Section: Illustrated Sourcebook Mechanical Components
Section: Illustrated Sourcebook Mechanical Components
Section: Illustrated Sourcebook Mechanical Components
S E C T I O N 19
Adjusting Wire
THREE METHODS of using slotted nuts. In (A), nut sections bear on right-hand flanks of screw thread and vice versa. In
are brought rloser together to force left-hand nut flanks to (B), and (C) nut sections are forced apart for same purpose.
. -
AROUND THE PERIPHERY of the backlash-adjusting nut are SELF-COMPENSATING MEANS of removing baddash. Slot
3 ’ ’ notches of small pitch which engage the index spring. To “is milled in nut for an adjustable section which is locked by a
eliminate play in the lead screw, adjusting nut is turned do&- screw. Spring presses the tapered spacer block upwards, forcing
wise. Spring and adjusting nut can be calibrated for precise use. the nut elements apart, thereby taking up backlash.
AdjusfingnuY Locknut--’
MAIN NUT is integral with base at- ANOTHER WAY to use an auxiliary COMPRESSION SPRING placed be-
tached to part moved by screw. Aux- or adjusting nut for axial adjustment tween main and auxiliary nuts exerts
iliary nut is positioned one or two of backlash. Relative movement be- force tending to separate them and
pitches from main nut. The two are tween the working and adjusting nuts thus take up slack. Set screws engage
brought closer together by bolts which is obtained manually by the set screw nut base and prevent rotation of aux-
pass freely through the auxiliary nut. which can be locked in place as shown. iliary nut after adjustment is made.
Threaded Components 19-5
NUT A IS SCREWED along the tapered round nut, B, to eliminate backlash ANOTHER METHOD of clamping a nut
or wear between B and C, the main screw, by means of the four slots shown. around a screw to reduce radial clearance.
Spring Nyt
AUTOMATIC ADJUSTMENT for backlash. Nut is flanged on SPLIT NUT is tapered and has a rounded bottom to maintain
each end, has a square outer section between flanges and slots as near as possible a fixed distance between its seat and the
cut in the tapered sections. Spring forces have components center line of the screw. When the adjusting nut is tightened,
which push slotted sections radially inward. the split nut springs inward slightly.
AdJustoble iection
--Adjusting screw
CLAMP NUT holds adjusting bushing TYPICAb CONSTRUCTIONS based on the half nut principle. In each case, the nut
rigidly. Bushing must have different bearing width is equal to the width of the adjustable or inserted slide piece. In
pitch on outside thread than on inside the sketch at the extreme left, the cap screw with the spherical seat provides for
thread. If outer thread is the coarser adjustments. In the center sketch, the adjusting screw bears on the movable nut
one, a relatively small amount of ro- section. Two dowels insure proper alignment. The third illustration is similar
tation will take up backlash. to the first except that two adjusting screws are used instead of only one.
20 Dynamic Applications
for Screw Threads
Have you forgotten how simply, and economically, screw threads can be made into
dynamic members of a linkage? Here are some memory-joggers, plus suggestions
for simplified nuts, threads and nut guides.
Kurt Rabe
Y o u need a threaded shaft, a nut , . plus some way for Here are the basic motion transformations possible with
one of these members to rotate without translating and screw threads (Fig 1):
the other to translate without rotating. That's all. Yet transform rotation into linear motion or reverse (A),
these simple components can do practically all of the transform helical motion into linear motion or
adjusting, setting, or locking used in design. reverse (B),
Most such applications have low-precision requirements. transform rotation into helical motion or reverse (C).
That's why the thread may be a coiled wire or a twisted Of course the screw thread may be combined with
strip; the nut may be a notched ear on a shaft or a other components: in a +bar linkage (Fig 2), or with
slotted disk. Standard screws and nuts right off your multiple screw elements for force or motion amplification.
supply shelves can often serve a t very low cost.
1 M O T I O N T R A N S F O R M A T I O N S of these is reversible if the thread is not 2 S T A N D A R D 4 B A R L I N K A G E has
a screw thread include: rotation t o self-locking (see screw-thread math- screw thread substituted for slider.
translation (A), helical to translation ematics on following page-thread is Output is helical rather than linear.
(B); rotation to helical (C). Any of reversible when efficiency is over 60%).
Rotation to Translation
(a a >
for a telescope, with two alterna-
8 A M E T A L S T R I P or square rod 9 F E E L E R GAGE has its motion ani- tive methods of drive and spring
niay be twisted to make a long-lead plified through a double linkage and return.
thread, ideal for transforming linear then transformed to rotation for dial
into rotary motion. Here a push- indication.
button mechanism winds a camera.
Note that the number 01 turns or
dwell of output gear is easily altered
by clianging (or even reversing) twist
of the strip.
Double Threading
14 D I F F E R E N T I A L
SCREWS can be made in
dozens of forms. Here are
two methods: above, two
opposite-hand threads on a
single shaft; below, same
hand threads on independ-
ent shafts.
when used as differentials, provide
very fine adjustment for precision
equipment at relatively low cost.
19 (left) A W I R E FORK is
the nut in this simple tube-and
screw design.
20 (below) A MECHANICAL
PENCIL includes a soring as the
screw thread and a notched eai
or a bent wire as the nut.
Preloading of Bolts
For optimum tension-bolt design, the bolts must be preloaded
to a specific amount. Here are charts which quickly give
the data you need.
Bernie J. Cobb
.- m =
In tan ( 6 + 6)
0 cos a
Design curves
The most common bolt applications
utilize steel bolts and nuts, unlubri-
cated (as received from the manufac-
turer). For this type of application,
values of 0.14 for collar friction v,
and 0.12 for thread friction p, are
reasonable and were used to plot the
curves. The curves are plotted for
fine threads but may be used for coarse
1/4 180
5/16 235
3/8 9-75
7/16 320
1/ 2 3 60
Threaded Components 19-15
4000 h0,000
0 Problem II-a check on accuracy
10 I
: Use the equations to determine the
tightening torque and required ma-
terial strength for a %;16 UNF-2 bolt
that is subjected to a 20,000-lb force.
!O Bolt pitch = 1/16 in., d, ( f r o m
tables) = 0.6718, d, = 0.7029, D =
0.9375, p = 0.12, v = 0.14, LY = 30
0 deg.
3 Sin fl = = 0.0283
16n (0.7029)
I /3 = 1" 37'
tan 4 = 0.12 or cp = 6" 50'
T/e 2
m =
tan (1" 37' + 6" 50')
a? cos 30"
34 0
5/8 P
T = - ( vD
2 +
4 T =20 000L [(0.9375) (0.14) +
2 (0.7029) (0.17154)
0 T = 2518 in.-lb. = 210 ft-lb
Substituting values of T, in, dp,d,, p
I and D in Eq~-2, p 63, and combining:
S - 0.89+1.66 d1+5.2 (0.180)2
2518- (0.451) (0.131+0.121)
4 i S = 70,000 psi
o_ For 60% prestress, the tensile
5 % strength of the material should be:
P &70 Oo0
= 116,667
L psi =
6 c 0.60
7 From the curves on page 66, for
?4-in. bolt and 20,000-lb load:
8 T = 210 ft-lb; St = 120,000 psi.
For reprint of above article, just check
9 709 on one of the Reader Service
cards found in this issue.
Self-locking ability in fasteners is definitely will be retained even when the original nut prevailing-torque screw (Fig I), available
in. The fear of costly lawsuits stemming is lost. from National Lock Fasteners Division of
from a fastener’s loss of clamp load is This roundup of self-locking screws and Keystone Consolidated Industries (Rock-
making manufacturers of products spend bolts includes many novel thread forms ford, Ill.), uses the varying pitch to induce
a little more timeand money to assurejoint that are competing for the job of main- interference on the flanks of the threads.
reliability. Hence design engineers have a taining a tight joint under adverse condi- The locking threads need not be produced
freer hand in selecting locknuts and tions. Also included are special shank and along the entire length of the screw, but
lockscrews. head designs and the use of plastic inserts only at desired points. For example, the
Last month’s issue contained a roundup and anaerobics to improve self locking pitch for a %-20 thread may vary as
of proprietary types of locknuts. Locknuts characteristics. follows: 0.047,0.050, 0.047. This signifi-
are generally cheaper than lockscrews, and Varlabie pitch threads. A screw cantly increases turning friction but does
fewer special parts (the locknuts) need to thread with an oscillating pitch distance not deform the mating threads beyond
be stocked to handle original and re- can increase and decrease between max- their elastic limit.
placement parts. But because lockscrews imum and minimum values to provide a Tilted threads. Another way to induce
mate with a standard nut, they can provide high resistance to self loosening from interference is by deflecting and slightly
a better guarantee that the locking system shock and vibration. The Leed-Lok deforming the threads during the thread
,Conventional thread
Varying pitch
-- 0.050 - - 0.047
- a
E-Lok thread ’
Thread configuration for a %-20thread
rolling process when the screws are made. formed threads are offered by Cleveland Screw & Nut (Elk Grove Village, Ill).
Employed by the Everlock Division (Troy, Cap Screw (division of SPS Technologies, Wedge-ramp roots. This internal
Mich) of Microdot on its E-Lok screws Cleveland, Ohio) on its Tru-Flex screws thread form, called Spiralock (Fig 6), is
(Fig 2), the process deflects the 60-deg (Fig 4). In the process, threads near the applied to locknuts and tapped holes to
thread form a certain amount (about IO end of the screw are specially deformed for provide locking characteristics to standard
deg) from the normal to the screw axis. a circumference of less than 180deg of arc. bolts. The key innovation is the addition
In general, every two tilted threads are When meshed with conventional female of a 30-deg ramp to the roots of conven-
followed by two straight (normal) threads threads, the locking threads are reposi- tional 60-deg threads. When the bolt is
over the chosen length of screw. tioned from root to crest to induce a seated, the crest of the bolt thread is pulled
Partially offset threads. In this meth- resisting torque. It was found that reshap- up tight against the ramp and is wedged
od, portion of each thread is deformed ing several threads within a 180-deg arc firmly with positive metal-to-metal contact
parallel to the thread helix axis (Fig 3). AS of the fastener circumference would pro- that runs the entire length of the nut or
an example, Vibresist screws produced by vide ample prevailing torque with only tapped hole. The special thread form, in
Russell, Burdsall, & Ward (Mentor, Ohio) minute changes in pitch diameter. fact, allows wide latitude in bolt toler-
provide a consistent prevailing torque, Resilient rib thread. The Orlo thread ances. SpiralockTMlocknuts are available
slight or substantial as required. The mat- (Fig 5) has a cold-formed resilient rib on from the Greer and the Kaynar divisions
ing internal threads wedge between the the non-pressure flank of the thread, either of Microdot (Greenwich, Conn.); taps for
offset screw threads. Spring action is rein- part way or continuously around. When producing the thread may be obtained
forced, and because locking, here as with a screw with Orlo threads is assembled into from Detroit Tap and Tool Co. (Warren,
the other altered-thread types, depends on a threaded part, the ribs are compressed Mich.)
the elasticity of metal, the screw does not like springs to force the screw's pressure Threads with special wedgeramp roots
lose its grip at elevated temperatures. The flanks against the mating threads, and this also have been applied to screws. In the
locking threads can be specified adjacent will increase resistance to rotational forces Lok-thred form (Fig 7). available from
to the head for locking in tapped holes, from vibration or shock. The spring-like Lock Thread Corporation and National
along the middle of the thread length for action of the rib threads permits the screw Lock Fasteners (Rock ford, Ill.), the thread
locking in tapped holes and near the screw to be reused effectively. Orlo threads are of the screw itself performs the locking
end for locking with standard nuts. available on screws by Holo-Krome Co action. This male thread is shallow, with
Screws with somewhat similarly de- (West Hartford, Conn)., and Pioneer ample radii and a wide root pitched at a
7. Lok-Thred threads
,Locking root ,Starting root 8. Lamcolok threads
Threaded Components 19-19
:/ . locking angle
Tapped thread major diameter .. thread
------ --
Before After reformation of lobe }
minor diameter
standard tapped thread
locking angle. These locking roots con- the root recesses, thus averting possible interference is induced when the screw is
verge toward the head. A Lok-Thred bolt galling. threaded. Available from Central Screw
enters an ordinary tapped hole freely for Locking crests. The locking ability of Co, (Des Plaines, Ill.), the special screws
a few turns, then meets resistance when the Powerlok screws (Fig 9) is enhanced with lobes create a wedge-like effect by
bolt root contacts and, by swaging, re- through the combination of a novel 60 deg exerting pressures on the opposite side of
forms the nut threads to a perfect fit about - 30 deg thread form and a tri-lobular the mating threads. The lobes may all be
the wedge-like locking roots of the bolt. thread body section. Locking action is located on the same line or else staggered
In service, much of the clamp load is developed at the outermost radius of the in order to provide considerable periphery
carried on the tapered roots, which wedge torque arm of the screw body, whereas pressures.
against the nut crest to lock securely as most locking screws develop their re- In another design, Deutsch Fasteners
the work load increases. Bolts which have sistance at lesser radius points. The deeper Corp. induces a resilient bulge on one side
this type of wedge root thread have a larger thread form of the Powerlok geometry, of the bolt (Fig 11) that increases in a
root diameter than ordinary threads, along with a slight increase in the major similar manner the frictional contact be-
which gives strength in tension, torsion diameter of the thread as compared to tween mating threads on the opposite side
and shear, as well as increased endurance equivalent size conventional screws, also of the- bolt. The bulge is formed by the
limits. adds to the locking ability. Basically, the interference action of a precision ball,
Locking roots. A self-locking thread nut-thread metal is elastically deformed in pressed into a hole drilled close to the
based on flank interference with standard the compressed areas created by the 30- minor diameter of the threads during man-
internal thread flanks (Fig 8) provides a deg portion of the thread. Powerlok screws ufacture.
clamping force and holding torque that are available from several fastener manu- Sine-wave threads. In another ap-
remains constant, Developed by Lamson facturers, including Continental Screw Co proach to improving the locking character-
& Sessions (Cleveland, Ohio), the Lam- (New Bedford, Mass.), Midland Screw Co. istics of bolts, Valley-Todeco, Inc. (Syl-
colock thread design can be rolled on (Chicago, Ill.), Central Screw Division of mar, Calif), has developed its Sine-Lok
almost any bolt or screw. It employs a Microdot, and Elco Industries (Rockford, interference-type thread (Fig 12) for use
recessed full-radius root and a decreased Ill.). on the upper regions of a bolt, normally
major diameter giving the thread a wide, Resilient bulges. By deforming sever- consisting merely of a straight shank. The
squat look. The decreased major diameter al threads on one side of the Chexoff screw lower portion of the bolt has conventional
provides room for material to flow into to form lobes (Fig lo), controlled thread threads. During assembly, the bolt shank,
P = Pressure points
Typical installation
which has a series of modified sine waves, Bedford, Mass) to complement the outer bearing area.
is threaded through the clearance holes of company’s line of trilobular thread-rolling Lockscrews with the toothed portion of
the two parts being assembled, instead of screws, has a washer-like, undulating the head furnished in the form of a pre-
simply being pushed through. The sine head-bearing surface. When the surface, assembled washer include the Melgrip
wave threads displace the material of the which has three alternate high-and-low screw by Elco Industries (Rockford, Ill)
clearance-hole wall into their roots. The areas, is tightened against the joint being (Fig 17), and Sems screws available from
protruding, threaded end of the bolt is then assembled, the relieved areas are aligned a number of manufacturers, including
tightened by a standard nut. The bolt thus with potential stress points at the lobes of Shakeproof Division of Illinois Tool
gets a double threading action that helps the trilobular screw thread. As a result of (Elgin, Ill), National Lock Fasteners
prevent loosening. this bearing-area relief, thread engagement (Rockford, Ill,), and Central Screw (Fig
Tapered shank. Another way to in- is increased and bolt loosening noticeably 18). Melgrip’s locking effectiveness results
crease the shank’s grip of the parts being resisted. from the mating serrations on the under-
assembled together is to provide a slight High locking power and clamping force side of the bolt head and top of the washer
taper to the shank, as shown in the Taper- are provided with Tensilock screws avail- surface, coupled by the bidirectional grip-
Lok screw by Voi-Shan Division of VSI able from Eaton Corporation (Massilon, ping teeth on the periphery of the washer
Corp. (Pasadena, Calif.). (Fig 13). Al- Ohio) (Fig 15). The screw head has a which embed into thejoint material. Thus,
though only 0.25 in. per linear foot, the concentric circle of 24 embedded, the washer cannot skid or score.
taper provides a controlled interference fit carburized teeth, with an outer concentric Sems screws are available in a vast
that compresses the material of the joint groove that permits flexing of the head to variety of washer types to provide spring
elastically around the hole to induce an occur. The Durlok fastener available from tensioning for improved loosening re-
excellent preload condition. SPS Technology’s Cleveland Cap Screw sistance, as well as to bridge oversized
Head-grip screws. Many new head (Cleveland, Ohio) also has ratchet-like holes or insulate and protect material
shapes for screws are designed to increase teeth around the periphery of the bearing surfaces.
resistance to vibrational loosening in surface (Fig 16). To limit depth of pene- Nylon-pellet Insert. Self-locking
joints. The Uniflex head (Fig 14), de- tration and marring of the mating surface, screws that use a resilient nylon insert in
veloped by Continental Screw Co. (New the serrations are encircled by a smooth the threaded section to develop a
Threaded Components 19-21
Mating grlpplng
serrations 'teeth,
prevailing-torque locking action (Fig 19) left. This type of screw is available from Screw (Cleveland, Ohio) and Camcar
have been a familiar product for a number the Esna Division of Amerace Corp. (Un- Division of Textron (Rockford, Ill). Or
of years. The nylon pellet, press-fitted into ion, N.J.), Long-Lok Fasteners Corp. you can buy your own.
the screw, projects slightly beyond the crest (Cincinnati, Ohio), Holo-Krome Co., Highly viscous fluid coatings, such as
of the thread. Once the threads are en- (West Hartford, Conn.), and the Unbrako Vibra-Tite available from N D Industries
gaged, the screw is held in position by Division of SPS Industries (Jenkintown, (Troy, Mich.) and Oakland Corp., offer
lateral pressure. The pellet technique can Pa.) a compromise by making the parts ad-
be applied also to nuts and studs. Screws Adhesive thread locking. Epoxy and justable as well as improving self-locking.
with nylon-pellet inserts are available from anaerobic adhesives and stiffly viscous The user can apply it from a bottle with
Nylok Fastener Division of USM Corp. fluids have become popular for turning a brush applicator, like glue. Vibra-Tite,
(Paramus, N.J.) and N D Industries, Inc. low-cost plain bolts and nuts into lock however, is not an adhesive, so its primary
(Troy, Mich.). fasteners. Epoxy, which is a two-part usage is not to provide a heavy-duty lock-
Nylon fused patch. Another effective adhesive, is applied in the form of alter- ing capability; but it does permit the
and well-established way to help a screw nating strips or microcapsules to the fastener to be assembled, disassembled or
resist loosening is by use of a plastic threaded fastener. Once applied, the epoxy adjusted.
locking patch that is fused on a (or one of the anaerobics) remains dor- Prevaillng torque. Remember that
dimensionally controlled area of the screw mant on the fastener (Fig 21) until a cure most self-locking screws rely on friction in
threads, shown in Fig 20. This nylon patch is activated by engagement with a mating one form or another to hold fast against
is thickest in the center and feathers-out thread, The curing process for most of the axial or transverse vibration. Transverse
along the edge to provide a gradual en- chemical adhesives may continue for days, vibration is most difficult to protect
gagement of the locking patch as itencoun- although by the twelfth hour a good bond against because accelerating forces can
ters mating threads. As the mating threads has generally been achieved. The adhesive cause momentary slip at a microscopic
fully engage the patch, the nylon is com- technique, however, does not offer re- level, eventually loosening the thread. Lab
pressed to build up a resistance to turning usability capabilities. Screws with pre- and field tests are recommended.
at the right in the figure, and a strong met- applied adhesives are available from N D
al-to-metal contact between threads at the Industries, (Troy, Mich.), Cleveland Cap
String Compressed
rnetal.tometal nylon
the bolt failed from metal fatigue before nut should not be used, the designers warn.
the nut loosened. All bolts and nuts used Where it can be used, though, the
in the test weresAE grade 8. Spiralock offers important benefits to
When comparing Spiralock nuts to pre- manufacturers. It is freespinning, re-
vailing torque nuts several differences usable, and speeds assembly time. Above
should be kept in mind, the designers say. all, its ability to withstand high vibration
When subjected to high transverse vibra- Under normal vibration conditions, both or cyclic transverse loading qualify it for
tions, fasteners tend to loosen with all the Spiralock and prevailing torque nuts retain high-vibration applications, it is said.
undesirable consequences that follow. En- an acceptable amount of initial clamp load
gineers at Microdot Inc. (Troy, Mich.) say when tightened to 75% proof load. Under
they have solved the problem. Their solu- high vibrations the new wedged thread
tion: a new thread that resists vibrations retains a higher percentage of initial clamp
more effectively than others now available. load than a prevailing torque nut.
Known as Spiralock, the thread is being However, initial clamp load must be
used in a free-spinning, flanged nut, to achieved for Spiralock to be effective. In
eliminate internal self-loosening, the cause applications where there can be no as-
of walk-off. The thread form incorporates surance of achieving initial clamp load or ~
a wedge ramp at the root of the thread. if it can be lost due to brinelling, the new Typical free-spinning flanged lock nut
This wedge ramp is created by widening
a portion of the normal thread angle at Toraue applied
its root.
Hold tight. When torque is applied, the
crests of the mating fastener are pulled
against the wedge ramp to form metal-to-
metal contact over the entire length of the
spiral path of mating threads. Such contact
prevents the fastener from loosening under
severe vibration conditions.
According to Microdot designers, the
fastener works effectively because under
clamp load the air space between the
mating threads is eliminated. Air space,
which is normal in free-spinning fasteners,
is the cause of internal self-loosening, they
With such fasteners, the diametrical
tolerances needed on both the male and
female threads frequently create air spaces
of 0.018 in. The average air space is 0.010
in. and the minimum air space needed for
assembly is 0.0025 in.
Thus, when any assembly using a regular
free-spinning nut is subjected to transverse
vibration, the air space allows the mated
thread flanks to move laterally and the nut
walks-off. Laboratory tests at Microdot on
a Junkers vibration testing machine com-
pared performance of Spiralock with other
Nuts of various sizes were tightened to
75% of proof load on standard nuts and
then subjected to high amplitude vibra- Widened angle at thread root forms wedge. Bolt remains free-spinning until torque is
tion. In every case, the test engineers say, applied. Then bolt threadscontact wedge, eliminate air space and prevent lateral movement.