Electricity Company Accounts: Solutions To Assignment Problems
Electricity Company Accounts: Solutions To Assignment Problems
Electricity Company Accounts: Solutions To Assignment Problems
balance Rate of Depreciation
at cost depreciation (Rs.)
a. Freehold 3,.34,900 0 -
b. Leasehold 1,07,275 3.34% 3,598.02
Buildings 18,82,475 3.34% 61,545.35
Railway Skiing 5,850 3.34% 195.39`
Plant and Machinery - -
a. Steam Station 70,82,475 5.28% 3,73,954.68
b. Others including ”Switchgears and transformers” 51,44,725 5.28% 2,71,641.48
Transmission and Distributing Systems
a. Overhead 10,60,725 5.28% 56,006.28
b. Underground 42,24,025 5.28% 2,23,028.52
Electrical Fittings and Apparatus 1,25,325 6.33% 7,933.07
Furniture, Fixture and Office Equipments 1,75,900 6.33% 11,134.47
Vehicles 53,700 5.28% 2,835.36
Total (other than land) 19,823,125 1,011,872.62
1,011,872. 62
Weighted average rate of depreciation = x 100 = 5.10% ( Approx.)
Name o the Power Station Excellent Power Generation Project
Date of commercial operation / Work completed date 11 January, 1995
Beginning of current year 1 April, 2010
Useful life 35 years
Remaining useful life 20 years
(Rs. in Crores)
S.No. Particulars 2010.11 2011.12 2012.13
Capital cost at beginning of the year (in Rs.) 166.27 166.27 166.99
Additional capitalization during the year (in Rs.) - 0.72 6.11
Closing capital cost (in Rs.) 166.27 166.99 173.10
1. Average capital cost 166.27 166.63 170.05
2. Less: Value of Land - - -
3. Capital cost for depreciation (in Rs.) 166.27 166.63 170.05
4. Depreciable value (90% of 3) (in Rs.) 149.64 149.97 153.05
5. Depreciation recovered upto 2008-09 (in Rs.) 72.07 - -
6. Depreciation recovered in 2009-10 (in Rs.) 4.77 - -
7. Depreciation recovered upto previous year (5+6) (in Rs.) 76.84 80.48 84.14
8. Balance depreciation to be recovered (in Rs.) 72.80 69.49 68.91
9. Balance useful life out of 35 years (in years) 20 19 18
10. Yearly depreciation from 2010-11 (8/9) (in Rs.) 3.64 3.66 3.83
11. Depreciation recovered upto the year (7 + 10) (in Rs.) 80.48 84.14 87.97
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Note: Capital cost at the beginning of the year and accumulated depreciation are as per tariff order
Financial Year 2010-11.
a. Average Capital cost:
b. Depreciation: Annual weighted average rate of depreciation is considered as 5.28% and retained
for the purpose of tariff. The necessary calculations are as under:
Balance Sheet of U.P. Electric Ltd. for the year ended March 31, 2012
Particulars Note No (Rs.’000)
Equity And Liabilities:
1 Shareholders funds
a Share capital 1 16,250
b Reserves and Surplus 2 5,600
2 Non-current liabilities
a Long-term borrowings 3 10,000
3 Current liabilities -
a Trade Payable 1,631
b Other current liabilities 4 3,025
Total 36,506
Assets: -
1 Non-current assets -
a Fixed assets -
i Tangible assets 5 27,490
ii Intangible assets 626
Other non-current assets 6 3,002.5
2 Current assets -
a Inventories 3,012.5
b Trade receivables 1,561.5
c Cash and cash equivalents 813.5
Total 36,506