The Neurological Bases of Human Movement
The Neurological Bases of Human Movement
The Neurological Bases of Human Movement
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lesson, the students can:
analyze rationally the proprioceptors of the skill performed by an athlete through
a video analysis;
differentiate correctly the two visual systems in the performance of an athlete
using comparative analysis; and
apply effectively the role of reticular activating system in one’s personal
experience through a reflection paper.
Analyzing skills for common feature is more than a mere exercise in
identifying similarities, however. For one thing, such analysis forms the basis in
determining the most effective methods for instructing motor skills. In an exercise like
bench press, many of the instructional methods best suited to teaching someone to put
the shot are the same as those that should be used to teaching someone the proper
mechanics for performing the bench press.
In this lesson, you will learn topics concerning the nature of skills, including what
all skills have in common as well as those features differentiating various types of skill.
You will also examine the ways in which movement scientists conceptualize skills, the
theoretical problems confronted in studying skilled behaviors, and the vocabulary used
to communicate effectively about motor skills.
Acquisition of New Knowledge
The Communication of Information:
At the most fundamental level, the study of motor behavior is the study of
connections. That is, the various systems of the body – perceptual, nervous, motor,
muscular, and so on – must all communicate with one another. This communication is
made possible through a vats and sophisticated system of nerve cells. These nerve
cells, forming the human nervous system, are initially classified within two main
divisions: The central and peripheral nervous systems.
Central nervous system (CNS) includes all of the nerve cells within or originating
within the brain and spine.
Peripheral nervous system (PNS) includes all of the nerve cells originating or
contained entirely outside of the central nervous system.
Cells originating in the CNS carry their signals away from the CNS (though many
may both originate and terminate entirely within the CNS).
Those nerve cells that form the communication network of the nervous system are
called neurons, of which about 200 billion comprise the nervous system of the average
person (with about an equal number comprising both the brain and the remainder of the
nervous system).
Neuron is the basic cell for communication with the central nervous system. Neurons
are responsible for sending and receiving information.
As with all cells, neurons contain a cell body (or soma) containing the cell
nucleus and other organelles that produce energy and direct the cell’s activities.
Branching from the cell’s body are numerous tentacles called dendrites (a Greek word
for “tree”), which receive messages directed toward the cell. Extending from the cell’s
body is an elongated, tubular shaped fiber called axon, which carries messages away
from the neuron and, through perhaps thousands of terminal branches, to the dendrites
of other neurons. Axons are encased within a myelin sheath, a fatty covering important
for both the conductivity and insulation of the neural messages travelling their length.
The entire cell is encased within a thin, permeable membrane.
Beside neurons, the nervous system contains anther essential cellular building
bock called the neuroglia, or simply glia. Glial cells support the activity of neurons, and
there are many more glia than neurons. Glial cells literally do provide the “glue” that
holds the nervous system together, but neuroscientists are beginning to discover that
they also fulfil other significant roles such as strengthening synaptic transmission,
guiding neuronal development, and repairing damaged neurons. It is the neurons,
however, that are the principle players in the control of movement.
The Neuron
Of the billions of neurons in the CNS, no two are exactly alike. They vary in size,
shape, and functional capacity. Luckily, however, though they differ, all neurons can be
classified into one the three basic types depending on their function. The functional
classes of neurons found in the nervous system are sensory neurons, motor neurons,
and interneurons.
Sensory neurons convey information from both the environment and body toward the
spine and brain. Communication toward the brain is said to follow an ascending or
afferent pathway, and for this reason sensory neurons are also called afferent
neurons. A sensory neuron is shaped somewhat differently than are motor neurons and
interneurons. Projecting from the cell body, instead of dendrites, is a fiber called an
afferent fiber that is typically located outside of the spinal cord and is attached, at its
terminal ending, to a sensory receptor, often at some distance from the cell body.
Sensory receptors generate messages in response to certain types of stimuli such as
for vision, touch, hearing, smell, heat, cold, pressure, pain, detection of changes in
Motor Neurons send messages from the CNS to the effectors (muscles or glands) that
they innervate, conveying the commands that the effectors are to carry out.
Communication from the CNS to muscles is said to follow a descending or efferent
pathway. The primary function of a motor neuron is to control muscle contraction. The
motor neuron responsible for the contraction of skeletal muscle is called the alpha
Interneurons comprise the large majority of neurons in the CNS. Interneurons play two
primary roles. First, as their name suggest, interneurons link motor neurons, sensory
neurons, and higher brain centers. Far from making simple connections, however,
interneurons integrate the informational exchange between brain centers and sensory
and motor neurons, making possible the tremendous amount of information and the
degree of complexity that can be communicated within the CNS. The greater the
number of interneurons interposed between afferent messages and efferent responses,
the greater the complexity of the resulting movements that are possible. Second, the
interconnections between interneurons themselves are believed to be responsible for
the abstract features of the nervous system we call mind, such as thoughts, emotions,
memory, creativity, intellect, and motivation. These activities, all of which play central
roles in human movement, are still the least understood aspects of the nervous system,
The Synapse
At the end of the axon, the action potential reaches a seeming impasse in its travels
called a synapse – the juncture between neurons (the neuron in which the action
potential is initially conveyed is called the presynaptic neuron, while the neuron on the
other side of the synaptic cleft with the potential of receiving its signal is called the
postsynaptic neuron). Two neurons never touch; although very small, there is always a
space, called the synaptic cleft, between neurons. Movement across this gap is called
synaptic transmission, must be accomplished if messages are to be propagated among
When the action potential reaches the end of a presynaptic neuron’s axon, called
the synaptic knob, its transmission across the synaptic cleft can be facilitated, blocked,
or changed. Within the synaptic knob are vesicles (tiny fluid filled sacs) that are capable
Perception is the process by which humans interpret, give meaning to, and orient
themselves to the world. Perception involves making sense of this vast and constantly
changing array of sensory information. In the control of human action, the
transformation of sensations into meaningful perceptual information primarily involves
two perceptual systems. The somatosensory system provides information concerning
the world inside of our body, whereas the visual systems tells us about the outside
world in which our body is located and moves.
Exteroception is the awareness of the environment outside of one’s body, and hearing,
along with vision, is an important source of information about our external environment
necessary for movement control.
Cutaneous receptors – are the receptors located in the dermis and epidermis
throughout the body and specialized to monitor one of several types of sensory
stimulation, including pressure, heat, cold, pain, and chemical stimuli.
Visual Perception
Although the somatosensory system supplies information about the internal world
of the body, the visual system supplies information about the external world outside of
the body. The eyes, the lone source of visual information, are roughly spherically
shaped receptive organs set in deeply cupped cavities in the skull called orbits. Each
eye rotates within these protective cavities under the control of tiny muscles, called
orbital muscles, capable of orienting its gaze across a broad visual field.
The eyes convert the physical energy of light waves (called electromagnetic radiation)
entering them into electrochemical impulses that are then transmitted by sensory
neurons to the brain. As light enters the opening of the eye, it passes through a series
of structures (cornea, iris, pupil, and lens) focusing its waves and directing them through
a clear gel-like supportive filling (the vitreous humor) toward the receptor-rich areas
covering the rear half of the eye’s inner wall. This area is called the retina and contains
the photoreceptors receiving the focused light waves. Two types of photoreceptors,
called rods and cones, convert light energy into neural impulses. A central area of the
retina, called the fovea, is made up entirely of cones, whereas the more peripheral
retina area outside of the fovea is comprised of all of the eye’s rods and only a few
Though not under conscious control, the ambient visual system supplies an
important source of information helping people maintain bodily balance and stability by
initiating postural corrections to changes in body position.
Optic flow – it is the patterning of light rays moving across the retina that supplies
information concerning the speed and direction of the movements of objects in the
Motor unit pool – refers to all of the motor units controlling a specific muscle.
The number of motor units within a muscle’s motor unit pool is a function of both the
need for movement precision and the generation of force typical of the muscle’s actions.
All-or-none law – refers to a law stating that all of the muscle fibers of a motor unit will
contract maximally when the motor neuron propagates sufficient stimulation, or none of
the muscle fibers will contract in the absence of a sufficient action potential.
Slow-twitch or type I muscle fiber – refers to the muscle fibers that produce low
contractile forces and that are relatively slow in responding, but capable of maintaining
sustained workloads. Type I fibers possess a high aerobic metabolic capacity.
Fast-twitch or type II muscle fiber – refers to the muscle fibers capable of producing
quick, high contractile force responses. Type II fibers are further subdivided into two
distinct types identified as type IIa and type IIb. Type IIa fibers have a well- developed
capacity for both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, whereas Type IIb fibers posses
the greatest anaerobic capacity.
Edwards. William H., (2011). Motor Learning and Control from Theory to Practice.
Magill, Richard A., (2001). Motor Learning Concepts and Application 3rd Edition. Wm. C.
Krasnow, Donna H., PhD, (2015). Motor Learning and Control for Dance
Principles and Practices for Performers and Teachers. Human Kinetics. USA