Question Paper Code: X10713: (10×2 20 Marks)
Question Paper Code: X10713: (10×2 20 Marks)
Question Paper Code: X10713: (10×2 20 Marks)
Reg. No. :
3. In a turning process, the length of work piece is 80 mm, feed is 0.5 mm/rev.
and cutting speed is 500 rpm. Calculate the time required for the cutting
4. In a manufacturing industry, the fixed cost for a particular year is Rs. 2,50,000.
The variable cost is Rs. 15 per unit. The selling price of the component is
Rs. 40. Calculate the value of break-even quantity.
7. In hot working process, surface finish is not good. Justify this statement.
14. a) It is required to make a lap joint in a 11 mm M.S. plate using flat welding
position with 8 mm electrode as shown in figure. Welding speed is 10 meters
per hour. When 0.4 kg of metal is deposited per meter length of joint for
the current used with 250 amperes and voltage is 30 volts. Labour cost
is Rs. 50 per hour, power rate is Rs. 8 per KWhr and cost of electrode is
Rs. 60 per kg. Efficiency of the machine is 50% and operating factor is 60%.
Calculate the cost of labour, power and electrode per meter of welding.
b) 200 components have to be manufactured as shown in the figure, by
upsetting process from a 30 mm diameter bar. Calculate the net weight,
gross weight and length of 30 mm bar required. Consider the total losses
of the process as 12%. The density of the material is 7.86 gm/cc.
*X10713* -3- X10713
15. a) Calculate the total time required to turn one component shown in figure
from a 50 mm diameter raw material, using a spindle speed of 800 rpm,
feed 0.4 mm/rev. and depth of cut 2.5 mm/pass for the whole operation.
b) Calculate the time required for shaping a C.I. block of 500 × 200mm. The
cutting speed of shaper is 15 m/min with a feed of 0.9 mm/stroke. The
clearance on each side is 20 mm along the length and 15 mm along the
width. The ratio of return stroke to cutting stroke is speed is 3:2.