By Law-Ksra
By Law-Ksra
By Law-Ksra
h. To establish and reinforce contacts with and to render help and assist
all members in their problems.
Any person/s who is the owner of Property aged about 18 years shall
become a member, of the Association.
c) The member may, in his absence, appoint an alternate member, who shall
be spouse, a parent, or any one of the children above the age of 18 years,
who is specifically authorized in writing by such member in relation to the
Association. There shall be membership subscription or entrance fees.
The President or Secretary or Treasurer to the Association shall maintain a
register of members where a member has appointed an alternate member;
the name of such alternate member shall be recorded alongside of the
member in the register of members.
Where Two or more Person/s have purchased site/ property, they shall
be jointly entitled to the site/ property and the shares of the Association shall be
issued in their Joint Names, but the either of Joint Owners shall have the right to
vote. Such First named person/s name shall be the member of the Association
and his/her name shall be entered in the Register of the members of the
Association. Upon the death of a Member, the Association subject to its being
Satisfied of the legal position enter the Name of the Joint Owner in the register of
members if there is a single Joint Owner. In any case where there are more than
two joint owners, then upon the death of the named owner, the joint owner shall
be entitled to become the member of the Association, subject to meeting other
requirements as set forth above. The joint owner shall make an application along
with a certified copy of the death certificate of the deceased member for the
completing the formalities.
The quorum for every general body meeting, whether special or annual
shall be one third of the total number of members subject to a minimum of 1/3rd
members of the Association.
4. PROXY: Every member who does not personally occupy his/her residential
premises in the building, or unable to present himself at the meetings or contest
for election to the committee or management will have to authorize in writing:
The agenda of the meeting must also be circulated to all the owners. At
such a meeting, a Managing Committee shall be elected from among the
members, by voting of ballots and in accordance with the requirement of the
byelaws. This managing committee shall be in office till the conclusion of the
next annual body meeting. The owners may also transact such other business of
the Association as may be placed before them.
It shall be the duty of the President to call for an Extra Ordinary General
body meeting of the owners as directed by a resolution of the managing
committee or upon a petition signed of the owner signed by the majority of the
owners and having been presented to the Secretary. The notice of any extra
general body meeting shall state the time and place of such meeting and the
purpose thereof. No other business shall be transacted at such a meeting except
as stated in the notice, without the consent of majority of the owners present in
person. Where the Extra ordinary general body meeting is to be held upon
requisition, it shall be placed within seven days of its receipt before the
committee of management, by the Secretary of the Association of fixing the date,
time and venue for the meeting so requisitioned. The committee of management
shall decide the date, time and place for the extra ordinary meeting. In case of a
requisitioned meeting by members, it shall be held within a period of 40 days
from the date of requisition.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to mail or send notice on each Annual
General Body Meeting, Special General Body Meeting and extra general meeting,
stating the purpose thereof as well as the time and place where it is to be held to
each owner, at least 21 days clear prior and to ordinary meeting at least 21 days
to such meeting. Mailing or sending of a notice in the manner provided in this
byelaw should be considered as notice served.
The mailing or sending of the notice to the last known address of the
member via post, courier or electronic means (email/whatsup) or by personal
delivery as record with the Association shall be considered as notice having been
served. The notice not served for any reason or failure to receive notice by any
member by absence or refusal shall not invalidate the proceedings for the
meeting and the decision taken at such a meeting shall be questioned or
challenged before any authority in any court of law.
a) Consideration and passing of the annual accounts. The Official year of the
Association shall be 1st April of the current year to 31st March of next year.
d) The Association shall draw up its accounts for each financial year ending
as on 31st March. The same shall be audited and published within 3
months of the closing of the financial year and shall contain the following:
g) The audited financial statements shall be open for inspection to any owner
during office hours in the office Association and a copy thereof shall be
submitted to the competent authority not later than 30th April every year.
i) The Governing Body shall not admit members during the last three
months of its tenure.
The duties and responsibilities of the committee is to promote the aims and
objects of the Association. The managing committee shall function only through
the office bearer, elected amongst them and shall oversee, control, guide and
supervise the overall performance of the office bearers of the Association and
ensure efficient day to day management of the affairs of the Association.
a) To admit members
d) To appoint, suspend, punish and dismiss the employees and the staff
engaged by the Association in the interest of maintaining discipline and
adequate quality of service and also fix their duties, responsibilities,
conditions of service, their conduct and fix their remuneration.
e) Any member of the managing committee who has not attended three
successive meetings without proper cause and due intimation, shall cease
to be member of the managing committee and another member may be
co-opted by the managing committee in his place. However the person
who ceased to be member because of his absence is eligible for re-
h) To provide guidelines for the manner in which the audit and accounts of
the Association, shall be carried out.
i) To inspect the account kept by the treasurer and examine the registers
and account books and to take necessary steps for recovery of all sums
due to the Association.
j) To sanction working expenses, account cash balance and deal with the
other miscellaneous business.
m) Daily newspapers, periodicals etc for the Library or for the office.
At all meetings of the committee, one half of the total strength of the
members subject to a minimum of Five shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. If there be no quorum the meeting shall stand adjourned
to the same time and place the date. Not less than 48 hours. At any such
adjourned meeting the business which ought to have been transacted at the
meting as originally called may be transacted without further notice subject to at
least seven members being present. Every issue before the committee shall by
decided be a simple majority and case of tie, the President may exercise his vote.
The Association in all or any of the following ways may raise funds
b. From common profits, which accrue from the corpus of the contingency
a) The amounts carried forth to the said fund from year to year, out of the
excess of income over expenditure.
The Auditor shall be entitled to call for and examine any papers or
documents belonging to the Association relating to Association jurisdictions and
facilities (including limited Association jurisdictions and facilities) and common
expenses and shall make a special report to the Association upon any matter
connected with the accounts, which appear to him/her to require notice.
All members shall follow the dos and don'ts detailed in the book of
guidelines supplied by the Association, in so far it is consistent with the normal
code of discipline and do not encroach upon the legal rights of the owners.
If the Dissolution of the Association arises Sec.22 and 23 of the K.S.R.Act,
1960 shall be followed.
Regarding the Amalgamation of the Association arises Sec.21 of the
K.S.R.Act, 1960 shall be followed.
For the matters, which have not been specified, provided to therein above,
the provisions of the K.S.R.Act, 1960 and the Rules made there under shall apply.
The President shall be the chief executive of the Association.
He/she shall preside as all meeting of the Association and of the managing
committee. He/she shall have all the general powers and duties which are
usually vested in the office of President of an Association, including but
not limited to the power to appoint committee from among the owners
from time to time as he/she may in his/her discretion decide to be
appropriate to assist in the conduct of the affairs of the Association and in
event of a split shall have the casting vote.
In case of a tie of the votes in any of the meetings mentioned above, the
President shall have an additional vote for casting.
He/She shall call all meetings of the managing committee and general
body meeting in consultation with the President.
He/She shall, in consultation with the President and with the managing
committee as and when required shall act as pivot of all activities of the
Association, including reporting, budgeting allocation of funds making all
agreements, contracts, appointments, purchased, hiring expenditures of
sorts, all correspondence between the Association and members and also
with outsiders to comply with his various duties and responsibilities
enumerated above.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining and auditing the funds
and securities of the Association. He/she shall also be responsible for
keeping proper and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements
belonging to the Association. He/she shall be responsible for the deposit
of all moneys and managing committee may from time designate other
valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Association in such
COMMITTEE MEMBERS:- will be participate in meeting and will join the office