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Academic year: 2019-20


E-Health Care Management system

Program: Information Technology

Program code: IF4I

Course: Java Programming

Course code: 22412

This is to certify that 1. Sahil Mustakim Choudhary (404).
2. Anjali Shambhu Jha (406).
3. Tejas Suresh Dagale (416)

of 4TH Semester of Diploma in Information Technology of Institute,

Navjeevan Polytechnic(Code: 0144) has completed the Micro
Project satisfactorily in Subject: Java Programming (22412) for the
academic year 2019- 2020 as prescribed in the curriculum.
Place: Bhandup. Enrollment no:- 1. 1801440084
. 2.1801440093
3. 1901440105

Date:-……………………….. Exam Seat no:- 1. 120545

2. 120554
3. 120559

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Java Programming


SR. Name of Group Roll Enrollment Seat no
NO Members no No
1. Sahil M. Choudhary 404 1801440084 120545
2. Anjali S. Jha 406 1801440093 120554

3. Tejas S. Dagale 416 1901440105 120559


Ms. Nilofar Mulla

Brief Intoduction:-
The project consists of two modules: administration module and User module.
Administration module mainly deals with the setting appionment with the
patient/User and all the Medicare Management system. User module, on the other
hand, mainly includes doctors, patients name, address age contact number etc. This
E-Health Care Management application will be like in an online Healthcare
Management service provider with easy to use customizable options. The
application is accessible from anywhere for all Users or patient and will able to set
there appionmentit will basically lessen the manual work and improves the quality
of maintaining records and other information related to doctors or patients or
billing etc. It reduces time frame in adding any info related to user and thereby
reduce the complexity too.

Aim of the Micro_Project:-

1. Manages all the records of Admin, User and about there appointment.

2. This System automate all the working of appointment.

3. This system will able to store records without paper and will
consume less time.
4. This system can maintain number of users record there name,
contact number, age, address.

Resources Used :-
S.NO Name Of Specifications Qty
1 Computer System Operating System: Windows 1
7 or higher.
Memory: 8 GB RAM.
Core i3.
HDD: 500GB or Larger.
2 Operating System Unix\Linux\Ubuntu -

❖ Weekly Progress Report(Action Plan) Micro-Project:-
Academic Year: 2019-2020 Name of Faculty: Ms. Nilofar Mulla
Program Code: Information Technology (IF4I)
Course & Course Code: Java Programming (22412)
Roll No: 404,406,416. Enrollment No: 1801440084, 1801440093,
1901440105 Semester: IV Name of Candidate: Sahil,Anjali,Tejas
SR. Week Activity of Performed Planned Planned Name of Responsible
NO. start Date Finish Date Team member

Discussion and finalization Sahil Choudhary
of topic Tejas Dagale
2. Preparation and Sahil Choudhary
2nd submission of Abstract Anjali Jha
3. Anjali Jha
3th Collection of Data Tejas Dagale
4. Sahil Choudhary
4th Implementation
Tejas Dagale
5. Check, Validation and Anjali Jha
5th Execution of code Tejas Dagale
Compilation of Report Sahil Choudhary
And Presentation Anjali Jha
7. 7th Actual Presentation &
Sahil Choudhary
Final submission of
Micro Project Tejas Dagale

Sign of Students:
1) _______________________ 2) ________________________3)__________________

Sign of the faculty
Academic Year: 2019-2020 Name of Faculty: Ms. Nilofar Mulla
Program Code: Information Technology (IF4I)
Course & Course Code: Java Programing (22412)
Roll No:404,406,416. Enrollment No: 1801440084, 1801440093, 1901440105
Semester: IV Name of Candidate: Sahil,Anjali,Tejas


1. Brief Description 1

2. Aim of the Micro-Project 1

3. Course Outcomes Integrated 1

4. Actual Procedure Followed 2

5. Actual Resources Used 2

6. Skill Developed/learning out of this Micro- 2

7. Implementation and Result 2 to 8

8. Conclusion 9

9. Soft Copy of Micro Project 10

10. Annexure IV 11 to 13

E-Health Care Management system
Brief Description:-
The project consists of two modules: administration module and User module.
Administration module mainly deals with the setting appionment with the
patient/User and all the Medicare Management system. User module, on the other
hand, mainly includes doctors, patients name, address age contact number etc. This
E-Health Care Management application will be like in an online Healthcare
Management service provider with easy to use customizable options. The
application is accessible from anywhere for all Users or patient and will able to set
there appionmentit will basically lessen the manual work and improves the quality
of maintaining records and other information related to doctors or patients or
billing etc. It reduces time frame in adding any info related to user and thereby
reduce the complexity too.

Aims of the Project:-

1. Manage all the records of Admin, User, and about there appoinment.

2. This system automate all the working of appoinment.

3. This system will be able to store records without paper and will consume
less time.

4. This system can maintain number of users record there name, contact
number, age and address.

Course Outcomes Integrated:-

1. Develop programs using Object Oriented methodology in Java.
2. Apply concept of Inheritance for code reusability.
3. Implement Exception Handling.
4. Develop program for handling I/O and file streams.

Actual Procedure Followed:-
1. Grab the idea for the project along with its requirements.
2. Plan the project roughly.
3. Discuss about the entries provided for the user in the project.
4. Start to build the project i.e application/system with small parts of it.
5. Make the use of inheritance.
6. Store the data or matter of the project in the file, also retrieve it.
7. Thus, the project made successfully.

Actual Resources Used :-

S.NO Name Of Specifications Qty
1 Computer System Operating System: Windows 7 or 1
Memory: 8 GB RAM. Processor:
Core i3.
HDD: 500GB or Larger.
2 Operating System Unix\Linux\Ubuntu -

Skill Developed/Learning out of this Micro-Project:-

1. Time Management becomes less.
2. Less Paper Work.
3. Records Handling.

Implementation and Result:-

The E-HealthCare Management system micro project which can manage
all the records of customers. This micro project will contain features like
customer information, accounts details, appointment management and
types of doctor such as ENT, Piles, Cardiac-Expert, Surgeon,
Orthopedic, appointments etc. back option which will help to exit from

First page of the Program will be of “ WELCOME TO E-HEALTH CARE ”
On Second page you will get two options like
1. ADMIN LOGIN (which enters into admin system)
2. USER LOGIN (which enters into user system)
Note: Admin can see all existing appoinments:
Next when you choose (1) option you enter into Admin’s Login:
Admin Login:
➢ ID:
➢ Password:
After successfully Login into Admin Access options will print for admin
1. New appointment Registeration.
2. Details of Appoinment Registered.
3. Exit
Then after login, Admin will be able to see all existing appointment and other
information of the user/patient with which doctor they have there appionment there
user id, phone number, age, and other informations. Admin allocate highly
specialize docter to the patient with there need.
In Admin Login you will see
➢ Docter Name.
➢ Doctor’s Speciality. ➢ Address.

On (2) you enter into User’s Login:

User Login:
No need for ID and Password for user login when its users first appointment.
User will too get options whether its his first appointment and for other details
about appointment and timing like,
User Login:
1. New appointment Registeration.
2. Details of Appoinment Registered.
3. Exit.
In User Login you will get questions like
➢ Do you want to continue your transaction: (Y/N)
➢ User ID
➢ Contact number
➢ Age
➢ Address
This above information will lead to set your appointment with doctor
which you need after the information session has been successfully filled.
1. New appointment Registeration.
2. Details of Appoinment Registered.
3. Exit.
After appointment on pressing (3) user will be able to exit through this process


Conclusion :-
It Reduces The Scope Of Manual Error And Conveniently Maintains Any
Modifications, Cancellations in the appointment bookings. It Not Only
Provides Doctors Details but Also Creates A Platform To Book
appointments, Cancels Or Modifies Ticket Timings Or Dates And Even
Informs About The Number Of People On Board!


Micro Project Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student: Sahil Mustakim Choudhary Enrollment No:1801440086
Name of Programme : Information Technology Semester : IV
Course Title: JAVA PROGRAMMING Code : 22412
Title of Micro Project : E-Health Care Management System.
Course Outcomes Achieved:
a.Develop program using Object Oriented Methodology in Java.
b. Apply concept of inheritance for code reusability.
c. Develop program using multithreading.
d.Implement Exception Handling
e.Develop programs for handling I/O and file streams.
Sr.n Charateristic to Poor(Mar Average(Ma Good(Mar Excellent(Ma Sub
o be assessed ks 1-3) rks 4 - 5) ks 6-8 ) rks 9-10) Total
(A)Process and Product Assessment(Convert above total marks out of 6 marks.)
1. Relevance to the
2. Literature
n collection
3. Completion of the
target as per project
4. Analysis of data
and representation
5. Quality of
6. Report Preparation.
(B) Individual Presentation/Viva (Convert above marks Total Marks out of 4)
7. Presentation
8. Viva
(A) (B) Total Marks 10
Process Individual
and Presentati
Product on/Viva(4
Assessmen marks)
t (6 marks)

Comments/Suggestions about team work.leadership/inter-personal communication

Name and designation of the Teacher MRS.NILOFAR MULLA
Dated Signature ……………………
Micro Project Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student: Anjali Shambhu Jha Enrollment No:1701440106
Name of Programme :Information Technology Semester : IV
Course Title: JAVA PROGRAMMING Code : 22412
Title of Micro Project : E-Health Care Management System.
Course Outcomes Achieved:
a.Develop program using Object Oriented Methodology in Java.
b. Apply concept of inheritance for code reusability.
c. Develop program using multithreading.
d.Implement Exception Handling
e.Develop programs for handling I/O and file streams.
Sr.n Charateristic to Poor(Mar Average(Ma Good(Mar Excellent(Ma Sub
o be assessed ks 1-3) rks 4 - 5) ks 6-8 ) rks 9-10) Total
(A)Process and Product Assessment(Convert above total marks out of 6 marks.)
1. Relevance to the
2. Literature
n collection
3. Completion of the
target as per project
4. Analysis of data
and representation
5. Quality of
6. Report Preparation.
(B) Individual Presentation/Viva (Convert above marks Total Marks out of 4)
7. Presentation
8. Viva
(A) (B) Total Marks 10
Process Individual
and Presentati
Product on/Viva(4
Assessmen marks)
t (6 marks)

Comments/Suggestions about team work.leadership/inter-personal communication

Name and designation of the Teacher MRS.NILOFAR MULLA
Dated Signature ………………………………… 12
Micro Project Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student: Tejas Suresh Dagale Enrollment No:1901440103
Name of Programme : Information Technology Semester : IV
Course Title: JAVA PROGRAMMING Code : 22412
Title of Micro Project : E-Health Care Management System.
Course Outcomes Achieved:
a.Develop program using Object Oriented Methodology in Java.
b. Apply concept of inheritance for code reusability.
c. Develop program using multithreading.
d.Implement Exception Handling
e.Develop programs for handling I/O and file streams.
Sr.n Charateristic to Poor(Mar Average(Ma Good(Mar Excellent(Ma Sub
o be assessed ks 1-3) rks 4 - 5) ks 6-8 ) rks 9-10) Total
(A)Process and Product Assessment(Convert above total marks out of 6 marks.)
1. Relevance to the
2. Literature
n collection
3. Completion of the
target as per project
4. Analysis of data
and representation
5. Quality of
6. Report Preparation.
(B) Individual Presentation/Viva (Convert above marks Total Marks out of 4)
7. Presentation
8. Viva
(A) (B) Total Marks 10
Process Individual
and Presentati
Product on/Viva(4
Assessmen marks)
t (6 marks)

Comments/Suggestions about team work.leadership/inter-personal communication

Name and designation of the Teacher MRS.NILOFAR MULLA
Dated Signature ……………………………………………

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