Muhammad Usman Jamil
Muhammad Usman Jamil
Muhammad Usman Jamil
Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics
a. Ratio:
A ratio is a simple mathematical expression of the
relationship of one item to another. Every percentage may
be viewed as a ratio, that is, one number expressed as a
percentage of another.
Accounting Ratio:
Accounting Ratio is the numerical relationship between
two variables which are shown in a balance sheet and
profit and loss account connected with each other in some
way or the other.
I.e. As a percentage the relationship between 100 and 500
may be expressed as 20% of the latter (100/500*100) = 20%.
b. Significance/benefits of Ratios:
Accounting Ratios have great significance for many
sectors of accounting and serves as the yard stick to
predict results of different accounts related to
Balance Sheet and Profit & loss account.
1 Accounting ratios are used to assess the profitability
and assess the all capital provider’s point of view.
2 Financial analysts and decision makers us accounting
ratios to state in advance exactly what they are
shooting for because, if we aim at nothing we are likely
to hit it.
3 Ratios are used to reduce the chances of three future
oriented risks, firm risks, industry risks and economic
4 Several ratios are used to assess company’s ability to
service current debt requirements remain a going
5 External users, particularly financial analysts, use ratios
to help explain the present and to predict the future.
6 Some ratios are used to examine the industry growth,
firm concentration, product differentiation cyclicality
and exit barriers.
7 Ratios serves the purpose of accounting quality. And
accounting quality includes general characteristics of
information that enable external decision makers to
assess and predict sustainability of current financial
8 Ratios are indicator, several of them paint a picture of
the firm’s situation.
9 Control is most important feature of a financial
organization. And this feature is attained by only
effective use of accounting ratios.
10Relevant data is recorded by using different types of
accounting ratio.
c. Types of accounting ratios.
1. Profitability ratio:
The main objective of a business concern is to earn profit.
In general terms, efficiency in business is measured by
profitability. A low profitability may arise due to lack of
control over the expenses.
Different profitability ratios:
1 Gross profit ratio=Gross profit*100/Net sales.
2 Operating profit ratio=Operating profit*/Net sales.
3 Net profit ratio=Net profit after tax*100/Net sales.
4 Operating ratio=Cost of goods sold+ Operating
expenses*100/Net sales.
5 Expense ratio=Selling and distribution
expenses*100/Net sales.
6 Return on capital employed ratio=NBPI*100/Capital
7 Return on equity ratio=Net profit after preference
8 Return on Total Assets=NPBI*100/Total Assets.
9 Fixed Asset Turnover=Net Sales/Total Net Book Value
of Fixe Assets.
2. Liquidity ratio:
The creditors; creditors for expenses; commercial banks;
short-terms lenders are concerned with the short-term
financial position or liquidity of the unit. Liquidity ratios
measure the ability of the unit to meet its short-term
(generally one year) obligations and reveals the short-
term financial strength or weakness.
Different liquidity ratios:
1 Current ratio=Current Assets/Current Liabilities.
2 Liquid Ratio=Current Assets-Stock/Current Liabilities.
3 Debtors Turnover=Debtors*365days/Credit Sales.
4 Creditors Turnover=Creditors*365/Credit Purchases.
5 Stock Turnover ratio=Average Stock*365/Cost of Goods
6 Net Working Assets*100/Sales.
7 Net Working Assets=Stock + Trade Debtors - Trade
8 Income Gearing=Profit before Interest and Tax
(PBIT)*100/Interest Expense.
9 Gearing Ratio=Fixed Cost Capital/Total Capital.
10Working Capital Cycle (in days)=Debtors Turnover (in
days)+Stock Turnover (in days)-Creditors Turnover (in
3.Investment Ratios:
It is also called as “Return on Investments”. It indicates
the percentage of return on the total capital employed
in the business.
The term capital employed has been given different
meanings by different accountants. Some of the
popular meanings are as follows:
1 Sum total of all assets whether fixed or current.
2 Sum total of fixed assets.
3 Sum total of long-term funds employed in the business.
Different investment or stock turnover ratios:
1 Earnings per share=Net Profit-Preference Share
Dividend/No. of issued Ordinary Shares.
2 Price Earnings Ratios=Market Price per share/Earnings
per share.
3 Dividend yield=Dividend paid and proposed/Market
Price of share.
4 Dividend cover=Profit available to pay ordinary
dividend/Ordinary dividend paid.
5 Dividend per share=Ordinary dividend paid/Number of
issued ordinary sales.
4. Cash Flow Ratios:
An additional measure of liquidity that is sometimes
computed, based in part on information from the
statement of cash flows, is the ratio of cash flows from
operations to current liabilities. This measure provides
evidence of the company’s ability to cover its currently
maturing liabilities from normal operations.
Some cash flow ratios:
1 Operating Cash Flow*100/Sales.
2 Operating Cash Flow*100/Current Expense.
3 Operating Cash Flow*100/Interest Expense.
4 Operating Cash Flow Less Interest, Taxation and
Preference Dividend*100/Ordinary Shareholders
d. Calculation and interpretation of ratios:
Accounting ratios are calculated by using specified
formulae arranged by different accounting standards.
These modules are also called rules of thumb. i.e. if we
calculate quick ratio,
Formula of quick ratio=Liquid assets/Current liabilities.
Quick assets =111000
Current liabilities=130000
Calculation: Quick ratio=111000/130000=0.85:1
Interpretation of ratios:
Interpretation means to compare the result of present
year ratio with previous year ratio. Or interpretation ratio
tells us that debt ratio should be under 50 percent. As a
convention 2:1 is regarded as satisfactory level i.e.
current assets should be almost double than the current
e. Calculation and Analysis of ratios:
Profitability Ratios:
(1) Gross Profit Ratio:
Items 2007 2008
Gross Profit 4818754 5647341
Net Sales 23024123 27963915
Investment Ratios:
(1) Earnings per share:
Items 2007 2008
Net profit 1784800 2068872
No. of issued 138802 138802
ordinary shares