Project 2
Project 2
Project 2
I would like to express my profound thanks to His Divine Soul Padmabhushan Sri Sri Sri Dr.
Balagangadharanatha MahaSwamiji and His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Dr. Nirmalanandanatha
MahaSwamiji for providing me an opportunity to pursue my academics in this esteemed institution.
I would also like to express my profound thanks to Reverend Sri Sri Sri Dr. Prakashnath Swamiji, Managing
Director, SJB Institute of Technology, for his continuous support in providing amenities to carry out this mini
project in this admired institution.
I express my gratitude to Dr. K VMAHENDRA C K, Principal, SJB Institute of Technology, for providing
an excellent facilities and academic ambience; which have helped me in satisfactory completion of mini
I extend my sincere thanks to Dr. Krishna A.N , Head of the Department, Computer Science and engineering;
for providing an invaluable support throughout the period of mini project work.
I wish to express heartfelt gratitude to my guides, Mrs. Anusha M, assistant professor, dept of CSE for their
valuable guidance, suggestions and cheerful encouragement during the entire period of this work.
Finally, I take this opportunity to extend my earnest gratitude and respect to my parents, Teaching & Non-
teaching staffs of the department, the library staff and all my friends, who have directly or indirectly supported
me during the period of this mini project work.
Varshitha Bai D
Yashaswini P
Development of web-based application has grown to a significance level that almost all organization
in paperless working environment. Nowadays, many organizations and agencies had developed from
manual system to computerized system. Online booking system does not only assist the facilities
unit to achieve higher quality but it also helps to simplify the booking process and raise the efficiency
in management. In the life of the software development, problem analysis provides a base for design
and development phase. The problem is analysed so that sufficient matter is provided to design a
new system. Large problems are sub-divided into smaller once to make them understandable and
easy for finding solutions. Same in this project all the task are sub-divided and categorized.
Book of Bliss is designed and the main objective of system is to provide a platform for book
borrowers and lenders. It will automate some of the basic operations of an online store. It also
provides subscription facility where only subscribed member can download and read the book.
Scope would be to provide basic functionalities using a web application so that those manual
processcan be automated. It will include to provide administration access to book owners, borrowers
and user specific access to customers.
All the information will be saved safely in the database. Any information needed can be retrieved
easily without any errors. The system is user friendly and error free. The data is maintained and
processed quickly providing user flexibility. The application developed is responsive and can be
accessed from laptops, mobiles and other variable screen devices rendering user comfort to use the
application kind.
Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii
Table of contents iii-v
List of Figures iv-vii
List of tables vii
2.1 Hardware Requirements
2 Requirement Analysis
2.2 Software Requirements
4.3.1 Register table
4.3.2 Add category table
4.3.3 Add book table
4.4.4 Author table
4.4.5 Rent book table
4.5.6 Subscribe table
5.1 Create Table Commands
5 Implementation
5.2 Code snippet
7.1 Test cases 53-63
7.2 Need of testing
7.3 Software testing
7.4 Goals of testing
7.5 Testing Methods
7.5.1 Bottom-up testing
7 Testing
7.5.2 Top-down testing
7.5.3 Black box testing
7.5.4 White box testing
7.6 Snapshots
7.7 Testcase tables
Conclusion 63
Bibliograph 64
Fig No Figure name Page No.
4.6 Add category table 14
6.18 Add books page 50
Table no. Table name Page no.