Good day! This is a research being conducted by students of Graduate studies MAED-THM program of National Teachers
College. Your participation will be highly appreciated. The procedure involves filling an online survey thru google form
that will take approximately 20 mins. Your response will be confidential and will not collect identifying information such
as your name, email address or IP address. All data is stored in a password protected electronic format to help you
protect your confidentiality. This survey will not contain information that will personally identify the participant.
Your personal data possessed by this Google form shall be kept confidential. Thank you
I acknowledge that I have completely read and fully understand the above statements and agreed that by clicking the
‘agree’, I voluntarily agreed to participate in this survey.
4. Do you work as a teacher of Senior High School at another school as well as this school?
5. If 'YES' in the previous question, please indicate in how many other schools you work as a Senior High School teacher.
Please write in number
6. What is your employment status as a teacher a this school (San Miguel Natl. High School)? Please do not
consider the probationary period of a contract as a separate contract.
Permanent employment (an on-ongoing contract with no fixed-end point before the age of retirement)
Fixed term contract for a period of more than 1 school-year
Fixed term contract for a period of 1 school-year or less
7. What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed. Please mark one choice.
High School Diploma
Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Bachelor Degree
Master Degree
Doctorate Degree
Professional Degree
8B. Planning or preparation of lessons either in school or out of school (including marking of student work)
0-5 hours
6-10 hours
11-15 hours
16-20 hours
8C. Administrative duties either in school or out of school (including school administrative duties you undertake in your
job as a teacher)
0-5 hours
6-10 hours
11-15 hours
16-20 hours
9. How long have you been working as a teacher? *Where possible exclude extended periods of absence (e.g.
career breaks).
10. How long have you been working as a teacher at this school? *Where possible
exclude extended periods of absence (e.g. career breaks).
11. During the last 18 months, did you participate in any of the following professional development activities? *Check
all that apply
Courses/ workshops (e.g. on subject matter or methods and/ or other education-related topics.
Education conferences or seminars
Qualification program (e.g. degree program)
Observation visits to other school
Participation in a network of teachers formed specifically for the professional development of teachers.
Individual or collaborative research on a topic of interest to you professionally.
Mentoring and/ peer observation and coaching, as part of a formal school arrangement.
We would like to ask your personal beliefs on teaching and learning. Please indicate if you agree or disagree with each of
the following statements.
12A. Effective/ good teachers demonstrate the correct way to solve a problem.
12B. It is better when the teacher- not the student-decides what activities are to be done.
12D. Instruction should be built around problems with clear, correct answers, and around ideas that most students can
grasp quickly.
12E. How much students learn depends on how much background knowledge they have-that is why teaching facts is
13. Do you do the following in this school? *Check all that apply
a) Attend staff meetings to discuss the vision and mission of the school.
b) Develop a school curriculum or part of it.
c) Discuss and decide on the selection of instructional media (e.g. textbooks, exercise, books)
d) Take part in professional learning activities (e.g. team supervision)
e) Ensure common standards in evaluations for assessing student progress.
f) Engage in discussion about the learning development of specific students.
13. Do you do the following in this school? *Check all that apply
a) Attend staff meetings to discuss the vision and mission of the school.
b) Develop a school curriculum or part of it.
c) Discuss and decide on the selection of instructional media (e.g. textbooks, exercise, books)
d) Take part in professional learning activities (e.g. team supervision)
e) Ensure common standards in evaluations for assessing student progress.
f) Engage in discussion about the learning development of specific students.
14B. I feel that I am making a significant educational difference in the lives of my students.
14E. In this school, teachers and students usually het on well with each other.
14F. Most teachers in this school believe that students' well-being are important
14G. If a student from this school needs extra assistance, the school provides it.
15. We would like to ask about the main Senior High School subjects that you taught last school year 2020-2021.
Reading, writing and literature
Social Studies
Physical Education
Religion and/ or ethics
Practical Vocational Skills
17. Was the teaching of this subject part of your academic training?
18. On average throughout the school year 2020-2021, how many students were in your advisory class? Please write
20. Activities happened in your advisory class throughout school year 2020-2021. *Check all that apply.
1. -See where would triangulations would enter and how the data would support each other in order for you to
come up a valid and reliable interpretations of your research
2. -What is the background of the school?
3. -Why did you choose that particular topic (there has to be a reason, you must connect it to your topic)?
4. When did you plan to implement your study?
5. -What is your goal of research?
6. -What is the expected output when you’re done with your research?
7. -What is your baseline information? Why you have decided in this particular area? What’s your basis for
choosing your topic?
8. -What have you identified/have pushed you for this and why in Linapacan, Palawan?
9. -How will you document your procedures; how long will it be documented?
10. -What is the final output of your research?
11. -How long is the observation?