inside

drive motor rotation, in reverse, is as fast as the
outside drive motor rotation in forward.

This causes the lift truck to turn about a point 3. Deposit the load and back away carefully to
midway between the two drive tires. free the forks.

4. Lower the carriage and forks to either travel

position or park position.

Operation Section

Lifting Drums or Round Objects

1. Block the drums or round objects. Tilt the mast

forward and slide the fork tips along the floor to
get under the load.

2. Tilt the mast back slightly until the load is

cradled on the forks before lifting.

3. Lift the load to the travel position.

Operation Section

Parking the Lift Truck


Parking or storage of electric lift trucks outdoor can

cause lift truck system damage or failure.

Park or store all electric lift trucks inside a building

to protect electrical system from moisture damage.

3. Engage the parking brake.

When leaving the operator’s station, park the lift
truck in authorized areas only. Do not block traffic.

Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered and
the mast tilted forward until the fork tips touch the
floor. Block the drive wheels when parking on an

4. Tilt the mast forward and lower forks to the


1. Apply the service brake to stop the lift truck.

5. Turn key switch to OFF and remove the key.

2. Move the directional control lever into


Operation Section

6. Disconnect the battery.

7. Block the wheels if parking on an incline.

Parking Alarm Warning (If

When leaving the operator’s station without
engaging the parking brake, a warning buzzer will

Operation Section

Lift Fork Adjustment

When adjusting the fork spread, be careful not

to pinch your hand between forks and the
carriage slot.

Hook-on type Fork

1. Move up the hook pin to the free position in

each fork to side the fork on the carriage bar.

2. Adjust the forks in the position most appropriate

for the load and as wide as possible for load

3. When adjusting the forks, make sure that the

weight of the load is centered on the truck.

4. After adjustment, set the fork locks to keep the

forks in place.

Make sure the forks are locked before carrying

a load.

Operation Section

Storage Information
Before Storage
When storing the lift truck for an extended period of
time, take the following measures to ensure that it
can be returned to operation with minimal service.

1. After every part is washed and dried, the

machine should be housed in a dry building.
Never leave it outdoors. In case it has to be left
outdoors, lay wooden boards on the ground,
park the machine on the boards and cover it
with canvas, etc.

2. Lubricate, grease and replace oil before storage.

3. Apply a thin coat of grease to exposed

hydraulic cylinder piston rods.

4. Cover the battery after removing terminals, or

remove it from the machine and store it

During Storage
Drive the truck for a short period at least once a
month. This coats moving part surfaces with a new
film of oil. Charge the battery at this same time.

After Storage
After storage (when it is kept without cover or rust
preventive and once is month operation has not
been made), you should apply the following
treatment before operation.

1. Remove the drain plug on hydraulic tank and

drain any accumulated water.

2. Wipe off grease from hydraulic cylinder piston


3. Measure specific gravity and check that the

battery is charged.

4. Drive at low speed to make sure moving parts

in drive gear boxes are well oiled.

Operation Section

Transportation Hints
6. Disconnect the battery.
7. Block the tires and secure the lift truck with
Check travel route for overpass clearances. Make tiedowns.
sure there is adequate clearance if the lift truck
being transported is equipped with a high mast,
overhead guard or cab.
Machine Lifting and Tiedown
To prevent the lift truck from slipping while loading, Information
or shifting in transit, remove ice, snow or other
slippery material from the loading dock and the
truck bed before loading. NOTICE

Improper lifting or tiedowns can allow load to shift

NOTICE and cause injury and/or damage.

Obey all state and local laws governing the weight,

width and length of a load. 1. Weight and instructions given herein apply to lift
Observe all regulations governing wide loads. trucks as manufactured by DOOSAN.

2. Use properly rated cables and slings for lifting.

Position the crane for level lift truck lift.
3. Spreader bar widths should be sufficient to
Remove ice, snow or other slippery material from prevent contact with the lift truck.
the shipping vehicle and the loading dock.
4. Use the tiedown locations provided for lift truck

Check the state and local laws governing weight,

width and length of a load.

Contact your DOOSAN Lift Truck dealer for

shipping instructions for your lift truck.

1. Always block the trailer or the rail car wheels

before loading the lift truck.

2. Position the lift truck on the trailer or the rail car.

3. Apply the parking brake and place the

transmission control in NEUTRAL.

4. Tilt the mast forward and lower forks to the floor.

5. Turn key switch OFF and remove the key.

Operation Section

Towing Information
Consult your DOOSAN Lift Truck dealer for
towing a disabled lift truck.
Personal injury or death could result when
towing a disabled lift truck incorrectly.
Block the lift truck wheels to prevent movement
before releasing the brakes. The lift truck can
roll free if it is not blocked.
Follow the recommendations below to properly
perform the towing procedure.

The towing instructions given here are for moving a

disabled lift truck only a short distance at low speed
[no faster than 1.2 mph (2 km/h)] to a convenient
location for repair. These instructions are for
emergencies only. If long-distance moving is
required, always haul the lift truck.

You must provide shielding on the towing lift truck 1. Release the parking brake.
to protect the operator if the tow line or bar should
Do not allow an operator to sit on the lift truck being Release the parking brake to prevent excessive
towed unless the steering and braking can be wear and damage to the parking brake system.

The operator on the towed lift truck must always

steer in the direction of the tow line pull. 2. Release the service brake pedal.

Inspect the tow line or bar and make sure it is in 3. Turn the key switch OFF.
good condition and has enough strength for the
towing situation involved. For a disabled lift truck 4. Disconnect the battery.
stuck in mud or when towing on a grade, use a
towing line or bar with a strength of at least 1.5
times the gross weight of the towing lift truck. 5. Fasten the tow bar to the lift truck.

Keep the tow line angle to a minimum. Do not 6. Remove any wheel blocks. Tow the lift truck
exceed a 30° angle from the straight-ahead position. slowly. Do not tow any faster than 2 km/h (1.2
Connect the tow line as low as possible on the lift mph).
truck being towed.

Use gradual and smooth lift truck movement.

Moving the lift truck quickly could overload the tow
line or bar and cause it to break.
Be sure all necessary repairs and adjustments
Normally, the towing lift truck should be at least as have been made before a lift truck that has been
large as the disabled lift truck. It should have towed to a service area is put back into
enough brake capacity, weight, and power to operation. Personal injury or death could result.
control both lift trucks for the grade and distance

A larger towing lift truck or additional lift trucks

connected to the rear could be required to provide
sufficient control and braking when moving a
disabled lift truck downhill. This will prevent it from
rolling uncontrolled.

The requirements of each towing situation will be

affected by many conditions. Minimum towing lift
truck capacity is required on smooth, level surfaces,
while maximum capacity is needed on inclines or
on poor surface conditions.

Maintenance Section

Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Lift Truck Forks

The following section gives practical guidelines for Users may also refer to the International
inspection, maintenance and repair of lift truck forks. Organization For Standardization-ISO Technical
It also provides general information on the design Report 5057-Inspection and Repair of Fork Arms
and application of forks and the common cause of and ISO Standard 2330-Fork Arms-Technical
fork failures. Characteristics and Testing.

Lift truck forks can be dangerously weakened by While there are no specific standards or regulations
improper repair or modification. They can also be in the United States, users should be familiar with
damaged by the cumulative effects of age, abrasion, the requirements for inspection and maintenance of
corrosion, overloading and misuse. lift trucks as provided by the 29 Code Federal
Register 1910.178 Powerd Industrial Truck, and
A fork failure during use can cause damage to the ANSI/ASME Safety Standard(s) B56.1, B56.5 or
equipment and the load. A fork failure can also B56.6 as applicable to the type of machine(s) in use.
cause serious injury.

A good fork inspection and maintenance program

along with the proper application can be very
effective in preventing sudden on the job failures.

Repairs and modifications should be done only by

the fork manufacturer or a qualified technician who
knows the material used and the required welding
and heat treatment process.

Users should evaluate the economics of returning

the forks to the manufacturer for repairs or
purchasing new forks. This will vary depending on
many factors including the size and type of fork.

Forks should be properly sized to the weight and

length of the loads, and to the size of the machine
on which they are used. The general practice is to
use a fork size such that the combined rated
capacity of the number of forks used is equal to or
greater than the “Standard(or rated) Capacity” of
the lift truck.

The individual load rating, in most cases, will be

stamped on the fork in a readily visible area. This is
generally on the top or side of the fork shank.

z A fork rated at 1500 pounds at 24 inch load

center will be stamped 1500 X 24.

z A fork rated at 2000 kg at 600 mm load center will

be stamped 2000 X 600.

The manufacturer identification and year and date

of manufacture is also usually shown.

Some countries have standards or regulations

which apply specifically to the inspection and repair
of forks.

Maintenance Section

Causes of Fork Failure z Repetitive Overloading

Repetitive cycling of loads which exceeds the

Improper Modification or Repair
fatigue strength of the material can lead to fatigue
failure. The overload could be caused by loads in
Fork failure can occur as a result of a field excess of the rated fork capacity and by use of
modification involving welding, flame cutting or the forks tips as pry bars. Also, by handling loads
other similar processes which affect the heat in a manner which causes the fork tips to spread
treatment and reduces the strength of the fork. and the forks to twist laterally about their
In most cases, specific processes and techniques
are also required to achieve proper welding of the z Wear
particular alloy steels involved. Critical areas most
likely to be affected by improper processing are the Forks are constantly subjected to abrasion as
heel section, the mounting components and the fork they slide on floors and loads. The thickness of
tip. the fork blade is gradually reduced to the point
where it may not be capable of handling the load
Bent or Twisted Forks for which it was designed.

Forks can be bent out of shape by extreme z Stress Risers

overloading, glancing blows against walls or other
solid objects or using the fork tip as a pry bar. Scratches, nicks and corrosion are points of high
stress concentration where cracks can develop.
Bent or twisted forks are much more likely to break These cracks can progress under repetitive
and cause damage or injury. They should be loading in a typical mode of fatigue failure.
removed from service immediately.
Extreme overloading can cause permanent bending
Parts which are subjected to repeated or fluctuating or immediate failure of the forks. Using forks of less
loads can fail after a large number of loading cycles capacity than the load or lift truck when lifting loads
even though the maximum stress was below the and using forks in a manner for which they were not
static strength of the part. designed are some common causes of overloading.

The first sign of a fatigue failure is usually a crack

which starts in an area of high stress concentration
This is usually in the heel section or on the fork

As the crack progresses under repetitive load

cycling, the load bearing cross section of the
remaining metal is decreased in size until it
becomes insufficient to support the load and
complete failure occurs.

Fatigue failure is the most common mode of fork

failure. It is also one which can be anticipated and
prevented by recognizing the conditions which lead
up to the failure and by removing the fork service
prior to failing.

Maintenance Section

Fork Inspection First Installation

1. Inspect forks to ensure they are the correct size
for the truck on which they will be used. Make
sure they are the correct length and type for the
loads to be handled.

If the forks have been previously used, perform

the “12 Month Inspection”.

If the forks are rusted, see “Maintenance and


2. Make sure fork blades are level to each other

within acceptable tolerances. See “Forks, Step
Establish a daily and 12 month inspection routine 4,” in the “2000 Service Hours or Yearly” in
by keeping a record for the forks on each lift truck. “Maintenance Intervals”

Initial information should include the machine serial 3. Make sure positioning lock is in place and
number on each the forks are used, the fork working Lock forks in position before using
manufacturer, type, original section size, original truck. See “Forks, Step 7”, in the “2000 Service
length and capacity. Also list any special Hours or Yearly” in “Maintenance Intervals”.
characteristics specified in the fork design.

Record the date and results of each inspection, Daily Inspection

making sure the following information is included.
1. Visually inspect forks for cracks, especially in
z Actual wear conditions, such as percent of the heel section, around the mounting brackets,
original blade thickness remaining. and all weld areas. Inspect for broken or jagged
fork tips, bent or twisted blades and shanks.
z Any damage, failure or deformation which might
impair the use of the truck. 2. Make sure positioning lock is in place and
working. Lock the forks in position before using
z Note any repairs or maintenance. the truck. See “2000 Service Hours or Yearly” in
“Maintenance Intervals”.
An ongoing record of this information will help in
identifying proper inspection intervals for each 3. Remove all defective forks from service.
operation, in identifying and solving problem areas
and in anticipating time for replacement of the forks.

Maintenance Section

12 Months Inspection With the fork restrained in the same manner as its
mounting on the lift truck, apply the test load twice,
Forks should be inspected, at a minimum, every 12 gradually and without shock. Maintain the test for
months. If the truck is being used in a multi-shift or 30 seconds each time.
heavy duty operation, they should be checked
every six months. See “Forks” in the “2000 Service Check the fork arm before and after the second
Hours or Yearly” in “Maintenance Intervals.” application of the test load. It shall not show any
permanent deformation.

Consult the fork manufacturer for further

Maintenance and Repair information as may be applicable to the specific fork
1. Repair forks only in accordance with the Testing is not required for repairs to the positioning
manufacturer’s recomendations. lock or the markings.
Most repairs or modifications should be done
only by the original manufacturer of the forks or
an expert knowledgeable of the materials,
design, welding and heat treatment process.

2. The following repairs or modifications SHOULD

NOT be attempted.
z Flame cutting holes or cutouts in fork blades.

z Welding on brackets or new mounting

z Repairing cracks or other damage by welding.
z Bending or resetting.

3. The following repairs MAY be performed.

z Forks may be sanded or lightly ground, to
remove rust, corrosion or minor defects from
the surfaces.
z Heel sections may be ground with a carbon
stone to remove minor surface cracks or
defects. Polish the inside radius of the heel
section to increase the fatigue life of the fork.
Always grind or polish in the direction of the
blade and shank length.
z Repair or replace the positioning locks on
hook type forks.
z Repair or replace most fork retention devices
used with other fork types.

4. A fork should be load tested before being

returned to service on completion of repairs
authorized and done in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.

Most manufacturers and standards require the

repaired fork to be tested with a load 2.5 times
the specified capacity and at the load center
marked on the fork arm.

Maintenance Section

Tire Inflation Information

Tire Inflation Tire Shipping Pressure
Ply Rating Shipping
Size or Pressure
Strength Index kPa psi
18 X 7-8 16 1000 145

The inflation pressures shown in the following chart

are cold inflation shipping pressures for tires on
DOOSAN lift trucks.

The operating inflation pressure is based on the

weight of a ready-to-work lift truck without
attachments, at rated payload, and in average
operating conditions. Pressures for each application
may vary and should always be obtained you’re
Personal injury or death could result when tires your tire supplier.
are inflated incorrectly.

Use a self-attaching inflation chuck and stand

behind the tread when inflating a tire.
Tire Inflation Pressures
Proper inflation equipment, and training in
using the equipment, are necessary to avoid A tire inflation in a warm shop area, 18°C to 21°C
overinflation. A tire blowout or rim failure can (65°F to 70°F), will be underinflated if the lift truck
result from improper or misused equipment. works in freezing temperatures. Low pressure
shortens the life of a tire.


Set the tire inflation equipment regulator at no more

than 140 kPa(20 psi) over the recommended tire

Maintenance Section

Torque Specifications
Metric Hardware - This lift truck is almost totally Torque for Standard Bolts, Nuts
metric design. Specifications are given in metric
and U.S. Customary measurement. Metric and Taperlock Studs
hardware must be replaced with metric hardware.
Check parts books for proper replacement.
NOTE: Use only metric tools on most hardware for
proper fit. Other tools could slip and The following charts give general torques for bolts,
possibly cause injury. nuts and taperlock studs of SAE Grade 5 or better

Torque for Standard Hose Clamps Torques for Bolts and Nuts With
- Worm Drive Band Type Standard Threads

Thread Size Standard Bolt & Nut Troque

Inch N•m1 lb•ft
The following chart gives the torques for initial 1/4 12±4 9±3
installation of hose clamps on new hoses and for 5/16 25±7 18±5
reassembly or retightening of hose clamps on 3/8 45±7 33±5
existing hose.
7/16 70±15 75±11
1/2 100±15 75±11
Initial Installation 9/16 150±20 110±15
Clamp Width Troque on New Hose 5/8 200±25 150±18
N•m1 lb•in 3/4 360±50 270±37
16 mm (.625 inch) 7.5 ± 0.5 65 ± 5 7/8 570±80 420±60
13.5 mm (.531 1 875±100 640±75
4.5 ± 0.5 40 ± 5 1 1/8 1100±150 820±110
8 mm (.312 inch) 0.9 ± 0.2 8±2 1 1/4 1350±175 1000±130
Reassembly or 1 3/8 1600±200 1180±150
Retightening Troque on 1 1/2 2000±275 1480±200
Clamp Width
existing hose 11 Newton meter (N•m) is approximately the same
N•m1 lb•in as 0.1 kg•m.
16 mm (.625 inch) 4.5 ± 0.5 40 ± 5
13.5 mm (.531
3.0 ± 0.5 25 ± 5
8 mm (.321 inch) 0.7 ± 0.2 6±2
11 Newton meter (N•m) is approximately the same
as 0.1 kg•m.

Maintenance Section

Torques for Taperlock Studs Torque for Metric Fasteners

Standard Taperlock Stud
Thread Size NOTICE
Inch N•m1 Ib•ft
Be very careful never to mix metric with U.S.
1/4 8±3 6±2 customary (standard) fasteners. Mismatched or
5/16 17±5 13±4 incorrect fasteners will cause lift truck damage or
3/8 35 + 5 26±4 malfunction and may even result in personal injury.
7/16 45 ±10 33 ±7
Original fasteners removed from the lift truck should
1/2 65 ±10 48 ±7
be saved for reassembly whenever possible. If new
5/8 110±20 80 ±15 fasteners are needed, they must be of the same
3/4 170±30 125 ±22 size and grade as the ones that are being replaced.
7/8 260 ±40 190 ±30
1 400 ±60 300 ±45 The material strength identification is usually shown
on the bolt head by numbers.(8.8, 10.9, etc.) The
1 1/8 500 ±70 370 ±50
following chart gives standard torques for bolts and
1 1/4 650 ±80 480 ±60 nuts with Grade 8.8.
1 3/8 750 ±90 550 ±65
1 1/2 870 ±100 640 ±75
NOTE: Metric hardware must be replaced with
11 Newton meter (N•m) is approximately the same metric hardware. Check parts book for
as0.1 kg•m. proper replacement.


Thread Size Standard Torque
Metric N•m1 Ib•ft
M6 12±4 9±3
M8 25±7 18±5
M10 55±10 41 ±7
M12 95 ±15 70 ±11
M14 150±20 110 + 15
M16 220 ±30 160±22
M20 450 ±70 330 ±50
M24 775 ±100 570 ±75
M30 1600 ±200 1180±150
M36 2700 ±400 2000 ±300
11 Newton meter (N•m) is approximately the same
as 0.1 kg•m.

2ISO-International Standard Organization.

Maintenance Section

Lubricant Specifications
Lubricant Information Hydraulic Oil
Some classifications and abbreviations we use in
this section follow S.A.E. (Society of automotive
Engineers) J754 nomenclature and others follow
S.A.E. J183.

All MIL specifications are U.S.A. Military.

Recommended oil viscosities are given in

the“Lubricant Viscosities” chart later in this section
of the manual.

Greases are classified according to the National

Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI) based on ASTM
D217-68 worked Penetration characteristics which The following commercial classifications can be
give a defined consistency numbel. used in the hydraulic system.

ㆍISO 6743/4 HM
Chain and Linkage Oils (DEO or ㆍAFNOR NFE 48-603 HM
ㆍDIN 51524 TEIL 2 H-LP
ㆍCINCINNATI P68, 69, 70

Viscosity : ISO VG 32

These oils should have antiwear, antifoam, antirust

and antioxidation additives for heavy duty use as
stated by the oil supplier. ISO viscosity grade of 32
would normally be selected.


Correct Hydraulic Oil should be used to achieve

Use following engine oils are recommended for use maximum life and performance from hydraulic
on chains and linkages. system components. The following hydraulic Oil is
recommended in most hydraulic and hydrostatic
·ㆍEuropean oil specification CCMC D3.
Make-up oil added to the hydraulic tanks must mix
ㆍAPI Specification CD, CD/SF, CE with the oil already in the systems. Use only
petroleum products unless the systems are
equipped for use with special products.
ㆍMilitary specifications MIL-L-2104D or E
If the hydraulic oil becomes cloudy, water or air is
entering the system. Water or air in the system will
cause pump failure. Drain the fluid, retighten all
hydraulic suction line clamps, purge and refill the
system.Consult your DOOSAN Lift Truck dealer for
purging instructions.

Maintenance Section

Axle Oil Lubricating Grease (MPGM)

NOTE: Do not use Gear Oil in the final drives or Use Multipurpose Molybdenum Grease (MPGM) for
differentials. Gear Oil can cause seal all lubrication points. If MPGM grease can not be
material to fail and possibly leak oil. used, a multipurpose type grease which contains
3% to 5% molybdenum disulfide can be used.
NOTE: Failure to follow the recommendation will
cause shortened life due to excessive gear NLGI No.2 grade is suitable for most temperatures.
wear. Use NLGI No.1 or No.0 grade for extremely low
Front Axle Oil
The API GL-4 specification oils could be used.
Brake Fluid
Rear Axle Oil
The API GL-5 specification oils could be used.

NOTE: Multi-grade oils are not blended by

DOOSAN for use in transmissions. Multi-
grade oils which use high molecular weight
polymers as viscosity index improvers lose
their viscosity effectiveness by permanent
and temporary shear of the viscosity index
improver and therefore, are not
recommended for transmission and drive
train compartments.

Located on the left side of the cowl.

Use heavy duty hydraulic brake fluid certified by the

oil supplier to meet ISO 6743/4 HM, ISO VG 10
latest revision.

TOTAL Azolla ZS 10
AGIP Acer 10
Energol HP 10
HLP 10
CALTEX Spindurn 10
ELF Spinelf 10
ESSO Nuto H 10 Spinesso 10
FINA Hydran 10
Velocite oil No. 6
Velocite oil E
Tllvs oil C10
Morlina 10

Maintenance Section

Battery Discharge Indicator

The battery discharge indicator should be observed of the full charge as indicated by their specific
frequently before and during operation. gravity. This specification varies with different
battery manufacturers. See the manufacturer’s
specifications for specific gravity at 80% discharge.
If information is not available from the battery
supplier, use 1.140 specific gravity level.

A fully charged battery will cause a “9 segments” to

be displayed on the LCD display. As the battery is
discharged, the LCD display will count down, 9, 8, 7,
and etc., until “EL” is displayed. When the battery
reaches 80% discharge level, the Micro-Controller
will cause the LCD display to continuously index
through the entire range (1 through 9 segments ) to
signal that the battery is discharged and lift interrupt
is imminent.

If the warning is ignored, lift interrupt will

prevent the hydraulic pump motor from
operating and an “EL” will be displayed
on the LCD display.

To prevent over-discharge, the lift interrupt should

not be reset by disconnecting and reconnecting the

If the batteries are weak, have them charged or


The batteries should not be discharged below 80%

Maintenance Section

Low battery operation must be prevented.
Operation with a low battery may cause damage to
When using pressure air for cleaning purposes, the battery. Low battery operation will cause higher
wear a protective face shield and protective than normal current in the electrical system. This
clothing. Maximum air pressure must be below can damage contactor tips or shorten motor brush
207 kPa (30 psi). life.

Do not smoke near batteries that are being Batteries that have been fully charged should have
stored or when checking the electrolyte level. a tag attached for identification.

Electrolyte is an acid solution and can cause A battery should be recharged in 8 to 12 hours after
personal injury. Avoid contact with skin and being discharged, depending on the charger type,
eyes. then allowed to cool and stabilize 4 to 8 hours.
Repeated undercharging must be prevented
because it can damage the battery.
Maximum life and performance of lift truck batteries
is dependent on the operator, battery charging, A battery requires an equalizing charge at least
maintenance and service. once every 20 normal charge/discharge cycles.
This helps correct and prevent unequal cell specific
Most dirt and dust picked up by the battery can gravity (SG) readings. An “equalizing charge” is a
usually be blown off with low pressure compressed cycle charge with modification, given usually at an
air. interval to bring all cells up to a state of equal
charge. An equalizing charge usually adds three to
However, if cells are overfilled and electrolyte four more hours to the cycle charge, at a low finish
collects on the covers, the top of the battery will rate. It is usually given when the specific gravity
stay wet. (SG) of electrolyte has a variation of more than 20
points (.020) from cell to cell, after a regular cycle
If necessary, clean the top of the battery with a charge.
solution of baking soda and hot water.
A “cycle charge” will completely recharge the
battery. The typical cycle charge for a fully
NOTICE discharged battery usually is an eight-hour charge.
The battery must be recharged before it has been
Vent caps must be tight to prevent soda solution discharged over 80% of the rated capacity of the
from entering battery cells. battery. The work shift of the lift truck can be
planned so the battery will not be discharged more
than 80%.
To make the solution, add 0.5 kg (1 lb) of baking
soda to 4 liters (1 gallon) of water. Use a brush A battery should never be left in a discharged state
having flexible bristles. Apply the soda solution to because of sulfate formation. This reduces battery
the top of the battery until the cleaning action of the life drastically. To extend life always recharge the
soda stops. battery without delay after it has been discharged.

After cleaning action has stopped, rinse batteries Repeated over discharging of the battery will
thoroughly with water. Dry the batteries with low air damage the cells, which will shorten battery life and
pressure. increase operating cost. Battery life(number of
cycles) decreases as the depth of discharge
The lift truck operator must not start his shift with a increases. The estimated life of the battery
battery that has been taken off a charger too soon. discharged to 80% will be approximately twice as
Batteries are designed to be charged and allowed long as if it were discharged 100%.
to cool and stabilize. A battery should never be
disconnected from a charger until the charge cycle
has been completed.

Maintenance Section

The battery’s maximum temperature is critical. The

electrolyte temperature should never exceed 43°C NOTICE
(110°F) either while operating or charging. If higher • DISPOSAL OF OLD BATTERY
temperatures are maintained through use or abuse,
reduced battery service life can be expected. Careless disposal of a battery can harm the
environment and can be dangerous to persons.
Battery condition is important for a long life. The Always dispose of a battery to an authorized
elecrolyte level should be maintained at the personnel only.
recommended levels and the battery should be kept Do not attempt to open or dismantle a battery or a
clean and dry. “Washing down” batteries at different cell.
time periods will reduce the chance of “grounds”
caused by electrolyte spills and corrosion. If done
often enough, just washing with water alone will
eliminate the need for using baking soda. If not, a
solution of baking soda and water must be used to
wash battery at different time periods.

Add water at regular intervals. Enough water should

be added to bring the electrolyte approximately
13.0 mm (.50 inch) above the plates. This is a
simple matter with the use of an automatic cell filler,
which shows a light when the correct level has
been reached. Water should always be added
before charging to be sure thorough mixing with
acid when gassing occurs near the end of charging
period. Use distilled water or have the water supply

Charge batteries correctly. It is important that all

batteries should be charged according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. Most of the charging
equipment is fully automatic and should be checked
periodically. Never operate the lift truck with a fully
discharged battery because this will damage the

When charging, proper provision must be made for

venting of the charging gases. Battery container lids
and the covers of battery compartments must be
opened or removed. The vent plugs should stay on
the cells and remain closed.

When a battery charger operates correctly and

brings a good battery up to full charge, the current
readings will level to the “finish rate.” The charging
voltage will stabilize, the specific gravity will stop
rising and normal gassing can be seen.

Maintenance Section

Cold Storage Applications

When an electric lift truck is operated in cold Hydraulic System
storage applications, at temperatures as low as -
20°C (-4°F), the battery capacity is decreased.
Operation at cold temperatures can also cause
mechanical failures, short circuits and too much
wear due to the formation of ice crystals.

The direct cause of these problems is the extreme

changes in temperature in combination with
humidity in the air which can result in condensation.

To protect the electric lift truck’s components and

decrease the effects of the cold temperature,
perform the following items before you put the lift
truck to work in cold storage applications.
Drain the hydraulic system and fill it with SAE 5.
MIL-H-5606A hydraulic oil
There is a reduction in battery capacity in cold Lift Chains
storage applications. For this reason, it is important
to : 1. Remove the chains Clean them in a
nonflammable cleaning solvent.
1. Be sure the battery is completely charged at the
start of each work cycle. 2. Put the chains in molybdenum disulfide
(MPGM) grease for one hour. Then, before
2. If possible, keep the lift truck in a warm storage installation, hang the chains, where they will not
area when it is not in use. move, for three hours.
3. Do not store a discharged battery at below
freezing temperature.

3. Put MPGM grease on the chains at one-week


4. Check chains very carefully for wear on the link

Observe the battery discharge indicator frequently. plate edges, caused when they run over the
sheaves. Check the chains regularly for
cracked links, loss of shape in the holes, and

Maintenance Section

Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities

Lubricant Viscosities Refill Capacities


(OUTSIDE) TEMPERATURES Compartment or U.S. Imperial
°C °F System Gal Gal
Compartment Oil
or System Viscosities Hydraulic & Power
Min Max Min Max 18 4.76 3.96
Steering System
Hydraulic and ISO VG 22 -30 +20 -22 +68 Drive Axle Housing 4.2 1.11 0.92
ISO VG 32 -20 +30 -4 +86 Brake Reservoir 0.6 0.16 0.13
System ISO VG 46 -10 +40 +14 +104 Front Axle for each 0.5X2 0.13 0.11
ISO 6743/4
HM ISO VG 68 0 +50 +32 +122
Front axle API SAE
-20 +80 -4 +176
Housing GL-4 80W
Rear axle API SAE
-20 +50 -4 +122
Housing GL-5 80W/90
ISO VG 10 -30 +50 -22 +122

* For the detailed information about the lubricant

specifications, see “Lubricant Specifications”

The SAE grade number indicates the viscosity of oil

A proper SAE grade number should be selected
according to ambient temperature.

Maintenance Section

Maintenance Intervals Every 250 Service Hours or Monthly

Brake Oil Level - Check......................................... 99

NOTICE Axle Oil Level - Check ........................................... 99
Parking Brake - Test............................................ 100
Never exceed the Maintenance Intervals specified Hydraulic Oil Level - Check ................................. 101
in the manual. Defects and/or damage to the Wheel Bolts - Check............................................ 101
important functional components may be resulted in. Mast, Carriage, Lift Chains & Attachmemts -
Inspect, Lubricate ................................................ 102

NOTICE Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months

All maintenance and repair, except every 10 service Tilt Cylinder - Check, Lubricate ........................... 103
hours or daily, on the lift truck must be performed Crosshead Rollers - Inspect ................................ 104
by qualified and authorized personnel only. Mast Hinge Pins - Lubricate ................................ 105
Steering Mechanism - Lubricate.......................... 105
Axle Oil - Change ................................................ 105
Overhead Guard - Inspect ................................... 105
NOTICE Control Panel - Clean, Inspect............................. 106
Directional Lever – Check ................................... 107
Careless disposal of waste oil can harm the
environment and can be dangerous to persons.
Always dispose of waste oil to an authorized Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months
personnel only.
Drive Axle Oil - Change ....................................... 108
Drive and Pump Motor - Clean, Inspect............... 108
When Required Tires and Wheels - Inspect, Check...................... 110
Lift Chains - Test, Check, Adjust ......................... 111
Self Diagnostics - Test ...........................................83 Fork - Inspect ...................................................... 113
Compact Display Keys...........................................83 Air Breather - Change ......................................... 115
Carriage Roller Extrusion – Adjust .........................87
Power Modules – Discharge ..................................88
Fuses - Replace.....................................................89 Every 2500 Service Hours or 15 Months
Seat - Lubricate .....................................................89
Hydraulic Oil - Check, Change ............................ 116

Every 10 Service Hours or Daily

Environment Protection
Walk-Around Inspection - Inspect ..........................90
Mast Channels - Lubricate .....................................92 Environment Protection ....................................... 117
Battery - Check, Exchange, Charge.......................92
Indicator - Check....................................................94
Tires and Wheels - Inspect ....................................95
Back-up Alarm (If Equipped) - Test........................95

First 50 - 100 Service Hours or a Week

Axle Oil – Change..................................................96

First 250 Service Hours or a Month

Hydraulic Return Filter - Change............................98

Maintenance Section

When Required
You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Self Diagnostics - Test Compact Display Keys

Prepare for the Self Diagnostic - Test
The Micro-Controller has a built-in diagnostic
system to provide aid in rapid troubleshooting of lift
truck problems.

NOTE: Make sure the battery is fully charged

before any of the following tests are made.

After the self-diagnostics tests have been started,

the procedure does not have to be completed. At
any point the procedure can be interrupted, and the
lift truck made ready for operation.

As you can see in Fig. on right side of display for

type1 or type2 there are four keys: E-S-H, UP

The function of each of them is described as


1. When you switch your device on, this key,
pressed for 3 consecutive seconds, allows
entering both to parameter calibration and to
diagnostic mode.
1. Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered
and the mast tilted forward until the fork tips 2. During usual operations, this key, pressed for 3
touch the floor. consecutive s, allows you to access merely to
diagnostic mode.
2. Block the drive wheels.
Remember that if the display is operating in
3. Release the parking brake.
diagnostic mode during typical operations, you can
exit this procedure pressing once ENTER key.

Moreover, ENTER key is used to confirm the new

value of the parameter in calibration

UP key

1. Pressing of this key, in calibration and

diagnostic mode, you increase the number of
the parameter displayed.

2. In calibration phase, you increase the numeric

4. Move the directional control lever to NEUTRAL. value of the parameter displayed.

5. Move the key switch to OFF.

Maintenance Section

TURTLE key Run Time Diagnostic

Remember that pressing this key you can toggle

between slow running and normal working condition
(if the lift truck is already in speed limitation mode).

DOWN key

1. Pressing of this key, in calibration and

diagnostic mode, you decrease the number of
the parameter displayed.

2. In calibration phase, you decrease the numeric

value of the parameter displayed.

3. "3. way of shifting from the visualization of "time

This operating mode enables you to test main
meter" and "odometer": you can do it by
analog and digital signals managed by your system.
pressing the "DOWN ARROW" button of
Compact display for 1 second in succession
Enter diagnostic mode if you are switching on your
during normal working of the display. "
lift truck:

E-S-H key 1. Press ENTER key (for 3 consecutive s) until the

symbol “15” lights up.
With this key, you can modify the device operating
condition, in a circular sequence, as described in 2. Press DOWN key to enter diagnostic mode; the
Table 7 : symbol “d” is visualized and it persists until the
first parameter has been selected.
CONDITION AFTER Enter diagnostic mode if you are working as usual
CONDITION with your lift truck:
Economic (E) Standard (S)
1. Press ENTER key (for 3 consecutive s) until
Standard (S) High (H) symbol “d” appears; it will persist as long as the
High (H) Economic (E) first parameter has been selected.
Table 7
After diagnostic operation mode has been
NOTE: You can modify system operating modes enabled, you can choose the parameter you
only after enabling their management with want to analyse using UP and DOWN keys
EYE applicative software. (parameter number increases using UP key and
decreases with DOWN key).

Here, in Table 11, you have a list of the

parameters you can analyze with their
respective displaying order :

Maintenance Section


1 Right traction motor speed [rpm]
2 Right traction motor speed reference [rpm]
5 Lift voltage [mV]
6 Battery voltage [V·10]
7 Right traction motor power module temperature [ºC / °F]
8 Pump motor power module temperature [ºC / °F]
9 Pump motor speed [rpm]
10 Pump motor speed reference [rpm]
11 Accelerator potentiometer voltage [mV]
12 Accelerator second potentiometer voltage [mV]
13 Steering sensor voltage [mV]
15 Right traction motor phase current U [A rms]
16 Right traction motor phase current V [A rms]
17 Right traction motor phase current W [A rms]
21 Pump motor phase current U [A rms]
22 Pump motor phase current V [A rms]
23 Pump motor phase current W [A rms]
24 Right traction motor temperature [ºC / °F]
26 Pump motor temperature [ºC / °F]
27 Seat switch hour meter [h]
28 Drive motor hour meter [h]
29 Pump motor hour meter [h]
30 Seat switch[digit]
31 Park brake switch [digit]
32 Start switch [digit]
33 Reverse traction direction switch [digit]
34 Forward traction direction switch [digit]
35 Pedal brake switch [digit]
36 3 / 4 wheels selection switch [digit]
37 Auxiliary 1 function (side shift) switch[digit]
38 Auxiliary 2 function switch [digit]
39 High lift switch [digit]
40 Tilt switch [digit]
41 Main breaker command [digit]
42 5V out [digit]

Maintenance Section

43 12V out [mV]

44 24V out [digit]
45 Buzzer command [digit]
46 Fans command [digit]

Table 11 : List of accessible parameters in diagnostic mode (from 1th to 46th)

Maintenance Section

In diagnostic mode selected parameter is visualized Carriage Roller Extrusion – Adjust

as follows:
1. Set the mast vertical.
- In the area dedicated to speed and alarm
signals, appears parameter number( flashing) 2. Lower the carriage completely.
- Its actual value is displayed in the area reserved 3. On full free lift and full free triple lift models, the
to the time meter. bottom of the inner mast must be flush with the
bottom of the stationary mast.
In particular, if the selected parameter is:

Analogue input: COMPACT display shows the

parameter value, expressed in the
unit of Table 11

Digital input: if the command activated by the

operator corresponds to the
parameter selected, the value of the
quantity is visualized.
Other way the symbol e (error)
appears, except in following case:
- Seat switch active, for any selected
digital input.
4. Measure the distance from the bottom of the
To exit diagnostic mode, type ENTER key again. inner upright to the bottom of carriage bearing.
NOTE: If an alarm occurs when diagnostic mode is 5. The measurement (A) must be as follows in
enabled, and the system is working as Chart below.
usual, display returns automatically to its
typical visualization mode.
However you can enter diagnostic mode Height of carriage roller extrusion (A)
again, pressing ENTER key (for 3 STD mast FF mast FFT mast
consecutive -6 8 8
s), until the last parameter displayed before
exiting is visualized.

If the selected parameter is a temperature, also

thermal alarm symbol is visualized.

Maintenance Section

Power Modules – Discharge

Personal injury could result if power modules

have not been discharged properly.

Battery voltage and high amperage are present.

The power modules must be discharged before

any contact with the electrical control system is

Before touching any electrical components,

remove rings, watches and other metallic
objects from the hands and arms, then
discharge the power modules. 2. Open the hood.

3. Before touching any electrical components, the

The power modules are located in the control panel power modules must be discharged. Put a 90
at the rear of the lift truck. ohm, 30 watt resistor in position between the
terminals as shown. Hold the resistor in this
position for approximately ten seconds. This will
discharge the power modules.

4. Perform any necessary maintenance and repair

at this time.

5. Close the hood.

6. Connect the battery.

1. Disconnect the battery.

Maintenance Section

Fuses - Replace Seat - Lubricate

The fuses are located in the control panel and fuse
box at the rear of the lift truck.

They protect the electrical system from damage

caused by overloaded circuits. Change a fuse if the
element separates. If the element of a new fuse
separates, have the circuit checked and repaired.


Replace fuses with the same type and size only.

Otherwise, electrical damage can result.

If it is necessary to replace fuses frequently, an

electrical problem may exist. Contact your
DOOSAN Lift Truck dealer.

Check the operation of the seat adjusters. Make

sure that the seat slides freely on its track. Lightly
oil the seat slider tracks.

Horn - 10 amps
Lights(1) - 10 amps
Lights(2) - 10 amps
Fan - 10 amps
Key - 10 amps

Main Fuse - 700 amps

Maintenance Section

Every 10 Service Hours or Daily

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Walk-Around Inspection - Inspect

1. Inspect the operator’s compartment for loose
items and clean any mud or debris from the
floor plates.

2. Inspect the instrument panel for damage to the


3. Test the horn and other warning devices for

proper operation.

6. Inspect the tires, valve stems and wheels for

cuts, gouges, foreign objects and loose or
missing nuts. Refer to “Tires and Wheels” in
“Every 10 Service Hours or Daily” section, if
repairs or replacement is necessary.

4. Inspect the mast and lift chains for wear, broken

links, pins and loose rollers.

5. Inspect the carriage, forks or attachments for

wear, damage and loose or missing bolts.

7. Inspect the overhead guard for damage, loose

or missing mounting bolts.

8. Inspect the hydraulic system for leaks, worn

hoses or damaged lines.

Maintenance Section

9. Inspect the drive axle housing and the ground

for oil leaks. Refer to “Drive Axle Oil” in “Every 12. Move the directional lever to NEUTRAL.
1000 Service Hours or 6 Months” section, if an
oil leak is found.

13. Turn the key switch to ON.

10. Adjust the operator’s seat.

14. Check the LCD display for battery discharge

status. A fully charged battery will be displayed
11. Adjust the steering wheel to a comfortable on the LCD display.
15. Check the operation of parking brake, service
brake, controls and other devices that may be
equipped on your lift truck.

Maintenance Section

Mast Channels - Lubricate Battery - Check, Exchange,

Battery Access

Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered and
the mast tilted forward until the fork tips touch the

The channels on the roller-type mast require a

break-in period. Apply a light film of lubricant on the
channels where the rollers ride. This will prevent
metal peel until the rollers set a pattern.

1. Disconnect the battery.

2. Tilt the steering column to the full upright

position and move the seat fully rearward.

3. Release the hood latch lever which retain the

seat and battery cover.

4. Raise the seat and battery cover.

Maintenance Section

Check Electrolyte 3. Check the specific gravity of the battery. If the

specific gravity reading is below 1.150, the
battery must be charged.


The battery should not be used if a difference in

specific gravity between two cells is greater
than .020. If this condition exists, the battery should
be put on an equalization charge. If this does not
correct the condition, consult your battery supplier.

4. Check the electrolyte level of all cells. Maintain

the electrolyte level about 13 mm (.50 inch)
above the plates. Add water as needed. Use
1. Inspect the battery compartment for loose only distilled water. Water is always added after
connections, frayed cables and properly a battery is charged..
secured battery restraint.
5. Lower the seat and battery cover. To closed
2. Clean the top of the battery. If necessary, clean position and secure with the latch on the front of
the top of the battery with a solution of baking the cover.
soda and hot water.
6. Connect the battery.

Battery Exchanging
Vent caps must be tight to prevent soda solution
from entering battery cells. NOTE: Batteries should be changed, water added
and charged only in areas where proper
A clean battery top is essential to avoid conductive protective and ventilation facilities are
paths on higher voltage batteries. provided.

1. Refer to “Battery Access” topic for battery

To make the solution, add 0.5 kg (1 lb) of baking access.
soda to 4 liters (1 gallon) of water. Use a brush
having flexible bristles. Apply the soda solution to 2. Cover the battery with hinged battery cover or
the top of the battery until the cleaning action of the with plywood.
soda stops. After cleaning action has stopped, rinse
batteries thoroughly with water. Dry the batteries 3. Install insulated battery tree and hoist, of
with low air pressure. sufficient capacity, to the battery.

4. Remove the battery. Recharge the battery.

5. Install a fully charged battery.

6. Remove the battery tree. Remove hinged

battery cover or plywood from the top of the

7. Connect the battery.

8. Lower the seat and battery cover to closed and

secure with the latch on the front of the cover.

9. Adjust the seat position.

Maintenance Section

Battery Charging

When charging, proper provision must be made

for venting of the charging gases. Battery
container lids and the covers of battery
compartments must be opened or removed. The
vent plugs should stay on the cells and remain

With Battery Installed in Lift Truck

1. Refer to “Battery Access” topic for battery 3. Move the directional control lever to the
access. NEUTRAL position.
2. Connect the battery to the charger and charge
the battery. Observe safety warnings for 4. Close the seat switch.
charging batteries.
3. When the battery is fully charged, disconnect
the battery from the battery charger.
4. Connect the battery to the lift truck.
5. Lower the seat and battery cover to closed
position and secure with the latch on the front of
the cover.
6. Adjust the seat position

Indicator - Check

5. Check the indicator LCD display for the

discharge state of the battery.

1. Turn the key switch to ON.

2. Engage the parking brake.

Maintenance Section

Tires and Wheels - Inspect

Inflate the tires, if necessary. See “Tire Inflation

Information” section of this manual.
Inspect tires and valve stems for wear, cuts,
gouges and foreign objects.
Back-up Alarm (If Equipped) - Test

Check all components carefully and replace any

cracked, badly worn, damaged and severely rusted With the key switch on, apply the service brake and
or corroded parts with new parts of the same size move the directional control lever into REVERSE.
and type. If there is any doubt, replace with new
parts. Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to The alarm should start to sound immediately. It will
rework, weld, heat or braze any rim components. continue to sound until the directional control lever
is moved to NEUTRAL or FORWARD.
Check Inflation Pressure (If equipped with
pneumatic tires)

Measure the tire air pressure on each tire.

Maintenance Section

First 50 - 100 Service Hours or a Week

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Axle Oil – Change

After the first 50 ~ 100 hour of operation,
subsequently after every 500 hours or 3 months.

5. Fill the drive axle housing with oil through air -

breather plug hole(①) , the accurate amount of
oil is defined by the opening of level checking

6. Maintain the oil level.

Front Axle Oil - Change
Park the lift truck level, with the parking brake 7. Screw the level checking plug(②) and air -
engaged and directional control lever in NEUTRAL. breather in with the seal ring.

1. Raise the mast and block in place. 8. Raise the mast and remove the blocking.

2. Turn the key switch to OFF.

3. Remove front tires.

4. Unscrew oil air - breather (Oil filling plug) (1),

level checking plug (2) and remove the drain
plug (3). Allow the oil to drain.

Maintenance Section

Rear Axle Oil - Change

Park the lift truck level, with the parking brake

engaged and directional control lever in NEUTRAL.

1. Unscrew oil filling plug (level checking plug) (1)

and remove the drain plug(2). Allow the oil to

2. Fill the drive axle housing with oil through oil

filling plug hole and the accurate amount of oil is
defined by the opening of level checking plug.

3. Maintain the oil level.

4. Screw the oil filling plug in with the seal ring.

Maintenance Section

First 250 Service Hours or a Month

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Hydraulic Return Filter - Change

Hot oil and components can cause personal

injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to
contact skin.

Park the lift truck level with the forks lowered,

parking brake engaged, directional lever in
NEUTRAL and the key switch to OFF.

1. Loosen the bolts of the hydraulic tank top plate


2. Remove the return filter by hand and discard it.

3. Install a new filter assembly.

4. Install the tank top plate assembly and fasten

the bolts.

Maintenance Section

Every 250 Service Hours or Monthly

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Brake Oil Level - Check Axle Oil Level - Check

The brake system reservoir is located at the right Front Axle Oil Level
side of the steering column.
1. Park the lift truck on a level surface. Raise the
1. Remove the filler cap. high enough to gain access to the housing
level/fill plugs.
2. Maintain the brake fluid level in the brake
system reservoir. 2. Use blocking to secure the carriage in this
3. Clean and install the filler cap.

3. Remove the housing level/fill plugs. Maintain

lubricant level to the bottom of the plug opening.
Install the level/fill plugs.

4. Remove blocking. Lower the carriage.

Maintenance Section

Rear Axle Oil Level Parking Brake - Test

NOTE: Be sure area around the lift truck is clear of
personnel and obstructions.

1. Drive the lift truck with a rated load up a 15%


To prevent personal injury, the operator must

be ready to use the service brake if the parking
brake is not adjusted correctly and the lift truck
starts to move.

1. Remove the oil filling and level plug.

2. Maintain lubricant level.

3. Install the oil filling and level plug.

2. Halfway up the incline, stop the lift truck by

applying the service brakes.

3. Engage the parking brake.

4. Release the service brake.

If the parking brake has the correct adjustment, the

lift truck will be held in place.

NOTE: The lift truck may move slightly while the

parking brake is engaging.

5. If the parking brake does not hold, adjust the

parking brake lever screw.

Maintenance Section

Hydraulic Oil Level - Check Wheel Bolts - Check

Steer Wheels

1. Operate the lift truck for a few minutes to warm

the oil.
1. Inspect tightness of wheel nuts in a sequence
2. Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered, opposite each other 113 N•m (85 lb•ft).
mast tilted back (all cylinders retracted), parking
brake engaged, directional control lever in
NEUTRAL, and the key switch to OFF. Front Wheels
3. Open the floor plate.

4. Remove the dipstick

5. Maintain the oil level to the full mark on the


6. Install the dipstick.

7. Install the access cover.

2. Inspect tightness of wheel nuts in a sequence

opposite each other to 180 N•m (135 lb•ft).

Maintenance Section

Mast, Carriage, Lift Chains & 5. Raise and lower the carriage a few times to
work lubricant into the chain links.
Attachmemts - Inspect, Lubricate


Lubricate chains more frequently than normal

where the atmosphere can cause corrosion to
components, or when lift truck must work in rapid lift

1. Operate the lift, tilt and attachment controls.

Listen for unusual noises. These may indicate a
need for repair.

6. Inspect the chain anchors and individual links

for wear, loose pins or cracked leaves.

NOTE: Have all repairs and adjustments made as


2. Inspect for loose bolts and nuts on the carriage

and load backrest. Remove any debris from the
carriage and mast.

3. Inspect the forks and attachments for free

operation and damage. Have repairs made if

4. Brush in a film of oil on all links of the chain.

Maintenance Section

Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Tilt Cylinder - Check, Lubricate Mast Pivot Eyes - Check, Lubricate

Chassis Pivot Eyebolts - Lubricate

1. Lubricate the mast pivot eyes, one fitting on the

1. Raise the mast and block in place.

2. Check the mast pivot eye pins for loose retainer

2. Lubricate pivot eye pin, one fitting on tilt bolts and wear.

3. Check the pivot eye bolt for loose retainer bolt

and wear.

Maintenance Section

Crosshead Rollers - Inspect

1. Operate the mast through a lift cycle. Watch the
chains move over the crosshead rollers. Make
sure the chain is tracking over the rollers

Typical example

2. Check for damaged crosshead rollers, guards

and retainer rings.

Maintenance Section

Mast Hinge Pins - Lubricate Steering Mechanism - Lubricate

Lubricate two fittings Lubricate one fitting

1. Lower the forks and tilt the mast forward. Lubricate fitting on steer axle.

Axle Oil - Change

See topic, “Drive Axle Oil - Change” in “First 50 –
100 Service Hours or a Week”.

Overhead Guard - Inspect

2. Lubricate the mast hinge pins. One fitting on

each side of the mast. Total of two fittings.

Look for any loose or damaged bolts. Replace

damaged bolts or missing bolts with original
equipment part only. Retighten bolts to a torque of
60 ±10 N•m (45 ± 7 lb•ft).

Check the overhead guard for bent or cracked

sections. Repair if needed.

Maintenance Section

Control Panel - Clean, Inspect

Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered, Pressurized air can cause personal injury.
parking brake engaged, directional control lever in
NEUTRAL, and the key switch to OFF. When using pressurized air for cleaning, wear a
protective face shield, protective clothing and
Disconnect the battery. protective shoes.

The maximum air pressure must be below 205

kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes.

2. Clean the control panel with 205 kPa (30 psi)

maximum air pressure, until dust is removed
from the control panel.

1. Open the hood.

Battery voltage and high amperage are present.

The Power Modules must be discharged before
any contact with the control panel is made.
Personal injury could result if it has not been
discharged properly. 3. Inspect all wiring for loose connections, frayed
cables and loose mounting bolts.

4. Inspect the fuses for looseness, corrosion and

broken connections.

Maintenance Section

Directional Lever – Check

5. Close the hood and connect the battery.

Check the tightness of the directional lever

mounting bracket. Adjust if needed.

Check for ease of movement of directional lever.

Adjust if needed.

Check for loose wiring. Secure wiring if needed.

Maintenance Section

Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Drive Axle Oil - Change

See topic, “Drive Axle Oil - Change” in “First 50 –
100 Service Hours or a week”.

Drive and Pump Motor - Clean,


4. Fasten lift chains, of equal length, in lift

openings in the front of the lift truck.

5. Slowly lift the front of the lift truck, until the drive
wheels are just off the ground.

6. Put stands under the frame. Remove the

tension on the lift chains.

7. Remove the battery.

1. Disconnect the battery.
8. Remove the floor plate.
2. Block the steer wheels.

3. Remove the battery. See topic, “Battery” in

“Every 10 Service Hours or Daily” section of this NOTICE
Do not move directional lever from one direction to
the other when the drive wheels are off the ground
and rotating.

Damage can be caused to the control panel.

Maintenance Section

Battery voltage and high amperage are present.

The Power Module must be discharged before

any contact with the control panel is made.

Personal injury could result if it has not been

discharged properly.

9. Blow off the drive motor END SHIELD with 205

kPa (30 psi) maximum air pressure, until dust is
removed from the motor.

Typical example

10. Install the floor plate.

11. Slowly lift the front of the lift truck and remove
the stands. Lower the lift truck to the floor.
Remove the chains.

12. Install and connect the battery. Lower the

battery cover and adjust the seat.

Maintenance Section

Tires and Wheels - Inspect, Check

Servicing and changing tires and rims can be

dangerous and should be done only by trained
personnel using proper tools and procedures. If
correct procedures are not followed while
servicing tires and rims, the assemblies could
burst with explosive force and cause serious
physical injury or death. Follow carefully the
specific information provided by your tire
serving man or dealer.
Do NOT inflate a tire that has been run while flat or
underinflated, without first checking to make sure
the locking ring on the wheel is not damaged and is
in position.

When tires are changed be sure to clean all rim

parts, and if necessary, repaint to stop detrimental
effects of corrosion.
Sand blasting is recommended for removal of rust.

Check all components carefully and replace any

cracked, badly worn, damaged and severely rusted
or corroded parts with new parts of the same size
and type. If there is any doubt, replace with new
parts. Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to
Inspect tires for wear, cuts, gouges and foreign rework, weld, heat or braze any rim components.
objects. Look for bent rims and correct seating of
locking ring.

If equipped with pneumatic tires, check tires for

proper inflation. See topic, “Tire Infaltion Pressure.”

To inflate tires always use a clip-on chuck with

minimum 60 cm (24 inches) length of hose to an
inline valve and gauge.

Always stand behind the tread of the tire, NOT in

front of the rim.

Lift truck capacity is dependent on tire type. Your lift

truck dealer should be consulted for possible down 1. Install drive wheel. Install two nuts opposite
ratings when pneumatic tires are used to replace each other (180°).
solid (cushion) tires.
2. Install the remaining nuts. Tighten all nuts in a
crisscross sequence opposite each other (180°)
to 180 N•m (135 lb•ft).

3. Reverse the lifting procedure for the front of the

lift truck and lower it to the ground.

Maintenance Section

Lift Chains - Test, Check, Adjust Check for Equal Tension

Lift Chain Wear Test

Inspect the part of the chain that is normally

operated over the cross head roller. When the
chain bends over the roller, the movement of the
parts against each other causes wear.
Inspect to be sure that chain link pins do not extend
outside of the link hole. If any single link pin is
extended beyond its connecting corresponding link,
it should be suspected of being broken inside of its
link hole. Lift chains are required to check for wear
about every 1,000 service hours or 6 months.
Typical example
Chain wear test is a measurement of wear of the
chain links and pins. Take the following steps to Lift the carriage and the mast high enough for
check chain wear. getting tension on lift chains. Check the chains, and
make sure the tension is the same. Lift chains are
1. Lift the mast and carriage enough for getting required to check for equal tension about every
ension on lift chains. 1,000 service hours or 6 months.

Personal injury can be caused by sudden

movement of the mast and carriage.
Keep hands and feet clear of any parts that can

Lift Chain Adjustment

Typical example

2. Measure precisely ten links of chain distance at

the center of pins in millimeter.

3. Calculate chain wear rate*.

4. If the chain wear rate is 2% or more, replace

the lift chain.

* Chain wear rate (%)

Typical example for carriage equal tension
= ( Actual measurement - Pitch** X 10
Pitch** X 10 )x100
If the tension is not the same on both chains, take
**Chain Pitch = 15.88 mm(0.63 in) the procedure as follows.

NOTE: If carriage height is not correct, make

adjustments by following procedures.

Maintenance Section

Carriage Chain Adjustment Mast Chain Adjustment - FF,FFT Mast

Make sure that carriage height is correct. If correct,

adjust the chain for equal tension. If not, adjust the
chain for correct carriage height by adjusting
anchor nuts(1),(2).

NOTE: See the previous section, “Carriage Roller

Extrusion” in “When Required”. for proper
height of carriage.

1. Fully lower the carriage and tilt mast forward or

lift the carriage and put blocks under the
carriage to release the tension from the lift
chains. Typical example for FF mast
2. Loosen nut(1) and adjust nut(2) to get proper
distance from bottom of inner upright to the
bottom of carriage bearing.

Typical example for FFT mast

Make sure that mast height is correct. If correct,

Typical example for carriage chain of STD mast adjust chain for equal tension. If not, adjust mast
chain for correct mast height by adjusting anchor

NOTE: See the previous section, “Carriage Roller

Extrusion” in “When Required”. for proper
inner mast height.

1. Lift the inner mast and put blocks under the

inner mast to release the tension from the lift

2. Loosen nut(3) and adjust nut(4) to make inner

mast rail flush with outer mast rail bottom.
Typical example for carriage chain of FF,FFT mast
3. Make adjustment anchor nuts(3),(4) for equal
3. Make adjustment anchor nut(1),(2) for equal chain tension.
chain tension.
4. Raise the inner mast and check equal chain
4. Set the mast vertical and raise the carriage and
check equal chain tension. If not equal, repeat tension. If not equal, repeat the same
the same procedure as step 1 through step 3. procedure as step 1 through step 3.

5. Put LOCTITE No. 242 Tread lock on the 5. Put LOCTITE No. 242 tread lock on the threads
threads of the anchor nuts(1),(2) after the of the anchor nuts(3),(4) after the adjustment is
adjustment is completed. completed.

Maintenance Section

Fork - Inspect exceeds 93 degrees or deviates by more than 3

degrees from an original angle other than 90
degrees, as may be found in some special
appli- cation forks.

Forks should be inspected, at a minimum, every 12

months. If the truck is being used in a multi-shift or
heavy duty operation, they should be checked 3. Check the straightness of the upper face of
every six months. blade (D) and the front face of shank (E) with a
straight edge.
1. Inspect the forks carefully for cracks. Special
attention should be given to the heel section (A), The fork should be withdrawn from service if the
all weld areas and mounting brackets (B). deviation from straightness exceeds 0.5 percent of
Inspect the top and bottom hooks on forks used the length of the blade and/or the height of the
on hook type carriages and tubes on shaft shank respectively 5 mm/1000 mm (0.18"/36").
mounted forks.

Forks with cracks should be removed from ser-


"Wet Test" magnetic particle inspection is

gener- ally preferred due to its sensitivity and
the ease of interpreting the results. Portable
equipment is usually recommended so it can be
moved to the lift truck.

Inspectors should be trained and qualified in

accordance with The American Society for Non
Destructive Testing, Level II Qualifications.
4. Check the difference in height of one fork tip to
the other when mounted on the fork carrier. A
difference in fork tip height can result in uneven
support of the load and cause problems with
entering loads.

The maximum recommended difference in fork

tip elevation (F) is 6.5 mm (0.25") for pallet
forks and 3 mm (0.125") for fully tapered forks.
The maximum allowable difference in fork tip
eleva- tion between the two or more forks is 3
percent of blade length (L).

Replace one or both forks when the difference

in fork tip height exceeds the maximum
2. Check the angle between the upper face of the allowable difference. Contact your local
blade and the front face of the shank. The fork DOOSAN Lift Truck Dealer for further
should be withdrawn from service if angle (C) information.

Maintenance Section

at both ends of the carriage and in the path of

the bottom fork hook. The load backrest
extension may be used in place of the stop
blocks in some cases.

Shaft mounted forks may use set collars or

spac- ers on the shaft to either side of the fork.
They may also use U bolts, pins, or similar
devices which engage the fork through the top
structure of the carriage.

5. Check the fork blade (J) and shank (H) for wear
with special attention to the heel (G). The fork
should be withdrawn from service if the
thickness is reduced to 90 percent or less of the
original thickness.

Fork blade length may also be reduced by wear,

especially on tapered forks and platens.
Remove the forks from service when the blade
length is no longer adequate for the intended
loads. 8. Check fork markings (N) for legibility. Renew
markings as required to retain legibility.

6. Check the fork mountings (K) for wear, crushing

and other local deformation, which can cause 9. a. Lift the mast and operate the tilt control lever,
excessive side to side wobble of the forks. until the top surface of the forks is parallel
Excessive clearance on hook type forks may with the floor. Place two straight bars that are
allow them to fall from the carrier. Forks which the same width as the carriage, across the
show visible signs of such damage should be forks as shown.
removed from service.
b. Measure the distance from the bottom of
each end of the two bars to the floor. The
7. Check the positioning lock and other fork forks must be parallel within 3 mm (.12 in)
retention devices to make sure they are in place for Full Tapered and Polished (FTP) forks,
and working. all other forks 6.4 mm (.25 in), for their
complete length.
Hook type forks use a spring loaded pin (M),
located in the top hook, to engage notches in c. Put one fork, one third from the tip, under a
the top carriage bar to hold the fork in place. fixture that will not move. Then operate the
tilt control with caution until the rear of the
When adjusting the fork spacing, the forks are truck lifts just off the floor. Follow the same
proce- dure with the second fork. Repeat
prevented from sliding off the end of the
Step a.
carriage by stop blocks. These stop blocks are

Maintenance Section

Air Breather - Change

Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered,
parking brake engaged, directional lever in
NEUTRAL and the key switch to OFF.

1. Open the floor plate.

2. Install a new air breather.

3. Close the floor plate.

Maintenance Section

Every 2500 Service Hours or 15 Months

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Hydraulic Oil - Check, Change

4. Remove the dipstick/filler cap assembly.

1. Operate the lift truck a few minutes to warm the
oil. 5. Fill the hydraulic tank. See topic, “Refill
Capacities”. Install the dipstick /filler cap
Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered, assembly.
parking brake engaged, directional lever in
NEUTRAL and the key switch to OFF. 6. Turn the key switch to ON and close the seat
switch. Operate the hydraulic controls and
steering system through a few cycles, to fill the
filter and lines.

7. Check for oil leaks.

8. Retract all cylinders.

9. Turn the key switch to OFF.

10. Maintain the oil level to the FULL mark on the

dipstick. Add oil if necessary.

2. Remove the hydraulic tank drain plug. Allow the

oil to drain. Clean and install the plug.

3. Open the floor plate.

Environment Section

Environment Protection
When servicing this lift truck, use an authorized
servicing area and an approved container to collect
coolant, oil, fuel, grease, electrolyte and any other
potential environmental pollutant before any lines,
fittings or related items are disconnected or
removed. After servicing, dispose of those materials
in an authorized place and container. When
cleaning the lift truck, be sure to use an authorized

Index Section

Daily Inspection ..................................................... 70
12 Months Inspection.............................................71 Declaration of Conformity ...................................... 29
Directional Control Lever ....................................... 45
Directional Lever – Check.................................... 107
A Display Segments.................................................. 38
DOWN key ............................................................ 84
Accelerator Pedal ..................................................45 Drive and Pump Motor - Clean, Inspect ............... 108
Adjustment of Armrest ...........................................57 Drive Axle Oil - Change ....................................... 108
After Storage..........................................................65 During Storage ...................................................... 65
Air Breather - Change ..........................................115
API Specification CD, CD/SF, CE ..........................75
Attachment Abbreviations (Includes Special Forks) ..36 E
Avoiding Lift Truck Tipover ....................................20
Axle Oil - Change............................................96,105 E-S-H key .............................................................. 84
Axle Oil Level - Check............................................99 Electrical Braking (Plugging).................................. 53
Axle Oil ..................................................................76 Emergency Switch (If Equipped)............................ 43
Emergency Switch................................................. 56
Environment Management.......................................3
B Environment Protection Section...............................1
Environment Protection ....................................... 117
Back-up Alarm (If Equipped) - Test........................95 Every 10 Service Hours or Daily ............................ 90
Battery - Check, Exchange, Charge.......................92 Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months ............... 108
Battery Access.......................................................92 Every 250 Service Hours or Monthly ..................... 99
Battery Charging....................................................94 Every 2500 Service Hours or 15 Months ............. 116
Battery Discharge Indicator....................................77 Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months ................. 103
Battery Disconnect Before Servicing Warning .........9
Battery Exchanging................................................93
Battery Restraint Warning........................................8 F
Battery ..............................................................78,80
Before Operating the Lift Truck ..............................48 Fatigue .................................................................. 69
Before Storage.......................................................65 Film for Function of Pedals (If Equipped)............... 45
Bent or Twisted Forks ............................................69 Finger Tip (Option) ................................................ 55
Better Battery Performance ...................................50 First 250 Service Hours or a Month ....................... 98
Brake Fluid ............................................................76 First 50 - 100 Service Hours or a Week ................. 96
Brake Oil Level - Check .........................................99 First Installation ..................................................... 70
Foreword .................................................................2
Fork - Inspect....................................................... 113
C Fork Inspection ...................................................... 70
Forward and Backward Adjustment ....................... 57
Capacity Chart .......................................................33 Front and Rear Floodlights Switch......................... 42
Carriage Chain Adjustment..................................112 Front Axle Oil - Change ......................................... 96
Carriage Roller Extrusion – Adjust .........................87 Front Axle Oil Level ............................................... 99
Causes of Fork Failure...........................................69 Front Axle Oil......................................................... 76
Chain and Linkage Oils (DEO or EO) ....................75 Front Wheels ....................................................... 101
Chassis Pivot Eyebolts - Lubricate.......................103 Function of Knobs.................................................. 55
Check Electrolyte...................................................93 Fuses - Replace .................................................... 89
Check for Equal Tension......................................111
Check Inflation Pressure (If equipped with
pneumatic tires) .....................................................95 G
Cold Storage Applications......................................80
Compact Display Keys...........................................83 General Hazard Information ....................................9
Control Panel - Clean, Inspect .............................106 General Section.......................................................1
Crosshead Rollers - Inspect.................................104

Index Section


Hook-on type Fork .................................................64 Machine Lifting and Tiedown Information .............. 66
Horn Button ...........................................................42 Maintenance and Repair........................................ 71
How to Survive in a Tipover (If Operator Restraint Maintenance Information ....................................... 13
System Equipped) .................................................28 Maintenance Intervals ........................................ 3,82
Hydraulic Oil - Check, Change.............................116 Maintenance Section ...............................................1
Hydraulic Oil Level - Check..................................101 Maintenance ............................................................3
Hydraulic Oil ..........................................................75 Mast Abbreviations ................................................ 36
Hydraulic Return Filter - Change............................98 Mast Chain Adjustment - FF,FFT Mast ................ 112
Hydraulic System...................................................80 Mast Channels - Lubricate..................................... 92
Mast Hinge Pins - Lubricate................................. 105
Mast Pivot Eyes - Check, Lubricate ..................... 103
I Mast, Carriage, Lift Chains & Attachmemts - Inspect,
Lubricate.............................................................. 102
Identification, Lift Capacity and Attachment Plate....35 Military specifications MIL-L-2104D or E................ 75
Important Safety Information....................................4 Monitoring Systems Indicator ................................ 38
Improper Modification or Repair.............................69 Mono-Ped Control System (Option)....................... 54
Inching into Loads..................................................58
Index Section ...........................................................1
Index....................................................................118 N
Indicator - Check....................................................94
Information Section..................................................1 No Alarm, No Movement (OPTION) ...................... 41
Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Lift Truck No Riders Warning ..................................................8
Forks......................................................................68 Noise and Vibration ............................................... 32


Key Switch.............................................................37 Operating Techniques ........................................... 58

Operation Information ............................................ 11
Operation Section....................................................1
L Operation.................................................................3
Operator Restraint System (If Equipped) ............... 16
LED Indicators .......................................................41 Operator’s Station and Monitoring Systems........... 37
Lift Chain Adjustment...........................................111 Operator’s Warning and Identification Plate........... 35
Lift Chain Wear Test ............................................111 Operator’s Warning Plate ...................................... 35
Lift Chains - Test, Check, Adjust..........................111 Overhead Guard - Inspect ................................... 105
Lift Chains.........................................................10,80 Overloading ........................................................... 69
Lift Control knob.....................................................55
Lift Control Lever ...................................................46
Lift Fork Adjustment ...............................................64 P
Lift Truck Capacity Rating......................................35
Lift Truck Controls..................................................44 Parking Alarm Warning (If Equipped) .................... 63
Lift Truck Operation ...............................................51 Parking Brake - Test............................................ 100
Lifting Drums or Round Objects .............................61 Parking Brake Lever .............................................. 44
Lifting the Load ......................................................58 Parking the Lift Truck............................................. 62
Literature Information...............................................2 Power Modules – Discharge.................................. 88
Lubricant Information .............................................75 Prepare for the Self Diagnostic - Test.................... 83
Lubricant Specifications .........................................75
Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities.............81
Lubricant Viscosities ..............................................81
Lubricate one fitting .............................................105
Lubricate two fittings ............................................105
Lubricating Grease (MPGM) ..................................76

Index Section

R TURTLE key .......................................................... 84

Rear Axle Oil - Change ..........................................97

Rear Axle Oil Level ..............................................100 U
Rear Axle Oil..........................................................76
Refill Capacities .....................................................81 Unloading .............................................................. 60
Run Time Diagnostic .............................................84 Up and Down Adjustment ...................................... 57
UP key................................................................... 83
Use following engine oils are recommended for use
S on chains and linkages. ......................................... 75

Safety Rules ..........................................................22

Safety Section..........................................................1 W
Safety ...................................................................2,5
Seat - Lubricate .....................................................89 Walk-Around Inspection - Inspect .......................... 90
Seat Adjustment ...............................................16,42 Walk-Around Inspection......................................... 48
Seat Belt ................................................................18 Warning Lamp ....................................................... 56
Seat Switch............................................................37 Warning Signs and Labels.......................................5
Self Diagnostics - Test ...........................................83 Wheel Bolts - Check ............................................ 101
Serial Number........................................................34 When Required...................................................... 83
Serial Numbers Locations......................................34
Service Brake Pedal ..............................................44
Sideshift Attachment Control (If Equipped) ............47
Sideshift Attachment Control .................................56
Steer Wheels .......................................................101
Steering Knob (If Equipped)...................................54
Steering Mechanism - Lubricate ..........................105
Storage Information ...............................................65

Table of Contents ....................................................1

Tilt Control knob.....................................................55
Tilt Control Lever ...................................................46
Tilt Cylinder - Check, Lubricate ............................103
Tilt Steering Column ..............................................42
Tire Inflation Information ........................................72
Tire Inflation Pressures Adjustment .......................72
Tire Inflation ...........................................................72
Tire Shipping Pressure ..........................................72
Tires and Wheels - Inspect ....................................95
Tires and Wheels - Inspect, Check ......................110
Torque for Metric Fasteners...................................74
Torque for Standard Bolts, Nuts and Taperlock
Studs .....................................................................73
Torque for Standard Hose Clamps - Worm Drive
Band Type .............................................................73
Torque Specifications ............................................73
Torques for Bolts and Nuts With Standard Threads ...73
Torques for Taperlock Studs..................................74
Towing Information ................................................67
Transportation Hints ..............................................66
Turning ..................................................................59


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