Question Paper With Model Answers For Online Examination - Inter/P11-ITX/S1
Question Paper With Model Answers For Online Examination - Inter/P11-ITX/S1
Question Paper With Model Answers For Online Examination - Inter/P11-ITX/S1
There are Sections A, B, C and D to be answered subject to instructions given against each.
Section A 20 X 1 =
You are required to answer all the questions. Each question carries 1 mark. 20 Marks
Instructions: Each question is followed by 4 Answer choices and only one is correct. You are required to
select the choice which according to you represents the correct answer.
1. a. GST rate for the restaurant within hotel room tariff more than Rs. 7,500 is __________.
(i) 5%
(ii) 12%
(iii) 18%
(iv) 28%
e. Under GST law the phrase ‘Goods’ does not include which of the following?
(i) Actionable claim
(ii) Growing crops on the land agreed to be severed before supply
(iii) Money and Securities
(iv) Furniture
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament)
Question Paper with Model Answers for Online Examination – Inter/P11-ITX/S1
f. In which Form acknowledgement of application for registration under section 25 of GST Act is
(i) GST REG 01
(ii) GST REG 02
(iii) GST REG 03
(iv) GST REG 04
g. Where the entire consideration has been received after issuance of completion certificate or after
its first occupation is ________________.
(i) transfer of goods
(ii) transfer of immovable property
(iii) transfer of services
(iv) None of the above
h. Construction of a complex, building, civil structure intended for sale to a buyer, wholly or
partly is supply of ______________.
(i) goods
(ii) services
(iii) Both (i) and (ii)
(iv) None of the above
i. Gifts not exceeding _______ in a year by an employer to employee shall not be treated as supply .
(i) Rs.5,000
(ii) Rs.10,000
(iii) Rs.50,000
(iv) Rs.1,00,000
k. In case of mobile connection for telecommunication and internet services provided on postpaid
basis, the place of supply is the __________
(i) place of office of the service provider
(ii) place of payment
(iii) billing address of the recipient of services
(iv) place of supply not relevant
l. If the proper officer does not take any action within a period of three working days from the date
of submission of the application for GST registration then ______________.
(i) fresh application shall be submitted
(ii) implies rejection of registration
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament)
Question Paper with Model Answers for Online Examination – Inter/P11-ITX/S1
n. The period prescribed for issuance of tax invoice in the case of provision of services is _________.
(i) generally 15 days from the date of the supply of service (in case of banking
companies - 30 days from the date of supply)
(ii) generally 30 days from the date of the supply of service (in case of banking
companies -45 days from the date of supply)
(iii) generally 45 days from the date of supply of service (in case of banking companies
– 60 days from the date of supply)
(iv) generally 60 days from the date of supply of service (in case of banking companies
– 75 days from the date of supply)
q. No duty shall be collected if the amount of duty leviable is equal to or less than ____________.
(i) Rs.50
(ii) Rs.100
(iii) Rs.150
(iv) Rs.200
r. When the goods are removed from the custom station of import for warehousing, the Proper
Officer affix _________ on the container or means of transport.
(i) details of stock
(ii) details of duty paid
(iii) one time lock
(iv) destination of goods
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament)
Question Paper with Model Answers for Online Examination – Inter/P11-ITX/S1
s. An area beyond 200 nautical miles from the base line called __________.
(i) import zone
(ii) export zone
(iii) free zone
(iv) high zone
t. Interest for late payment of duty for goods cleared for home consumption is ______________.
(i) 5%
(ii) 10%
(iii) 15%
(iv) 20%
SECTION B 10 X 2 =
You are required to answer all the questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 20 Marks
Instructions: Each question is followed by a space where you are required to type your answer.
2. a. X, director of A2Z Pvt. Ltd., has received sitting fee amounting to 1 lakh from A2Z Pvt. Ltd for
attending the Board meetings. Who is the person liable to pay tax in this case?
Type your Answer here
b. State the person liable to pay GST provided in recipient is located in the taxable territory
Services provided by an arbitral tribunal to any business entity.
Type your Answer here
c. Import (Downloading) of a song for consideration for personal use by Mr. Sen. Is it supply of
Type your Answer here
e. In which sections Levy and Collection of CGST and IGST are contained?
Type your Answer here
f. As per Schedule II of the CGST Act, renting of immovable property would be treated as supply
of ________ .
Type your Answer here
g. Whether goods supplied on hire purchase basis will be treated as supply of goods or supply of
services? Give reason.
Type your Answer here
h. Mr. A has opened up a new branch office. In this office is he required to display his GSTIN?
What shall be the penalty in case he doesn’t display the same?
Type your Answer here
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament)
Question Paper with Model Answers for Online Examination – Inter/P11-ITX/S1
Section C 12 X 4 =
You are required to answer any 4 out of 6 questions in this section Instructions: Each question is 48 Marks
followed by a space where you are required to type your answer.
3. a. What are the activities to be treated as supply even if made without consideration as per 4
Schedule I?
Type your Answer here
c. M/s S.A Ltd furnishes the following details of various services provided for the month of April 6
i. Plantation of tea and coffee 260000
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament)
Question Paper with Model Answers for Online Examination – Inter/P11-ITX/S1
5. a. The following are details of purchases and sales etc., effected in S Pvt. Ltd. a registered 8
manufacturer under CGST Act, 2017;
1) Purchased fabric material from Local dealer Rs. 47040 (including GST @ 12%)
2) Purchased textile material from local dealer Rs. 94500 (including GST @ 5%)
3) Purchased machinery for manufacture of taxable goods Rs. 318600 (including GST
@ 18%) depreciation @ 15% is charged.
4) Other direct and indirect expenses Rs. 44570
5) Profit margin on total cost @ 10%
6) For the month November, 2017 only 80% production is sold within the state and
applicable GST rate being 18%.
Calculate the amount of CGST and SGST payable after utilizing input tax credit for the
month of November, 2021 and no opening balance of input tax credit is available.
Type your Answer here
b. State the necessary elements for a supply to be chargeable to GST. 4
Type your Answer here
6. a. In accordance with the provisions of GST Act, Give answers to the following pertaining to 4
Reverse Charge:
1. Is GST payable for both the components – CGST and SGST (or UTGST)?
2. Is GST on reverse charge basis payable on inter – State supply also?
3. Is reverse charge applicable on supply of goods also or is it only on supply of services?
4. In case supplier eligible to threshold exemption, is reverse charge applicable?
Type your Answer here
b. Determine the value of supply and the GST liability, to be collected and paid by the owner, 6
with the following particulars:
Particulars Amount
Rent of the commercial building 1800000
Maintenance charges collected by local society from the
owner and reimbursed by the tenant 250000
Owner intends to charge GST on refundable advance, as
GST is applicable on advance 600000
Municipal taxes paid by the owner 300000
Rent and maintenance charges are exclusive of GST.
GST rates applicable on renting of business premises is as follows:
Provide suitable explanations where required.
Type your Answer here
c. What is the tax implication of supply of capital goods by a registered person who had taken 2
ITC on such capital goods?
Type your Answer here
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament)
Question Paper with Model Answers for Online Examination – Inter/P11-ITX/S1
7. a. M/S L K Agency imported a machine from China, furnishes the following information for the
month of July 2022:
Particulars Chinese Yuan
b. Mr. RGP has imported goods from England and finally re-assessed under section 18(2) of the 3
Custom Act, 1962 for such consignment.
Details are as follows –
(a) Date of provisional assessment 19.06.2021
(b) Date of final Assessment 06.08.2021
(c) Duty Demand for consignment Rs. 2,90,000.00
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament)
Question Paper with Model Answers for Online Examination – Inter/P11-ITX/S1
8. 4x3=12
Write a short note on any 4 out of 5 questions.
c. Cancellation of registration 3
Type your Answer here
d. Exempted supply 3
Type your Answer here
e. Deemed Export 3
Type your Answer here
Section D 1 X12
You are required to answer all the questions in this section. 12 Marks
Instructions: Each question is followed by a space where you are required to type your answer.
9. PJ Ltd., registered supplier of Mumbai is a manufacturer of heavy machines. Its outward
supplies (exclusive of GST) for the month of January,2021 are as follows:
Applicable rate of CGST, SGST and IGST on outward supply are 9%,9% & 18% respectively.
Details of GST paid on inward supply during the month of January, 2021 are as follows:
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament)
Question Paper with Model Answers for Online Examination – Inter/P11-ITX/S1
Additional Information:
(i) There is no opening balance of any input tax credit and all the conditions necessary for
availing the Input Tax Credit (ITC) have been fulfilled.
(ii) Details of GST paid on inward supplies are available in GSTR-2A except for item (i) I.e.
Raw Material A, which supplier has not filed its GSTR-1 for the month of January 2021,
hence Corresponding Input Tax Credit (ITC) is not reflecting in GSTR-2A of PJ Ltd. In
January, 2021.
a. What is the amount of eligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) available for the month of January, 4
Type your Answer here
b. What is the GST implication when the supplier has not filed its GSTR-1 in respect of Raw 2
Material A?
Type your Answer here
d. Determine the Net minimum GST payable in Cash, for the month of January,2021 after using 4
available Input Tax Credit (ITC).
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament)