El Consejo de Los Dioses (The Council of The Gods) Is An Allegorical Play Written in 1879 by Our
El Consejo de Los Dioses (The Council of The Gods) Is An Allegorical Play Written in 1879 by Our
El Consejo de Los Dioses (The Council of The Gods) Is An Allegorical Play Written in 1879 by Our
El Consejo de Los Dioses (The Council of the Gods) is an allegorical play written in 1879 by our
national hero Jose Rizal. It was first published in Liceo Artistico Literario de Manila review in 1880,
latterly in La Solidaridad in 1883. In December 1900 this was translated in Tagalog. This version
was adapted into sarswela by Pascual H. Poblete and published in El Comercio de Filipinas.
Hucapte made arrangements for the staging in 1915 afterwards, in 1961 it was edited with a
prologue by Astrana Maria in El Cervantismo de heroe Filipino Rizal. Nick Joaquin translated the
play in English. The play won the first prize award in a 1880-1881 literary contest commemorating
the death of Cervantes sponsored by the Liceo Artistico Literario de Manila. “I enter the future
remembering the past”, Rizal's epigraph for the award. This is considered as the most sensuous of
Rizal's writings, reveals his magnificent showy side as hispanist and classicist.
In 1880, when Jose Rizal was studying at the University of Santo Tomas (U.S.T.), he joined another
literary contest sponsored by the Artistic-Literary Lyceum which commemorates the 264th death
anniversary of Cervantes, “Spain’s most glorified man-of-letter” and world-renowned author of
the classic “Don Quixote.”
Scholars, journalists, writers, priests, and professors from U.S.T. participated just as Rizal did. This
time, he submitted an allegory in prose, “El Consejo de los Dioses” (The Council of the Gods).
Full-blooded Spaniards composed the Board of Judges. They judged each entry without first
knowing the authors, since the contestants used pen names. From there, after reading all the
entries, they proclaimed Rizal’s work as first prize. However, when they discovered his identity,
they took away his laurel and granted it to a Spaniard, D.N. del Puzo, a writer linked with the
Diario de Manila. One of his other competitors was rumored to be Father Evaristo Arias, a
Dominican writer, but according to investigations, that was not true. Afterwards, the judges
conducted a serious and careful appraisal of all the writings, and they finally proclaimed Rizal as
the winner. They awarded him an “anillo de oro con el busto del Principe de los Ingenios
Espanoles.” (gold ring with the bust of the genius prince of Spain)
] Summary
Jupiter, the Roman chief of the Gods, is planning to give three grandiose gifts (a golden lyre,
trumpet, and a golden crown made of laurels) – crafted by Vulcan – to a mortal who did best in
literature. Juno, Jupiter’s wife, suggests Homer, the writer of “Iliad”. Meanwhile, Venus,
thegoddess of beauty, recommends Virgil, author of “Aedes.” On the other hand, Minerva
(goddess of wisdom) goes for Cervantes, author of “Don Quixote.” With this disagreement, the
other gods were also supposed to fight but were stopped by Jupiter by allowing Justice (a goddess
not found in the original Roman lineup yet introduced by Rizal in his allegory) to weigh the
circumstances without any bias in her balance. She weighed the “Aedes” with the “Iliad” and
found them equal. The same goes with “Don Quixote.” With this, Jupiter decided to give the lyre
to Virgil, the trumpet to Homer, and the laurels to Cervantes.
The Board of Judges also declared the winning allegory as follows: “The idea and plot of the work
are of great originality, to which should be added the circumstance that throughout the same
shine to the outmost a correct style, an admirable richness of details, delicacy of thought and
figures, and lastly a taste so Hellenic that the reader imagines himself relishing some delicious
passages of Homer which with such frequency the Olympic sessions describe to us in their works.”
The allegory was translated to Tagalog in December 1900. Later in 1961, Astrana Maria edited it
with a prologue in “El Cervantismo de heroe Filipino Rizal.” Nick Joaquin then translated it into
Meanwhile, Pascual H. Poblete adapted the Tagalog version into a zarzuela and published in “El
Comercio de Filipinas.”
CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Art, Vol 7. Manila: Cultural Center of the Philippines, 1994.
“El Consejo de los Dioses.” (Accessed on August 6, 2011)
Gagelonia, Pedro A. Rizal’s Life, Works, and Writings. Navotas, Rizal: Navotas Press, 1974.
“Lineage, Life and Labor of Jose Rizal, Philippine Patriot: A Study of the Growth of Free Ideas in the
Trans Pacific American Territory.”. (Accessed on August 6, 2011)
by José Rizal
An Allegory In One Act
Note: Rizal wrote this in
1880 when he was a
student at Ateneo when he
was 19 or 20 years old.
The work shows Rizal's
amazing knowledge of the
intricacies of Roman
Note: This play, supplied to the site
by an earnest student, is submitted
for free academic resource for Filipino
students and others interested in the
Philippine national hero. Bibliographic
information and permission to put up
electronically is pending. If the
English translation of this work is not
in the public domain and the copyright
holder wishes that it be removed, it
will be done. -- RLY
Reunion of the Gods on Olympus:
] Background
In 1880, when Jose Rizal was studying at the University of Santo Tomas (U.S.T.), he joined another
literary contest sponsored by the Artistic-Literary Lyceum which commemorates the 264th death
anniversary of Cervantes, “Spain’s most glorified man-of-letter” and world-renowned author of the classic
“Don Quixote.”
Scholars, journalists, writers, priests, and professors from U.S.T. participated just as Rizal did. This time,
he submitted an allegory in prose, “El Consejo de los Dioses” (The Council of the Gods).
Full-blooded Spaniards composed the Board of Judges. They judged each entry without first knowing the
authors, since the contestants used pen names. From there, after reading all the entries, they proclaimed
Rizal’s work as first prize. However, when they discovered his identity, they took away his laurel and
granted it to a Spaniard, D.N. del Puzo, a writer linked with the Diario de Manila. One of his other
competitors was rumored to be Father Evaristo Arias, a Dominican writer, but according to investigations,
that was not true. Afterwards, the judges conducted a serious and careful appraisal of all the writings, and
they finally proclaimed Rizal as the winner. They awarded him an “anillo de oro con el busto del Principe
de los Ingenios Espanoles.” (gold ring with the bust of the genius prince of Spain)
] Summary
Jupiter, the Roman chief of the Gods, is planning to give three grandiose gifts (a golden lyre, trumpet, and
a golden crown made of laurels) – crafted by Vulcan – to a mortal who did best in literature. Juno,
Jupiter’s wife, suggests Homer, the writer of “Iliad”. Meanwhile, Venus, thegoddess of beauty,
recommends Virgil, author of “Aedes.” On the other hand, Minerva (goddess of wisdom) goes for
Cervantes, author of “Don Quixote.” With this disagreement, the other gods were also supposed to fight
but were stopped by Jupiter by allowing Justice (a goddess not found in the original Roman lineup yet
introduced by Rizal in his allegory) to weigh the circumstances without any bias in her balance. She
weighed the “Aedes” with the “Iliad” and found them equal. The same goes with “Don Quixote.” With this,
Jupiter decided to give the lyre to Virgil, the trumpet to Homer, and the laurels to Cervantes.
Meanwhile, Pascual H. Poblete adapted the Tagalog version into a zarzuela and published in “El
Comercio de Filipinas.”
CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Art, Vol 7. Manila: Cultural Center of the Philippines, 1994.
“El Consejo de los Dioses.” [1] (Accessed on August 6, 2011)
Gagelonia, Pedro A. Rizal’s Life, Works, and Writings. Navotas, Rizal: Navotas Press, 1974.
“Lineage, Life and Labor of Jose Rizal, Philippine Patriot: A Study of the Growth of Free Ideas in the
Trans Pacific American Territory.” [2]. (Accessed on August 6, 2011)
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