Fundamental Principles of Taxation: Objectives
Fundamental Principles of Taxation: Objectives
Fundamental Principles of Taxation: Objectives
Define the meaning of taxation
Identify and learn the sources of tax laws
Definition of Taxation
revenue to defray the necessary expenses of the government.
Purpose of taxation
- The power of taxation proceeds upon the theory that the existence
of government is necessity (necessity theory). It is necessary
burden to preserve the State’s sovereignty and a means to give
the citizenry an army to resist aggression, a nave to defend its
shores from invasion, a corps of civil servants to serve, public
improvements for the enjoyment of the citizenry.
Manifestation of the lifeblood theory:
a. It is an enforced contribution.
c. It is proportionate in character.
1. It is inherent in sovereignty.
2. It is legislative in character.
Classification of taxes
1. As to scope
c. Excise – any tax which does not fall within the classification of a
poll tax or property tax. Excise tax may also refer to the tax levied
or imposed on sin products and non-essential goods such as
cigars and liquors.
4. As to determination of amount
5. As to purpose
6. As to graduation or rate
7. As to taxing authority
1. Fiscal adequacy
3. Administrative feasibility
Limitations on the state’s power to tax
1. Inherent limitations
c. Territorial limitation
2. Constitutional limitations
Situs of taxation
- Citizenship
- Source of income
Double taxation
taxation. In its broad sense, double taxation is referred to as indirect
double taxation. It extends to all cases in which there is a burden of two
or more impositions. Double taxation means taxing twice by the same
taxing authority, jurisdiction or taxing district; for the same purpose; in
the same year or taxing period; same subject or object; same
kind/character of the tax.
permissible alternative tax rates or methods of assessing taxable
property or income in order to avoid or reduce tax liability. It is politely
called “tax minimization” and is not punishable by law.
Kinds of exemptions
1. As to basis
2. As to form
3. As to extent
1. Constitution
7. Special laws
For further discussion please refer to the link provided: Fundamentals of taxation
For further discussion please refer to the link provided: Inherent Limitations on the State's Power
to Tax
For further discussion please refer to the link provided: Characteristics of Tax and the Nature
of the State's Power to Tax
Reference Book:
Income Taxation
(with special topics and properly filled BIR
By: Enrico D. Tabag, 2020 Edition