The University of Jordan School of Engineering: 2019 Course Catalog Description
The University of Jordan School of Engineering: 2019 Course Catalog Description
The University of Jordan School of Engineering: 2019 Course Catalog Description
School of Engineering
Department Course Name Course Number Semester
Mechanical Engineering Energy Conversion 0904459
2019 Course Catalog Description
Energy classification, sources and utilization, Energy growth and economics, Fossil Fuel Systems and combustion
in steam power plants. Steam generators. Boiler rating and performance. Environmental aspects of thermal power
plants. Overview on renewable energy sources with emphasis on solar and wind energy systems. Introduction to
direct energy conversion systems, Thermoelectric, photovoltaic and thermionic converters. Energy Storage.
Office Hours Lecture Time
Name E-mail Sec
Text Books
Text book 1 Handout by the Instructor
Title Principles of Energy Conversion
Author(s) Archie W. Culp
Publisher, Year, Edition McGraw-Hill, 1991, 2nd Edition
Books Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, by John Duffie and William Beckman, John Wiley, 2014, 4th edition
Internet links;;
Prerequisites by topic 1. Basic thermodynamic concepts such as systems and properties; energy, work and heat.
2. Thermal power cycles.
3. Vapor and gas mixtures.
4. Chemical reactions of combustion.
5. Basics of fluid mechanics and heat transfer.
Prerequisites by course Thermodynamics (2) 0904342
Co-requisites by course -
Prerequisite for -
Topics Covered
Week Topics Chapter in Text Sections
1, 2 1. Energy classification, resources and utilization. Chapter 1 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7
3, 4 2. Principal fuels for energy conversion. Chapter 2
5,6,7 3. Production of thermal energy. Chapter 3
8,9,10 4. Fossil fuel systems. Chapter 4
11,12 5. Environmental impact of power plant operation. Chapter 6
13 6. Production of electrical energy (by direct energy conversion). Chapter 8
14 7. Wind energy. Chapter 7 7.3.3
15 8. Solar energy. Chapter 2 & 8 2.5, 8.4
16 9. Geothermal energy. Handout
Chapter 9
10. Energy storage and conservation.
Mapping of Course Outcomes to ABET Student Outcomes
SOs Course Outcomes
4 1.The ability to deal with engineering standards and most of the following constraints in engineering design: economic,
health and safety, environmental, ethical, social, political, manufacturability, sustainability.
2.An ability to find, evaluate and use resources to learn independently.
Assessment Tools Expected Due Date Weight
First Exam 20%
Second Exam 20%
Project 10%
Final Exam 50 %
Contribution of Course to Meet the Professional Components
The course contributes to building the fundamental basic concepts of fluid statics and motion analysis and basic fluid
mechanical piping systems design.