Ratios Origina
Ratios Origina
Ratios Origina
Profitability is an indication of the efficiency with which the operations of the business
are carried on. Poor operational performance may indicate poor sales and hence poor profits.a
lower profitability may arise due to the lack of control over the expenses.bankers, financial
institutions and other creditors look at the profitability ratios as an indicator whether or not the
firm earns substantially more than it pays interest for the use of borrowed funds and whether the
ultimate repayment of their debt appears reasonably certain.
Operating Profit
Overall Profitability Ratio = X 100
Capital Employed
YEARS 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Operating Profit 41260.41 81480.2 71092.64
Capital Employed 179641.02 284704.04 335278.2
Over All Profitability Ratio 22.97 % 28.62 % 21.20 %
Capital employed = capital + reserves and surplus + secured loans + unsecured loans
From the above table, it indicates that the percentage of return on the total capital
employed gets highly deviated from year to year. In 2008, 22.97% of return on the total capital
employed while in 2009 and 2010 ,28.62% and 21.20 % respectively. Over all profitability is
mainly affected by capital employed in the business due to the consistent increase in capital as a
result of increase in accumulating the reserves from 2008-2010.
It is stated above that return on shareholders funds has increased from 26.4% in 2007-
2008 to 44.04% in 2008-2009 and again decreased to 32.63% in 2009-2010 due to the consistent
increase in shareholders funds but inturn sales have decreased in 2010 when compared to 2009
which result in decrease in net profit.
It is shown that return on total assets has been increased from 16.89% in 2008 to 23.92%
in 2009 and decreased to 21.61% in 2010 as total assets have decreased from 2009 to 2010.This
is mainly due to increase in inventory as well in cash and bank balances which leads to increase
in current assets inturn productivity of assets gets increased.
This ratio expresses the relationship between gross profit and net sales.
Gross profit
Gross profit ratio = X 100
Net sales
YEARS 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009- 2010
Gross Profit 94429.78 245421 206764.19
Net Sales 216845.35 215528.78 283052.6
Gross Profit Ratio 43.55 % 113.87 % 73.05 %
It is noted that gross profit ratio has increased from 43.55% in 2008 to 113.87% in 2009.
This may be due to government subsidies are given during the period of 2008-2009. During the
year 2010 , it has come down to 73.05% as increase in the cost of goods sold.
This ratio indicated net margin earned on a sale of rs.100. It helps in determining the
efficiency with which affairs of the business are being managed.It is calculated as follows:
Turnover ratios:
The turnover ratios are also known as activity or efficiency ratios. They indicate the
efficiency with which the capital employed is rotated in the business.
This ratio indicates the extent to which the investments in fixed assets contribute towards
sales. If compared with a previous periods, it indicated whether the investment infixed assets has
judicious or not. The ratio is calculated as follows:
Net sales
Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio =
Fixed assets
There has been increased in the fixed assets turnover ratio throughout the year as the
investment in fixed assets has brought about commensurate gain.
This is also known as working capital leverage ratio. This ratio indicates whether or not
working capital has been effectively utilized in making sales. In case a company can achieve
higher volume of sales with relatively small amount of working capital ,it is an indication of the
operating efficiency of the company. This ratio is calculated as follows:
Net sales
Working Capital Turnover Ratio = X 100
Fixed assets
Years 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009- 2010
Net Sales 216845.35 215528.78 283052.6
Current Assets (A) 162776.91 372638.62 336223.88
Current Liabilities (B) 83561.79 175502.51 95235.04
Working Capital (A-B) 79215.12 197136.11 240988.84
Working Capital Turnover Ratio 2.73 Times 1.09 Times 1.17 Times
It is inferred that there has been increased in working capital turnover ratio throughout the year
indicates working capital has been effectively utilised in making sales.
Financial ratios :
Financial ratios indicate about the financial position of the company. A company is deemed to be
financially sound if it is in a position to carry on its business smoothly and meet its
obligations,both short-term as well as long term,without the strain. It is a sound principle of
finance that the short term requirements of funds should be met out of short term funds and long
term requirements should be met out of long term funds.
2) stability ratio
liquidity ratio:
these ratios are also termed as ‘working capital” or “short term solvency ratios.”an
enterprise must have adequate working capital to run its day to day operations.the important
liquidity ratios are as follows:
Current Ratio
This ratio is an indicator of the firms commitment to meet its short-term liabilities.An
ideal ratio is 2. It is expressed as follows:
Current Assets
Current Ratio =
Current Liabilities
Years 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009- 2010
Current Assets 162776.91 372638.62 336223.88
Current Liabilities 83561.79 175502.51 95235.04
Current Ratio 1.9 :1 2.1:1 3.5:1
It is to be noted that current ratio is 1.9 ,2.1 and 3.5 in 2008,2009 and 2010 respectively.
It is considered as a safe margin to solvency as an ideal ratio is 2 .in the year 2010, ratio has been
increased may be due to excessive dependence on long term sources of raising funds which may
lead to lower the profit in future.
Quick ratio
This ratio is also termed as “acid test ratio” or liquidity ratio”.this ratio os ascertained by
comparing the liquid assets to current liabilities. Prepaid expenses and stock are not taken as
liquid assets.the ideal ratio is 1.It is an indicator of short-term solvency of the company.
Liquid Assets
Quick Ratio =
Current Liabilities
YEAR 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Liquid Assets 16890.59 132611.4 181252.9
Current Liabilities 83561.79 175502.5 95235.04
Liquidity Ratio 0.20 0.76 1.90
It is shown above that the company is able to meet out the short term solvency in 2010
when compared to previous year as the ratio was below the ideal ratio 1.
It is observed that though the cash and bank balances has been increased throughout the
year ,it may meet the short term solvency as a part but not the whole due to cash and bank
balances are lower than the current liabilities .
Stability ratios
Fixed assets
Fixed assets Ratio =
Long term funds
It is seen above that fixed asset ratio has brought down throughout the year.It shows that
a part of the working capital has been financed through long term funds as the ratio is less than
1.Thus,the company has adequate long term funds to meet its fixed assets requirements.
The debt equity ratio is determined to ascertain the soundnessof the long term financial
policies of the company.it isalso known as “ external – internal equity” equity ratio.it may be
calculated as follows:
It is referred that debt equity ratio for 3 years said to be unsatisfactory as shareholders
funds are not equal to borrowed funds.
Proprietary ratio
It is a varient of debt equity ratio. It establishes relationship between the proprietors funds
and the total tangible assets. It may be expressed as:
Shareholders funds
Proprietary ratio =
Total tangible assets
As the proprietory ratio is below the 50% incase of all the 3 years, it may be the risk for
the creditors of the company. So the company is advised to raise funds in order to prevent the
creditors from risk.