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S4fe-Iiif-G-4: Describe How Light Travel Using Various Objects

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Grades 1 to 12 School San Vicente Elementary School Grade Level IV

Detailed Teacher Grace T. Hernandez Learning SCIENCE

Lesson Plan Area
Date and Quarter 3

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates how light, heat and sound travel using various objects.
B. Performance Standard The learner demonstrates conceptual understanding of properties/characteristics of
light, heat and sound.
C. Learning Describe how light, sound and heat travel using various objects.
Competencies S4fe-iiif-g-4
UNPACKED Describe how light travel using various objects.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide (TG) Science MELCS 2020 page 502
2. Learner’s Material (LM)
3. Textbook page
4. Additional Materials fromPictures from Google and videos
LRMDS portal MISOSA Grade VI-Light Energy
B. Other Learning Resources Internet connection, cellular phone, tripod and laptop
Video presentation of light song
A. Reviewing Previous A. Introduction:
Lessons. Hello young Scientist! I am Maa’m Grace. It’s another sci-amazing day.
(Review) Are you excited for today’s adventure?
Great! Let’s explore the fantastic world of Science. But before we proceed to
our new lesson make sure that you have your pen, paper and yourself. You will use
pen and paper in answering our activities and yourself because without you I can’t
do this lesson by myself, you are my inspirations in making this video lesson.

Please prepare these things for our activities

 1 pc. clear glass
 1 pc. pencil
 half clean/clear water

Are you ready? (Yes!)


B. Weather and Health Reminder:

Look outside. We have fine weather today, that’s why you can enjoy the day.
While you are enjoying the day you should not forget to wash your hands before
you take your meal after our session. Wash your hands before handling and eating
the foods and it will make you free and safe in illness.

C.Unlocking of Words:
prism – It is a transparent glass or plastic object
refraction –bending of light
convex – rounded outward like exterior
reflection – an image that is seen in the mirror
periscope – tubular optical instrument containing lenses
B. Establishing Purpose
for the lessons. Now let us sing together the song about light through this video presentation.
(Motivation) Are you ready? Just enjoy watching while singing and dancing.

The Light Song

Light can go through transparent objects
But it cannot go through opaque objects
We can see things when they make light
We can see light shines on them
There are so many different light sources
Like the sun and candles, lasers and lightning
Repeat Chorus

Did you enjoy singing while dancing with the song about light?
The summary of the song, the light is a form of energy that enable us to see all
things around us. The world is nothing without lights on it.

C. Presenting Examples/
Instances of the new lesson Today we will learn new lesson about how lights travel using various objects.
Light energy is the form of energy that enables us to see.

The sun is the main source of

light on Earth. Besides the sun,
lamps, candles, lanterns and torches
are also sources of light energy.
“You should be very careful in
handling lamps, candles, lanterns
and torches. It can cause of fire,
that’s why avoid playing on it,
because if you do playing with that
things it can cause of accident.”

Things are seen only by reflecting

light or when the light is sent back
to our eyes.

The mirror or prism inside the

periscope makes us see a reflected
image of something without being
seen just like in submarine.
Reflection is bouncing back of
light. When light passes from one
medium to another at an angle, the
direction of light changes. This
change is called refraction

Besides helping us to see, light energy is

used in cameras to “capture” images on
films. Film projectors, overhead
transparency projectors and visualizers
also make use of light energy to project
images into screens.

Light energy is also used to

communicate or send messages. For
example, traffic light helps to control the
flow of traffic.

Rays that pass through convex lens.

The light rays pass from water to air,
light is refracted (changes direction).
The refraction makes the object look
bigger than it actually is.

White light is made of several

colors, namely red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo and

Children, I hope that you fully understood our lesson today.

D. Discussing New Now, may I know if you really learned in our lesson by answering questions
Concepts and Practicing about our lesson.
New Skills #1 What do you think is the reason why you see yourself in the mirror?
Correct! You see yourself because the mirror or prism inside the periscope
makes us see a reflected image of something without being seen just like in

What is the main source of light?

Correct! The answer is sun.

Can light energy be used to communicate message?

Correct! The answer is YES. Light energy is can be used to communicate or
send message for example is the traffic light.

Rays that pass through ________. The light rays pass from water to air, light is
refracted (changes direction). The refraction makes the object look bigger than it
actually is.
Correct! The answer is CONVEX LENS.

________________ break the White light into 7 colors, namely red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
Correct! The answer is PRISM.

Reflection is bouncing back of light. When light passes from one medium to
another at an angle, the direction of light changes. This change is called ________.
Correct! The answer is REFRACTION.

Children, you’re doing great.

E. Discussing new Children be careful in handling all the materials needed in our activity to avoid
concepts & practicing new accident.
skills #2
Group Activity Now let’s do these activity.
Activity No 1:
Direction: Follow the steps and answer the questions.
1. Fill the jar with water.
2. Put the pencil in it keeping it up straight.
3. Look carefully at the top of the water.

1. What seems to happen to the pencil in water?
The lower part of the pencil in the water become bigger.
2. Why does the straw seem to be broken at the point where it enters the water?
When the rays of light pass from water to air, light is refracted (changes
direction). If the surface of separation is a curved glass or jar, the refraction makes
the object look bigger than it actually is.

Children, I hope that you can also do the activities in your home so that you can
fully understand how light travels using various objects.
F. Developing Mastery Now Children you will answer this activity.
Leads to Formative
Assessment 3 Individual Direction: Some descriptions of light is found in column A.
Activity Match the word to its description in Column B. Write the letter of the correct
____1. bending of lights A. light
____2. separate white light into 7 colors B. reflection
____3. bouncing of light C. convex
____4. bring rays closer to one another D. prism
____5. Enable us to see things
E. refraction
Let us check your answer.
Are you ready?

E 1. bending of lights
D 2. separate white light into 7 colors
B 3. bouncing of light
C 4. bring rays closer to one another
A 5. Enable us to see things

Did you get the correct answer? (Yes!)

G. Finding Practical For example, that you are in the camping and no body brings lighter to start a
Applications of concepts fire for cooking. What will you to create a fire?
and skills in daily living) Children if this situation happened to you all you have to do is to get a
transparent object or a mirror and place it in the direct sunlight then place dried
leaves under of it and leave for half hour then you will see it will start a fire.

H. Making Children, we have learned today that things are seen only by reflecting light or
Generalizations & when the light is sent back to our eyes. Light energy is the form of energy that
Abstractions about the enables us to see. The sun is the main source of light on Earth. Light energy can be
lessons travel in different ways like reflection, refraction, convex lens, mirror, prism and
light can also use to send message like in the traffic light help to control the flow of
For our lesson evaluation you will answer this activity.
I. Evaluating Learning Directions: Read carefully each sentences and choose the letter of the correct
answer fromA. theReflection
box. C. Light E. Sun
B. Mirror D. Prism F. Refraction
1. The ____________ inside the periscope makes us see a reflected image of
something without being seen just like in submarine.

2. ___________ is bouncing back of light.

3. ___________ breaks the white light and made of 7 colors, namely red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

4. ____________ energy is the form of energy that enables us to see.

5. The __________ is the main source of light on Earth. Besides the sun, lamps,
candles, lanterns and torches are also sources of light energy.

Let us check your answer.

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. E

Who among you got a perfect score?

Children it’s okay that you did not got a perfect score the most important is you
always try your best to gain new knowledge of learning.

J. Additional Activities For your assignment do it with the guidance of your parent or guardian get a
transparent object or even a mirror and place it in the direct sunlight then place a
dried leaf under of it and leave for half hour then observed if it’s will create a fire.
You will see how light travel from the sun through the transparent object and it will
create fire to the dried leaf.

Bye children, see you next time in our amazing sci-adventure.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
requires additional acts. for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up
with the lessons
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other teachers

Prepared by:

Teacher I


Master Teacher I

Observed by: ELENA B. NARES

Head Teacher II

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