A. General Concepts and Principles of Taxation
A. General Concepts and Principles of Taxation
A. General Concepts and Principles of Taxation
Learning Objectives. At the end of this module, students are expected to:
a) Understand the inherent powers of the State
b) Understand the purposes of taxation
c) Identify the nature, scope and limitations of taxation
d) Have knowledge on the basic principles of a sound tax system
e) Identify the situs of taxation
f) Identify the sources of tax laws
g) Identify other doctrines in taxation
TAXATION – the process by which the sovereign, through its law-making body,
imposes burdens for the purpose of raising revenues to carry out legitimate
objects of the government
TAXES – the enforced contributions levied by the law-making body of the state for the
support of the government and all the public needs.
1. Primary: Revenue or Fiscal Purpose
- to provide funds or property with which to promote general welfare and
protection of its citizens
1. Necessity Theory
- to preserve the state’s sovereignty
- a means to give for protection and facilities
2. Lifeblood Theory
- used to continue to perform the government’s basic function of serving and
protecting its people
- give tangible and intangible benefits
Basis of Taxation – The government may be able to perform its functions while the
citizens may be secured in the enjoyment of the benefits.
The power of taxation is the most absolute of all the powers of the government.
a) Comprehensive – covers all (persons, businesses, professions)
b) Unlimited – absence of limitations
c) Plenary – it is complete
d) Supreme –
a) Levying or imposition of tax
b) Assessment or determination of the correct amount
c) Collection of tax
1. As to scope:
National- imposed by the national government
Local – imposed by the local government
2. As to subject matter or object:
Personal, poll, or capitation – tax of a fixed amount
imposed upon individual residing within a
specified territory.
Property – tax imposed on property in proportion to its value
Excise – tax on certain rights and privileges (sin
products or imported goods)
6. As to graduation or rate:
Proportional – tax based on fixed percentages of amount
Progressive – tax the rate of which increases as the
tax base or bracket increases
Regressive - tax the rate of which decreases as the
tax base or bracket increases
7. As to taxing authority:
National – imposed under National Internal Revenue
Code, collected by Bureau of Internal
Local – imposed by LGUs
a. Fiscal Adequacy – sources must be adequate
b. Theoretical Justice or Equity – tax should be proportionate
c. Administrative Feasibility – law must be capable of effective and efficient enforcement
TOLL is a sum of money for the use of something which is paid of the use of a road,
bridge or public nature.
PENALTY is a sanction imposed as a punishment for violation of law or acts deem injurious.
SPECIAL ASSESSMENT is an enforced proportional contribution from owners of
the lands for special benefits resulting from public improvements.
Characteristics: a. Levied only on land
b. Not a personal liability of the person assessed
c. Based wholly on benefits (not necessary)
d. Exceptional both as to time and place
REVENUE refers to all funds or income derives by the government.
SUBSIDY is a pecuniary aid directly granted by the government to an individual or
enterprise deemed beneficial to the public.
PERMIT or LICENSE is a charge imposed under the police power for purposes of regulation.
CUSTOMS DUTIES are taxes imposed on goods exported from or imported into a country.
TARIFF is the system of imposing duties on the importation or exportation of goods.